Anxiety Treatment Options Explained: Virtual, Outpatient, and Residential Care

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As someone intimately familiar with anxiety, you already know there’s no simple explanation for what causes your anxiety or even why you feel anxious some days and not others. Everyday life is full of different triggers. On top of that, today many of us are also facing the additional stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic: sheltering in place, living in isolation, worrying about income and job security, balancing working and schooling from home. The list could go on.

It’s not surprising, then, that throughout 2020, the amount of mental health cases, including anxiety, has been on the rise. One U.S. nonprofit, Mental Health America (MHA), reported that, of the 1.5 million people they screened, the number of people with moderate to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety1 steadily increased throughout the past year.

“As the pandemic relentlessly persists, we are seeing the highest levels of anxiety and depression reported since the pandemic2 hit the U.S. in March,” said Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of MHA. “This is a troubling trend being fueled by loneliness and isolation.”

No matter why you’re feeling anxious, remember: You’re not alone. Many different types of treatment options and therapies are still available to help you cope with, manage and move beyond your anxiety.

Virtual Therapy or Telehealth

This past year, the availability of telehealth appointments, or audio/visual calls with a therapist or health professional, has skyrocketed. Although the tech to accommodate virtual appointments has been around for more than a decade, the lockdowns and social distancing requirements brought on by COVID propelled many companies to start offering telehealth as a viable choice for receiving treatment.

In fact, Amwell’s 2020 Physician and Consumer survey found that, of those surveyed, the percentage of physicians who offered telehealth nearly quadrupled3 from 22% to 80% between 2019 and 2020. And the number of consumers who took advantage of virtual care grew from 8% in 2019 to 22% in 2020. The medical industry in general has rapidly pivoted this past year to accommodate the needs of patients who have restricted in-person appointment availability and options, no matter what the reasons. It’s clear from the surge in use that telehealth is likely here to stay.

Online Anxiety Rehab Programs

Similarly to the medical industry, today many treatment centers around the world have recognized the need and demand for more online therapy and rehab programs. These virtual outpatient programs offer flexible, ongoing support and treatment from the privacy of your own home. Online anxiety programs can include virtual clinics, online support groups, and one-on-one counseling sessions.

Many centers in our directory offer online and telehealth treatment options to help you find the care you need without having to overcome any physical or location logistical challenges.

Inpatient Anxiety Treatment

Even though online treatment is a great solution for many people, if you have a severe form of anxiety, inpatient rehab centers offer both a more intensive level of care and a more immersive treatment experience. Seeking inpatient treatment during the pandemic can still be a viable option. Many anxiety treatment centers have remained open, fully operating with all of the necessary, state-required COVID-19 safety precautions in place.’s up-to-date list of open treatment centers with COVID-19 measures in place can help you find access to in-person treatment from some of the best rehabs around the world.

More Information on Healing from Anxiety

Types of Therapies for Anxiety

Part of the fear that comes with seeking treatment is the fear of the unknown: What’s actually going to happen when I get help for my anxiety? And that fear only makes your anxiety worse! So, understanding the types of therapies your counselor or rehab center may use can help you overcome that fear and reduce your anxiety around actually getting help.

Therapists use many different types of therapies to treat anxiety:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):4 This is a form of talk therapy that focuses on equipping you with strategies to understand and change your thinking and behavioral patterns. CBT is the most commonly used therapy to treat anxiety.
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT):5 The goal of MBCT is to help you better understand your mind and your moods by combining cognitive therapy practices with meditative, mindfulness practices.
  • Experiential Therapy: Going beyond talk therapy, this approach recreates real experiences to help you understand your inner thoughts and better process your emotions. Examples of some of the methods used in experiential therapy include art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, and psychodrama.
  • Stress Management: One common root cause of anxiety is chronic stress. This type of therapy will help you identify areas or events in your life adding to your stress, and therefore, anxiety levels.

These therapies can also be used to treat other mental illnesses, like depression and OCD. If your anxiety co-occurs with other mental illnesses, these therapies may be an effective treatment option for your co-occurring mental health issues as well.

Learn Techniques for Managing Anxiety

One of the most impactful effects of getting treatment for anxiety is learning techniques for managing your anxiety that you can rely on and use for the rest of your life. No matter how you get treatment for your anxiety, your therapist will likely equip you with the skills to manage your anxiety at home and to prevent your anxiety from reaching a critical point. Plus, the support you receive from a therapist and/or a program for overcoming your anxiety can continue—with aftercare options and ongoing therapy, your path to healing can be as short or as long as you need it to be.

Find the Best Luxury Rehab for Your Anxiety

No matter what your current living, work and relationship circumstances are, you don’t have to suffer through your anxiety. You can get help. There are many local, national and international treatment options and types of therapy available. You can explore our collection of treatment centers by location, treatment approach, or therapy type to find the one that’s best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab for Anxiety

Can you go to rehab for anxiety?

Yes, many rehabs treat anxiety. Treatment options include online and inpatient anxiety rehab programs.

How long should you stay in rehab for anxiety?

The length of stay in rehab for anxiety varies widely based on your unique symptoms. Most rehabs offer 30-90 day programs.

What types of therapy help with anxiety?

These therapies are commonly used to treat anxiety:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
• Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Experiential therapy
• Stress management

“The Land of Smiles”: Rediscover Peace With Rehab in Thailand

Recovery in Thailand - Buddha statue

Watch: The LuxuryRehab team visited Thailand to learn more about its unique appeal as a treatment destination.

Between 1946 and 2019, Thailand was under the rule of a man named Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Adulyadej was the ninth ruler of Thailand, and in 1987, he was conferred as King Bhumibol the Great.

King Bhumibol the Great spread joy across the country of Thailand, and at his coronation ceremony at the Grand Palace on May 5, 1950, he promised his people that he would have an unfaltering determination to eliminate hardships from all people living in Thailand, regardless of race and religion.

King Bhumibol the Great’s legacy is one of hope, joy and happiness.

It’s one of peace and love that, to this day, continues to resonate throughout the entire country. Arguably, King Bhumibol the Great’s most famous words are these:

“Thailand was built on compassion.”

The reason we share this story is simple.

Thailand, whether it’s the people, the culture or the geography, is a country that exudes human empathy and tranquillity.

And it’s because of this that it is regarded as one of the top destinations for rehabilitation for everyone, regardless of location or ailment.

A Unique Cultural Experience

thailand temple

Thailand is the cultural hub of the world. It’s the place where many Westerners fly to during their youth for a sense of exploration, adventure and self-discovery.

It’s also a place where many adults escape to for tranquil yoga retreats, calming meditation sessions and peaceful riverside picnics.


There are many prominent pleasantries about the culture in Thailand. First and foremost, family matters.

In Thailand, it’s normal for extended families to live closely with one another, and it’s common for young children to be raised in-part by grandparents, aunts and other older relatives.


Secondly, respect is important. Like many countries in Southeast of Asia, the Thai people show a great deal of respect for one another and welcome tourists with open arms.


Lastly, Thailand promotes positivity. The entire country is shrouded in spirituality, and it is a place known for its monasteries and laid-back atmosphere. In short, Thai culture is centred around the notion of a healthy mindset.

Being surrounded by people who greatly respect both themselves and their communities, and who take care of their loved ones, can be extremely rewarding for those going through recovery.

It can help encourage a sense of self-worth in those who suffer from mental health issues like depression and also encourage someone to treat their body well if they’re suffering from addiction, for example.

A Culture That Promotes Holistic Wellness

At centers like The Dawn or Clarity Thailand—which are located on the outskirts of the northern town, Chiang Mai—wellness is built into the very foundations of recovery.

The view of mind and body as one is a big part of the Thai recovery experience, and centers like these include holistic activities like yoga, meditation and mindfulness when they treat patients.

By including these activities, a person going through treatment can learn the ways of the Thai people and build a positive foundation for the future, learning lessons that they can carry and practice with them for the rest of their lives.

For example, The Dawn is an AACI-accredited drug and alcohol rehab in Thailand where clients meet regularly with an English-speaking Buddhist Monk and undergo Asian influenced therapy, alongside a Westernized clinical program that adopts an evidence-based approach. It’s the best of both worlds.

Inexpensive Recovery Options

Rehab can cost a lot of money. And while it’s worth it to turn your life around, it’s often more attractive to look at rehab options overseas.

Not only is it less expensive, there’s also more privacy because you’re away from family and friends, and because places like Thailand are culturally different, there’s a lack of judgement, too.

In Thailand, rehab is cost-effective. For example, 180 Sanctuary At PuriPai Villa in Northern Thailand starts from $8,000 to $24,000 for a 14-day to 90-day program. Compare this to Bayside Marin in California, which is priced at $42,000 for the same time period, and the benefit of going abroad for treatment becomes a lot more appealing.

Treatment centers in Thailand are comparable with anywhere else in the world. Patients get luxury accommodation, meals, massages and the chance to experience the adventurous spirit of Thailand, all for less than the cost of attending rehab at home.

Thailand: A Promise Land for Health and Happiness

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Thailand is a country with its priorities in order.

Oftentimes in the hustle and bustle of the West, we can lose sight of the things that truly matter to us, and we land in sticky spots—it’s the reason wellness centers exist. Escaping these daily pitfalls and negativities for a far-off land like Thailand, then, can change everything.

Rejuvenation is at the very core of the country. It’s a place where one can be both lost and rediscovered in the tranquil mountains, and it’s a place where all expectations about what life should be are removed, leaving you with only what’s important.

The Thai people have a willingness to help others, and the country allows them to do so.

Browse our collection of luxury rehabs in Thailand. Read reviews, view their facilities, compare prices and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Thailand

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Thailand?

Thailand has a range of addiction treatment programs, including detox, inpatient and outpatient rehab, and aftercare services. Luxury rehabs in Thailand offer specialized programs, such as programs with a focus on spirituality.

What should I expect when attending rehab in Thailand?

You can expect personalized treatment in a tropical, peaceful environment with comfortable accommodation and amenities to enhance the recovery experience at a luxury rehab in Thailand. Many centers offer evidence-based therapies and holistic treatments, such as massage and yoga.

What are the benefits of attending a luxury rehab center in Thailand?

Benefits of attending a luxury rehab in Thailand include access to high-quality care, personalized treatment, luxury accommodations, tranquil environments, and wellness activities such as spa treatments.

Addicted Attorneys: How to Identify Your Addiction and Get the Help You Need

A 2016 study held by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association found that out of the participating 12,825 licensed attorneys, 21 percent of lawyers qualify as problem drinkers,1 while 28 percent struggle with mild or more serious depression and 19 percent struggle with anxiety.

What’s worse, only 3,419 lawyers responded to the question about drug use. As explained by the study’s lead author, Patrick Krill, in the New York Times:

“It’s left to speculation what motivated 75 percent of attorneys to skip over the section on drug use as if it wasn’t there.”

Substance use disorder among lawyers isn’t just prevalent in the United States. In fact, much of the Western world’s legal profession is built on drink and drugs. But the true problem does not lie in the substance use itself, it lies within the culture surrounding it.

In this blog post, we shed light on some of the common factors of addiction for those in the legal profession, why lawyers need to be vigilant in recognizing them, and how you can seek the help you or a colleague might need to get sober and stay sober.

Death by Drugs: The Story of Peter

In July 2017, the New York Times published an article about the life of Peter, a high-level Silicon Valley attorney who overdosed on drugs.2

According to the article, it was a problem that his ex-wife, children, colleagues and close friends didn’t see coming. Further, it was a problem Peter felt he could fight on his own, but he failed to make the necessary priority adjustments to make time for doing so. His work always came first.

The article is eye-opening for any lawyer experiencing similar issues, and we urge you to read it. In the article, the writer depicts a scene prior to Peter’s death. The line reads:

“Of all the heartbreaking details of [Peter’s] story, the one that continues to haunt me is this: The history on his cell phone shows the last call he ever made was for work. Peter, vomiting, unable to sit up, slipping in and out of consciousness, had managed, somehow, to dial into a conference call.”

In any scenario, it’s difficult to understand why humans put their work before their own lives.

Perhaps it’s because we don’t want to let others down. Perhaps it’s because self-punishment is an all too common illness we’ve yet to talk about. Whatever it is, work is work and will remain so for the rest of time. Your health is precious; and it requires intentional effort to keep it stable.

A Few Addiction Factors to Watch Out For

There are many reasons people turn to drugs to deal with the realities of life. Failed careers, a lack of income, the death of a family member, stress … each person becomes addicted for their own reasons.

In the legal profession, however, there are some specific warning signs to watch out for. For example:

1. Overworking

attorney overworked

We can only work so hard.

We need sleep, food, water and rest to ensure we can sustain a peak level of performance in anything we do. But due to the nature of the legal profession, lawyers tend to work more than most other people.

Sure, they might bill 40 or 50 hours of work in a week, but in truth, lawyers likely work 60 or 70 hours3 just to keep up.

Balancing this level of work with a social life often means staying awake and “on” to get the job done, and some people may turn to artificial substitutes. According to the same study, 5.6 percent of respondents used cocaine, crack and other stimulants, 5.6 percent used opioids, and nearly 16 percent used sedatives to turn themselves off after a long day.

Be sure to recognize the signs of overworking and proactively deal with these problems by speaking up. There’s no shame in admitting you need help.

2. A Lack of Time With Family

In Peter’s story, it was expressed that he didn’t have enough time to spend with his family and that he’d often go out in the evening and not return.

Isolation is an all too common addiction factor, and it makes it difficult for people to identify personality changes. If you begin to notice that you’d rather be alone and taking drugs instead of around the people you love, it’s time to speak up and seek expert help.

3. Stress

Often people use smoking, alcohol and drugs as ways of trying to evade the reality of a situation and “calm down” when life gets overwhelming. In 2015, Bloomberg estimated that workplace stress contributes $190 billion in healthcare expenses4 and more than 120,000 deaths each year.

Given the nature of hard work, stress can be classified as an epidemic in the legal profession.5 Last year, legal website Above The Law wrote an article titled Stressed-Out Lawyers in First 10 Years of Practice More Likely to Have Mental-Health and Wellness Issues and they’re accurate in their statement.

As explained in the article:

“If you know 10 lawyers, three of them are likely depressed, and two of them are suffering from a drinking problem or anxiety.”

Get the Help You Need With Rehab

The stigma behind going to rehab is slowly diminishing, and the acceptance of seeking help is becoming more prevalent.

In the medical profession, which is also a high pressure, high-stress career path, doctors can enter rehab, get the treatment they need, and still continue practicing medicine once they’re sober.

The legal profession is similar. No longer should you or your colleagues fear losing your legal license and getting fired; you’re human. However, continuing down a path of substance use and overworking can be detrimental to any career.

We finish this article by addressing you personally:

If you notice that you’re becoming reliant on drugs, it’s difficult to balance work and life, or if you’re failing to treat yourself with the respect you deserve, help is available.

The United States has several lawyer assistance programs and we urge you to pick up the phone and call them.

If you feel that rehabilitation is your ticket to recovery, we urge you to find a rehab center that fits your needs.

Remember: You are not alone.

Frequently Asked Questions About Addiction Among Lawyers

Are lawyers more prone to addiction?

Certain factors increase the likelihood of addiction among lawyers. These include the normalization of drinking and drug use, overwork, and chronic stress.

How prevalent is drug use among lawyers?

Self-reported figures show 22.6% of lawyers engaged in problematic drug use or drinking at one point in their lives. Actual numbers may be higher. (75% of respondents in the same study skipped over questions about drug use.)

Can lawyers continue practicing after rehab?

If you were disbarred due to drinking or drug use, you can practice again under 3 conditions: 

1. You received appropriate rehabilitation.
2. You’ve abstained from drinking and drug use for one year minimum. 
3. You’ll likely continue to abstain.

Rehab Center Accreditation: Does It Matter?

Luxury Rehab Certification | LuxuryRehab

If you visit the website of a rehab center in the United States, more often than not you’ll find a section dedicated to accreditations from a variety of organizations. For example, Bayside Marin in Northern California has the CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accreditation and the BBB (Better Business Bureau) accreditation.

Interestingly, the CARF accreditation comes from an independent non-profit organization, one that has no affiliation with regulatory or governmental bodies. Consequently, accreditation like this can be confusing.

We must ask, then: Does a rehab center accreditation matter?

A Look at Accrediting Bodies

There’s a smorgasbord of accrediting bodies that exist in the world of rehab centers. The most common are CARF and the Joint Commission. There are other accrediting bodies as well. For example, (WAATME) is an online service that aims to accredit non-pharma-funded rehab centers. The Council on Accreditation (COA), on the other hand, is a non-profit accrediting body that outlines the different standards rehab centers need to meet based on their audience. There’s also the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), who do exactly what their name implies.

In the United States, almost all rehab centers are licensed, certified or accredited in some form.

The 2017 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services held by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA,1 reports the following percentages by accreditation body:

Accreditation organization 
CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehab Facilities)29 percent
Joint Commission20 percent
NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance)3 percent
COA (Council on Accreditation)5 percent

With so many different accrediting bodies, it’s difficult to understand the rigor of each one. WAATME, for example, is a service that requires a rehab center to complete “three easy steps” to become accredited. First, the center must sign a declaration confirming they aren’t funded or influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Then they must meet an ethical management evaluation, which is a short online course. Finally, they must pay an annual fee of $999 to remain accredited.

For a rehab center, an accreditation like this will add validity to their center, which in turn will drive business. But for $999 per year, is it worth paying for?

Quality Assurance Matters

Accrediting bodies can keep centers accountable to have the following:

  • Person-centered approach
  • Treatment options based on research
  • Coordinated plans of care
  • Safe practices
  • Protective environments
  • Qualified staff
  • Policy and procedure standards
  • Emergency plan that meets health and safety standards
  • Documentation, critical incident reports, and emergency drills
  • Commitment to continuous quality improvement

Most accrediting bodies put rehab centers through their paces and demand a high level of excellence that’s transferred to the people that matter most: the patients.

Accreditations require rehab centers to train staff to a high level and operate to the best of their ability. Often, they’ll encourage rehab centers to improve upon weak areas within their operations and to continue to deliver a service that exceeds the average standard.

Do Accreditations Matter?

In short: yes, accreditations do matter.

For example, CARF requires a review of service quality and analysis of patient outcomes to ensure effectiveness. The Joint Commission, on the other hand, asks programs to collect data and monitor opportunities for improving performance. Both include periodic on-site evaluations.

Joint Commission or CARF, Does That Matter?

Between these two accreditation bodies, rehab centers can achieve a high level of quality assurance throughout their facility. While accreditations cannot fully guarantee quality care, a center that’s accredited or actively pursing accreditation by either the Joint Commission or CARF typically demonstrates a commitment to quality and a desire to improve, learn, and grow.

This level of self-awareness to do and be better is important. It’s an assurance than can be translated into trust. When all is said and done, isn’t it trust that matters most in recovery?

To learn more, check out our carefully selected luxury treatment centers here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Accreditation

What does it mean if a rehab is accredited?

An accredited rehab has passed quality checks, inspections, and other criteria to meet quality standards set by a 3rd-party accrediting body.

What are the accrediting agencies for rehabs?

Rehabs can be licensed and certified by these accrediting bodies: 

• CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)
• Joint Commission 
• NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance)
• COA (Council on Accreditation)
• WAATME (World Accreditation Addiction Treatment Mark of Excellence)

What rehab accreditations should you look for?

It depends—each accrediting body has its own quality standards. CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and Joint Commission are the most common, established agencies. Both include on-site evaluations.

5 Ways to Help Someone Struggling With Depression

black young man looking into mountains

Watching someone you love struggle through depression can make you feel helpless: you want to offer support, but you feel unsure of how to help. With approximately 300 million people worldwide suffering from depression,1 many of us will at some point be close to someone experiencing this disorder. Although it may feel exasperating at times, with a little research and the right approach, there are some steps you can take to help.

1. Learn How to Recognize the Signs of Depression

Being able to spot the signs of depression will help you distinguish between who your loved one is and how their depression makes them act. This helps you take their behavior less personally, allowing you to better protect your own well-being. And, in turn, you can more supportive to them.

Common Characteristics of Depression2

  • Sleeping or eating more or less than usual
  • Low energy
  • Unexplained physical pain
  • Loss of interest in work, school, activities, or sex
  • Pervasive feelings of sadness, hopelessness and guilt
  • Talking about suicide

2. Express Your Concern

Though it may not be comfortable to bring up, the first step to getting help is to acknowledge that there’s a problem. Severe depression can be life-threatening,3 and people lost in its fog can’t see what others see. If you’re concerned about your loved one, kindly and compassionately let them know—it could be a vital step in the right direction.

3. Listen With an Open Heart

There’s a reason depression has been called the “disease of loneliness”4—depressed people often get labeled as “downers” and further isolated from their would-be support circles. But just like we care for loved ones struggling with any other ailment, we can do the same for someone who is struggling with depression.

Depression can be downright debilitating. Simply offering a listening ear, bringing over a hot meal or sitting with your loved on to watch a movie are great ways to show your support. Since this illness makes it difficult to express any positive emotions like gratitude or appreciation, you may feel like your kindness goes unnoticed. But the truth is that thoughtful deeds like these can give someone strength to get through the day.

It also puts you in the best position to encourage them to get help.

4. Encouraged Your Depressed Loved One to Get Proper Care

The good news is that depression is treatable.5 Because it’s such a motivation killer, the role loved ones play in getting a depressed person into treatment can’t be understated. Depression that remains untreated can get worse over time, so getting your loved one into treatment is paramount. And although setting boundaries with a depressed loved one6 is often easier said than done, it’s also equally important to protect your own physical and mental health in the process. Leaving the counseling up to the professionals is the best course of action, especially for severe depression.

5. Look Into Depression Treatment Options

Treatment comes in many different forms, including inpatient rehab for depression, which can yield great results. This can be a good option for people whose depression is more acute, or who weren’t happy with the outcomes of previous approaches they tried. Treatment methods for depression vary, but typically consist of some combination of medication, counseling, and holistic therapies.

To learn more about what programs are available and browse centers based on location, specialization, and more, visit our collection of luxury rehab centers specializing in depression.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some ways to help someone struggling with depression?

You can help someone with depression by offering emotional support, listening without judgment, encouraging them to seek professional help, and promoting healthy habits like exercise and good sleep. Be sure to avoid making assumptions about their condition.

What should I do if someone I know is suicidal?

If you know someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is important to take their statements seriously and seek professional help immediately. You can encourage them to call a suicide prevention hotline and accompany them to get emergency care.

California Rehabs: What’s Available and What to Ask to Make Sure You Know What You’re Getting

landscape shot of houses, palm trees at sunset in San Clemente, CA

California is home to more than just breathtaking scenery, iconic beach culture and a world-famous entertainment industry—it also hosts some of the most innovative and effective rehab centers in the world. With its top-notch professionals, state-of-the-art technology, emerging holistic practices and year-round perfect weather, the Golden State is a coveted rehab location. But with seemingly endless options available, people seeking treatment may have a hard time deciding just which center is right for them. Let’s take a look at some available resources for rehab in California, and some factors to consider when choosing the right one.

san francisco

Types of Residential Addiction Treatment Centers in California

Most rehabs in California offer inpatient (or residential) treatment options. Inpatient usually refers to living at and receiving care from the same treatment provider. The most intensive level of treatment, inpatient rehab offers the benefit of removal from your normal using environment, triggers and other factors that could complicate your recovery. Therapeutic outcomes in residential care tend to be experienced more quickly. This option is usually recommended for people with especially complicated or high-risk concerns such as co-occurring disorders or the need for medically supervised withdrawal (or detox).1

Residential Rehabs on a Campus

In this “campus”-style residential setting, guests live on-site and work through a full schedule of therapy and activities for typically a minimum of 28 days, with the option to extend treatment for continued development and support. Little transportation is needed since living quarters and clinical spaces are all on one location. The center may have outings or certain activities that require transportation, as well as transportation to personal appointments (like a doctor’s appointment).

Residential Rehabs With Separate Buildings and Transportation

Some residential rehabs house clients in separate living facilities nearby and provide daily transportation to clinical facilities and activities. While the treatment may be similar to a “campus”-style center, the logistics will look a little different. You can still certainly obtain high-quality, intensive treatment this way. It’s just good to know up front so your expectations are more informed.

If living on a campus is important to you, you may want to ask the center about it. Most rehabs who employ the above model—sometimes called “hub-and-spoke” (although this term means other things too)—do not openly advertise it, so it’s something you’ll want to bring up when you talk to the admissions team. You can be direct and ask if clinical and living facilities are connected on the same property lot, or indirectly. It’s also a good idea to ask what a day in their program looks like.

Holistic Rehabs

The West Coast has always been on the cutting edge of new age remedies, and rehab is certainly no exception. Californian rehabs are home to robust program offerings for alternative therapies like yoga, reiki, crystal healing, sound- and movement-based therapies and nutrition-focused approaches. Holistic treatment methods aim not only to treat addiction, but to promote overall wellness and healing of the mind, body, soul and spirit through diverse practices that may be able to access parts of the brain that more conventional therapies don’t reach. Holistic rehab may be a good option for you if you’re looking for a broader lifestyle change, if you’re spiritually inclined or if you prefer natural remedies to more Western-style treatment methods.

yoga on beach

Executive Rehabs

Seeking treatment can pose specific challenges for executives and business owners, who may have difficulty attending inpatient treatment when they have a business to attend to, or feel pressures surrounding their reputation. California is home to several executive rehabs offering various options to accommodate the lives of busy, high-achieving professionals, such as relaxed technology and internet use policies, business facilities and flexible scheduling. Keep in mind, however, that there are pronounced benefits to leaving your nine-to-five at the door while attending inpatient treatment—a conversation with your rehab’s admissions team and/or an initial assessment with an addictions counselor should help you decide what type of program best fits your needs.

Rehab for Teens and Young Adults

Treating addiction in adolescents and young adults requires a different approach. While adults are likely to have already developed a more severe addiction after years of substance abuse, young people are often in an experimental phase that has more to do with behavioral issues than actual dependency. However, because addiction has especially pronounced impacts on the developing brains of under-25-year-olds,2 treatment for these issues is just as urgent. Many Californian rehabs specialize in youth addiction treatment and offer cool program options like surf therapy, wilderness therapy and exciting group outings. Most youth-focused facilities are gender-specific—look for a center that caters to your desired age range and, if applicable, academic preferences.

Ready to Go to Rehab in California?

When choosing a treatment center, it’s helpful to keep a few, key decision-making criteria in mind. Have a short list of questions on hand as you contact potential treatment centers. For example:

  • What is your treatment philosophy?
  • Do you offer on-campus accommodations or do clinical services take place at a different location?
  • Do you specialize in the treatment I’m seeking? What specialists do you have on staff?
  • What does a typical day look like?

Decide what’s important to you, and ask the right questions to make sure the rehab you’re considering can provide what you need. To learn more about available treatment centers and their price range, check out our comprehensive list of California luxury rehabs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in California

How much does rehab cost in California?

Most luxury rehabs in California cost between $25,000-$50,000 per month. Some ultra-exclusive programs cost over $80,000.

Where will I live during rehab in California?

Residential rehabs in California offer 2 main types of living arrangements: on-site and off-site, which involves commuting to clinical facilities. If staying on campus is important to you, ask admissions about accommodations. Some rehabs don’t clearly state that their housing is off-site.

What kind of rehabs are there in California?

As a leading rehab destination, California has many highly specialized centers. You can find holistic rehabs with cutting-edge alternative treatments, executive rehabs, rehabs for teens, and much more.

What to Pack for a 28-Day Stay at Luxury Rehab


If you or you’ve enrolled in a treatment program at a luxury rehab, you’ve already done the important part: taking a critical step toward addressing your addiction. Residential addiction treatment typically lasts for a minimum of 4 weeks. Knowing what to bring with you can make your stay that much more comfortable.

Here are some essentials to think about including on your residential rehab prep list:

1. Seasonally and Culturally Appropriate Clothing

travel temple
Pack culturally appropriate clothing for public excursions.

There are several things to consider when packing clothing for your stay in rehab. First, pick clothes that are seasonally appropriate for your destination. Depending on the location of your facility, you may need to account for significant changes between nighttime and daytime temperatures. You should also take note of any predicted weather issues, such as rain or heat waves. Some rehabs offer fitness training, yoga or other complementary activities. Look into what activities you might want to participate in, and bring the appropriate gear to do so. This might include the following items:

  • casual clothing for your daily programming and leisure time at the center
  • athletic attire and footwear for fitness activities
  • hiking boots for nature excursions
  • a day bag for tours
  • loungewear for downtime and spa services
  • comfortable sleepwear
  • plenty of fresh socks and underwear
  • a swimsuit, if your rehab is near the beach or has a pool
  • a wide-brimmed hat or cap for sunny destinations

Be sure to check your center’s dress code for guidelines. If you’re heading to a destination rehab in a foreign country, remember to take local customs into account and pack culturally appropriate clothing for public excursions. As a rule, extended-stay luxury facilities make laundry services available. This means that you won’t have to pack fresh clothes for all 28 days—aim to bring enough options to last you for at least a full week.

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You’ll want a swimsuit for downtime by the pool—check your center’s dress code for guidelines.

2. Toiletries

Many luxury rehabs have spas and offer grooming services; some even have full-service nail and hair salons. But as toiletries are particular items, you’ll want to bring the things that meet your preferences and standards for personal care. Having your favorite shampoos, soaps, fragrances and skincare on hand can provide a welcome sense of indulgence and comfort during your time away from home. Note that the facility may require you to bring only unopened items; check with admissions staff for details.

3. ID, Documents and Other Practical Information

Most luxury facilities recommend that you bring several essential pieces of information for your 28-day stay in residential treatment. These may include the following:

  • Your passport or official personal identification
  • Your insurance card
  • All current prescription medications, carried in their original, properly labeled pharmacy containers
  • A contact list of anyone you want to keep informed on the progress of your treatment
  • A credit card, debit card and/or checkbook
  • Enough cash to cover general store purchases, souvenirs and other incidental expenses

You may also want to pack a journal or notebook, basic jewelry like a watch or wedding ring, or photos of your loved ones. If you plan on bringing reading material, be aware that your program may encourage subject matter that supports your recovery.

4. Your Laptop and Cell Phone

Staying connected socially can either help or hinder your recovery progress. Many rehabs restrict internet use during your stay to create a calm, distraction-free environment that allows you to focus solely on your healing process. Some, however, have flexible device use policies to allow you to keep working or stay in contact with supportive partners, friends, and family members.

Technology use policies vary from rehab to rehab. Contact your rehab’s admissions team ahead of time for more information on this if internet access is important to you.

5. Your Pet

Studies show that access to pets can provide a range of important benefits for people in recovery from substance abuse or addiction. Some of the best residential rehabs allow pets or provide some form of animal-assisted therapy—an option that’s becoming increasingly popular. Depending on your program, you may be able to bring your pet provided they’re trained, well-socialized, and able to make the trip. However, in others, you may only have access to designated therapy animals that live onsite. Some programs offer both; check with your center for details.

What Not to Pack for Rehab

When planning for your 28-day stay in treatment, it’s also important to understand what’s generally not allowed in rehab:

  • All forms of drugs and alcohol
  • Prescription medications that are not a part of your approved treatment plan
  • Medications prescribed to another person
  • Pornography
  • Guns, knives and other weapons
  • Opened, non-prescription medications
  • Alcohol-containing mouthwash, perfumes, or colognes
  • Nail polish and nail polish remover
  • Food or drinks purchased before your arrival

To minimize distraction and promote a supportive environment, many treatment centers also ban playing cards, video games and handheld gaming or viewing devices. Ask your facility about what they do and don’t allow during your stay.

If you’re looking for a rehab center that’s the perfect fit for you, what you can or cannot bring into treatment could be an important factor in your decision. Do you have additional questions about the things you should pack for your extended stay in a luxury treatment program? See our searchable list of luxury rehabs for contact information on premier facilities around the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions About What to Pack for Rehab

What should I pack for a residential addiction treatment program at a luxury rehab?

When packing for your stay in rehab, consider bringing seasonally appropriate clothing, toiletries that meet your personal care preferences, essential documents like your passport and insurance card, your laptop and cell phone (if allowed), and your pet (if allowed). You should also bring all current prescription medications in their original, properly labeled pharmacy containers, as well as a credit card or debit card and enough cash to cover incidental expenses.

What documents should I bring to rehab for addiction treatment?

Be sure to bring essential documents like your passport or government-issued ID, insurance card, and a list of anyone you want to keep informed about your progress in treatment.

What items should I not bring to rehab?

All forms of drugs and alcohol, prescription medications that aren’t part of your approved treatment plan, medications prescribed to another person, pornography, guns, knives and other weapons, opened non-prescription medications, alcohol-containing mouthwash, perfumes, and food or drinks purchased before your arrival are usually not allowed in rehab. Check with your rehab about what items are allowed during your stay to avoid any complications.