Luxury Rehab: The Benefits of Comfort in the Recovery Journey

When you think of rehab for drug or alcohol addiction, “luxury” might not be the first word that comes to your mind. But there are many paths to healing from addictions and other behavioral or mental health conditions. And for some, a comfortable or even upscale setting can provide the ideal conditions for getting the most out of treatment.

You may already be thinking of seeking treatment at a luxury rehab center. Or perhaps you’re wondering if you can really get the help you need from a luxury rehab that looks, from the outside, like a vacation getaway.

When it comes to getting life-changing (or even life-saving) treatment, it’s important to follow your instincts. If you’re feeling drawn to a particular type of treatment, getting as much unbiased information as possible is essential to making an educated, confident decision about your care.

What Makes a Rehab Center “Luxury?”

The fact of the matter is, any rehab center can call itself “luxury” because there aren’t any internationally standardized requirements for this claim. When a drug or alcohol treatment center identifies as luxury, though, this usually means that it’s an upscale, residential treatment facility.

So, the first step to finding the right luxury rehab center for you is to define what you’re thinking of when you think of luxury. Are you looking for elegant facilities and extra amenities? Or does luxury mean the best medical staff and a wide variety of therapies?

In general, luxury rehabs do include at least some combination of these:

Desirable Location

Oftentimes the setting is remote yet sophisticated, similar to an exotic vacation destination. Luxury rehab centers are available all around the world. Depending on the location, getting there may involve domestic or international travel.

Special High-End Amenities

Facilities might boast swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, exercise facilities, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, a library or business center, and more. These amenities would most likely be of the same standard, or quite similar to, what you would experience while staying at a 4- or 5-star hotel.

Complementary Therapies

Though many treatment programs today offer complementary therapies, luxury centers might provide even more specialized options like equine therapy, adventure therapy, spa treatments, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more.

On-Site Detox Services

Detox, when required, is often done at a hospital or a specialized detox center before admission to a residential rehab center. Luxury rehabs may have designated detox facilities on their premises with the medical staff and equipment necessary to safely oversee the process.

This discrepancy in the definition of “luxury,” and how it can mean different things at different facilities, is why has benchmarks for listing centers on our site. Our searchable collection of rehabs only includes those that, regardless of cost, meet our luxury treatment provider criteria:

Why People Seek Treatment at Luxury Rehabs

Treatment at a luxury rehab center might be a good fit for certain clientele, more so than budget or retreat-style centers. For example, if someone’s used to certain living standards, has specific medical needs, or is looking for exclusive qualities in a treatment program, then luxury rehab might better facilitate the recovery process for such clients.

Some patients seek treatment at a luxury addiction or mental health rehab for other reasons:

Discomfort Could Distract From Treatment

Sometimes a drastic change in environment has the opposite effect of providing a healing space for recovery. If the setting causes discomfort, whether minute or extreme, physical or mental, some people might not be as receptive to implementing the changes necessary for lasting recovery. According to Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner at White River Manor,

“The more structure and the more barriers you put in place, sometimes, the more closed off people become. So offering people a place of comfort, a place where there is a great service, I think gives them the better opportunity to immediately open up and engage.”

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Personal bedrooms are decorated for privacy and comfort at White River Manor in South Africa.

Residential Rehab Is Intensive

The industry standard for treatment at a residential treatment center is about 30 days. And during that time, you’ll face a lot of draining emotional challenges. While beneficial and necessary, these heightened emotional states tend to take a physical and emotional toll. According to Dr. Frederick Goggans, McLean Hospital‘s Medical Director,

“(Luxury rehabs) create an environment where it’s comfortable to be a resident for the length of time that’s involved to do this kind of work. It’s an environment where you’re sleeping well, you’re paying attention to nutrition, making healthier choices, getting daily exercise and building all that into a lifestyle change.”

The comfortable setting and conveniences most luxury rehabs offer helps your body and mind relax and be more prepared for and open to intensive treatment. Resting in these comforts during downtime can actually speed your recovery between treatments and help you integrate what you learn in your sessions.

Clients Receive One-on-One Care

Most luxury rehab centers have a higher staff-to-client ratio, because their higher admittance fees afford them the additional costs of hiring more staff. And more people on staff means each client is more likely to receive higher levels of one-on-one care.

This individualized care may mean the difference between success or failure for some clients. As one study reports, humans “differ from each other at every discernible level. This implies that it would be a miracle if standardized treatment strategies would work for everyone at every stage1 and that patients with the same diagnosis would respond in the same way.”

With this in mind, it’s possible that extra attention and time spent on individual client’s treatment plans could promote better recovery progress.

Budget Treatment Options May Not Have Previously Worked

It’s not uncommon for people seeking treatment to already have experience with different substance or alcohol use disorder programs and facilities. Many people try a variety of therapies or different styles of centers on their journey to find healing.

For some, luxury rehab might offer the pieces that were missing from getting successful treatment results at budget addiction rehab centers. Features like serene, remote environments and guided recreational activities, may help your treatment have better, longer-lasting impacts.

Restrictive Centers Don’t Accommodate Different Lifestyle Needs

Whether you’re a business owner, a celebrity, or a caregiver, sometimes there are obligations and responsibilities that make putting your life on pause for the duration of inpatient treatment impractical.

“One of the main things that deters people from coming to treatment is that they have full-time jobs or children. So it’s difficult to step away and seek treatment,” says Douglass Weiss, President and Chief Customer Officer at Gallus Detox Centers. Which is exactly why some luxury rehabs allow for computer use, cell phone use and even full family stays.

Now that we’ve explored some of the reasons why people seek luxury addiction treatment, let’s examine some benefits that luxury rehab can provide.

Potential Benefits of Attending Rehab at a Luxury Center

No matter what kind of program you attend, you’ll likely get some positive benefits from receiving treatment. Luxury rehabs simply offer additional, or different kinds of, benefits that may help you take that next step to finding lasting recovery.

1. Comfortable Treatment Experience

Many times people suffering from addiction or mental illnesses are in a constant state of stress. Their bodies are flooded with the stress hormone cortisol, and because of this, their fight-flight-or-freeze mode is constantly triggered. One of the most important aspects of rehab is that it provides a safe space for your body to relax and begin to heal.

Ameet Braich, Clinical Director of Camino Recovery, explains:

“Suffering, in any form, really doesn’t have a place in treatment. If somebody needs to get well, they can do it in nice, comfortable surroundings. It only aids the healing process. Being in a peaceful environment where you really get time to reflect and look inward lends itself to a therapeutic process.”

Comfortable surroundings can go a long way in creating a safe space, which helps reduce the body’s stress levels and may increase the therapeutic value of your time in treatment. When you’re in a relaxed, positive physical and mental state, your brain is more likely to retain new information2 and form healthier habits.

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The tranquil grounds of Camino Recovery in Vélez-Málaga, Spain

2. Nutritious, Gourmet Meals

Nutrition is a fundamental part of healing from addiction. Many people in recovery have vitamin deficiencies3 due to the depletion caused by prolonged substance use. Nutrient-dense meals provide your body with physical energy and strength to support you during treatment.

Rowland Tweedie, Health and Fitness Manager at Paracelsus Recovery explains the importance of healthy eating in recovery:

“Nutrition is vitally important for all of us, because every time we eat food, it’s information for the body. Having the right type of nutrition helps us to have vitality and energy, and helps with all the systems in the body.”

There are several studies proving that healthy, individualized changes in nutrition can reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.4 Not only that, but some scientists even believe that the gut microbiome is an “important and modifiable mediator of substance-seeking behavior.”

In other words, gut-focused nutrition therapy can reduce some people’s risk of relapse. As Tweedie says, “If we eat the right types of food, we feel and think differently. Nutrition is the foundation of health, really.”

3. Maximum Privacy

Addiction affects people from all walks of life—from celebrities and CEOs to teachers and full-time employees. Clients may not want their personal or professional associates to know they’re receiving treatment. So when a high-profile person, a busy executive, or a wealthy family member needs treatment, privacy concerns may be what prevents them from getting the help they need.

In addition to already being located in remote settings, many luxury rehab centers address these concerns by offering the utmost security and discretion for their guests. Gallus Detox Centers’ Marketing and Outreach Director Laura Herrmann says,

“We’re very discreet. We try to keep ourselves as professional as possible so that when people are coming in, it’s not recognizable as a medical detox.”

Some facilities also offer ultra-exclusive programs for those who can’t mingle with other clients for privacy reasons. Examples include having private accommodations where staff come to you to do sessions, or even attending a completely individualized program where the entire staff serves one client at a time.

4. Wider Variety

At most luxury rehabs, not only are you more likely to receive one-on-one attention, but you’re also more likely to have a wider variety of therapies, counselors, food, and activities to choose from. Although higher costs don’t always equal better quality of care, clients seeking the highest quality of treatment available might be more likely to find what they’re looking for at a luxury rehab.

And, again, if you’ve already tried many different types of treatments or programs, having a wider range of options may make all the difference for you. For example, some studies on addiction have reported that music therapy can reduce substance cravings,5 as it increases your perceived control. So if you’re looking for more personalized treatment options, a luxury rehab might offer more choices.

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Sound baths are one of the many complementary therapies offered at Oro House Recovery in Malibu, California.

5. Flexibility With Technology Privileges

You don’t have to necessarily put the rest of your life on hold to get treatment. Maybe you need to stay connected to the “outside world” for work purposes, to maintain your image, or for family emergencies.

Jan Gerber, Paracelsus Recovery‘s CEO, clarifies:

“Often in treatment, you have to switch off your phone, or even sometimes give up your phone. You can’t open your laptop whilst you’re in treatment, and that’s why people who can’t do that simply wouldn’t go to treatment.”

If absolutely necessary, many luxury rehabs can “do justice to your reality,” as Gerber puts it, and accommodate your need to have internet access and use of your cell phone or laptop. Some even offer executive rehab programs specifically for clients who need more flexibility to be able to work during treatment.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that you might still be able to get some of these benefits at other “levels” or types of addiction rehabs. If you’re still wondering whether luxury rehab is right for you, there’s some evidence that further supports the effectiveness of luxury rehab.

Effectiveness of Treatment at a Luxury Rehab Center

Some people might question the effectiveness of getting treatment for a serious problem at an upscale facility, surrounded by a tranquil environment and high-end amenities. That’s understandable, considering these settings can look a lot like vacation destinations. So, what proof is there that receiving treatment for substance use disorders or mental health conditions in a luxury environment  is more effective?

Choosing Your Own Treatment Is an Important Factor

To begin with, some studies show that “clients who were involved in shared decision making, were able to choose a treatment modality, or received their preferred treatment had greater treatment satisfaction, higher retention and completion rates, and better outcomes.” In other words, having a role in choosing where you get treatment can actually increase your chances of success.6

Obviously, this idea is applicable to choosing any type of treatment, whether luxury or not. But, if you’re used to a certain kind of lifestyle and specific types of treatment centers are more desirable to you, there’s a chance you may have better success with recovery in those programs you’re attracted to.

Reducing Stress Helps Your Brain Retain New Information

Even if your initial thinking isn’t to seek treatment at a luxury facility, some experts say that a comfortable setting helps you get the most from treatment. Giles Fourie notes,

“What we’ve experienced having been in the addiction field for over a decade is that a lot of programs are punitive and restrictive. What people do ultimately is conform to the program rather than transform. And we believe that this setting, where we’re offering our clients the comforts they would have at home, really opens them up and ultimately enhances their recovery process and their restoration.”

One reason a comfortable environment, or even a “luxurious” setting, may enhance recovery is because of how it helps our bodies relax, which in turn reduces cortisol levels and improves brain function. Scientific studies have proven that “stress is a potent modulator of brain structure, brain function, and cognition.” So, whether a person experiences short-term, acute stress or long-term, chronic stress, depending on the person,” experiencing excessive stress can be highly detrimental to memory function.”7

If you’re in a stressful environment, there’s a possibility that your memory function will be negatively impaired. This in turn could negatively impact how much of your treatment you retain and are able to access in the future during situations when you need it the most. Again, what’s stressful differs from person to person, so it’s important to know what kind of surroundings will most likely work best for you.

Finding the Best Treatment for You

Ultimately, treatment for addiction and mental health disorders is a highly personal decision. What works for someone else may or may not work for you. That’s why it’s so important to consider all aspects of a treatment program before committing the time, money, and energy required to get help at a residential rehab.

No matter what kind of treatment or facility you’re looking for, remember: despite what a center might claim to be, it’s important to do your own research and make sure the “luxury” you’re signing up for is the type of luxury you’re expecting.

If luxury rehab sounds like an avenue you’d like to explore, you can find treatment centers in nearly every corner of the world. You can also find luxury rehabs within a wide range of costs—many of which take insurance—making this a surprisingly realistic treatment option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab

What is luxury rehab?

Luxury rehab refers to a treatment program that provides high-end amenities and accommodations in addition to evidence-based therapies for addiction and mental health conditions.

What are the benefits of luxury rehab?

Upscale residential rehabs often provide a comfortable and supportive environment, access to world-class amenities and facilities, individualized treatment plans, and a focus on holistic healing for the mind, body, and spirit.

Who can benefit from luxury rehab?

Anyone struggling with addiction or mental health issues can benefit from luxury rehab, but it may be especially helpful for those who want a more comfortable and private recovery experience, or those who have tried traditional rehab without success.

Single Client Rehabs: A Guide to the Ultimate in Luxury Rehab


There’s a new luxury treatment option growing in popularity: single client addiction centers. These innovative, highly confidential—therefore ideally suited for high profile business people, celebrities, and politicians—luxury rehab centers treat one person only in an exclusive environment.

A client stays at these centers—The Bay in Australia, Paracelsus in Switzerland, The Cottage in the UK, Kusnacht in Switzerland—and is alone except for the team of professionals treating them.

There are significant differences between single client and multi-client centers. Single-client rehabs often have the following:

Complete client-focus: There is no one else at the center, the client receives a dedicated service.

No group therapy: Often, these clients do not wish to expose themselves and have an urgent need for confidentiality—some may be public figures.

A team of dedicated professionals: An entire team will deliver a tailor-made recovery program for their clients. In these single client centers, there is no such thing as a one-for-all program. Each client receives their own bespoke recovery based on their individual and unique needs.

Integrative approach to healing: Most single-client rehabs believe that addictions do not have one cause, but a complex combination of emotional, mental health, medical, physical and spiritual issues. Their approach tends to be multi-disciplinary.

Privacy: Accommodation is private and luxurious, helping clients relax.

Confidentiality: The client’s recovery is paramount and their personal journeys are held in absolute confidence.

Unique services: These centers deliver all sorts of extra services like cars for client outings, therapists to accompany their meals if they wish, and internet facilities for family and business meetings.

Aftercare: Single-client centers help with the transition back into everyday life with personalized aftercare support.

Four of the Best “One Client at a Time” Centers Around the World

One of the criteria that we look for when listing a center on RehabPath Luxury is the staff-to-client ratio, and most of the rehabs on our site have a great ratio. The most private, individualized care you can receive is found in centers that treat one client at a time.

1.The Bay, Byron Bay, Australia

The Bay in Byron Bay

The Bay programs are run in lovely private houses near the beach or hinterland amid tropical flora. It was founded in 2005 by a group of psychotherapists who wanted to treat addiction in a different way. “We believed that the addiction was being treated but not the underlying trauma and mental health issues,” says psychotherapist and founder, John Dass. “We wanted to address this so we created The Bay.”

Why did you want it to be a single client center? “We didn’t want clients to have to deal with other people because that can be a disruption to recovery. The idea was that the client would come to us and be able to have a totally private recovery experience and one that was dedicated to their personal recovery. Being private means that our international clients could relax more; and relaxation is a key to healing.”

Why is The Bay different? “Many rehabs do “one-to-one” therapy sessions, but in the context of having a group of clients staying in one facility, or attending on a daily/weekly basis. We have a range of highly qualified psychotherapists, nutritionists, doctors, nurses who all come to the client. There is a team of up to 20 professionals who dedicate themselves to one client.

Because of my multi-disciplinary background, we have created a holistic environment, which is truly unique at The Bay. Clients have said that it is more like a retreat than a rehab. We use meditation, yoga, qi gong, mindfulness, acupuncture and massage with one-to-one psychotherapy which produces an intentionally “emotionally warm” structure for our clients. The atmosphere is openhearted and welcoming. Warmth, nurture and nourishment are very important at The Bay.”

Why is it vital to recognize and treat the trauma behind the addiction? “If we only treated the addiction and its symptoms, we would be failing our clients. We know that most addictions have underlying reasons—often from childhood trauma—for being there. By creating a safe space in the psychotherapeutic context, we encourage clients to resolve past traumas, thus enabling a deeper recovery. It might be the first time that clients start to understand where their alcoholism, food or drug addiction comes from so we also use compassion-focused therapy in order that they feel fully seen, heard and understood in a tender, non-judgmental way. I think we’re the only Rehab in the world to provide this heart-centered approach. Clients often get in touch with a lot of shame—they feel they have let down their family and colleagues—and we find ways for them to let go of it.”

Why is one-to-one therapy so important? “Many clients don’t feel comfortable around group therapy. We design the programs for them specifically so that they trust the process. Many clients are well-known or high profile and our gentle but engaging regime helps them to gain this trust. They want confidential therapy and that’s what they get.”

Can a client keep on working? “Yes, there is plenty of room at the house for the clients who often come from the business world to keep on working. We don’t take their mobiles or computers, we just ask that they are ready to work with our therapists when they arrive. We recognize that it’s important to many of our clients to keep working.”

2. Paracelsus Recovery, Zurich, Switzerland


Paracelsus was founded in its current form in 2012 as a family business. It is located on the scenic lakefront of Zurich. They focus on the luxury aspects of their services as well as the single client core philosophy. “Our international team of highly qualified therapists, doctors, nurses, counselors and other professionals focus on the recovery of only one client at a time. Our team works with our clients eight to twelve hours a day, not weekly or monthly as is the case with most other addiction therapy providers,” says chairman, Jan Gerber MSc.

What makes Paracelsus different? “We have recognized the importance of a balanced bio-chemistry of the brain and body for recovery from addiction. We don’t only address the addiction itself, but we identify and treat the underlying reasons for the client’s addiction. We treat the entire person—body, mind and soul. We call it the 360 degree approach.

We also provide an unparalleled high-end all-round service during the treatment program from limousines, a chef, a butler and a 24 hour a day concierge service. We give 7 star service.”

Who are your clients? “Our clients are looking for the best treatment available. They are also looking for 100 percent confidentiality. That’s what we give. We also guarantee that they will never come across another client. We have treated heads of states so it’s very important to guarantee this confidentiality and privacy.”

How do you work as a team? “We assign a team around this client, pull information together and work together very much in a collaborative way until the client leaves,” says clinical coordinator, Dr Christine Merzeder, PhD.

How does the treatment work with psychotherapy? “The client arrives and I find this exciting because I know I have the opportunity to facilitate change. I am here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am getting to know the client so that I can work in the best way with them. Sometimes if they would like, we eat together. It all supports the process,” states psychotherapist, Louis Fitzmaurice.

How does the bespoke program work? “Clients don’t adhere to a program that is already in place, they have their own program. We provide an interdisciplinary program that includes nutrition but also yoga, personal training etc,” says Dr Thilo Beck, the medical doctor.

How long can a client expect to be with you? “Normally they would stay for 4 to 8 weeks but it depends on the individual. We also provide comprehensive after-care in that they might come back for weekends or the psychotherapists visits them,” says Gerber.

What does Luxury Rehab mean to you? “It’s not about spoiling someone because they have an expensive lifestyle. You can’t judge someone because they have a lot of money or are very successful. They are vulnerable like everyone else, and they need support,” says Gerber.

3. The Cottage, Surrey, UK

the cottage surrey

The Cottage is part of Life Works, one of the Priory Group’s leading centers network and is located in the charming Surrey countryside with easy access to Heathrow and Gatwick airports. The Cottage is the only single client addiction center in the UK. They treat addictions and a wide range of mental health issues. They are the exception in this small group in that they do offer group therapy and 12 Steps, if the client would like them. “Our high end, bespoke treatment caters for clients who might be suffering from drug and alcohol addictions, eating disorders, prescription drug addiction, depression, gambling addiction and more,” Stephen Clarke, the hospital director.

What makes The Cottage’s approach different? “We believe that addiction and behavioural health issues require an in-depth and sophisticated approach that treats the physical, mental, social and spiritual elements of each person. Therefore our treatment program looks at us as a whole person, beyond, just their addiction and offers a person-centered approach to treatment. This vastly increases the chance of sustained recovery and enjoying a good quality of life.”

What is your core treatment philosophy? “We offer a range of treatment programs to help our clients with their recovery process. Our therapies are based on scientific evidence and research. We offer specialist programs for eating disorders, we offer CBT, sex addiction specialists, a mood disorder program, one to one psychotherapy, psychiatric care, group therapy. We also offer all the complementary therapies. We are comprehensive in what we have on offer.”

How does your team work together? “Our experienced team work with the clients to ensure they have maximum input into how their program is designed. Their entire stay will be organized by your own personal Program Coordinator who is available to support the client and tailor their treatment program according to their needs. Five star treatment begins before they even arrive with our private car and chauffeur service available to pick them up from anywhere in the UK if necessary.”

Why do you offer single client occupancy? “Our facility caters to clients looking for the most discreet and exclusive environment to relax, unwind and deal with their recovery. We only take one client at a time to ensure everyone we treat has the best possible care.”

4. The Kusnacht Practice, Zurich, Switzerland

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The Kusnacht Practice opened in 2007 and is located on the beautiful shores of Lake Zurich. It prides itself on being one of the most exclusive and expensive Rehabs in the world. Both George Michael and John Galliano are said to have been treated there. Each client has his or her own villa—there are seven villas—with a butler, maid and chauffeur. “We make a home for our clients,” says owner and CEO Eduardo Greghi.

What makes the Kusnacht Practice different? “The level of luxury. This all-inclusive service, as if in a hotel, is characteristic of 5-star psychiatry and it includes 70 permanent employees and 90 freelancers, from a yoga teacher to an acupuncturist.

The clinical team here has a rich heritage of developing innovative methods of looking beyond the surface issues in order to identify the true underlying causes. We find these forms of compulsive behavior are usually associated with biochemical or neurochemical imbalances. We have developed our own Bio R methodology to deal with these imbalances.”

Why single client? “We prefer to treat clients individually rather than in a therapy group, as this enables us to tailor a unique care plan to the personal requirements of each individual. Clients stay at our exclusive luxury residences. We provide clinical excellence in luxurious surroundings.”

Do you include family members in the recovery process? “Many people who seek treatment at The Kusnacht Practice may be experiencing emotional pain or may have suffered trauma, which can also be distressing for family and friends.

Although not mandatory, in most cases we strongly recommend that family and close friends take part in our treatment program. This helps each party to truly understand what is causing their family member’s disorder and their part in the healing process. A thorough preparation for a healthier and happier life after treatment and during our continuing care for the whole family system is an important part of the lasting treatment success.”

What types of therapy are used? “We offer a wide range of innovative and science-based therapies and procedures delivered by qualified medical professionals, along with counseling, complementary treatments and 12 Steps spiritual programs. This may include biomolecular restoration, clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy/cognitive therapies, EMDR, Family Systems Therapy, Mindfulness work, Neurofeedback, Positive psychology, repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and more.”

Finding Recovery That’s Tailored to You 

Addiction can make us feel misunderstood. In that vulnerable state, feeling seen is so important. That’s what single-client rehabs do for their patients. By understanding and catering to the individual needs of their clients, these rehabs create a comfortable and nurturing environment for recovery. 

Search our collection of luxury rehab centers to learn more about single-client rehabs, their accommodations, pricing, amenities, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Single-Client Rehabs

Are there rehabs that treat just one person?

Single-client rehabs treat just one patient at a time. Their clients include executives, celebrities, and high-profile people who want an ultra-bespoke, confidential rehab experience.

What’s the most private rehab?

Single-client rehabs are as private as they get. They offer personalized treatment, an entire team dedicated to your care, secluded and luxurious accommodation, and complete confidentiality.

Are single-client rehabs effective?

They can be—personalization improves treatment outcomes. Single-client rehabs address each client’s unique situation, including trauma or concerns that stem from addiction. They tailor therapies to clients and adjust treatment as needed, according to your progress.

Rehab or Vacation? Resort-Style Rehabs Provide Top-Tier Treatment in Comfort and Style

Lanna Rehab

Luxury rehab centers are known for combining desirable destinations with the core elements of addiction treatment: including medically supervised detox, psychotherapy, evidence-based care, and complementary therapies. At first glance, it may seem like the perks of an upscale rehab facility are just that: frills that add nothing to the odds of your success. But many luxury facilities offer a great deal of therapeutic value, which can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

Let’s explore some of the ways it can be beneficial to start your recovery journey at a vacation-style rehab.

Naturally Beautiful Settings Help You Heal

Though most people today live in cities and heavily populated areas, humans still have a deep longing for the serenity of natural environments. As animals ourselves, our biological rhythms are in tune with those of the natural world—when we immerse ourselves in natural settings, it has a profoundly calming effect on our bodies and minds. In fact, studies show that naturally beautiful surroundings can significantly reduce stress and anxiety.1 Nature enhances feelings of spiritual connectedness. And being surrounded by the power and immensity of the wild reminds us of how small we (and our problems) are in the larger picture—a valuable insight to apply to recovery.

Many of the world’s top luxury rehab centers are set in naturally gorgeous locations and offer plenty of access to their surroundings via daily activities or special excursions. Depending on your preferences, your choices may include everything from tropical beaches and rugged nature reserves to mountaintop retreats and lakeside villas. Any of these settings can put you in a more relaxed, grounded and receptive frame of mind that accelerates your treatment progress.

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Seasons Bali calls the Island of the Gods—full of rugged coastlines, sandy beaches, volcanic hillsides and lush rice terraces—its home.

Resort Rehab Amenities: Spas, Gyms, Dining and More

As opposed to bare-bones rehabs that provide only the basics, luxury rehabs go above and beyond to create a therapeutic atmosphere that helps you relax into recovery. Top-tier rehabs often feature robust facilities:

  • Swimming pools for a revitalizing and refreshing midday dip or lounging during downtime (some even have lap pools as part of their fitness facilities)
  • Spas offering massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, nail and hair styling to help keep tension at bay and personal hygiene up to par
  • Gourmet restaurants with health-conscious cuisine, chef-curated menus, local and seasonal ingredients and the ability to accommodate any dietary needs
  • First-class fitness centers with plenty of space, a wide variety of equipment, personal trainers, group classes and beautiful views

Choosing a center that has all the amenities that are important to you can make treatment far more enjoyable. Instead of feeling like chores, things like exercise and nutrition that are essential to your recovery can become things you look forward to each day. And, you’ll have access to additional pampering to ensure you’re as comfortable and relaxed as possible during your otherwise rigorous treatment program.

Luxury Accommodations Put Your Mind and Body at Ease

Inpatient treatment is a challenging process that requires your best efforts and often involves an intensive schedule. Withdrawal insomnia2 can occur in the early stages of sobriety, and getting your sleep hygiene on track is an important part of your recovery process. At the end of a day full of intense therapy work, fitness training and activities, you’ll undoubtedly be grateful to come home to a quiet, relaxing space.

The private, resort-style accommodations provided by luxury rehabs aren’t just comfortable and stylish—they also contribute to your recovery by providing a restful sanctuary where you can rest and recharge. If the quality of your personal space is a priority for you, be sure to get a good look at the types of accommodations available at the centers you’re considering, and inquire with their admissions team about any special requests you may have.

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Ibiza Calm is housed in a 500-year-old Spanish farmhouse on a 3-hectare estate, surrounded by citrus groves.

Destination Rehabs: The Ultimate in Exclusivity and Privacy

Part of what makes the experience of beautifully secluded vacation destinations so transformative is the escape they provide from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life. Getaways like this are especially important for those who are constantly under high pressure or live their lives in the public eye. While seeking addiction treatment is a brave and admirable step to take, the unfortunate fact is that stigma persists, and is a real consideration for many people. For this reason, privacy can be invaluable during addiction treatment.

By mimicking the serene environment of a remote holiday retreat, luxury destination rehabs can help you avoid the spotlight and focus your energy completely on yourself and your healing process. If confidentiality is a priority for you, remote location could be an excellent criterion for your rehab selection.

Making a Lifestyle Change? Consider Doing It in a Resort-Style Setting

Our environment affects the choices we make, the habits we form and our ability to make changes to ourselves and our lives. It’s no surprise, then, that positive lifestyle changes are easier in a new environment.3 If you’re taking on the challenge of undergoing in inpatient treatment for addiction, doing so in a setting that eases your stress and soothes your spirit can put you in an optimal mental space for recovery.

See our searchable collection of luxury addiction treatment centers to compare resort-style rehabs around the globe, and find the right facility for your first step toward a sober life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a resort-style rehab?

A resort-style rehab is a luxury addiction or mental health treatment center that offers top-tier addiction treatment services in a comfortable and stylish environment that resembles a vacation resort.

How does a resort-style rehab differ from a traditional rehab?

A resort-style rehab offers a luxurious and comfortable environment for addiction treatment, while a traditional rehab may provide a more clinical atmosphere. Resort-style rehabs also offer a range of amenities and recreational activities, which can aid in the recovery process and improve overall well-being.

Is a resort-style rehab worth the extra cost?

While a resort-style rehab may be more expensive than a traditional rehab, it can provide a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for clients, which can be beneficial for their recovery.