Innovative Addiction Treatment in European Rehabs

Rehab can be more than a clinical environment. In Europe, it’s also a joyous opportunity to take back control of your life. Picture yourself recovering amidst beautiful views, old architecture, and rich, accepting cultures. Add state-of-the-art treatment methods and a long list of fun ways to spend down time. If that sounds like the atmosphere you’re looking for in treatment, you might consider going to a luxury rehab in Europe

The Diverse Amenities of European Rehabs

Treatment is hard work. But when you’re in residential rehab, there’s more to life than attending therapy. In Europe’s luxury centers, clients can try new and engaging activities during treatment. Through these experiences, you’ll learn how to have fun in a healthy way. 

Explore New Cultures From the Comfort of Rehab

European rehabs have access to some of the greatest cultural landmarks in the world. And many treatment centers take clients to visit local attractions. During treatment at Paracelsus Recovery, for example, you’ll live in a penthouse apartment in downtown Zurich. CEO Jan Gerber explains that nearby, you can find “an opera house, there are concert halls, there are world-renowned museums, and there are very good restaurants.” Exploring a vibrant city, or any new environment, can help you mark the start of this new chapter.

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New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain

Choose Your Climate

With vast forests, calm seas, and rugged mountains, you can also find any type of environment in Europe.1 If you’d like to hunker down in a cozy room with a view, you could go to rehab in Scandinavia. Or if you prefer the sunshine and warm breeze of the tropics, you might find healing easier in a place like Mykonos

Many European rehabs take full advantage of their beautiful surroundings. Take Camino Recovery in Spain, for example. One week, you could hike in the Sierra de Tejeda. The next, you might sail and snorkel along the Mediterranean coast. These adventures are both fun and therapeutic. Connecting with nature can play an important role in treatment. 

Gourmet Meals Can Nourish Your Body

Learning how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle is essential during recovery. For many people, that means eating delicious, nourishing food. And there are several specific, clinical ways that nutrition supports addiction recovery

Eating balanced meals can boost your mood and improve your mental clarity. At centers like New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain, personal chefs and nutritionists design gourmet menus to support your recovery—both physically and mentally.

If you’re coming from abroad, this can be an opportunity to sample the local cuisine. And because so many European dishes are famous around the world, you might already know what to expect. On the other hand, this could be a chance for you to learn about a new culture.

Choose a Rehab That Aligns With Your Values

If you’re not from Europe, traveling there for rehab can give you valuable insight into life back at home. Or, if you already live in the area, you can easily connect with programs in neighboring countries. Either way, clients can decide between a great variety of cultures, in a relatively small geographical area. And once you choose the environment that suits you best, addiction recovery becomes that much easier.

Heal in Privacy in Europe

No matter where you’re from, going to rehab in a different country gives you more anonymity. Some rehabs, like The Cottage, even offer 1:1 treatment. As the only client on site, you’ll have access to the most discreet and individualized care possible.   

Other ultra-private rehabs, like Switzerland’s NEOVIVA, offer confidential, boutique treatment for executives. Here, clients stay in a fully operational hotel, with no signage indicating that it’s also a treatment center. Every staff member, at both NEOVIVA and the hotel, works to maintain your privacy. Clients benefit from clinical care, enjoy hotel amenities, and rest assured that they’re safe from prying eyes.

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NEOVIVA in Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

Embrace the Friendly Warmth of Southern Europe

Even if you require anonymity, you don’t have to heal in isolation. Countries along the Mediterranean, like Italy and Spain, have an especially strong focus on family2 and community. And those values shine through in some of the area’s rehabs.

At Solice, for example, clients offer each other emotional support. To Mark, a former client, Solice felt like “a home where people don’t judge, [but] care for each other.”3 Learning how to build healthy relationships can boost your self-esteem and support the process of recovery.4

Decriminalization in European Countries

Some European countries, like Portugal, have decriminalized all illicit drugs.5 They’ve also expanded their treatment services in an effort to make recovery accessible. 

This attitude can have a major impact on your treatment experience. For one thing, shame and stigma around drug use are often barriers to treatment.6 And decriminalization reduces the stigma of addiction.7 Because of this, rehabs in these countries may offer a unique type of emotional support. And in most areas, decriminalization efforts come with government funding. So these rehabs might have resources that are hard to come by in other places.

European Rehabs Provide High-Quality Care

In many parts of Europe, people see addiction as a health problem.8 If you’re working through stigma, this open-minded attitude can feel like a relief. It also opens the door to a number of treatment options you might not find elsewhere.

Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies

Few of Europe’s rehabs ask you to choose between Western medicine and holistic treatment. Instead, you can work with your provider to find the therapies that fit your needs. And for some clients, that means combining several different methods.

For example, NEO Centrum, in Prague, is a 12-Step rehab center. But they also specialize in Vipassana meditation as an addiction treatment. While both methods relate to spirituality, they offer vastly different benefits. During 12-Step recovery, clients build community around a shared philosophy of healing. Vipassana, on the other hand, encourages you to accept your own feelings, making peace with your deepest self.  

Meanwhile, in France, Maison Ila treats addiction and mental health issues through a variety of therapy methods. “You can immerse yourself deeply in nature, enjoy wild water bathing, practice restorative yoga and instinctive movement therapy, and receive esoteric, transformative treatments,” while also attending 12-Step meetings.9

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NEO Centrum in Prague, Czech Republic

Access Cutting Edge Treatments

Countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, and England are well-known for their innovative treatment techniques.10 That’s partly because these countries categorize addiction and mental health as public health issues. 

European researchers are studying new ways to treat addiction using medication.11 Some of these methods, like methadone maintenance therapy, are also available in other countries. But others are only accessible in the EU. And others are legal in some European countries, but unavailable elsewhere in the region. 

For example, Tabula Rasa Retreat is located in Portugal, where all substances are decriminalized. This program offers ibogaine therapy for people in addiction and mental health recovery. Meanwhile, in the U.S. and UK, ibogaine is a banned substance.12 Going to rehab in Europe could give you a wealth of treatment options, even if you’re not traveling far from home. 

Traveling to and Around Europe

Almost a billion people travel to the EU annually.13 Because of that, it’s a very accessible place visit, especially from countries like the U.S. and Canada. But there are a few details to think about before you plan a trip to Europe.

Do You Need a Visa to Go to Rehab in Europe?

You may or may not need a visa to enter Europe. It depends on where you’re coming from, and how long you’re planning to stay. This can be hard to predict in advance, especially if you’re considering an aftercare program. Talk to the admissions team at your rehab before you book any travel plans, so they can help you make the right arrangements. 

Citizens of the U.S., Canada, and over 50 other countries can visit the European Union (EU) without a visa.14 But if you plan to stay for longer than 90 days, different rules may apply. And European countries not in the EU, like the UK, may require a visa.15 

Flying to Europe

Flying into the EU is usually straightforward. Several international airports serve the region, and once you get there, you can quickly travel between European countries. 

For instance, if you’re traveling through the UK, you can reach over 200 different destinations from London-Heathrow airport.16 And if you’re going to rehab in Spain, you might fly into Adolfo Suárez Madrid, which has services to over 150 destinations. Or if you want a more centrally located airport, you can fly to Charles de Gaulle in Paris, and connect to any of 119 different countries. 

Getting Around in Europe

Once you’re in the region, you can use Europe’s robust train system to get around. Eurail is easy to navigate, and it lets you take in beautiful views en route. 

Despite your many options for traveling to and around the region, it’s best to go with a support person. The transition into rehab can be overwhelming, and a traveling companion can keep you safe along the way. And even if you do spend part of the trip alone, talk to your rehab before making specific plans. Many centers offer free transportation from the nearest airport.   

European Rehabs Bring Joy to Your Recovery

Wherever you’re traveling from, Europe’s rehabs invite you to come as you are. With its vast array of climates, cultures, and different types of therapy, this region has something for everyone. Recovery is hard, but it can also be inspiring. And finding happiness during treatment will set you up for even more success back home. 

Visit our list of luxury rehabs in Europe to learn about their different locations, amenities, and insurance options.

Discover Private and Peaceful Recovery in Switzerland

For many decades, Switzerland has been a destination for healing and wellness. In the past, visitors from all over the world would travel to Lake Geneva to soak in the mineral water and enjoy the clean air and picturesque countryside. Switzerland was known as a place where people suffering from physical and mental illnesses could find respite and peace.

Today, that healing legacy continues at luxury rehabs in Switzerland. Switzerland has made a name for itself as a place for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders to recover without sacrificing their comfort or privacy. Like the many visitors who took to its healing waters in the 19th century, people struggling with addiction today travel to Switzerland to heal in a unique, resort-like setting. For executives and ultra-high-net-worth individuals in particular, this country offers top-of-the-line care in a pristine location.

Healing at the Foot of the Alps

Switzerland is a country full of crystal blue lakes and snow-capped mountains. The Alps make up over 60% of this small nation, so virtually every town has a view of these iconic mountains. The largest lake in the country is Lake Geneva, also called Lake Leman. This crescent shape body of water is bordered by France to the north and is famous for its glassy surface and stunning views.

The largest cities in Switzerland are German-speaking Zurich and French-speaking Geneva. In Zürich, visitors will find a historic city with winding cobblestone streets in the old town, which can make you feel as if you’ve stepped back in time. But Zurich is more than just a beautiful place. ​​As Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery, says: “The city of Zurich regularly gets the top spot in international rankings for the best city to live in, and there are various reasons for that. First and foremost, it’s a safe, clean, well-organized, very Swiss place.”

Zurich is one of the safest cities in the world,1 and offers the conveniences of city life without the hustle and bustle. “It’s the right size, Zurich,” says Gerber. “It’s not a bustling metropolis that’s always noisy, with sirens and motor sounds in the background. It’s very calm. We’re quite central here, and when you open the window, it’s absolutely silent most of the time.”

Paracelsus location
Paracelsus Recovery is surrounded by the serene city of Zurich, Switzerland.

The second-largest city in Switzerland is Geneva. Long known as both a tourist destination and for its mineral springs resorts, Geneva is a small, scenic city with a view of Mont Blanc, the tallest mountain in the Alps. The city is deeply influenced by its French culture, making it a popular destination for francophiles. Between Zurich and Geneva is stunning countryside, which is dotted with historic stone castles2 that give the country a romantic, fairy-tale-like quality.

The climate in Switzerland is relatively moderate, with warmer summers and colder winters. The average temperature in the summer is between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 28 degrees Celsius), while average winter temperatures range from 28 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 to -7 degrees Celsius). Visitors should expect snow in the winter months, and ample sunshine in the summer. At treatment centers that are higher up in the mountains, the temperatures are cooler, particularly in the winter. In many parts of the Alps, the glaciers never melt and visitors can ski all year long.

Between the snow-capped mountains and historic cities, the magical qualities of Switzerland can help those seeking treatment find inspiration for a new way of life. Switzerland offers patients the chance to take a break, both physically and mentally, from their lives back home, all in a picturesque environment that’s unlike any other place in the world.

A Safe and Private Place for Recovery

Many patients choose to recover in Switzerland because it’s safe, diverse, and private. Because it’s at the crossroads of many European countries, Switzerland is often seen as a hub for the continent. The small country has three national languages: French, German, and Italian. Depending on where you are in Switzerland, you can experience a variety of European cultures. Switzerland is also known for being politically neutral. It’s the home of the United Nations, and frequently ranks as one of the safest countries in the world.3

Switzerland is a banking and finance hub, drawing in business people from across the globe. Zurich is the hub of Switzerland’s banking industry and is a destination for many travelers. The country’s long history in business and finance may attract high-net-worth individuals and executives, who will find others with similar experiences and interests in the country. In fact, many rehabs in Switzerland are geared toward this clientele.

The open-mindedness and diversity of Swiss people, as well as their well-respected medical system, mean that rehabs in this country tend to offer innovative treatments. Some of these involve the entire family. For example, Clinic Les Alpes in Montreaux has a family program that offers mental health care for families of those struggling with addiction. According to their team, “At Clinic Les Alpes, we focus on how addiction affects the family since they aren’t treated as peripheral to the person admitted for treatment. Their needs are fully recognized, validated, and separately responded to. While they will have a very important part to play in the treatment of their loved one, it will be just as important for them to receive help in their own right.”

It’s common for luxury rehabs in Switzerland to treat co-occurring disorders, including trauma, eating disorders, and depression, which is a common diagnosis for affluent people.4 To appeal to that audience, treatment centers here are designed to feel like hotels or luxury vacation rentals, which appeal to the comfort and expectations of those from higher income brackets.

Clinic Les Alpes drawing room
A peek into Clinic Les Alpes in Montreux, Switzerland.

For high-powered individuals, choosing to go to rehab can be a daunting decision. Those with higher-stakes reputations or who live in the public eye often struggle to find the anonymity they need to heal. Unlike other locations that focus on group therapy, luxury rehabs in Switzerland prioritize privacy and limit outside stressors—like the pressure that many executives feel to keep running their business while in treatment. Many high-net-worth individuals are drawn to luxury rehabs in this region that take a one-client-at-a-time approach, offering a unique place to recover in solitude.

The One Client at a Time Model

Many treatment centers in Switzerland opt for the single-client model, including Paracelsus Recovery and CALDA Clinic. This approach is the ultimate option for privacy and confidentiality and is designed for celebrities, politicians, and high-profile business people who can’t be treated in more public facilities.

Single-client rehabs are designed so that only one client is in the center at any given time. Because you’re the only person receiving treatment, you will receive the complete focus of your care providers. There is no group therapy, and the rehab facility is totally private. And because there is only one patient, these programs are also highly customizable. They often offer bespoke programs that fit the needs of the patient, including incorporating family visits, business meetings, access to a driver, and highly specialized program offerings or treatments.

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Five-star hospitality services at CALDA Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland include a private butler and chef.

Centers that intake one client at a time tend to be holistic and integrated. This includes mental and physical health care, along with emotional and spiritual support. Patients typically stay in luxury accommodations and have access to outdoor activities, personal trainers, nutrition support, and a wide variety of cutting-edge therapeutic treatments. And because this environment is a unique way to get care, single-client rehab centers provide ample aftercare to support patients as they transition back to their daily lives.

Treatment for Executives

Along with offering single-client style treatment, many rehab centers in Switzerland focus their attention on caring for executives in recovery. Executives have unique needs when it comes to treatment. They’re used to fast-paced, high-stress jobs, and may be concerned about the ability of their team to manage their business without them. Many executives also worry about privacy and confidentiality. They don’t want their healing journey to be painted in a way that might damage the reputation of their company or brand.

Luxury rehabs in Switzerland understand the unique stressors of this group because they have deep roots in business and finance. Many recovery centers offer access to the internet, phones, or even conference rooms so executives can fulfill their professional duties while in treatment. This is quite different from other centers, in which patients are totally cut off from the outside world. Rehabs that are designed for executives understand that not all CEOs can step away from work for an entire month.

On top of treatment for substance use, many of the centers that specialize in executive treatment also include treatment for anxiety. Studies show that 10-40% of people struggling with alcohol or drug addiction have an anxiety disorder.5 Executives, who are in high-stress roles and feel constant pressure to achieve, are likely to experience symptoms of anxiety at some point in their careers. By treating underlying anxiety and panic, executives can find healthy ways to cope without substances.

Rehabs for executives also frequently offer customized programs that appeal to this group’s passion for productivity. For example, they might offer therapy on creating healthy work habits or finding work-life balance. These treatments will prepare executives to live a healthier and more sustainable life when they return to the office.

Traveling to Switzerland

Switzerland is widely accessible by plane, and most clients fly into one of the country’s many airports. Both Zurich and Geneva have airports, as well as the larger towns of Bern and Lugano. If you’re located in continental Europe, you may also choose to have a sobriety coach or loved one drive you to the center, or accompany you via train to ensure you arrive safely. Rehabs typically offer car services from the airport or train station, particularly at bespoke or ultra-private centers.

Jan Gerber of Paracelsus notes: “From a medical travel perspective, Switzerland is great because it’s very easy to come to Switzerland no matter where you’re from. A lot of our clients come from countries where you normally need a visa to travel to this part of the world. When you come for medical treatments, it’s quite easy to access Switzerland.”

In terms of the environment itself, Switzerland offers both bustling cities and rural retreats. Centers in Zurich and Geneva will have a more metropolitan vibe, though these cities are on the smaller side, with only a few hundred thousand residents each. That means that patients can enjoy city life without sacrificing peace and quiet. Meanwhile, mountainside chalets and rural retreats offer the opportunity for patients to heal privately while surrounded by nature.

No matter where you choose to get treatment, Switzerland is a geographically small country, and it’s relatively easy to travel from one city or town to another. If you’re hoping to partake in hiking, skiing, or other outdoor recreational activities as part of your healing journey, there are options near virtually every city or town.

What to Do in Switzerland

Patients who choose to get care in Switzerland are often drawn to the area because of its skiing and hiking opportunities. Others are attracted to the historic and cultural aspects of the country: Switzerland has more than 900 museums in total, the most famous being the National Museum of Zurich.

Treatment centers in the area take advantage of the cultural and natural wonders Switzerland has to offer. Clinic Les Alpes, for example, offers both adventure therapy and art therapy. They describe their approach to adventure therapy in recovery: “At a height of 1200 meters, Clinic Les Alpes has many winter-themed activities, such as snowshoeing in the forests and sledging, while in summer, hikes in alpine meadows and forests, along with excursions to lake Geneva and picnics in the wildflower meadows.” Meanwhile, their art therapy program “provides an environment where the kind of creative thinking that enhances our recovery can be stimulated and facilitated by our highly qualified Art Psychotherapists.”

The CALDA Clinic in Zurich also allows patients to explore the local area and enjoy its natural beauty. They offer shopping and sightseeing excursions with a chaperone, as well as dance therapy, horseback riding lessons, and equine therapy. The CALDA Clinic sees these treatments as an instrumental part of treating addiction because they help alleviate the underlying stress and trauma that often leads to substance abuse. “In my opinion, chronic stress and how we react to it is the source of nearly every problem,” says the clinic’s founder Dr. Claudia M. Elsig.

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CALDA Clinic offers plenty of opportunity to explore the breathtaking nature that surrounds its property in Zurich, Switzerland.

Finally, if skiing is a part of your recovery plan, Switzerland has several world-renowned Alpine ski resorts, including Grindelwald, St. Moritz, and Zermatt. Skiing, snow-shoeing, hiking, and other activities found in the Swiss mountains can help patients heal both physically and mentally, while enjoying the views from the snowy peaks.

Rediscover Yourself in Switzerland

Many patients find that removing themselves from their current environment allows them to reconnect with their sense of self—and ultimately find healing. Traveling can be a powerful way to force yourself out of old patterns, and Switzerland is a particularly beautiful and safe place to break free of toxic habits and reconnect with yourself.

For high-net-worth individuals and executives, Switzerland offers a unique opportunity to start recovery in a confidential and safe space. The country is known worldwide for its private facilities and its focus on patients who may struggle to find care elsewhere. Plus, its focus on co-occurring disorders means that patients who struggle with more than just substance abuse can find healing here.

Though luxury rehabs in Switzerland may look like resorts from the outside, they are so much more than that. They offer innovative and holistic therapies to help you rebuild your life from the ground up, with continuing care to help you stay on track even after you return home. With so much natural beauty around you, it’s hard not to find something in Switzerland that will inspire you to move forward and embrace all that life has to offer.

See our curated list of luxury rehabs in Switzerland.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Switzerland

What makes rehabs in Switzerland stand out from other rehab destinations?

Switzerland’s unique blend of medical expertise, luxury amenities, five-star service, and stunning nature sets it apart from other international rehab destinations. With a strong focus on privacy, individual treatment, and top-quality healthcare, Switzerland offers a comprehensive and rejuvenating rehab experience.

How do rehabs in Switzerland ensure privacy and confidentiality?

Rehabs in Switzerland ensure privacy through ethical practices, tight security, discreet staff, and secluded settings. Some luxury rehabs treat one client at a time for utmost privacy. With a commitment to confidentiality, clients can focus on their recovery without worrying about compromising their privacy.

What support services do Swiss rehabs provide for international clients?

Swiss rehabs offer comprehensive support for international clients, including concierge services, travel assistance, translation services, cultural adaptation support, and personalized aftercare plans. These services ensure that international clients feel comfortable throughout their recovery journey in Switzerland, especially at ultra-luxury rehabs.

Athletes and Addiction: Can You Attend Rehab Without It Becoming a Headline?


Professional athletes battle with keeping up with the competition, and performance-enhancing drugs are one such way to do so.

But what about when athletes begin abusing drugs or other destructive behavioral patterns outside of the workplace? When depression and isolation overcome an athlete off the field?

Addiction in sport is quite common. And due to the nature of the work, it can be difficult for athletes to both accept and receive the help they need without it destroying their career. Yet, if you carry on without getting help, you put everything at risk—your career, your health, and even your life.

Michael Phelps lost his sponsorship deal with Kellogg’s1 when he was pictured smoking cannabis. Montee Ball’s NFL career was short-lived due to struggles with alcohol and depression.2 Chris Herren’s professional basketball career ended due to addiction;3 paramedics revived him several years later from a heroin overdose.

If you’re a professional athlete, here’s how you can attend rehab and get help without landing in the headlines.

1. Leave the Country

Some countries thrive on celebrity culture.

Their people soak in celebrity problems like they’re their own. But there are countries where celebrities can walk down the street without hassle (and attend rehab without landing in the tabloids).

Switzerland is renowned for its security, privacy and non-sensationalism. The country has some of the most exclusive rehab centers in the world. They prioritize your privacy and ensure that the tabloids can’t get to you.

Many centers here offer individual therapy and bespoke treatments so that you can get the help you need without fear of getting caught by reporters.

To find out more about rehab in Switzerland, watch our video series on Swiss rehab centers.

2. Get Exclusive Treatment, Tailored to You

If you’re a celebrity athlete struggling with addiction and you want to get help in privacy, consider avoiding group therapy sessions. While other people in therapy might not tell your story to the news, they may sell it at another point in the future.

Keeping out of the tabloids is about risk reduction. The fewer people that see you, the less likely your story will leak.

Attending private individual treatment that is personalized to you is one way to do that. Some centers, such as Tikvah Lake Recovery in Florida or The Dawn Rehab in Chiang Mai, help you stay off the grid.

3. Get the Tabloids to Sign a Super-Injunction

Before you go to rehab, you can take steps with the media to legally inform them that they can’t report on particular issues for the sake of selling a story.

In the U.K., a super-injunction4 is an effective way of minimizing reported stories about your rehab. However, it uses the term “reported stories” because it’s becoming difficult to avoid stories leaking on social sites like Twitter.

Ryan Giggs’ case is a famous example. He sought an injunction to protect his identity over an alleged affair with a reality TV contestant, as well as a super-injunction to protect himself against an affair he had with his brother’s wife for eight years.

While these stories were eventually leaked and brought to light by media sources, a super-injunction can be an effective way of reducing your risk of making the headlines, especially if your story is personal to you and uncontroversial.

4. Tell Your Team You’re on Holiday or Hiatus

In most cases, tabloid news stories are leaked from the inside. It’s not unusual for a member of your team to sell your story to make a quick buck. And while we encourage you to only work with trusted people, that isn’t always the case.

To minimize your risk of getting “caught in rehab,” avoid telling people. It might seem like simple advice, but money buys secrets, and the media has a lot of money.

Your team only needs to know that you’re away on holiday or hiatus; they don’t need to know more details.

5. Be the First to Share About It

This is definitely counterintuitive and not for everyone. If you don’t want to be in the headlines for a drug or alcohol problem or other mental health issues, submitting an honest, transparent statement to media sources or posting an update on your social media accounts is the last thing you would choose to do.

However, this approach may work really well. You may desire, for instance, “to be the change you want to see in the world” and show that it’s okay to seek out treatment for addiction and mental health issues. That it’s actually the best thing you can do and a sign of strength not weakness. You may feel that being straightforward and honest about your situation will actually help mitigate speculation and gossip, especially if you’re concerned about it leaking anyway. Although all were in blackmail situations, consider Alexander Hamilton with the Reynolds Pamphlet, Jeff Bezos’s Medium article,5 and John Skipper’s resignation statement.6 If you do choose this route, be prepared for potential consequences.

Be Sure to Seek the Help You Need

With all this said, the most important factor about attending rehab is to get the right help for you.

Many locations across the globe have unique and tailored solutions that will work for some athletes but not for others.

Be sure to do your homework on the rehab center you’re interested in and choose one based on the treatment available and the expert clinicians who work there. These clinicians, after all, are the ones who will help you get sober and stay sober.

To get the specialized treatment you may need, explore our collection of rehabs across the globe to learn about pricing, their treatment approach, clinical team, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Privacy for Athletes

Where can athletes with drug addiction get help?

Help is available for athletes struggling with addiction:

• Your primary care physician may refer you to treatment.
• A specialized mental health professional can guide your recovery.
• Find an addiction treatment program specifically for athletes. Some have unique therapies like HBOT
• Join a 12-Step or non-12-Step support group in addition to a treatment program.

Can athletes go to rehab without anyone knowing? 

It’s possible. Single-client rehabs offer completely private treatment. Going abroad is another option. Countries like Switzerland have strict privacy laws and some of the world’s most exclusive rehabs.

How can athletes attend rehab in private?

You can attend rehab abroad, or get personalized treatment at a private rehab that offers individualized care, private rooms, and doesn’t require group therapy.

More Than a Business: The Unique Benefits of a Family-Owned Rehab


Written by Ben Camp, CEO of RehabPath

Over the past few years, I’ve had the chance to visit a number (the current count is 19, I believe) of the luxury rehabs listed on our site.

I’ve enjoyed meeting the teams behind each one, but have come to particularly appreciate and recognize the unique benefit of family-owned and operated centers. Here are a few of the reasons that dynamic can be so special.

Financial Independence

There’s certainly nothing inherently wrong with institutional investors, but a key benefit communicated to me when visiting these centers is that without an institutional investor to answer to, family-owned rehabs find they are freer to make decisions that put client needs over profit when necessary.

Don Lavender (Programme Director) and his wife Meena (Family Therapist & EMDR Practitioner) run Camino Recovery in Malaga, Spain. Don and Meena spent many years working for institutional treatment centers in the US and UK, and Don was happy to share the benefits of operating a family-owned center.

team camino
Don (right) and Meena (front, 2nd from left) and their team at Camino Recovery.

“Meena and I wanted to do this on our own. Even though we’ve been approached a number of times, we haven’t gone with or worked with investors. Because when you have to pay more attention to the bottom line than paying attention to the welfare of the client, sometimes a good business decision can turn out to be a poor clinical decision.”

Jan Gerber, Managing Director of Paracelsus Recovery in Switzerland, who runs the company with his mom, the Clinical Coordinator, and dad, the Medical Director puts it this way, “I have a very strong belief that institutional money, institutional investments, and mental health don’t work together. Because when it comes to mental health treatment, be it addiction treatment, eating disorders, depression, or anything else, there is no objective decision. Does a person need more psychotherapy or less psychotherapy? More of that treatment or less of that treatment? It needs to be a clinical decision where the budget and financial side is completely cut off.”

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Jan (center) and his mother Dr. Christine Merzeder (center right) meeting with their team.

Intimate Atmosphere

For the most part, family-run treatment centers tend to be smaller, more intimate environments. Of the four I mention in this post, Camino is the largest with a maximum of 8 clients, which is well below the norm for residential treatment centers.

Dr. David Nesenoff, of Tikvah Lake Recovery in Florida, provides an extremely personalized treatment experience with treatment taking place entirely in his home.

“Even though Tikvah Lake Recovery is a 15,000 square foot mansion on a 200-acre private lake, this is our home. My wife Nancy and I live here. There are no signs outside and if one were to poke their head in they would see a peaceful home with a few guests visiting. Our clients are considered guests in our home and they are treated as such. Discussions around our table can be anything from talking about the unbelievable food in front of us or about our day or just some fun stuff hosts and guests usually talk about around the family table. Our clinical director becomes part of the family as well as he often joins us around the lunch table and he and his staff are on-site working with our guests one-on-one every day.”

Dr. Nesenoff welcomes potential clients into his home in the short clip above.

David and his son Adam, who operate the center together, believe that the size of the facility (the program is limited to a maximum of 6 people) and the home-like atmosphere are key factors to their guests’ success.

Ameet Braich, Clinical Director of Camino Recovery (and the son of Meena Lavender) also sees great benefit in a more intimate setting. “We’ve all come from years in the field, working in larger institutions and have found that working in a clinical environment is detrimental to the therapeutic process. Having a small, intimate space where people can really get honest and open up about their issues, really works well in this setting.”

Addiction Is a Family Problem

My first exposure to a family-owned and operated treatment center was Duffy’s Napa Valley. From its founding in 1967 until it was acquired in 2015, Duffy’s operated as a family-run business, and frequently described themselves as “A family business for a family problem.” That slogan resonated with me, and I think its a key component to why family-owned centers are so special.

Addiction is a problem that affects the entire family and can also be a byproduct of problems within the family. So “it is natural for the solutions to these struggles and barriers to be learned within a family environment,” says Nesenoff.

Clients at a family-operated program get the chance to see family dynamics in action, which in itself can be helpful. Don says, “We’re imperfect just like every family. But when we mess up or make mistakes, we acknowledge it. And, in a way, it gives the clients the permission to learn.”

As a key part of their program, Camino invites the families of their clients to join them on site for a 5-day workshop, where according to Don, they teach them about the “disease concept and codependency” as well as a focus on enablement.

He doesn’t doubt that there is a connection between Camino’s family ownership and the effectiveness of their family program. “Camino is a family-owned and family-run business. … We pay attention to families seriously, not only our own family but the family systems of others. … Family is important. It is of value. And when people leave us, they return to family.”

A Dream Come True

“It’s a dream come true.” This is how Debby Berry, co-founder of Kembali Recovery described starting and running a treatment center with her son Clayton.

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Clayton and Debby show us a nearby waterfall for our Bali Destinations episode.

As anyone who runs a family business knows, it has its challenges. But more often than not, the benefits are worth the effort, and felt not only throughout the organization but by the clients and their families in desperate need of help.

When considering treatment options, you should always investigate the quality of the program. Search our collection of rehabs and find key information such as licensing, accreditations, and pricing at a glance. Whenever possible, consult a trusted medical or mental health professional before a final decision is made.

Frequently Asked Questions About Family-Run Rehabs

What are the benefits of a family-run rehab?

Family-run rehabs may have more flexibility and tend to prioritize clinical care over profits. Most treat a few patients at a time in an intimate, home-like setting. This comfortable atmosphere helps patients open up in therapy.

What is the difference between a family-owned rehab and state-funded rehab?

The cost of treatment without insurance is a key difference between family-owned and state-funded rehabs. State-funded rehabs offer low- to no-cost treatment for uninsured people. However, it often takes longer to enter state programs compared to family-owned rehabs.

Do family-run rehabs have better family programs?

Family-run rehabs tend to pay special attention to their family program. Patients also get to see healthy family dynamics in action and can apply these to their own lives.