How Fitness Supports Us in Addiction Recovery and Beyond

It’s no secret that exercise makes you feel good. These positive feelings are thanks to endorphins released during and after physical activity. It can also be an important part of healing your body from the effects of addiction, trauma, and stress.

Recovery is all about building a sustainable, healthy routine, and exercise can help you get there. Because of this, many addiction and mental health rehabs focus on fitness, and have amenities to help you stay active during your care. 

Why Exercise is Good For You

Exercise helps physical and mental health,1 and can improve the following:

  • brain health
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sleep
  • focus
  • confidence

One study found that “People who exercised had about 43% fewer days of poor mental health.”2 

Exercise Lowers Stress Levels

Exercise reduces stress3 by lowering stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Rhythmic activities like walking clear the mind, helping you relax naturally. 

Stress makes people more prone to relapse,4 so learning to manage it is crucial for recovery. A regular fitness routine decreases the likelihood of falling back into familiar coping patterns.

personal training the banyans
An exercise physiologist designs individual exercise plans for each client at The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia.

Physical Fitness Helps Treat Depression

Studies show that exercising is effective in treating depression.5 On the flip side, not exercising is a risk factor for developing depression. When you work out, your brain releases serotonin, a hormone that improves your mood. (Antidepressants relieve depression by increasing serotonin levels.)

Even just a few minutes of physical activity per day can make a big difference in your mood. One study compared people who exercised with those who didn’t. Researchers found that 1.25 hours of walking per week lowered the risk of depression by 18%.6 This decreased by 25% with at least 2.5 hours per week.

Regular Exercise Reduces Anxiety

Research shows that physical activity is associated with less anxiety.7 It can help distract you from anxious thoughts. Instead, you’ll focus on something positive, like finishing a workout or achieving a goal—even if that’s just walking for 20 minutes. 

Exercise Improves Your Overall Well Being

By trying new activities and overcoming challenges, your confidence will increase.8 You’ll start to feel better as your immunity, sleep, and energy levels improve. And your risk for disease and health complications goes down as your body repairs the damage caused by substances and prolonged stress. Drugs and alcohol aren’t kind to your body, but the good news is that damage is usually not permanent. Exercise can be the first step in working towards better health—and a better outlook on life.

Exercise and Addiction

Studies show that exercise facilitates recovery from substance abuse9 in these ways:

  • decreases the likelihood of relapse
  • lessens drug-seeking behavior
  • reinforces positive change

People who exercise are less likely to use drugs.10 It’s likely that its ability to reduce stress, and therefore regulate emotions, is a factor. You can see the effects in animal studies, too: opioid-dependent rats took morphine less often when they swam consistently.11 Rodents dependent on cocaine were less likely to use the drug when they had access to an exercise wheel.12 A fitness routine adds structure to your day, allows you to explore new interests, helps you build community, and even overcome addiction.

A New, Healthy Hobby

Physical activity can become a new way to spend time outside of substance abuse. It can even become a new hobby. You might realize that you love spending time at the gym or running outside. Or, you may return to an old interest: maybe you used to shoot hoops for hours or play volleyball every weekend with your friends.

Regardless of the role fitness has in your life, it’s important to find activities you enjoy doing while sober. These can replace the time that you used to spend using drugs. Remember that recovery can—and should be—fun.

cycling white river manor
Cycling at White River Manor in Mpumalanga, South Africa

A Way to Meet Other Sober People

Physical fitness can give you a way to connect with new people, both in rehab and after you leave. During rehab, you can bond with people over similar interests in a specific activity, like rock climbing or dancing. These new relationships can be instrumental in your recovery process: it’s important to have people to talk to when you’re feeling down. It’s especially helpful to surround yourself with others that have had similar experiences. They can empathize with, and truly understand, what you’re going through.

Exercise Rewires Your Brain

Exercise releases dopamine in your brain. This hormone is responsible for “good” feelings, and can even have pleasurable effects similar to those you get from drugs. This is because exercise and substances activate some of the same reward pathways.

Exercise also prevents further brain damage from substance use13 and promotes cell regeneration. And forming a new habit can actually change your brain. “Neuroplasticity” is the brain’s ability to create new connections. You can use this to your advantage by introducing exercise into your own routine. If you continue to exercise consistently in a way that’s fun and sustainable, it can become a healthy habit that you genuinely enjoy. 

Luxury Rehab Fitness Amenities

You’ll have an array of fitness options at different luxury facilities, from fun activities to personal trainers. Remember that it’s important to choose something you like doing. Studies show that you’re more likely to stick with an exercise routine14 if you enjoy it. So if you already love yoga, you can choose a center like Veritas Detox that offers classes. Or if you’ve always thought that boxing looked fun, you can check out a facility like SOBA New Jersey.

Gym Amenities

Many rehab facilities have fitness centers. At Sierra Tucson, clients can take advantage of their many fitness amenities. Soak up views of the Santa Catalina Mountains from their outdoor swimming pool or work out in the fully equipped gym. You can even learn how to rock climb on their indoor rock wall.

At Hollywood Hills Recovery, clients have access to a personal trainer, as well as group or private fitness classes.

Sports Opportunities

Social support is an important factor in sticking to an exercise routine.15 Team sports are a great way to foster new relationships. Futures Recovery Healthcare is an ideal facility for sports lovers. Challenge another client to a game of tennis, basketball, or volleyball on one of their many courts.

Rehab Facilities for Athletes

If you’re an athlete, you may want (or need) to continue training while in treatment. All Points North’s specialty program for athletes was created by professional athletes. Their center provides top-tier amenities to support your needs, like an indoor lap pool and personal trainer. 

At Soberman’s Estate, clients work with fitness coach Carl Hargrave. Once an NFL coach, he now helps clients find healing through fitness and prepare for the “field of life.”

Outdoor Activities

Recreating in nature provides many benefits—and some rehab facilities offer adventure therapy activities, like hiking and biking. For example, Lions Gate Recovery provides recreational outings to the nearby Zion National Park. Colorado is world-renowned for its outdoor opportunities, and All Points North Lodge in Vail is no exception. Clients can hike, paddleboard, or mountain bike in the summer, and go snowshoeing, snowboarding, or skiing in the winter.

Spending time in nature positively affects mental health.16 For example, researchers found that people who were outside for at least 2 hours per week had better overall well-being. This averages out to just 15 to 20 minutes per day. When you combine this with exercise, the effects are twofold: you reap the benefits from both physical activity and time in green spaces.

Find Joy on the Other Side of Healing

No matter your age or ability, even small amounts of exercise provide important mental and physical benefits. While physical activity is only part of your recovery journey, it plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
See our curated list of luxury rehabs with exercise programs to view fitness amenities, activity options, compare prices, and more.

More People Are Considering Rehab in Portugal: Here’s Why

Residential rehab lets you step away from your daily environment and fully focus on recovery. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, many people find that a change in their surroundings facilitates healing in impactful ways. For some, traveling abroad for rehab can be profound.

Traveling can change your mindset: immersion in a new culture may promote positive thinking and foster a sense of connection to others. Often, luxury rehabs abroad are located in tranquil environments designed to relieve tension and cultivate calm. And certain destinations offer special therapeutic activities that you might not find back home.

Steeped in rich history and famous for its fresh seafood, a relaxed approach to life, and pastel-colored buildings ornate with bright Azulejos tiles, Portugal is quickly becoming a sought-after rehab destination.

It’s not just the landscape and culture that draws people to addiction treatment in the country. Here, you can find unique therapeutic approaches, including ibogaine treatment. Influenced by their warm culture, many centers have a home-like atmosphere supported by inviting staff. This level of comfort is especially important if you’re tentative about going abroad for treatment.

We explore some top reasons why addiction treatment in Portugal is gaining traction.

1. A Temperate Climate and Tranquil Landscapes

Temperate Climate

Portugal has mild weather, which can be a welcome change for people living in colder or hotter climates. Winter temperatures stay at around 16 °C (or 61 °F). Come summer, the region enjoys warmth and sun without the sweltering heat. Some cities, like Lisbon and Porto, have 11 hours of sun during the summer months.

Temperate climates can be good for your mental health.1 Research on temperature and self-reported mental health conducted in the U.S. revealed that humans are most comfortable in 16 to 21° C (or 60 to 70 °F), and the probability of self-reported mental health struggles increases in both colder and warmer temperatures.

Beautiful, Therapeutic Landscapes

Voted the top country to visit2 by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, Portugal’s natural landscape is nothing short of stunning. Stretches of mesmerizing coastline border the country’s west. Inland, you’ll find striking mountains in the north, peaceful rolling hills to the south, and charming cobblestone towns that dot the areas in between.

According to a study published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open Journal, this abundance of nature can aid addiction recovery3 in several ways:

  • it restores cognitive capacity;
  • it boosts recovery from psychosocial stress;
  • and it can enhance optimism.

As society grows more distanced from nature,4 we’re increasingly disconnected from its therapeutic benefits. Rehab can provide an opportunity to restore this important link. A Health Place journal study found that exposure to natural environments may even reduce cravings.5

Many private rehabs in Portugal emphasize connection to nature by making the most of the country’s tranquil greenscapes. In the historic town of Quinta das Lapas, Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre sits on a 10-acre property surrounded by countryside. Residents live in a Portuguese-style home with lush baroque gardens nearby. The center takes a multidisciplinary approach to addiction recovery and highlights the importance of outdoor activities and their green surroundings.

2. Rich History and Warm Culture

Portugal is culturally vibrant, brimming with rich history. From Arabic-influenced Moorish castles to gothic-style monuments, each of its cobbled-street cities is picturesque in its own right.

Many rehabs in Portugal make use of their proximity to culturally significant locations. Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre offers guided tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites, like the breathtaking baroque and neoclassical palaces found in Quinta das Lapas.

Quinta das lapas
Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre is located in the historic, charming town of Quinta das Lapas.

If exploring new sites sounds inspiring, the good news is that it can also be good for you. Travel delivers mental health benefits7 which can support your recovery process. Psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Todd B. Kashdan explains how travel can strengthen skills like emotional regulation: “exposure to foreign travel [is] linked to a greater ability to direct attention and energy, which helps us function effectively in diverse situations and display appropriate verbal and nonverbal signals of emotion… you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations.”

Attending rehab in another country can also foster deeper human connection6 and feelings of wholeness. It opens you up to new ways of communication. Portuguese culture is known as easygoing and friendly. This translates to what you’ll find at rehabs there, and many centers emphasize their cozy, home-like atmosphere.

Heritage Counseling Clinic
Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, Lisbon emphasizes their strong client-staff relations.

Heritage Counseling Clinic, in the historic town of Sintra, has made the client-staff connection an integral part of their treatment program. “Everything was designed so that the relation between patients and staff can flow naturally, ensuring that [you] can experience rapid integration.”

Tabula Rasa Retreat, which offers ibogaine treatment in Portugal’s Alentejo region, highlights their family-style environment and supportive team as a core component of their holistic approach.

3. A Menu of Treatment Options

Several luxury rehabs in Portugal have holistic addiction treatment programs. These programs include a balance of psychotherapy, holistic therapies, experiential therapies, and more. We explore common therapies offered at centers in Portugal, plus treatment that isn’t yet available in the U.S.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most common forms of evidence-based psychotherapy. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, behavior, and physiology are interconnected. By changing our thought patterns, we have the power to change our emotions and behavior. Several empirical studies point to the efficacy of CBT,8 with some psychologists calling it the “gold standard of the psychotherapy field,” as published in the Front Psychology journal. Many rehabs offer CBT to help treat addiction and mental health issues like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is led by 1 therapist – or a co-leader for bigger groups – and usually involves 5 or more participants, depending on the rehab’s intake numbers. This type of therapy allows for dynamic conversations and moments of reflection. The support network it offers often empowers people through their healing process. Simply knowing others are going through similar struggles can help you feel understood, activating parts of the brain associated with reward and social connection. These feelings could be amplified during group therapy abroad, when you see that people from different cultures share your struggle.

Family Therapy
Family is foundational to Portugal’s social structure. Several rehabs in the country offer family therapy. With the rise of telehealth for addiction treatment, it’s now more common for rehabs abroad to provide virtual sessions so family back home can participate. For some people, family inclusion is an important part of recovery. Family therapy can give you a better understanding of your unique family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Substance abuse often impacts an entire family system – this form of psychotherapy is intended to help everyone involved heal. This can result in stronger family resilience and ties. The interpersonal skills you learn in family therapy can also be applied to other relationships in your life.

Holistic Therapies

Physical Activity
The significance of physical exercise for addiction treatment9 has been well documented: collective studies show that exercise can “reduce compulsive patterns of drug intake in clinical and at-risk populations.” You’ll often see some form of exercise included in most private rehab programs. With Portugal’s temperate weather and sunny summers, many rehab facilities offer outdoor physical activities when possible. Heritage Counseling Clinic’s program includes outdoor yoga and chi-kung. Meanwhile, Casa da Oliveira holds water activities in their outdoor pool during summer.

Art therapy
It’s not always easy to put your feelings into words. This is where art therapy can help. Art therapy offers several documented benefits for addiction recovery:10

  • Decreased denial
  • Lessened shame
  • A communication outlet
  • Less opposition to addiction treatment

When psychotherapy and art therapy are combined,10 they can work to promote each other’s goals.

Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine-assisted therapy is a type of alternative treatment usually delivered in a short-term residential facility. It involves administering ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid extracted from the iboga shrub native to West Africa. In small doses, it acts as a mild stimulant. In larger doses, ibogaine induces a dream-like state. This experience, when overseen by treatment professionals, serves as a potentially effective therapy for substance use disorder or other mental health diagnoses, like depression.

Research on ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment has been promising. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) observed the long-term effectiveness of ibogaine11 and found that “a single ibogaine treatment reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and achieved opioid cessation or reduced use across the one year study.”

Ibogaine has also been shown to reduce drug cravings12 for people suffering from opioid and cocaine addiction.

While ibogaine-assisted therapy isn’t yet available in the U.S., you can travel abroad for treatment. Countries like Mexico and Portugal have addiction treatment centers with ibogaine therapy. Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region of Portugal offers this therapy as part of their holistic approach to treatment. There, ibogaine therapy is administered in a monitored, safe environment by experienced medical professionals and is supported with complementary therapies like breathwork, massage, meditation, and more.

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Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal’s Alentejo area offers ibogaine treatment in a charming, safe home-like environment.

4. An Abundance of Activities

Portugal’s temperate weather allows for outdoor experiential therapies and activities year-round, like equine therapy, rappelling, and sightseeing. Experiential activities teach you new skills and can show you it’s possible to find joy in other interests. You may even discover lasting hobbies in the process.

Equine therapy
Equine-assisted therapy involves therapeutic work with horses, led by a professional guide or therapist, to help treat addiction and mental health disorders. It’s offered at several treatment centers in Portugal including Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region, Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, and Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre in Monte Redondo.

Portugal’s unique landscape is dotted with mesmerizing, tall cliffs, lending itself well to activities like rappelling. Rappelling is a form of therapeutic climbing (TC) where you descend the face of a rock in a harness with a fastened rope to help guide you down. Some mental health benefits of therapeutic climbing13 (TC) include reduced symptoms of depression and improved psychological well-being. At Heritage Counseling Clinic, rappelling is combined with a unique cultural experience: the rappel site offers views of some of Portugal’s most well-known heritage castles.

Standing among century-old structures and heritage sites is linked with mental wellness,14 including improved mood and a deeper sense of citizenship among groups of people that share commonalities. The good news is, there’s no shortage of sightseeing in history-rich Portugal. At some rehabs, like Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre, you’re taken on guided tours of UNESCO Heritage palaces. For many people, addiction is isolating. These kinds of cultural experiences may foster a deeper sense of connection with the world, and other people, around you.

Sintra Portugal
Portugal is home to stunning heritage sites, like the famous Palacio Nacional da Pena in Sintra.

5. Accessible and Easy to Get Around

Portugal has 3 international airports in Lisbon, Faro, and Porto, and 4 smaller airports for domestic travel. A majority of U.S. airports have flights to Lisbon, with direct flights from some of the U.S.’s biggest international airports. Almost every major European city offers direct flights to Lisbon too.

Many rehabs offer airport pick-up services once you’ve landed in Portugal. While getting around the country is easy, with a well-functioning metro system and rideshare apps like Uber, it may be too overwhelming to navigate travel in the midst of early recovery. It’s recommended to speak with your rehab’s admissions team and arrange to have someone guide you to the center once you’ve landed.

Embark On Your Recovery Journey in Portugal

Attending rehab in a different country can help you gain a new perspective on life. This can be incredibly impactful to someone’s recovery journey. It shows you a different way of living, which may help you feel more connected to others and the world around you. With so much history and heritage, Portugal isn’t just an awe-inspiring place to find recovery: it can help inspire powerful connections and feelings of wholeness.

To learn more about addiction and mental health treatment in the country, browse our list of luxury rehabs in Portugal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Portugal

How much does luxury rehab in Portugal typically cost?

Luxury rehab in Portugal typically costs under $10,000 up to $25,000 for a 30-day program without insurance. Cost can vary depending on factors like the duration of the program, level of personalized care, and amenities offered. It’s best to contact the individual luxury rehab centers in Portugal for accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

What amenities can I expect at a luxury rehab in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal offer a range of amenities:

• Luxurious, private accommodations
• Gourmet dining
• Spa and wellness facilities
• Recreational activities

What types of therapies are available at luxury rehabs in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal provide a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, adventure outings, equine therapy, rappelling, historical site visits, and more.

Learning by Doing With Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy lets you heal by doing. Taking part in activities during rehab encourages you to learn new skills, and it can be a lot of fun. But this therapeutic modality offers much deeper benefits. It’s also a way for clients to get to know themselves in different contexts, processing emotions they might not easily access during talk therapy.

When you think of therapy, you may picture a private or group conversation with a trained healthcare provider. That’s an important part of any inpatient rehab experience, but it’s not the only way to heal. Experiential therapy techniques can help you get out in the world, center yourself in your body, connect with your community, and tap into your innate creativity. In the safe and supported environment of rehab, clients can then process these experiences with a talk therapist.

For many people, this is a valuable way to work through emotional triggers. You’ll learn what does and doesn’t work for you, relating recent events to your personal history. Then you can set new goals for your next session of experiential therapy, gradually getting better at navigating new situations. There are many different types of experimental therapy, and depending on where you go to rehab, you may be able to choose from a wide variety of activities. It’s important to choose a type of therapy that will support your healing process.

Types of Therapeutic Activities and Expression

If you want to try experiential therapy, look for a rehab center that offers specific programs you’re interested in. If you find physical exercise to be especially healing, you might want to go rock climbing or river rafting. If you enjoy connecting with nature, you may prefer hiking or equine therapy. And if you find meaning in the arts, you can even visit museums while you’re in treatment. There are countless options available.

However, it’s important to remember that rehab is not a vacation. Not every experience will be available to every client, or at every facility. You can rely on your clinical team to help you decide which ones are a good fit for you.

Athletic Activities

Research shows that exercise has a positive impact on addiction recovery.3 It’s not only physically healthy; it’s also a way to remind yourself that you’re a capable person. By overcoming new challenges, you’ll create memories that remind you of your own strength. If you can literally scale a mountain, it may be easier to face the peaks and valleys of the recovery journey.

Sierra Tucson rockclimbing
Rock climbing is one of the many athletic activities available at Sierra Tucson in Tucson, Arizona.

These experiential therapies aren’t just metaphors for your future success. In a practical way, they also give clients a break from talk therapy. By stepping into a new context, you’ll gain insights that just aren’t as accessible in talk therapy. Jerry Vaccaro, President of All Points North Lodge in Colorado, explains that these activities are intended “to help clients incorporate what they’ve just learned. If you think about it, if somebody who’s been through an intensive burst of treatment in a week goes skiing, that activity allows them to unplug and process what they’ve just been through and enjoy themselves.”

Adventure Therapy

Many people approach recovery as a spiritual journey. And in the right context, experiential therapy can be a transcendent experience. Residents of White River Manor, in South Africa, are invited to go on safari. As Giles Fourie, Director and Co-owner, describes it, “safaris through the Kruger National Park are a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a lot of people. To experience wildlife in its natural habitat is so unique and so special. It’s liberating. It’s almost spiritual in nature.”

White River Manor safari
Guests at White River Manor in South Africa have the opportunity to partake in unique experiences like a once-in-a-lifetime safari.

And if South Africa isn’t right for you, there are other places to find adventure. At The ‘Ohana, in Hawaii, clients visit “the famous volcano of the island. They will tour the rim of the volcano as well as visit lava tubes. They will be immersed into nature; connecting to the earth and the power which it holds. Clients will experience a therapeutic group session along their journey as they reflect on how things are constantly changing. Volcanoes beautifully illustrate the process of rebuilding and reshaping.”

Looking into a volcano can be a spiritual experience for anyone, whether or not they’re in recovery. Having these experiences surrounded by your cohort, and supported by staff members from your rehab program, is an extremely powerful experience. These adventures offer you a new perspective on your own life, as well as on the world around you.

Art Therapy

Many people misuse substances in order to avoid dealing with negative emotions that they’re afraid to feel or express. The creative outlet of art therapy allows you to engage with those feelings without being subsumed by them. In this modality, clients “use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings.” This engaging, cathartic experience offers clients new tools for self-expression.

After inpatient rehab, it’s important to find healthy, sustainable ways to fill your time. Ideally, you’ll replace past behaviors with new activities that you find meaningful. For many people, art is the answer. This practice is both versatile and accessible—art therapy may include visual art, music, writing, or psychodrama. Once you return home, you can continue any of these activities, either on your own or in community.

Art isn’t just for artists. There’s great value in the act of creation, whether or not you intend to share your work in public. Preliminary research has even found a correlation between creativity and self-esteem.1 Art therapy is an opportunity to not only learn a new skill, but also to learn more about yourself.

The Philosophy Behind the Experiential Approach

Any activity, from adventure outings to ziplining, can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “the way you do one thing is the way you do everything—or at least, there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.”

Experiential therapy engages different parts of the brain,2 and can be extremely beneficial when combined with other modalities. You’ll also have the opportunity to apply your insight from talk therapy in a new environment, and often in group settings. This way, clients can practice not only making safe choices, but also building healthy relationships. Even if you go off-site, everything you do during rehab takes place within a protected, supported context. Think of experiential therapy like riding a bike with training wheels. You’ll be exposed to new stimuli, and you’ll probably be a little uncomfortable. There’s a lot to learn from that discomfort. And you can trust that your therapists and support staff will be there to keep you on track, even if you get triggered.

Not every therapeutic modality is right for every client, and it’s ideal to find activities that best suit your learning style.4 According to one popular theory, there are four major learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and kinesthetic. If you’re a verbal learner, for example, you may want to focus on talk therapy instead of learning martial arts.

However, you may be surprised to see which types of therapy suit you best. Rehab is a time to get to know yourself better than you have in the past and let go of negative preconceptions. As you reconnect with your most deeply held values, you just might get excited to try new things.

Limitations of Activity-Based Treatment Techniques

It’s important to note that experiential therapy isn’t right for everyone. For example, many people arrive at rehab with post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These clients may not be ready for strenuous activity, or even to go off-site with a group.

On the other hand, you may prefer a program without any group activities. Some clients, especially celebrities and high-level executives choose to attend private rehab facilities which treat only one client at a time. These facilities may offer adventure therapies, but that context won’t allow you to learn about group dynamics in quite the same way.

Experiential therapy is absolutely not a substitute for talk therapy. These excursions are valuable for many reasons, not least of all because you can return to talk therapy afterward and process your experience. This is true before, during, and after rehab. Joining a rock climbing gym is a great idea for some clients, but it should be combined with some sort of clinical care.

What This Means When You’re Choosing a Treatment Program

Finding the right kind of experiential treatment is a very personal process. Some people may benefit from stepping outside their comfort zones, trying exciting new activities they’ve never had access to before. Others may want to hone a skill, or return to a hobby they once loved. There’s no right or wrong way to choose an activity to focus on; there’s just the right way for you.

As you look into rehabs, be mindful of what type of treatment you find in various locations. Your preferences may also inform the geographical area of your program. If you live in Texas and want to go skiing during rehab, for example, it probably makes sense to travel to a new place.

It’s quite common for rehab facilities to only offer certain experiences to certain clients. You may be required to complete part of the program before you can participate in off-site outings. For example, Futures Recovery Healthcare offers a number of programs for people with different needs. Clients in their adventure therapy program, Rise, take part in a 10-day on-site stabilization program before joining other activities.

Futures Recovery Healthcare Rise
Futures Recovery Healthcare’s Rise program offers a uniquely active, adventure-based approach to recovery.

Create Meaning Through Experience

Rehab is an opportunity to make big changes. And in order to change the way you feel, you’ll almost certainly begin by changing what you do. Rather than just setting down old behaviors, it’s important to refill your time with activities that give your life purpose. Cultivating that sense of fulfillment makes recovery more sustainable. What you do in experiential therapy may or may not become your new favorite hobby: you might just discover that you hate surfing, and get excited to return home to the Midwest. Regardless, each of these experiences serve to teach you more about yourself.

To learn more about the many activities you can try during treatment, connect with a luxury rehab offering experiential therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Experiential Therapy

What is experiential therapy in rehab?

Experiential therapy is a therapeutic modality that encourages healing through hands-on activities and experiences. It goes beyond traditional talk therapy and allows clients to engage in activities like rock climbing, equine therapy, or art therapy. These experiences help clients learn new skills, process emotions, and gain insights in a different context, leading to deeper personal growth and self-discovery.

How does experiential therapy benefit addiction recovery?

By engaging in physical activities and adventures, such as athletic activities or adventure therapy, people in recovery can boost their self-esteem, develop resilience, and gain a new perspective on life. Art therapy, for example, provides a creative outlet for self-expression and exploring emotions. These therapies complement talk therapy, helping clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and build stronger relationships.

How to choose the right experiential therapy for rehab?

When choosing an experiential therapy for rehab, it’s important to consider your interests and preferences. Look for rehab centers that offer specific programs aligned with your goals, such as outdoor adventure or music therapy. Discuss with your clinical team to determine which activities are suitable for your healing process. Remember, not every therapy is suitable for everyone, and it’s essential to find activities that resonate with your learning style and contribute to your overall well-being during the recovery journey.