What is Hangover Anxiety?: Why Drinking Causes ‘Hangxiety’

Hangover anxiety, or hangxiety, isn’t a diagnosis, but rather how you feel after a night of drinking alcohol. A hangover has physical symptoms like nausea and a headache, but you can have mental effects as well.

Drinking responsibly likely won’t lead to these negative feelings; however, if you’re consistently drinking a lot and feeling hangover anxiety, then it may be time to look for help. Getting treatment for alcohol addiction can help you get a handle on your drinking, so you don’t have to wake up with worry the next morning. 

Hangover Anxiety or ‘Hangxiety’

75% of those who get a hangover have some impairment in their normal functioning1, like difficulty concentrating. On top of that, roughly 22% of drinkers also experience psychological effects like anxiety and depression after a night out. This is what we call hangxiety.

What Does Hangover Anxiety Feel Like?

When you start drinking, alcohol drives a surge of endorphins in the brain2, which feels good at first. Then, after this rush, there’s a decrease in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) which leads to a form of withdrawal. This is what we commonly refer to as a hangover.

This withdrawal affects you physically and mentally, including provoking anxiety and depression symptoms. Hangover anxiety can look different for everyone, but these are some common symptoms:

  • Restlessness
  • Anxiousness
  • Ruminating on yesterday’s events
  • Heart racing
  • Feeling guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating

What Causes Hangover Anxiety?

After your endorphins drop, your brain can quite literally feel exhausted the next day. Your body uses a lot of energy trying to maintain homeostasis after being affected by the alcohol. And cortisol, the stress hormone, releases after drinking3, making you feel even more anxious. 

These factors can also exacerbate hangnxiety symptoms:

1. Social Anxiety

You might use alcohol as a “social lubricant” if you experience social anxiety. This can cause you to drink more than you should. Though for those few intoxicated hours you may feel less anxious, these feelings return as the alcohol wears off. And if you have a hangover from excessive alcohol consumption, your anxiety can skyrocket. Alcohol will enhance whatever emotional state you’re in, so if you’re anxious, it’s going to come back in full swing.

2. Water intake

Alcohol is a diuretic, so drinking it makes you dehydrated. This can contribute to hangover anxiety because low water intake, which happens while drinking, is associated with detrimental effects on mood4. The more hydrated you are, the better chance you have of being in a good mood.

3. Sleep

Alcohol causes poor sleep quality5 because it messes with your rapid eye movement (REM) cycle. This, in turn, negatively affects your mood because getting proper sleep is vital for good mood and functioning. 

4. Emotional dysregulation

Emotional dysregulation is a common symptom in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also associated with intense cravings, higher alcohol consumption, and is commonly experienced during hangovers6. Lowered emotional competence during a hangover can lead to negative mood and thoughts, or, what you may feel during hangxiety. This can also contribute to regretful drinking behaviors.

5. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT)

Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is negative thought patterns that are recurring, unproductive, and common in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also a part of emotional dysregulation. These patterns of thinking are associated with prolonged negative emotional states6, so this can exacerbate symptoms when you experience hangover anxiety. 

How to Cope with Hangxiety

The best way to avoid hangxiety is to avoid drinking, especially in excess. Doctors recommend drinking a minimal amount of alcohol because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health problems such as liver damage, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

However, if you do decide to drink, there are a number of ways you can cope with your hangover anxiety and make this experience manageable:

However, drinking responsibly, or being abstinent, can help you avoid these feelings all together.  

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol

Life can be just as fun, if not better, without alcohol. You’ll feel healthier and more energized, which can help you do more outdoor activities like hiking or kayaking. You’ll also save a lot of money from not buying drinks, which you can spend on new experiences like travel or exploring the area you live in.

You can also talk with your therapist and dig into the real reasons why you’re drinking alcohol. Why are you having this drink? And why do you feel like you need to drink so much? This can reveal deeper issues that you can work through together. 

When to Seek Professional Help for Your Drinking and Anxiety

Taking a step back and assessing the role that alcohol plays in your life, especially if you have pre-existing anxiety or depression, is crucial. If you’re using alcohol as a crutch, and as a coping mechanism to suppress difficult feelings, then it may be time to reach out for help.

Mental Health Treatment Options

Alcohol is a depressant, so it can aggravate your existing conditions. If you drink to escape your anxiety or depression, treating the root cause of your disorder can help mediate this issue.

Attending an outpatient program can teach you skills to help you replace your drinking with healthy coping techniques. You’ll explore how drinking has been a way to hide from uncomfortable feelings, and then you’ll learn how to face those hard emotions. You’ll likely practice different talk therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to learn new positive ways of thinking. 

Virtual treatment for anxiety and depression can be a great way to learn these tools with more flexibility. You can prioritize healing and see how it fits into your life.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options

Detox with a licensed professional may be the first step in your sobriety journey. Safely ridding your body of alcohol can help you feel clear minded and ready to tackle treatment. Different levels of residential or outpatient care can help you replace your unhealthy coping mechanism, drinking, with positive habits.

A great option post-treatment is sober living homes. These programs are less structured than residential rehab, and provide a comfortable place for you to focus on your recovery. While living here, you’ll likely attend an outpatient program, go to work or school, and grow with other companions in recovery. 

Life Without Worry in the Morning

Drinking socially and safely is perfectly acceptable, but if heavy drinking and hangxiety is a normal thing that you’re getting addicted to as a coping mechanism, then it’s time to get help. Life can feel so much more fulfilling without hiding behind alcohol. Embrace your true self and find freedom through rehabs for alcohol addiction.

Quitting Drinking: How to Taper Off Alcohol

The long and the short of it is–tapering off alcohol with medical support can help you quit drinking. But could weaning yourself off alcohol help you stay sober for good? Many people have asked the same question. In fact, 30 million people have alcohol use disorder1 in the United States alone. Luckily, this nationwide issue has resources available to help you heal.

In order to fully recover, you can start your healing process by safely ridding yourself of alcohol. Getting professional treatment for alcohol addiction can give you the tools to create, and maintain, a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Can You Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

Attempting to stop drinking “cold turkey” is not only dangerous, but could also cause serious implications or be fatal. 

Your body has become used to, and dependent on, certain levels of alcohol. It even changes your brain chemistry. Alcohol depresses your nervous system2, so your body creates more receptors for neurotransmitters, or messengers, to stimulate the nervous system. 

If you were to suddenly stop drinking alcohol, your receptors would become hyperactive because they are no longer being depressed. This is why you should taper off alcohol, or use a prescribed medication like benzodiazepines, during detox3. It’s vital to do this under the supervision of a medical professional to ensure the process is safe and smooth.

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol withdrawal usually lasts for a few days, but some effects may linger for months. Symptoms are most severe around day 34, and the total process can last for 2 to 10 days. 

There are some common side effects of alcohol detox5 that you should be prepared for:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

While this process isn’t enjoyable, there are so many benefits in the new sober life that you’re creating for yourself. You’ll look and feel healthier, have more energy, and save money.

Can Tapering Help You Quit Alcohol?

Tapering off alcohol is a step in the right direction, but there’s more to the story. It’s vital in this process to have professional help, so you can stay safe and as comfortable as possible. There’s also more to learn after ridding yourself of alcohol. You can master the necessary life skills to maintain your sober lifestyle through treatment. 

Alcohol Tapering Timeline

Delamere describes the different stages that you go through while detoxing from alcohol6.

alcohol tapering timeline
2-12 hoursOnset of withdrawal symptoms. This might include tremors, sweating, restlessness, and anxiety.
12-24 hoursWithdrawal continues with alcohol cravings, sleep disturbances, low energy, and feeling depressed. 
12-72 hoursThis is considered the most dangerous period during detox. Symptoms include high heart rate, increased blood pressure, and, in extreme cases, seizures.
48-72 hoursAt some point in this time frame, symptoms will start to be more manageable.
3-7 daysFor most cases, withdrawal symptoms begin to fade.
1 weekSleep patterns start to improve, however this can vary.
1-2 weeksSometime during this period, clinical detox is considered complete.
2 weeksThere may be signs of weight loss due to not consuming alcohol.
3-4 weeksBlood pressure may reduce back to a healthier level.
1 monthSkin may appear healthier.
3 monthsOverall better energy levels and health.
1 yearTapering off alcohol is different for everyone. You may experience that some symptoms persist for longer than is usual.

Does Tapering Help Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

Weaning off alcohol in a safe way can help reduce the severity of some withdrawal symptoms. Orlando Recovery Center says that when you taper your alcohol intake over time, you reduce the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms7. This is because this process gives your brain more time to get used to the changes and damage that alcohol originally created.

So You Detoxed… Now What?

Now that you’ve successfully completed the detoxification process, it’s time to build your sobriety toolkit through treatment. Studies show that those who receive some type of formal treatment after detox are more likely to maintain sobriety8

Attending a residential rehab or outpatient program gives you coping mechanisms and life skills that can help you for years to come after treatment. You can strengthen your emotional and communication techniques to help you work through any tough situations that may arise in the future. You’ll learn how to prevent relapse and live a fun sober life.

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can help reinforce your goals and boost your spirits. Surrounding yourself with those going through the same process you are, and learning the same life lessons you are, can make a big difference in your healing journey. You’ll talk about different topics regarding addiction and recovery and bond over shared feelings and experiences. 

Another great option is sober living homes. These programs offer more flexibility than residential rehab, while still supporting a healthy lifestyle for people in recovery. Sober living homes provide a comfortable, safe place for you to focus on your healing. And you’ll live and learn with other comrades. 

Life Beyond Addiction

Recovery is a lifelong process, and safely tapering off of alcohol is the first step towards achieving the life you want. It’s important to nurture a healthy relationship with your body so you can have a healthy relationship with your mind. You can start building the foundation for a happy future by going to rehab for alcohol.

Innovative Therapies and Immediate Care: Why Go to Private Rehab in London

London, like many other cosmopolitan areas, is full of diversity and culture. The many languages, ethnicities, and nationalities found here lend the city a unique and lively feel. History seeps from every cobblestone corner, and bright red double-decker buses whiz past famous landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

While a busy city may sound counterintuitive to recovery—people often equate healing with the quiet countryside—it’s still possible to find serenity in this metropolis. Countless parks speckle the city and serve as sanctuaries amidst the hustle and bustle. And luxury rehab centers in London provide necessary pockets of peace. While inside, you might completely forget that the busy city is right outside the front door.

There are several benefits to attending private rehab in London. At some facilities, you’ll come across novel techniques, like TMS and Alpha-Stim therapy. You’ll experience a relatively mild climate that stays relatively warm all year round. And most importantly, you’ll have rapid access to high-quality care, instead of waiting for a spot in an NHS facility.

Should You Opt for Self-Pay?

All UK citizens are eligible for free addiction and mental health treatment. However, getting government funding to attend rehab1 can be complex. This process is often lengthy, and you’ll have to attend the first available facility. This likely won’t be the rehab of your choice.

By choosing to self-fund treatment, you’ll get to choose from a variety of options. There’s a good chance this means enrolling in your preferred center. Attending a private rehab streamlines your admission process. You’ll get faster access to care—and find safety that much sooner.

Some luxury facilities offer unique treatment options that NHS clinics don’t. By opting to self-pay, you can choose a center with innovative care methods that fit your unique needs.

Cutting-Edge Treatment Techniques

London is home to a number of universities, hospitals, and research centers. As these institutions study new treatment methods, rehab centers may add them to their list of services. In London, this means that clients can try novel therapies for treatment-resistant conditions, like Alpha-Stim therapy and esketamine.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that aids in relief from addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. This procedure uses magnetic pulses that stimulate or suppress areas of the brain. While there are different kinds of TMS, repetitive TMS (rTMS) is one of the most popular. In rTMS, repeating pulses are applied to specific places in your brain that correlate to your mental health condition.

The rTMS Centre specializes in this treatment. Clients can even see how rTMS works2 in person before committing to sessions. While some people experience side effects, they’re usually minor.

Alpha-Stim Therapy

In Alpha-Stim therapy,3 clients use a handheld device to send microcurrents to their brain. While this technique is especially effective for people experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, many others can still benefit from it. At The Soke, clients can utilize this treatment in relaxation pods after a talk therapy session.


For some clients, severe depressive symptoms remain despite medication and therapy. This is treatment-resistant depression. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternative options available—one of which is esketamine, a version of ketamine available in nasal spray form.4 When used in combination with medication, this prescription nasal spray is more effective than antidepressants alone.

Nightingale Hospital prescribes this spray to both outpatient and inpatient clients. After receiving your diagnosis, you’ll work with a health professional to determine your exact dosage. A psychiatrist will help clients administer this alternative depression treatment5 in 2 phases:

  • an induction phase, in which clients use the spray twice per week for one month
  • a maintenance phase, where treatment frequency lessens to once per week or every other week

However, clients may experience side effects such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, or vertigo. It’s also important to note that certain conditions make you ineligible for this medication. If you’re considering this esketamine in rehab, you’ll discuss your health history with your treatment team to determine if it could work for you.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

ECT also treats clients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).6 During this process, you will be under general anesthesia while electric currents trigger a small seizure in your brain. This procedure can alter your brain chemistry, which may help alleviate depressive symptoms. While this might sound intimidating, experts agree that ECT is safe for most people. According to the National Library of Medicine, “ECT is a relatively safe7 and low-risk procedure.”

At Nightingale Hospital, medical professionals will decide whether ECT is a good fit for you. If it is, you’ll have access to this treatment at 2 different hospitals: St. Charles Hospital, Ladbroke Grove, and Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. A private nurse escort will accompany you to and from each location to make your journey that much more comfortable.

Nightingale Hospital is a private mental health facility in Marylebone, the heart of London.

Unique Treatments for Your Specific Needs

Luxury rehabs in London cater to a varied group of people. And because London is one of the most diverse cities in the UK8—if not the world—health professionals are used to accommodating many different needs. Each center has their own unique specialties. It’s possible that one of them will fit your personal preferences.

Treatment for Clients With Eating Disorders

Everyone’s relationship to food is different. And if you have an eating disorder, it might be a little more complicated. For example, you might restrict your eating habits or view food as an emotional escape. Choosing a rehab facility that specializes in eating disorder treatment is crucial. These centers understand how to help you create healthy eating habits so that you can heal from the inside out.

Clients with eating disorders will find a supportive place to heal at Wimbledon Park Clinic This facility specializes in conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED).

Wimbledon Park Clinic has both traditional talk therapies and eating disorder-specific programs. These include body image therapy, nutrition classes, and exposure therapy. During exposure sessions, therapists slowly introduce food-related activities. For example, clients may shop for food, create nutritionally rich recipes, or order a meal in a restaurant under the guidance of specialized staff. This allows them to practice challenging situations they’ll face in real life with professional support. 

Tucked away in the suburbs of South West London, Wimbledon Park Clinic offers a quiet, safe environment for eating disorder treatment.

Flexible Attendance Options: Outpatient and Stepped Care

Responsibilities at home can make outpatient care your best option. For example, you may have children or a full-time job—or both. Some rehab facilities have intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) to fill this need. An outpatient program requires you to attend rehab during the day, but allows you to sleep in your home at night. Some have flexible schedules that clients adjust to fit their needs.

Clients at Schoen Clinic Chelsea can opt for partial or full-day outpatient care. Their stepped care model allows you to complete treatment at your own pace.9 With stepped care,10 clients move through rehab in “steps.” This means they start with the least intensive, most cost effective methods, such as group therapy. From there, they work their way up to more specialized and expensive care, like individual therapy and medication. Specialists will evaluate your progress, and determine when you’re ready to move to the next “step.” This creates a more flexible treatment plan, and lets you attend rehab in a way that works best for you.

Single-Client Treatment

Some clients prefer 1-on-1 care, in which they’re the only person in treatment at the rehab center. A team of health professionals will focus on you and yo​​ur family—and no one else. Because there are no other clients around, you only take part in individual therapy. These highly confidential environments allow for complete anonymity and are perfect for high-profile clients.

At Addcounsel, you’ll have the ability to personalize both your treatment plans and your residence. You’re able to choose the accommodation that best suits you. Treatment is flexible. You’ll work with your personal team to customize everything from your daily schedule to activities. And if in-person therapy doesn’t fit your needs, you can join an online program instead. Addcounsel even has in-home services—meaning their team will give you 24-hour care in your own home. This allows you to feel as comfortable as possible during your recovery journey.

You can receive treatment at Addcounsel‘s boutique facility in Mayfair, London, or opt for their in-home service.

Tailored Rehab for Arabic Communities 

London has a thriving British-Arab community. According to a 2011 census, the largest population of British Arabs in England11 is in London. Because of this, Addcounsel curated a rehab service for Arabs.12 Their team of Arabic-speaking specialists incorporate their understanding of cultural and religious nuances into treatment. This will help you feel more at ease during your recovery process.

Recovery in London’s Multicultural Atmosphere

With about 9 million people, London is the biggest city in the UK. It’s become an international hub of people from all over the world. These worldly influences reveal themselves in the city’s rich culture.

London’s many museums, movie theaters, and art galleries provide plenty of opportunities for unique cultural experiences. Some rehab centers take clients on excursions to explore the local area. For example, PROMIS London offers outings to museums, shopping areas and cinemas.

Some rehabs even bring the arts into the treatment experience.

Let London’s Arts Inspire Your Creativity 

London emphasizes the arts, and rehab is no exception. A number of treatment centers offer therapies that encourage clients to get creative. That’s because the process of making art can be highly cathartic for those in addiction treatment. Creativity is good for your mental health:13 studies show that engaging in imaginative activities reduces stress,13 decreases anxiety, and helps you process emotions. Nightingale Hospital capitalizes on the healing power of the arts through several types of creative therapy:14

  • dance therapy, in which clients use movement to process and explore emotions
  • art therapy, which can include painting, photography, or sculpting
  • drama therapy,15 which encourages clients to use action to move past traumatic events or emotions
  • music therapy, where clients play or listen to music to better understand their feelings

These therapies allow you to express yourself and work through difficult experiences in a safe space. And who knows—you may even find a new hobby in the process.

Care Close to the City

If you want to stay close to London but would prefer a quieter setting, there are several rehab centers located just outside of the city. For example, you’ll find The Cottage in the Surrey countryside, just under an hour away. Because of its secluded location, clients enjoy a truly private experience—the residence is even hidden from public view. And because of the proximity to nature, this center has plenty of activities that require a natural setting, like horseback riding and fly fishing.

the cottage surrey
The Cottage treats 1 client at a time at their Surrey countryside property.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong place to heal, just like there’s no right or wrong way to approach recovery. You get to choose where to begin your journey, whether that’s in the busy capital or the calmer countryside—there are plenty of luxury rehabs in the UK in quieter locations. Regardless of where you go, the weather in and near London will be similar.

London’s Mild Year-Round Climate

The city’s southeast location means London has a relatively temperate climate16—one of the mildest in the UK. The crisp winters boast an average temperature of 42 °F (5.5 °C) in January. The summers are slightly warmer, with daytime temperatures averaging 65 °F (18 °C) in July. 

And contrary to popular belief, the sun does shine. Statistics declare sunshine about 5 days out of 6, although it can be brief. While rain is not uncommon (it’s wet about 165 days of the year), London sees plenty of dry days too. And they’re distributed fairly evenly—it rains equally throughout each season. Sometimes this turns to snow in the winter, but it usually melts quickly.

Overall, London’s weather is quite moderate. It’s much colder up north; the climate in the southern portion of England is toasty in comparison.

The weather isn’t the only thing that’s great about London’s location. It’s also a travel mecca, making it much easier to reach your final destination with ease.

6 International Airports Make Arriving at Rehab Simple

With more international airports than any other city in the world, flying to London17 is easy. Heathrow and London Gatwick are the 2 busiest airports, and you’ll likely fly into one of them if you’re arriving from outside of the UK. The United Kingdom has over 40 airports,18 which also makes it easy to come from a nearby area.

Some rehab facilities organize an airport pickup service for their clients. While London has an extensive public transportation system, navigating it on your own is often overwhelming. Contact your center’s admission team to coordinate your arrival so you’ll begin treatment stress-free.

Rehab in London is Just a Call Away

Whether you already live in the city or want to take advantage of easy access to this well-appointed capital, London is a convenient location to start treatment. Because it’s so well connected to the rest of the world, it’s easy to catch a flight here from almost anywhere. And because it’s such an international city, people of all different backgrounds have a better chance of finding the culturally competent care they need. 
See our curated list of luxury rehabs in London to discover more cutting-edge treatment methods, view self-pay costs, and get prompt access to life-changing care.

How Much Does Rehab Cost? 

Getting professional help for addiction at an inpatient treatment center is possible even if you don’t have health insurance or a lot of money in the bank. 

Residential rehab often entails a significant expense. But the good news is that there are thousands of credible facilities offering treatment programs at various price points, from the most affordable to the most luxurious. And, perhaps more importantly, there are several different payment options available that can help you cover the costs of treatment.

Getting help pays off, and may even save you money in total healthcare costs over time. That’s because healthcare costs can be 2-3 times higher if you have a substance use disorder1 in addition to a chronic medical condition. A guide on the principles of drug addiction by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that the total savings of addiction treatment can exceed costs2 by a ratio of 12 to 1. The same NIDA guide goes on to explain that these “major savings to the individual and to society also stem from fewer interpersonal conflicts; greater workplace productivity; and fewer drug-related accidents, including overdoses and deaths.”

We understand how concerns over the cost of rehab may still prevent you from working toward recovery. Keep reading to learn how much rehab costs and what financing options might be available to you.

Price Levels of Addiction Treatment

The variety of treatment options and therapies available for alcohol or substance abuse is extensive. Because of this, there’s not really a standard price for rehab and different programs can have vastly different costs. In the U.S., the cost of residential rehab programs can range from more affordable options that cost less than $10,000 to premium, single-client addiction treatment centers that can cost upwards of $80,000.

Several elements determine how much treatment at different rehab facilities will cost.

the dawn
At The Dawn Rehab in Thailand, “clients coming from Western countries, from the US, from Australia, UK, would be able to get 3 or 4 months’ worth of treatment here for what they would get for a month back at home.”

Factors That Influence the Cost of Rehab

Type of Treatment

The word “rehab” can refer to many kinds of programs. The most common of these are outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs (PHP), and inpatient treatment, also known as residential rehab. The difference between most of these is whether you go home every day after treatment sessions (outpatient and PHP) or whether you live and receive care 24/7 for an extended amount of time at a facility (inpatient/residential). 

Typically, more time spent at a center results in higher treatment costs. One study by the U.K.’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) reports that “a course of outpatient treatment averaged less than 10% of the cost of inpatient treatment.”3 Though residential treatment programs may be slightly more effective for some people, “preference might still be given to non-residential treatment based on cost-effectiveness.” 


Highly desirable settings, like the beach or mountains, will likely increase the cost of treatment. But, traveling abroad for substance use treatment can sometimes be less expensive than getting treatment locally because of the cheaper costs of operations in different locales, like Thailand or Bali. Garry Irvin, Admissions Manager at The Dawn Rehab describes the cost of drug rehab in Thailand:

“Clients coming from Western countries, from the US, from Australia, UK, would be able to get three or four months’ worth of treatment here for what they would get for a month back at home.” 

Services Offered

The cost of rehab may increase with additional treatments like detox, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), complementary therapies, or aftercare. These may be offered as optional “add-ons” at an extra cost depending on the facility.

Program Length

The standard length of say at a residential rehab facility is 30, 60, or 90 days. Program rates generally increase according to how long you stay.


Treatment at centers with luxurious accommodations and exclusive amenities, like pools and lounges, fully-equipped gyms and sports courts, and business centers or computer labs will likely cost more.

It’s important to remember that the cost of a treatment program doesn’t always correlate with the quality. In other words, just because you’re paying top dollar for a program doesn’t mean you’re necessarily getting the best treatment, and vice versa. 

There are many factors to consider, other than cost, that can help you determine the quality of drug and alcohol treatment programs and facilities. If you’re interested in a particular location or facility, the best thing to do is to call and talk to their admissions team to learn more about any specific benefits, prices, and payment options.

all points north lodge
Most clients at All Points North Lodge use insurance; “the rest either choose not to use it or don’t have it.”

Using Insurance to Pay For Addiction Treatment

Before you can use insurance to pay for addiction treatment, you need to know the following: 

1. Does your insurance plan cover the type of treatment you’re considering

2. Does the center you’re considering accept insurance? 

Will My Insurance Cover Rehab Expenses?

Today in the U.S., most private health insurance policies do cover addiction treatment4 costs. In 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) classified addiction and mental health treatment as essential health benefits,5 thus requiring insurance plans to cover these types of care.

Even though having insurance may increase your opportunity to receive treatment, in 2018 only 13.4% of insured adults with a substance use disorder received treatment.6 Additionally, spending on substance use disorder treatments7 is just 0.6% of overall private insurance spending. 

Understanding what your insurance plan covers can be difficult, but it’s essential to make sure you’re taking advantage of all of your insurance benefits. The best way to know if your insurance plan covers substance use treatment is to call and discuss your plan details with a customer service agent at your provider. 

Which Alcohol and Addiction Rehabs Accept Insurance?

Since the ACA was passed, most US rehab centers will accept insurance in addition to offering multiple payment options. If this information isn’t listed on the center’s website, an admissions officer can give you those details when you call. Per Jerry Vaccaro, President of All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado,

“Because we’re in the U.S. and we’ve got the Affordable Care Act…the vast majority of people who come to us have insurance. Some choose not to use it for a variety of personal reasons. In the facility, I’d say at any one time, probably 70% to 75% of our clients have insurance and are using it and the rest either choose not to use it or don’t have it.” 

How Medicaid and Medicare Can Help Cover Treatment Costs

In the U.S., eligible recipients of Medicaid or Medicare can use these federal- and state-funded health insurance programs to also help pay for treatment. 

Medicaid is free or low-cost health care for people who meet low-income requirements, whereas Medicare is a US federal health insurance program for adults over 65 or under 65 with a disability, regardless of income. As one report explains, “To more broadly cover uninsured individuals, the Affordable Care Act includes a provision that allows states to expand Medicaid coverage. Benefits include mental health and substance use disorder treatment services8 with coverage equivalent to that of general health care services.” 

Each state has different eligibility rules and treatment coverage, which often change annually, and not all facilities accept Medicaid/Medicare as a form of payment. You can find an addiction treatment provider that accepts Medicaid/Medicare by contacting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Paying For Rehab With Grants, Public Funds, and Scholarships

With or without insurance, you may still need additional funding to fully pay for treatment. As the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2016 report on addiction elaborates, although insurance coverage is critical for individuals with substance use disorders,9 “it is unlikely to cover all the services that such individuals may need, such as crisis services (e.g., emergency treatment intervention), housing, supported employment, and many community prevention programs and services (e.g., school-based prevention programs).” 

There are public funds available through government organizations like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as grants from private institutions, like SAMHSA, and even scholarships from some rehab centers directly. 

It’s historically documented that, in the U.S., state and local governments have been “the largest source of spending on substance use disorder treatment.”10 In 2009, excluding Medicaid expenses, their funds covered $7.6 billion—nearly a third—of total spending on substance use disorder treatment. 

These forms of financial assistance to help pay for treatment are available because many institutions, including rehab centers themselves, recognize how vital treatment is and how financially beneficial it is for all of society for people to receive treatment. 

Although the United States spends roughly $35 billion across public and private payers to treat substance use disorders, the social and economic costs associated with these disorders are many times higher: Annual costs of substance misuse and substance use disorders in the United States are estimated at more than $400 billion,” according to the Surgeon General’s report. “Thus, treating substance use disorders has the potential for positive net economic benefits,11 not just in regard to treatment services but also general health care.”

To find out if a particular rehab center offers scholarships and how to apply for the reduced costs, contact the center directly. An admissions specialist can help you navigate the process of getting funding for treatment. 

Additional Rehab Treatment Financing Options

If you don’t have insurance, or perhaps don’t want to use your insurance coverage for whatever reason, there are other payment options: financing directly from a treatment center, personal loans from family and friends, personal loans from a bank, or paying via credit card.

In general, the main goal of getting financing is to decrease or eliminate your out-of-pocket financial obligations. To that end, choosing a credit card or a loan with low interest rates and manageable payback terms may be preferable. 

Some credit card companies offer deferred interest rates for medical-related expenses, including substance and mental health treatment. Furthermore, some centers offer financing options directly from their own funds or work with third-party lenders to create affordable loan packages. 

Rehab can be a life-changing (and life-saving) experience, but it does often entail a sizable investment.

Please note that it’s important to speak with your own financial advisor before taking action that will financially affect your future. 

Using Your Own Money to Pay for Treatment

Another way to fund treatment is to self-pay using savings or other assets. In fact, this is one of the most common ways to pay for rehab. Do note that many rehab centers require full payment upfront. Alternatively, you can ask about any payment plan options such as putting down a deposit to secure your spot and then paying off your treatment in increments or monthly payments. Heather Charlet, Director of Admissions, explains the process at Gallus Detox Center in Colorado:

“We can put clients on a bit of a payment plan to take a percentage of that upfront and then spread the rest of the payment out over several months. We then also work hard for the verification of benefits to be able to reimburse them as much as possible. We do everything we can to try to make it as cost-effective as possible.”

Again, the best way to know what options your rehab center offers is to call them directly. 

Your Recovery Is Worth the Cost of Rehab

No matter how much residential rehab may cost, it is worth it to get the help you needboth in the short term and in the long run. This isn’t just because treatment may save your life, but also because addressing your addictions or mental health conditions now can help reduce your total healthcare costs throughout your lifetime. 

As the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2016 Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health describes, “Costs associated with substance use disorders12 are not limited to health care. The accumulated costs to the individual, the family, and the community are staggering and arise as a consequence of many direct and indirect effects, including compromised physical and mental health, loss of productivity, reduced quality of life, increased crime and violence, misuse, and neglect of children, and health care costs.”

When viewed from this perspective, you can see how the reduction in your future health care costs that are associated with treatment and recovery “would more than cover the cost of addiction treatment.”13 

We know the expense of inpatient treatment can seem intimidating at first. But, your financial concerns don’t have to be roadblocks on your path toward recovery. There are many different paths you can take to get the help you need, no matter what your budget or financial circumstances are.

See our collection of luxury rehabs to find centers offering recovery programs in various price ranges, as well as those that accept insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Costs

How much is rehab?

The cost of private inpatient rehab in the U.S. ranges from under $10,000 for affordable options to over $80,000 for luxury centers. Most 30-day programs at luxury rehabs cost between $25,000 to $50,000.

Is rehab worth the money?

Getting help pays off and can save you money in overall healthcare costs. Total savings from addiction treatment can exceed costs by a ratio of 12 to 1, according to the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

How can I pay for rehab?

You have various options. Most U.S. rehab centers accept insurance and many private health insurance policies cover addiction treatment. You can use Medicaid or Medicare, or public funds and grants if you’re eligible. Some rehabs offer scholarships.

Anxiety Treatment Options Explained: Virtual, Outpatient, and Residential Care

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As someone intimately familiar with anxiety, you already know there’s no simple explanation for what causes your anxiety or even why you feel anxious some days and not others. Everyday life is full of different triggers. On top of that, today many of us are also facing the additional stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic: sheltering in place, living in isolation, worrying about income and job security, balancing working and schooling from home. The list could go on.

It’s not surprising, then, that throughout 2020, the amount of mental health cases, including anxiety, has been on the rise. One U.S. nonprofit, Mental Health America (MHA), reported that, of the 1.5 million people they screened, the number of people with moderate to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety1 steadily increased throughout the past year.

“As the pandemic relentlessly persists, we are seeing the highest levels of anxiety and depression reported since the pandemic2 hit the U.S. in March,” said Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of MHA. “This is a troubling trend being fueled by loneliness and isolation.”

No matter why you’re feeling anxious, remember: You’re not alone. Many different types of treatment options and therapies are still available to help you cope with, manage and move beyond your anxiety.

Virtual Therapy or Telehealth

This past year, the availability of telehealth appointments, or audio/visual calls with a therapist or health professional, has skyrocketed. Although the tech to accommodate virtual appointments has been around for more than a decade, the lockdowns and social distancing requirements brought on by COVID propelled many companies to start offering telehealth as a viable choice for receiving treatment.

In fact, Amwell’s 2020 Physician and Consumer survey found that, of those surveyed, the percentage of physicians who offered telehealth nearly quadrupled3 from 22% to 80% between 2019 and 2020. And the number of consumers who took advantage of virtual care grew from 8% in 2019 to 22% in 2020. The medical industry in general has rapidly pivoted this past year to accommodate the needs of patients who have restricted in-person appointment availability and options, no matter what the reasons. It’s clear from the surge in use that telehealth is likely here to stay.

Online Anxiety Rehab Programs

Similarly to the medical industry, today many treatment centers around the world have recognized the need and demand for more online therapy and rehab programs. These virtual outpatient programs offer flexible, ongoing support and treatment from the privacy of your own home. Online anxiety programs can include virtual clinics, online support groups, and one-on-one counseling sessions.

Many centers in our directory offer online and telehealth treatment options to help you find the care you need without having to overcome any physical or location logistical challenges.

Inpatient Anxiety Treatment

Even though online treatment is a great solution for many people, if you have a severe form of anxiety, inpatient rehab centers offer both a more intensive level of care and a more immersive treatment experience. Seeking inpatient treatment during the pandemic can still be a viable option. Many anxiety treatment centers have remained open, fully operating with all of the necessary, state-required COVID-19 safety precautions in place.

LuxuryRehabs.com’s up-to-date list of open treatment centers with COVID-19 measures in place can help you find access to in-person treatment from some of the best rehabs around the world.

More Information on Healing from Anxiety

Types of Therapies for Anxiety

Part of the fear that comes with seeking treatment is the fear of the unknown: What’s actually going to happen when I get help for my anxiety? And that fear only makes your anxiety worse! So, understanding the types of therapies your counselor or rehab center may use can help you overcome that fear and reduce your anxiety around actually getting help.

Therapists use many different types of therapies to treat anxiety:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):4 This is a form of talk therapy that focuses on equipping you with strategies to understand and change your thinking and behavioral patterns. CBT is the most commonly used therapy to treat anxiety.
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT):5 The goal of MBCT is to help you better understand your mind and your moods by combining cognitive therapy practices with meditative, mindfulness practices.
  • Experiential Therapy: Going beyond talk therapy, this approach recreates real experiences to help you understand your inner thoughts and better process your emotions. Examples of some of the methods used in experiential therapy include art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, and psychodrama.
  • Stress Management: One common root cause of anxiety is chronic stress. This type of therapy will help you identify areas or events in your life adding to your stress, and therefore, anxiety levels.

These therapies can also be used to treat other mental illnesses, like depression and OCD. If your anxiety co-occurs with other mental illnesses, these therapies may be an effective treatment option for your co-occurring mental health issues as well.

Learn Techniques for Managing Anxiety

One of the most impactful effects of getting treatment for anxiety is learning techniques for managing your anxiety that you can rely on and use for the rest of your life. No matter how you get treatment for your anxiety, your therapist will likely equip you with the skills to manage your anxiety at home and to prevent your anxiety from reaching a critical point. Plus, the support you receive from a therapist and/or a program for overcoming your anxiety can continue—with aftercare options and ongoing therapy, your path to healing can be as short or as long as you need it to be.

Find the Best Luxury Rehab for Your Anxiety

No matter what your current living, work and relationship circumstances are, you don’t have to suffer through your anxiety. You can get help. There are many local, national and international treatment options and types of therapy available. You can explore our collection of treatment centers by location, treatment approach, or therapy type to find the one that’s best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab for Anxiety

Can you go to rehab for anxiety?

Yes, many rehabs treat anxiety. Treatment options include online and inpatient anxiety rehab programs.

How long should you stay in rehab for anxiety?

The length of stay in rehab for anxiety varies widely based on your unique symptoms. Most rehabs offer 30-90 day programs.

What types of therapy help with anxiety?

These therapies are commonly used to treat anxiety:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
• Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Experiential therapy
• Stress management