Court-Ordered Rehab: What You Need to Know

There’s a strong connection between drug use and crime. First of all, just having certain drugs on hand is illegal. Some people also steal to fund their addictions or act out while under the influence. If you face legal action, the judge may decide court-mandated rehab is better than jail time. You can prepare for this type of treatment by learning how it works. 

What Is Court-Mandated Rehab?

Court-mandated rehab is an alternative to incarceration.1 Some judges use this option for first-time offenders. If your addiction is the main reason you broke the law, court-ordered treatment may be more appropriate than jail time. 

Many drugs impede good judgment,2 and some cause erratic behavior. For example, most people know that drunk driving is unsafe. But people with alcohol addiction often take high risks.3 You may look for ways to justify your actions, or you might not even consider that you’re putting people in harm’s way.

Court-ordered rehab gives you a chance to recover from addiction. By recognizing your own mistakes, you can change your life for the better.

How to Obtain Court-Ordered Rehab?

Ultimately, a judge will decide if you’re a candidate for court-ordered rehab. Different factors can affect how you obtain treatment, like the U.S. state in which you committed a crime. There are a few steps in the process of getting court-ordered treatment:4

  1. The judge decides if rehab is a better option than jail.
  2. The judge decides the length of court-mandated treatment.
  3. You attend an approved treatment center.

You can also request court-ordered rehab for someone else, even if they haven’t broken any laws. For example, the state of Massachusetts allows spouses and physicians to petition to send someone to rehab:

  1. You submit a petition for treatment.
  2. You go through an addiction assessment.
  3. The court decides whether rehab is the best option.
  4. The judge decides on the length of your treatment.
  5. You attend an approved treatment center.

Different states have different processes for requesting this type of rehab. If you think a person in your life needs mandatory treatment, look up how to petition a judge in your area. 

Who Is Eligible for Court-Mandated Rehab?

Many factors determine your eligibility for court-ordered drug rehabilitation.5 But it’s ultimately up to the judge. They’ll consider certain factors when deciding your case. 

Offender Would Benefit From Rehab

If the judge thinks you’ll benefit from court-ordered drug rehab, they’re more likely to offer it as an option. They’ll also consider what type of crime you committed. With non-violent offenses, like theft or drug possession, judges often recommend rehab over jail time. 

The Crime Was a Result of Alcohol or Drug Abuse

The judge may also consider your reasons for committing the crime. Many people break the law to fuel their drug addiction. For example, some drugs cause painful withdrawal symptoms and severe cravings.6 Even if you’ve never stolen before, you might do anything to make those symptoms stop. 

In these cases, judges may act with compassion. Court-ordered rehab holds you accountable while addressing the root cause of your behavior.

Types of Court-Ordered Rehab

There are several types of court-mandated rehab. The judge will choose between these options for you, even if they don’t pick a specific program.

Accelerated Pretrial Rehab Programs

An accelerated pretrial rehab program7 is a type of diversion program. Diversion programs avoid sentencing8 and offer an alternative to jail. If you’re a first-time offender, you can have criminal charges dismissed by attending this type of rehab.

Accelerated pretrial rehab focuses on getting to the root of the problem. So if you have an alcohol addiction and get a DUI for the first time, a judge might send you to pretrial rehab for alcohol treatment instead of going to trial.

Educational Programs

Court-ordered educational programs are classes that teach you about drugs and alcohol. The nature of your offense will determine which type of course you take:

  • Learning about the effects of addiction on yourself and the people around you
  • Identifying patterns of drug use and addiction
  • Creating a plan for positive life changes

Group Counseling Programs

A judge might send you to group counseling as a form of rehab. You’ll attend regular sessions with a therapist and 6-12 other people. In these meetings, you’ll learn coping skills and share mutual support. 

Detox and Inpatient Rehab Programs

If the judge thinks you require more intensive treatment, you may attend court-ordered detox and inpatient rehab. Detox is often the first step in addiction recovery. After you complete withdrawal safely, you can transition to longer-term inpatient care. 

Residential Counseling Programs

If you attend court-ordered residential rehab, you’ll probably spend up to 30 days in treatment.9 Many of these programs offer modified forms of 12-Step treatment. This kind of care provides more structure than outpatient programs. It may also focus on treating people who have committed a specific criminal offense.

Who Pays for Court-Ordered Rehab?

You have to pay for court-ordered rehab on your own. Some programs might require you to pay out of pocket, while others take insurance. 

All insurance companies cover addiction treatment10 to some extent. Still, your coverage depends on the type of program and your specific insurance plan. You might also meet the criteria for government subsidies and grants. 

Depending on your location, you may have a choice between treatment centers.11 Some states have specific treatment facilities for court-ordered rehab. Others let you choose a program from a list of approved rehabs. 

How Long Is Court-Mandated Rehab?

The duration of court-mandated rehab varies by program.12 Educational programs and accelerated pretrial rehab programs usually require you to complete certain hours. For example, you might take a 15-hour drug offender course for your first DUI. In most areas, court-ordered inpatient programs last at least 30 days, but some U.S. states offer 60-90 days of residential substance abuse treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Court-Ordered Rehab?

While it may feel like a punishment at first, court-ordered drug rehabilitation can serve as a wake-up call. These programs can serve to encourage patients to get the help they need before facing more severe consequences. 

Alternative to Jail

Jail is probably the last place anyone wants to be. Studies show people with substance use disorder benefit more from rehab than jail.13 You still have to spend time away from home in a rehab facility—but you’ll be in a space that helps you grow. During treatment, you can practice the coping skills you need to build a life you love.

Safe Environment 

Going to jail puts you at risk of violence and cuts you off from social support. A space like this can do more harm than good for someone with an addiction. 

Rehab programs, on the other hand, are there to help you recover. You’ll be in a protected space, with 24/7 access to a team of healthcare professionals. Their job is to keep you safe during detox and recovery.


Both jail and rehab hold you accountable for your actions. But while jail focuses on punishment, rehab motivates patients to heal. In therapy, you can learn how to take responsibility for your future. 

Support Network

In jail, there’s no guarantee that the people around you will have your best interests at heart. But you can build a strong support network in rehab. That may include your care team or other people in recovery. If your program offers family therapy, you can reconnect with loved ones while you’re still in residential treatment.

What Happens if Someone Fails Court-Ordered Rehab?

Sometimes people violate court orders by not attending therapy, skipping classes, or not taking treatment seriously. When you fail court-ordered rehab,14 the judge will decide on the consequences. They can choose between a variety of options:

  • Fines
  • More time in treatment
  • Extended probation
  • Immediate jail time

Is Court-Mandated Rehab Effective?

Involuntary addiction treatment can be very effective.15 A 2012 study found that people in mandatory rehab were more likely to complete treatment.16 Still, there isn’t much research on how effective court-ordered treatment is in the long term. 

The willingness to heal is a vital part of recovery. Court-ordered drug rehabilitation inspires many people to recover. Others may not be ready to commit to treatment. It all depends on the person.

Connect With a Treatment Program

Addiction and mental health issues can make it hard to recognize yourself sometimes. But there are many ways to get the help you need and start healing when you’re ready. 

Learn more about different types of treatment for addiction today. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Court-Ordered Rehab

What is court-mandated rehab?

Court-mandated rehab is an alternative to jail for people whose addiction led them to commit a crime. Instead of incarceration, a judge may order them to undergo addiction treatment to address the root cause of their behavior.

How do I obtain court-ordered rehab?

The decision for court-ordered rehab lies with the judge. If you or someone you know needs this type of treatment, you can submit a petition and go through an addiction assessment. The court will then determine if rehab is the best option and set the length of the treatment.

Who is eligible for court-mandated rehab?

Eligibility for court-ordered rehab depends on various factors considered by the judge. Offenders who would benefit from rehab, especially those involved in non-violent offenses driven by substance abuse, are more likely to be offered this option as an alternative to jail.

9 Ways To Help Someone With An Addiction

If your loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, you can make an impact in their life by supporting their recovery journey. Being a positive support for your loved one can help them navigate the transition to treatment, and life afterwards. If the addicted person doesn’t have a strong support network, they could easily fall back to old patterns. You can be that powerful motivator.

There are resources available to help work through addiction at all stages of rehabilitation. You can start the journey by finding addiction treatment to start the healing process today.

What To Do: How to Help Someone With an Addiction

Here are 9 ways you can help a loved one who’s struggling with addiction.

1. Educate Yourself

Addiction is not necessarily “curable,” but with understanding and guidance, it is possible to successfully manage the ups and downs of it. Education is key for family and loved ones to provide the best support to those affected by addiction. Empowering yourself through knowledge helps you through the recovery process.

The Biology of Addiction

When you take drugs, they interrupt how neurotransmitters communicate in the brain1. Addiction begins when your brain produces less of its natural neurotransmitters due to high, constant drug use. You can build up a tolerance and need to take more of the substance. At first, using drugs or drinking alcohol is a choice, but it can soon spiral out of control.

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Eventually, some neurotransmitter networks and areas of the brain become damaged from the constant disruption. Because of this, addiction changes your brain chemistry, so many scientists believe that it is a disease. In some ways, you can look at addiction like cancer or diabetes. It’s an ongoing disease that, luckily, can be treatable. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) thoughtfully puts it, “addiction is a disease, not a character flaw2.”

2. Recognize The Signs of Relapse

Just like other diseases, relapse is always possible. So, being aware of warning signs is crucial. Everyone’s triggers are different, but common ones include stress and trauma. 

If your loved one is about to relapse, you might notice them fudging the truth, keeping secrets, or lying about their whereabouts. They could also show other changes in behavior such as:

  • Being withdrawn or distant
  • Showing a loss of interest in activities they like
  • Displaying mood swings

If you notice this, you may want to start gathering resources for help and talk to a professional. 

3. Listen

Be compassionate with your loved one. Ask them questions about why they drink or use drugs. And speak without judgment. Getting them to trust you with this vulnerable information is the first step towards getting them the help they need.

3A. Be open-minded: Ask questions that can help your loved one reflect on their addiction and their progress. Don’t judge the person or their decisions. Show that you are open to different approaches and solutions.

4. Be Patient

This process can be a great opportunity to show your loved one how much you care. Being patient and empathetic throughout their recovery journey will help them through difficult times and be greatly appreciated. Let the person know that you care and understand what they are going through. Your presence and support will be invaluable to them.

5. Vocalize Your Support

Sometimes, we think actions speak louder than words, but voicing your support of this journey is so important. Just saying, “I love you, and we’re going to get through this together” can encourage your loved one during a confusing and difficult time. Here are some more supportive phrases for recovery:

1. “I’m here for you no matter what.”

2. “I’m proud of you for seeking help.”

3. “I believe in you.”

4. “I’m here to help.”

5. “You can do this.”

Words of Support and Encouragement for Your Loved One During Their Recovery Journey.

6. Set Healthy Boundaries

Prioritize yourself and your wellbeing while helping your loved one. It is a difficult process, so remember to take a break when needed. It’s okay if you are unable to be involved in every aspect of their healing. If a situation becomes heated, consider setting a boundary such as taking a break from the conversation to reflect and come back to it in a more peaceful mindset. 

7. Have Realistic Expectations

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient and supportive of your family member/friend’s journey of recovery. Celebrate each step of progress they make and encourage them to keep going. Don’t expect instant results, as change takes time and effort. Remind them that with perseverance, anything is possible. Be their source of hope and strength.

8. Offer resources

Suggest helpful resources or support groups that may be beneficial. Your loved one may want to look into different groups like Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous3, Women for Sobriety4, or SMART Recovery5. They can also explore our resource center with different articles to learn more about their condition or recovery in general.

9. Research Treatment and Recovery Resources

One of the biggest ways you can help your loved one is by getting them professional treatment. Rehab, outpatient programs, and/or therapy all teach clients the tools they need to regulate their emotions and behaviors to reinforce their sobriety. 

What Not To Do:

This is a sensitive time, and there are some things you might want to avoid to keep the recovery journey on track.

1. Don’t Enable

While you want to support your loved one, there’s a fine line between support and enabling. Don’t give your loved one money or a place to stay if their predicament results from drug use. Don’t tolerate negative behavior. And don’t rescue them every time they mess up. Instead, hold them accountable and practice tough love.

2. Don’t Blame Yourself or Them

Many factors go into how addiction forms, and you could end up wasting a lot of energy trying to pinpoint the cause. Instead, you can focus on taking action and moving forward to overcome this struggle.

3. Don’t Force Them To Quit

If your loved one feels like they can’t trust you because you demand they quit, that could make matters worse. They might start sneaking around or lying about their actions. And the less you know about their addiction, the less likely you’ll know how to help.

Offer to help them, but don’t demand sobriety immediately.

4. Don’t Ignore The Problem

Pretending an issue doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away, especially for addiction. By ignoring it, you’re enabling it. You can take concrete steps to better your loved one’s life.

Find a Treatment Program For Addiction

So your loved one admits they need help, now what?

Doing some research to find the best kind of treatment for their needs is a great start. 

A good, and often necessary, first step in the healing journey is detox. Medically monitored detox safely rids your body of drugs and alcohol and can help you feel clear minded and ready to tackle treatment.

Many people then need residential rehab to overcome their addiction. Residential care can help them replace their unhealthy coping mechanism, substances, with positive habits. They’ll learn new techniques with therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to be well equipped to face the uncomfortable feelings that come with addiction recovery. And they’ll likely engage in holistic activities like yoga for well-rounded healing.

If you’re a family member, you may want to look into a program that offers family therapy. Usually, you’ll work with a therapist and your loved one. Or, they might offer a family weekend for on-site visits. Another key component of family therapy is addiction education. You’ll learn more about the addiction and recovery process, so post-treatment your loved one will have a healthy environment to come home to.

Post-residential care, sober living homes offer more flexibility while providing a comfortable place for your loved one to focus on their sobriety. They’ll likely attend an outpatient program, go to work or school, and grow with other peers in recovery. This is especially great for those who need a stable environment to heal in.

Recovery starts with a single step. You can make an impact in your loved one’s life by reaching out to addiction treatment centers.

What is Hangover Anxiety?: Why Drinking Causes ‘Hangxiety’

Hangover anxiety, or hangxiety, isn’t a diagnosis, but rather how you feel after a night of drinking alcohol. A hangover has physical symptoms like nausea and a headache, but you can have mental effects as well.

Drinking responsibly likely won’t lead to these negative feelings; however, if you’re consistently drinking a lot and feeling hangover anxiety, then it may be time to look for help. Getting treatment for alcohol addiction can help you get a handle on your drinking, so you don’t have to wake up with worry the next morning. 

Hangover Anxiety or ‘Hangxiety’

75% of those who get a hangover have some impairment in their normal functioning1, like difficulty concentrating. On top of that, roughly 22% of drinkers also experience psychological effects like anxiety and depression after a night out. This is what we call hangxiety.

What Does Hangover Anxiety Feel Like?

When you start drinking, alcohol drives a surge of endorphins in the brain2, which feels good at first. Then, after this rush, there’s a decrease in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) which leads to a form of withdrawal. This is what we commonly refer to as a hangover.

This withdrawal affects you physically and mentally, including provoking anxiety and depression symptoms. Hangover anxiety can look different for everyone, but these are some common symptoms:

  • Restlessness
  • Anxiousness
  • Ruminating on yesterday’s events
  • Heart racing
  • Feeling guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating

What Causes Hangover Anxiety?

After your endorphins drop, your brain can quite literally feel exhausted the next day. Your body uses a lot of energy trying to maintain homeostasis after being affected by the alcohol. And cortisol, the stress hormone, releases after drinking3, making you feel even more anxious. 

These factors can also exacerbate hangnxiety symptoms:

1. Social Anxiety

You might use alcohol as a “social lubricant” if you experience social anxiety. This can cause you to drink more than you should. Though for those few intoxicated hours you may feel less anxious, these feelings return as the alcohol wears off. And if you have a hangover from excessive alcohol consumption, your anxiety can skyrocket. Alcohol will enhance whatever emotional state you’re in, so if you’re anxious, it’s going to come back in full swing.

2. Water intake

Alcohol is a diuretic, so drinking it makes you dehydrated. This can contribute to hangover anxiety because low water intake, which happens while drinking, is associated with detrimental effects on mood4. The more hydrated you are, the better chance you have of being in a good mood.

3. Sleep

Alcohol causes poor sleep quality5 because it messes with your rapid eye movement (REM) cycle. This, in turn, negatively affects your mood because getting proper sleep is vital for good mood and functioning. 

4. Emotional dysregulation

Emotional dysregulation is a common symptom in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also associated with intense cravings, higher alcohol consumption, and is commonly experienced during hangovers6. Lowered emotional competence during a hangover can lead to negative mood and thoughts, or, what you may feel during hangxiety. This can also contribute to regretful drinking behaviors.

5. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT)

Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is negative thought patterns that are recurring, unproductive, and common in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also a part of emotional dysregulation. These patterns of thinking are associated with prolonged negative emotional states6, so this can exacerbate symptoms when you experience hangover anxiety. 

How to Cope with Hangxiety

The best way to avoid hangxiety is to avoid drinking, especially in excess. Doctors recommend drinking a minimal amount of alcohol because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health problems such as liver damage, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

However, if you do decide to drink, there are a number of ways you can cope with your hangover anxiety and make this experience manageable:

However, drinking responsibly, or being abstinent, can help you avoid these feelings all together.  

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol

Life can be just as fun, if not better, without alcohol. You’ll feel healthier and more energized, which can help you do more outdoor activities like hiking or kayaking. You’ll also save a lot of money from not buying drinks, which you can spend on new experiences like travel or exploring the area you live in.

You can also talk with your therapist and dig into the real reasons why you’re drinking alcohol. Why are you having this drink? And why do you feel like you need to drink so much? This can reveal deeper issues that you can work through together. 

When to Seek Professional Help for Your Drinking and Anxiety

Taking a step back and assessing the role that alcohol plays in your life, especially if you have pre-existing anxiety or depression, is crucial. If you’re using alcohol as a crutch, and as a coping mechanism to suppress difficult feelings, then it may be time to reach out for help.

Mental Health Treatment Options

Alcohol is a depressant, so it can aggravate your existing conditions. If you drink to escape your anxiety or depression, treating the root cause of your disorder can help mediate this issue.

Attending an outpatient program can teach you skills to help you replace your drinking with healthy coping techniques. You’ll explore how drinking has been a way to hide from uncomfortable feelings, and then you’ll learn how to face those hard emotions. You’ll likely practice different talk therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to learn new positive ways of thinking. 

Virtual treatment for anxiety and depression can be a great way to learn these tools with more flexibility. You can prioritize healing and see how it fits into your life.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options

Detox with a licensed professional may be the first step in your sobriety journey. Safely ridding your body of alcohol can help you feel clear minded and ready to tackle treatment. Different levels of residential or outpatient care can help you replace your unhealthy coping mechanism, drinking, with positive habits.

A great option post-treatment is sober living homes. These programs are less structured than residential rehab, and provide a comfortable place for you to focus on your recovery. While living here, you’ll likely attend an outpatient program, go to work or school, and grow with other companions in recovery. 

Life Without Worry in the Morning

Drinking socially and safely is perfectly acceptable, but if heavy drinking and hangxiety is a normal thing that you’re getting addicted to as a coping mechanism, then it’s time to get help. Life can feel so much more fulfilling without hiding behind alcohol. Embrace your true self and find freedom through rehabs for alcohol addiction.

Quitting Drinking: How to Taper Off Alcohol

The long and the short of it is–tapering off alcohol with medical support can help you quit drinking. But could weaning yourself off alcohol help you stay sober for good? Many people have asked the same question. In fact, 30 million people have alcohol use disorder1 in the United States alone. Luckily, this nationwide issue has resources available to help you heal.

In order to fully recover, you can start your healing process by safely ridding yourself of alcohol. Getting professional treatment for alcohol addiction can give you the tools to create, and maintain, a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Can You Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

Attempting to stop drinking “cold turkey” is not only dangerous, but could also cause serious implications or be fatal. 

Your body has become used to, and dependent on, certain levels of alcohol. It even changes your brain chemistry. Alcohol depresses your nervous system2, so your body creates more receptors for neurotransmitters, or messengers, to stimulate the nervous system. 

If you were to suddenly stop drinking alcohol, your receptors would become hyperactive because they are no longer being depressed. This is why you should taper off alcohol, or use a prescribed medication like benzodiazepines, during detox3. It’s vital to do this under the supervision of a medical professional to ensure the process is safe and smooth.

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol withdrawal usually lasts for a few days, but some effects may linger for months. Symptoms are most severe around day 34, and the total process can last for 2 to 10 days. 

There are some common side effects of alcohol detox5 that you should be prepared for:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

While this process isn’t enjoyable, there are so many benefits in the new sober life that you’re creating for yourself. You’ll look and feel healthier, have more energy, and save money.

Can Tapering Help You Quit Alcohol?

Tapering off alcohol is a step in the right direction, but there’s more to the story. It’s vital in this process to have professional help, so you can stay safe and as comfortable as possible. There’s also more to learn after ridding yourself of alcohol. You can master the necessary life skills to maintain your sober lifestyle through treatment. 

Alcohol Tapering Timeline

Delamere describes the different stages that you go through while detoxing from alcohol6.

alcohol tapering timeline
2-12 hoursOnset of withdrawal symptoms. This might include tremors, sweating, restlessness, and anxiety.
12-24 hoursWithdrawal continues with alcohol cravings, sleep disturbances, low energy, and feeling depressed. 
12-72 hoursThis is considered the most dangerous period during detox. Symptoms include high heart rate, increased blood pressure, and, in extreme cases, seizures.
48-72 hoursAt some point in this time frame, symptoms will start to be more manageable.
3-7 daysFor most cases, withdrawal symptoms begin to fade.
1 weekSleep patterns start to improve, however this can vary.
1-2 weeksSometime during this period, clinical detox is considered complete.
2 weeksThere may be signs of weight loss due to not consuming alcohol.
3-4 weeksBlood pressure may reduce back to a healthier level.
1 monthSkin may appear healthier.
3 monthsOverall better energy levels and health.
1 yearTapering off alcohol is different for everyone. You may experience that some symptoms persist for longer than is usual.

Does Tapering Help Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

Weaning off alcohol in a safe way can help reduce the severity of some withdrawal symptoms. Orlando Recovery Center says that when you taper your alcohol intake over time, you reduce the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms7. This is because this process gives your brain more time to get used to the changes and damage that alcohol originally created.

So You Detoxed… Now What?

Now that you’ve successfully completed the detoxification process, it’s time to build your sobriety toolkit through treatment. Studies show that those who receive some type of formal treatment after detox are more likely to maintain sobriety8

Attending a residential rehab or outpatient program gives you coping mechanisms and life skills that can help you for years to come after treatment. You can strengthen your emotional and communication techniques to help you work through any tough situations that may arise in the future. You’ll learn how to prevent relapse and live a fun sober life.

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can help reinforce your goals and boost your spirits. Surrounding yourself with those going through the same process you are, and learning the same life lessons you are, can make a big difference in your healing journey. You’ll talk about different topics regarding addiction and recovery and bond over shared feelings and experiences. 

Another great option is sober living homes. These programs offer more flexibility than residential rehab, while still supporting a healthy lifestyle for people in recovery. Sober living homes provide a comfortable, safe place for you to focus on your healing. And you’ll live and learn with other comrades. 

Life Beyond Addiction

Recovery is a lifelong process, and safely tapering off of alcohol is the first step towards achieving the life you want. It’s important to nurture a healthy relationship with your body so you can have a healthy relationship with your mind. You can start building the foundation for a happy future by going to rehab for alcohol.

Is My Loved One Using Cocaine? How to Tell If Someone Is Using Cocaine

Cocaine doesn’t have to control your loved one. The first step to their recovery might be recognizing signs of use, and then you can help them find a rehab for cocaine addiction

You both have resources for recovery. But the more you know about cocaine use, and how to spot it, can help you help the ones you love. 

How to Spot Cocaine Use

Spotting cocaine use can be tricky. It has a seemingly endless list of slang names and pseudo-identities, making it hard to decipher what your loved one might be talking about. They could hide their behavior with more than sneaky names, too. But there are signs to look for1

Physical Signs

  • Dilated pupils
  • Lack of appetite—it might seem like they barely eat
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Poor sleep
  • Disheveled appearance, lack of hygiene 

Emotional And Mental Signs

  • Paranoid without reason
  • Hyperactivity—“bouncing off the walls”
  • Irritability
  • Anxious, more so than usual 
  • Extreme startle reactions, like jumping at the sound of a cabinet shutting

Along with knowing the signs of cocaine use, you can also familiarize yourself with the street names for cocaine.

Slang Names for Cocaine

The nicknames for cocaine2 might surprise you. They’re creative, to put it positively. And they change based on the form of cocaine (crack, regular cocaine) and what it’s mixed with. 

There’s a lot to keep track of, but knowing even just a few can help.

  • Snow
  • Stardust
  • Stash
  • Bouncing Powder
  • Coke
  • Coca
  • Flake
  • Devil’s Dandruff
  • Florida Snow
  • Joy Flakes

You can also educate yourself on cocaine itself, and how it affects the mind and body.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine comes from the leaves of the coca plant1. It grows in South America. From there, it’s smuggled all across the globe.

Cocaine causes a rush of euphoria3, which can last 2-20 minutes. This rush comes from a build up of dopamine in the brain—dopamine stacks up on the transmitters meant to receive it4, causing an intense flood of pleasure. 

Neurotransmitters like dopamine jump between nerves and target cells. If the receptors aren’t working, all the received dopamine has nowhere to go—causing the high. Altering the usual transmission of dopamine can actually change the structure and function of your brain over time. 

The crash, or comedown, from this high can quickly prompt a redose, sometimes until supplies or money run out. This is considered a binge1.

You can ingest cocaine in multiple ways1. Some snort the white powder up their nose. Or, you might mix it with water and inject the mixture into a vein, using a syringe. If it’s crack cocaine, you can smoke it.

Is There a Difference Between Cocaine and Crack?

Chemically, no. Cocaine and crack are the same thing5, just in different forms. Crack isn’t any cheaper, either6. But it is more potent, easy to ingest, and wildly addictive.

Crack looks like rocks, or crystals. It’s a smokeable version of cocaine5, derived from the same coca plant as cocaine. 

For crack cocaine, you might see some of these slang terms:

  • Rock
  • Moon Rock
  • Apple Jack
  • Dice
  • Sleet
  • Yahoo
  • Yale
  • Top Gun
  • Base, Basing

Mucous membranes absorb cocaine and crack cocaine7. You have a huge plane of mucous membrane in your lungs—the alveoli responsible for bringing oxygen to your blood. The inhaled crack smoke absorbs into the alveoli in the lungs rapidly, causing a nearly immediate high.

A crack cocaine high fades faster, though. To avoid the crash, people might keep smoking until they run out of crack. And the more they ingest, the more likely they are to overdose and have negative long-term effects8

The Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine use can lead to heart problems8, like cardiac arrest and strokes. Inhaling it as crack can cause respiratory conditions. Snorting it could completely degrade your nasal passage over time. 

Short-term, the effects of cocaine could range from paranoia to seizures9. And rarely, cocaine can cause sudden death after just one use. 

Repeated use takes up more and more money and time. And the more it’s used, the more your brain changes. Addiction and tolerance to the drug can set in quickly1

Cocaine use can also have unpredictable effects, usually caused by what it’s been cut with. The cutting agent could be harmless, but that’s not always the case.

What Is Cocaine Cut With?

Dealers may cut cocaine to up their profit10, selling a “watered down” version to unsuspecting buyers. Powder cocaine could be cut with baking soda, caffeine, sugars, or anesthetics. Visually, you’d likely never know it wasn’t pure cocaine.

But cocaine could have harmful additives. Levamisole, a veterinary drug that kills parasites10, has made its way into 70% of cocaine in America. It causes necrosis11, which kills and rots the skin. 

You can also mix cocaine with other drugs for new, sometimes preferred, effects.

Cocaine Mixtures

Users seeking a different high mix cocaine with other substances, like marijuana and tobacco. Nicknames for these mixtures include Woo-Woo, Woolies, Candy Flipping, Cocoa Puffs, and Boy-Girl.

Certain blends, like alcohol and cocaine, are notably more dangerous. Cocaine and alcohol react12 and form a heart-toxic chemical, cocaethylene. Heroin and cocaine mix to form a speedball9, or an opiate and depressant blend. But cocaine wears off faster than heroin, potentially slowing your breathing to null as the full sedative effect of heroin hits.

No mixture is predictable, or safe. Neither is cocaine by itself. But, for single and blended use, you can find recovery

Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction often requires a multi-pronged approach—detox, therapy, and medications13. And the more research scientists do, the better these options become. There’s even a cocaine vaccine in the works14

Your loved one will most likely need to detox from cocaine in a safe, clinically monitored setting. There, they’ll have constant supervision, comfort medications, and begin the therapeutic healing process. This could be at a detox center or a residential rehab with on-site detox

Once cocaine has left their system, inner healing work can begin.

Therapy for Addiction

Therapy can address and heal the causing factors of addiction. It can also motivate and empower your loved one to commit to their recovery, even when it gets hard. 

Behavioral therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs15. You’ll learn to shift your perspective of yourself to one that’s more positive. Rather than thinking “I’ll never get better”, CBT would challenge the thought with “Why not?”.

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)16 addresses black-and-white thinking. Your loved one can accept the problem of cocaine use and know they can get better. DBT can help with relapse too, as it helps patients identify unhelpful thoughts that could lead back to old coping mechanisms. 

The 12 Steps

The 12-Step program offers a place for members to connect and recover in a respected treatment program. Members follow 12 steps together, learning responsibility, accountability, and forgiveness. And the 12 Steps can run in and out of treatment—you don’t have to be in rehab to find a local group to attend. 

The 12 Steps are often called AA (alcoholics anonymous) meetings. For cocaine use, you’ll likely see them called CA (cocaine anonymous). Each uses 12-Step practices to help members stay accountable and sober.


Contingency management (CM) can inspire greater dedication, during and after residential treatment. CM programs usually give out money, snacks, or vouchers as a reward13. And since you’ll actually get a reward for staying sober, attending recovery meetings, and going to treatment, you might find yourself more motivated to do it. 

Your loved one can also keep attending 12-Step meetings as a form of aftercare. If they go to a residential rehab, they might have the opportunity to attend alumni groups, too. 

Continued therapy and medications, if prescribed, can both contribute to long-term success. That’s why they’re both common forms of aftercare for cocaine addiction. If your loved one goes to rehab, they might offer continued 1:1 therapy with the same therapist. If not, they’ll likely connect you to further therapy as part of their discharge service.

Find Power Through Recovery

If you think your loved one is using cocaine, know that they, and yourself, have recovery resources. They can find new power and hope through recovery—addiction isn’t the end. 

You can browse our list of rehabs for cocaine to see pricing, reviews, insurance, and photos of each facility. 

Family members, you can check out these support groups: Co-Anon, Families Anonymous, and Stronger Together.

Rehabs That Allow Smoking: Tobacco and Vaping Policies in Rehab

Are you getting ready to enter treatment, but not sure if you can pack cigarettes? Or are you anxious about the possibility you may not be able to smoke for the next few weeks? Many rehabs allow patients to smoke outside at their facility. But rehab also presents a great opportunity for you to quit smoking with the full support of a clinical team. And rehabs that have smoking cessation programs provide specialized treatment for people wanting to quit for good. 

Can You Smoke Cigarettes in Rehab?

Almost every single rehab in the U.S. has an indoor ban on smoking,1 but most rehabs allow smoking outdoors. That’s because most state laws require rehabs to ban indoor smoking. However, a few states also ban smoking anywhere on a rehab’s campus:2

Other countries have different smoking policies. Many countries ban indoor smoking,3 especially in healthcare facilities. However, if you’re interested in traveling abroad for addiction treatment, you can contact your rehab to ask about their tobacco policies.  

Most of these laws are specifically about cigarettes and cigars, because of how new e-cigarettes are. However, some states already have bans on indoor e-cigarette smoking,4 which includes treatment centers. And many rehabs’ smoking policies extend to e-cigarettes. 

Your rehab’s treatment philosophy can also influence their views on smoking. Some providers believe that restricting patients’ use of tobacco adds stress to treatment.5 In fact, smoking used to be encouraged during addiction treatment6 because providers saw it as a less harmful addiction. 

However, studies actually show that smoking cessation promotes abstinence7 from other substances and can even reduce risk of relapse. And the research shows that treatment is most effective when you address both tobacco and other addictions8 at the same time. 

Whether or not you can smoke in rehab depends on your specific treatment center’s policies. You can always call ahead to ask if they’re not in a state that mandates tobacco-free grounds. 

Why Do Rehabs Allow Smoking?

For some people, the prospect of treatment without the ability to smoke may prevent them from going to rehab. If that’s how you feel, then a rehab that allows you to smoke could ease your anxiety and transition into treatment. 

While almost all rehabs prohibit smoking indoors, about 65% of U.S. rehabs allow smoking9 in designated outdoor areas. For example, Landmark Recovery in Kentucky allows patients to smoke outside. But they also encourage patients to quit smoking and provide therapeutic support for those who wish to do so.  

landmark recovery sign
Landmark Recovery in Kentucky allows patients to smoke outside, but provides therapeutic support for those who want to quit.

Smoking Bans in Rehab Facilities

If you don’t smoke, or if you’re looking to quit smoking, then a smoke-free rehab is a good choice to avoid both secondhand smoke and social pressure to smoke. About 35% of U.S. rehabs have tobacco-free grounds.10 

One example is Paradise Valley Healing Center in British Columbia, Canada. Their Founder & Director, Nirmala Raniga, explains why tobacco is important to quit:

Smoking is more than an addiction to nicotine. It is a physical and emotional release from stress and tension. It meets an inherent need that smokers might not have been able to address any other way.”

She also acknowledges the link between tobacco and other addictions to explain why they ban smoking: 

“Very often, those who stop drinking will turn for example, to smoking or even caffeine as a substitute for alcohol. Instead of substituting one substance for another as a way to address the pain arising, the recovering person must get to the root of the traumatic issues that led to the addiction in the first place. Only then, will this cycle be broken.”

If you decide to take the opportunity to stop smoking during rehab, many centers offer smoking cessation programs to help you quit.  

paradise valley facility
Paradise Valley Healing Center in British Columbia bans smoking to help their clients avoid substituting one addiction for another.

Smoking Cessation Programs in Addiction Rehab

Studies show that up to 87% of patients in addiction treatment smoke tobacco.11 And patients in treatment for substance abuse are more likely to die from their tobacco addiction12 than from their primary addiction, which is why many states have started to mandate smoking cessation programs.

About 25% of states require rehabs to provide smoking cessation programs.13 And studies show that these mandates have been successful. For example, when New Jersey began to require smoking cessation programs in all licensed rehabs, tobacco abstinence increased significantly,14 while dropout rates stayed constant. These programs help many quit smoking and don’t lead people to leave treatment early because they can’t smoke. 

Benefits to Quitting Smoking in Rehab

Quitting smoking builds your resilience15 and confidence in your ability to manage your addiction, which is helpful for preventing relapse

Plus, quitting smoking improves your mental health16 almost immediately. After withdrawal symptoms, most people experience a more positive mood and reduced depression, anxiety, and stress. This uptick in your mental state may make treatment both easier and more successful. 

Quitting tobacco is great for your physical health.17 Most people who quit find it easier to exercise and tend to develop more nourishing eating habits. Rehab is an opportunity to start a new life. Quitting smoking allows you to kick-start your new lifestyle in an even stronger way. 

Smoking Cessation Treatment Methods 

Smoking cessation programs in rehabs can be incorporated into the rest of your treatment program. And just like other addictions, there are several different therapy options for quitting smoking:18

Studies show that the most effective smoking cessation programs19 are a combination of counseling and medications. Your rehab will have its own program to help you quit smoking while you work on other addiction or mental health issues.

Quit Smoking in Rehab for Long-Term Success

If you’re worried about not being able to smoke in rehab and it’s holding you back from seeking treatment, plenty of rehabs allow smoking outdoors. However, research shows that this is actually an ideal time for you to quit smoking. You’ll be surrounded by professionals who can help you find new coping strategies in a healing and supportive setting. 

Explore rehabs with smoking cessation programs to learn more about pricing, insurance, treatment options, and more.

Residential vs. Inpatient Treatment Programs

If you want 24-hour care while in recovery for addiction or mental health issues, you can choose between residential and inpatient treatment. While they may sound similar and some people even refer to them interchangeably, they’re 2 distinct treatment options. And one may be a better fit for you depending on your unique circumstances. 

What Is Residential Rehab?

Residential rehabs offer 24-hour care for people with addiction or mental health issues,1 typically outside of a hospital setting. You live at the treatment center and follow a set structure each day. 

Residential rehabs have different treatment approaches depending on their staff, location, and philosophy:

Many residential treatment centers combine these approaches to meet your needs. And depending on your rehab, you’ll also be able to access many different forms of therapy including group therapy, individual therapy, or experiential therapy

Some residential rehabs tailor their treatment programs to important parts of your identity:

With residential rehab, you typically get to choose where you receive treatment. 

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

Like residential treatment centers, inpatient rehabs also provide 24-hour care. However, inpatient treatment is usually a more intensive program2 in a hospital setting. Medical professionals like physicians direct your care alongside addiction specialists, nurses, and therapists.  

It’s a common option in emergency situations like overdoses or self-harm. Some patients enter into inpatient treatment as a result of going to the emergency room or having interactions with law enforcement.

Inpatient treatment is more medical in nature, which is why it requires the resources of a hospital. Because of that, it’s common to detox in inpatient care3 from substances like alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines because of how serious withdrawal symptoms can be. 

What Are the Differences Between Inpatient and Residential Rehab?

Inpatient and residential rehabs are similar in that you live at your treatment center. However, beyond that, your treatment will look different depending on which type of rehab you attend.

Setting and Level of Care Available

One of the main differences between inpatient vs. residential rehab is the level of care they provide based on their setting. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, residential treatment programs offer care that does not require the resources of a hospital.

Inpatient treatment programs provide the highest level of care, which requires hospital services with medical supervision. It’s typically for patients experiencing severe addiction or mental health issues: 

Intensity and Goal of Treatment

Because inpatient programming is for serious situations,5 it tends to be more intensive. The goal is to manage severe symptoms of withdrawal, overdose, or mental health conditions. Your treatment team will be focused on treating and stabilizing your condition. 

Meanwhile, in residential rehab, the primary goal is sustained recovery, so you’ll learn relapse prevention and coping strategies, be able to process past trauma and develop healthier habits. And while it’s still an intensive healing experience for the patient, it’s usually less medically intensive. 

Length of Stay

Inpatient care has a fixed length6 and is also usually short-term. In the U.S., many states have different laws dictating how long patients can be in inpatient treatment. For example, in most circumstances in California, inpatient services cannot last longer than 30 days.7

On the other hand, residential treatment is longer-term.8 The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends at least 90 days of treatment9 in most cases. And the longer you stay in treatment, the more likely you are to have a successful recovery. Your length of stay may also depend on your insurance coverage, responsibilities at home, and recovery goals.

Choosing the Right Treatment Program for You

When deciding on which type of treatment to attend, consider the level of care you may need. If you’re detoxing from alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines, have a serious co-occurring disorder, or have not responded to treatment in the past, then an inpatient rehab may provide the higher level of care required. 

You don’t have to make this decision on your own. Your therapist or primary care physician can help you make the best choice for your unique circumstances. And, you can call admissions teams at rehabs to find out what level of care they offer. 

Learn more about your options for both inpatient and residential treatment, and reach out to centers directly.

What Happens in Residential Rehab for Trauma?

Rehab isn’t just for addiction recovery. That’s a common reason to start treatment, but it’s not the only one. You can also go to rehab to heal from trauma.

Defining Trauma

Traumatic events don’t always cause trauma symptoms.1 The same event that leaves you with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)2 could be annoying but forgettable for someone else. Certain qualities can make you more vulnerable to developing symptoms. Specifically, people who have a history of childhood trauma, mental health issues, or addiction may be at higher risk.  

Trauma Symptoms

Everyone reacts to trauma differently. But there are a few common effects you might experience after a traumatic event:3

  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional numbness
  • Loss of hope
  • Fear

These are often short-term reactions in the immediate aftermath of the event. But for some people, they become ongoing symptoms. If that’s the case, you can ask your doctor to evaluate you for PTSD.  

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a prolonged reaction4 to a finite traumatic experience. This could be a single event, like a car accident, or a period of time, like a tour of duty in the military. Symptoms of PTSD include the following:

  • Flashbacks 
  • Sleep problems like nightmares
  • Avoidance, where you stay away from reminders of your trauma
  • Feeling tense
  • Angry outbursts
  • Loss of interest in your passions

To fit the criteria for PTSD, these symptoms need to last for more than a month and interfere with your quality of life. 

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Chronic trauma can lead to complex PTSD5 (c-PTSD), instead of PTSD. The 2 conditions are similar, but with a few key differences. Unlike PTSD, c-PTSD is the response to long-term circumstances. For example, teens or adults who survived child abuse might show signs of c-PTSD. 

In addition to the symptoms of classic PTSD, people with c-PTSD may also experience the following: 

  • Dysregulated emotions
  • A negative self-image
  • Difficulty forming and maintain healthy relationships

While treatment for these diagnoses is similar, c-PTSD can cause additional challenges. 

Co-occurring Trauma and Addiction

Studies indicate a strong link between addiction and traumatic experiences.6 There are several reasons for this. Drugs and alcohol can offer a temporary distraction from the pain of trauma. Or, you might decide to self-medicate in order to manage your symptoms. 

It’s all too easy to get caught in a cycle of trauma and addiction. That’s true for a few reasons. First, drug and alcohol use can make your mental health worse. And second, addiction itself can be traumatic. You might find yourself in dangerous situations because of the way you obtain or take drugs. Those experiences can compound your trauma. But without support, drug use might be the only way you know how to manage your symptoms.

What Happens in Rehab for Trauma?

If you’re having a hard time healing on your own, you might benefit from residential treatment. There, you’ll have the time and space to focus on healing, instead of just surviving. 

What is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma-informed rehab programs provide treatment in a safe and empowering way. Clinicians are sensitive to your concerns, and may have special training in trauma recovery.

Trauma symptoms can put you on high alert,7 even if there isn’t any danger. The tranquility of a trauma-informed treatment center can help you stay centered. For example, you might attend therapy in a soundproof room, so there’s a lower chance of loud noises. Or, your massage therapist might ask for consent before starting every session.

This type of care accommodates your needs, but it won’t insulate you from all your triggers. Instead, you’ll learn how to navigate them while keeping yourself safe. Rehab gives you the chance to practice new coping skills before you reenter a less curated environment. 

A Framework for Recovery

While you can heal from your trauma in an outpatient setting, going to residential treatment offers unique benefits. For example, keeping a consistent schedule helps people with PTSD feel safe.8 And when you attend inpatient treatment, your days will have a set routine. It’s common for people to feel overwhelmed after trauma,9 so taking a break from making certain decisions can be a relief. That way, you can focus on your recovery, instead of what you’re going to have for dinner.

A Calming Environment

It’s much harder to heal in the same place where you got hurt. If your trauma happened close to home, a change of scenery might be necessary for recovery. Studies even show that changing your environment can improve your mood.10 

If you travel for rehab, you can choose your ideal location. And some environments make healing even easier. Specifically, living in the midst of nature can help you process your thoughts11 and cope with stress. 

Social Support During Treatment

Trauma can be isolating.12 And when your symptoms interfere with relationships, it’s hard to ask for the help you need. Many residential rehabs offer a built-in community13 of patients with a similar experience of trauma. Some programs even cater to people with shared identities, like LGBTQ+ patients. And studies show that having robust social support can help your recovery14 from trauma. 

Specific Therapies for Trauma 

Everyone’s healing process is different. That’s why so many luxury rehabs offer personalized care. During inpatient treatment for trauma, you can access several different types of therapy in the same program. This empowers patients to take control of the healing process, under the expert guidance of their care team.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular treatment for trauma symptoms.15 In session, patients learn to recognize and work through thought patterns that no longer serve them. This is easiest to understand with triggers. For example, after an accident, you might feel intense fear about getting into a car. CBT can help you put that feeling in context. Instead of avoiding cars altogether, you could learn how to calmly assess whether it’s safe to drive. And then, additional CBT skills can help you stay centered while you’re on the road.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy 

Prolonged exposure therapy (PE)16 is a type of CBT. In PE, you’ll confront your trauma head-on. Patients do this by recounting their most painful memories in great detail. As you tell the story of what happened, your therapist may encourage you to engage your 5 senses. What did the room smell like? What noises did you hear? How did your body feel?

PE isn’t easy. The goal is to trigger yourself, purposely causing an intense emotional response. But as you return to the same memory over and over again, you’ll become desensitized to it. Eventually, you’ll be able to think about what happened without feeling triggered at all. 

If you’re healing from complex trauma, you may need to repeat this process with a few different memories. Over time, PE helps patients regulate their feelings in and outside of sessions. 

Cognitive Processing Therapy

Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)17 helps you address the emotional fallout of trauma. With a therapist’s guidance, you’ll explore the way you feel about what happened. Early in treatment, you’ll write a trauma impact statement.18 There, you’ll describe why you think your trauma happened, and list its lasting effects on your life. Then, you’ll recount a traumatic experience and talk through the way it makes you feel. 

While this process is a lot like PE, the goal is a little different. Instead of desensitizing yourself, you’ll work to understand why you feel the way you do. For example, self-blame is a common response to trauma.19 If you feel guilty about what happened, you might practice self-compassion during CPT. You’ll also learn how to cope with the triggers you encounter in daily life. 

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)20 uses visual or audio cues to help you process your trauma. First, you’ll learn more about trauma and coping skills. Then, you’ll identify a “target” traumatic event. For about 30 seconds, you’ll focus on that target as you pay attention to an external cue. 

Studies indicate that EMDR helps patients reduce anxiety and other PTSD symptoms. But it can also be emotionally taxing to concentrate on your trauma. You might feel triggered or vulnerable after a session. But in residential treatment, you won’t have to jump right back into other tasks after EMDR.  

Holistic Therapies for Survivors

Trauma affects more than just your mental health. For example, trauma can cause physical pain,21 or interrupt your spiritual practice. Holistic therapies address all parts of your life,22 and help you heal in an integrated way. There are several different types of holistic treatment

These methods aren’t replacements for talk therapy, but they can work well as complementary therapies. In rehab, you can combine holistic treatments with more traditional techniques. 

What Are the Stages of Trauma Recovery?

No matter what therapy you use, it still takes time to heal from trauma. And healing is nonlinear. As you grow and change, your feelings about what happened might change, too. For example, some people have trauma from romantic relationships. They might feel completely healed—while they’re single. But then new triggers might come up when they start dating again. 

While everyone’s process is different, experts describe 5 distinct stages of trauma recovery.23 You might progress through these in order, or all at once. You might even revisit some stages more than once. But as you heal, it’s likely that you’ll touch on these different perspectives.

Trauma Processing and Reexamination

Processing your trauma is an important part of recovery. Therapies like CBT and PE help you understand the effects of what happened to you. By working through your past triggers, you can focus on the present, and start to build a meaningful future. Living on-site in a rehab program helps you focus on healing, without the distractions of daily life.

Managing Negative States

During rehab, you’ll learn more sustainable coping strategies. And when you encounter triggers, your care team will likely be on hand to help you practice them. As you develop those skills, you can let go of any behavior—like addiction—that doesn’t support your growth.

Rebuilding the Self After Trauma

Trauma can make you feel disconnected24 from yourself. During rehab, you can rebuild your confidence and self-esteem. There are several ways to work toward that goal. Holistic therapies, for instance, can help you reintegrate different parts of your identity. 

Connecting With Others

Trauma affects the way you relate to other people.25 And no one exists in a vacuum. On the contrary, healthy relationships are vital to recovery. There are countless ways to approach this part of healing. You might connect with other patients, or join a support group. But those options don’t work for everyone. Some high-profile clients, for instance, may need confidentiality during rehab. If privacy is a priority, you might consider family therapy with your closest loved ones.

Regaining Hope and Power

After you survive trauma, serious danger stops being theoretical. You know from personal experience that getting hurt is a real possibility. It’s happened before, and it might happen again. Recovery means learning to live a rich, beautiful life in the face of that uncertainty. Treatment can help you regain your power and hope for the future. 

Compare luxury rehabs that treat trauma and reach out to them directly to learn how you can get started on your healing journey.

Return to Your Values in Tennessee’s Affirming Rehabs

From the majestic Appalachian Mountains to the melodic voices crooning down Nashville’s Music Row, there’s a lot of beauty in Tennessee. This pretty place can make addiction treatment relaxing and joyful. If you’re looking for a welcoming setting to start your recovery, a luxury rehab in Tennessee could be a great fit. 

Heal According to Tennessee’s Strong Principles 

Tennessee’s rich history of working hard, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures spills over into modern life. And when you go to rehab there, those principles can also shape your treatment.

Recover in Tennessee’s Restorative Nature

All across Tennessee, you’ll find flowing rivers, sprawling forests, and ancient mountains. Many of the state’s rehabs boast large campuses with plenty of room for reflection. Some offer meandering walking trails and tranquil places to enjoy the view.

Smoky Mountain Lodge sits on the edge of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Clients can take full advantage of their location by hiking to see the park’s gorgeous views. Recovering in peaceful nature can keep you grounded and centered throughout the healing process. 

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Cumberland Heights in Nashville

Stay Active With Experiential Therapies  

Many treatment centers in Tennessee offer experiential therapies, inspired by the area’s traditions and geography. For example, horses are an important part of Tennessee’s history and culture.1 Treatment centers like The Ranch Tennessee honor that heritage in their equine therapy program. On their expansive 2,000-acre ranch, equine-assisted therapy is a major component of treatment. By caring for the resident horses, clients learn more about themselves and practice building relationships.

Tennesseeans are also known for their taste for adventure. Rehabs like the ARCH Academy, which treats adolescent boys, tap into this mentality with adventure therapy. Clients can go canoeing, hiking, or fly-fishing to bond with their peers and learn new skills. These experiences invite teens to express their feelings in a new context.  

Get Into the Rhythm of Recovery in Music City

Home to country, rock ‘n’ roll, and the blues, Tennessee is famous for its music scene.2 And if music is important to you, professionally or personally, it can be a powerful tool during treatment.

This is especially true at rehabs like Recovery Unplugged Nashville. That’s why they designed their entire program around music. Their unique brand of music-assisted treatment can improve your depression, anxiety, mood, and chronic pain during recovery. They have a fully equipped jam room, group music therapy, and even songwriting sessions to help you express yourself through song. Plus, they frequently hold open mic nights and performances by other artists in recovery for sober fun. 

Relax in Family-Style Accommodations 

For many people, community is an important part of recovery. That’s why some programs have a strong focus on building relationships. In these rehabs, you can connect with like-minded people who want to support you in your journey toward wellness. 

In Tennessee, many rehabs offer family-style housing to support those connections. At centers like Morningstar, a women’s rehab outside of Nashville, clients live in a lodge with 5 other women. You and your housemates will cook dinner together, go on day trips, and attend the same group therapy sessions. Discovery Place offers treatment for men using a similar approach. Sober relationships are essential for long-term success in recovery,3 and family-style rehabs allow you to start forming them early on. 

the ranch tennessee
The Ranch Tennessee in Nunnelly

Find Identity-Affirming Treatment in Tennessee

Everyone’s recovery is as unique as they are. So finding a rehab that supports the most important parts of your identity is a crucial part of treatment. Many Tennessee rehabs offer specialized care for clients of different identities.

Gender-Specific Care

Attending rehab is a vulnerable experience. And for some people, it feels safer to be vulnerable around people of the same gender. What’s more, people of different genders face different obstacles to recovery. Going to a gender-specific rehab can help some clients access effective treatment.

In Tennessee, it’s easy to find a women-only or men-only rehab.  Morningstar, for example, has a women-only campus. Other programs, like Cumberland Heights, offer separate treatment for men and women on the same property. They even break down their men’s group into age-specific programming, recognizing how your stage of life can affect your recovery. 

Gender-specific treatment isn’t always a priority. And even if it is, these binary options might not meet your needs. In that case, you might consider a rehab that offers affirming treatment for LGBTQ+ people. These programs can be a good fit for people of many different genders and sexualities. Such supportive environments empower clients to live out their own highest values.  

Faith-Based Recovery

As you work to be your best self, spirituality can guide you forward. Many people find comfort and inspiration in faith-based treatment. In these rehabs, the tenets of a particular belief system inform every aspect of recovery.  

S2L Recovery, for instance, uses 7 Christian principles as the framework for their treatment program. They use lessons from the Bible to help you develop a deeper faith and sense of resilience. This can set you up for success after you complete treatment. If your faith is important to you, then it can be an excellent foundation for your ongoing recovery. 

Other faith-based treatment centers follow the 12 Steps, a well-known recovery philosophy. At The Next Door, in Nashville, treatment “integrates 12 step recovery, faith, and evidence-based practices to address the needs of the whole woman – mind, body, and spirit.” 

discovery place tennessee
Discovery Place in Burns

How to Travel to and Around Tennessee

More than half of the U.S. population lives within about a day’s drive of Nashville.4 But if you’re coming from farther away, you’ll most likely want to fly.

Flying Into Tennessee 

If you’re traveling from abroad, you’ll likely fly into Nashville International Airport (BNA), which serves 22 different airlines with over 585 nonstop flights daily. BNA is centrally located in Tennessee.

If you’re going to rehab in western Tennessee, flying into the Memphis International Airport might bring you closer to your treatment center. And for people attending eastern Tennessee rehabs, the Chattanooga Airport is closest.  

Getting Around Tennessee

Most of Tennessee’s public transit options are in metropolitan areas, so you’ll probably have to rely on private transportation to get to your treatment center. Because of this, many rehabs will pick you up from the airport directly, making the last leg of your journey that much simpler.

With any mode of transport, it’s a good idea to have a support person travel with you to rehab. This is an emotional time. When someone else is handling the logistics, you can stay focused on starting recovery.

Recover, Relax, and Reconnect in a Tennessee Rehab

If you’re thinking about addiction treatment, it might feel like life has gotten away from you. In Tennessee, rehab can be a safe place to gather your strength. Here, you’ll be healing among people who welcome you just as you are, and share many of your values. Even if you’ve never been to the state before, treatment here can feel like coming home to yourself.

Visit our list of rehabs in Tennessee for information on their amenities, pricing, experiential treatments, and more.

Stay Calm and Connected in Connecticut Rehabs

With rigorous treatment in peaceful surroundings, Connecticut rehabs offer the best of 2 worlds. You can attend treatment nestled within beautiful nature, just a stone’s throw from a major U.S. city. This state is also home to world-renowned research universities. And as a result, rehab here can connect you with some of the greatest medical minds in the world.

Going to rehab in Connecticut is a good fit for people who want a middle ground between retreat and connection. At some centers, you can even stay in touch with your loved ones during treatment. But, in this serene setting, you’ll also have the space you need to heal.

Finding Balance

In the heart of New England, Connecticut is close to some of the biggest cities in the U.S.—and some of the country’s most beautiful nature. Clients can enjoy the stunning scenery, without feeling cut off from urban amenities. 

Enjoy a Serene Environment for Recovery

Despite being close to several big cities, many areas in Connecticut are rural.1 The Connecticut River flows through old hardwood forests and rolling hills, with the Berkshire highlands rising out of the northwest corner. In these beautiful surroundings, recovery can be peaceful and restorative. Studies show that immersing yourself in nature can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression,2 sleep quality, and stress. 

In rehabs like Mountainside Treatment Center, in the foothills of the Berkshires, clients heal “surrounded by lush greenery and open skies.” Without the distractions of urban life, you can put all your energy into recovery.

turnbridge connecticut
Turnbridge in New Haven, Connecticut

Test Your Limits With Outdoor Adventures

If you’re longing for adventures in the great outdoors, Connecticut offers easy access to world-class hiking, skiing, rock climbing, rafting, and more. These activities get your heart pumping—and they help your mind heal. 

At treatment centers like Turnbridge, patients can go on camping, hiking, skiing, and snowboarding trips, depending on the time of the year. You can also try paintball, rock climbing, even deep sea fishing. Thanks to Connecticut’s diverse geography, which includes mountains, rivers, and a rugged coastline, this is a wonderful place to go if you’re interested in outdoor adventure therapy. 

Addiction Treatment From Leading Experts 

Even if your rehab is in a rural area, Connecticut is small enough that you’ll never be far from a big city. That means you’ll be close to major universities, like Yale and UConn. And some of the world’s top experts in addiction and mental health are based at these schools. For example, The Steward House at Silver Hill is “the product of collaboration among the leading psychiatry institutions of Yale New Haven Health and the Department of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine.” Clients here have access to leading experts while in residential care in a non-hospital setting. These specialists can help you define your unique needs and goals for recovery.

Be Yourself in Connecticut

Recovering from addiction or mental illness is all about finding yourself again. In Connecticut, there’s room for you to be exactly who you are. 

Connecticut Rehabs Welcome LGBTQ+ Clients

It’s crucial for LGBTQ+ clients to find affirming treatment. Anything less can interfere with your recovery journey. And unfortunately, not all treatment programs are inclusive. But Connecticut has a long history of supporting LGBTQ+ rights.3

The state is well known for its progressive legislation. It even boasts rehab centers just for LGBTQ+ people, like Recovery at WildWood Farm. In this program, clients recover alongside people who share at least 1 part of their personal experience. This can make it easier to connect with the other clients in your program, and share mutual support.

mountainside treatment center connecticut
Mountainside Treatment Center in Cannan, Connecticut

Stay Independent During Recovery

Not everyone wants to connect with their peers during recovery. Some Connecticut rehabs—like Blue Sky Behavioral Health—let clients live a more independent life, even during intensive treatment. In their “intense outpatient program,” clients live in off-site housing while attending rehab. You’ll shop for your own food and have your own private space, in a house you share with other clients. And you’ll still have round-the-clock guidance from a life coach, in addition to on-site therapy 5 days a week. For people who value freedom and autonomy, this can make treatment less stressful.

Treatment for High-Level Executives

If you’re a busy professional, going to rehab might feel like an abrupt halt. That’s especially true if you think of your job as part of your identity. And unplugging from work can be stressful, instead of feeling like a break. Some of Connecticut’s rehab programs let you stay connected, while still getting the treatment you need.

Perhaps because the state is close to so many major cities, several centers in Connecticut offer rehab for high-level professionals. For example, Privé-Swiss specializes in treating executives. Their experts can help you rebuild the skills you need to live a life you love, sustainably. 

If you can’t leave work for inpatient treatment, some Connecticut rehabs have outpatient options. These programs might be a good fit for people who live in the area, and have strong local support networks. If you’re traveling to the area for treatment, you can attend a residential program, or ask your care team about local housing.

Traveling to Rehab in Connecticut 

Connecticut is centrally located in New England. Because this region is such a hub for travel, it’s easy to access the state from anywhere in the U.S. or around the world. If you’re flying in for treatment, make sure you plan your route carefully. Within the state, you can fly into Bradley International Airport, which serves 9 domestic and 7 international airlines. If you can’t find a direct flight from your area to Bradley, you can fly into any of the New York City, Boston, or Providence airports. 

Once you arrive in New England, it’s easy to get exactly where you’re going. You can take an Amtrak train from any of the major cities to over 20 different stations in Connecticut. There are also frequent MetroNorth trains through Fairfield and New Haven counties. 

While it’s easy to get around Connecticut, it’s still important to plan carefully. The last leg of your trip to rehab is a delicate time. If at all possible, avoid traveling alone. You might ask a loved one or support person to go with you. And many rehabs in Connecticut also offer complimentary rides within a certain radius. For example, Retreat Behavioral Health South Connecticut will transport you to treatment for free within a 4-hour radius. 

Start a Healthier Life in the Land of Steady Habits

Choosing a treatment program can be scary. This is a big decision, and you might have to make it quickly. Here, rehab will help you stay grounded as you start recovery. There’s a reason Connecticut is known as the Land of Steady Habits. Treatment professionals here welcome people of all identities, offering a balance of independence and support. If respectful, structured environments make you feel safe, these programs might be a great fit.  

Browse our list of luxury rehabs in Connecticut to learn about types of treatment, pricing, locations, and more.