How to Spot High Functioning Depression: Signs and Treatment

High functioning depression can look like appearing okay to friends and family, while really you’re struggling on the inside. There are a lot of misconceptions about what depression looks like. But depression actually comes in many different forms and levels of intensity. Sometimes, symptoms can be hard to identify.

Seeking help can be daunting, but you are strong enough to begin healing. You can get treatment for high functioning depression to start living to your fullest potential.

What Is High Functioning Depression?

High functioning depression is a subtype of depression in which individuals experience symptoms of depression but can maintain their daily functioning, such as going to work or school, socializing, and completing daily tasks. It is characterized by a relatively high level of functional status, low depression scores, and little agitation.

High functioning depression can be challenging  to spot, so it’s important to recognize the symptoms you’re experiencing. This disorder usually has milder symptoms of major depression1. And it can be caused by a combination of genetic factors2 and other life experiences.

Despite feeling the opposite, putting on a happy face may seem like a good way to cope with depression at first. But ignoring the signs that you might be depressed can make it worse. High functioning looks different for everyone. Sometimes it seems like a way to protect yourself from uncomfortable feelings, and sometimes it looks like wearing a mask and pretending to be happy when you are not.

While your high functioning depression might feel manageable now, it could snowball into something more harmful. But co-occurring disorders like anxiety, major depressive disorder, and insomnia can also be an issue as a result of the depression3. And if you’ve experienced these feelings for 2+ years, you may have persistent depressive disorder (PDD), or dysthymia4

Signs of High Functioning Depression

If you think you have high functioning depression, it’s essential to talk to a licensed clinician who can diagnose you; however, here are some of the symptoms that you can identify4

  • Low self-esteem
  • Changes in sleep habits 
  • Changes in appetite 
  • Internalized distress
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Feelings of sadness and hopelessness
  • High achievement orientation
  • Difficulty seeking help

These symptoms can have damaging and long lasting effects. Sometimes, high functioning depression can cause more harm than acute major depression5. But there are resources and tools available. You can stop the cycle and step into a more fulfilling, positive lifestyle by seeking professional help for your high functioning depression. 

Healing from the Inside Out: Treatment for High Functioning Depression

Acknowledging that you may have high functioning depression, and facing those negative feelings, is a vital first step in your journey toward healing. Getting a diagnosis and the right care can then get you to feel like the real you again.

Antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOs) can help manage your symptoms. However, medications are even more effective when combined with other therapies5

Talk Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is proven to be one of the best treatments for depression6. This therapy helps you identify unhelpful thought patterns that might contribute to your high functioning depression. Then, you’ll learn how to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you build out these new ways of thinking, your emotions will likely become more manageable. And you’ll learn habits to overcome any new challenges that arise in the future.

Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is a therapy designed specifically for persistent depression7. CBASP helps you create a clear, step-by-step action plan to tackle your issues. You’ll learn how to develop constructive, positive habits. And you’ll focus on your actions’ impact on yourself and others. This, in turn, motivates you to maintain a positive lifestyle.  

Holistic Therapies

Healing requires looking at the whole “you.” And healthy lifestyle changes can enhance treatment for depression5. There are a few different holistic practices that you can incorporate into your recovery to heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga builds physical and mental strength, which makes it an effective treatment for depression8. Yoga can provide community and a sense of belonging, and depression-related themes can be shared in classes. You’ll work through breathing exercises, learn resilience in different poses, and practice mindfulness. And you can do it from anywhere and on your schedule. 

Meditation and mindfulness are another instrumental way to treat depression. In fact, data shows that mindfulness-based training is as effective as other talk therapies for depression treatment8. These practices draw your attention to the present moment and your surroundings. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can become more aware of your emotions. And in time, you can better manage your feelings and choose to seek the positive. 

How to Support Someone with High Functioning Depression

If you think someone you love is experiencing high functioning depression, providing a listening ear and complete understanding can go a long way. While you can be a support system for the person you love, encouraging them to get professional treatment is the best way to help them heal. You can be their rock, guide them through the process, and be patient as experts help your loved one work through their depression. 

Learning to Live Fearlessly

Coming face-to-face with your depression can be scary. But by confronting what’s holding you back, you can set yourself free. Tap into your resilience by seeking help for your high functioning depression

Change happens in small steps. Here are 6 things you can start doing today to live fearlessly: 

  1. Seek professional help
  2. Challenge negative thoughts
  3. Practice self-care
  4. Reach out for support from friends and family–remember reaching for help is a good thing
  5. Make manageable changes (i.e. daily routine, new hobby)
  6. Set goals for yourself

Choosing the Right Rehab as a Celebrity

We hear it all the time: “celebrities are just like everyone else.” And in many ways, that’s true. But you might have some unique concerns when it comes to rehab. For example, privacy, flexibility, and maintaining your lifestyle might be especially high priorities. In a luxury rehab center, you can start addiction and mental health recovery without sacrificing your other needs. 

Why Is Addiction So Common in Celebrities?

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. Whether or not you’re famous, you might develop an addiction for a variety of reasons. But certain aspects of fame contribute to higher rates of addiction among affluent people:1

  • Easier access to drugs and alcohol
  • Isolation from trustworthy support systems
  • Trauma from abuse and neglect, especially during childhood fame
  • Pressure from demanding professions

Like anyone else, some celebrities may also have a genetic predisposition to addiction.2 This risk is further increased when combined with a stressful lifestyle. 

Unique Challenges of Recovery for Celebrities

If fame plays a role in developing addiction, it also affects how you access treatment. Many celebrities have ongoing contractual obligations like games, tours, or interviews. So if you take time off work for treatment, you might face career and financial penalties. And those commitments don’t end after rehab. Many of them even come with an expectation to drink or use drugs with your colleagues and fans.

High achievers also face significant financial pressures. You might be supporting a large staff, artistic collaborators, and loved ones. So if you stop working, they could feel immediate effects. And fame doesn’t always bring financial success. High-profile activists, politicians, and artists can’t always afford rehab centers with the strict privacy they need. 

For this demographic, public opinion has a major impact on the recovery process. And unwanted media attention can interfere with healing. Because of this, confidentiality is a major concern for high-profile clients—as it should be. You have the right to recover on your own terms. That’s why most rehabs have privacy policies that keep celebrities safe from prying eyes. 

alive luxury private retreats property
Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab caters specifically to celebrities, treating only one client at a time.

What Do Celebrity Rehabs Offer?

Celebrity rehabs understand the unique ways that fame affects addiction and recovery. There are a few key ways rehabs approach treatment for high-profile patients. 


For most celebrities, privacy is essential for recovery. That way, you can focus on yourself and the changes you want to make, without distractions. With this in mind, celebrity rehabs have strict privacy policies. 

For the utmost confidentiality, some rehabs treat only one client at a time. Centers like Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab cater specifically to celebrities. They take a personalized approach to recovery, tailoring treatment to meet your unique needs. 

Location can also play a role in keeping your recovery private. Swiss rehabs, for example, take anonymity to the next level. Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, explains: 

“In terms of confidentiality, that’s basically the second name of Switzerland. It’s the banking secrecy, the whole discretion. The Swiss mindset is, in a way, non-sensational. We get clients who are celebrity, A-list Hollywood actors, who go to the local Starbucks. Of course they’re recognized, but it’s not in the news, the local tabloids don’t write about it, and they’re not harassed for autographs either.”


With success comes responsibility. If a team of employees depend on you, you might not be able to take time off work for recovery. Or you might need to attend social functions, or stay in touch with your family. At many elite rehabs, you can keep these commitments during your stay. 

Some centers have more relaxed device use policies, so you can stay connected throughout treatment. Others even allow you to work remotely. As long as these activities don’t interfere with your progress, you can continue taking care of business while you heal.   

Gerber describes how the clinicians at Paracelsus Recovery accommodate each patient’s individual needs:

“We’ve had people with regular scheduled TV appearances, such as entertainers who have had to be in front of the camera once a week in a different country. We could accommodate that. We have people who run companies, or family business empires. They have to have work calls every day. We have to accommodate that.”

tikvah lake recovery pool
Tikvah Lake Recovery provides clients with a sober companion to join them at special events.

Joyful Recreation

If you’re successful in your chosen field, you may be accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Rehab doesn’t have to interrupt that. In fact, learning to enjoy yourself without drug use is an important part of recovery.3 

At White River Manor in South Africa, for instance, patients can go bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, or even on safari. Director Co-Owner Giles Fourie describes the therapeutic value of these activities:  

“There’s great therapy in that. It’s also just about having fun. There’s great value in our clients experiencing what it is to have fun outside of addiction, outside of the substances that they believed they needed in order to experience joy in their lives.” 

And these experiences don’t just bring joy to your time in treatment. They can also set you up for long-term success. 

Comprehensive Aftercare

When you leave inpatient treatment, you’ll probably return to the same world you left behind. Even if you’re sober, you might need to keep attending high-profile events where drugs and alcohol play a role. And you’ll still face the same pressures you did before entering treatment. 

That’s why many celebrity rehabs offer comprehensive aftercare. You can return to the center for a follow-up stay, or meet with your therapist remotely. Some rehabs, like Tikvah Lake Recovery, even offer sober companions to join you at special events. Their presence can help you work through triggers and avoid relapse. 

What Rehabs Do Celebrities Go To?

Recovery is unique for everyone—even high-profile clients. While many celebrity rehabs are lavish retreats, that’s not universally true. 

As extravagant as this sounds, not all celebrity rehabs are expensive. And most of them accept insurance since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. Treatment in some parts of the world, like Thailand, is particularly accessible. Whatever your budget is, you can likely find a luxury rehab that fits your lifestyle.

the hills rehab chiang mai property
The Hills Rehab Chiang Mai and other rehabs in Thailand offer luxury amenities at an affordable price point.

Bespoke Luxury Rehabs

When you’re used to a high standard of living, leaving it behind can interfere with healing. But if luxury amenities are a priority for you, many rehabs can meet your needs. You might have a private chef, personal trainer, and house staff assigned to you during your stay. And you can stay in a 5-star room, private suite, or even an entire villa. Many luxury rehabs also offer a 24/7 concierge service. You’ll have somebody there to act as a liaison between you, the staff, and your loved ones throughout treatment. And they can also be an important source of emotional support outside of your treatment team. 

In rehabs like Orenda at Futures, this approach is central to recovery. Their team believes “freeing patients to concentrate fully on therapy produces better outcomes.”4 To that end, their team is dedicated to meeting each client’s unique needs. They’re always available to answer your questions and make your stay as comfortable as possible. 

Holistic Rehabs

Holistic rehabs treat addiction using a variety of evidence-based and alternative therapies:

These types of rehabs treat the whole person, addressing your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. At Alta Mira Recovery in California, expert staff “address neurobiological, psychological, social, physical and spiritual aspects of addiction” with therapies ranging from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to equine therapy

Celebrity Rehabs: Joyful and Private Places to Heal

When you find fame, it’s all too easy to lose yourself in the process. In treatment, you can get to know yourself again without the pressure of public opinion. And you won’t have to choose between career success and recovery. Celebrity rehabs show you how to keep the best parts of your lifestyle, and let go of the behaviors that aren’t serving you.

Search our collection of luxury rehabs to learn more about their locations, approaches, and special considerations.

Where Do Celebrities Go to Rehab?

Addiction and mental health don’t discriminate: even rich and famous people need help sometimes. But if you have a high standard of living, it might be hard to imagine residential treatment. In the world’s top rehabs, you can start recovery without giving up the best parts of your life. 

What Makes Celebrity Rehabs Special?

Luxury rehabs offer various benefits, but some outdo the others—like rehabs for celebrities. Along with high quality treatment, celebrity rehabs provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You can go skydiving, rafting, whale watching, or opt for a sunset yacht ride. At these centers, comfort and recovery go hand-in-hand. 

From the outside, a celebrity rehab might pass as a high-end resort or tropical getaway. But their treatment offers more benefits than a ritzy vacation. At a celebrity rehab, you’ll get a blend of 2 worlds: luxury living and effective addiction treatment.

Celebrity Rehab Centers Around the World

You can find celebrity rehabs around the globe, with a wide variety of treatments and amenities. Whether you prefer the tropics, a mountain retreat, or a private island oasis, there’s most likely a center that meets your needs. 

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab

exclusive hawaii rehab facility
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers holistic treatment for addiction, eating disorders and mental health.

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab prioritizes privacy in an oceanside bungalow. Their program includes holistic and naturopathic treatments. This center also treats mental health as a primary condition–even if you don’t have addiction. You can attend this program to heal from co-occurring disorders and eating disorders, too. 

Clients are safe from prying eyes in a gated residence, hidden from the road. And a security team guards the property for extra privacy. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab has 3 room options: shared, private with a shared bathroom, or a private room with an en suite bathroom. They treat a maximum of 7 clients at a time.

Along with privacy, Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers comprehensive care. They tend to your mental, physical, and even spiritual health throughout treatment. Nutritional counseling and concierge IV therapies restore your body’s nutrients. They also offer traditional Hawaiian Ho’oponopono sessions (a prayer for forgiveness), channeling the goddess Madame Pele to nourish your spirit. 

If you need to, you can keep up with work during recovery. This center allows you to use your phone and laptop, and provides a dedicated workspace. And when you’re not in therapy, you can feed manta rays, take a cooking class, visit waterfalls and caves, or just relax on the beach. 

Passages Malibu

passages malibu facility
Passages Malibu is housed in 5 estates, equipped with extravagant amenities, on the Pacific.

In sunny California, Passages Malibu offers holistic treatments like hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and massage. Individual therapy is central to your recovery process, with 60-80 hours of 1:1 therapy each month. 

Patients can choose either a shared or private room. You’ll also have access to luxurious lounge areas and multiple pools. You’re free to bring your phone and laptop and stay connected to work during treatment.

On-site chefs offer nutritious meals tailored to your dietary needs. Passages Malibu doesn’t use 12-Step therapies, instead favoring a holistic approach. They see addiction as a fully treatable condition, not something you’ll have for the rest of your life. Working with your individual therapist and treatment team, you’ll explore the root causes of your addiction. And once you understand where your behavior comes from, you can learn to make different choices. 


neoviva lake view
NEOVIVA, an ultra private rehab on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, caters to executives and high-profile clients.

NEOVIVA welcomes celebrities to a discreet lakeside location in Switzerland. Their treatments focus on what causes addiction, like trauma or a mental health diagnosis. In daily 1:1 and group therapy sessions, you’ll get support from both your care team and other patients. The program encourages close relationships, with a 1:3 staff-to-client ratio. And for even greater privacy, they treat just 5 clients at a time. 

This rehab center operates within a hotel. So you’ll have access to all the hotel’s amenities, like their sauna, restaurant, and outdoor pool. You can even bring your pet! Each private room overlooks Lake Lucerne. But with no signage or staff uniforms, you’ll look just like any other hotel guest. And your treatment sessions stay in a private section of the hotel, away from other guests. All staff—including NEOVIVA’s and the hotel’s—comply with strict confidentiality requirements. 

Reflecting their holistic approach, NEOVIVA offers wellness treatments like yoga, breath work, and Qi Gong. When you’re not in therapy, you can explore your surroundings and see the famed Lake Lucerne up close. Your weekends could include forest hikes, trips into nearby villages, and time at the lake. 

AToN Center

aton center garden
AToN Center offers daily individual sessions and a holistic approach in an exclusive, luxurious setting.

AToN Center offers the privacy and luxury most celebrities need. Their San Diego residence has private rooms and sits on 10 acres, giving you plenty of space to explore the outdoors. 

AToN Center offers both 12-Step and non-12-Step care. They also blend evidence-based, holistic, and trauma-informed therapies. Their goal is to address and heal the underlying cause of your addiction, whether it be trauma, a mental health condition, or stress. 

Here, you’ll have 4 hours of therapy a day: 3 group therapy hours and a 1-hour individual session. And if it’s helpful, your family can join you for weekly therapy sessions too. AToN Center won’t restrict access to your devices either, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your treatment. 

Their holistic practitioners offer weekly sessions of acupuncture, massage, personal training, yoga, and hypnotherapy. You can also go on hikes, attend a painting class, meditate, and heal your energy with Reiki.


istana ibiza oceanfront
Istana provides confidential bespoke treatment at locations in Barbados, Bali, and Ibiza.

Istana has locations in Ibiza, Bali, and Barbados. Each location treats just one client at a time in a private villa. These serene retreats become your recovery oasis. And your family can come too, if you and your treatment team agree that it would help you heal. You can also keep up with work, thanks to their flexible technology policy

This program offers customized treatment each step of the way, using evidence-based and holistic therapies to meet your needs. Their evidence-based practices include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which teaches you new ways to respond to the thoughts and behaviors that led you to addiction. 

Istana prioritizes confidentiality for therapeutic and privacy reasons. Private airport pickups keep your care secluded from the beginning. Staying in their unmarked, 4-bedroom villas protects you from the public eye. And with a care team fully versed in confidentiality, you can trust that your recovery process will be protected. 

You’ll have a butler, personal chef, and life coach, among the many other personnel. And in your free time you can enjoy island tours, cooking classes, making music, and learning new dances. 


raindrum rooms
Raindrum provides evidence-based treatment for one client at a time, administered from luxury homes by a dedicated and personal team.

At an ultra-private center like Raindrum, you can choose between several private residences. Whether it’s on the beach or in the countryside, you’ll have a luxurious living space all to yourself during treatment. 

You can attend Raindrum to heal from addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions like burnout, depression and anxiety. This rehab offers experiential therapies like surf therapy, equine therapy, dance, and photography. You can also get creative with art therapy or pottery, and even learn a new language.

Raindrum prioritizes individuality. Treatment is specially tailored to support your needs and goals for the future. Their staff even come to your residence, instead of meeting you in a clinical setting. 

At Raindrum, every element of treatment takes place 1:1, talk therapy to personal training. You’ll have individual therapy sessions each day. You’ll also have a full team of support staff including housekeepers and a personal chef. 

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island

the sanctuary vancouver island infinity pool
The Sanctuary Vancouver Island provides ultra-private, personalized care for high-profile clients with mental health struggles, addiction, eating disorders, and executive burnout.

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers bespoke, high-end treatment. This center can meet almost any medical or emotional need you may have. Along with addiction and mental health treatment, they also focus on chronic pain management, post-operative care, and weight stabilizing. And their chronic pain track helps clients manage ongoing pain without prescription medications, or with a lower dose. 

This center offers both evidence-based and alternative treatments. For example, you might combine a talk therapy like CBT with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). More than 100 on-call staff members support your recovery, from chiropractors to psychiatrists. 

In addition to world-class care, The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers elite amenities. You’ll stay in one of several private residences on Vancouver Island—close to the shore, in the quiet forest, or somewhere in between. Between therapy sessions, you can enjoy delicious meals from your personal chef, go whale watching, or even explore the area in a seaplane. 

Finding Recovery as a Celebrity

Addiction treatment won’t take away all your problems. But it can teach you new ways to manage ongoing challenges. After rehab, you can bring those coping skills wherever you go next—whether that’s on stage, on the field, or in the privacy of your own home. 

Visit our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about their accommodations, specialized therapies, and more.

Naturopathic Medicine for Addiction Recovery

Naturopathy is a type of medicine based on the idea that the body can heal itself. Instead of just treating your symptoms, naturopaths teach you healthy, sustainable habits. For example, you might alter your diet, take supplements, or start working out. And over time, these gentle changes support your body’s natural impulse to be well. 

A naturopath’s job is to identify the obstacles to your health, and help you move past them. And in a rehab with naturopathic treatments, this can be an important part of addiction recovery. 

What Is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is sometimes called an alternative medicine.1 According to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians,2 these specialists are versed in “certain areas of study not covered in conventional medical school. At the same time, aspiring naturopathic doctors receive training in the same biomedical and diagnostic sciences as MDs.” Naturopaths with the right training can even work as primary care providers. 

By law, naturopaths are licensed differently in various locations.3 In the U.S., for instance, insurance only covers this type of treatment in certain states. If you want to try naturopathy, talk to your rehab, and your insurance provider, about your options. 

Treating Addiction With Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a clearly established practice, and not an umbrella term. Many rehabs combine this approach with complementary holistic treatments, like energy healing. And yes, these activities can be part of a naturopathic treatment plan. But you won’t always receive them from the same provider. 

Some rehabs take a naturopathic approach to every aspect of addiction recovery. Others combine naturopathy with more traditional therapies. Either way, most naturopathic doctors4 use similar techniques to help you start healing. 


Most naturopaths will assess your dietary habits, and may suggest changes. This can have a major impact on addiction recovery. Many drugs damage your digestive health.5 And every drug has unique effects. Your personal history will inform your course of treatment. A naturopath might recommend that you take supplements, or cut out certain foods.

Some facilities, like Maison Ila, may even suggest intermittent fasting. At this treatment center, you’ll consult with a naturopath to learn about nutrition. Your bespoke meal plan will then be based on their suggestions. Every menu includes local and seasonal ingredients, sourced from the lush French countryside. 

Ila Maison bedroom
Treatment at Maison Ila in France is tailored to each guest, including bespoke meal plans.

Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat also has a strong focus on nutrition. Clients may try one of several dietary plans, like therapeutic fasting, or a raw food diet. They also offer sugar-free and salt-free options. Each plan is “anti-inflammatory, high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.”6 The goal is to detoxify the body not only from drugs, but also from harmful chemicals. 

Naturopathic Medications

In many areas, licensed naturopaths can prescribe controlled substances.7 So in some programs, your naturopath may treat you using medication. And you might end up taking a well-known Western medication—or you might not. 

Naturopathic doctors can also prescribe botanical medicines to treat addiction.8 For example, some naturopaths use kratom, an herbal painkiller, for patients with opioid use disorder. Others, like the team at The Hermitage Centre, use naturopathy during initial detox. 

The Hermitage Centre patio
Detox regimens are highly-personalized at The Hermitage Centre in Gold Coast, Australia.


Although it’s a distinct type of treatment, homeopathy is often used by naturopathic doctors.9 And in some ways, it’s very similar to botanical medicine. Homeopathic remedies10 are very small—sometimes microscopic—doses of natural plant extracts. These treatments are usually delivered in pill form. 

While some studies show that homeopathy can treat addiction,11 more research is needed. But if you’re curious about this approach, a naturopath can answer your questions. Rehabs like Le Center for Health and Wellness recommend homeopathy during rehab—but only with close supervision. 

IV Drip Therapy

Pills aren’t the only way to ingest medication. In some areas, naturopaths can legally prescribe IV drip therapy.12 In this controversial method, clients receive vitamins, minerals, and nutrients intravenously. Supporters say IV drip therapy can treat addiction and other mental health issues. But many disagree. 

Ather Ali, a doctor of naturopathic medicine and health researcher at the Yale School of Medicine, falls squarely in the middle. According to his research, IV therapy is a placebo.13 But it’s often an effective one. And “when your child falls down and scrapes their knee, you give them a kiss,” he told NPR. “There’s value in that.”

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy14 can refer to most hands-on healing modalities. Massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, and some physical therapy techniques fall into this category. If they have the right training, your naturopath might offer these treatments during rehab. Or, they might refer you to another specialist for complementary therapy. 

At The River Source, in Arizona, regular naturopathic massages help improve clients’ sleep patterns. These sessions help you let go of the physical and mental stress of recovery. 

The River Source
The River Source in Arizona City uses a holistic approach to treatment.

Exercise as Addiction Treatment

Most primary care providers recommend exercise.15 But, as one study found, few recommend specific types of exercise. This leaves patients wondering what to do next. Naturopathic doctors Jennifer Gibbons and Osemekhian Okojie write that people with their expertise  “are uniquely qualified” to give clients more guidance. “The training we receive in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and biochemistry allows us to go beyond the general and broad fitness recommendations that one can find in an average health magazine,” they explain. 

At Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat, exercise is a big part of recovery. Clients go for walks, take yoga classes, and spend time at the gym. And with locations near Kealakekua Bay and Hilo Bay, “opportunities for self-guided exercise are almost limitless.”16 But even if you work out on your own, you’ll be following a treatment plan, tailored to help you recover. 

These activities affect more than your level of fitness. Researchers believe that exercise can also treat addiction.17 Preliminary studies show that working out helps normalize dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in both addiction and the feeling of satisfaction.18 And regulating it can improve both your physical and mental well-being. 

Mental Health Recovery

Le Center Health Wellness Bellevue
A peek into Le Center for Health and Wellness, located in Bellevue, Washington.

Naturopathy doesn’t only heal the body; it also supports mental health. At Le Center for Health and Wellness, lifestyle counseling is an essential part of treatment. And clients at Birch Wellness Center can get naturopathic treatment for anxiety, depression, and stress.

This approach may look different from traditional talk therapy. And it may not be right for everyone. But you don’t necessarily have to choose. Some centers invite you to combine naturopathy with other forms of treatment. The goal is to help you heal as effectively as possible. And that means something different for each client. 

Naturopathy Clears the Path to Recovery

This branch of medicine is rooted in profound trust. Naturopaths don’t just treat your symptoms. They might not even diagnose a cause. Instead, their job is to support you in the natural process of healing. With fewer barriers, and more effective tools, you can take the lead in your recovery journey. And when you’re empowered to heal yourself, life becomes far more sustainable. 

To start planning your recovery, learn more about rehabs that offer naturopathic treatment, including their locations, insurance coverage, and complementary therapies.

India’s Holistic Rehabs Treat Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Travelers are drawn to India for its beautiful landscape and tropical climate. This country is perfect for people who enjoy warmer weather and striking views of the Himalayas, lush jungles, or vast beaches. And its vibrant culture has a focus on holistic wellness—which is a great fit for some people in recovery.

If you’re interested in integrated treatment for addiction, you may find what you’re looking for at a rehab in India. This approach is designed to help you heal as a whole person, instead of only treating one health issue at a time. 

What Is Holistic Treatment?

Most of India’s rehab centers take a holistic approach to addiction recovery. The goal is to help you heal your mind, body, and spirit as one. These programs also have a strong focus on spirituality. Treatment may include activities like yoga, meditation, and massage.

Some of these alternative methods are controversial, due to a lack of scientific data deemed legitimate in the Western world. However, many people find these ancient treatments helpful. Holistic techniques may be gentler than Western ones, with a larger-picture approach to healing and a greater focus on sustainable wellness. For instance, you may be able to go through treatment without taking prescribed medications. Instead, clients use diet and exercise as tools to improve their mental health.

And there’s no need to choose one philosophy over the other. You can do yoga and take antidepressants. You can join a support group and meditate. Some rehabs even recommend this combination approach. Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center, for example, combines traditional Ayurveda with Western biomedical treatments. 

Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center blog
Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Tamil Nadu, India, combines holistic and Western treatment methods.

India’s Most Popular Therapies

You’ll encounter many different holistic treatment methods at rehab facilities around the country. These are some of the most popular.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that teaches you to just be in the present moment. These exercises can help you cultivate self-awareness and improve emotion regulation.

Meditation is a mindfulness technique that helps quiet your mind. You’ll feel more at peace, and learn to let your thoughts pass by, without attaching emotions to them. And you don’t have to meditate for hours to reap the benefits. Meditating for only 13 minutes a day, over the course of 8 weeks, had a profound effect1 on participants in one study. After treatment, they felt more positive and less anxious, and their memories improved. And mindful meditation can be an effective treatment2 for addiction.

Most treatment centers in India offer some form of mindfulness training. For example, Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village provides daily group meditation sessions.

Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village‘s peaceful surroundings in Kerala, India, set the tone for their meditation sessions.

Yoga for Mental Health and Addiction

You don’t need to be flexible or strong to try yoga. While this practice has physical benefits, it’s also about self-acceptance—not competition. And because yoga originated in India, you’ll get the full experience by practicing here. You may even enjoy it enough to continue after you leave rehab.

In addition to its physical health benefits, research shows that yoga contributes to positive mental health outcomes.3 It is especially helpful for people who are quitting smoking.  

These positive effects translate to people with other mental health conditions as well, like women with PTSD.4 One study discovered that practicing yoga for 12 weeks decreased these subjects’ PTSD symptoms. These changes were present both right after the study and at the 3-month follow up.

People in addiction recovery5 can also benefit from yoga. Research shows that yoga minimizes stress, decreases addictive behaviors, improves confidence, and increases self-control for these patients. One survey even found that yoga is “an effective tool” for people in every stage of recovery.6 Because this practice addresses both physical and spiritual wellness, it can be an important part of integrated treatment.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda,7 also called Ayurvedic medicine, is an ancient, holistic approach to health. It teaches that diet, exercise, and herbal remedies can all contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 

Providers at Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village incorporate Ayurvedic teachings into rehab for addiction, chronic pain, and other conditions. They describe these techniques by explaining that “the human body is made up of 3 components,” or doshas.  Each dosha has 2 distinct elements:

  • Vata consists of space and air. Vata controls movement in the body and mind, like blood flow, waste elimination, breathing, and thought.
  • Pitta consists of fire and water. It is associated with heat, metabolism, and transformation within the mind and body. These functions include digestion, perceptions, and understanding right and wrong.
  • Kapha includes water and earth. This dosha governs structure and lubrication in both the mind and body, like the joints, lungs, and body tissues.

Depending on your specific needs, you may try various Ayurvedic therapies during inpatient treatment. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Abhyangam is a type of oil massage that improves sleep, circulation, and more.
  • During Podikizhi, the practitioner pounds warm bundles of herbs onto the body. This relieves muscle spasms and joint stiffness.
  • In Sirovasti, a clinician pours oil into specially-designed head gear while you wear it. This treatment relieves migraines, stress, sinusitis, and other issues.
  • During Kavalagraham, you’ll gargle oils and other Ayurvedic medicines to promote oral health.
  • Dhoompanam is a practice in which you inhale medicinal smoke intended to detox your body.

Your Ayurvedic practice doesn’t have to end when you leave rehab. Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village also provides lectures on Ayurveda every week, helping clients learn how to implement these techniques into daily life.

Acupuncture for Physical and Mental Wellness

During an acupuncture session,8 a trained acupuncturist will insert small needles into specific anatomical points. These points correspond with meridians, which are channels of energy that run throughout the body. The goal is to remove energy blockages, so that your qi—or vital energy—can flow freely. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this treatment can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Massage for Detox and Recovery

Massage treatments can help you heal—both mentally and physically. Research suggests that massage therapy can treat chronic pain and various mental health conditions.9 And it’s hugely beneficial for people in early recovery from addiction. In fact, massage might even help decrease withdrawal symptoms.10 Rehab centers in India may offer Western styles of massage, Ayurvedic massage, or a combination of these techniques.

Ayurvedic massage techniques11 incorporate special oils, which are chosen based on the client’s energetic balance. Different oils correspond with the doshas, and are used to achieve specific purposes during treatment. Your provider may also stimulate certain pressure points that correspond to other areas of the body.

Mamta Landerman, president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, addresses the importance of Ayurvedic massage.12 “Ayurveda addresses therapies that relate to all the 5 senses,” she says. “And a very important component is the sense of touch.” For many clients, this is an essential part of holistic treatment.

Nutritional Therapy

A balanced diet can contribute to better health—and not just physically. In fact, studies show that good nutrition improves mental health,13 lowering depression and anxiety.

Because of this, most rehabs in India offer some form of nutritional therapy. For example, many centers will design a personalized nutrition plan for each client. These healthy, organic meals help you heal from the inside out. 

Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village takes it a step further. This center offers cooking classes, where clients learn to make their own rejuvenating meals. With this new skill, you can continue to eat well even after returning home. And, like any other creative pursuit, cooking can help you find joy in recovery. 

Train Your Brain With Music

Studies show that listening to music can decrease anxiety.14 Research suggests that music may even be more effective than anti-anxiety medication. Music has a natural ability to boost levels of certain hormones in your brain—like dopamine—that can increase positive feelings. In addition, music can decrease cortisol, which is the hormone involved in stress. Because of the role dopamine plays in addiction,15 the chemical effects of music can support your recovery process.

Alpha Healing Center offers various holistic treatments, including a Brain Health Training Program. In this program, clients participate in various activities, one of which is Brain Music Therapy. They describe Brain Music Therapy as an innovative treatment “based on the premise that personalized music derived from a guest’s own brain wave patterns can affect emotional stability.” Because this treatment hasn’t produced any negative side effects, it’s safe to try, and worth combining with other therapies. 

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Located in Gujarat, India, Alpha Healing Center offers innovative holistic treatments like Brain Music Therapy.

Hypnotherapy for Substance Misuse

According to researchers, hypnosis16 is a “state of awareness, (or consciousness), in which a person’s attention is detached from his or her immediate environment and is absorbed by inner experiences.” Hypnotherapy is just what it sounds like: receiving therapy while under hypnosis. 

Research shows that this treatment can minimize pain and emotional stress. It’s highly effective for patients with depression17 and anxiety.18 And one study found that “clinical hypnotherapy is a powerful promoter of mental and behavioral change” for people healing from addiction.19 In the right environment, this can be an inspiring way to start your recovery journey.

How to Travel to—And Within—India

India’s 2 largest airports20 are Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi and  Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai. Each one serves over 80 destinations. Because of this, it’s easy to travel to rehab in India—although it may be a long flight.

In addition to India’s 30+ international airports,21 there are more than 100 domestic ones scattered throughout the country. This makes it easy to take a quick flight if you’re traveling within India. 

If you fly to rehab, most centers will pick you up from the airport. 

If you’re traveling internationally, you may need a visa for India.22 These regulations vary by country, and you may need to apply in advance. Check with your rehab’s admissions team to see if they can help you arrange for travel.

Start Your Recovery Journey in India

If you’d like to begin your healing journey in a place that emphasizes spiritual and personal wellness, India might be a great fit. Maybe you want to surround yourself with people who share your values. Or if you’re coming from abroad, you might not have access to these treatments in your home country. Whatever your reasons, India is waiting for you. And so is your recovery.

Visit our list of rehab centers in India to learn about their philosophies, amenities, and unique treatment options.

Treating Addiction With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing modality. And in recent decades, it’s also grown popular in the U.S. Millenia of use show that it can safely treat a wide variety of conditions.

Many rehabs offer acupuncture as part of a holistic approach to recovery. It isn’t meant to replace traditional options like talk therapy and medication, but it can still be an effective and important part of treatment. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).1 In most sessions, the practitioner inserts a number of small needles into your skin. Each needle is carefully placed to achieve a particular goal. Some practitioners also offer these alternative types of acupuncture:2

  • Electrical stimulation, also known as “electroacupuncture,” moves electrical pulses through the needles. One study found that this slowed down heart rate, increased relaxation and tranquility, and decreased tension and distress.
  • Laser acupuncture uses light instead of needles. This option may be best for people who don’t like needles, and it’s proven just as effective as traditional acupuncture.
  • During warm-needling, or heat acupuncture,3 the practitioner inserts warm needles into the body.

Acupuncturists are licensed professionals with extensive training. If you get acupuncture in rehab, you may have regular sessions throughout your time there. The clinician will likely create a long-term plan of care, and track your progress after each treatment. 

What Happens During an Acupuncture Session?

In your first acupuncture session,4 the practitioner will take your health history. You’ll describe any current symptoms, and they’ll perform a physical exam. During the session itself, your provider will use needles to stimulate acupuncture points. There are about 350 of these points located on 14 meridians on the body, each with a different purpose. The clinician will plan needle placement around your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. 

Next, you’ll lie down in a calm and quiet treatment room. The acupuncturist will insert needles into various parts of your body. These needles are much smaller than the ones used in most medical procedures. While you may feel some discomfort when they’re first put in place, the process is rarely painful.

In most acupuncture sessions, the provider will then leave you alone for 10-20 minutes. You can use this time to relax, meditate, or process any emotions that come up. Then the acupuncturist will return and remove the needles. They may ask you about your experience, or even perform another physical exam.

Because this is a holistic treatment, it can help you heal every aspect of yourself. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns. Acupuncturists aim to achieve this by improving the flow of qi, or vital energy.

What is Qi, and Why is it Important?

Acupuncture is based in the belief that the flow of vital energy through the body can impact your health. Acupuncturists refer to this vital energy as qi.4

Qi moves through the body via meridians, or distinct energetic channels. If the meridians get blocked, the flow of qi is interrupted. Acupuncture uses needles to break up these blockages. This helps qi flow freely again, and reach a state of equilibrium. Once your qi is in balance, you can reestablish physical and spiritual wellness. 

Side Effects and Limitations

Most people find that acupuncture doesn’t hurt.4 Some clients experience numbness or a small amount of pain or tingling. This is actually called “de-qi,” and may be a sign of successful treatment. If you’re a candidate for acupuncture, there is a very low risk of serious side effects. 

However, this treatment isn’t safe for everyone. You should avoid acupuncture4 if you have any of the following conditions: 

  • an active infection, especially involving the skin
  • cancer
  • a decreased white blood cell count
  • psychosis or delusions

Make sure you talk to your provider about any concerns before your first session. You can also consult with your doctor to make sure this treatment is safe for you.

How Effective Is Acupuncture?

Experts have been using acupuncture to treat various health concerns for centuries. Despite this, Western scientists call for more scientific data on the subject. This is partly because the research that’s currently available shows promising results. 

Physical Health

Studies show that acupuncture is effective at treating many conditions,4 including the following:

  • back pain
  • knee pain
  • headaches
  • muscle pain
  • hot flashes
  • nausea and vomiting

It not only helps with ongoing issues; acupuncture can also treat acute pain.5 Research even suggests that for some clients, it can replace opioid use. This may be especially helpful for clients healing from addictions related to chronic pain.   

Mental Health

If you’re in addiction recovery acupuncture might be a viable alternative to prescription drugs.6 Data suggests this therapy can treat many diagnoses, like anxiety and depression. 

Acupuncture is especially good at alleviating depressive symptoms7 for clients who engage in ongoing treatment. This might even mean that you continue to get acupuncture after you leave rehab. 

Acupuncture for Addiction

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized acupuncture as a legitimate treatment for substance abuse8 in 1996. Today, over 700 rehab facilities offer acupuncture as part of addiction treatment.

One of those centers is The Hope House Scottsdale. “Addiction disconnects mind from body, so we work on reconnecting the two,” explains Brenna Gonzalez, clinical director. Her team uses acupuncture to help clients strengthen the connection between mind and body. This treatment can have a powerful impact on people in every stage of addiction recovery.

Detox and Withdrawal

Acupuncture can help reduce the severity of some withdrawal symptoms.6 It is especially helpful for emotional symptoms, like anxiety. More research is needed to determine whether acupuncture can help with the physical symptoms of detox.9 But because this treatment has few negative side effects, it may be worth trying in any stage of recovery.

Accessible Treatment

Auricular acupuncture, or “ear acupuncture,”10 uses needles to stimulate parts of the ear. This localized treatment lets clients stand and walk around during the session. It may be a good option if you can’t comfortably sit still for long periods. Research suggests that this type of acupuncture can effectively treat several types of addiction.8

Acupuncture Can Reduce Cravings and Prevent Relapse

Acupuncture may help the body find homeostasis6—a healthy state of biochemical balance. Experts believe that acupuncture can affect the same neurotransmitters that regulate addictive behavior. Treatment may minimize cravings, helping you guard against relapse.

Is Acupuncture for You?

Acupuncture is a powerful treatment method. This therapy balances your energy, helping you gather strength for your ongoing recovery journey. If you’d like to take a holistic approach to healing, this therapy might be a good fit. 

Browse our list of rehab programs that offer acupuncture to learn more about their amenities, treatment philosophies, and other alternative therapies.

Could Sunny Malibu Be the Perfect Place for Your Recovery?

If you love the sun, beautiful beaches, and holistic healing in a laid-back atmosphere, then attending a rehabilitation facility in Malibu could be a great choice for you. Malibu is known for its year-round warm weather and beautiful scenery, as it’s located between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Monica Mountains. It’s hard to believe that Los Angeles is only a 30-minute drive away.

Many Malibu treatment centers take advantage of their location and temperate climate, offering programs like surf therapy in addition to outdoor excursions like beach walks or hikes. Holistic therapy is also a popular method of treatment throughout California, and several centers in Malibu embrace this approach.

You may want to start your journey to mental health and addiction recovery in Malibu if you enjoy ocean views, a warmer climate, and unique therapy techniques focused on the outdoors and alternative medicine.

Malibu’s Inviting Climate and Landscapes

Malibu is in close proximity to nature, with stunning views in every direction. Malibu’s 11 public beaches are located along 21 miles of coastline on the famous Pacific Coast Highway, and include some of the best beaches in California, including Zuma Beach and El Matador State Beach.

Several recovery centers, such as Oceanside Malibu, are located right on the coast. You’ll be able to hear the sounds of the waves from Malibu Beach as you work on healing, take long walks by the water, or participate in beach fitness activities.

Mountains rise up behind the city, providing an abundance of hiking opportunities with beautiful views. Malibu has plenty of parks, including the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, which has over 5,000 miles of hiking trails on 156,000 acres of land. Solstice Canyon Park and Malibu Creek State Park are 2 other popular outdoor recreation areas that people enjoy exploring.

Some centers, like Cliffside Malibu, are located in the mountains themselves. This scenic landscape offers plenty of space for peaceful reflection. You can either explore the trails nearby or relax on the sun deck to take in the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.

Malibu’s Mediterranean climate means you can comfortably enjoy outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and biking in any month of the year.

Unique, Recovery-Focused Activities

Many centers offer activities that are best experienced in the California sunshine. Between the ocean and the mountains, there are endless opportunities to explore the outdoors. And because California is such a multicultural hub, some centers offer opportunities to visit nearby museums and attractions.

Surf Therapy

Several rehabs, including Oceanside Malibu and Cliffside Malibu, offer surf therapy for their clients. Surf therapy is a healing modality1 that “combines surf instruction, surfing, and structured individual and/or group activities to promote physical, psychosocial, and psychological well-being.” One study found that surfing improved overall well-being for combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2 and offered both a respite from the symptoms of this condition, and increased positive feelings gained from connecting with peers.

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Perched in the mountains of Santa Monica, Cliffside Malibu offers therapies ranging from reiki to surf therapy.

Surf therapy is also a promising method of treatment for adolescents. Research shows that surf therapy has a positive impact on mental health,3 improving emotion regulation, social competencies, and social connections, while decreasing behavioral problems and depressive symptoms in youth experiencing psychological difficulties. Another study found surf therapy improved adolescents’ self-confidence4 through the feelings of accomplishment that come from mastering a new skill, a sense of escape, and strengthened social connections. Paradigm Teen & Young Adults Treatment understands the positive effects that surf therapy can have, and offers this activity to its adolescent and young adult clients.

Other Outdoor Activities and Experiential Therapies

Because Malibu is so close to the beach, many centers invite their residents to go on beach walks, or engage in related activities like swimming and hiking. The region’s warm weather gives clients plenty of opportunities to relax in the fresh air throughout every season. Milestones Ranch even holds therapy sessions while walking on the beach.

According to research, exercise can help clients navigate addiction recovery,5 and participating in new activities can build confidence through the mastery of a new skill. Oceanside Malibu encourages clients to participate in surf therapy, rock climbing, horseback riding, fishing, and other adventure outings. These exciting experiences can help clients find new hobbies and improve the mind-body connection, all while working through difficult emotions that may not easily come up during talk therapy.

Events and Cultural Outings

Milestones Ranch offers exposure therapy activities both on and off their 160-acre private property. This center’s take on exposure therapy, which they term “supervised sober recreation,”6 lets clients participate in activities while sober that they may have only previously done with drugs or alcohol. Clients can attend musical performances and dance parties at the ranch, in addition to weekly outings at comedy clubs, museums, concerts, movie theaters, and more off the property. According to this treatment team, participating in exposure therapy helps “build the client up through social and sober activities, providing the practical skills and confidence needed to socialize without the use of drugs.”

After some time in treatment, Milestones Ranch even gives clients opportunities to plan outings themselves with other friends from nearby sober living houses. This can help clients get accustomed to being in social settings while sober.

Specialized Treatment for Teens and Young Adults

Building community is important in recovery, as studies show that people with more close friends are more likely to recover from addiction.7 And oftentimes, people may find it easier to make friends with peers that they can relate to. Because of this, it may be beneficial for adolescents and young adults to attend teen-specific treatment centers surrounded by others of their own age.

According to Visions Adolescent Treatment, “Adolescents need to be approached differently than adults because they are still developing their emotional and environmental understanding.” With this in mind, the center only treats adolescents between the ages of 13-18. They provide daily activities and hold events at their rural rehab center, set in the Malibu hills to minimize distractions and keep the focus on recovery.

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Visions Adolescent Treatment is tucked away on 25 acres of tranquil grounds in Malibu.

“When I came to Visions, I was extremely depressed and emotionally volatile. I was anxiety-ridden and I really didn’t see the point in life,” says JuliAnn Crommelin, a Visions Adolescent Treatment alum. “Visions not only got me sober, but they gave me the life that I never knew I always wanted.”

“It’s About a Non-Judgmental, Supportive Environment”

Paradigm Teens & Young Adults Treatment caters to clients aged 12-26, although teens and young adults are treated separately. Paradigm Treatment conducted a study that followed up with 195 of their clients a year after completing treatment and found that their depression, anxiety, and stress levels significantly decreased during rehab,8 compared to reported levels at their intake.

Paradigm focuses on creating a community-based environment that fosters healing and space for reflection. Dustin Wagner, Paradigm’s COO, explains:

“We know right off the bat it’s about building a relationship. It’s about a non-judgmental, supportive environment…Where other clients are also supporting each other. This program is transforming lives and providing hope to these families.”

Both Beachside Teen Treatment Center and Pacific Teen Treatment also focus exclusively on treatment for teens and their families. Pacific Teen Treatment even offers academic activities so that teens don’t fall behind in school during their recovery process.

As their parent, you may need to make treatment decisions for your teen. As JuliAnn from Visions Adolescent Treatment says,

“I’m grateful that my mom knew what to do with me, because at that point in my life I didn’t know what I needed, and looking back on it, I needed a parent who knew to call the professionals.”

Malibu’s Top-Notch Care

Malibu’s treatment facilities are highly regarded nationwide. Cliffside Malibu and Seasons in Malibu rank among the best rehab centers in California,9 according to Newsweek. The survey reviewed addiction recovery programs throughout the U.S. based on their quality of service and overall reputation.

Some centers focus on smaller group sizes in order to offer more personalized treatment. For example, Oceanside Malibu only accepts 6 people at a time. This allows them to offer each client a highly individualized experience. They also focus on building community within this small number of clients.

Director Dave Johnson describes Oceanside Malibu‘s welcoming atmosphere:

“When people come to Oceanside, we try to create a family-like environment where people are allowed to heal and feel safe enough, and in doing that we try and break down that shame and guilt and get rid of it because it doesn’t serve any purpose.”

A Holistic Approach to Healing From Addiction

Mindfulness is a powerful way to approach recovery.10 According to experts at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine, mindfulness is defined as “maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.” This practice encourages you to focus on the present moment, which helps alleviate anxiety about past painful or stressful situations and potential future ones. Studies have shown that meditation can aid in addiction recovery11 by decreasing cravings and improving control over one’s emotions.

Many centers incorporate mindfulness practices into their treatment programs, taking a holistic approach to treatment. Summit Malibu, for example, blends Eastern and Western mindfulness practices to help clients with the physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms of addiction. Clients can participate in yoga, art therapy, meditation, relaxation therapy, somatic experiencing, and more. William Oswald, the center’s CEO and Founder, says:

“To treat substance abuse and mental disorders12 we must go deeper than the physical being. As a recovering addict, I know that healing comes from within. That’s our mission at Summit Malibu.”

Avalon Malibu incorporates experiential therapies like traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbs, and neurofeedback into their programs, along with mindful practices like meditation, yoga, and qi gong. TCM includes natural products and acupuncture, which are especially helpful in treating opiate addiction. Acupuncture may help alleviate withdrawal symptoms13 and possibly even help clients avoid a relapse. This modality can also improve the immune system, have a positive effect on memory, and decrease the likelihood of neurological disorders.

Cliffside Malibu offers many different forms of holistic therapies and treatments, like Reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and more. These practices can help bring clients peace and promote healing, especially when combined with Malibu’s beautiful natural setting.

Ease of Travel to Malibu

Malibu is easily reachable by plane, and is just a short drive from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), one of the largest airports in California and busiest in the U.S. It’s hard to believe that this coastal haven is so close to such a busy metro area, but that certainly makes travel much more convenient.

Since Malibu is located right along Highway 1, which has some of the best views in California, it’s also easily accessible by car.

Peaceful Addiction and Mental Health Recovery on the Coast

It’s up to you to determine the best place to start recovery. Traveling to Malibu for rehab might make sense if you’d like a more peaceful, quiet setting surrounded by mountains and beaches, and would like to try beachside experiential therapies.

Malibu’s tranquil surroundings may offer you clarity and a sense of calm, so you can focus all your energy on healing. However, this setting may be too quiet for some clients. Even with Los Angeles so nearby, treatment in Malibu may not be a good fit if you feel more comfortable in a big city.

See our collection of luxury rehabs in Malibu for an inside glimpse into treatment, including virtual tours, pricing, and reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions About Malibu Rehabs

What rehab programs are available in Malibu?

Malibu treatment centers take advantage of their ideal location and climate, offering activities like surf therapy, beach walks, and hikes. Holistic therapy is popular in California, and several centers in Malibu embrace this approach.

Why go to rehab in Malibu?

You may want to start your journey to mental health and addiction recovery in Malibu if you enjoy ocean views, a warmer climate, and unique therapies focused on nature and alternative medicine.

What city in California has the best rehab?

Malibu’s treatment facilities are highly regarded nationwide. Cliffside Malibu and Seasons in Malibu rank among the best rehab centers in California, according to Newsweek (based on quality of service and overall reputation).

The Healing Power of Nature in British Columbia’s Rehabs

Canada’s westernmost province, British Columbia (BC), is famous for its numerous outdoor opportunities in beautiful areas with mountains, lakes, beaches, and forests. Many treatment centers in BC take advantage of the region’s abundant and accessible nature by offering adventure outings such as river rafting, rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, and more.

The peaceful settings of British Columbia offer space for reflection and growth. Many centers have walking trails and gardens on their grounds to facilitate mindfulness and healing. Several rehab facilities also offer gender-specific treatment, as well as programs tailored for other specific groups, such as Indigenous men or those who value spiritual wellness.

Nature can help you heal and recharge, and BC is a great choice for recovery if close access to the outdoors is important to you.

British Columbia’s Stunning Scenery

British Columbia’s natural geography of mountains, lakes, rivers, and beaches offers plentiful recreation opportunities. In fact, 75% of BC is covered by mountains, and the region boasts more protected areas than any other Canadian province. You’ll find beautiful coastal areas on the western side of the province, and breathtaking mountains on the eastern side.

When planning your stay at a residential treatment center, it’s important to remember that BC has all 4 seasons. If you’re attending a facility here in winter or spring, you’ll get to enjoy crisp weather and access to snow sports. Coastal areas get lots of rain, while the interior mountainous regions see more snow. Summer and fall in BC mean warmer weather and outdoor activities like swimming and hiking.

Being surrounded by nature may allow for a more relaxing, meditative experience. And in fact, this type of mindfulness can have a direct impact on your emotions.1 One study found that participants who walked outdoors for 20 minutes reported feeling more positive than those who walked indoors for the same amount of time.

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Top of the World Ranch in Fort Steele, British Columbia sits on 600 acres of ground surrounded by the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

This region offers many opportunities for outdoor activities with numerous hiking trails, mountain biking routes, rock climbing areas, and more. The parks in BC offer over 3,500 miles of trails 2 (~6,000 kilometers), many of which are located inside the province’s 1000+ provincial parks,3 recreation areas, conservancies, ecological reserves and protected areas.

Treatment Centers Surrounded by Nature

Whether or not you venture outdoors, attending rehab in BC means being surrounded by stunning views. For example, Top of the World Ranch was built on 600 acres in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. You’ll find forests, valleys, and lakes throughout the property. According to their team’s treatment philosophy, this environment offers clients “a great opportunity for growth and introspection, building towards your best self in the relative solitude of pristine natural surroundings.”

The emotional impact of this natural setting was not lost on Sean, a client who attended the treatment facility for 90 days in 2019. “It helped having 600 acres to explore in the Rocky Mountains,” he says. “Top of the World has saved my life, my marriage, and has given me a second chance.”

The Sunshine Coast Health Centre and the Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic both overlook a body of water called the Georgia Strait, in which clients can watch pods of whales and dolphins. You can also enjoy the snow-capped mountains, sandy beaches, and miles of uninhabited wilderness that surround these 2 properties.

Located in Powell River, British Columbia, Sunshine Coast Health Centre is a men-only residential center with picturesque views.

Adventure Outings

Clients at rehabs in this area can embark on adventure outings in all seasons. In the winter, clients at Sunshine Coast Health Centre, Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic, and Valiant Recovery can go skiing and snowboarding. These activities give residents a break from time spent indoors during recovery.

In the warmer months, Nōmina Wellness takes residents white water rafting and on safaris, while clients at Top of the World Ranch can visit hot springs. Valiant Recovery provides access to a ropes course and zip-lining.

In addition to these off-site adventures, all of these programs allow residents to utilize the hiking and biking trails either on or near their properties. For some clients, this is an essential part of recovery. By engaging with nature, you may be able to heal in a more holistic and fully realized way.

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Located in scenic Kelowna on a comfortable homey property, Valiant Recovery offers immersive hiking experiences at nearby trails.

Treatment in BC Is Tailored to You

Some rehab centers cater to specific demographics. You may prefer to attend a program designed to treat people who share commonalities with you, especially things you deeply value.

Spiritual & Holistic Healing Treatment Centers

Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society understands that the 200,000 indigenous people residing in BC4 may prefer to attend treatment programs that are designed with their cultures in mind. Their “All My Relations” program serves this demographic, supporting indigenous men as they heal from substance use disorders.

The staff at this rehab center recognizes that this demographic faces a unique set of challenges, and may have experienced both personal and collective trauma. With that in mind, the program empowers indigenous men to reclaim their cultural identities. Clients take part in traditions such as daily smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies. The recovery center also partners with elders and members of several Indigenous nations to provide workshops, ensuring that clients have access to the best possible care.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center focuses on spirituality, and is endorsed by Deepak Chopra, a well-known advocate for alternative medicine. The treatment facility combines Eastern practices with Western medicine to create a program that allows for spiritual growth. “We are very different in that we recognize that addiction is also a search for spiritual well-being,” says Chopra.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center is located on 10 acres of land along the banks of the Cheakamus River in Squamish, BC for a peaceful experience set deep in nature. In addition to individual and group therapy, clients can also participate in mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, guided hikes, Ayurvedic massage, and art therapy. If you’d like to focus on spiritual healing during treatment, this program might meet your needs.

Gender-Specific Treatment

If you feel more at ease with members of your own gender, you may consider attending a program that offers gender-specific treatment.

Georgia strait womens clinic
Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic is a women-only center in a boutique-style home overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Powell River, British Columbia.

Sunshine Coast Health Centre and Inspire Change Wellness Center are both men’s only treatment centers, while Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic and Westminster House only cater to women. Westwind Counselling’s residential care is women-only, but they serve all genders in a separate online program.

Men and women may experience different societal pressure and stressors. You may prefer to be among those of your own gender if you are currently healing from trauma or seeking treatment for an issue that members of your gender are more likely to experience.

If you don’t identify with a gender binary, this may not be an important factor in your search. Additionally, you may wish to find an identity-affirming rehab with programming expressly designed to make you feel safe, seen and accepted.

Treatment for Eating Disorders

Westwind Counselling is Canada’s first private eating disorder recovery facility. This program helps clients heal from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and orthorexia. They offer online treatment options for all genders as well as in-person care for women, and don’t require clients to first obtain a formal diagnosis. Westwind teaches clients about mindful eating, body acceptance, and emotional well-being. Research shows that these are all core components of treatment for eating disorders.5 This program helps clients feel more at home in their own bodies, empowering them to make healthier choices in the long term.

Vancouver’s Natural Diversity

Several centers are located either in or close to Vancouver. Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society is in the city itself, and numerous other treatment centers are within an hour’s drive. These programs have the best of both worlds: access to the great outdoors, and proximity to a thriving urban hub.

Diversity and Inclusion Is a Priority

Vancouver has a very diverse population,6 and has been ranked as the most livable city in Canada7 and the 16th worldwide, according to a 2021 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The study looked at stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure of every major city in the world.

Perhaps because of its diversity, the city’s government is committed to creating a welcoming environment for all of its citizens. City staff meet with local community groups and agencies to better understand and meet the needs of residents. Officials emphasize programs for childcare, Indigenous peoples, youth, disadvantaged seniors, multicultural and diverse communities, and more. These priorities are reflected in their Healthy City Strategy,8 a plan with 13 different goals all aimed at making living in Vancouver better for everyone.

Vancouver has the 3rd largest urban Indigenous population of any Canadian city.9 Their Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Committee works with the city to ensure that Indigenous peoples have equal access to and are included in any new plans and procedures. Vancouver’s city council also determined that the unceded land in Vancouver still belongs to the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations10 in a unanimous vote in 2014.

Vancouver is home to the biggest LGBTQ+ community11 and hosts the largest Pride parade in Western Canada. The event takes place every year during Pride Week and is put on by the Vancouver Pride Society, a not-for-profit organization that is committed to strengthening their community by ensuring that Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ population feels represented and included.

Explore the Outdoors in Vancouver Treatment Centers

There are many places to recreate in Vancouver. Residents and tourists alike enjoy access to many outdoor areas, including Lynn Canyon, Grouse Mountain, Deep Cove, and more. Stanley Park, located in downtown Vancouver, includes miles of trails, stunning beaches, cultural and historical landmarks in an area of 1000+ acres. Vancouver locals highly value access to nature.

Rehab centers in the area share that value. You may or may not be able to explore the city on your own during your stay, depending on your health status and your program’s approach to treatment. However, most Vancouver rehabs include plenty of outdoor space; some even have private beaches. Even if you remain on-site at a rehab for the duration of treatment, you’ll be able to enjoy this beautiful landscape.

A Temperate Climate

Vancouver rarely sees snow, and the winters are some of the most mild in Canada. If you decide to seek treatment in BC during the winter season but prefer more temperate weather, Vancouver may be a good option for you.

Planning Travel to British Columbia

British Columbia is easily accessible by car or plane. Because there are 5 main airports in the region, you can easily choose one close to your treatment center. Most facilities offer transportation directly to and from the airport. Make sure that you check with your admissions team before booking any travel, to find out which options are available.

A Peaceful Path Toward Recovery

Traveling to British Columbia can offer a new and peaceful space to start your recovery process. The variable landscape and climate allow you to choose which kind of environment you’d like to be in during treatment, whether that’s in a busy city like Vancouver, or a more peaceful, rural area. And in either setting, you can expect to spend plenty of time outdoors.

Visit our list of luxury treatment centers in beautiful British Columbia to see photos, read reviews, and more.


How much does treatment cost in BC?

The cost of addiction treatment in BC varies by factors such as treatment type, length, and location. Some rehabs offer financial aid or insurance.

What are addiction treatment programs like in BC?

Rehabs in BC often offer experiential therapies that make the most of their naturally beautiful surroundings. Private rehabs provide tailored treatment, which may include holistic therapies.

Can I find women’s or LBGTQ+-affirming treatment in BC, Canada?

Yes. Some rehabs in BC offer specialized programs for certain client groups, including women and LBGTQ+ individuals.

More People Are Considering Rehab in Portugal: Here’s Why

Residential rehab lets you step away from your daily environment and fully focus on recovery. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, many people find that a change in their surroundings facilitates healing in impactful ways. For some, traveling abroad for rehab can be profound.

Traveling can change your mindset: immersion in a new culture may promote positive thinking and foster a sense of connection to others. Often, luxury rehabs abroad are located in tranquil environments designed to relieve tension and cultivate calm. And certain destinations offer special therapeutic activities that you might not find back home.

Steeped in rich history and famous for its fresh seafood, a relaxed approach to life, and pastel-colored buildings ornate with bright Azulejos tiles, Portugal is quickly becoming a sought-after rehab destination.

It’s not just the landscape and culture that draws people to addiction treatment in the country. Here, you can find unique therapeutic approaches, including ibogaine treatment. Influenced by their warm culture, many centers have a home-like atmosphere supported by inviting staff. This level of comfort is especially important if you’re tentative about going abroad for treatment.

We explore some top reasons why addiction treatment in Portugal is gaining traction.

1. A Temperate Climate and Tranquil Landscapes

Temperate Climate

Portugal has mild weather, which can be a welcome change for people living in colder or hotter climates. Winter temperatures stay at around 16 °C (or 61 °F). Come summer, the region enjoys warmth and sun without the sweltering heat. Some cities, like Lisbon and Porto, have 11 hours of sun during the summer months.

Temperate climates can be good for your mental health.1 Research on temperature and self-reported mental health conducted in the U.S. revealed that humans are most comfortable in 16 to 21° C (or 60 to 70 °F), and the probability of self-reported mental health struggles increases in both colder and warmer temperatures.

Beautiful, Therapeutic Landscapes

Voted the top country to visit2 by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, Portugal’s natural landscape is nothing short of stunning. Stretches of mesmerizing coastline border the country’s west. Inland, you’ll find striking mountains in the north, peaceful rolling hills to the south, and charming cobblestone towns that dot the areas in between.

According to a study published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open Journal, this abundance of nature can aid addiction recovery3 in several ways:

  • it restores cognitive capacity;
  • it boosts recovery from psychosocial stress;
  • and it can enhance optimism.

As society grows more distanced from nature,4 we’re increasingly disconnected from its therapeutic benefits. Rehab can provide an opportunity to restore this important link. A Health Place journal study found that exposure to natural environments may even reduce cravings.5

Many private rehabs in Portugal emphasize connection to nature by making the most of the country’s tranquil greenscapes. In the historic town of Quinta das Lapas, Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre sits on a 10-acre property surrounded by countryside. Residents live in a Portuguese-style home with lush baroque gardens nearby. The center takes a multidisciplinary approach to addiction recovery and highlights the importance of outdoor activities and their green surroundings.

2. Rich History and Warm Culture

Portugal is culturally vibrant, brimming with rich history. From Arabic-influenced Moorish castles to gothic-style monuments, each of its cobbled-street cities is picturesque in its own right.

Many rehabs in Portugal make use of their proximity to culturally significant locations. Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre offers guided tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites, like the breathtaking baroque and neoclassical palaces found in Quinta das Lapas.

Quinta das lapas
Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre is located in the historic, charming town of Quinta das Lapas.

If exploring new sites sounds inspiring, the good news is that it can also be good for you. Travel delivers mental health benefits7 which can support your recovery process. Psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Todd B. Kashdan explains how travel can strengthen skills like emotional regulation: “exposure to foreign travel [is] linked to a greater ability to direct attention and energy, which helps us function effectively in diverse situations and display appropriate verbal and nonverbal signals of emotion… you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations.”

Attending rehab in another country can also foster deeper human connection6 and feelings of wholeness. It opens you up to new ways of communication. Portuguese culture is known as easygoing and friendly. This translates to what you’ll find at rehabs there, and many centers emphasize their cozy, home-like atmosphere.

Heritage Counseling Clinic
Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, Lisbon emphasizes their strong client-staff relations.

Heritage Counseling Clinic, in the historic town of Sintra, has made the client-staff connection an integral part of their treatment program. “Everything was designed so that the relation between patients and staff can flow naturally, ensuring that [you] can experience rapid integration.”

Tabula Rasa Retreat, which offers ibogaine treatment in Portugal’s Alentejo region, highlights their family-style environment and supportive team as a core component of their holistic approach.

3. A Menu of Treatment Options

Several luxury rehabs in Portugal have holistic addiction treatment programs. These programs include a balance of psychotherapy, holistic therapies, experiential therapies, and more. We explore common therapies offered at centers in Portugal, plus treatment that isn’t yet available in the U.S.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most common forms of evidence-based psychotherapy. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, behavior, and physiology are interconnected. By changing our thought patterns, we have the power to change our emotions and behavior. Several empirical studies point to the efficacy of CBT,8 with some psychologists calling it the “gold standard of the psychotherapy field,” as published in the Front Psychology journal. Many rehabs offer CBT to help treat addiction and mental health issues like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is led by 1 therapist – or a co-leader for bigger groups – and usually involves 5 or more participants, depending on the rehab’s intake numbers. This type of therapy allows for dynamic conversations and moments of reflection. The support network it offers often empowers people through their healing process. Simply knowing others are going through similar struggles can help you feel understood, activating parts of the brain associated with reward and social connection. These feelings could be amplified during group therapy abroad, when you see that people from different cultures share your struggle.

Family Therapy
Family is foundational to Portugal’s social structure. Several rehabs in the country offer family therapy. With the rise of telehealth for addiction treatment, it’s now more common for rehabs abroad to provide virtual sessions so family back home can participate. For some people, family inclusion is an important part of recovery. Family therapy can give you a better understanding of your unique family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Substance abuse often impacts an entire family system – this form of psychotherapy is intended to help everyone involved heal. This can result in stronger family resilience and ties. The interpersonal skills you learn in family therapy can also be applied to other relationships in your life.

Holistic Therapies

Physical Activity
The significance of physical exercise for addiction treatment9 has been well documented: collective studies show that exercise can “reduce compulsive patterns of drug intake in clinical and at-risk populations.” You’ll often see some form of exercise included in most private rehab programs. With Portugal’s temperate weather and sunny summers, many rehab facilities offer outdoor physical activities when possible. Heritage Counseling Clinic’s program includes outdoor yoga and chi-kung. Meanwhile, Casa da Oliveira holds water activities in their outdoor pool during summer.

Art therapy
It’s not always easy to put your feelings into words. This is where art therapy can help. Art therapy offers several documented benefits for addiction recovery:10

  • Decreased denial
  • Lessened shame
  • A communication outlet
  • Less opposition to addiction treatment

When psychotherapy and art therapy are combined,10 they can work to promote each other’s goals.

Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine-assisted therapy is a type of alternative treatment usually delivered in a short-term residential facility. It involves administering ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid extracted from the iboga shrub native to West Africa. In small doses, it acts as a mild stimulant. In larger doses, ibogaine induces a dream-like state. This experience, when overseen by treatment professionals, serves as a potentially effective therapy for substance use disorder or other mental health diagnoses, like depression.

Research on ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment has been promising. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) observed the long-term effectiveness of ibogaine11 and found that “a single ibogaine treatment reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and achieved opioid cessation or reduced use across the one year study.”

Ibogaine has also been shown to reduce drug cravings12 for people suffering from opioid and cocaine addiction.

While ibogaine-assisted therapy isn’t yet available in the U.S., you can travel abroad for treatment. Countries like Mexico and Portugal have addiction treatment centers with ibogaine therapy. Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region of Portugal offers this therapy as part of their holistic approach to treatment. There, ibogaine therapy is administered in a monitored, safe environment by experienced medical professionals and is supported with complementary therapies like breathwork, massage, meditation, and more.

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Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal’s Alentejo area offers ibogaine treatment in a charming, safe home-like environment.

4. An Abundance of Activities

Portugal’s temperate weather allows for outdoor experiential therapies and activities year-round, like equine therapy, rappelling, and sightseeing. Experiential activities teach you new skills and can show you it’s possible to find joy in other interests. You may even discover lasting hobbies in the process.

Equine therapy
Equine-assisted therapy involves therapeutic work with horses, led by a professional guide or therapist, to help treat addiction and mental health disorders. It’s offered at several treatment centers in Portugal including Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region, Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, and Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre in Monte Redondo.

Portugal’s unique landscape is dotted with mesmerizing, tall cliffs, lending itself well to activities like rappelling. Rappelling is a form of therapeutic climbing (TC) where you descend the face of a rock in a harness with a fastened rope to help guide you down. Some mental health benefits of therapeutic climbing13 (TC) include reduced symptoms of depression and improved psychological well-being. At Heritage Counseling Clinic, rappelling is combined with a unique cultural experience: the rappel site offers views of some of Portugal’s most well-known heritage castles.

Standing among century-old structures and heritage sites is linked with mental wellness,14 including improved mood and a deeper sense of citizenship among groups of people that share commonalities. The good news is, there’s no shortage of sightseeing in history-rich Portugal. At some rehabs, like Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre, you’re taken on guided tours of UNESCO Heritage palaces. For many people, addiction is isolating. These kinds of cultural experiences may foster a deeper sense of connection with the world, and other people, around you.

Sintra Portugal
Portugal is home to stunning heritage sites, like the famous Palacio Nacional da Pena in Sintra.

5. Accessible and Easy to Get Around

Portugal has 3 international airports in Lisbon, Faro, and Porto, and 4 smaller airports for domestic travel. A majority of U.S. airports have flights to Lisbon, with direct flights from some of the U.S.’s biggest international airports. Almost every major European city offers direct flights to Lisbon too.

Many rehabs offer airport pick-up services once you’ve landed in Portugal. While getting around the country is easy, with a well-functioning metro system and rideshare apps like Uber, it may be too overwhelming to navigate travel in the midst of early recovery. It’s recommended to speak with your rehab’s admissions team and arrange to have someone guide you to the center once you’ve landed.

Embark On Your Recovery Journey in Portugal

Attending rehab in a different country can help you gain a new perspective on life. This can be incredibly impactful to someone’s recovery journey. It shows you a different way of living, which may help you feel more connected to others and the world around you. With so much history and heritage, Portugal isn’t just an awe-inspiring place to find recovery: it can help inspire powerful connections and feelings of wholeness.

To learn more about addiction and mental health treatment in the country, browse our list of luxury rehabs in Portugal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Portugal

How much does luxury rehab in Portugal typically cost?

Luxury rehab in Portugal typically costs under $10,000 up to $25,000 for a 30-day program without insurance. Cost can vary depending on factors like the duration of the program, level of personalized care, and amenities offered. It’s best to contact the individual luxury rehab centers in Portugal for accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

What amenities can I expect at a luxury rehab in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal offer a range of amenities:

• Luxurious, private accommodations
• Gourmet dining
• Spa and wellness facilities
• Recreational activities

What types of therapies are available at luxury rehabs in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal provide a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, adventure outings, equine therapy, rappelling, historical site visits, and more.

Holistic Detox in California

Detoxing from substance misuse can be challenging and even dangerous. To do so successfully, most people need professional care. And because recovery looks different for everyone, that care might include medical treatment, talk therapy, or holistic healing. You can find all of these modalities at detox centers in California.

The Golden State is known for its natural beauty, amazing weather, and focus on holistic health. Many California luxury rehabs also cater to elite clients. Both detox and long-term recovery programs in this area can offer support to meet your unique needs.

Recovery Begins With Detox

Alcohol and drug detox1 is the process of interrupting the physical or psychological dependence on substances. It will almost certainly be physically uncomfortable, and it may also have greater risks. Detoxing from certain substances, like alcohol and opiates, can be dangerous without proper medical supervision.

As you progress through the various stages of detox, you may experience symptoms such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, tremors, and intensified cravings. Because of these concerns, it’s best to begin this process in a detox facility with trained staff on hand. Many private residential treatment centers employ medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and talk therapists. This team of experts is there to keep you safe and comfortable throughout the process.

During inpatient detox, you may have access to several therapeutic modalities. For example, you may be prescribed non-addictive medications to help alleviate symptoms of withdrawal. You might also speak with a talk therapist, or even connect with fellow clients. Gratitude Lodge, for example, has a strong focus on community care. According to their team,

Detoxification can be the most difficult part of early recovery, which is why we offer personalized care, group therapy support and an encouraging environment.”2

Most luxury rehabs offset the discomfort of detox with extremely comfortable surroundings. You will likely have a private room, a TV, and even access to wifi while in detox. Some programs actively encourage clients to stay in touch with friends and family during their stay, getting support from loved ones at every stage of healing.

Who Is a Candidate for Detox?

Anyone ready to stop misusing substances is a candidate for detox. No matter which substance you’ve been using, whether you have a physical dependence on it, or how severe your substance use disorder is, detox can be a helpful place to start. That being said, it’s not necessary for everyone. Some clients may be able to safely detox without close medical supervision, depending on their specific history of substance use.

There are many different ways to approach detox, and some of them can be inappropriate or even unsafe for certain clients. When you’re ready to begin this process, start by learning more about the various programs available.

Medical Detox for Physical Dependence

Certain substances are more likely to cause physical dependence,3 which occurs “when a person requires one or more drugs to function. Abruptly stopping the substance may cause physical symptoms of withdrawal.” If you’re physically dependent on a substance, it’s extremely important that you stop using it under close medical supervision.

Detoxing from alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines can be especially dangerous to attempt on your own. If you struggle with any of these substances, it’s best to begin recovery by consulting with a medical professional. Depending on your specific health history, you may be given certain medications to help with detox.4 It’s absolutely vital that these medications be prescribed by an expert who is well-acquainted with your health history.

Because withdrawal from alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines can have such challenging side effects, some programs focus on helping clients heal from using these specific substances. AToN Center, in San Diego, is one such detox center. They offer a 3-to-1 ratio of staff to clients,5 ensuring that every resident gets the attention they need and deserve. After detox, clients may decide to enter their longer inpatient program, which treats a greater diversity of conditions.

aton center
Located in San Diego, AToN Center’s residential grounds are designed to promote comfort throughout the detox and recovery process.

It’s important to remember that detox, like the rest of recovery, is an extremely personal process. Although you may be temporarily focused on your physical symptoms, you can also expect to go through a series of extreme emotions. Because of this, it’s important to find a program that also offers support for mental health.

Holistic Detox for Psychological Dependence

The physical symptoms of detox can be overwhelming, and even dangerous. But the emotional aspect of healing is just as important. Some substances, like crack cocaine, have minimal physical withdrawal symptoms.6 Despite this, the cessation of any illicit substance can have an extreme and immediate impact on brain chemistry and mental health.

Detox may be an appropriate way to begin recovery, even for clients without physical dependence on substances. Although certain programs, like AToN, only treat physical withdrawal, other rehab centers are open to anyone with a substance use disorder.

And even if you have no physical withdrawal symptoms, you may still face some serious risks. Many clients experience severe mental health symptoms during detox,7 such as depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, and more. When you begin recovery, it’s absolutely vital to get the care you need, especially at first, while your brain chemistry is changing quickly. You don’t have to do it alone or in isolation. On the contrary, you can choose to have this experience in a beautiful, inspiring setting.

Attending a Detox Program in California

Rehab programs in California tend to offer holistic detox, with a focus on sustainable health and wellness. Many of these treatment facilities offer personalized treatment, which honors the unique goals of each individual client. Because of this, California’s detox centers offer a wide variety of services.

Medical Care in a Natural Setting

Many people entering recovery have more than one diagnosis. You may have a co-occurring mental health diagnosis, a chronic physical illness, or a condition that developed in response to substance misuse, like a nutritional imbalance. And any of these conditions may require medication that impacts the process of detox.

It’s absolutely possible to recover from more than one condition at a time, but doing so requires expert medical care, tailored to meet your needs. At Monarch Shores, for example, clients work with an on-staff doctor who “will design an individually tailored medication regimen that reduces any discomfort or pain, any gastrointestinal issues, reduces or completely eliminates tremors and shakes, allows you to sleep, reduces anxiety, and improves cognitive functioning.”8

monarch shores house 1 outdoor sand
Clients can soak up the views of Southern California’s beautiful coastline while detoxing at Monarch Shores in San Juan Capistrano.

And in beautiful, temperate California, this medical attention doesn’t have to be isolating. Even if you spend most of your detox inside the facility, you can enjoy a view of the surrounding landscape. And when you’re ready, you may be able to spend some time exploring or simply relaxing in the fresh air. For many clients, communing with nature is an extremely important part of holistic healing.

Drug-Free Detox

Some clients may prefer to detox in an even more natural way, without using any medication. This strategy may be a good fit for people without co-occurring disorders, who want to have a more spiritual experience of recovery.

This type of holistic healing can do more than help you detox; it can also teach you healthy, sustainable habits for self-care. At The Holistic Sanctuary, in Baja California, clients follow a personalized treatment plan that may include massage, Reiki, yoga, nutrition counseling, and other similar modalities. Clients receive no medications, although they may have access to alternative treatments such as ibogaine therapy.

Drug-free detox is not appropriate for everyone. If you’ve been using alcohol, opiates, or benzodiazepines, this can be extremely dangerous. The same is true for people with additional diagnoses that require daily medication, including physical and mental health concerns. If you’re interested in this type of healing, be sure to get approval from a medical doctor in advance.

Whatever medications you do—or don’t—use during detox, remember that physical healing is just one facet of recovery. Some California rehabs offer complementary therapies that are designed to treat physical, mental, and behavioral health.

Complementary Therapies

Sometimes the detox process offers more than just medical attention. Detox programs here may combine medication-assisted treatment with psychotherapy and holistic approaches like massage or music therapy to ease withdrawal symptoms and improve the detox experience.

Certain experiential therapies may be too physically strenuous for clients in detox. Your healthcare team will be on hand to help you decide which activities will best support your recovery process. In early detox, you may benefit most from relaxing with a good book, listening to music, or just sleeping. Following this, many clients benefit from talk therapy, nutrition counseling, and similar modes of healing.

Detox Is Just the First Step

Detox is an effective way to begin recovery, but it’s only the beginning. There are some dangerous myths about addiction treatment,9 including the idea that detoxification “cures” substance use disorders. On the contrary, although it ​​can be successful in cleansing the person of drugs and withdrawal symptoms, detoxification does not address the underlying disorder, and thus is not adequate treatment.” One study in particular found that patients who followed detox with formal inpatient treatment had “significantly better” outcomes.10

Some clients choose a long-term rehab facility before they even enter detox. Otherwise, you may be able to plan your next steps during this initial stage of recovery. At most luxury rehabs, your providers will help you plan for the future, ensuring your continuity of care after detox.11

Life After Detox

Your experience of detox can set the tone for the rest of your recovery process. Although it only lasts a short time, you may have experiences that inform some important long-term decisions. Because of this, it’s important to choose a detox program that aligns with your values.

There’s no right or wrong way to go about recovery. Although it’s not necessary for everyone, detox can be helpful for anyone. If you’d like to begin this process in an environment that focuses on holistic health, one of California’s programs might be a good fit.

To learn more about this process, you can browse our list of detox programs in California.

Frequently Asked Questions About California Detox Centers

What types of services are offered at California luxury detox centers?

California luxury detox centers offer a wide variety of services, including medical treatment, talk therapy, and holistic healing modalities. These centers provide personalized care to meet individual needs, offering support for both detox and long-term recovery.

Is medical supervision necessary during detox at California luxury detox centers?

Yes, medical supervision is crucial during detox, especially when coming off of substances like alcohol and opiates. These substances can have dangerous withdrawal symptoms, and detoxing without proper medical supervision can be risky. Detox centers employ trained staff, including medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and therapists, to ensure clients’ safety and comfort throughout the process.

What are the benefits of holistic detox at California luxury detox centers?

Holistic detox combines medical care with a focus on sustainable health and wellness. These centers offer personalized treatment, honoring each client’s unique goals. Clients receive expert medical care in a natural setting, where they can enjoy beautiful surroundings and commune with nature. Holistic detox also provides an opportunity to learn healthy, sustainable habits for self-care and may include complementary therapies like massage, yoga, and nutrition counseling.