What to Pack for a 28-Day Stay at Luxury Rehab

If you or you’ve enrolled in a treatment program at a luxury rehab, you’ve already done the important part: taking a critical step toward addressing your addiction. Residential addiction treatment typically lasts for a minimum of 4 weeks. Knowing what to bring with you can make your stay that much more comfortable.

Here are some essentials to think about including on your residential rehab prep list:

1. Seasonally and Culturally Appropriate Clothing

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Pack culturally appropriate clothing for public excursions.

There are several things to consider when packing clothing for your stay in rehab. First, pick clothes that are seasonally appropriate for your destination. Depending on the location of your facility, you may need to account for significant changes between nighttime and daytime temperatures. You should also take note of any predicted weather issues, such as rain or heat waves. Some rehabs offer fitness training, yoga or other complementary activities. Look into what activities you might want to participate in, and bring the appropriate gear to do so. This might include the following items:

  • casual clothing for your daily programming and leisure time at the center
  • athletic attire and footwear for fitness activities
  • hiking boots for nature excursions
  • a day bag for tours
  • loungewear for downtime and spa services
  • comfortable sleepwear
  • plenty of fresh socks and underwear
  • a swimsuit, if your rehab is near the beach or has a pool
  • a wide-brimmed hat or cap for sunny destinations

Be sure to check your center’s dress code for guidelines. If you’re heading to a destination rehab in a foreign country, remember to take local customs into account and pack culturally appropriate clothing for public excursions. As a rule, extended-stay luxury facilities make laundry services available. This means that you won’t have to pack fresh clothes for all 28 days—aim to bring enough options to last you for at least a full week.

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You’ll want a swimsuit for downtime by the pool—check your center’s dress code for guidelines.

2. Toiletries

Many luxury rehabs have spas and offer grooming services; some even have full-service nail and hair salons. But as toiletries are particular items, you’ll want to bring the things that meet your preferences and standards for personal care. Having your favorite shampoos, soaps, fragrances and skincare on hand can provide a welcome sense of indulgence and comfort during your time away from home. Note that the facility may require you to bring only unopened items; check with admissions staff for details.

3. ID, Documents and Other Practical Information

Most luxury facilities recommend that you bring several essential pieces of information for your 28-day stay in residential treatment. These may include the following:

  • Your passport or official personal identification
  • Your insurance card
  • All current prescription medications, carried in their original, properly labeled pharmacy containers
  • A contact list of anyone you want to keep informed on the progress of your treatment
  • A credit card, debit card and/or checkbook
  • Enough cash to cover general store purchases, souvenirs and other incidental expenses

You may also want to pack a journal or notebook, basic jewelry like a watch or wedding ring, or photos of your loved ones. If you plan on bringing reading material, be aware that your program may encourage subject matter that supports your recovery.

4. Your Laptop and Cell Phone

Staying connected socially can either help or hinder your recovery progress. Many rehabs restrict internet use during your stay to create a calm, distraction-free environment that allows you to focus solely on your healing process. Some, however, have flexible device use policies to allow you to keep working or stay in contact with supportive partners, friends, and family members.

Technology use policies vary from rehab to rehab. Contact your rehab’s admissions team ahead of time for more information on this if internet access is important to you.

5. Your Pet

Studies show that access to pets can provide a range of important benefits for people in recovery from substance abuse or addiction. Some of the best residential rehabs allow pets or provide some form of animal-assisted therapy—an option that’s becoming increasingly popular. Depending on your program, you may be able to bring your pet provided they’re trained, well-socialized, and able to make the trip. However, in others, you may only have access to designated therapy animals that live onsite. Some programs offer both; check with your center for details.

What Not to Pack for Rehab

When planning for your 28-day stay in treatment, it’s also important to understand what’s generally not allowed in rehab:

  • All forms of drugs and alcohol
  • Prescription medications that are not a part of your approved treatment plan
  • Medications prescribed to another person
  • Pornography
  • Guns, knives and other weapons
  • Opened, non-prescription medications
  • Alcohol-containing mouthwash, perfumes, or colognes
  • Nail polish and nail polish remover
  • Food or drinks purchased before your arrival

To minimize distraction and promote a supportive environment, many treatment centers also ban playing cards, video games and handheld gaming or viewing devices. Ask your facility about what they do and don’t allow during your stay.

If you’re looking for a rehab center that’s the perfect fit for you, what you can or cannot bring into treatment could be an important factor in your decision. Do you have additional questions about the things you should pack for your extended stay in a luxury treatment program? See our searchable list of luxury rehabs for contact information on premier facilities around the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions About What to Pack for Rehab

What should I pack for a residential addiction treatment program at a luxury rehab?

When packing for your stay in rehab, consider bringing seasonally appropriate clothing, toiletries that meet your personal care preferences, essential documents like your passport and insurance card, your laptop and cell phone (if allowed), and your pet (if allowed). You should also bring all current prescription medications in their original, properly labeled pharmacy containers, as well as a credit card or debit card and enough cash to cover incidental expenses.

What documents should I bring to rehab for addiction treatment?

Be sure to bring essential documents like your passport or government-issued ID, insurance card, and a list of anyone you want to keep informed about your progress in treatment.

What items should I not bring to rehab?

All forms of drugs and alcohol, prescription medications that aren’t part of your approved treatment plan, medications prescribed to another person, pornography, guns, knives and other weapons, opened non-prescription medications, alcohol-containing mouthwash, perfumes, and food or drinks purchased before your arrival are usually not allowed in rehab. Check with your rehab about what items are allowed during your stay to avoid any complications.

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