Mindfulness as a Tool for Recovery From Substance Use Disorders

Mindfulness is more than a buzzword. It’s also a powerful way to approach both physical and mental health. This collection of techniques can help ground you in the present moment, gently navigating even the most difficult thoughts and feelings. Because of its holistic nature, many clients choose to approach recovery using mindfulness practices.

Although it’s become quite popular in the past few years, mindfulness is an ancient practice. With roots in both spirituality and medicine, it may be helpful for those with a wide variety of interests. It is both versatile and deeply personal to each client. Perhaps because of this flexibility, more and more healthcare providers are finding ways to integrate mindfulness into rehab programs around the world.

What Is Mindfulness?

According to experts, “mindfulness1 means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.” Clients learn to accept their internal emotional experiences, as well as their external circumstances, without judgment. By focusing on the present moment, you can avoid getting overwhelmed by painful memories or anxiety about the future.

This philosophy has a long and storied history, originating in Buddhism2 and Hinduism. Some experts believe that mindfulness also has roots in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.3 Wherever these practices began, we can be sure that it was popularized in part “through the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which he launched at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979.”

Since that time, western medicine has used the principles of mindfulness to treat a wide variety of conditions, from chronic pain to PTSD. While these techniques depend on focus and awareness, that’s only the beginning. Igor Grossman, professor of social psychology at the University of Waterloo, explains that “scientific understanding of mindfulness4 goes beyond mere stress-relief and requires a willingness to engage with stressors…It is, in fact, the engagement with stressors that ultimately results in stress relief. More specifically, mindfulness includes two main dimensions: awareness and acceptance.”

Mindfulness means different things for different people. And it can be applied in various ways to achieve certain goals. For example, the techniques that help reduce acute cravings might not be effective in managing generalized anxiety. It’s also important to note that some of these practices are inappropriate for certain clients, and may even be detrimental. Make sure you speak with your providers before delving too deeply into any one of these strategies.

Mindfulness Techniques

Many people—whether or not they are in recovery—strive to become more mindful during daily life. This is a laudable goal, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. You may get better results from focusing on a regular practice that helps you hone your skills. Over time, you can start learning to apply those skills in other situations. When you’re just starting to practice mindfulness, there are many different techniques to choose from.


There are countless ways to meditate. You might use an app, listen to guided meditations, watch videos, or simply learn to sit in silence. With some experimentation, you may find that some of these strategies are a better fit for you than others. Remember that meditation is itself a tool. There is no wrong way to go about it, as long as you stay focused on the process.

Siam Rehab mindfulness
Residents at Siam Rehab in Chiang Rai, Thailand, are taught mindfulness techniques daily.

According to a therapist at Siam Rehab, everyone in recovery from substance use disorders “strives for inner peace. There are many ways to inner peace, but one thing that helps is meditation. We teach it every day.” This practice has the greatest benefits when performed daily. One study found that after 8 weeks of daily meditation,5 subjects exhibited “decreased negative mood states including decreases in mood disturbance, anxiety, and fatigue scores,” as well as enhanced attention and memory. These findings were not apparent in subjects who meditated daily for only 4 weeks.

This practice may also have powerful long-term health benefits. Preliminary research suggests that meditation may slow the brain’s aging process,6 simultaneously improving attention, memory, executive function, and even creativity. Some studies have also found that meditation can significantly reduce chronic pain.7 This may be especially helpful for clients in recovery from opioid misuse. Learning how to simply be present in each moment may help you make peace with even the most overwhelming emotions.

Mindful Breathing

Meditation isn’t appropriate for everyone. Some clients may have physical or mental health concerns that make it difficult for them to sit in silence. But everyone breathes. By simply focusing on your breath, even without changing its rhythm, you can ground yourself in your present physical experience.

If you’d like to deepen your relationship with your breath, there are countless styles of mindful breathing. Make sure to talk to your therapist before choosing a particular technique, as some of these may have unforeseen effects. When performed appropriately, these breathing practices can hugely benefit emotion regulation.8

Body Awareness

Centering yourself in your body can be extremely grounding. There are many ways to accomplish this. When you’re new to meditation, you might learn how to do a simple body scan,9 in which you bring your awareness to each part of your body, accepting how you feel in the moment. Some versions of this practice then ask you to release any unnecessary tension. As you relax, you may find that you also gain a greater awareness of your emotional state.

Some clients may prefer to engage in mindful movement, rather than sitting still. This could be as simple as doing a single stretch, or going for a mindful walk. During that practice, you might focus on the five senses: the sensation of your feet on the ground, the color of the leaves, the sounds coming from nearby or far away, and so on.


Yoga is an ancient practice, designed to promote both physical and mental health. Preliminary research suggests that this type of movement may have specific benefits for people in recovery from substance misuse. This is especially true for clients who are healing from the use of alcohol or opiates, and those at risk of relapse.

According to experts, “The practice of yoga may be especially effective in the management of chronic pain for individuals who abuse alcohol or opiates10 because it focuses on psychological and physical characteristics.” This holistic approach can be helpful during any stage of recovery. If you’re able to begin doing yoga during rehab, you may be better equipped to withstand cravings after you complete inpatient treatment.

Oro House Recovery yoga outdoors
Yoga and other mindfulness therapies are integral parts of the addiction treatment program at Oro House Recovery in Malibu, California.

Because yoga approaches the mind and body holistically, it may help you begin to make peace with your own emotional experience. One study on the effectiveness of yoga in addiction treatment11 found that “the skills, insights, and self-awareness learned through yoga and mindfulness practice can target multiple psychological, neural, physiological, and behavioral processes.” By making these broad behavioral changes, you can develop the skills you’ll need to navigate life after rehab.

Benefits and Limitations of Mindfulness

Data shows that “mindfulness-based interventions12 are effective for treatment of both psychological and physical symptoms.” Specifically, mindfulness techniques have been shown to reduce stress.12 And since stress is linked to addiction,13 this “may prove beneficial in reducing cravings and promoting abstinence” during recovery from substance use disorders.

In addition to their holistic effects, these practices can significantly improve the symptoms of several different mental health concerns. “Structural and functional brain changes have been demonstrated in the brains of people with a long-term traditional meditation practice.”14 Due to these changes, clients experienced relief from anxiety, depression, and physical pain.

However, it’s important to note that general mindfulness may not be appropriate for all clients. Specifically, some meditation techniques may be triggering,15 to clients with PTSD. According to Dr. Willoughby Britton, associate professor at Brown University, “meditation can lead people to some dark places, triggering trauma or leaving people feeling disoriented.” Because of this, it’s very important to work closely with your therapist when you first begin these practices.

The Effect of Mindfulness on Recovery

Research suggests that these practices can be especially helpful for people in recovery from substance use disorders. In fact, meditation may be even more effective than other interventions at preventing relapse.16 They have noticeable neurological effects, and “may increase functional connectivity” between the areas of the brain that are involved in cravings and substance use. Ultimately, mindfulness17 has been shown to make substance misuse less reflexive, giving clients more control over their own behavior.

While the effects are more pronounced after long-term use, mindful meditation can be beneficial even after “a brief single training session,” finds a study on mindfulness for recovery from opioid addiction.18 People in recovery find that mindfulness benefits their psychological health:19 they experience a greater sense of well-being, decreased emotional reactivity, and greater equanimity when they engage in these techniques. With this sense of calm, it becomes far easier to make long-lasting changes.

Some rehab facilities have a specific focus on mindfulness as a tool for behavioral health. At Flatirons Recovery, for example, practitioners believe that the greater awareness of oneself and habitual patterns gained from mindfulness can empower clients in recovery to make sustainable changes.

Flatirons Recovery
Flatirons Recovery offers mindfulness-based addiction treatment among a serene setting in Lafayette, Colorado.

Making Meaning With Mindfulness

During recovery, part of the work is to imagine and then create a life you find meaningful. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily practice, you may become increasingly aware of your own emotional reactions to the world around you. Gently accepting these feelings can help you get in touch with your deepest needs, empowering you to make important changes.

These strategies can not only help during recovery; they may also improve your life in the long term. Even after you complete rehab, you continue implementing healthy habits to manage ongoing stress and avoid relapse.

Although mindfulness can be extremely beneficial, it’s important to proceed with caution. These techniques aren’t right for every client, and they won’t be appropriate for every situation you encounter. Make sure to engage in meditation, yoga, and similar work under the guidance of a therapist.

You can learn more about programs that incorporate this practice into recovery by browsing our list of luxury rehabs offering mindfulness here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mindfulness for Addiction Recovery

How does mindfulness help in addiction recovery?

Mindfulness promotes self-awareness, reduces cravings, promotes calm, and cultivates coping skills, enhancing the recovery process.

What are the techniques and practices of mindfulness in addiction recovery?

Mindfulness techniques include meditation, breathing exercises, body scans, yoga, and mindful awareness of thoughts and emotions.

Can mindfulness be combined with other addiction treatment approaches?

Yes, mindfulness can complement other treatment modalities, such as therapy, support groups, and holistic therapies, for a comprehensive recovery approach.

Rehabs in Greece: A Culture of Whole-Person Healing

Rehab provides the opportunity for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Talk therapy and medical care are certainly essential to the treatment process. But sometimes a change in environment can be helpful, too. A new atmosphere full of fresh sights, sounds, and feelings can shift your perspective to inspire your recovery journey.

For many people, rehabs in Greece offer the chance for personal rebirth and renewal.
This island country is rich in history. Emerald waters, charming neighborhoods, and ancient citadels make Greece a sought-after Mediterranean escape. And in addition to its awe-inspiring sights, Greece offers an abundance of activities that luxury rehabs here take full advantage of. Greek rehabs’ approach to holistic health, emphasis on community connection, and experience with celebrity clientele make this destination a viable option for people who are seeking all-around wellness, or who need an escape from the public eye.

Renew and Refresh in Greece

Greece landscape
Greece has some of the world’s most picturesque coastlines.

Greece is made up of hundreds of islands dotted throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas. Each is scattered with ruins that reveal a storied past, surrounded by vivid blue waters. Many luxury rehabs here make the most of their location and take clients on beach excursions. Some facilities even directly overlook the ocean.

Coastal landscapes don’t just make for breathtaking views. Research from the University of Exeter reveals that living by the sea can improve your mental health and well-being.1 The ocean’s blue can help put you in a state of calm, which can be an especially helpful change of scenery if you’re coming from a more urban environment.

Memorable Outdoor Excursions

Greece is graced by the Mediterranean’s sought-after climate, which lends itself nicely to the variety of outdoor-based activities offered at programs here.
Outdoor access can be a boon to the rehab experience. Mental health experts find that exposure to nature and outdoor activities can improve your mental well-being.2

Rehabs in Greece provide ample opportunities for rejuvenation in nature:

  • Fitness by the sea
  • Farming and gardening
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Luxury yacht trips
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Rock climbing

Participating in these and other outdoor activities as part of treatment can reduce stress, help you connect with others, and allow you to shift your focus to learning something new.

Ancient History to Inspire a New Future

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Historical landmarks and cultural sites dot the country.

Many rehab programs include excursions to historical sites and relics of the past that make Greece a popular destination. Some treatment centers are only a 30-minute car drive away from world-famous historical landmarks like the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Acropolis, and the National Archeological Museum.

Keep in mind that rehab isn’t a vacation. However, ancient landscapes are proven to provide therapeutic value,3 a phenomenon dubbed “culture therapy” by researchers at the Human Henge project.

A trip to sites like the Acropolis in Athens can evoke a deep sense of reverence that can possibly enhance your treatment experience. As explained in Human Henge’s research report, “just as emotional and aesthetic responses can help people understand significant places… significant places experienced in particular ways can stimulate the same kinds of feeling. With care and sensitivity these can be directed to…[cause] the human spirit to flourish.”

Addiction can disconnect us from our sense of appreciation for life. But being in spaces of historical significance has the potential to stir up feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Through that, you may learn to be more perceptive of the world around you, which may just help you find joy in the everyday once more.

Activities and Experiential Therapies

There’s no shortage of things to do in Greece. Clients have unique opportunities to learn and heal through the variety of activities and experiential therapy programs available in the country. Engaging in these activities in a therapeutic setting can help you discover new ways of being and stimulate meta-awareness.4

Meta-awareness can help you overcome triggers that may lead to substance or alcohol use by learning to regulate your emotions so you’re less reactive to distressing thoughts or scenarios. It can also make you more aware of spontaneous reactions you may not have thought of before—for example, automatically reaching for a drink in stressful situations.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Horses play an integral role in ancient Greek culture. Many rehabs in the country offer equine-assisted psychotherapy, also known as equine therapy. Working with horses is proven to help participants break down communication barriers5 and adjust their perspective to focus on the needs of another being. As a result, you may experience a new bond of trust that opens doors in your relationships outside of rehab.

Museum Visits

Museums are becoming recognized as therapeutic environments6 with the ability to improve mental health via art therapy. And Greece is home to some of the world’s most famous, like The Acropolis Museum in Athens, which displays some of the country’s greatest archeological finds. Exciting site visits are included in the treatment programs at centers such as Marieva Healthcare, Hellenic Practice, and The Poseidon Method.

Physical Activity

Research shows that exercise can aid in recovery from substance use disorders. Physical activity can help ease withdrawal symptoms, depression, and anxiety7 that may occur after you’ve discontinued using.

It may be easier to find the motivation to exercise in Greece. Greek people like to stay active: 84.6% of Greece’s adult population meets WHO recommended physical activity levels for health.8 With great weather year-round, many rehab programs in the country take clients outside for athletic activities at least a couple of times a week.

Holistic Healing

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Hellenic Practice in Athens, Greece, champions holistic healing.

Holistic health, which treats the whole person—body, mind, soul, and spirit—has its roots in ancient Greece. Today, the country is a magnet for wellness tourism.9

Thanks to its reputation as a wellness getaway, there are many luxury holistic rehabs in Greece. Programs at these facilities are usually designed by teams of experts from different health-related backgrounds. Given their extensive experience with holistic treatment, these rehabs offer a comprehensive program that integrates different types of treatments, rather than simply adding complementary therapies into the mix. Integration is key for a more effective holistic addiction treatment program.10

Complementary Therapies

It’s common to find rehabs in Greece that include nutrition therapy, physical activity, lifestyle change strategies, and complementary therapies in their treatment programs. These treatments combined can help you heal in ways that may not be achievable through talk therapy alone.

Greek rehabs treat clients using a wide range of complementary therapies:


When you think of Greek cuisine, briny olives, tangy feta cheese, and fresh vegetables and fish may come to mind. The good news is, these traditional staples aren’t just delicious—they’re also good for your health. More than just a fad, clinical trials have shown that the Mediterranean diet may improve depressive symptoms and reduce depression remission rates.11

Several rehabs in Greece provide healthy nutrition plans along with the tools to maintain good eating habits. Some high-end rehabs dive even further into nutrition and work with clients to identify their nutritional issues, set up individualized goals, and create a sustainable lifestyle plan. You can even participate in cooking classes to learn the skills you need to prepare nourishing meals back home.

Finding Community and Rebuilding Relationships

Rehab opens the door not just to healing yourself, but also to restoring your relationships. It provides an opportunity to form connections with like-minded people, which can help you learn to relate to others in healthier ways.

Strong communities are central to Greek culture, and this comes across at many treatment centers. Multiple programs have a warm, community atmosphere that reflects the country’s social culture. Staff are often personable, helping clients feel attended to and cared for.

Another key aspect of Greek culture is family bonds. Certain centers recognize the impact of involving family in the recovery process and offer family therapy programs. Addiction usually affects the entire household. However, it’s common that clients and their loved ones haven’t acknowledged past traumas that may have fractured family dynamics. Family therapy in rehab can help facilitate healthier family ties, which is an important component of sustainable recovery.

Luxury Experiences at Private Rehabs in Greece

Greece is a well-known luxury travel destination. Celebrities, politicians, and executives alike travel to Greece to unwind. Luxury rehabs in Greece have been serving this clientele for years and have a good understanding of their needs.

Individualized Attention at Ultra-Exclusive Centers

Luxury rehabs in Greece go above and beyond to offer each client unparalleled individualized attention. At some premium rehabs, you have access to 24/7 emotional support and therapeutic assistance from therapists, clinical professionals, and senior staff. Some people are used to certain levels of attention and comfort. Many healthcare experts agree that comfort is integral to a patient’s experience,12 and having these comforts removed can be a counterproductive distraction from the treatment process.

Addressing the Needs of Executives and High-Profile Clients

The Poseidon Method in Mykonos, Greece, offers a VIP treatment track program.

Certain rehabs in Greece have celebrity treatment programs specifically aimed to meet the unique needs of celebrities, VIP clients, and public personalities. Confidentiality in treatment can be a concern for this clientele. If you need absolute privacy, single-client rehabs in Greece can help you remain safely out of the public eye.

Rehab centers that understand the unique circumstances high-profile individuals face can help these clients lay strong foundations for healthy habits geared particularly towards their lifestyle demands.

Getting There

As a popular destination country, Greece is easily accessible by plane. The majority of travelers arrive through Athens International Airport. From there, they either fly or take a ferry to other Greek islands.

Luxury rehab centers in Greece offer airport pick-up and personal chauffeur services during your stay. Chaperoned field trips and shopping are also part of several centers’ programs.

Greece has options for rehabs closer to consumer areas like Athens. Or if you’d like to step back from it all, the country offers more isolated locations, from the highest mountain in Mykonos to a private cottage near the countryside.

Beginning Your Journey to Healing

For some, traveling can be a powerful way to begin their recovery. Going to a new and interesting place can put important space between your former patterns and your new goals. Ideally, you’ll return to your day-to-day life equipped with a new perspective, healthier habits, and strong support systems in place.

Greece provides access to natural wonders and cultural experiences that might provide just the inspiration you need to start your new chapter.

See our list of luxury rehabs in Greece to explore treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab in Greece

What sets Greece rehabs apart from other international rehab destinations?

Greece stands out as a rehab destination for its picturesque locations, rich cultural heritage, and high-quality addiction treatment programs. The serene, temperate climate, strong sense of community, and holistic approach to recovery, make Greece a sought-after destination for people seeking a comprehensive rehab experience.

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Greece rehabs?

Greece rehabs offer a range of addiction treatment programs, including detoxification, individual and group therapy, holistic therapies, recovery activities unique to the country, and aftercare support. These programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, promoting lasting recovery.

How long does a typical stay at a Greece rehab last?

The duration of a stay at a Greece rehab can vary depending on the individual’s treatment needs and progress. While some programs offer shorter stays of a few weeks, others provide more extended treatment options that can last several months. The length of stay is determined through a personalized assessment and treatment planning process.

The World’s Top 6 Places for Natural Healing

waterfall and trees, relaxing nature

Location can be a large part of recovery. Where you are in the world will set your mood, provide you with the right nourishment and help you eradicate bad habits. The right location will offer you a cathartic release from negativity, give you a chance to reflect and learn, and help you slow down and process the challenging parts involved in recovery.

But the perfect healing place can be a tricky thing to find; by and large, these idyllic areas of the world are few and far between, despite how fundamental they are to our overall happiness and healing in life.

Here are 6 of the top natural healing places in the world.

1. The Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Scandinavia is known for its natural healing remedies. Finland has saunas,1 Denmark has hygge2 and Iceland has mineral salt baths. For someone going through recovery, this part of the world has much to offer.

Iceland’s Blue Lagoon3 is healing at its finest. It’s a natural geothermic lagoon that oozes mineral-rich volcanic sulfur, which helps to exfoliate your skin and rejuvenate your mind.

Relax and learn how to become more present-minded while surrounded by Iceland’s glorious volcanic landscape. Be sure to visit the spa for a bathrobe, slippers and a cleansing mud mask, too.

blue lagoon iceland

2. The Healing Forests, Japan

Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy4 is a real thing, and it’s helping many people get back to nature, slow down and ultimately, find a sense of peace. ‘Forest bathing’ (as it’s commonly called) was developed in Japan in the 1980s and has become a fundamental part of modern Japanese medicine.

Many people in Japan believe that, quite simply, if a person visits a natural area and walks in a relaxed way (unlike the agenda-driven walks of London and New York), there are calming, restorative benefits to be achieved. It’s about opening up your senses, taking in the beauty of your environment, and working on becoming more focused on the here and now. For those going through recovery, forest bathing might just be the thing needed to find the reset button.

healing forest japan

3. Mount Shasta, California

No, you don’t have to jet-set off to the far east to find a sense of spirituality, you can drive to the state of California and hike Mount Shasta, a mountain best known as the place where heaven and Earth meet.

Many people believe that they are called to Mount Shasta and that it is a ‘dimensional doorway to the frequency of love’. There are also guided meditations5 up the mountain helping you to connect your star seed lineage and find a sense of grounding.

When you come back down again, expect to be newly born again. This is natural healing at its finest.

mount shasta

4. Ubud, Bali

The jungle city of Ubud on the Indonesian island of Bali has long been known as a place of natural healing. Whether through cleansing rituals at Hindu water temples, yoga and ecstatic dance classes, or organic foods, Ubud offers visitors countless ways to reconnect with themselves.

Every spring, Bali celebrates an Indonesian Day of Silence6 where all distractions are removed and all noise stops. There are multiple wellness centers and tranquil areas to explore in Ubud, many of which are designed to help you progress along your journey to recovery.

[Be sure to explore our list of the best rehabs and wellness retreats in Bali, 2 of which are in Ubud. In the video below, we tour some of the top rehabs in Bali and explore what makes this island so special.]

5. Le Monastere des Augustines, Quebec City

A big part of the natural healing process is removing the distractions we surround ourselves with in everyday life, and Quebec City’s Le Monastere des Augustines7 is exactly the place to do it. This quiet hotel focuses on the mind, body and spirit, helping you form good self-care habits and rediscover balance.

Sleep therapy, spirituality, stress release and an appreciation for silence are all fundamental reasons to pay this hotel a visit, and outside its walls sits the small French-Canadian town of Quebec City, so you’re not entirely removed from some of the western comforts you might be more used to.

6. The Dead Sea, Jordan and Israel

Visitors from around the world come to the Dead Sea8 for therapeutic floats on its salty waters. This potassium-rich body of water is famous for its natural healing properties, and many people fly in to pay a visit to one of the resorts located along its shoreline.

The Dead Sea is the lowest body of water on Earth, and its natural healing powers include drawing out toxins from the body, soothing stress and reducing inflammation and swelling. Emerge with silky smooth skin and a calmed, collected mindset.

the dead sea

Natural Healing and the Journey to Recovery

Recovering from addiction and mental health concerns anywhere in the world is tough. Challenges will present themselves, but you are capable of moving through them. You don’t have to do it in a negative environment either. You can work through your recovery in a supportive, guided place, where natural healing aids your journey.

Discover our collection of luxury rehabs with access to nature and filter by price, location, insurance accepted, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About The World’s Top Places for Natural Healing

How does location affect recovery?

The right location will offer you a cathartic release from negativity, give you a chance to reflect and learn, and help you slow down and process the challenging parts involved in recovery.

What are some of the top natural healing destinations in the world?

The top natural healing destinations are scattered all across the globe:

• Iceland’s Blue Lagoon
• Ubud, Bali
• Japan’s Healing Forests
• The Dead Sea in Israel
• Mount Shasta in California
• Quebec City’s Le Monastere des Augustines

What are the benefits of visiting natural healing destinations?

Visiting natural healing destinations has a variety of benefits. It fosters relaxation, mindfulness, and connection to nature, which helps reduce stress and anxiety. Some of these destinations also offer activities that promote self-reflection, like yoga and meditation.

5 Reasons Yoga Is Used in Addiction Treatment

women holding yoga pose on beach, ocean in background

Why yoga?

Yes, we know what you may be thinking. “Yoga is only for people who are flexible” or “What if I’m not strong enough to do some of the yoga poses.” So, before we delve more into reasons why yoga is used in addiction and mental health treatment, let’s explore who yoga is for.

Yoga Is for Everyone.

Yoga is not only for the physically elite, but yoga is for all levels of fitness and flexibility. Also, it’s important to remember that nobody becomes great at something overnight. Yogis who may be physically fit started from a beginning as well. So, improvement takes time, patience and the strength to say yes to things that may be out of your comfort zone at first. Yoga instructors in rehab facilities will walk with you along the way of discovering your physical and mental strength. With time and practice, you may become the yogi who is more self aware, flexible, mindful and physically fit!

It’s also worth noting that some yoga programs focus on meditation, wholeness, and breathing techniques, while others may focus more on physical fitness and challenging poses. Most programs are a combination of both. Whatever the yoga program is, we are thankful India birthed a practice that can be used to help overcome addictions and mental health issues.

So, let’s explore 5 of the many reasons yoga is used all over the world in addiction treatment programs.

1. Yoga Helps You Build Confidence

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Yoga teaches how a person is in control of their body, mind, and breathing, which then helps build empowerment. When overcoming obstacles, an important part of recovery is discovering confidence, self-awareness, and resiliency. For instance, a person recovering from addiction learns to be confident in their ability to say no to things they no longer want part of their life, and can gain confidence in new habits through the daily practice of yoga.

Yoga instructors in rehab facilities are there to teach yoga to all levels. It takes time and patience with oneself to become good at things that are unfamiliar. Yet, confidence arises each time a yoga session is complete because the learner is starting to master something that might have seemed very difficult or impossible.

2. Yoga Helps You Practice Deep Breathing

yoga breathing

Yoga focuses significantly on controlled breathing and for good reason. Deep breathing helps alleviate worries that you may be experiencing, and you can instead begin to focus on being grateful and whole with each breath you are breathing in and out. Practicing more awareness of your breath in yoga also helps shift mindsets to live in the present time. With the stress in the world, sometimes it can be hard to live in the moment, and yoga can help fight the tendency to always live in the past or in the future. Yoga poses focus on using motions paired with intentional breathing that center the mind and physical body. So, practicing yoga can help calm the mind and increase self-awareness.

3. Yoga Provides Community

yoga community

Although yoga can be done alone, yoga classes provide another opportunity to build community. Yoga classes in the rehab center are good places to start building connections, and after leaving treatment, yoga classes are typically accessible if one wants to continue the practice. Participating in classes or joining a yoga studio can help you have space to decompress, focus on wholeness, well-being and build friendships with others who share common interests. Research shows that community and support are beneficial to recovery; it’s important to surround oneself with people who encourage and pursue healthy mindsets.

4. Yoga Has Physical Health Benefits

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Yoga helps decrease stress while promoting physical health. Stress impacts the nervous system1 and can cause structural changes in the brain, including cerebral atrophy. While stress on the mind and body from addictions can cause high blood pressure and other health related issues, yoga helps lower blood pressure and reduce stress.2 Yoga is a great practice to turn to when you are feeling stressed.

5. Yoga Helps You Practice a Positive Mindset

yoga positive mindset

Yoga challenges negative thinking with positive thinking. The mindset shift is important for people who may be healing. Often in addictions, negative views of oneself and the world can hinder the person to see the beauty in themselves and all around them. Yoga centers and grounds you to reflect and see the good in oneself. You’ll start to learn how to love yourself and think positive thoughts.

These 5 reasons are only a glimpse of why yoga can be effective in addiction treatment. Once learned, yoga can be done at any time. So, for instance, if it is a busy day and you only have 15 minutes to spare before the next meeting at work, yoga is a great way to relieve stress and pursue wholeness. Doesn’t yoga sound incredible?

Explore our list of luxury treatment centers that offer yoga. Compare pricing, treatment approaches, insurance accepted, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga for Addiction Recovery

Is yoga effective for addiction treatment?

Yoga is effective for managing addictive behaviors. It brings you into the present, promotes self-awareness, is a healthy way to cope with stress, and can help you connect with sober community.

How long does it take for yoga to help with addiction?

Patients in recovery from different substances notice the therapeutic benefits of yoga at different times: 

• PTSD and alcohol addiction: reduced drinking after 12 sessions
• Cocaine addiction: reduced stress after 2 months 
• Opioid addiction: improved quality of life after 6 months

What are the benefits of yoga for addiction recovery?

Yoga helps patients build physical and emotional strength:

• It teaches deep breathing and mindfulness.
• You can gain confidence in a new skill.
• It helps with managing stress. 
• You gain access to a positive support network. 
• It boosts your physical health.

Holistic Therapies in Drug and Alcohol Rehab

The use of holistic therapies in rehab is a highly debated topic. While some experts claim that alternative therapies are the missing piece of effective treatment, others say they lack scientific backing. Still, as modern addiction treatment progresses, more rehabs offer holistic therapy.

Here, we’ll take a look at what holistic therapy options are available, how they work and the research that speaks to their effectiveness in treating addiction.

What Are Holistic Therapies?

Holistic (also known as alternative, complementary or unconventional) therapies are designed to treat a person as a whole—body, mind and spirit. In rehabs, holistic therapies help address issues that both lead to and result from an addiction. Rather than targeting a specific issue, they’re designed to address your overall mental, physical and spiritual wellness.

Alternative treatments use mindfulness, spirituality and energy-related work to boost your health and well-being. Supporters of this approach see addiction as a symptom of broader unwellness. They also point out it’s equally important for the negative emotional and physical side effects of addiction to be treated, in addition to the addiction itself. Certain holistic therapies are commonly used in addiction treatment:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, dance and other types of mindful movement
  • Acupuncture and acupressure
  • Massage
  • Reiki, crystals and other types of energy work
  • Herbal, Chinese or ayurvedic medicines
  • Homeopathy
  • Nutritional therapy

These therapies are designed to treat the underlying causes of addiction and promote more meaningful and longer-lasting healing. They also differ from conventional treatment in that they’re based on a more spiritual understanding of addiction.

Tai Chi
Picking up a healthy practice like Tai Chi helps maintain your wellness in recovery—and your sobriety, as a result.

Do Alternative Treatments Work for Addiction?

Measuring the effectiveness of addiction treatment in general is no easy task. This is even truer of holistic therapies, for a few reasons:

  • Holistic treatments are almost always used in combination with conventional methods like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication. Alternative therapies enhance and support these traditional therapies, which makes it harder to measure the success of holistic methods alone.
  • Holistic therapies include a wide range of practices. The term “holistic therapies” covers a broad scope, so blanket statements about their effectiveness aren’t entirely accurate.
  • Each individual responds differently to different therapies. What works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa.

The question, “Do holistic therapies work?” is, definitively speaking, unanswerable. But addiction experts do have some evidence of their effectiveness through clinical research.

What We Know About Alternative Therapy in Rehab

Below are some facts about the use of holistic treatments in rehab along with corresponding research for each:

Holistic Therapies Treat More Than Just Addiction

Unconventional treatments attempt to treat your well-being as an interconnected whole,1 rather than honing in on one aspect of your physical or mental health. Holistic measures address other common concerns:

  • Physical symptoms brought on by the addiction and/or withdrawal
  • Emotional imbalances at the root of your addiction
  • Nutritional deficiencies that create chemical imbalances in the brain
  • A lack of spiritual grounding, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness and meaninglessness

These are just some of the underlying issues that may be indirectly related to (but play a significant role in) your addiction.

Wellness Therapies in Rehab Increase Chances of Program Completion

Treatment centers that use holistic measures have better program-completion rates.2 A study by the academic journal Psychiatry Services found that better services in a rehab center and the client’s satisfaction levels were positively correlated to completion of the program. In other words, your comfort level in rehab is important when it comes to completing treatment. And of course, if you complete your treatment program, your likelihood of maintaining sobriety is higher.

Holistic Approaches Treat Trauma Connected With Addiction

The link between trauma and addiction has been well established. Whether your addiction brought trauma into your life or traumatic life experiences led you to addiction, the majority of addicts identify as having some form of trauma. Experts agree that healing trauma is an essential component of recovery. The impact of holistic therapies on trauma3 is quite definitive—if you struggle with trauma and are seeking help for an addiction, holistic treatment options could improve your chances of a lasting recovery.

Complementary Treatments Decrease Chances of Relapse

Once you’ve completed treatment, holistic therapies can help you prevent relapse. Specifically, one study found that mindfulness-based therapies successfully prevent relapse.4 Clinicians found that through meditation, recovering addicts were better able to identify potentially triggering scenarios and remain calm in stressful situations, which may have otherwise caused them to relapse. Receiving alternative treatments while in rehab can provide you with the necessary skills for a lasting recovery.

Holistic Treatments Combat the Stigma of Addiction

One of the greatest obstacles in both seeking treatment for addiction and maintaining recovery is stigma. Stigma often prevents people with addictions from seeking help and adds to the difficulty of staying sober. However, alternative treatments help people in recovery manage stigma more effectively.5 Creating feelings of inner peace and harmony better equips someone to handle the stigma that can come with addiction.

Women Respond Better to Alternative Therapy in Rehab

Studies show that alternative therapies are more effective in treating addiction in women6 than men. This trend may be partially attributed to the socialization of women to be more open to alternative approaches. Whatever the reason, if you’re a woman seeking treatment, it could benefit you to look for a rehab that gives you the option of holistic therapies to complement your core program.

Meditation holistic
Your comfort level in rehab is important when it comes to completing treatment—rehabs that employ holistic measures have better program-completion rates.

Benefits of Holistic Therapy

Although holistic therapy for addiction remains a debated issue among researchers and clinicians, many agree to the following benefits:

It’s natural. Alternative therapies use methods that are natural and don’t involve prescription drugs. While the use of medication can be a good treatment tool, it’s not necessary in all cases and if you prefer to avoid it, holistic measures may be right for you.

It restores your body’s equilibrium. Addiction wreaks havoc on your body’s inner balance. Oftentimes, addiction comes with other harmful habits, such as poor nutrition or sleeping. Holistic therapies can address these other imbalances, leading to overall improved health.

It develops lifelong healthy habits. Meditation and yoga are two examples of healthy practices that you may wish to continue after treatment. These go a long way in helping maintain your wellness in recovery—and your sobriety, as a result.

It treats the body, mind and spirit. Holistic methods treat the whole person by dealing with wellness concerns on multiple levels. By expanding treatment to various aspects of self, holistic therapies encourage a more complete sense of well-being.

Choosing a treatment center that offers holistic options gives you access to these extensive benefits, which you can take with you well beyond your time in rehab.

Wellness Programming at Luxury Rehabs

The decision to seek treatment isn’t an easy one to make. But luxury rehabs try to ensure your treatment journey is as comfortable and comprehensive as possible. And the best treatment centers don’t depend solely on holistic therapies; rather, they use alternative methods to complement evidence-based treatment.

With holistic therapies, you’re more likely to not only find peace in your experience, but also remain in the program when the process gets tough. While you do the hard work of getting sober and sorting through a painful past, alternative treatments make you more receptive to conventional therapy and uplift your overall state.

Compare luxury rehabs offering holistic therapy with key information listed in one place, including price, insurance accepted, and conditions treated.

Frequently Asked Questions About Holistic Therapies in Rehab

Are holistic therapies effective?

Clinical research suggests holistic therapies positively impact recovery: 

• They treat underlying trauma related to addiction. 
• Rehabs with holistic therapies often have higher completion rates.
Mindfulness therapies can prevent relapse.

Can holistic therapies treat addiction?

Yes. Many rehabs now use holistic treatments alongside conventional therapies. Holistic therapies can address aspects of addiction that talk therapy doesn’t, and make your treatment experience more enjoyable.

What types of holistic therapy are used to treat addiction?

While a wide range of practices fall under the term “holistic,” certain therapies are more commonly seen in rehab:

• Meditation
• Massage
Nutritional therapy