Innovative Addiction Treatment in European Rehabs

Rehab can be more than a clinical environment. In Europe, it’s also a joyous opportunity to take back control of your life. Picture yourself recovering amidst beautiful views, old architecture, and rich, accepting cultures. Add state-of-the-art treatment methods and a long list of fun ways to spend down time. If that sounds like the atmosphere you’re looking for in treatment, you might consider going to a luxury rehab in Europe

The Diverse Amenities of European Rehabs

Treatment is hard work. But when you’re in residential rehab, there’s more to life than attending therapy. In Europe’s luxury centers, clients can try new and engaging activities during treatment. Through these experiences, you’ll learn how to have fun in a healthy way. 

Explore New Cultures From the Comfort of Rehab

European rehabs have access to some of the greatest cultural landmarks in the world. And many treatment centers take clients to visit local attractions. During treatment at Paracelsus Recovery, for example, you’ll live in a penthouse apartment in downtown Zurich. CEO Jan Gerber explains that nearby, you can find “an opera house, there are concert halls, there are world-renowned museums, and there are very good restaurants.” Exploring a vibrant city, or any new environment, can help you mark the start of this new chapter.

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New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain

Choose Your Climate

With vast forests, calm seas, and rugged mountains, you can also find any type of environment in Europe.1 If you’d like to hunker down in a cozy room with a view, you could go to rehab in Scandinavia. Or if you prefer the sunshine and warm breeze of the tropics, you might find healing easier in a place like Mykonos

Many European rehabs take full advantage of their beautiful surroundings. Take Camino Recovery in Spain, for example. One week, you could hike in the Sierra de Tejeda. The next, you might sail and snorkel along the Mediterranean coast. These adventures are both fun and therapeutic. Connecting with nature can play an important role in treatment. 

Gourmet Meals Can Nourish Your Body

Learning how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle is essential during recovery. For many people, that means eating delicious, nourishing food. And there are several specific, clinical ways that nutrition supports addiction recovery

Eating balanced meals can boost your mood and improve your mental clarity. At centers like New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain, personal chefs and nutritionists design gourmet menus to support your recovery—both physically and mentally.

If you’re coming from abroad, this can be an opportunity to sample the local cuisine. And because so many European dishes are famous around the world, you might already know what to expect. On the other hand, this could be a chance for you to learn about a new culture.

Choose a Rehab That Aligns With Your Values

If you’re not from Europe, traveling there for rehab can give you valuable insight into life back at home. Or, if you already live in the area, you can easily connect with programs in neighboring countries. Either way, clients can decide between a great variety of cultures, in a relatively small geographical area. And once you choose the environment that suits you best, addiction recovery becomes that much easier.

Heal in Privacy in Europe

No matter where you’re from, going to rehab in a different country gives you more anonymity. Some rehabs, like The Cottage, even offer 1:1 treatment. As the only client on site, you’ll have access to the most discreet and individualized care possible.   

Other ultra-private rehabs, like Switzerland’s NEOVIVA, offer confidential, boutique treatment for executives. Here, clients stay in a fully operational hotel, with no signage indicating that it’s also a treatment center. Every staff member, at both NEOVIVA and the hotel, works to maintain your privacy. Clients benefit from clinical care, enjoy hotel amenities, and rest assured that they’re safe from prying eyes.

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NEOVIVA in Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

Embrace the Friendly Warmth of Southern Europe

Even if you require anonymity, you don’t have to heal in isolation. Countries along the Mediterranean, like Italy and Spain, have an especially strong focus on family2 and community. And those values shine through in some of the area’s rehabs.

At Solice, for example, clients offer each other emotional support. To Mark, a former client, Solice felt like “a home where people don’t judge, [but] care for each other.”3 Learning how to build healthy relationships can boost your self-esteem and support the process of recovery.4

Decriminalization in European Countries

Some European countries, like Portugal, have decriminalized all illicit drugs.5 They’ve also expanded their treatment services in an effort to make recovery accessible. 

This attitude can have a major impact on your treatment experience. For one thing, shame and stigma around drug use are often barriers to treatment.6 And decriminalization reduces the stigma of addiction.7 Because of this, rehabs in these countries may offer a unique type of emotional support. And in most areas, decriminalization efforts come with government funding. So these rehabs might have resources that are hard to come by in other places.

European Rehabs Provide High-Quality Care

In many parts of Europe, people see addiction as a health problem.8 If you’re working through stigma, this open-minded attitude can feel like a relief. It also opens the door to a number of treatment options you might not find elsewhere.

Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies

Few of Europe’s rehabs ask you to choose between Western medicine and holistic treatment. Instead, you can work with your provider to find the therapies that fit your needs. And for some clients, that means combining several different methods.

For example, NEO Centrum, in Prague, is a 12-Step rehab center. But they also specialize in Vipassana meditation as an addiction treatment. While both methods relate to spirituality, they offer vastly different benefits. During 12-Step recovery, clients build community around a shared philosophy of healing. Vipassana, on the other hand, encourages you to accept your own feelings, making peace with your deepest self.  

Meanwhile, in France, Maison Ila treats addiction and mental health issues through a variety of therapy methods. “You can immerse yourself deeply in nature, enjoy wild water bathing, practice restorative yoga and instinctive movement therapy, and receive esoteric, transformative treatments,” while also attending 12-Step meetings.9

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NEO Centrum in Prague, Czech Republic

Access Cutting Edge Treatments

Countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, and England are well-known for their innovative treatment techniques.10 That’s partly because these countries categorize addiction and mental health as public health issues. 

European researchers are studying new ways to treat addiction using medication.11 Some of these methods, like methadone maintenance therapy, are also available in other countries. But others are only accessible in the EU. And others are legal in some European countries, but unavailable elsewhere in the region. 

For example, Tabula Rasa Retreat is located in Portugal, where all substances are decriminalized. This program offers ibogaine therapy for people in addiction and mental health recovery. Meanwhile, in the U.S. and UK, ibogaine is a banned substance.12 Going to rehab in Europe could give you a wealth of treatment options, even if you’re not traveling far from home. 

Traveling to and Around Europe

Almost a billion people travel to the EU annually.13 Because of that, it’s a very accessible place visit, especially from countries like the U.S. and Canada. But there are a few details to think about before you plan a trip to Europe.

Do You Need a Visa to Go to Rehab in Europe?

You may or may not need a visa to enter Europe. It depends on where you’re coming from, and how long you’re planning to stay. This can be hard to predict in advance, especially if you’re considering an aftercare program. Talk to the admissions team at your rehab before you book any travel plans, so they can help you make the right arrangements. 

Citizens of the U.S., Canada, and over 50 other countries can visit the European Union (EU) without a visa.14 But if you plan to stay for longer than 90 days, different rules may apply. And European countries not in the EU, like the UK, may require a visa.15 

Flying to Europe

Flying into the EU is usually straightforward. Several international airports serve the region, and once you get there, you can quickly travel between European countries. 

For instance, if you’re traveling through the UK, you can reach over 200 different destinations from London-Heathrow airport.16 And if you’re going to rehab in Spain, you might fly into Adolfo Suárez Madrid, which has services to over 150 destinations. Or if you want a more centrally located airport, you can fly to Charles de Gaulle in Paris, and connect to any of 119 different countries. 

Getting Around in Europe

Once you’re in the region, you can use Europe’s robust train system to get around. Eurail is easy to navigate, and it lets you take in beautiful views en route. 

Despite your many options for traveling to and around the region, it’s best to go with a support person. The transition into rehab can be overwhelming, and a traveling companion can keep you safe along the way. And even if you do spend part of the trip alone, talk to your rehab before making specific plans. Many centers offer free transportation from the nearest airport.   

European Rehabs Bring Joy to Your Recovery

Wherever you’re traveling from, Europe’s rehabs invite you to come as you are. With its vast array of climates, cultures, and different types of therapy, this region has something for everyone. Recovery is hard, but it can also be inspiring. And finding happiness during treatment will set you up for even more success back home. 

Visit our list of luxury rehabs in Europe to learn about their different locations, amenities, and insurance options.

More People Are Considering Rehab in Portugal: Here’s Why

Residential rehab lets you step away from your daily environment and fully focus on recovery. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, many people find that a change in their surroundings facilitates healing in impactful ways. For some, traveling abroad for rehab can be profound.

Traveling can change your mindset: immersion in a new culture may promote positive thinking and foster a sense of connection to others. Often, luxury rehabs abroad are located in tranquil environments designed to relieve tension and cultivate calm. And certain destinations offer special therapeutic activities that you might not find back home.

Steeped in rich history and famous for its fresh seafood, a relaxed approach to life, and pastel-colored buildings ornate with bright Azulejos tiles, Portugal is quickly becoming a sought-after rehab destination.

It’s not just the landscape and culture that draws people to addiction treatment in the country. Here, you can find unique therapeutic approaches, including ibogaine treatment. Influenced by their warm culture, many centers have a home-like atmosphere supported by inviting staff. This level of comfort is especially important if you’re tentative about going abroad for treatment.

We explore some top reasons why addiction treatment in Portugal is gaining traction.

1. A Temperate Climate and Tranquil Landscapes

Temperate Climate

Portugal has mild weather, which can be a welcome change for people living in colder or hotter climates. Winter temperatures stay at around 16 °C (or 61 °F). Come summer, the region enjoys warmth and sun without the sweltering heat. Some cities, like Lisbon and Porto, have 11 hours of sun during the summer months.

Temperate climates can be good for your mental health.1 Research on temperature and self-reported mental health conducted in the U.S. revealed that humans are most comfortable in 16 to 21° C (or 60 to 70 °F), and the probability of self-reported mental health struggles increases in both colder and warmer temperatures.

Beautiful, Therapeutic Landscapes

Voted the top country to visit2 by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, Portugal’s natural landscape is nothing short of stunning. Stretches of mesmerizing coastline border the country’s west. Inland, you’ll find striking mountains in the north, peaceful rolling hills to the south, and charming cobblestone towns that dot the areas in between.

According to a study published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open Journal, this abundance of nature can aid addiction recovery3 in several ways:

  • it restores cognitive capacity;
  • it boosts recovery from psychosocial stress;
  • and it can enhance optimism.

As society grows more distanced from nature,4 we’re increasingly disconnected from its therapeutic benefits. Rehab can provide an opportunity to restore this important link. A Health Place journal study found that exposure to natural environments may even reduce cravings.5

Many private rehabs in Portugal emphasize connection to nature by making the most of the country’s tranquil greenscapes. In the historic town of Quinta das Lapas, Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre sits on a 10-acre property surrounded by countryside. Residents live in a Portuguese-style home with lush baroque gardens nearby. The center takes a multidisciplinary approach to addiction recovery and highlights the importance of outdoor activities and their green surroundings.

2. Rich History and Warm Culture

Portugal is culturally vibrant, brimming with rich history. From Arabic-influenced Moorish castles to gothic-style monuments, each of its cobbled-street cities is picturesque in its own right.

Many rehabs in Portugal make use of their proximity to culturally significant locations. Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre offers guided tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites, like the breathtaking baroque and neoclassical palaces found in Quinta das Lapas.

Quinta das lapas
Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre is located in the historic, charming town of Quinta das Lapas.

If exploring new sites sounds inspiring, the good news is that it can also be good for you. Travel delivers mental health benefits7 which can support your recovery process. Psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Todd B. Kashdan explains how travel can strengthen skills like emotional regulation: “exposure to foreign travel [is] linked to a greater ability to direct attention and energy, which helps us function effectively in diverse situations and display appropriate verbal and nonverbal signals of emotion… you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations.”

Attending rehab in another country can also foster deeper human connection6 and feelings of wholeness. It opens you up to new ways of communication. Portuguese culture is known as easygoing and friendly. This translates to what you’ll find at rehabs there, and many centers emphasize their cozy, home-like atmosphere.

Heritage Counseling Clinic
Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, Lisbon emphasizes their strong client-staff relations.

Heritage Counseling Clinic, in the historic town of Sintra, has made the client-staff connection an integral part of their treatment program. “Everything was designed so that the relation between patients and staff can flow naturally, ensuring that [you] can experience rapid integration.”

Tabula Rasa Retreat, which offers ibogaine treatment in Portugal’s Alentejo region, highlights their family-style environment and supportive team as a core component of their holistic approach.

3. A Menu of Treatment Options

Several luxury rehabs in Portugal have holistic addiction treatment programs. These programs include a balance of psychotherapy, holistic therapies, experiential therapies, and more. We explore common therapies offered at centers in Portugal, plus treatment that isn’t yet available in the U.S.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most common forms of evidence-based psychotherapy. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, behavior, and physiology are interconnected. By changing our thought patterns, we have the power to change our emotions and behavior. Several empirical studies point to the efficacy of CBT,8 with some psychologists calling it the “gold standard of the psychotherapy field,” as published in the Front Psychology journal. Many rehabs offer CBT to help treat addiction and mental health issues like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is led by 1 therapist – or a co-leader for bigger groups – and usually involves 5 or more participants, depending on the rehab’s intake numbers. This type of therapy allows for dynamic conversations and moments of reflection. The support network it offers often empowers people through their healing process. Simply knowing others are going through similar struggles can help you feel understood, activating parts of the brain associated with reward and social connection. These feelings could be amplified during group therapy abroad, when you see that people from different cultures share your struggle.

Family Therapy
Family is foundational to Portugal’s social structure. Several rehabs in the country offer family therapy. With the rise of telehealth for addiction treatment, it’s now more common for rehabs abroad to provide virtual sessions so family back home can participate. For some people, family inclusion is an important part of recovery. Family therapy can give you a better understanding of your unique family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Substance abuse often impacts an entire family system – this form of psychotherapy is intended to help everyone involved heal. This can result in stronger family resilience and ties. The interpersonal skills you learn in family therapy can also be applied to other relationships in your life.

Holistic Therapies

Physical Activity
The significance of physical exercise for addiction treatment9 has been well documented: collective studies show that exercise can “reduce compulsive patterns of drug intake in clinical and at-risk populations.” You’ll often see some form of exercise included in most private rehab programs. With Portugal’s temperate weather and sunny summers, many rehab facilities offer outdoor physical activities when possible. Heritage Counseling Clinic’s program includes outdoor yoga and chi-kung. Meanwhile, Casa da Oliveira holds water activities in their outdoor pool during summer.

Art therapy
It’s not always easy to put your feelings into words. This is where art therapy can help. Art therapy offers several documented benefits for addiction recovery:10

  • Decreased denial
  • Lessened shame
  • A communication outlet
  • Less opposition to addiction treatment

When psychotherapy and art therapy are combined,10 they can work to promote each other’s goals.

Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine-assisted therapy is a type of alternative treatment usually delivered in a short-term residential facility. It involves administering ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid extracted from the iboga shrub native to West Africa. In small doses, it acts as a mild stimulant. In larger doses, ibogaine induces a dream-like state. This experience, when overseen by treatment professionals, serves as a potentially effective therapy for substance use disorder or other mental health diagnoses, like depression.

Research on ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment has been promising. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) observed the long-term effectiveness of ibogaine11 and found that “a single ibogaine treatment reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and achieved opioid cessation or reduced use across the one year study.”

Ibogaine has also been shown to reduce drug cravings12 for people suffering from opioid and cocaine addiction.

While ibogaine-assisted therapy isn’t yet available in the U.S., you can travel abroad for treatment. Countries like Mexico and Portugal have addiction treatment centers with ibogaine therapy. Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region of Portugal offers this therapy as part of their holistic approach to treatment. There, ibogaine therapy is administered in a monitored, safe environment by experienced medical professionals and is supported with complementary therapies like breathwork, massage, meditation, and more.

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Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal’s Alentejo area offers ibogaine treatment in a charming, safe home-like environment.

4. An Abundance of Activities

Portugal’s temperate weather allows for outdoor experiential therapies and activities year-round, like equine therapy, rappelling, and sightseeing. Experiential activities teach you new skills and can show you it’s possible to find joy in other interests. You may even discover lasting hobbies in the process.

Equine therapy
Equine-assisted therapy involves therapeutic work with horses, led by a professional guide or therapist, to help treat addiction and mental health disorders. It’s offered at several treatment centers in Portugal including Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region, Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, and Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre in Monte Redondo.

Portugal’s unique landscape is dotted with mesmerizing, tall cliffs, lending itself well to activities like rappelling. Rappelling is a form of therapeutic climbing (TC) where you descend the face of a rock in a harness with a fastened rope to help guide you down. Some mental health benefits of therapeutic climbing13 (TC) include reduced symptoms of depression and improved psychological well-being. At Heritage Counseling Clinic, rappelling is combined with a unique cultural experience: the rappel site offers views of some of Portugal’s most well-known heritage castles.

Standing among century-old structures and heritage sites is linked with mental wellness,14 including improved mood and a deeper sense of citizenship among groups of people that share commonalities. The good news is, there’s no shortage of sightseeing in history-rich Portugal. At some rehabs, like Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre, you’re taken on guided tours of UNESCO Heritage palaces. For many people, addiction is isolating. These kinds of cultural experiences may foster a deeper sense of connection with the world, and other people, around you.

Sintra Portugal
Portugal is home to stunning heritage sites, like the famous Palacio Nacional da Pena in Sintra.

5. Accessible and Easy to Get Around

Portugal has 3 international airports in Lisbon, Faro, and Porto, and 4 smaller airports for domestic travel. A majority of U.S. airports have flights to Lisbon, with direct flights from some of the U.S.’s biggest international airports. Almost every major European city offers direct flights to Lisbon too.

Many rehabs offer airport pick-up services once you’ve landed in Portugal. While getting around the country is easy, with a well-functioning metro system and rideshare apps like Uber, it may be too overwhelming to navigate travel in the midst of early recovery. It’s recommended to speak with your rehab’s admissions team and arrange to have someone guide you to the center once you’ve landed.

Embark On Your Recovery Journey in Portugal

Attending rehab in a different country can help you gain a new perspective on life. This can be incredibly impactful to someone’s recovery journey. It shows you a different way of living, which may help you feel more connected to others and the world around you. With so much history and heritage, Portugal isn’t just an awe-inspiring place to find recovery: it can help inspire powerful connections and feelings of wholeness.

To learn more about addiction and mental health treatment in the country, browse our list of luxury rehabs in Portugal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Portugal

How much does luxury rehab in Portugal typically cost?

Luxury rehab in Portugal typically costs under $10,000 up to $25,000 for a 30-day program without insurance. Cost can vary depending on factors like the duration of the program, level of personalized care, and amenities offered. It’s best to contact the individual luxury rehab centers in Portugal for accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

What amenities can I expect at a luxury rehab in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal offer a range of amenities:

• Luxurious, private accommodations
• Gourmet dining
• Spa and wellness facilities
• Recreational activities

What types of therapies are available at luxury rehabs in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal provide a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, adventure outings, equine therapy, rappelling, historical site visits, and more.