Finding Freedom Through Gestalt Therapy

You can’t be defined as just one thing. So healing requires looking at all of the things that make you, you. Gestalt therapy shows how all the facets in your life impact you. This approach honors that both you and your environment are always shaping each other. And you can learn how to make this relationship a positive one. 

In rehab, gestalt therapy can empower you to move forward from what’s holding you back.  

What Is Gestalt Therapy?

A “gestalt” is a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts.1 According to this approach, if you want to understand something, you have to look at its context. Gestalt therapy helps you realize how different areas of your life impact you. 

This therapy works by bringing you into the present moment to heal.2 It focuses on the here and now. You can still look at past experiences that you want to work through. But by focusing on what you’re feeling right now, you’re better able to understand and regulate your feelings. Gestalt therapy aims to help you make peace with the past, so you can move on to a brighter future.

This healing journey encourages you to reconnect with and accept buried parts of yourself. It also urges you to be accountable for how you live your life. While we can’t always control our circumstances, learning to adapt to the unpredictable can be hugely empowering.

How It Works

The key to Gestalt therapy is trust: trusting your therapist and trusting yourself. Doing so helps you develop the self-awareness to recognize patterns you want to change. 

In session, your therapist focuses on empathizing with you. By giving unconditional acceptance, they’ll provide a safe space for you to heal. They’ll do much more listening than talking. 

Gestalt Therapy Exercises 

Gestalt therapy takes a hands-on approach to healing. This experiential therapy will have you do more than just talking. In a session, you might do exercises like the following, including some that focus on analyzing body movement:

  • “I” statements: Instead of “they were mean to me,” for example, you might say: “I feel that they’re being mean to me.” Using this kind of phrasing helps you take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions instead of blaming them on others. 
  • The empty chair: You’ll face an empty chair, representing someone or something, and have an open conversation with it. Here, you’ll work through your unprocessed experiences—what Gestalt therapy refers to as “unfinished business.” The empty chair method3 releases negative feelings, making life more joyful. 
  • The reversal technique: Your therapist will encourage you to act in ways you normally wouldn’t. If you’re normally passive, for example, you might act assertively. This allows you to overcome self-imposed labels and get in touch with your full self.
  • Top dog vs. underdog: You’ll speak as both the “top dog” and “underdog” of your personality. That is, you’ll speak as your own dominant side versus your submissive side. This exercise reveals internal conflict and empowers you to work toward a middle ground. 
  • Exaggeration: Your therapist will ask you to repeat certain actions, like your leg bouncing or picking your nails, that you do while talking. By doing this action again, you’ll see what emotion it’s tied to. Understanding this mind-body connection is grounding and allows you to develop control of your emotions. 

Is Gestalt Therapy Right for You?

Gestalt therapy treats a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. And you don’t have to have a diagnosis to benefit from it. Gestalt therapy is also used for low self-esteem4 and relationship problems

Gestalt therapy is process-oriented,5 unlike many other therapies. This means that it follows the flow of the therapy session and does not have specific rules or a timeline. If you need more structure, Gestalt therapy may not be a fit.

Gestalt Therapy for Mental Health

When you’re in the present moment and self-aware, your mental health benefits. If you’re feeling stuck in old ruts, Gestalt therapy may be able to help you break out of them.

Gestalt Therapy for Trauma and PTSD

Your body stores trauma.6 And Gestalt therapy can help you safely explore it. Focusing on how your body is currently moving or feeling can help you process your past. As trauma expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk explains: 

“If you have a comfortable connection with your inner sensations—if you can trust them to give you accurate information—you will feel in charge of your body, your feelings, and yourself.”7

For PTSD patients, Gestalt therapy revisits past emotions that are tied to traumatic events.8 By fully processing the effects on your mind and body, you can move beyond the hold your past has had on you. 

If you have bodily or sexual trauma, approach Gestalt therapy with caution. Trauma sits differently for everyone, so what may work for others could be triggering for you. Your treatment team can help you decide which modalities are best suited for your goals. 

Gestalt Therapy for Trauma Anxiety

Anxiety often starts from stress about your past or about the unknown future. Gestalt therapy can decrease anxiety9 by helping you focus on the now. It can also increase self-love by showing you that all parts of you are worthy. For many, recovery is a lifelong process, and this therapy can support lasting healing. 

Addiction and Gestalt Therapy

Addiction might begin as self-medication to cope with stress or other mental health concerns. Learning to accept your life in the present through Gestalt therapy could be a powerful tool for setting yourself free. 

Your therapist will look at you as a whole person, instead of just a set of addiction risk factors. Professionals at Monarch Shores explain that the biggest goal in recovery with Gestalt therapy is growth. As you grow to accept your life, you’ll also grow to embrace who you are. And in doing so, you’ll be more motivated to make positive changes. 

The fundamental skills Gestalt therapy teaches are also useful for preventing relapse.10

Healing Your Present–and Your Future

You are a collection of every experience in your life. When you learn to love and accept all of the elements that make up who you are, you become a stronger whole. Radically accepting everything you feel can help you focus on the present moment—and find freedom from the past.

Look for rehabs that offer gestalt therapy and reach out to their admissions staff directly.

Innovative Therapies and Immediate Care: Why Go to Private Rehab in London

London, like many other cosmopolitan areas, is full of diversity and culture. The many languages, ethnicities, and nationalities found here lend the city a unique and lively feel. History seeps from every cobblestone corner, and bright red double-decker buses whiz past famous landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

While a busy city may sound counterintuitive to recovery—people often equate healing with the quiet countryside—it’s still possible to find serenity in this metropolis. Countless parks speckle the city and serve as sanctuaries amidst the hustle and bustle. And luxury rehab centers in London provide necessary pockets of peace. While inside, you might completely forget that the busy city is right outside the front door.

There are several benefits to attending private rehab in London. At some facilities, you’ll come across novel techniques, like TMS and Alpha-Stim therapy. You’ll experience a relatively mild climate that stays relatively warm all year round. And most importantly, you’ll have rapid access to high-quality care, instead of waiting for a spot in an NHS facility.

Should You Opt for Self-Pay?

All UK citizens are eligible for free addiction and mental health treatment. However, getting government funding to attend rehab1 can be complex. This process is often lengthy, and you’ll have to attend the first available facility. This likely won’t be the rehab of your choice.

By choosing to self-fund treatment, you’ll get to choose from a variety of options. There’s a good chance this means enrolling in your preferred center. Attending a private rehab streamlines your admission process. You’ll get faster access to care—and find safety that much sooner.

Some luxury facilities offer unique treatment options that NHS clinics don’t. By opting to self-pay, you can choose a center with innovative care methods that fit your unique needs.

Cutting-Edge Treatment Techniques

London is home to a number of universities, hospitals, and research centers. As these institutions study new treatment methods, rehab centers may add them to their list of services. In London, this means that clients can try novel therapies for treatment-resistant conditions, like Alpha-Stim therapy and esketamine.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that aids in relief from addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. This procedure uses magnetic pulses that stimulate or suppress areas of the brain. While there are different kinds of TMS, repetitive TMS (rTMS) is one of the most popular. In rTMS, repeating pulses are applied to specific places in your brain that correlate to your mental health condition.

The rTMS Centre specializes in this treatment. Clients can even see how rTMS works2 in person before committing to sessions. While some people experience side effects, they’re usually minor.

Alpha-Stim Therapy

In Alpha-Stim therapy,3 clients use a handheld device to send microcurrents to their brain. While this technique is especially effective for people experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, many others can still benefit from it. At The Soke, clients can utilize this treatment in relaxation pods after a talk therapy session.


For some clients, severe depressive symptoms remain despite medication and therapy. This is treatment-resistant depression. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternative options available—one of which is esketamine, a version of ketamine available in nasal spray form.4 When used in combination with medication, this prescription nasal spray is more effective than antidepressants alone.

Nightingale Hospital prescribes this spray to both outpatient and inpatient clients. After receiving your diagnosis, you’ll work with a health professional to determine your exact dosage. A psychiatrist will help clients administer this alternative depression treatment5 in 2 phases:

  • an induction phase, in which clients use the spray twice per week for one month
  • a maintenance phase, where treatment frequency lessens to once per week or every other week

However, clients may experience side effects such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, or vertigo. It’s also important to note that certain conditions make you ineligible for this medication. If you’re considering this esketamine in rehab, you’ll discuss your health history with your treatment team to determine if it could work for you.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

ECT also treats clients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).6 During this process, you will be under general anesthesia while electric currents trigger a small seizure in your brain. This procedure can alter your brain chemistry, which may help alleviate depressive symptoms. While this might sound intimidating, experts agree that ECT is safe for most people. According to the National Library of Medicine, “ECT is a relatively safe7 and low-risk procedure.”

At Nightingale Hospital, medical professionals will decide whether ECT is a good fit for you. If it is, you’ll have access to this treatment at 2 different hospitals: St. Charles Hospital, Ladbroke Grove, and Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. A private nurse escort will accompany you to and from each location to make your journey that much more comfortable.

Nightingale Hospital is a private mental health facility in Marylebone, the heart of London.

Unique Treatments for Your Specific Needs

Luxury rehabs in London cater to a varied group of people. And because London is one of the most diverse cities in the UK8—if not the world—health professionals are used to accommodating many different needs. Each center has their own unique specialties. It’s possible that one of them will fit your personal preferences.

Treatment for Clients With Eating Disorders

Everyone’s relationship to food is different. And if you have an eating disorder, it might be a little more complicated. For example, you might restrict your eating habits or view food as an emotional escape. Choosing a rehab facility that specializes in eating disorder treatment is crucial. These centers understand how to help you create healthy eating habits so that you can heal from the inside out.

Clients with eating disorders will find a supportive place to heal at Wimbledon Park Clinic This facility specializes in conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED).

Wimbledon Park Clinic has both traditional talk therapies and eating disorder-specific programs. These include body image therapy, nutrition classes, and exposure therapy. During exposure sessions, therapists slowly introduce food-related activities. For example, clients may shop for food, create nutritionally rich recipes, or order a meal in a restaurant under the guidance of specialized staff. This allows them to practice challenging situations they’ll face in real life with professional support. 

Tucked away in the suburbs of South West London, Wimbledon Park Clinic offers a quiet, safe environment for eating disorder treatment.

Flexible Attendance Options: Outpatient and Stepped Care

Responsibilities at home can make outpatient care your best option. For example, you may have children or a full-time job—or both. Some rehab facilities have intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) to fill this need. An outpatient program requires you to attend rehab during the day, but allows you to sleep in your home at night. Some have flexible schedules that clients adjust to fit their needs.

Clients at Schoen Clinic Chelsea can opt for partial or full-day outpatient care. Their stepped care model allows you to complete treatment at your own pace.9 With stepped care,10 clients move through rehab in “steps.” This means they start with the least intensive, most cost effective methods, such as group therapy. From there, they work their way up to more specialized and expensive care, like individual therapy and medication. Specialists will evaluate your progress, and determine when you’re ready to move to the next “step.” This creates a more flexible treatment plan, and lets you attend rehab in a way that works best for you.

Single-Client Treatment

Some clients prefer 1-on-1 care, in which they’re the only person in treatment at the rehab center. A team of health professionals will focus on you and yo​​ur family—and no one else. Because there are no other clients around, you only take part in individual therapy. These highly confidential environments allow for complete anonymity and are perfect for high-profile clients.

At Addcounsel, you’ll have the ability to personalize both your treatment plans and your residence. You’re able to choose the accommodation that best suits you. Treatment is flexible. You’ll work with your personal team to customize everything from your daily schedule to activities. And if in-person therapy doesn’t fit your needs, you can join an online program instead. Addcounsel even has in-home services—meaning their team will give you 24-hour care in your own home. This allows you to feel as comfortable as possible during your recovery journey.

You can receive treatment at Addcounsel‘s boutique facility in Mayfair, London, or opt for their in-home service.

Tailored Rehab for Arabic Communities 

London has a thriving British-Arab community. According to a 2011 census, the largest population of British Arabs in England11 is in London. Because of this, Addcounsel curated a rehab service for Arabs.12 Their team of Arabic-speaking specialists incorporate their understanding of cultural and religious nuances into treatment. This will help you feel more at ease during your recovery process.

Recovery in London’s Multicultural Atmosphere

With about 9 million people, London is the biggest city in the UK. It’s become an international hub of people from all over the world. These worldly influences reveal themselves in the city’s rich culture.

London’s many museums, movie theaters, and art galleries provide plenty of opportunities for unique cultural experiences. Some rehab centers take clients on excursions to explore the local area. For example, PROMIS London offers outings to museums, shopping areas and cinemas.

Some rehabs even bring the arts into the treatment experience.

Let London’s Arts Inspire Your Creativity 

London emphasizes the arts, and rehab is no exception. A number of treatment centers offer therapies that encourage clients to get creative. That’s because the process of making art can be highly cathartic for those in addiction treatment. Creativity is good for your mental health:13 studies show that engaging in imaginative activities reduces stress,13 decreases anxiety, and helps you process emotions. Nightingale Hospital capitalizes on the healing power of the arts through several types of creative therapy:14

  • dance therapy, in which clients use movement to process and explore emotions
  • art therapy, which can include painting, photography, or sculpting
  • drama therapy,15 which encourages clients to use action to move past traumatic events or emotions
  • music therapy, where clients play or listen to music to better understand their feelings

These therapies allow you to express yourself and work through difficult experiences in a safe space. And who knows—you may even find a new hobby in the process.

Care Close to the City

If you want to stay close to London but would prefer a quieter setting, there are several rehab centers located just outside of the city. For example, you’ll find The Cottage in the Surrey countryside, just under an hour away. Because of its secluded location, clients enjoy a truly private experience—the residence is even hidden from public view. And because of the proximity to nature, this center has plenty of activities that require a natural setting, like horseback riding and fly fishing.

the cottage surrey
The Cottage treats 1 client at a time at their Surrey countryside property.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong place to heal, just like there’s no right or wrong way to approach recovery. You get to choose where to begin your journey, whether that’s in the busy capital or the calmer countryside—there are plenty of luxury rehabs in the UK in quieter locations. Regardless of where you go, the weather in and near London will be similar.

London’s Mild Year-Round Climate

The city’s southeast location means London has a relatively temperate climate16—one of the mildest in the UK. The crisp winters boast an average temperature of 42 °F (5.5 °C) in January. The summers are slightly warmer, with daytime temperatures averaging 65 °F (18 °C) in July. 

And contrary to popular belief, the sun does shine. Statistics declare sunshine about 5 days out of 6, although it can be brief. While rain is not uncommon (it’s wet about 165 days of the year), London sees plenty of dry days too. And they’re distributed fairly evenly—it rains equally throughout each season. Sometimes this turns to snow in the winter, but it usually melts quickly.

Overall, London’s weather is quite moderate. It’s much colder up north; the climate in the southern portion of England is toasty in comparison.

The weather isn’t the only thing that’s great about London’s location. It’s also a travel mecca, making it much easier to reach your final destination with ease.

6 International Airports Make Arriving at Rehab Simple

With more international airports than any other city in the world, flying to London17 is easy. Heathrow and London Gatwick are the 2 busiest airports, and you’ll likely fly into one of them if you’re arriving from outside of the UK. The United Kingdom has over 40 airports,18 which also makes it easy to come from a nearby area.

Some rehab facilities organize an airport pickup service for their clients. While London has an extensive public transportation system, navigating it on your own is often overwhelming. Contact your center’s admission team to coordinate your arrival so you’ll begin treatment stress-free.

Rehab in London is Just a Call Away

Whether you already live in the city or want to take advantage of easy access to this well-appointed capital, London is a convenient location to start treatment. Because it’s so well connected to the rest of the world, it’s easy to catch a flight here from almost anywhere. And because it’s such an international city, people of all different backgrounds have a better chance of finding the culturally competent care they need. 
See our curated list of luxury rehabs in London to discover more cutting-edge treatment methods, view self-pay costs, and get prompt access to life-changing care.

Experts Weigh In on Individualized Care

Recovery is an extremely personal process. Each person’s needs are different, whether you’re healing from a broken leg or a substance use disorder. With that in mind, many luxury rehabs offer individualized treatment.

As Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery, explains:

“Every person is very different, and this one-size-fits-all approach to treatment, mental health, and addiction rarely works well. Everybody has a different background: culturally, in terms of their family values, political views, hobbies, what gives meaning to their lives, and their lack of purpose in their lives.”

Most rehab facilities offer some aspects of individualized care, such as one-on-one talk therapy. However, some programs take this approach much further. Certain residential rehab centers offer every individual client a completely bespoke experience, tailored to meet their exact needs.

What Is Individualized Rehab?

If you choose to attend an individualized rehab program, the treatment process may begin even before you arrive. You’ll begin by going through a detailed intake process, in which providers get to know you. Dr. Christine Merzeder, Senior Clinical Coordinator at Paracelsus Recovery, says,

“We start with an interview on the telephone or people write their own history of how they think their situation is. Then we work our way through the medical file. There’s no routine – it’s always something very, very different. Every client is a very individual case.”

Paracelsus individualized care
Paracelsus Recovery goes to great lengths to offer individualized care to each client.

Once your team is familiar with your personal needs and priorities, they’ll collaborate with you to create a treatment protocol that fits your values, needs, and goals. For example, some clients may benefit from 12-Step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Others might prefer to focus on one-to-one therapy. At White River Manor, for example, groups are not mandatory. Jeanine Fourie, Therapeutic Director and Co-Owner of the facility, firmly believes:

“Each client is here for their own treatment, and their own journey of recovery…it’s important for us that they feel that they get what they need out of their time with us. We accommodate what each client specifically needs.”

These bespoke programs offer benefits that may be hard to find in more structured rehabs. Notably, clients are more active in the process of choosing which therapies they’ll engage in. This allows you to practice making healthy choices in a safe context, surrounded by treatment providers who can provide structure as needed.

Who Is a Candidate for Individualized Care?

Individualized care isn’t for everyone. If you’d prefer to recover in a more structured and predictable environment, you may prefer a different style of treatment. However, certain demographics are more likely to benefit from a highly personalized approach.

Dual Diagnosis

Many people with substance use concerns present with co-occurring disorders. And clients with co-occurring conditions often find great value in programs tailored to meet their unique needs. For example, if you’re in recovery from both substance use and PTSD, you may require a very different treatment plan than a person recovering from both substance use and treatment-resistant depression.

The Hope House Scottsdale, for example, offers individualized care to treat dual diagnoses. According to their philosophy, “There isn’t one way to treat mental health problems.” This program utilizes a variety of treatment options—such as biofeedback, EMDR, family therapy, CBT, DBT, and group therapy—to treat clients with substance use disorders and additional mental health concerns.

Executive Clients

Like any other demographic, high-level executives are sometimes subject to substance use disorders. However, high-achieving people often have a unique set of needs during recovery. You may be unable to step away from work or family commitments to get the help you need. You may also be accustomed to a certain standard of living, and concerned about spending time without necessary amenities.

A number of rehab facilities offer executive treatment programs, which are specifically designed to address these concerns.Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner of White River Manor, says,

“A lot of business executives, business owners and professionals come through our program. And that’s because we offer our clients the ability to use their phones, to work from the luxury of their rooms or the business center, and keep whatever they need to keep going at their office still running.”

This approach makes recovery accessible for clients with demanding schedules. Individualized care is often a good solution for people who need to balance their health with their responsibilities, instead of sacrificing one for the other.

White River Manor lobby
A peek into White River Manor in South Africa.

High-Profile Clients

Individualized care programs tend to have a strong emphasis on discretion, which may be important to high-profile clients. Safe from prying eyes, you’ll be able to focus entirely on your own healing process.

It’s important to note that while these environments are protected, they don’t have to be isolating. Clients are often encouraged to continue the activities that make them feel the most grounded and capable. For example, Orenda at Futures is home to an addiction and mental health treatment program specifically designed for athletes. In residence here, clients continue to train throughout the recovery process.

Recovery in Private, But Not Alone

Research suggests a link between social isolation and substance abuse.1 And many clients benefit from honing their interpersonal skills during rehab. Individualized care often offers a greater degree of privacy, but doesn’t have to be isolating.

Of course, your specific rehab program will determine how you connect with the people around you. In some facilities, you’ll go through recovery with a small cohort of peers. Soberman’s Estate, for example, hosts a maximum of 10 people at a time. This format allows clients to find common ground and build relationships with each other. You’ll also be able to practice social skills in a safe, supervised context, which may alleviate concerns about falling back into unhealthy patterns.

Dr. Thomas Gazda of Soberman’s Estate is very focused on providing individualized care to each of his clients:

“When I sit down with a patient, I want to know more about them. I want to know about their background. What are their passions in life? What passions have they lost during their addiction? Have they become bored or distracted by something? What are they getting away from? Those things kind of come out…It’s very individualized.”

Clients are able to receive a high level of personal attention, as well as observe their peers in recovery. For many people, this is an effective way to balance their need for a specific type of treatment with the universal need for community.

Other programs take individualized care a step further, treating only one client at a time. Mercui Recovery is one such rehab center. Clients are hosted in a remote wilderness location, far from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Each person’s experience is unique, and “every client service is customized for the individual, every time.” This experience would likely not be a good fit for people who want to focus on peer-to-peer support during rehab. However, this unfettered access to your clinical team gives clients the time to create a comprehensive aftercare plan before completing the program. That plan may include a network of family and loved ones, local support groups, continued therapy, and medical care.

Mercui Recovery
A look at one of Mercui Recovery’s properties.

For many clients, the experience of individualized care is “the first time in their life that they pool all their medical information together,” says Dr. Christine Merzeder, Senior Clinical Coordinator of Paracelsus Recovery.

“With one client at a time, the knowledge base and communication base are very efficient. It’s a lot of being alert and not missing any information, and there’s no standard clinical path you can develop for that because every case is individual…it’s efficient, it’s fast, it involves the client and their family. And when they leave they get a written summary with all the findings and recommendations.”

In some highly individualized programs, you’ll be able to stay in touch with your friends, family, and possibly even your colleagues. This is most often true of rehabs that treat only one person at a time, and those that cater to high-achieving professionals. This strategy allows you to connect with people from afar, and then process your recent interactions with them during therapy. Even without on-site peer support, you’ll be able to practice interpersonal relationships. By engaging with the people who matter the most, you can learn not only about general social skills, but about how those skills can have the greatest possible impact within your own community.

Choosing an Individualized Care Program

Although individualized care aims to meet your unique needs, not every program will offer the exact mix of programming and amenities that’s right for you. It’s important to find a rehab center whose treatment philosophy aligns with yours. In the right context, you’ll be surrounded by providers with expertise that applies to your experience, and able to engage in activities that support your personal healing process. There are many different therapeutic modalities to choose from, and individualized therapy invites you to do just that.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a way to process your emotions from a brand-new perspective. Rehab programs around the world offer a wide variety of activities that you may find engaging or inspiring. For example, if you want a fully embodied, adventurous experience, several rehab centers in Orange County invite clients to go surfing. At The ‘Ohana, in Hawaii, you can swim with the dolphins. Activities like these invite you to examine your behavioral habits in a greater context, and not just in a private room with a talk therapist.

The Ohana Hawaii
The ‘Ohana in Hawaii

Holistic Treatment

There are countless ways to approach healing. It’s quite common for individualized treatment programs to offer holistic care, with the intention to heal the body as well as the mind. You may have the opportunity to receive massage, reiki, acupuncture, or similar treatment modalities. These techniques encourage clients to learn about mindfulness, come into the present moment, and accept themselves just as they are.

Outpatient Care

Recovery is important, but it’s not always convenient. But you don’t have to delay your own healing process. Many clients choose to attend intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), which may be more feasible than residential treatment.

For example, Evolve Treatment Centers has several locations in California, treating adolescents from 12 to 17 years of age. This program allows them to continue living at home and going to school, while still engaging in treatment that’s tailored to meet their needs. Because of this flexibility, clients can get the help they need without interrupting this important chapter of their lives.

Bespoke Treatment Puts You Back in the Driver’s Seat

People of many demographics can benefit from individualized treatment programs. Alex Spritzer, Family Addiction and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at The Hope House Scottsdale, says,

“For example, a middle-aged mom of two children going through a separation is going to have very unique needs…versus someone who might per se not have a family, not be married, might be a single male, youthful, 18 years old. Considering where the person exists before the disease process, their home environment is really essential to their recovery.” In the context of individualized treatment, healthcare providers seek to honor each client’s experience, providing the best possible care for that particular person, at that particular time in their life.

However, bespoke care isn’t right for everyone. For some clients, it may be overwhelming or counterproductive to take such an active role in designing their own treatment course. Individualized treatment is founded on the idea that your unique needs are important. If what you need is a predefined structure, it’s important to respect that.

Rehab is, among other things, a way to regain control of your own life. When you begin treatment by working with a team to assess and understand what your life entails, you will almost certainly learn a great deal about your needs, goals, and values. This process mirrors the process of recovery itself.

If you think bespoke treatment may be right for you, learn more about luxury rehabs offering individualized care here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Individualized Addiction Treatment

What is individualized care in rehab?

Individualized care is a type of treatment that is tailored to the needs of each individual. This can involve a number of factors, such as the individual’s substance use history, mental health history, and personal goals.

What are some of the different types of individualized care available in rehab?

Types of individualized treatments available in rehab include: one-on-one therapy (where you discuss your individual needs and goals with a therapist), experiential therapy (to help you process emotions from a new perspective), and holistic treatments (like massage, Reiki, and acupuncture).

What are the benefits of individualized care in rehab?

Individualized care in rehab can help you get the most out of treatment by addressing your specific needs. Your therapists and treatment team will consider your substance use history, your mental health, and personal goals when creating a treatment plan for you. This attention to detail can help you stay on track and motivated during recovery.

Should You Choose a Small or Large Rehab Center?

A rehab center’s size influences your treatment experience in big ways. It impacts important factors like facilities, level of personalized attention, types of therapies offered and more.

When it comes to rehab size, one isn’t necessarily better than the other. What will work for you depends on your needs and preferences. Some people need intimate settings to open up and are more comfortable at a boutique rehab. Others require specific programs or therapies that larger treatment centers tend to offer.

To help you determine which type of center could work for you or your family member, we examine the benefits and differences between small and large luxury rehab centers.

What Classifies as a Small Rehab Center?

While there’s no official definition of what constitutes a small rehab center, they tend to have the following:

  • An intake limit of 10 to 15 people
  • A 1:1 (or better) ratio of staff to patients
  • Many have an intimate home-like setting with a limited number of bedrooms
  • Some small rehab centers are family-run

How a Small Rehab Center Can Be Beneficial to Your Recovery

You Receive More Individualized Attention

At smaller rehab centers, multiple staff service one person at a time. Some even have a 3:1 staff to patient ratio, like The Sanctuary at Sedona in Arizona which has around 30 staff members serving 10 clients. 

Centers with a high staff-to-patient ratio have a greater capacity to offer individualized attention. You usually have more time with clinical staff compared to the average inpatient setting, which gives you around 4.2 hours of contact per week with medical professionals.1

As Quinn Tremblay, Admissions Coordinator at McLean Fernside in Princeton, Massachusetts describes:

“Our staff-to-patient ratio allows us to provide higher amounts of individualized sessions with case managers and psychiatrists. Patients can meet with psychiatry 5 days a week and with a case manager 3 times a week. With that, more processing and evaluation can be done with each patient.”

Meeting often with the clinical team gives you more opportunities to engage in important dialogue. You can discuss matters like what therapies work for you and what doesn’t. Open, frequent dialogue helps people feel heard by their clinician, which is therapeutic2 in and of itself. According to a study from McGill University Health Centre, a listening doctor can offer patients “relief from the stress and anxiety that can be induced and exacerbated by illness.” 

Camino Recovery team
A family-run center in Southern Spain, the team at Camino Recovery brings personalized attention to the fore.

And since clinical staff at small rehabs often service fewer people at once, they have more time to map out your bespoke treatment plan. 

You’re unlikely to fall through the cracks, as Don Lavender, Program Director at Camino Recovery explains:

“When you’re working with 7 or 8 clients maximum, they don’t get lost in the shuffle because there is no shuffle. And because it’s so small and the clinical crew is rather large with a lot of expertise in the clinical mix, treatment is truly bespoke.”

Programs Are More Flexible

Inpatient rehabs with lower intakes may offer more program flexibility. With fewer people to treat at a time, they don’t have to be as stringent with bureaucracy because it’s easier to oversee everyone. And as the clinical team builds a more personal relationship with you, they are more likely to keep track of your requests.

Dr. Thomas Gazda, Medical Doctor at Soberman’s Estate talks about how flexibility is a welcome change for some of their patients:

“We can be more flexible with a smaller number of intakes, which suits a lot of our patients. Many have been through rehab before and found it onerous or too regimented. It didn’t suit them as individuals and they were alienated in the process. Many of those patients come here and it’s a breath of fresh air because we try to be as flexible as possible with them.” 

In rehab programs where you meet with staff more often, you might be able to adjust your treatment plan as necessary. Soberman’s Estate, for example, holds a staff meeting each week with the medical director, clinical director, and nursing team. Clients are invited to sit at the table, discuss their treatment goals and make adjustments to their plan if needed.

You Have More Access to Staff Members

Staff at smaller rehabs often have higher availability to meet with patients outside of regularly scheduled sessions. In these instances, you can pull someone aside when you need questions answered or simply want to talk.

For many people, building a connection with the center staff makes them feel supported and more at home. It creates a sense of belonging. This level of staff-patient relationship, where two or more people intend for healing to occur, is a key component of an optimal healing environment,3 or as defined in the Global Advances in Health and Medicine journal, a healthcare system “that is designed to stimulate and support the inherent healing capacity of patients, families, and their care providers.” In short, it supports a patient’s recovery.

At some small treatment centers, the founders and other senior staff members are hands-on in day-to-day operations. You’ll often see this at family-run rehabs. Founders will get to know each client personally and oftentimes give a deeper, more personal story about the center’s origins. Access to senior staff can promote a sense of trust and help people feel more comfortable at the center. 

“(Co-owner) Jeanine and I live on the property. We feel it’s important that we’re available to our clients. We’re always at hand, should our clients need us. We’re very proud of it. We’re here every day because this is where we want to be and this is what we want to do.”

Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner at White River Manor in South Africa comments says core team members are always on hand to help clients:

You Can Be Part of a Tight-Knit Community

The intimacy of small treatment centers creates opportunities to build close relationships with others. Whether you choose a residential or inpatient rehab, you have a full schedule and spend lots of time with others in the program. You get to know the others on a deeper level, especially with a smaller group of people.

Alex Spritzer, Family Addiction and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at The Hope House Scottsdale, talks about the importance of this camaraderie:

“Small groups allow you to know people on a bigger level and learn details about their lives and the circumstances that they came from, which makes a lot of difference. Intimate settings promote trust, and trust promotes healing.”

The Hope House group therapy
With an intake limit of 15 people, group settings at The Hope House Scottsdale are intimate.

Group Sizes Are Smaller

If you have social anxiety, large group settings can be daunting. This might cause you to withdraw or avoid participating in activities, which hampers the recovery process. Smaller rehab centers can provide a more comfortable environment with less intimidating group sizes.

Group therapy is a powerful tool for treating substance abuse4 and may even be as helpful as individual therapy. Participating in group therapy has several rewarding benefits, including decreased isolation. If you can’t open up because a group size is too large or intimidating, this can be a barrier to treatment. It may prevent you from going deeper in your recovery journey.

If you have severe social anxiety, some boutique rehab centers are flexible–you may not be required to participate in group activities at all.

With an intake limit of just 15 people, White River Manor can accommodate the needs of clients with social anxiety. “None of our groups are compulsory. Each client is on their own recovery journey. It’s important they get what they need out of their time with us, so we accommodate each client’s specific needs,” states Jeanine Fourie, the center’s Therapeutic Director and Co-owner.

Keep in mind that participating in group activities has many therapeutic effects5 that are beneficial to recovery. If you are able to join group therapy and activities, it can enhance your healing process significantly.

What Constitutes a Large Rehab Center?

There’s no industry standard for what classifies as a large treatment center. They tend to have more than 30 beds, with some that intake over 100 people. Oftentimes, these centers are located on larger grounds with lots of room for guests to roam and more facilities. They usually have a big clinical team to keep a favorable staff-to-patient ratio.

Larger rehab centers are often thought of as overly clinical or sterile. But this stereotype doesn’t paint an accurate picture of the larger treatment landscape. Bigger addiction treatment centers can offer many benefits to your recovery.

What Are the Benefits of a Large Rehab Center?

Better and More Specialized Facilities

Large rehab centers can often invest in better and more specialized facilities. Since they tend to be located on bigger grounds, they may have more room for these facilities compared to smaller centers.

Spotlight on: Sierra Tucson

One of the larger rehabs in Arizona is Sierra Tucson, set on a 160-acre property. They have the facilities to assist clients through the full spectrum of care, from on-site medical detox to outpatient programs.

The option to stay with one treatment center throughout the recovery journey is beneficial for people who feel uncomfortable with a lot of environmental change, or for those who want to work with certain doctors and therapists throughout their treatment experience.

“We manage various levels of care. When individuals need medically-supported detox, we can do that on-site in our inpatient unit. Afterward, they can transition seamlessly to the residential setting and further to our partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs,” says Dr. Jasleen Chhatwal, Chief Medical Officer at Sierra Tucson.

On top of that, Sierra Tucson has a number of specialized facilities to support different types of therapies, like experiential therapy and equine therapy.

Sierra Tucson equine therapy
Sierra Tucson in Arizona offers equine therapy directly on their campus.

Fitness amenities here include a pool, sports court, fully-equipped gym, climbing wall and a ropes course. They have unique onsite facilities to support the spirituality component of their program, including a labyrinth and Kiva arena. Their center even houses an equine area with stables and an arena.

The lack of certain amenities or facilities can be a hindrance to healing. If equine therapy played a necessary role in someone’s recovery journey, but it wasn’t available anywhere, this would be more than frustrating. Larger rehab centers tend to house facilities that are very important to some people’s recovery journey.

Spotlight on: All Points North

All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado is set on a verdant campus with a 77-square foot main lodge. They’ve invested in cutting-edge facilities to support specialized therapies and treatments.

On top of an on-campus indoor pool, spa center, boxing arena, game room, and golf courses, this rehab houses state-of-the-art equipment tailored for certain therapies.

All Points North recently introduced a hyperbaric oxygen chamber to their campus. This equipment helps feed the body with the right levels of oxygen to quickly heal itself when faced with different injuries and illnesses. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is now a part of their athletic program and promotes healing for athletes with concussions. But they also introduce other clients to this specialized treatment.

“We have a lot of patients that come from other parts of the country and we can give them a chance to let their bodies oxygenate. It helps them feel better quickly and really assists in treatment,” says Lana Seiler, All Points North’s Associate Director of Clinical Operations.

One of their clients who received HBOT reported, “the facility here goes to depths that most hyperbaric therapy doesn’t go. My experience was almost immediate, where my fog of war disappeared.”

If you need more specific facilities for treatment, it can be difficult to find them at a smaller rehab center. For those in situations with unique treatment needs, for example, an athlete who has had multiple concussions, it can be a huge relief to find a program with specialized equipment.

Specialized Programs and Therapies

If you’re looking for specialized programs or therapies, you’re more likely to find them at a large rehab center. These programs can get pretty specific and can accommodate the unique needs of their clientele.

For example, Hanley Center At Origins is an 80-bed center in Florida with a Center for Older Adult Recovery. This program is specifically designed for older men and women and includes medically supervised detox that addresses the medical concerns unique to someone’s age.

Meanwhile, All Points North has specialized therapies that can be difficult to find otherwise, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) for depression. Both of these therapies require special equipment operated by experienced professionals. They’re offered as a part of All Points North’s athletics program, a unique recovery program designed for current and retired athletes, created by professional athletes.

All Points North Lodge
All Points North Lodge houses state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

Smaller, Targeted Client Groups

Some centers with large intake numbers give you the option to break out into smaller, more targeted groups. Not only does this give you a level of safety and comfort as you go into your sessions, you can open up about trauma in your specific groups knowing others have likely been in your shoes.

Below are examples of specific programs found at different large rehab centers:

LGBTQ+ Recovery

United Recovery Project in Hollywood, Florida is a 31- to 50-bed treatment center with an LGTBQ+ program. They address the treatment needs of patients in the community and focus on providing a safe environment for LGBTQ+ individuals to open up. Their staff are specifically trained in cultural sensitivity and issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community.

Veterans’ Recovery

Sierra Tucson in Tucson, Arizona offers a Red, White and Blue Program for members of the military and first responders. The program is designed to help people feel comfortable sharing their experiences with others who have also been through the line of duty. The clinical team includes former military members and first responders.

Breaking up into smaller, more focused groups helps people feel more comfortable expressing themselves and can improve therapeutic outcomes. One of the keys to successful group therapy6 is to identify common bonds between clients. According to ​​Martyn Whittingham, Ph.D., an Ohio counseling psychologist and president of APA’s Div. 49 (Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy), “discovering commonalities is crucial to building group cohesion.”

On top of that, a study on behavior change7 published in the Health and Well-Being journal found that homogeneous groups were better at instigating behavioral changes compared to heterogeneous groups.

Large Treatment Centers Mirror the Real World

An important aspect of the recovery journey is the ability to take what you’ve learned during your time in rehab and apply it to your daily life.

Larger treatment centers offer an environment that better mimics the real world. This gives you the opportunity to put the work you’ve done in therapy into practice. You also learn how to be a part of a larger community.

“A larger facility mirrors being in a larger community as a whole: you can find your people and learn how to deal with others. You can make your way in the treatment center in a way that mirrors how you need to make your way in the world. Successful treatment usually involves reconnecting and learning how to function in a social society,” says Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge.

Greater Network of Resources

Larger facilities often have a healthy network of resources to support your recovery. Some even have the capacity to team up with industry leaders.

Take Axis Sports Medicine, for example. They employ the highest number of advanced certified physical therapists in the state of Colorado. All Points North Lodge teamed up with them to offer top-level physical therapy to clients.

If you’re looking to connect with specific leading resources, like a top teletherapist in your area, larger treatment centers may be able to help you. They tend to have a more robust network to pull from.

Find a Treatment Center That Fits You

Both small and large rehab centers offer their own set of benefits. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. Recovery is unique for each person, so the criteria that you’re looking for may differ from someone else’s.f

The good news is, you have plenty of options to choose from. Browse our extensive collection of luxury rehabs to find a treatment center that fits your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Small vs. Large Rehabs

Should I choose a small or large rehab center?

The choice between a small and large rehab center depends on your needs and preferences. Small centers offer personalized attention and intimate settings, while large centers may have better facilities and more specialized programs. Consider what’s most important to you in your recovery journey.

What are the benefits of treatment at a small rehab center?

Smaller rehabs tend to offer more individualized attention, flexible programs, and greater access to staff members. With smaller group sizes, you can build close relationships with fellow participants. The intimate setting promotes trust, which is essential for healing and recovery.

What are the benefits of treatment at a large rehab center?

Larger rehabs can provide better, more specialized facilities and offer a wider range of programs and therapies. Large rehabs create an environment that more closely mirrors the real world, giving you a chance to practice the skills you learn in treatment. They may also have more resources to support your ongoing recovery.

Privacy in Rehab: How to Keep Your Treatment Confidential

Addiction can affect anyone, including public figures and those in high-profile positions. For these clients, concerns around confidentiality can be one of the biggest barriers when it comes to seeking treatment.

Because of this, privacy is among the most important considerations when choosing a rehab

The good news is that you have options. In general, rehabs are at least held to clinical standards of patient confidentiality, and due to the sensitive nature of addiction treatment, most are located in discreet premises and take measures to protect your privacy. Some premium programs cater specifically to clients who need extra seclusion, with many featuring private villas and exclusively one-on-one treatment sessions. Other treatment centers also focus on confidentiality and understand that for certain clientele, like celebrities and recognizable figures, anonymity is essential.  

Understanding the protection you’re entitled to in clinical settings, and learning what to look for in a residential rehab, can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery.  

Why Privacy Matters

Recovery is a highly personal journey. If opening up to others about your struggle isn’t something you feel comfortable with, that choice is completely valid. 

While mental health stigma is decreasing1 thanks to growing visibility, coming out about a substance use disorder can, unfortunately, have consequences in some cases. In a 2017 study published in Addiction Research & Theory, researchers found that the stigma of being identified as someone struggling with addiction2 can have personal, medical and professional consequences similar to those who are dealing with mental illness. These consequences can be especially high-impact for those who are in the public eye. 

Celebrities, politicians, and high-profile businesspeople often choose to pursue more discreet treatment options. Fortunately, many centers have exclusive programs that cater specifically to this need.

How You’re Protected by Clinical Standards

Healthcare providers in the U.S., including rehab centers, must adhere to certain privacy protection laws. Two important ones that concern addiction treatment include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA3 and 42 CFR Part 2.4


HIPAA is a privacy law that enforces national standards to prevent the sharing of health information of individual patients without their consent or knowledge. Under this law, you have the right to access and examine your healthcare records and can request amendments or accounting of disclosure of your protected health information.

All healthcare providers, health plans, businesses and healthcare clearinghouses must comply with HIPAA.

paracelsus confidentiality
Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland treats only one client at a time in their completely bespoke program.

42 CFR Pt. 2

While HIPAA applies to all medically-related information, 42 CFR Part 2 applies specifically to those who will enter, who have entered, or who have already gone through addiction treatment programs. 

Under this law, rehab centers are prohibited from disclosing any individual information that identifies or indicates that the patient has dealt with addiction. This is so that people in recovery aren’t treated unfairly in cases of employment, child custody, or divorce. Without your written consent, treatment centers are unable to share any of your information, even with other medical facilities and practitioners.

42 CFR Part 2 applies to any entity that provides a recovery program, so all programs in the U.S. must adhere to this federal law. 

As for facilities outside the U.S., the laws can differ significantly. For example, in Canada, the Privacy Act of 1985 prevents treatment centers from sharing any mental or physical health information5 that might be harmful to the patient.

Because privacy levels can vary from program to program, it’s best to ask admissions staff at centers you’re considering what steps they take to ensure privacy and what kind of regulatory oversight they have in this area. 

While these protection laws are designed to keep the information of rehab center patients safe, there are still ways you can ensure extra layers of privacy if discretion is a major concern.  

Privacy at Different Addiction Treatment Programs

Whether you’re looking for a residential rehab program or an intensive outpatient program (IOP), certain markers can help you identify which ones offer a more confidential experience. On the most exclusive end of the spectrum are luxury rehab centers that cater specifically to clients who need to keep a low profile. 

Residential Rehabs

Here are some of the ways residential rehab programs can offer a more private experience: 

Distance From Your Community
For many people, the fear of bumping into familiar faces during or on the way to rehab prevents them from starting treatment. With residential rehabs, you live onsite for the duration of your program. Removing yourself from your everyday environment not only reduces the chances of being recognized, but also reduces circumstantial triggers. This gives many people the comfort they need to focus on their recovery. 

Discreet Locations
Luxury inpatient rehabs are often located in remote, naturally beautiful settings, which offer the added benefit of total seclusion. These peaceful, awe-inspiring surroundings are the perfect backdrop for inner healing, says Dr. Jasleen Chhatwal, Chief Medical Officer of Sierra Tucson in Arizona:

“Trying to heal in a main metropolis, where you hear cars, sirens and noise is not very conducive. When clients come to Sierra Tucson for treatment, suddenly they’re in a quiet space without extraneous sound. There’s no interference from the outside world and people can really focus inward and take care of themselves.”  

Many luxury rehabs aren’t recognizable as treatment centers from the outside, and some don’t even publicly list their location. 

An Extra Layer of Privacy at Destination Rehabs
If you’re looking for anonymity, you may consider traveling to a destination rehab where you have even more space from your usual surroundings. Local culture can even play into which destination is more appropriate for those seeking an escape from the public eye. 

Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus in Zurich comments on Switzerland’s non-sensationalist culture, and how it can be attractive for clients who want to avoid media attention:

“Confidentiality is Switzerland’s second name. Some of our A-list celebrity clients will go to a local Starbucks, and while they’re recognized, they’re not in the news. Local tabloids don’t write about it and they’re not harassed for autographs either.” 

mercui confidentiality
Mercui Recovery, a single-client rehab with locations in Malibu, Aspen and Costa Palma, Mexico offers a full continuum of care on-site, from initial detox to aftercare.

Privacy Options for Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are for those who don’t need 24/7 care or medical detox. This could be a good option for people who have a milder addiction diagnosis, or as a step-down from a residential rehab program. Some studies show that IOPs are just as effective as residential rehabs,6 as they offer more intensive schedules with additional hours of therapy in comparison to standard outpatient programs. 

If you’re looking into an IOP but are concerned about privacy, keep the following in mind: 

Some IOPs Cater to Your Schedule 
Some luxury rehabs offer IOPs as a step down from residential rehab or as a standalone program. 

These treatment centers understand that many clients who want to attend intensive treatment still need to keep up with their daily responsibilities. Most of their programs are designed to fit your schedule, and are located in metro areas that are more accessible from where you live. 

Passages Malibu in California, for example, has an IOP program designed to help graduates of residential treatment integrate back into daily life. They understand that this is an opportunity for clients to return to work and other day-to-day responsibilities while still receiving a high level of support for their recovery journey.

Virtual IOPs Offer Extra Privacy 
With telehealth on the rise, many treatment providers now offer a virtual IOP option. This is especially beneficial if you’re nervous about being seen at a treatment center. Usually, you can design your schedule to avoid causing any disruptions at work. Additionally, many people feel more comfortable attending treatment from the privacy of their own homes. 

A few luxury rehabs across the United States offer virtual IOPs, including All Points North Lodge in Colorado, Inspire Malibu in California and The Meadows in Arizona. 

Header Name

A small number of rehabs cater specifically to high-profile clients who need very high levels of privacy. They place a special focus into ensuring client comfort and utmost confidentiality. These centers may be in isolated locations, and some even accept only one client at a time.


Paracelsus in Zurich, Switzerland is one of the world’s leading and most exclusive luxury rehabs. Catering to the ultra-wealthy, including politicians, celebrities and royalty, their program is designed for those who need to remain completely discreet: they take in only one client at a time. Founded in 2012 as a family business, Paracelsus boasts an incredibly tailored treatment experience, with a team of over 15 therapists and doctors who care for one client. 

During treatment, clients stay at their exclusive lakefront residence, featuring penthouse apartments with a main bedroom and ensuite bathroom plus an additional room for an on-site therapist. Stays here also include a private butler and housekeeper. 

Paracelsus goes to great lengths to accommodate their clients–their CEO Jan Gerber explains why:

“There’s a group of people who are underserved when it comes to addiction and mental health treatment. These are people who come from money or power and require 100% confidentiality and a place they can trust. They have a very specific background and need comprehensive care tailored to their situation. It’s important for our clients to feel at home without any disruption to the lifestyle they’re used to. Such disruptions can be incredibly negative for treatment.”

the banyans confidentiality
The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia takes no more than 8 clients at a time at their luxury residence on 13, secluded acres.

Mercui Recovery 

Mercui Recovery prides itself on its high standards of discreet care. As a top luxury treatment center, their private residences rest amongst some of the most scenic and tranquil surroundings in Aspen, Colorado; Malibu Canyon, California; Ibiza, Spain; and the Pacific coast of Mexico. They take in one client at a time, and you can choose from one of their many locations or select an in-home option. 

Clients can expect five-star service and exclusivity at Mercui Recovery, with a team of dedicated professionals for 1:1 treatment. Their treatment program is hyper-tailored to each individual, with clients ranging from politicians to business elites. Here you’re offered the full continuum of care, from initial detoxification to intensive aftercare.

The Banyans 

The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia is an exclusive treatment center that caters to the privacy needs of clients and places emphasis on the clinical aspect of care. Taking in no more than 8 people at a time, clients are accommodated in a luxury residence on a secluded 13 acres overlooking lush hills. 

Known as Australia’s most therapeutically intense private treatment program, they offer over 9, 1:1 treatments with 6 medically trained doctors as part of your clinical team.

Keeping privacy at the forefront, association of clients with The Banyans is never disclosed. This means they use personal names instead of ‘The Banyans’ on booking and reservations, no uniforms with their logo and unbranded cars for transportation. 

They also offer a 14-day virtual program called The Banyans at Home for those who prefer to receive treatment from the comfort and privacy of their own house.

For a deeper dive into exclusive, ultra-private addiction treatment programs, see our guide to single-client luxury rehabs.

Your Privacy, Protected 

Your ability to focus on recovery and healing can make your addiction treatment experience that much more impactful. Recovery is a sensitive process that shouldn’t be hindered by external factors like privacy issues. 

In addition to standard protections, there are many ways luxury rehabs centers can cater to clientele in the public eye, with solutions that range from single-client intakes to discreet transportation to and from facilities. 

You deserve a safe space for recovery and healing. See our collection of select luxury rehabs to discover a center that could be the perfect fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Privacy in Rehab

How can I ensure privacy during rehab treatment?

When choosing a rehab program, consider facilities that prioritize privacy and confidentiality. Look for rehabs located in discreet premises, offering private accommodations and 1:1 treatment sessions. When calling a treatment center, ask what measures they take to protect your privacy. This knowledge can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on recovery.

Why is privacy important in rehab?

Privacy matters in rehab because addiction recovery is a personal journey. Seeking treatment in a confidential setting helps avoid potential consequences of stigma. Luxury rehab centers often have exclusive programs tailored to clients who need extra privacy, ensuring their anonymity is respected throughout the treatment process.

How can I find a rehab program that offers privacy?

Choosing a program that’s not located in your home community can provide an extra layer of privacy for your treatment experience. Luxury rehabs often have discreet locations in remote and naturally beautiful settings. For those opting for an intensive outpatient program (IOP), luxury rehabs may offer flexible schedules and even virtual IOP options for added privacy and convenience.

What to Expect While You’re in Rehab

Rehab is a place for you to build a sustainable life. In order to do that, you’ll develop healthy daily habits, learn to cope with cravings, and set goals. This is not a simple process. In order to create a better future, you first need to understand what led you to this point. By working through your emotional experience of your life so far, you’ll learn more about yourself and your own values. And when you truly understand yourself, you open the door to a life that can support your unique version of health.

Most rehab programs are designed to give you a type of structure you may have been missing up until now. You’ll likely have a full agenda, waking up early for a full day of activities and going to bed soon after you finish them. This schedule strikes a delicate balance. The intensive process keeps you focused on the work at hand, with little time to get too distracted by the cravings and triggers you came to get a break from. You will, however, have some opportunities for downtime to process the hard emotional work you’re doing in therapy. How intensive this journey is varies from program to program.

Because everyone is different, each rehab center offers a number of different healing modalities, ranging from individual therapy to recreational group outings. The process may feel more accessible if you have a sense of what to expect in advance.

A Typical Day in Rehab

Your time in rehab will be carefully curated by a team of healthcare providers. In addition to receiving medical care, you’ll spend time with the other residents, attending one-on-one therapy, and processing your experiences. Here’s what a typical schedule might look like: 

7am – 8am Yoga 

8am – 9am Breakfast 

9am – 10:30am Individual therapy 

10:30am – 12pm Group therapy 

12pm – 1pm Lunch 

1pm – 1:45pm Medical aspects or energy work

1:45pm – 3:30pm Trauma therapy

3:30pm – 4:30pm Recreation therapy

4:30pm – 5:30pm Meditation

6:30pm – 7:30pm Group Activity or Speaker

7:30pm – 10pm  Free Time & Homework

10pm Bedtime

You won’t have the same schedule every day, but it’s likely that each day will be tightly structured. Most facilities have time set aside for visiting hours, family therapy, and experiential therapies or outings such as skiing and rock climbing. Some rehabs offer even more flexibility. For example, at All Points North Lodge , a luxury rehab in Colorado, clients sometimes go on nature walks with their therapists during individual sessions. 

As you can see, most centers maintain a balance between time alone, one-on-one sessions with a provider, and group experiences. Every one of these dynamics is an important part of healing. Because rehab is a place to reconnect with yourself, it’s valuable to learn how to be alone. Talking through your feelings with a trusted guide in a private setting will help keep you on track throughout that process. Social dynamics offer group support, and encourage clients to hone their interpersonal skills. Many clients even find the simple act of sharing meals with their rehab community gives them a helpful sense of camaraderie and support. 

paracelsus bedroom
Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Personalized Programming at Bespoke Treatment Centers

Some residential rehabs serve only one client at a time, offering a completely bespoke experience tailored to meet their needs. Other rehabs take a holistic approach, treating a few clients at a time using a highly individualized approach. For instance, the team at Paracelsus Recovery works very closely with each person in their care to come up with a plan perfectly suited to their recovery goals. Louis Fitzmaurice, a therapist at Paracelsus, says: 

“Everything that goes on in the therapeutic environment that we exist in has been created for and directed at our client. It’s designed. It’s tailor-made for our client, everything that goes on. That’s the food, the complementary therapy, the psychotherapy, the psychiatry. That’s me, the live-in therapist. That’s the physical work. Everything that goes on in the environment is focused on our client and is for the best outcome for our client.”

This careful scheduling offers clients the structure they were likely missing before rehab. It also ensures that you’ll have the chance to benefit from a number of different healing modalities. 

Emotional Exploration in Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a safe, private space for you to express yourself without being concerned about the listener’s reaction. Your therapist’s job is not to fix you, but to help you do the hard work of healing. 

This is not a fast or easy process, but in the end, it’s worth the effort. By developing the skills to navigate whatever life throws at you, you can come to rely on yourself and go forward with confidence. Ryan Soave, Director of Program Development at All Points North Lodge, says that “With therapy in general, the goal is not to reach some place where nothing affects you and you’re happy 100% of the time. It’s really about building the capacity to experience difficult emotions, to experience hardship. We’re going to experience pain – it’s part of life. In fact, we can’t have joy without pain. The more we can build the capacity to experience the full amount of pain, the more capacity we have to experience joy in life.”

During individual therapy, you’ll get to process anything that’s coming up for you. You might feel called to talk about your life before rehab, your daily experience of the program, or your concerns about the future. This is also a place to discuss practical skills like how to manage cravings, how to define your goals, and how to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. Bear in mind, however, that one-on-one therapy is just a starting point. It’s your responsibility to take what you learn in this context and apply it to the rest of your life. 

There are many different styles of one-on-one therapy. Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have access to some or all of these; you may even want to choose a program based on which types of therapy they offer. Some popular styles of therapy offered at rehab are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),1 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),2 and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).3

As productive as individual therapy is, it’s not a simple solution to all your problems. In fact, much of the work of therapy happens between sessions. This allows you to reflect on your observations, put what you’ve learned into practice, and gain new insights into your patterns. When you return for your next session, you’ll be ready to delve even deeper into your treatment process. As you integrate the lessons of therapy into your daily experience, you’ll develop a greater understanding of yourself. Eventually, you’ll start to define what you want your life to look like after rehab.

Group Therapy and Social Dynamics

Group therapy is another way to prepare yourself for life after rehab. This is an opportunity to connect with people at a similar point in their path. By building community with the other clients in your program, you’ll realize through sharing your experiences that you’re not alone. As valuable as it is to work with a therapist, there are some lessons that you can only learn from peers. As Lana Seiler, Associate Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “We’re social creatures by nature, so it’s a very different feel working one-on-one with someone versus working in a small group and in their community.”

If you attend a program for a specialized cohort—such as a men’s group, a women’s group, or a group for older adults—group therapy may allow you to speak in shorthand. If you’re the parent of adult children, for example, there are parts of your life that a childless 23-year-old might not understand without explanation. On the other hand, that same person can probably teach you a great deal about what it’s like to be a young adult relating to her parents in this era of history. There is no right or wrong group of people with whom to undergo group therapy, but it’s important to find the right group for you

For many people in rehab, interpersonal skills are an area of growth. Group therapy is a safe, gentle way to learn or relearn how to build healthy relationships. Openly describing past and present experiences can help clients work against shame. “Group therapy is important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, addiction and substance use bring around a lot of isolation, shame and secrecy over time. People often feel very alone. So an important vehicle for change is to have support and encouragement from others,” says Dr. Monika Kolodziej, Program Director of McLean Fernside. This dynamic helps clients cultivate a sense of self-acceptance, which is essential in order to move forward from substance use. 

Substance use can easily damage your relationships with family, partners, colleagues, and friends. As such, group therapy is a safe place to practice skills that will serve you well when you return to your community after rehab. The act of building relationships in this context provides a certain level of accountability, which may have been lacking in your life before rehab. When you see how the people around you approach their treatment, you may be inspired to commit to your own process even more fully. Data shows that group therapy can improve clients’ engagement with recovery.4 

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All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado

Finding Joy in Complementary Therapies

Recovery is hard work; there’s no way around that. However, recommitting to yourself and your wellness means building a better life. In support of that goal, there are many therapies that focus on relaxation and fun. Inpatient rehabs often offer complementary therapies, giving you time and space to process the more demanding aspects of treatment.

Bodywork: Healing the Body to Heal the Mind

Many luxury rehabs invite clients to receive bodywork such as massage, acupuncture, and other spa services. These experiences have a dual purpose. On a therapeutic level, they help your body heal from the negative impacts of substance use. They’re also an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy yourself. Some of these modalities have a component of mindfulness, which can contribute to your emotional recovery.

Recreational Therapy: Emotional Processing Through Self-Expression

Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have the opportunity to participate in recreational therapy. Arts and crafts, film, and psychodrama—to name just a few—offer a different way of relating to yourself and expressing your emotions. Veronique De Buck​, Evolutionary Art Therapist at Camino Recovery, explains: 

“By working with art, you can reconnect with your resources, your potential, your talents and all the beautiful things you have inside of you. Sometimes people can’t put their trauma into words. So it helps to feel, to contact their heart, to feel the emotions and to put those emotions on paper.”

Adventure Therapy: Exploring Your Inner and Outer Worlds in Tandem

Some luxury rehabs are known for their adventure therapy programs. These experiences vary widely from location to location. In California, you might hike a beautiful mountain trail. Some Florida rehabs offer beach activities from surfing to wave running. At White River Manor in South Africa, you can even go on safari. These activities are a fun and exciting way to learn about your own reactions to life in different contexts. According to Ryan Soave, these experiences are more than just a break from the intensity of therapy:

“Fun and play are super important to getting well. It actually allows people to access creative states, which we want people to be in. In behavioral health, it’s about inventing a new way of relating with oneself and others and the world around them. So being able to get out and have fun can really help their process.”

Through these experiences, you’ll develop more sustainable ways of relating to the world. And having positive memories to draw from can make the next chapter of your life feel more accessible.

People are complex, multifaceted beings. Rehab is designed to treat every aspect of self. The demanding work of individual and group therapy encourages you to delve into your reasons for being in rehab in the first place. By balancing this work with enjoyable low-stakes activities, you’ll be reminded of how much the world has to offer you. As challenging as recovery can be, it’s the first step in moving towards a life you love.

Browse our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about the experience of rehab. 

Frequently Asked Questions About What Happens in Rehab

What is a typical daily schedule like in rehab?

A typical day in rehab is highly structured from morning until late evening. Schedules usually include individual and group therapy, complementary therapies like yoga, other recovery activities, and downtime.

How long does rehab typically last?

The length of stay in rehab varies depending on individual needs, but most programs last between 30 and 90 days. Some programs are shorter or longer stays depending on the severity of addiction and the individual’s needs.

What kind of therapies are offered in rehab?

Rehab programs offer a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These different styles of therapy may be delivered in a one-on-one or group setting. Luxury rehabs tend to offer complementary therapies like yoga or art therapy.

Luxury Rehab: The Benefits of Comfort in the Recovery Journey

When you think of rehab for drug or alcohol addiction, “luxury” might not be the first word that comes to your mind. But there are many paths to healing from addictions and other behavioral or mental health conditions. And for some, a comfortable or even upscale setting can provide the ideal conditions for getting the most out of treatment.

You may already be thinking of seeking treatment at a luxury rehab center. Or perhaps you’re wondering if you can really get the help you need from a luxury rehab that looks, from the outside, like a vacation getaway.

When it comes to getting life-changing (or even life-saving) treatment, it’s important to follow your instincts. If you’re feeling drawn to a particular type of treatment, getting as much unbiased information as possible is essential to making an educated, confident decision about your care.

What Makes a Rehab Center “Luxury?”

The fact of the matter is, any rehab center can call itself “luxury” because there aren’t any internationally standardized requirements for this claim. When a drug or alcohol treatment center identifies as luxury, though, this usually means that it’s an upscale, residential treatment facility.

So, the first step to finding the right luxury rehab center for you is to define what you’re thinking of when you think of luxury. Are you looking for elegant facilities and extra amenities? Or does luxury mean the best medical staff and a wide variety of therapies?

In general, luxury rehabs do include at least some combination of these:

Desirable Location

Oftentimes the setting is remote yet sophisticated, similar to an exotic vacation destination. Luxury rehab centers are available all around the world. Depending on the location, getting there may involve domestic or international travel.

Special High-End Amenities

Facilities might boast swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, exercise facilities, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, a library or business center, and more. These amenities would most likely be of the same standard, or quite similar to, what you would experience while staying at a 4- or 5-star hotel.

Complementary Therapies

Though many treatment programs today offer complementary therapies, luxury centers might provide even more specialized options like equine therapy, adventure therapy, spa treatments, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more.

On-Site Detox Services

Detox, when required, is often done at a hospital or a specialized detox center before admission to a residential rehab center. Luxury rehabs may have designated detox facilities on their premises with the medical staff and equipment necessary to safely oversee the process.

This discrepancy in the definition of “luxury,” and how it can mean different things at different facilities, is why has benchmarks for listing centers on our site. Our searchable collection of rehabs only includes those that, regardless of cost, meet our luxury treatment provider criteria:

Why People Seek Treatment at Luxury Rehabs

Treatment at a luxury rehab center might be a good fit for certain clientele, more so than budget or retreat-style centers. For example, if someone’s used to certain living standards, has specific medical needs, or is looking for exclusive qualities in a treatment program, then luxury rehab might better facilitate the recovery process for such clients.

Some patients seek treatment at a luxury addiction or mental health rehab for other reasons:

Discomfort Could Distract From Treatment

Sometimes a drastic change in environment has the opposite effect of providing a healing space for recovery. If the setting causes discomfort, whether minute or extreme, physical or mental, some people might not be as receptive to implementing the changes necessary for lasting recovery. According to Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner at White River Manor,

“The more structure and the more barriers you put in place, sometimes, the more closed off people become. So offering people a place of comfort, a place where there is a great service, I think gives them the better opportunity to immediately open up and engage.”

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Personal bedrooms are decorated for privacy and comfort at White River Manor in South Africa.

Residential Rehab Is Intensive

The industry standard for treatment at a residential treatment center is about 30 days. And during that time, you’ll face a lot of draining emotional challenges. While beneficial and necessary, these heightened emotional states tend to take a physical and emotional toll. According to Dr. Frederick Goggans, McLean Hospital‘s Medical Director,

“(Luxury rehabs) create an environment where it’s comfortable to be a resident for the length of time that’s involved to do this kind of work. It’s an environment where you’re sleeping well, you’re paying attention to nutrition, making healthier choices, getting daily exercise and building all that into a lifestyle change.”

The comfortable setting and conveniences most luxury rehabs offer helps your body and mind relax and be more prepared for and open to intensive treatment. Resting in these comforts during downtime can actually speed your recovery between treatments and help you integrate what you learn in your sessions.

Clients Receive One-on-One Care

Most luxury rehab centers have a higher staff-to-client ratio, because their higher admittance fees afford them the additional costs of hiring more staff. And more people on staff means each client is more likely to receive higher levels of one-on-one care.

This individualized care may mean the difference between success or failure for some clients. As one study reports, humans “differ from each other at every discernible level. This implies that it would be a miracle if standardized treatment strategies would work for everyone at every stage1 and that patients with the same diagnosis would respond in the same way.”

With this in mind, it’s possible that extra attention and time spent on individual client’s treatment plans could promote better recovery progress.

Budget Treatment Options May Not Have Previously Worked

It’s not uncommon for people seeking treatment to already have experience with different substance or alcohol use disorder programs and facilities. Many people try a variety of therapies or different styles of centers on their journey to find healing.

For some, luxury rehab might offer the pieces that were missing from getting successful treatment results at budget addiction rehab centers. Features like serene, remote environments and guided recreational activities, may help your treatment have better, longer-lasting impacts.

Restrictive Centers Don’t Accommodate Different Lifestyle Needs

Whether you’re a business owner, a celebrity, or a caregiver, sometimes there are obligations and responsibilities that make putting your life on pause for the duration of inpatient treatment impractical.

“One of the main things that deters people from coming to treatment is that they have full-time jobs or children. So it’s difficult to step away and seek treatment,” says Douglass Weiss, President and Chief Customer Officer at Gallus Detox Centers. Which is exactly why some luxury rehabs allow for computer use, cell phone use and even full family stays.

Now that we’ve explored some of the reasons why people seek luxury addiction treatment, let’s examine some benefits that luxury rehab can provide.

Potential Benefits of Attending Rehab at a Luxury Center

No matter what kind of program you attend, you’ll likely get some positive benefits from receiving treatment. Luxury rehabs simply offer additional, or different kinds of, benefits that may help you take that next step to finding lasting recovery.

1. Comfortable Treatment Experience

Many times people suffering from addiction or mental illnesses are in a constant state of stress. Their bodies are flooded with the stress hormone cortisol, and because of this, their fight-flight-or-freeze mode is constantly triggered. One of the most important aspects of rehab is that it provides a safe space for your body to relax and begin to heal.

Ameet Braich, Clinical Director of Camino Recovery, explains:

“Suffering, in any form, really doesn’t have a place in treatment. If somebody needs to get well, they can do it in nice, comfortable surroundings. It only aids the healing process. Being in a peaceful environment where you really get time to reflect and look inward lends itself to a therapeutic process.”

Comfortable surroundings can go a long way in creating a safe space, which helps reduce the body’s stress levels and may increase the therapeutic value of your time in treatment. When you’re in a relaxed, positive physical and mental state, your brain is more likely to retain new information2 and form healthier habits.

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The tranquil grounds of Camino Recovery in Vélez-Málaga, Spain

2. Nutritious, Gourmet Meals

Nutrition is a fundamental part of healing from addiction. Many people in recovery have vitamin deficiencies3 due to the depletion caused by prolonged substance use. Nutrient-dense meals provide your body with physical energy and strength to support you during treatment.

Rowland Tweedie, Health and Fitness Manager at Paracelsus Recovery explains the importance of healthy eating in recovery:

“Nutrition is vitally important for all of us, because every time we eat food, it’s information for the body. Having the right type of nutrition helps us to have vitality and energy, and helps with all the systems in the body.”

There are several studies proving that healthy, individualized changes in nutrition can reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.4 Not only that, but some scientists even believe that the gut microbiome is an “important and modifiable mediator of substance-seeking behavior.”

In other words, gut-focused nutrition therapy can reduce some people’s risk of relapse. As Tweedie says, “If we eat the right types of food, we feel and think differently. Nutrition is the foundation of health, really.”

3. Maximum Privacy

Addiction affects people from all walks of life—from celebrities and CEOs to teachers and full-time employees. Clients may not want their personal or professional associates to know they’re receiving treatment. So when a high-profile person, a busy executive, or a wealthy family member needs treatment, privacy concerns may be what prevents them from getting the help they need.

In addition to already being located in remote settings, many luxury rehab centers address these concerns by offering the utmost security and discretion for their guests. Gallus Detox Centers’ Marketing and Outreach Director Laura Herrmann says,

“We’re very discreet. We try to keep ourselves as professional as possible so that when people are coming in, it’s not recognizable as a medical detox.”

Some facilities also offer ultra-exclusive programs for those who can’t mingle with other clients for privacy reasons. Examples include having private accommodations where staff come to you to do sessions, or even attending a completely individualized program where the entire staff serves one client at a time.

4. Wider Variety

At most luxury rehabs, not only are you more likely to receive one-on-one attention, but you’re also more likely to have a wider variety of therapies, counselors, food, and activities to choose from. Although higher costs don’t always equal better quality of care, clients seeking the highest quality of treatment available might be more likely to find what they’re looking for at a luxury rehab.

And, again, if you’ve already tried many different types of treatments or programs, having a wider range of options may make all the difference for you. For example, some studies on addiction have reported that music therapy can reduce substance cravings,5 as it increases your perceived control. So if you’re looking for more personalized treatment options, a luxury rehab might offer more choices.

Oro house recovery sound therapy
Sound baths are one of the many complementary therapies offered at Oro House Recovery in Malibu, California.

5. Flexibility With Technology Privileges

You don’t have to necessarily put the rest of your life on hold to get treatment. Maybe you need to stay connected to the “outside world” for work purposes, to maintain your image, or for family emergencies.

Jan Gerber, Paracelsus Recovery‘s CEO, clarifies:

“Often in treatment, you have to switch off your phone, or even sometimes give up your phone. You can’t open your laptop whilst you’re in treatment, and that’s why people who can’t do that simply wouldn’t go to treatment.”

If absolutely necessary, many luxury rehabs can “do justice to your reality,” as Gerber puts it, and accommodate your need to have internet access and use of your cell phone or laptop. Some even offer executive rehab programs specifically for clients who need more flexibility to be able to work during treatment.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that you might still be able to get some of these benefits at other “levels” or types of addiction rehabs. If you’re still wondering whether luxury rehab is right for you, there’s some evidence that further supports the effectiveness of luxury rehab.

Effectiveness of Treatment at a Luxury Rehab Center

Some people might question the effectiveness of getting treatment for a serious problem at an upscale facility, surrounded by a tranquil environment and high-end amenities. That’s understandable, considering these settings can look a lot like vacation destinations. So, what proof is there that receiving treatment for substance use disorders or mental health conditions in a luxury environment  is more effective?

Choosing Your Own Treatment Is an Important Factor

To begin with, some studies show that “clients who were involved in shared decision making, were able to choose a treatment modality, or received their preferred treatment had greater treatment satisfaction, higher retention and completion rates, and better outcomes.” In other words, having a role in choosing where you get treatment can actually increase your chances of success.6

Obviously, this idea is applicable to choosing any type of treatment, whether luxury or not. But, if you’re used to a certain kind of lifestyle and specific types of treatment centers are more desirable to you, there’s a chance you may have better success with recovery in those programs you’re attracted to.

Reducing Stress Helps Your Brain Retain New Information

Even if your initial thinking isn’t to seek treatment at a luxury facility, some experts say that a comfortable setting helps you get the most from treatment. Giles Fourie notes,

“What we’ve experienced having been in the addiction field for over a decade is that a lot of programs are punitive and restrictive. What people do ultimately is conform to the program rather than transform. And we believe that this setting, where we’re offering our clients the comforts they would have at home, really opens them up and ultimately enhances their recovery process and their restoration.”

One reason a comfortable environment, or even a “luxurious” setting, may enhance recovery is because of how it helps our bodies relax, which in turn reduces cortisol levels and improves brain function. Scientific studies have proven that “stress is a potent modulator of brain structure, brain function, and cognition.” So, whether a person experiences short-term, acute stress or long-term, chronic stress, depending on the person,” experiencing excessive stress can be highly detrimental to memory function.”7

If you’re in a stressful environment, there’s a possibility that your memory function will be negatively impaired. This in turn could negatively impact how much of your treatment you retain and are able to access in the future during situations when you need it the most. Again, what’s stressful differs from person to person, so it’s important to know what kind of surroundings will most likely work best for you.

Finding the Best Treatment for You

Ultimately, treatment for addiction and mental health disorders is a highly personal decision. What works for someone else may or may not work for you. That’s why it’s so important to consider all aspects of a treatment program before committing the time, money, and energy required to get help at a residential rehab.

No matter what kind of treatment or facility you’re looking for, remember: despite what a center might claim to be, it’s important to do your own research and make sure the “luxury” you’re signing up for is the type of luxury you’re expecting.

If luxury rehab sounds like an avenue you’d like to explore, you can find treatment centers in nearly every corner of the world. You can also find luxury rehabs within a wide range of costs—many of which take insurance—making this a surprisingly realistic treatment option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab

What is luxury rehab?

Luxury rehab refers to a treatment program that provides high-end amenities and accommodations in addition to evidence-based therapies for addiction and mental health conditions.

What are the benefits of luxury rehab?

Upscale residential rehabs often provide a comfortable and supportive environment, access to world-class amenities and facilities, individualized treatment plans, and a focus on holistic healing for the mind, body, and spirit.

Who can benefit from luxury rehab?

Anyone struggling with addiction or mental health issues can benefit from luxury rehab, but it may be especially helpful for those who want a more comfortable and private recovery experience, or those who have tried traditional rehab without success.

Single Client Rehabs: A Guide to the Ultimate in Luxury Rehab


There’s a new luxury treatment option growing in popularity: single client addiction centers. These innovative, highly confidential—therefore ideally suited for high profile business people, celebrities, and politicians—luxury rehab centers treat one person only in an exclusive environment.

A client stays at these centers—The Bay in Australia, Paracelsus in Switzerland, The Cottage in the UK, Kusnacht in Switzerland—and is alone except for the team of professionals treating them.

There are significant differences between single client and multi-client centers. Single-client rehabs often have the following:

Complete client-focus: There is no one else at the center, the client receives a dedicated service.

No group therapy: Often, these clients do not wish to expose themselves and have an urgent need for confidentiality—some may be public figures.

A team of dedicated professionals: An entire team will deliver a tailor-made recovery program for their clients. In these single client centers, there is no such thing as a one-for-all program. Each client receives their own bespoke recovery based on their individual and unique needs.

Integrative approach to healing: Most single-client rehabs believe that addictions do not have one cause, but a complex combination of emotional, mental health, medical, physical and spiritual issues. Their approach tends to be multi-disciplinary.

Privacy: Accommodation is private and luxurious, helping clients relax.

Confidentiality: The client’s recovery is paramount and their personal journeys are held in absolute confidence.

Unique services: These centers deliver all sorts of extra services like cars for client outings, therapists to accompany their meals if they wish, and internet facilities for family and business meetings.

Aftercare: Single-client centers help with the transition back into everyday life with personalized aftercare support.

Four of the Best “One Client at a Time” Centers Around the World

One of the criteria that we look for when listing a center on RehabPath Luxury is the staff-to-client ratio, and most of the rehabs on our site have a great ratio. The most private, individualized care you can receive is found in centers that treat one client at a time.

1.The Bay, Byron Bay, Australia

The Bay in Byron Bay

The Bay programs are run in lovely private houses near the beach or hinterland amid tropical flora. It was founded in 2005 by a group of psychotherapists who wanted to treat addiction in a different way. “We believed that the addiction was being treated but not the underlying trauma and mental health issues,” says psychotherapist and founder, John Dass. “We wanted to address this so we created The Bay.”

Why did you want it to be a single client center? “We didn’t want clients to have to deal with other people because that can be a disruption to recovery. The idea was that the client would come to us and be able to have a totally private recovery experience and one that was dedicated to their personal recovery. Being private means that our international clients could relax more; and relaxation is a key to healing.”

Why is The Bay different? “Many rehabs do “one-to-one” therapy sessions, but in the context of having a group of clients staying in one facility, or attending on a daily/weekly basis. We have a range of highly qualified psychotherapists, nutritionists, doctors, nurses who all come to the client. There is a team of up to 20 professionals who dedicate themselves to one client.

Because of my multi-disciplinary background, we have created a holistic environment, which is truly unique at The Bay. Clients have said that it is more like a retreat than a rehab. We use meditation, yoga, qi gong, mindfulness, acupuncture and massage with one-to-one psychotherapy which produces an intentionally “emotionally warm” structure for our clients. The atmosphere is openhearted and welcoming. Warmth, nurture and nourishment are very important at The Bay.”

Why is it vital to recognize and treat the trauma behind the addiction? “If we only treated the addiction and its symptoms, we would be failing our clients. We know that most addictions have underlying reasons—often from childhood trauma—for being there. By creating a safe space in the psychotherapeutic context, we encourage clients to resolve past traumas, thus enabling a deeper recovery. It might be the first time that clients start to understand where their alcoholism, food or drug addiction comes from so we also use compassion-focused therapy in order that they feel fully seen, heard and understood in a tender, non-judgmental way. I think we’re the only Rehab in the world to provide this heart-centered approach. Clients often get in touch with a lot of shame—they feel they have let down their family and colleagues—and we find ways for them to let go of it.”

Why is one-to-one therapy so important? “Many clients don’t feel comfortable around group therapy. We design the programs for them specifically so that they trust the process. Many clients are well-known or high profile and our gentle but engaging regime helps them to gain this trust. They want confidential therapy and that’s what they get.”

Can a client keep on working? “Yes, there is plenty of room at the house for the clients who often come from the business world to keep on working. We don’t take their mobiles or computers, we just ask that they are ready to work with our therapists when they arrive. We recognize that it’s important to many of our clients to keep working.”

2. Paracelsus Recovery, Zurich, Switzerland


Paracelsus was founded in its current form in 2012 as a family business. It is located on the scenic lakefront of Zurich. They focus on the luxury aspects of their services as well as the single client core philosophy. “Our international team of highly qualified therapists, doctors, nurses, counselors and other professionals focus on the recovery of only one client at a time. Our team works with our clients eight to twelve hours a day, not weekly or monthly as is the case with most other addiction therapy providers,” says chairman, Jan Gerber MSc.

What makes Paracelsus different? “We have recognized the importance of a balanced bio-chemistry of the brain and body for recovery from addiction. We don’t only address the addiction itself, but we identify and treat the underlying reasons for the client’s addiction. We treat the entire person—body, mind and soul. We call it the 360 degree approach.

We also provide an unparalleled high-end all-round service during the treatment program from limousines, a chef, a butler and a 24 hour a day concierge service. We give 7 star service.”

Who are your clients? “Our clients are looking for the best treatment available. They are also looking for 100 percent confidentiality. That’s what we give. We also guarantee that they will never come across another client. We have treated heads of states so it’s very important to guarantee this confidentiality and privacy.”

How do you work as a team? “We assign a team around this client, pull information together and work together very much in a collaborative way until the client leaves,” says clinical coordinator, Dr Christine Merzeder, PhD.

How does the treatment work with psychotherapy? “The client arrives and I find this exciting because I know I have the opportunity to facilitate change. I am here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am getting to know the client so that I can work in the best way with them. Sometimes if they would like, we eat together. It all supports the process,” states psychotherapist, Louis Fitzmaurice.

How does the bespoke program work? “Clients don’t adhere to a program that is already in place, they have their own program. We provide an interdisciplinary program that includes nutrition but also yoga, personal training etc,” says Dr Thilo Beck, the medical doctor.

How long can a client expect to be with you? “Normally they would stay for 4 to 8 weeks but it depends on the individual. We also provide comprehensive after-care in that they might come back for weekends or the psychotherapists visits them,” says Gerber.

What does Luxury Rehab mean to you? “It’s not about spoiling someone because they have an expensive lifestyle. You can’t judge someone because they have a lot of money or are very successful. They are vulnerable like everyone else, and they need support,” says Gerber.

3. The Cottage, Surrey, UK

the cottage surrey

The Cottage is part of Life Works, one of the Priory Group’s leading centers network and is located in the charming Surrey countryside with easy access to Heathrow and Gatwick airports. The Cottage is the only single client addiction center in the UK. They treat addictions and a wide range of mental health issues. They are the exception in this small group in that they do offer group therapy and 12 Steps, if the client would like them. “Our high end, bespoke treatment caters for clients who might be suffering from drug and alcohol addictions, eating disorders, prescription drug addiction, depression, gambling addiction and more,” Stephen Clarke, the hospital director.

What makes The Cottage’s approach different? “We believe that addiction and behavioural health issues require an in-depth and sophisticated approach that treats the physical, mental, social and spiritual elements of each person. Therefore our treatment program looks at us as a whole person, beyond, just their addiction and offers a person-centered approach to treatment. This vastly increases the chance of sustained recovery and enjoying a good quality of life.”

What is your core treatment philosophy? “We offer a range of treatment programs to help our clients with their recovery process. Our therapies are based on scientific evidence and research. We offer specialist programs for eating disorders, we offer CBT, sex addiction specialists, a mood disorder program, one to one psychotherapy, psychiatric care, group therapy. We also offer all the complementary therapies. We are comprehensive in what we have on offer.”

How does your team work together? “Our experienced team work with the clients to ensure they have maximum input into how their program is designed. Their entire stay will be organized by your own personal Program Coordinator who is available to support the client and tailor their treatment program according to their needs. Five star treatment begins before they even arrive with our private car and chauffeur service available to pick them up from anywhere in the UK if necessary.”

Why do you offer single client occupancy? “Our facility caters to clients looking for the most discreet and exclusive environment to relax, unwind and deal with their recovery. We only take one client at a time to ensure everyone we treat has the best possible care.”

4. The Kusnacht Practice, Zurich, Switzerland

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The Kusnacht Practice opened in 2007 and is located on the beautiful shores of Lake Zurich. It prides itself on being one of the most exclusive and expensive Rehabs in the world. Both George Michael and John Galliano are said to have been treated there. Each client has his or her own villa—there are seven villas—with a butler, maid and chauffeur. “We make a home for our clients,” says owner and CEO Eduardo Greghi.

What makes the Kusnacht Practice different? “The level of luxury. This all-inclusive service, as if in a hotel, is characteristic of 5-star psychiatry and it includes 70 permanent employees and 90 freelancers, from a yoga teacher to an acupuncturist.

The clinical team here has a rich heritage of developing innovative methods of looking beyond the surface issues in order to identify the true underlying causes. We find these forms of compulsive behavior are usually associated with biochemical or neurochemical imbalances. We have developed our own Bio R methodology to deal with these imbalances.”

Why single client? “We prefer to treat clients individually rather than in a therapy group, as this enables us to tailor a unique care plan to the personal requirements of each individual. Clients stay at our exclusive luxury residences. We provide clinical excellence in luxurious surroundings.”

Do you include family members in the recovery process? “Many people who seek treatment at The Kusnacht Practice may be experiencing emotional pain or may have suffered trauma, which can also be distressing for family and friends.

Although not mandatory, in most cases we strongly recommend that family and close friends take part in our treatment program. This helps each party to truly understand what is causing their family member’s disorder and their part in the healing process. A thorough preparation for a healthier and happier life after treatment and during our continuing care for the whole family system is an important part of the lasting treatment success.”

What types of therapy are used? “We offer a wide range of innovative and science-based therapies and procedures delivered by qualified medical professionals, along with counseling, complementary treatments and 12 Steps spiritual programs. This may include biomolecular restoration, clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy/cognitive therapies, EMDR, Family Systems Therapy, Mindfulness work, Neurofeedback, Positive psychology, repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and more.”

Finding Recovery That’s Tailored to You 

Addiction can make us feel misunderstood. In that vulnerable state, feeling seen is so important. That’s what single-client rehabs do for their patients. By understanding and catering to the individual needs of their clients, these rehabs create a comfortable and nurturing environment for recovery. 

Search our collection of luxury rehab centers to learn more about single-client rehabs, their accommodations, pricing, amenities, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Single-Client Rehabs

Are there rehabs that treat just one person?

Single-client rehabs treat just one patient at a time. Their clients include executives, celebrities, and high-profile people who want an ultra-bespoke, confidential rehab experience.

What’s the most private rehab?

Single-client rehabs are as private as they get. They offer personalized treatment, an entire team dedicated to your care, secluded and luxurious accommodation, and complete confidentiality.

Are single-client rehabs effective?

They can be—personalization improves treatment outcomes. Single-client rehabs address each client’s unique situation, including trauma or concerns that stem from addiction. They tailor therapies to clients and adjust treatment as needed, according to your progress.

What Does It Cost to Go to Rehab in Malibu (And Why Do So Many People Pay)?

malibu beach at sunset with building, palm trees and one person walking, silhouettes

Want to compare Malibu treatment options? Check out our collection of 25+ luxury Malibu rehabs. We’ve compiled pricing info, treatment specializations, and other key differentiators to help you find the best rehab option in Malibu.

It probably comes as no surprise to hear that attending rehab in Malibu is expensive. It’s where Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, and plenty of other rich and famous people have checked in, often spending multiple thousands on an ocean-view room (Mel Gibson went to Passages, where a room starts at $80,000 a month, for example).

But how much does it really cost you to go to rehab in Malibu? And why are people willing to pay the prices?

Here’s everything you need to know.

No Place Like Malibu

The city of Malibu is located about 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles, along scenic Highway 1, and encompassing a 21-mile strip of coastline. Home to Hollywood stars, glorious sandy beaches, and some of the best surf along the entire Pacific coast, Malibu also comes to mind when thinking of the word “rehab.”

In 2013, the New York Times reported that there were 35 state-licensed drug and alcohol rehab clinics in the Malibu area1 alone (which had a population of just 12,645), along with an ever-rising collection of unlicensed sober-living homes popping up across the city.

Today, it seems Malibu has a rehab center on almost every corner, and many of these have ventured beyond traditional drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, treating mental health conditions too, and often adopting more unique, experiential and alternative treatment approaches.

What Does It Cost to Go to Rehab in Malibu?

With such a desired location, treatment in Malibu is bound to be costly. The answer here depends on which rehab center you’re looking to visit, not to mention any insurance benefits that may help with some of the costs.

Passages (where Mel went) is one of the most luxurious of all the residential providers in Malibu, and its price also reflects this. For your $80,000-per-month stay, you get access to the following:

  • 5 different estates, which offer exquisite ocean-view rooms
  • 10 acres of Malibu paradise
  • Tennis courts
  • A glass-housed gym and personal trainer
  • A private and tranquil detox unit
  • Two swimming pools and a Jacuzzi

They can treat up to 29 clients at a time, and they recommend a 60-day commitment to guided sobriety.

While Passages and Summit Malibu sit at the two ends of the financial scale, there are many other rehab options between them, such as

And there are several reasons so many are willing to pay Malibu prices …

The Beach Is Right There

Of course, a big benefit to receiving addiction and mental health treatment in Malibu is the beautiful scenery and warm climate. Whether it’s the sound of barreling waves breaking along the shoreline, the sight of an epic sunset along the Pacific horizon, or the smells of fresh sea air and the feel of a light breeze on your face, Malibu is a truly magical location, a location that can help you find that all-important reset button.

Malibu offers complete tranquility, calmness and peace. It’s a place where you can switch off, slow down and take the time to watch the sun descend below the horizon, every single day.

You’re Close Enough to Normal Life

Given how close Malibu is to Hollywood and LA, it makes for the perfect place to escape without needing to disconnect from everyday life completely. Many Californian residents, for example, can attend a program and continue to receive follow-up care, reducing the rate of relapse down the road.

Places like Passages offer relapse prevention counseling, for example, while other centers offer clients specialized outpatient treatment, so clients can go about their regular life while continuing treatment.

While most of the centers mentioned are primarily residential, for some people, outpatient treatment is the best approach to their recovery. It gives people a sense of normality, and it helps bring the lessons learned in recovery into real life, helping them overcome issues for good.

There’s an Array of Specialized Centers

Many rehab centers in Malibu are well experienced in treating high-profile individuals and the issues they face, such as alcohol and drug use. For instance, Center for Professional Recovery and Seasons in Malibu specialize in treating executives, celebrities, doctors, lawyers and the like.

Other groups can also find treatment tailored to them. Paradigm Malibu, for instance, is committed to treating underlying core issues that are impacting the lives of teens and Visions Adolescent Treatment offers top-of-the-line treatment to teens specifically aged between 13 and 18 years of age.

Across providers in Malibu, there’s a wide range of alternative and holistic wellness programs that help those suffering from issues like mental health disorders and trauma as well.

Malibu Has Some of the Best Recovery Centers in the World

Because of its location, Malibu has become one of the most sought-after rehab locations in America. Malibu, in many ways, invented the stereotypical high-end, resort-style rehab center. Some have received criticism of simply being a spa or vacation and lax on the hard work of recovery. However, many providers offer both the luxury of vacation-like settings and solid clinical treatment. For instance, centers like Oro House Recovery, Seasons in Malibu and Avalon Malibu have some of the best clinicians across the country, and as a consequence, the quality of treatment often outranks many other centers.

There are Many Reasons So Many Pay the Cost to Attend Rehab in Malibu

It’s home to an abundance of alcohol and drug addiction rehabs that exclusively treat high-end clients and often get attention from the press, which may be the reason the general public associates “rehab” with Malibu and with Hollywood stars.

But Hollywood aside, Malibu is the location of choice for many looking to recover due to the various treatment options and the beautiful weather and scenery.

A person would have to travel far and wide to find a place similar to Malibu. The likes of Spain, for example, hold up in terms of climate and tranquility, and Thailand offers warmth and a less expensive rehab experience as well.

This makes Malibu an extremely popular destination of choice for rehab. To find out more about rehab in Malibu and to find a luxury rehab, visit here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Malibu

How much is rehab in Malibu?

Prominence treatment, price starts at $47,000 per month
Paradigm Malibu, price starts at $48,000 per month
Summit Malibu, price starts at $48,000 per month
Sunset Malibu, price starts at $50,000 per month
Malibu Hills, price starts at $68,000 per month

Why is rehab in Malibu popular?

Because of its location, Malibu has become one of the most sought-after rehab locations in America. Malibu, in many ways, invented the stereotypical high-end, resort-style rehab center.

Where do CEOs go to rehab?

Many rehab centers in Malibu are well experienced in treating high-profile individuals and the issues they face, such as alcohol and drug use. For instance, Center for Professional Recovery and Seasons in Malibu specialize in treating executives, celebrities, doctors, lawyers and the like.

Athletes and Addiction: Can You Attend Rehab Without It Becoming a Headline?


Professional athletes battle with keeping up with the competition, and performance-enhancing drugs are one such way to do so.

But what about when athletes begin abusing drugs or other destructive behavioral patterns outside of the workplace? When depression and isolation overcome an athlete off the field?

Addiction in sport is quite common. And due to the nature of the work, it can be difficult for athletes to both accept and receive the help they need without it destroying their career. Yet, if you carry on without getting help, you put everything at risk—your career, your health, and even your life.

Michael Phelps lost his sponsorship deal with Kellogg’s1 when he was pictured smoking cannabis. Montee Ball’s NFL career was short-lived due to struggles with alcohol and depression.2 Chris Herren’s professional basketball career ended due to addiction;3 paramedics revived him several years later from a heroin overdose.

If you’re a professional athlete, here’s how you can attend rehab and get help without landing in the headlines.

1. Leave the Country

Some countries thrive on celebrity culture.

Their people soak in celebrity problems like they’re their own. But there are countries where celebrities can walk down the street without hassle (and attend rehab without landing in the tabloids).

Switzerland is renowned for its security, privacy and non-sensationalism. The country has some of the most exclusive rehab centers in the world. They prioritize your privacy and ensure that the tabloids can’t get to you.

Many centers here offer individual therapy and bespoke treatments so that you can get the help you need without fear of getting caught by reporters.

To find out more about rehab in Switzerland, watch our video series on Swiss rehab centers.

2. Get Exclusive Treatment, Tailored to You

If you’re a celebrity athlete struggling with addiction and you want to get help in privacy, consider avoiding group therapy sessions. While other people in therapy might not tell your story to the news, they may sell it at another point in the future.

Keeping out of the tabloids is about risk reduction. The fewer people that see you, the less likely your story will leak.

Attending private individual treatment that is personalized to you is one way to do that. Some centers, such as Tikvah Lake Recovery in Florida or The Dawn Rehab in Chiang Mai, help you stay off the grid.

3. Get the Tabloids to Sign a Super-Injunction

Before you go to rehab, you can take steps with the media to legally inform them that they can’t report on particular issues for the sake of selling a story.

In the U.K., a super-injunction4 is an effective way of minimizing reported stories about your rehab. However, it uses the term “reported stories” because it’s becoming difficult to avoid stories leaking on social sites like Twitter.

Ryan Giggs’ case is a famous example. He sought an injunction to protect his identity over an alleged affair with a reality TV contestant, as well as a super-injunction to protect himself against an affair he had with his brother’s wife for eight years.

While these stories were eventually leaked and brought to light by media sources, a super-injunction can be an effective way of reducing your risk of making the headlines, especially if your story is personal to you and uncontroversial.

4. Tell Your Team You’re on Holiday or Hiatus

In most cases, tabloid news stories are leaked from the inside. It’s not unusual for a member of your team to sell your story to make a quick buck. And while we encourage you to only work with trusted people, that isn’t always the case.

To minimize your risk of getting “caught in rehab,” avoid telling people. It might seem like simple advice, but money buys secrets, and the media has a lot of money.

Your team only needs to know that you’re away on holiday or hiatus; they don’t need to know more details.

5. Be the First to Share About It

This is definitely counterintuitive and not for everyone. If you don’t want to be in the headlines for a drug or alcohol problem or other mental health issues, submitting an honest, transparent statement to media sources or posting an update on your social media accounts is the last thing you would choose to do.

However, this approach may work really well. You may desire, for instance, “to be the change you want to see in the world” and show that it’s okay to seek out treatment for addiction and mental health issues. That it’s actually the best thing you can do and a sign of strength not weakness. You may feel that being straightforward and honest about your situation will actually help mitigate speculation and gossip, especially if you’re concerned about it leaking anyway. Although all were in blackmail situations, consider Alexander Hamilton with the Reynolds Pamphlet, Jeff Bezos’s Medium article,5 and John Skipper’s resignation statement.6 If you do choose this route, be prepared for potential consequences.

Be Sure to Seek the Help You Need

With all this said, the most important factor about attending rehab is to get the right help for you.

Many locations across the globe have unique and tailored solutions that will work for some athletes but not for others.

Be sure to do your homework on the rehab center you’re interested in and choose one based on the treatment available and the expert clinicians who work there. These clinicians, after all, are the ones who will help you get sober and stay sober.

To get the specialized treatment you may need, explore our collection of rehabs across the globe to learn about pricing, their treatment approach, clinical team, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Privacy for Athletes

Where can athletes with drug addiction get help?

Help is available for athletes struggling with addiction:

• Your primary care physician may refer you to treatment.
• A specialized mental health professional can guide your recovery.
• Find an addiction treatment program specifically for athletes. Some have unique therapies like HBOT
• Join a 12-Step or non-12-Step support group in addition to a treatment program.

Can athletes go to rehab without anyone knowing? 

It’s possible. Single-client rehabs offer completely private treatment. Going abroad is another option. Countries like Switzerland have strict privacy laws and some of the world’s most exclusive rehabs.

How can athletes attend rehab in private?

You can attend rehab abroad, or get personalized treatment at a private rehab that offers individualized care, private rooms, and doesn’t require group therapy.