Can Weed Kill You?

Many drugs can be dangerous—but can weed kill you?

While there aren’t records of deaths as a direct result of cannabis, smoking weed still has significant risks that shouldn’t be ignored.

Marijuana is growing more and more socially acceptable. It seems like more states legalize cannabis in the U.S. every year. With such an abundance of legal weed, it makes sense to wonder about its safety.

Many people think marijuana is harmless. Understanding more about marijuana can empower you to decide if using it is in your best interest.

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

You’ve likely heard the term “gateway drug” used to describe marijuana. Some studies support this idea, while others dispute it. Data shows marijuana use typically comes before other drug use.1 Still, most people who use marijuana do not go on to try other substances. 

There are a few factors at work here. Your family history, mental health, and social life can play a role in marijuana use.2 Some people use weed with trusted friends as a way of connecting more deeply. Others smoke because of peer pressure, or to improve their social status. This is often an issue for teens. Research shows that using marijuana as an adolescent3 can increase the risk of addiction as a young adult. 

Is Marijuana Addictive?

It’s all too easy to overlook the risks of marijuana, partly because of its medicinal benefits. We still need more research on questions like, “Is marijuana deadly?” But so far, we do know that marijuana can be addictive.4 

Several factors can make this condition more likely. For example, new research suggests that marijuana addiction might be genetic.5 Dr. Arpana Agrawal, professor of psychiatry at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, says that public perception could be a barrier to treatment:

Although many consider marijuana to be less addictive than other drugs, our findings clearly confirm that people can become dependent on cannabis and that cannabis use disorder has genetic and biological underpinnings.”

The amount of THC you consume6 also plays into whether marijuana is addictive. THC is just one of many cannabinoids in marijuana. And manufacturers are putting out new cannabis products at a dizzying speed. Many of these have high levels of THC and other cannabinoids—including synthetic ones. When you regularly ingest high levels of any cannabinoid, your risk of addiction goes up.

Other factors can influence the likelihood of marijuana addiction:

  • The perception of marijuana as a low-risk substance
  • Media and social media influence
  • Peer influence and acceptance
  • Someone’s general tendency toward risk-taking behavior (teens, for example, might be more inclined to take risks)

Potential Risks of Smoking Marijuana

Marijuana has wide-ranging benefits,7 from chronic pain management to aiding digestion. But like any substance, it has the potential for abuse. To keep yourself safe, it’s vital to understand the potential risks of smoking marijuana:8

  • Learning and memory problems: Regular marijuana use affects your memory, impulse control, and ability to learn.
  • Chronic cough: Smoking cannabis, cigarettes, or anything else can cause inflammation in your lungs. If you know someone who smokes marijuana often, you might notice they have a cough that just won’t go away. 
  • Frequent respiratory infections: Harmful toxins go into your lungs when you smoke.9 Over time, this can lead to serious health problems like lung damage and chronic bronchitis.
  • Mental health issues:10 Research suggests a link between heavy marijuana use and depression, anxiety, and temporary psychosis.

If you’re using marijuana for medical purposes like pain management, doing so as prescribed in a controlled manner can help you avoid abuse. 

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

Yes, it’s possible to overdose on weed. But not all overdoses are fatal. In fact, experts say that both overdose and death from cannabis are very unlikely. To date, there’s no record of a person dying directly from marijuana use.11 

However, marijuana use has been linked to health risks and negative outcomes—like cardiovascular disease,12 lung cancer, traffic fatalities, and severe intoxication—that can lead to death.

Overdosing on marijuana13 can also have intense short-term effects that shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Panic
  • Depression
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Paranoia
  • Fear of dying

If you have a co-occurring mental health condition, overdosing on marijuana can exacerbate its symptoms. For example, people with schizophrenia may experience psychosis. 

These issues are especially common with certain forms of cannabis. In particular, weed edibles often lead to overdose.14 Unlike smoked products, edibles have to go through your digestive system before they kick in. People often take too much because they don’t feel the effects of the THC right away.

Know When to Get Help for Drug Abuse

It’s easy to feel like marijuana addiction isn’t that serious. But it’s worth getting to the root of anything that makes you feel out of control. If you’re considering rehab, being honest with yourself is the first step. You might start by answering the question: Do you think cannabis is making your life better or worse?

The National Institute of Health defines addiction15 as “a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.” In other words, if a drug is hurting you, but you keep using it anyway, you might need treatment. If marijuana helps you manage chronic pain and has no negative effects on your relationships, it might not be an issue. But if you regularly skip work to stay home and smoke weed, it’s probably time to ask for help. 

Only a mental health professional can diagnose you with addiction. If you’re asking the question, it’s probably time to get an expert opinion. You can also call a confidential drug addiction helpline to learn more about recovery and plan what to do next.

If you decide to start treatment, your care team might recommend various types of therapy for marijuana abuse.16 There are countless ways to approach healing, but a few treatments are especially helpful for treating this addiction:

Browse our list of marijuana rehabs and learn more about available treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions About Marijuana Use

Are there any deadly risks associated with smoking weed?

While weed itself isn’t considered lethal, there are potential negative outcomes associated with its use. These include increased risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, traffic accidents, and severe intoxication that can lead to dangerous situations. It’s crucial to be aware of these risks and use marijuana responsibly to minimize potential harm.

Can marijuana kill you?

There’s no record of a person dying directly from marijuana use. But marijuana can impair functioning and lead to traffic fatalities, as well as other health risks that can ultimately be fatal.

Can marijuana use lead to addiction?

Yes, marijuana can be addictive. Factors like genetics, high levels of THC consumption, and public perception can contribute to marijuana addiction. It’s important to recognize the potential risks and consider seeking treatment if you feel marijuana is negatively impacting your life.

What Is The Most Addictive Drug?

The most addictive drug varies from person to person. Some genetic mutations make certain drugs more addictive than others. Or, you might find yourself drawn to a seemingly “less addictive” drug, like nicotine, that feels just as powerful as a narcotic. 

With that said, scientists have narrowed down a few of the top addictive drugs. Their addictive potential comes from reactions, communications, and changes in the brain. 

But for each addictive drug, you have resources for recovery. You can speak with your care team to decide which route of treatment works best for you—like going to rehab


Heroin comes from certain poppy plants. As an opioid, heroin is highly addictive and can change the structure of your brain1 over time. It usually comes from South America. Dealers often cut heroin with starches, sugars, or sedatives—some of which can have unpredictable and unwanted effects. 

Pure heroin looks like a white powder and tastes bitter. Impure heroin is called “black tar” for its sticky feel and dark color (from impurities). 

You can snort powdered heroin or smoke it. For black tar heroin, you can inject it into your veins or muscles once it’s been dissolved and diluted.

Heroin absorbs into mucous membranes in your nose and lungs—or, if you inject it intravenously, it dissolves directly into your bloodstream. 

Once ingested, heroin bonds to mu-opioid receptors in your brain and activates them2, which turns off GABAergic neurons. GABAergic neurons keep dopamine from rushing along your reward circuit. Once the opioid receptor turns GABAergic neurons off, dopamine runs free, which causes a rush of euphoria and a strong sense of general well-being. 

Activating the reward system like this tells your brain opioids are about as great as it gets. Add in the distressing withdrawal symptoms, and getting more can feel like an urgent need. And as you keep taking heroin, you’ll need higher doses to feel the same high as your first time2—which means you’ve built up a tolerance. 

Much of heroin’s danger lies in this rapid high-low pendulum swing.  Soon, you might need high doses to keep from feeling sick. Trying to chase your first high, you might accidentally overdose. 

Taking too much could cause your breathing to slow to null3. You might also feel constipated, nauseous, and extremely itchy. Long-term use can knock your neuronal and hormonal systems off balance4—sometimes permanently. 


As a depressant, alcohol suppresses the central nervous system. And, alcohol is both socially accepted and easy to get—a tricky combination. Alcohol causes a sense of happiness and well-being5, which activates your brain’s reward system. It sees alcohol as medicine and, eventually, as something you inherently need to survive. 

Because of its addictive nature and easy access, alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances to abuse6. Over half the visits to emergency rooms have something to do with alcohol. It’s also one of the 2 most-used substances, the other being nicotine. 

Different alcoholic drinks have different levels, or percentages, of alcohol. For example, an alcoholic seltzer drink is usually 5-8% alcohol; in something like vodka, the rate goes up to 40%. 

As with illicit drugs, you can build a tolerance to alcohol. So, you might need to add a splash of vodka to your seltzer or have an extra glass of wine to feel how you’re used to feeling on alcohol. The longer this continues, the more you’ll need to drink. 

Withdrawals include insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and seizures. For many, safely detoxing from alcohol requires medical supervision. 


Nicotine, like many other drugs, causes a release of dopamine7. But with nicotine, the rush isn’t quite as intense as something like heroin. Nicotine has such addictive power because of its repetitive nature7 and because you can use it with other activities (and substances). 

Smoking a cigarette or vaping can enhance the pleasure of other activities7, like watching a movie, partying, having a cup of coffee, or listening to music. Even though nicotine only adds to these activities, your brain still associates it as the source of joy in those situations. And so, you learn to keep smoking, subconsciously chasing satisfaction.

What used to be fun and motivating might seem boring or too mundane without the added boost from nicotine, so stopping can be challenging7. You might even feel like nothing’s enjoyable without smoking. That’s because nicotine represses your natural dopamine-release functions, and once they’ve been suppressed for so long, it can take time for your brain to adjust and provide its own. 

Though unpleasant, nicotine withdrawals won’t hurt you8. You may have a bad headache and experience cravings. You might also feel more anxious and hungry. But all withdrawal symptoms pass with time. 


Benzodiazepines, or benzos, subdue the central nervous system. They’re usually prescribed to help with anxiety, panic disorders, and insomnia9 for their calming, sedative effects. But benzos can also be highly addictive.

Some benzodiazepines can cause dependence faster than others. But usually, people use them with another drug9 to balance or complement other effects. Alcohol and benzos, for example, produce an enhanced calm but can dangerously suppress the central nervous system.

The benzodiazepine Rohypnol, AKA roofies, acts as a powerful sedative. Some misuse benzos like Rohypnol against others. But usually, benzodiazepines appeal for their countering effects against opioids and for self-sedation.

Benzodiazepine withdrawals9 can feel extremely uncomfortable. You could experience nightmares, anxiety, insomnia, psychosis, hyperpyrexia (extremely high fever), and convulsions. For those reasons, detoxing under medical supervision is a safer option. 


Doctors may prescribe the psychostimulant methamphetamine, or metamfetamine, to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)10. In healthy doses (for those who need it), methamphetamine’s effects resemble the brain’s fight-or-flight response10. This response  increases energy, alertness, and focus. But it’s also a drug of abuse with a high potential for addiction.

Methamphetamine looks like a white powder11 or crystal-like rocks. It’s relatively easy to make and cheap to buy. Many pseudo-scientists make methamphetamine in discreet labs, usually hidden off the beaten path.  But most meth comes from larger labs in Mexico and overseas countries. 

Methamphetamine releases dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine10, which contribute to pleasure, satisfaction, and alertness. Using methamphetamine for pleasure can cause binges, since the desired effects only last a few minutes. And because meth is one of the cheaper stimulants and easy to get, feeding the binges might not seem like a problem. 

But, as with other drugs, your brain changes with repeated doses. You might build up a tolerance12, prompting higher doses. Your brain may also stop producing dopamine and serotonin on its own. 

Methamphetamine withdrawals12 can cause cravings, depression, anxiety, violent behavior, confusion, insomnia, hallucinations, delusions, and psychosis. 


Cocaine is another highly addictive stimulant13. It’s also one of the most common illicit drugs14 in America. 

Cocaine prevents the reuptake of dopamine14, meaning dopamine stacks up on dopamine receptors. This sends an intense rush of pleasure and stimulates the entire reward pathway15, causing your brain to see cocaine use as intrinsically rewarding. Even the sights, sounds, and places associated with cocaine use can trigger the need for a dose. 

As with many other drugs, you can become used to the effects of cocaine, or “tolerant”. You’ll need more and more to feel the same high as your first time. This puts you at risk for an overdose. New dangers also lie in adding vermisol to cocaine15, which is used as a cutting agent. Sometimes, fentanyl even makes its way in. 

The withdrawals from cocaine16 include insomnia, tremors, cravings, and hyperactivity. 

Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is a smokeable version of regular cocaine17. So it’s also a stimulant, and addictive, but even more potent due to how it’s ingested. Before it’s smoked, crack cocaine looks like small rocks or crystals. 

The membranes in your lungs absorb crack cocaine18 easily and quickly, resulting in an almost immediate high. The high goes away faster than powder or liquid cocaine, which could prompt a binge—smoking until you run out of crack or money.  

The reinforcing action is even more powerful in crack cocaine17. Your brain thinks it’s a good idea to keep having more more often, trying to realize the pleasure it knows crack can give.


Similar to benzodiazepines, barbiturates are a depressant19 generally used for anxiety, headaches, seizure prevention, and insomnia. Those who misuse this prescribed medication usually do to counter the effects of other drugs—typically stimulants like cocaine.

You can take barbiturates as a pill or liquid. Barbiturates make you feel sleepy, relaxed, and at ease19. They can also impair your memory and judgment, and make you irritable. You might also feel paranoid and suicidal.  

Overdosing on barbiturates19 causes your heart rate to rise, your breathing to slow, and your body temperature to lower. Overdoses can also cause comas and death.  


Doctors prescribe methadone, a synthetic opioid20, to treat opioid use disorders (OUDs). It relieves cravings, reduces withdrawal symptoms, and doesn’t provide the same “rush” of euphoria as other opioids. At the correct dosage, these factors make methadone a valuable treatment element20 for OUDs. 

Part of what makes methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) effective is the low risk for addiction. And, in MMT, you don’t have to share needles or risk taking heroin, cocaine, etc., of unknown purity20. Doctor oversight adds another element of safety. 

But methadone does have an addictive element. The usual dose for OUD management ranges from 60+mgs20. Sometimes, patients in treatment buy extra doses from others or hoard doses to eventually get a euphoric effect from methadone. 

Taking too much methadone can cause dangerous effects, especially if you’re on other medications. Signs and symptoms of an overdose20 include dizziness, slurred speech, unconsciousness, slow pulse, shallow breathing, tiny pupils, and frothing at the mouth. 

Naloxone reverses the overdose effects of methadone20, as it does with other opioids. 


Marijuana, or weed, comes from the marijuana plant. Its addictive psychoactive properties lie in the THC21 (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in marijuana. You can ingest marijuana in many ways21—smoking the leaves, drinking it in tea, eating foods with weed, and smoking concentrated weed in the form of a sticky resin.

Weed produces a sense of relaxation22 and a milder feeling of euphoria. Weed can also make you pretty hungry (or, give you the munchies) and laugh easily. You’ll experience these effects right away if you smoke weed. 

Eating it slows the onset by a half hour or more, which could prompt you to redose, thinking it’s not working. Taking too much can cause anxiety, fear, paranoia, and panic22—the opposite of what weed usually feels like. Extremely high doses can even cause acute psychosis.  

Marijuana activates the reward system23 in your brain, causing a flood of dopamine to course along your reward pathway. After continued use, your brain teaches you to keep having weed as a way to feel reward and satisfaction. Continued usage can also impair your memory, learning abilities, and balance23.

Starting weed at a young age leads to a higher risk of addiction24. But anyone at any age can find themselves addicted, meaning they’d feel withdrawal symptoms and be completely unable to stop—even when they know they should. In states that don’t monitor distribution, the potency of THC continues to rise too. This creates consequences scientists and health professionals haven’t fully realized yet. 

But for each substance and its potential for addiction, you have opportunities to recover. 

Find Effective Drug Addiction Treatment Near You

The most addictive drug could vary widely from person to person. While you can’t stop smoking cigarettes, someone else might not feel able to stop drinking—but drinking isn’t a problem for you. 

Fortunately, treatment for drug addiction caters to this variance. You can get the care you need at a residential rehab, outpatient facility, or detox unit. Your care team can help you decide which type and level of care will best meet your needs. 
To see a comprehensive collection of rehab facilities, you can browse our list of drug addiction rehabs to see photos, prices, reviews, insurance information, and more.