Building Community in Rehab

Substance use disorders can be extremely isolating. These conditions are often related to difficult relationships with family, friends, or colleagues. In some cases, challenging relationships encourage unhealthy behavior. On the other hand, even the healthiest of dynamics can be undermined by untreated mental health concerns. In both cases, many people find that building community is an important part of recovery. This process can begin during residential rehab.

When you first enter inpatient treatment, you may be struggling with the idea of community. During your time there, you can work on your interpersonal skills and begin to define or redefine what social support means to you. Different facilities take various approaches to this aspect of healing. You may be getting to know a cohort of your peers, staying in touch with far-away loved ones, attending groups, or all of the above. Whatever therapeutic modalities you use, you’ll likely learn how to relate to the people around you in a healthier way.

The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Relationships

Your illness is not your fault. It’s all too easy to blame yourself for factors outside of your control, including genetic predispositions and traumatic life experiences. No matter what, you are not to blame for simply having a substance use disorder. That being said, you can choose to change your behavior in ways that will make your relationships more sustainable. It can be very challenging to make those changes. But, with appropriate support, it is possible.

There is a complex association between social support and substance use disorders. For some clients, substance misuse feels like a solution to social isolation.1 On the other hand, previously healthy relationships may deteriorate when a person develops a substance use disorder. This often results in unsustainable social dynamics and interpersonal strife. Depending on how your community is structured, these difficulties may play out in a number of ways.

Family Dynamics

All Points North Lodge
All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado, offers different forms of family therapy including virtual options.

Research has established that substance use disorders strongly impact immediate family members.2 Spouses and children, in particular, may experience psychological effects. This can result in codependent relationships, in which one partner tries to support a person with a substance use disorder, but unintentionally enables them instead.

If your family is struggling with issues like these, it’s important to focus on how you can heal, both individually and as a group. Family therapy may be especially beneficial here. Reconnecting with your loved ones may have a direct impact on the outcome of treatment. Research has found that “family support in the intervention process3…contributes to a higher rate of recovery success among addicts.”

Substance-Based Relationships

According to one study, “individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) often have fewer social support network resources than those without SUDs4…these findings suggest that, to reach and maintain abstinence, it is important to maintain positive relationships and to engage self-agency to protect oneself from the influences of negative relationships.”

When you first begin healing—and especially if you start by attending inpatient rehab—you’ll probably take a break from certain relationships. And if there are people in your life who actively interfere with your recovery, your break from them might be permanent. One expert writes that even “thinking about people, places, and things associated with past [substance] use” may be associated with relapse.

As beneficial as it can be to let go of toxic dynamics, it can also be painful. Residential rehab can provide a buffer during this process. If you attend an inpatient program, you’ll be surrounded by trained professionals who have experience helping clients navigate this type of grief. In some programs, you’ll also be able to build relationships with the other people in your cohort.

Finding Comfort in Peer Support

The Hope House Scottsdale
The Hope House Scottsdale in Scottsdale, Arizona takes in just 10 clients at a time.

At most residential rehab facilities, you’ll be in recovery alongside a group of your peers. Some rehabs have an especially strong focus on these relationships. The Hope House Scottsdale, for example, hosts no more than ten clients at a time. Brenna Gonzales, Clinical Director, describes this environment as “a tight-knit community.” These settings give you more time with your providers and may foster stronger relationships between clients themselves. And there are numerous ways to build relationships during inpatient treatment.

Group Therapy

In a group therapy setting, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about your emotional experience in a protected environment. Some modalities encourage clients to speak directly to each other, offering insight and support during the session. And even if you’re instructed not to discuss much of your personal history during therapy—as is true in dialectical behavior therapy—you may still develop an emotional connection to the people around you.

Support Groups

Although more research is needed, “peer support groups included in addiction treatment5 show much promise in potentially reducing substance use.” Some programs include 12-Step groups, such as A.A. or N.A. Others offer non-12-Step support groups that serve a similar purpose, with a slightly different philosophy. Most of these groups are designed to help you connect with those who have similar life experiences. You may find that the people in your group can offer insights you simply wouldn’t reach in more traditional talk therapy.

Experiential Therapy

Sierra by the Sea interior
Sierra by the Sea in Newport Beach, California offers experiential therapies unique to their beachside location.

In experiential therapy, clients engage in a wide variety of activities, from skiing to visiting museums. Along with other therapeutic benefits, these experiences allow you to practice interpersonal skills in a new setting. For example, if you and your cohort go through a ropes course together, you may learn valuable lessons about communication, trust, and how to take risks in a healthy way.

Healing Past Relationships

Not every rehab will connect you with a cohort. Some facilities offer individual treatment, serving only one person at a time. This can be very important for well-known clients, who may require high levels of discretion in order to effectively begin healing. However, healing in private does not mean healing in isolation. These programs are extremely personalized, with treatment plans tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual client. Sometimes, that means staying in touch with your family, loved ones, and even your colleagues during treatment.

Family Therapy

Many rehab centers offer family therapy. “Family” may be defined in many ways, including people such as parents, children, partners, dear friends, and chosen family members. If this modality is right for you, you may participate in regular sessions, either in person or online. Some facilities also offer support groups that are only for family members, helping them heal from adverse experiences related to a loved one’s substance use disorder.

Family therapy isn’t right for everyone. Some clients may even decide to cut ties with family members to focus on recovery. There is no right or wrong way to approach this; only the way that works best for you. It’s important to remember that you get to decide who is part of your community. And if your family is included in that, they may be a valuable source of support both during and after rehab.

Forming a Sober Support Network

Recovery doesn’t end when you leave rehab. At this stage, you’ll find yourself in a new environment, and therefore, within a new community. This community may be made up of your family and old friends, or it may be something you haven’t experienced before.

For example, before returning home, you may choose to spend time in a therapeutic (or sober living) community. These programs provide less structure than inpatient rehab, while still supporting a healthy lifestyle for people with substance use disorders. These environments can be helpful for people who do not have strong support networks to return to. As one expert writes about the value of community in recovery,6 “Individuals with substance abuse problems who are living in a collaborative housing setting will have their addiction treated more effectively than [those] not residing in a community-based facility.”

If and when you do return home, community will continue to be important. You may find support from 12-Step or similar support groups, which will allow you to connect with peers in your area. Many rehab programs also have strong alumni programs, through which you can stay connected with your cohort.

And as important as these programs are, they aren’t everything. After rehab, you’ll also start to create a life that feels rich and meaningful, without relying on substance use. You may engage in new hobbies, meet people with similar interests, and find healthy ways to have fun. This may sound frivolous, but in fact, it is an absolutely essential part of recovery. Research has shown that “increasing recovery-supportive social connections can have a profound benefit for achieving and maintaining abstinence.”7

The Effect of Community Support on Long-Term Recovery

When considering the importance of community for people recovering from substance use disorders, many researchers refer to a study conducted in the early 1980s, commonly known as “Rat Park.”8

In his study, researcher Brian Alexander began by giving rats free access to water laced with opiates. He found that when given a choice between plain water and drugged water, solitary rats would continue drinking the opiate solution until they overdosed. Another group of rats was placed in an enclosure he called Rat Park. As it was later described by journalist Johann Hari, this environment was “basically heaven for rats. They’ve got loads of cheese, they’ve got loads of colored balls, they’ve got loads of tunnels. Crucially, they’ve got loads of friends.” Faced with the same choice between drugged and pure water, none of the subjects in Rat Park overdosed.

This research paints a clear picture. When a subject’s needs for food, enrichment, and— perhaps most importantly—community are met, then they’re able to create healthier habits. In light of this, it is absolutely essential for people with substance use disorders to build strong support networks.9

The Rat Park experiment is not without flaws.10 Some experts critique it as an oversimplification. And indeed, this theory of substance misuse focuses only on the idea of a subject’s current environment. It ignores genetics, life history, and the effects of long-term stress, all of which can contribute to a person’s mental health. However, more robust research continues to support one of its findings: that strong communities can help guard against substance misuse.

One study, conducted in 2021, analyzed several social factors as potential risk and protective factors for substance misuse.11 Researchers found that “those with a greater number of close friends had more strengths and fewer barriers” to addiction recovery. This suggests that one’s relationships, and not just one’s environment, support the process of healing.

Recovering Your Relationship With the World Around You

Much like the process of recovery, building community takes time. Many clients enter rehab with much to learn about how to engage in healthy relationships. You may need to practice setting boundaries, expressing your needs, or navigating group dynamics. And as much progress as you might make during rehab, you’ll find yourself learning a whole new set of skills after treatment.

Remember that a strong community is more than a checkbox. It is a complex, living, breathing, changing group of people, all of whom relate to each other in unique ways. And as you reconsider your relationship with substances, you may also redefine what you need in your relationships with other people. Your support network might look very different after rehab than it did earlier in your life. And for some people, that can be extremely healthy.

To learn more about the ways different facilities foster community, browse our list of luxury rehab centers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Building Community in Rehab

Why is building community important in the rehab process?

Building community in rehab fosters support, connection, and a sense of belonging. It creates a safe environment for patients to share experiences, offer encouragement, and learn from each other. Strong interpersonal relationships help support the healing process.

What are the benefits of peer support in rehab?

Peer support in rehab offers several benefits:

• Fosters mutual understanding and empathy
• Enhances motivation and accountability 
• Creates a sense of shared journey  
• Provides inspiration 
• Reduces feelings of isolation
• Increases the likelihood of long-term recovery

How is community built in rehab?

Community is built in rehab through various activities including group therapy, support groups, experiential therapy, outings, and shared responsibilities. These activities promote social interaction, communication, and collaboration. They foster a supportive environment for people to share and learn from one another.

Finding the Right Rehab for Your Teen or Young Adult

Anyone can struggle with substance use. Whatever your age, gender, job, or relationship status, you deserve to get the care you need. However, it can sometimes be hard to know what interventions would be most helpful. This is especially true for teens with substance use disorders.

Substance use during adolescence may have long-term effects on brain chemistry.1 For example, “cocaine exposure during adolescence may lead to miswiring in the developing brain and result in long-lasting behavioral problems, such as increased risk-taking, in adulthood.” Because of this, it’s especially important to get teens the help they need in order to begin recovery.

Young people may not always be able to recognize that they need help. And even when they do, they may not be legally or financially capable of seeking that help on their own. Whether you’re a teen or an adult caring for a teen with substance use disorder, the good news is that (specialized) treatment is widely available. Many luxury rehabs offer programs created specifically for younger clients.

If you’re considering rehab for your teen, it’s important to understand the different options available. Depending on the client’s age and geographical location, there may be certain types of treatment that are more appropriate. This decision will also be influenced by your teen’s unique history, diagnoses, and treatment goals.

Reasons for Teen Substance Use

Research suggests that “the human brain is still maturing during the adolescent years.2 The developing brain may help explain why adolescents sometimes make decisions that are risky and can lead to safety or health concerns, including unique vulnerabilities to drug abuse.”

Beyond the simple fact of their age, there are many elements that impact a young person’s likelihood to misuse substances. Among them are risk factors, which make substance use more likely, and protective factors, which guard against these behaviors.

These external influences change with a person’s age. While that’s true for all clients, these changes occur more drastically in children, adolescents, and young adults. For example, middle school students who are too harshly disciplined are at greater risk for substance use disorders. Receiving support from extended family, on the other hand, makes substance abuse less likely in this population. Slightly older adolescents are at greater risk for substance misuse3 when they lack adult supervision, and at lower risk when family members set clear expectations.

Also, teens are experiencing heightened stress4 in this turbulent era of history. According to one study, even teens who had not experienced early life stress—such as neglect or abuse—were prone to “increases in anxiety and depression symptoms” during 2020. In this context, young people may be at a greater risk of developing mental health conditions than they once were.

It’s impossible to guard against every single circumstance that increases the risk of teen substance misuse. However, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with some of the most prevalent risk factors. Whether or not you’re able to protect yourself or your teen from these stressors, knowing what they are may empower you to get help when it’s needed.

Parental Substance Use

If an adolescent is close to an adult who has a substance use disorder,5 they may be at a higher risk for developing one themselves. For some young people, this is simply a way of enacting the same behavior they’ve seen modeled. Others may use substances in order to cope with the stress of an unstable home life.

Strained familial relationships, financial insecurity, and similar issues can be hugely impactful. However, instability refers to more than these external circumstances. These teens may also have genetic predispositions to substance use disorders, as well as other mental health diagnoses.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Certain mental health concerns, such as depression and ADHD,6 make teens and young adults more likely to misuse substances. In some cases, this is an attempt to self-medicate. However, it’s not always that simple.

For teens with multiple diagnoses, the root cause of substance use can easily become a question of the chicken or the egg. As their brain chemistry continues to change, due to either normal development or unhealthy habits, they may begin to develop co-occurring disorders that make substance use even more appealing.

Whatever the cause of this behavior, few teens have the resources to pull out of this cycle without external interventions. In some cases, inpatient treatment is the most effective way to begin recovery.

Choosing a Rehab for a Young Adult

Timberline Knolls
Several rehabs offer specialized adolescent programs. Set in Lemont, Illinois, Timberline Knolls has a program for young women with co-occuring disorders.

If you’re a parent or guardian supporting a struggling teenager, it can be difficult to know what’s best for them. And even if you’re confident that they should go to rehab, you may or may not be legally allowed to make that decision on their behalf.

In some U.S. states, a parent can unilaterally decide to send a teen to rehab. In other areas, minors’ consent is also required. This varies widely based on the client’s exact age and geographical location. It’s best to learn what your family’s options are before making any specific plans regarding residential treatment.

The client’s age will also help determine which treatment program is best for them. For example, while it may seem that children and younger teens are more likely to grow out of a difficult phase, they may actually be in greater need of interventions. According to one study, “people are most likely to begin abusing drugs during adolescence,7 and the longer adolescents defer experimentation, the less likely they are to develop long-term drug abuse problems.”

Luxury rehabs often treat a wide variety of mental health concerns, not limited to substance use disorders. Teens and young adults may also benefit from rehab if they’re struggling with eating disorders, personality disorders, or even PTSD. Each of these diagnoses requires a slightly different approach to treatment, possibly including different levels of family involvement.

Some teens are able to live at home during treatment, receiving in-person support from family and friends while they begin recovery. Others may benefit from traveling to rehab. This gives clients both physical and emotional space from the challenges of daily life. It can also teach young people to set boundaries with those who enable their substance use. While this change of scenery may seem drastic, it has the potential to be extremely helpful. Remember that there is no one right way to heal; just the right way for each individual person.

Types of Teen Rehab Programs

If and when you’re ready to choose a rehab center, it’s best to learn as much as possible about the available options. Various programs specialize in treating different conditions, and each takes a unique approach to the process of healing. Because of this, it’s best to choose a facility that is qualified to meet your teen’s unique needs.

Substance Use and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are extremely common among adolescents. As of 2018, as many as 10% of young women suffered from an eating disorder.8 What’s more, a growing body of research links eating disorders with addiction.9 One theory even suggests that anorexia nervosa is in fact “an addiction to the body’s endogenous opioids.” A number of luxury rehabs focus on helping clients with one or both of these diagnoses.

Gender-Specific Treatment

For some clients, having space from people of different genders can feel like a much-needed break. This gender-specific approach to recovery may be especially helpful for adolescents. Studies show that young men and women exhibit “unique patterns of substance use,”10 and may therefore benefit from distinct approaches to treatment.

Some rehabs, like the adolescent program Timberline Knolls, focus on treating young women. The program at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, on the other hand, is tailored to meet the needs of young men, as well as non-binary and gender non-conforming teens. Although it is an LGBTQ+-affirming rehab, it is probably not the right fit for cis women.

Foothills at Red Oak
Foothills at Red Oak in Ellenboro, North Carolina has specialized programs for young men, non-binary and gender non-conforming teens.

In this protected environment, clients are invited to explore their developing identities. According to staff, “​​Adolescence is a time of self-discovery and identity formation…If one successfully navigates the tasks during this stage of life, one emerges with a solid sense of identity. This is a sense of knowing oneself despite the chaos and pressures of the world around them and is paramount to making healthy, value-based decisions.”

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy can be hugely beneficial for people of all ages. In this group of modalities, you may go skiing, river rafting, or rock climbing. Some rehabs even take their clients on adventure outings, where they might hike the lip of a volcano or swim with the dolphins.

These experiences aren’t just fun excursions; they’re also ways to practice the skills learned in talk therapy in a different context. They can also encourage clients to develop new hobbies, and help to restore the connection between mind and body. The latter is especially important for teens in recovery.

By surfing, horseback riding, or just playing sports, young people can get back in touch with their bodies and learn how it feels to be physically healthy. Experts theorize that this has a lasting impact on their continued sobriety and health. According to one study, “continued physical health for rehabilitated adolescent drug addicts is crucial…since it could enhance the effectiveness of rehabilitation.”11

With this in mind, some adolescent rehab programs have a special focus on physical activity. Pacific Quest, for example, is a wilderness therapy program located on Hawaii’s Big Island. Here, clients participate in outdoor programming which may include hiking, paddle boarding, swimming, sailing, and more. Participants also perform community service during their time in residence. Through this process, they are encouraged to learn how to engage with nature, their communities, and themselves in a healthy way.

Personalized Treatment

There are numerous ways to approach recovery. Although many teens benefit from highly structured rehab programs, others may require a more nuanced approach. For these clients, personalized treatment may be the best option.

Pacific Teen Treatment, for example, treats only six clients at a time. Each teen is assigned a primary, secondary, and family therapist. Their team of providers works together to carry out a highly individualized plan of care. This approach may not be appropriate for all clients—especially those who want to focus on improving their interpersonal dynamics within a larger cohort. But it can be extremely effective for families who are committed to healing their relationships with one another.

Family Therapy

Adolescent substance misuse impacts family dynamics.12 According to one group of experts, “every chemically dependent person has a significant impact on the lives of several other people.” Because of this, it’s important for the parents, siblings, and other relatives of these clients to engage in their own healing processes.

In many cases, family therapy is a productive way to approach this. Most adolescent rehab programs offer some version of family therapy. This may include in-person sessions, video chats, or regularly scheduled phone calls.

Pacific Teen Treatment
A peek inside the calming environment at Pacific Teen Treatment in Malibu, California, where family therapy is a key area of focus.

Some facilities may limit clients’ communication with people outside of their cohort. Often, these programs restrict cell phone use during rehab. Others may prohibit calls or visits at the beginning of the program, but encourage this type of contact after some time has passed. Every rehab has its own unique guidelines, and those guidelines may vary from one client to another.

Therapy isn’t easy. This process may bring up traumatic memories and shine a light on difficult family dynamics. Even so, it is often an essential component of helping a teen recover from substance misuse.

Growing Beyond Substance Use

Substance use disorders are serious conditions. At any age, and especially for teenagers, this behavior should not be dismissed as “just a phase.” That being said, it can be temporary. It’s always possible to heal and grow beyond unhealthy habits.

A person’s adolescent years are powerfully creative. Over time, teens will inevitably learn more about themselves, defining their identities and discovering their own needs, goals, and values. It’s extremely important to connect these clients with the help they need and deserve. It’s also important to trust the process.

To see reviews, virtually tour facilities, and more, see our curated list of adolescent rehab programs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Programs for Teens

Why are teen rehabs important for addressing substance abuse and mental health in adolescents?

Teen rehabs play a crucial role in providing specialized treatment for adolescents who face substance abuse and mental health issues. Through therapy, education, and support, these programs help teens and young adults overcome challenges and develop skills for long-term recovery.

What treatment approaches are used in teen rehabs?

Teen rehabs use a variety of treatment approaches:

evidence-based treatment, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT); 
• individual and group counseling; 
• experiential therapies, like adventure outings;
• family therapy; 
• and more.

These approaches aim to address the unique needs of teenagers and support their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

How long do teens typically stay in rehab?

The duration of teen rehab programs vary depending on the severity of the issue, individual needs, and treatment plans. Most programs range from 30 to 90 days, while others extend for longer. The focus is to provide comprehensive support and equip teens with the tools for sustainable recovery.

Pura Vida in Paradise: Why Costa Rica Is an Idyllic Destination for Rehab

Home to verdant jungles, mesmerizing beaches, and a laid-back approach to life, Costa Rica has long been recognized as a prime destination to relax and recharge. Visitors flock to its white sand beaches to embrace the slow life. Adventure-seekers have an exciting menu of excursions to choose from. Boasting some of the most biodiverse-rich rainforests on Earth, the country offers a rare glimpse into nature’s unseen world.

With so much to experience, it’s no wonder that Costa Rica is a top international destination.

If you want your recovery journey to be as memorable as it is therapeutic, luxury rehabs in Costa Rica could be a good fit for you.

There are two primary luxury rehab centers in the country: Costa Rica Recovery and Costa Rica Treatment Center. Both programs are enriched with experiential adventures that make the most of Costa Rica’s unique landscapes. Their rehab staff often reflect the country’s positive, friendly culture. On top of that, both centers offer affordable luxury treatment programs.

Restore and Renew: Lush Landscapes, Soulful Adventures, and Sunshine

From shimmering sandbanks in the northwestern region to vibrant green rainforests in the central to the south pacific coast, Costa Rica’s diverse landscapes continue to lure in visitors from around the world. And it’s not just your everyday traveler who benefits from the country’s varied scenery. If you’re looking for a place to start your recovery journey, Costa Rica has something for everyone, from beach settings and rainforests to mountains and metropolitan cities.

costa rica recovery balcony
Therapeutic activities at Costa Rica Recovery include whale watching and white-water rafting through class-4 rapids.

Complete Immersion in Nature

Some of the world’s most biodiverse rainforests are set in Costa Rica. Corcovado National Park, known as “one of the most biologically intense environments on earth” by the National Geographic Society, is home to a unique ecosystem: wet forests, rivers, lagoons, marshes, over 500 types of trees, 140 mammal species, and more. This habitat offers a complete multisensory experience that goes beyond just the visual senses, bringing you even more healing benefits. A study in the International Journal of Environmental and Public Health found that non-visual avenues are important for delivering nature’s therapeutic benefits.

Some rehabs in Costa Rica let you experience the wonders of Corcovado National Park firsthand. Both Costa Rica Recovery and Costa Rica Treatment Center hold outings to the globally-acclaimed nature preserve.

Therapeutic Excursions

Adventure trips are a highlight of Central America and Costa Rica rehabs take advantage of the unique outings available in their area. White water rafting, hiking trips, and whale watching are just a few of the many experiences on offer.

Specifically, outdoor adventures can foster mindfulness and increase self-sufficiency.1 On top of that, experiential therapies provide profound benefits that may not be as accessible through talk therapy alone. Through these experiences, you can learn how to overcome challenges, actively work through your emotions and connect with the world around you, among other fulfilling outcomes.

Experiential therapy can also help make abstract ideas more tangible.2 For example, if you’re engaging in a therapeutic activity, like rock climbing, and an experience elicits a stress response, you’re better able to analyze your emotions and choice of actions immediately following that response. These emotions may not have been as apparent if you didn’t have the opportunity to work through feelings that surface during certain activities and experiences.

Warm, Tropical Climate

For visitors seeking respite from the cold, Costa Rica’s consistently warm weather is a welcome change. Temperatures average around 80°to 90° Fahrenheit by the coasts and 75°to 80° inland and near the mountains. With regularly temperate weather, you’re able to enjoy the outdoors no matter the time of year.

Unforgettable Experiences in Costa Rica

When you think of the typical rehab experience, talk therapy is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While psychotherapy is a key component of the recovery process, other types of treatments can also support healing. Experiential therapy is one way to actively work through your emotions, connect with your body and with nature, and develop important problem-solving skills.

costa rica treatment center rooms
Costa Rica Treatment Center offers equine therapy and outings to a globally acclaimed nature preserve.

Costa Rica rehabs provide excursions and activities that take advantage of the country’s unique offerings:

Equine Therapy
Equine therapy involves working with horses through a series of ground-based activities. Rather than riding horses, you learn how to form bonds with horses through groundwork like lunging, or leading the horse around an arena. Costa Rica Treatment Center offers equine therapy on a beautiful, 84-acre elevated eco-tourist destination called Finca La Piedra.

Jungle Treks
Regarded as one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, Costa Rica’s jungles are a rich realm of flora home to a kaleidoscope of creatures. At rehabs in Costa Rica, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hike through world-famous national parks in the Osa Peninsula.

White Water Rafting
No matter where you are in Costa Rica, adventure is a stone’s throw away. You can even try your hand at white water rafting with Costa Rica Recovery, where you’ll be taken on a guided tour through class-4 rapids.

Whale Watching
Known as the place where the rainforest meets the sea, there’s no place on earth quite like Costa Rica’s southwestern peninsula. Here, Costa Rica Recovery takes you on unforgettable whale-watching excursions at the secluded Drake Bay.

The Land of “Pura Vida”

In Costa Rica, pura vida is a way of life. Translating to “pure life”, the term reflects the country’s easy-going culture of optimism, positivity, and celebrating the good in life. Pura vida could be the reason why Costa Rica tops all other Latin American countries in the World Happiness Report list.3

The people of Costa Rica are known for being friendly and laid back. Vibrant communities can provide an antidote to isolation, and the ability to enjoy simple pleasures is a way to enhance your quality of life.

pura vida
In Costa Rica, pura vida is a way of life.

Staff at Costa Rica treatment facilities often reflect the friendliness of the country’s people. This warm, inviting atmosphere can make a big difference in your rehab experience. Building close bonds with the staff at a treatment center can make you feel comfortable, more at home, and therefore potentially more receptive to therapies. According to Costa Rica Treatment Center, “most former clients become friends and remain in close contact with their staff for years to come.”

And if you need Spanish-speaking therapists, both Costa Rica Recovery and Costa Rica Treatment Center have bilingual staff members.

Discover Affordable Recovery Options in Costa Rica

The cost of addiction treatment in the U.S. and Northern Europe can be a barrier to treatment for some people. The majority of luxury addiction treatment centers in the U.S. start at $25,000 to $50,000 for a 30-day program, though it’s good to remember that most of these rehab centers do accept insurance.

If you’re looking for lower upfront costs, or you don’t have insurance, rehab in Costa Rica could be a good option for you. Addiction treatment centers in Costa Rica that meet RehabPath Luxury’s quality criteria offer a more affordable alternative to rehabs in Northern Europe and the U.S.

The cost of rehab in Costa Rica tends to be under $10,000, with some programs priced under $5,000.

Recover Amidst Lush, Tropical Settings

Costa Rica’s leafy landscape provides a unique treatment setting. Costa Rica Treatment Center, for example, is located on lush grounds surrounded by vibrant tropical flowers and greenery.

costa rica treatment center outdoor dining
The grounds of Costa Rica Treatment Center are dotted with tropical greenery.

For city dwellers in colder climates, this setting is a welcome break from their everyday environment. Not only is a change of scenery linked to enhanced happiness,4 but being outdoors in warm weather is proven to improve mood and memory.5

Treatment centers in Costa Rica tend to take advantage of the country’s sunny weather and abundant vegetation. You’ll find amenities like green gardens ripe for daily walks, outdoor courtyards, and yoga and meditation areas with a tropical touch.

Traveling to Rehab in Costa Rica

Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) is the primary airport serving San José, the capital city of Costa Rica. SJO is accessible from most major airports in the United States and Europe.

Addiction treatment centers that are located in San José may offer pick-up services from the airport. Costa Rica Recovery offers pick-up services from SJO airport and is a 15 to 20-minute drive away. Meanwhile, Costa Rica Treatment Center is also a 15 to 20-minute drive from the airport, in a quiet upscale neighborhood.

Costa Rica: A Beautiful Setting to Start Your Recovery

Known as Central America’s ecological gem, Costa Rica offers a treasure trove of experiences that can make your recovery journey one to remember. If you’re looking to heal amidst lush, tropical surroundings, and the pura vida lifestyle speaks to you, then going to a luxury rehab in Costa Rica could be a great option.

To mark the first step of your recovery journey, view our collection of luxury rehabs in Costa Rica.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Costa Rica

What are the costs of rehab in Costa Rica?

The cost of rehab in Costa Rica varies depending on the type of treatment, length of stay, and level of care. You can expect to pay around $10,000 for a 30-day program, with some programs priced under $5,000. On average, rehabs in Costa Rica are more cost-effective than in the United States.

What are the benefits of rehab in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a warm climate and a relaxed lifestyle. This can make it a great place to recover from addiction. Rehabs in Costa Rica offer a variety of experiential therapies, from jungle treks and rock climbing to whitewater rafting. Centers here are usually set in beautiful locations that promote relaxation and healing.

How can I choose the right rehab in Costa Rica?

• Consider your specific needs and goals for treatment? 
Consider your budget: How much can you afford to spend on treatment?
• Consider the location: Where do you want to go to rehab? Do you want a more remote location?
• Do your research: Read reviews of different rehabs in Costa Rica. Ask your therapist and other people in your network about treatment there.

Learning Self-Care at Orange County Rehabs

Nestled between the Pacific coast and the Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County is a gorgeous place to attend rehab. Thanks to its near-perfect weather, visitors can enjoy outdoor activities year-round. The area boasts numerous beaches—like the famous Laguna Beach—and public parks. Orange County is an especially popular destination for surfers, and even hosted the World Surf League finals in 2021.

Coastal living certainly isn’t for everyone. If you prefer indoor activities, or if you find comfort in colder weather, a rehab center in Orange County might not be a good fit. This is an excellent destination for people who enjoy temperate weather, beach excursions, and time in the great outdoors.

Outdoor Adventures at Orange County Rehabs

Talk therapy is hard work, especially for people in recovery. Many rehab programs balance this with experiential therapy, in which clients use a different set of tools to process their emotions. These modalities are not only fun; they’re also an important part of healing. On these guided excursions, clients can practice the skills they’ve learned so far by navigating new situations, relating to a group, and sometimes even overcoming physical challenges.

Many experiential therapy programs focus on athletic activities, like rock climbing. In Orange County, however, clients can participate in outdoor adventures that don’t necessarily depend on physical fitness. Many of these are unique to the area, and would be difficult to access in another climate.

Whale Watching

Whale watching is a beautiful way to spend time outside, whether or not you enjoy athletics. Residents at Monarch Shores, for example, are invited to go on these day trips. If you choose to participate, you’ll take a boat ride near the California coast, with the potential to see some of the most beautiful and majestic creatures in the natural world. These guided tours are carefully planned to maximize your chance of seeing whales, although there’s no way to predict whether they’ll be visible at the exact time you’re passing by.

Whale watching isn’t physically taxing—unless you’re prone to motion sickness. Participants can just enjoy the ride, take in the scenery, and talk to each other throughout the trip. This activity is ideal for clients who love the outdoors, but want to be more focused on emotional healing than on physical challenges. As with any type of experiential therapy, you’ll be supported by the staff of your program throughout the trip.

Go Karting

Go karting is a popular sport in Orange County, and is accessible year-round due to the local climate. Clients may be invited to drive on an outdoor or indoor course, depending on their specific program. This experience is offered by a few Orange County rehabs, like Monarch Shores.

This increasingly popular sport can be competitive, but it doesn’t have to be. Depending on which rehab you attend, you might go either to a racetrack or a driving course. This is a way for clients to learn about group dynamics, and to practice healthy risk-taking. People in recovery may be accustomed to the thrill of dangerous situations. Go karting teaches you that it’s possible to feel that thrill without actually putting yourself in grave danger. You’ll learn how to keep yourself safe, while simultaneously meeting your need for adventure.

Go karting is popular in Orange County and around the world. If you realize you love it, you can likely continue this hobby even after you finish rehab, whether or not you live in the immediate area.


The beach is easily accessible throughout Orange County. If you choose a rehab in this area, you’ll almost certainly be invited to visit the coast. Several programs in the area take advantage of this with water activities like surfing.

Even more than most sports, surfing is a fully embodied experience. It has great physical health benefits, and may also help clients improve their body awareness. This can be especially important while you learn or re-learn how to meet your own physical and emotional needs. Research has even found that surfing can offer clients “a sense of respite from PTSD.”2 This is a common concern for people in recovery, who are often healing from dual diagnoses.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Orange County

Most luxury rehab facilities in Orange County offer dual diagnosis treatment. This philosophy honors the needs of clients with more than one mental health issue, such as a substance use disorder combined with PTSD, or an eating disorder combined with OCD. Every client’s experience is unique, and this approach allows providers to offer you the care that best suits your unique needs.

Dual diagnosis treatment is designed to “help patients return to a life of normalcy as they learn to address their co-occurring disorder properly.3 The goal of dual diagnosis treatment centers is to provide patients with the tools and resources needed to successfully cope with their mental illnesses without the use of drugs and alcohol.” This approach does not aim to “fix” you, or to get your mental illness to go away. Instead, the focus is on sustainability. Clients learn to live with their ongoing conditions, using a variety of therapies to manage their symptoms. If you have, or are concerned that you may have, more than one relevant diagnosis, this treatment is likely to be a good fit.

Learning to manage your mental health is an absolutely essential component of addiction recovery. When you find sustainable, repeatable strategies for dealing with triggers and other hardships, you’ll be better equipped to continue healing after residential treatment. Some people find it helpful to think of mental illness just like any other chronic condition. If you have fibromyalgia, for example, you might have to adjust your work schedule, or take certain medications to manage your symptoms. The same is true for emotional issues.

It’s quite common for clients to have dual diagnoses. Alex Spritzer, Family Addiction and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at The Hope House Scottsdale, explains that “it’s not often that you’ll find someone with a singular addiction…In the dual diagnosis process, figuring out the reasons why people use is very important.” If this describes you, know that you aren’t alone. Trained healthcare providers will work with you to manage your condition, using tools such as talk therapy, medication, and specific plans for aftercare. Dual diagnosis treatment recognizes that each client is a complex, unique individual. You can trust that your treatment plan will be tailored to best suit your needs.

Individualized Treatment in Orange County

Many people attend rehab in Orange County because they’re seeking highly individualized care. Thanks to the richly diverse culture of this coastal area, practitioners understand that every client’s needs are unique. Treatment is focused on helping you achieve your personal goals for recovery, using the therapeutic modalities that you and your team agree are most effective. In some cases, the process of personalizing treatment begins before you arrive at rehab, or before you even begin to detox.

At Capo By The Sea, for example, clients undergo a thorough intake assessment as part of the admission process. This practice “allows the intake clinicians to accurately diagnose the disease and identify any unique features involved. From the information provided during the intake interview and evaluation, an individualized treatment plan is created as a kind of recovery blueprint, customized to address the specific needs and recovery goals of the individual.”

In service of their philosophy, this rehab center offers amenities that are hard to find elsewhere. Their executive treatment program supports clients who may need to work during residential rehab, with efficient scheduling and the freedom to use electronic devices. They even provide pet-friendly housing options.

Capo by the Sea private home living area
Capo By the Sea has a sober living environment for clients who have completed inpatient treatment.

When you attend this type of bespoke rehab program, your providers account for your pre-existing strengths, and help you identify areas of growth. Treatment is designed to help you learn exactly the skills you need, developing healthy strategies for your continued recovery.

Orange County’s Commitment to Education

Many cultural stereotypes envision people with substance use disorders as being destitute, low-income, and uneducated. This is simply not the case. Research has shown that this disease can impact people from all walks of life. The perception that high achievers are immune to addiction is extremely damaging; it perpetuates isolation and shame, preventing many people from seeking help. All people are deserving of care, including all people with substance use disorders. And you are not alone.

The rates of substance misuse among well-educated people are particularly illuminating. One study reported high rates of both licit and illicit substance use among well-educated respondents:4 “42% reported using mood-altering prescription drugs (analgesics, antidepressants, sedatives, or tranquilizers).” Although these numbers reflect rates of use, and not necessarily rates of addiction, they do paint a concerning picture. Based on these and other findings, researchers concluded that “prevention and early intervention programs need to address use of mood-altering substances (including alcohol) in highly educated workforces.”

Orange County has a highly educated population,5 and is home to many universities, including Pepperdine University, Chapman University, and UC Irvine. It’s clear that this area has a strong cultural focus on learning. As a result, many Orange County rehab centers place an emphasis on teaching their clients important life skills.

The Ho Tai Way, in Costa Mesa, is a treatment program specifically for women. In addition to detox and regular therapy, clients attend classes designed to prepare them for life after rehab. They learn skills such as finance management, healthy cooking, and how to keep up with basic daily routines. They’re also supported in determining their career goals, and planning ways to enact those goals after leaving treatment.

This program is based on the idea that these skills form the basis of a healthy and meaningful life. “When you know how to cook a meal, stay on top of your finances, and establish healthy habits–you have a foundation for dealing with other life issues that come your way. The basics have been taken care of, so you can direct your attention to other challenges in your life as they come.”

This emphasis on learning sets clients up for success in more ways than one. First, you’ll leave rehab with practical skills that will help you build healthy daily habits. Second, you’ll be better-equipped to learn even more about yourself as you begin the next chapter of your life. Learning, like recovery, is a life-long process. Any education program—be it a high school, a university, or a series of classes offered in treatment—teaches you not only to understand the subject matter, but also how to approach the actual process of learning. By honing this skill, clients can maintain a healthy level of curiosity about themselves and their lives. This may support you in trying new things, building relationships, and creating a healthier lifestyle after rehab.

When you first begin rehab, it’s quite common to feel lost or even helpless. It’s all too easy to lose hope. By learning how to meet your own needs in a safe, protected environment, you can develop a new sense of agency. As you learn to trust yourself again, you may become more confident in your ability to navigate life after rehab.

Getting to Orange County

Although Orange County is a populous area, it’s not quite a major travel hub like neighboring Los Angeles. John Wayne Airport, the county’s one major airport, is centrally located, making it easy to reach most of the rehabs in the area by car. Most facilities offer their clients ground transportation from the airport. If you’re flying into Orange County for treatment, make sure to talk to your admissions team about your travel plans.

Immediately after rehab, many clients benefit from transitional programs before they return to the hustle and bustle of life at home. If you enjoy your time in Orange County, you may be able to stay in the area after your initial stay in a residential facility. Capo By The Sea, for example, has a sober living environment for clients who have completed inpatient treatment. This option can be a good fit for people who want on-site support while they practice new skills. It can also help you continue to learn more about your own specific needs, and plan ways to meet them in the future.

Learning How to Heal

Every recovery process is unique, because every person is unique. Orange County rehabs balance this idea with the understanding that we all share certain needs. These facilities help their clients form a strong foundation from which to build healthy, happy, sustainable lives.

This approach isn’t right for everyone. You may benefit from a much more structured rehab program, where you can connect with members of your cohort about a shared treatment regimen. Alternatively, you may need even more flexibility, and prefer to attend a one-person rehab facility where you have even more say in how you approach recovery.

The process of choosing a program is one of the first steps in getting reacquainted with yourself. As you enter the next phase of recovery, you can expect to learn even more about your own values, needs, and goals. Whether or not you attend rehab in Orange County, it’s important to think about your own learning style while selecting a program. If you think you would benefit from individualized treatment in a coastal setting, with a strong focus on life skills, this area might be a good fit for you.

Learn more about luxury rehabs in Orange County.

Frequently Asked Questions About Orange County Rehabs

What types of outdoor activities can I expect at Orange County rehabs?

Orange County rehabs offer a range of outdoor activities to enhance the recovery process. From whale watching trips to go karting and surfing, these experiential therapies provide clients with unique opportunities for personal growth and emotional healing.

Do Orange County rehabs offer dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders?

Yes, most luxury rehab facilities in Orange County provide dual diagnosis treatment. This specialized approach addresses substance use disorders combined with mental health conditions. These programs focus on helping clients develop sustainable strategies to manage mental illness without relying on drugs or alcohol.

How do Orange County rehabs personalize treatment plans for clients?

Orange County rehabs prioritize individualized care and tailor treatment plans to meet each client’s unique needs and recovery goals. Through comprehensive assessments, rehabs here create personalized recovery blueprints for clients, considering their pre-existing strengths and areas of growth.

Learning by Doing With Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy lets you heal by doing. Taking part in activities during rehab encourages you to learn new skills, and it can be a lot of fun. But this therapeutic modality offers much deeper benefits. It’s also a way for clients to get to know themselves in different contexts, processing emotions they might not easily access during talk therapy.

When you think of therapy, you may picture a private or group conversation with a trained healthcare provider. That’s an important part of any inpatient rehab experience, but it’s not the only way to heal. Experiential therapy techniques can help you get out in the world, center yourself in your body, connect with your community, and tap into your innate creativity. In the safe and supported environment of rehab, clients can then process these experiences with a talk therapist.

For many people, this is a valuable way to work through emotional triggers. You’ll learn what does and doesn’t work for you, relating recent events to your personal history. Then you can set new goals for your next session of experiential therapy, gradually getting better at navigating new situations. There are many different types of experimental therapy, and depending on where you go to rehab, you may be able to choose from a wide variety of activities. It’s important to choose a type of therapy that will support your healing process.

Types of Therapeutic Activities and Expression

If you want to try experiential therapy, look for a rehab center that offers specific programs you’re interested in. If you find physical exercise to be especially healing, you might want to go rock climbing or river rafting. If you enjoy connecting with nature, you may prefer hiking or equine therapy. And if you find meaning in the arts, you can even visit museums while you’re in treatment. There are countless options available.

However, it’s important to remember that rehab is not a vacation. Not every experience will be available to every client, or at every facility. You can rely on your clinical team to help you decide which ones are a good fit for you.

Athletic Activities

Research shows that exercise has a positive impact on addiction recovery.3 It’s not only physically healthy; it’s also a way to remind yourself that you’re a capable person. By overcoming new challenges, you’ll create memories that remind you of your own strength. If you can literally scale a mountain, it may be easier to face the peaks and valleys of the recovery journey.

Sierra Tucson rockclimbing
Rock climbing is one of the many athletic activities available at Sierra Tucson in Tucson, Arizona.

These experiential therapies aren’t just metaphors for your future success. In a practical way, they also give clients a break from talk therapy. By stepping into a new context, you’ll gain insights that just aren’t as accessible in talk therapy. Jerry Vaccaro, President of All Points North Lodge in Colorado, explains that these activities are intended “to help clients incorporate what they’ve just learned. If you think about it, if somebody who’s been through an intensive burst of treatment in a week goes skiing, that activity allows them to unplug and process what they’ve just been through and enjoy themselves.”

Adventure Therapy

Many people approach recovery as a spiritual journey. And in the right context, experiential therapy can be a transcendent experience. Residents of White River Manor, in South Africa, are invited to go on safari. As Giles Fourie, Director and Co-owner, describes it, “safaris through the Kruger National Park are a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a lot of people. To experience wildlife in its natural habitat is so unique and so special. It’s liberating. It’s almost spiritual in nature.”

White River Manor safari
Guests at White River Manor in South Africa have the opportunity to partake in unique experiences like a once-in-a-lifetime safari.

And if South Africa isn’t right for you, there are other places to find adventure. At The ‘Ohana, in Hawaii, clients visit “the famous volcano of the island. They will tour the rim of the volcano as well as visit lava tubes. They will be immersed into nature; connecting to the earth and the power which it holds. Clients will experience a therapeutic group session along their journey as they reflect on how things are constantly changing. Volcanoes beautifully illustrate the process of rebuilding and reshaping.”

Looking into a volcano can be a spiritual experience for anyone, whether or not they’re in recovery. Having these experiences surrounded by your cohort, and supported by staff members from your rehab program, is an extremely powerful experience. These adventures offer you a new perspective on your own life, as well as on the world around you.

Art Therapy

Many people misuse substances in order to avoid dealing with negative emotions that they’re afraid to feel or express. The creative outlet of art therapy allows you to engage with those feelings without being subsumed by them. In this modality, clients “use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings.” This engaging, cathartic experience offers clients new tools for self-expression.

After inpatient rehab, it’s important to find healthy, sustainable ways to fill your time. Ideally, you’ll replace past behaviors with new activities that you find meaningful. For many people, art is the answer. This practice is both versatile and accessible—art therapy may include visual art, music, writing, or psychodrama. Once you return home, you can continue any of these activities, either on your own or in community.

Art isn’t just for artists. There’s great value in the act of creation, whether or not you intend to share your work in public. Preliminary research has even found a correlation between creativity and self-esteem.1 Art therapy is an opportunity to not only learn a new skill, but also to learn more about yourself.

The Philosophy Behind the Experiential Approach

Any activity, from adventure outings to ziplining, can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “the way you do one thing is the way you do everything—or at least, there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.”

Experiential therapy engages different parts of the brain,2 and can be extremely beneficial when combined with other modalities. You’ll also have the opportunity to apply your insight from talk therapy in a new environment, and often in group settings. This way, clients can practice not only making safe choices, but also building healthy relationships. Even if you go off-site, everything you do during rehab takes place within a protected, supported context. Think of experiential therapy like riding a bike with training wheels. You’ll be exposed to new stimuli, and you’ll probably be a little uncomfortable. There’s a lot to learn from that discomfort. And you can trust that your therapists and support staff will be there to keep you on track, even if you get triggered.

Not every therapeutic modality is right for every client, and it’s ideal to find activities that best suit your learning style.4 According to one popular theory, there are four major learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and kinesthetic. If you’re a verbal learner, for example, you may want to focus on talk therapy instead of learning martial arts.

However, you may be surprised to see which types of therapy suit you best. Rehab is a time to get to know yourself better than you have in the past and let go of negative preconceptions. As you reconnect with your most deeply held values, you just might get excited to try new things.

Limitations of Activity-Based Treatment Techniques

It’s important to note that experiential therapy isn’t right for everyone. For example, many people arrive at rehab with post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These clients may not be ready for strenuous activity, or even to go off-site with a group.

On the other hand, you may prefer a program without any group activities. Some clients, especially celebrities and high-level executives choose to attend private rehab facilities which treat only one client at a time. These facilities may offer adventure therapies, but that context won’t allow you to learn about group dynamics in quite the same way.

Experiential therapy is absolutely not a substitute for talk therapy. These excursions are valuable for many reasons, not least of all because you can return to talk therapy afterward and process your experience. This is true before, during, and after rehab. Joining a rock climbing gym is a great idea for some clients, but it should be combined with some sort of clinical care.

What This Means When You’re Choosing a Treatment Program

Finding the right kind of experiential treatment is a very personal process. Some people may benefit from stepping outside their comfort zones, trying exciting new activities they’ve never had access to before. Others may want to hone a skill, or return to a hobby they once loved. There’s no right or wrong way to choose an activity to focus on; there’s just the right way for you.

As you look into rehabs, be mindful of what type of treatment you find in various locations. Your preferences may also inform the geographical area of your program. If you live in Texas and want to go skiing during rehab, for example, it probably makes sense to travel to a new place.

It’s quite common for rehab facilities to only offer certain experiences to certain clients. You may be required to complete part of the program before you can participate in off-site outings. For example, Futures Recovery Healthcare offers a number of programs for people with different needs. Clients in their adventure therapy program, Rise, take part in a 10-day on-site stabilization program before joining other activities.

Futures Recovery Healthcare Rise
Futures Recovery Healthcare’s Rise program offers a uniquely active, adventure-based approach to recovery.

Create Meaning Through Experience

Rehab is an opportunity to make big changes. And in order to change the way you feel, you’ll almost certainly begin by changing what you do. Rather than just setting down old behaviors, it’s important to refill your time with activities that give your life purpose. Cultivating that sense of fulfillment makes recovery more sustainable. What you do in experiential therapy may or may not become your new favorite hobby: you might just discover that you hate surfing, and get excited to return home to the Midwest. Regardless, each of these experiences serve to teach you more about yourself.

To learn more about the many activities you can try during treatment, connect with a luxury rehab offering experiential therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Experiential Therapy

What is experiential therapy in rehab?

Experiential therapy is a therapeutic modality that encourages healing through hands-on activities and experiences. It goes beyond traditional talk therapy and allows clients to engage in activities like rock climbing, equine therapy, or art therapy. These experiences help clients learn new skills, process emotions, and gain insights in a different context, leading to deeper personal growth and self-discovery.

How does experiential therapy benefit addiction recovery?

By engaging in physical activities and adventures, such as athletic activities or adventure therapy, people in recovery can boost their self-esteem, develop resilience, and gain a new perspective on life. Art therapy, for example, provides a creative outlet for self-expression and exploring emotions. These therapies complement talk therapy, helping clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and build stronger relationships.

How to choose the right experiential therapy for rehab?

When choosing an experiential therapy for rehab, it’s important to consider your interests and preferences. Look for rehab centers that offer specific programs aligned with your goals, such as outdoor adventure or music therapy. Discuss with your clinical team to determine which activities are suitable for your healing process. Remember, not every therapy is suitable for everyone, and it’s essential to find activities that resonate with your learning style and contribute to your overall well-being during the recovery journey.

What to Expect While You’re in Rehab

Rehab is a place for you to build a sustainable life. In order to do that, you’ll develop healthy daily habits, learn to cope with cravings, and set goals. This is not a simple process. In order to create a better future, you first need to understand what led you to this point. By working through your emotional experience of your life so far, you’ll learn more about yourself and your own values. And when you truly understand yourself, you open the door to a life that can support your unique version of health.

Most rehab programs are designed to give you a type of structure you may have been missing up until now. You’ll likely have a full agenda, waking up early for a full day of activities and going to bed soon after you finish them. This schedule strikes a delicate balance. The intensive process keeps you focused on the work at hand, with little time to get too distracted by the cravings and triggers you came to get a break from. You will, however, have some opportunities for downtime to process the hard emotional work you’re doing in therapy. How intensive this journey is varies from program to program.

Because everyone is different, each rehab center offers a number of different healing modalities, ranging from individual therapy to recreational group outings. The process may feel more accessible if you have a sense of what to expect in advance.

A Typical Day in Rehab

Your time in rehab will be carefully curated by a team of healthcare providers. In addition to receiving medical care, you’ll spend time with the other residents, attending one-on-one therapy, and processing your experiences. Here’s what a typical schedule might look like: 

7am – 8am Yoga 

8am – 9am Breakfast 

9am – 10:30am Individual therapy 

10:30am – 12pm Group therapy 

12pm – 1pm Lunch 

1pm – 1:45pm Medical aspects or energy work

1:45pm – 3:30pm Trauma therapy

3:30pm – 4:30pm Recreation therapy

4:30pm – 5:30pm Meditation

6:30pm – 7:30pm Group Activity or Speaker

7:30pm – 10pm  Free Time & Homework

10pm Bedtime

You won’t have the same schedule every day, but it’s likely that each day will be tightly structured. Most facilities have time set aside for visiting hours, family therapy, and experiential therapies or outings such as skiing and rock climbing. Some rehabs offer even more flexibility. For example, at All Points North Lodge , a luxury rehab in Colorado, clients sometimes go on nature walks with their therapists during individual sessions. 

As you can see, most centers maintain a balance between time alone, one-on-one sessions with a provider, and group experiences. Every one of these dynamics is an important part of healing. Because rehab is a place to reconnect with yourself, it’s valuable to learn how to be alone. Talking through your feelings with a trusted guide in a private setting will help keep you on track throughout that process. Social dynamics offer group support, and encourage clients to hone their interpersonal skills. Many clients even find the simple act of sharing meals with their rehab community gives them a helpful sense of camaraderie and support. 

paracelsus bedroom
Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Personalized Programming at Bespoke Treatment Centers

Some residential rehabs serve only one client at a time, offering a completely bespoke experience tailored to meet their needs. Other rehabs take a holistic approach, treating a few clients at a time using a highly individualized approach. For instance, the team at Paracelsus Recovery works very closely with each person in their care to come up with a plan perfectly suited to their recovery goals. Louis Fitzmaurice, a therapist at Paracelsus, says: 

“Everything that goes on in the therapeutic environment that we exist in has been created for and directed at our client. It’s designed. It’s tailor-made for our client, everything that goes on. That’s the food, the complementary therapy, the psychotherapy, the psychiatry. That’s me, the live-in therapist. That’s the physical work. Everything that goes on in the environment is focused on our client and is for the best outcome for our client.”

This careful scheduling offers clients the structure they were likely missing before rehab. It also ensures that you’ll have the chance to benefit from a number of different healing modalities. 

Emotional Exploration in Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a safe, private space for you to express yourself without being concerned about the listener’s reaction. Your therapist’s job is not to fix you, but to help you do the hard work of healing. 

This is not a fast or easy process, but in the end, it’s worth the effort. By developing the skills to navigate whatever life throws at you, you can come to rely on yourself and go forward with confidence. Ryan Soave, Director of Program Development at All Points North Lodge, says that “With therapy in general, the goal is not to reach some place where nothing affects you and you’re happy 100% of the time. It’s really about building the capacity to experience difficult emotions, to experience hardship. We’re going to experience pain – it’s part of life. In fact, we can’t have joy without pain. The more we can build the capacity to experience the full amount of pain, the more capacity we have to experience joy in life.”

During individual therapy, you’ll get to process anything that’s coming up for you. You might feel called to talk about your life before rehab, your daily experience of the program, or your concerns about the future. This is also a place to discuss practical skills like how to manage cravings, how to define your goals, and how to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. Bear in mind, however, that one-on-one therapy is just a starting point. It’s your responsibility to take what you learn in this context and apply it to the rest of your life. 

There are many different styles of one-on-one therapy. Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have access to some or all of these; you may even want to choose a program based on which types of therapy they offer. Some popular styles of therapy offered at rehab are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),1 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),2 and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).3

As productive as individual therapy is, it’s not a simple solution to all your problems. In fact, much of the work of therapy happens between sessions. This allows you to reflect on your observations, put what you’ve learned into practice, and gain new insights into your patterns. When you return for your next session, you’ll be ready to delve even deeper into your treatment process. As you integrate the lessons of therapy into your daily experience, you’ll develop a greater understanding of yourself. Eventually, you’ll start to define what you want your life to look like after rehab.

Group Therapy and Social Dynamics

Group therapy is another way to prepare yourself for life after rehab. This is an opportunity to connect with people at a similar point in their path. By building community with the other clients in your program, you’ll realize through sharing your experiences that you’re not alone. As valuable as it is to work with a therapist, there are some lessons that you can only learn from peers. As Lana Seiler, Associate Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “We’re social creatures by nature, so it’s a very different feel working one-on-one with someone versus working in a small group and in their community.”

If you attend a program for a specialized cohort—such as a men’s group, a women’s group, or a group for older adults—group therapy may allow you to speak in shorthand. If you’re the parent of adult children, for example, there are parts of your life that a childless 23-year-old might not understand without explanation. On the other hand, that same person can probably teach you a great deal about what it’s like to be a young adult relating to her parents in this era of history. There is no right or wrong group of people with whom to undergo group therapy, but it’s important to find the right group for you

For many people in rehab, interpersonal skills are an area of growth. Group therapy is a safe, gentle way to learn or relearn how to build healthy relationships. Openly describing past and present experiences can help clients work against shame. “Group therapy is important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, addiction and substance use bring around a lot of isolation, shame and secrecy over time. People often feel very alone. So an important vehicle for change is to have support and encouragement from others,” says Dr. Monika Kolodziej, Program Director of McLean Fernside. This dynamic helps clients cultivate a sense of self-acceptance, which is essential in order to move forward from substance use. 

Substance use can easily damage your relationships with family, partners, colleagues, and friends. As such, group therapy is a safe place to practice skills that will serve you well when you return to your community after rehab. The act of building relationships in this context provides a certain level of accountability, which may have been lacking in your life before rehab. When you see how the people around you approach their treatment, you may be inspired to commit to your own process even more fully. Data shows that group therapy can improve clients’ engagement with recovery.4 

all points north online aftercare
All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado

Finding Joy in Complementary Therapies

Recovery is hard work; there’s no way around that. However, recommitting to yourself and your wellness means building a better life. In support of that goal, there are many therapies that focus on relaxation and fun. Inpatient rehabs often offer complementary therapies, giving you time and space to process the more demanding aspects of treatment.

Bodywork: Healing the Body to Heal the Mind

Many luxury rehabs invite clients to receive bodywork such as massage, acupuncture, and other spa services. These experiences have a dual purpose. On a therapeutic level, they help your body heal from the negative impacts of substance use. They’re also an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy yourself. Some of these modalities have a component of mindfulness, which can contribute to your emotional recovery.

Recreational Therapy: Emotional Processing Through Self-Expression

Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have the opportunity to participate in recreational therapy. Arts and crafts, film, and psychodrama—to name just a few—offer a different way of relating to yourself and expressing your emotions. Veronique De Buck​, Evolutionary Art Therapist at Camino Recovery, explains: 

“By working with art, you can reconnect with your resources, your potential, your talents and all the beautiful things you have inside of you. Sometimes people can’t put their trauma into words. So it helps to feel, to contact their heart, to feel the emotions and to put those emotions on paper.”

Adventure Therapy: Exploring Your Inner and Outer Worlds in Tandem

Some luxury rehabs are known for their adventure therapy programs. These experiences vary widely from location to location. In California, you might hike a beautiful mountain trail. Some Florida rehabs offer beach activities from surfing to wave running. At White River Manor in South Africa, you can even go on safari. These activities are a fun and exciting way to learn about your own reactions to life in different contexts. According to Ryan Soave, these experiences are more than just a break from the intensity of therapy:

“Fun and play are super important to getting well. It actually allows people to access creative states, which we want people to be in. In behavioral health, it’s about inventing a new way of relating with oneself and others and the world around them. So being able to get out and have fun can really help their process.”

Through these experiences, you’ll develop more sustainable ways of relating to the world. And having positive memories to draw from can make the next chapter of your life feel more accessible.

People are complex, multifaceted beings. Rehab is designed to treat every aspect of self. The demanding work of individual and group therapy encourages you to delve into your reasons for being in rehab in the first place. By balancing this work with enjoyable low-stakes activities, you’ll be reminded of how much the world has to offer you. As challenging as recovery can be, it’s the first step in moving towards a life you love.

Browse our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about the experience of rehab. 

Frequently Asked Questions About What Happens in Rehab

What is a typical daily schedule like in rehab?

A typical day in rehab is highly structured from morning until late evening. Schedules usually include individual and group therapy, complementary therapies like yoga, other recovery activities, and downtime.

How long does rehab typically last?

The length of stay in rehab varies depending on individual needs, but most programs last between 30 and 90 days. Some programs are shorter or longer stays depending on the severity of addiction and the individual’s needs.

What kind of therapies are offered in rehab?

Rehab programs offer a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These different styles of therapy may be delivered in a one-on-one or group setting. Luxury rehabs tend to offer complementary therapies like yoga or art therapy.

Colorado Rehabs: A Beautiful Backdrop for Creating Life Change

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Rehab is an opportunity for all-around healing. Although you will receive clinical care during your stay, that care is just one aspect of the experience. You’ll also get to connect with people at a similar point in their lives, develop healthy new habits, and redefine your own wants, needs, and goals. In order to do this effectively, it’s important to choose the right environment for you.

Rehabs in Colorado offer a unique combination of opportunities to do just that. Your time at a residential rehab center can be full of rich and inspiring new experiences. This diverse landscape is beautiful during every season, and especially appealing to more adventurous people. Many centers offer experiential therapies based in nature, encouraging their guests to go hiking, skiing, rafting, rock climbing, or even horseback riding. The cultural focus on healthy living and outdoor exploration invites clients to heal through interaction with the world around them. 

We paid a visit to Colorado to find out what makes treatment there so special. Hear from experts at All Points North Lodge and Gallus Detox Center about how this special setting promotes recovery.

Colorado’s Revitalizing Landscape

To call the Colorado landscape “diverse” would be an understatement. This state has eight distinct regions, appealing to people from all walks of life who enjoy exploring the great outdoors. You can go snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, soak in the Colorado Hot Springs, hike the Manitou Incline, or just enjoy the temperate weather and majestic views. Some facilities even invite clients to spend time outside during their regular therapy sessions.

Most of these activities can be either solo or group experiences, while more extreme sports may require a professional guide. Whether you want to push yourself to new heights or just commune with the natural world, outdoor sports can be a great opportunity for emotional catharsis. Experts agree that exercise has a positive impact on mental health.Some also hypothesize that the social component of sporting activities plays a role in this, which can be very helpful for people in recovery. Rehab is a place to start healing yourself, and to begin thinking about how you can heal in the context of your family and community. 

These external events let you learn about your internal experience in a broader context, and not just in the privacy of therapy. As Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, explains, “it puts you in your place in the world.” 

Because of the state’s cultural focus on alternative medicine, many medical professionals in the area are especially qualified to help clients decide which treatments will work best for them. For example, you may choose to go through a medical detox program before arriving at a rehab facility, or you might decide to stay in a sober living environment after the first stage of treatment. By staying in close communication with your treatment team, you can choose your own adventure, both literally and figuratively. 

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Views of the Vail Valley and New York Mountain Range surround All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado.

Experiential Therapy: Learning by Doing

Colorado rehab centers tend to take a holistic approach to healing. Many programs place a strong focus on experiential therapy, in which therapy techniques are delivered via hands-on processes. In the right context, activities like canoeing, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, and whitewater rafting can serve as transformative experiences. Dr. Drzewiecki explains:

“The experiential philosophy says that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, or at least there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.” 

These outings also provide opportunities for clients to unplug and process the hard work they’re doing in their sessions. Temporarily stepping outside of the conventional therapy box can spark new insights into your treatment experience. 

Physical activity is certainly an important part of treatment in this region, but it’s just one facet of a much larger perspective. For example, some clients choose to begin recovery before they even arrive at a rehab center. Medical detox is a way to safely move past physiological dependence on substances prior to attending a longer program. 

Before Residential Rehab: Private Detox in the Heart of the Rockies

The Gallus Detox Center in Colorado is a highly regarded destination for medical detox, visited by people from across the U.S. Like any medical detox program, a team of doctors and nurses closely monitors patient progress—but the Gallus Method provides an especially high standard of care. 

So why do people come to Colorado for medical detox? Douglass Weiss, President and Chief Customer Officer at Gallus Detox Centers, says the state itself is a draw:

“First of all, Colorado is a destination in and of itself. We find that substance use patients like the outdoors. They may want to go skiing or kayaking or hiking after they’ve done detox. Denver is easy to reach if you’re coming in for destination care, which a lot of our patients do. And the outdoor activity component complements the recovery journey very nicely.”

Residents at the Gallus Center are treated by physicians who specialize in addiction. They use cutting-edge equipment to monitor every aspect of each patient’s progress, from cardiac telemetry to video monitoring of every room. This practice ensures safety during every phase of treatment. And because detox is only the first step in a long-term recovery journey, in addition to daily doctor visits, patients also work with counselors and partnered rehab facilities to plan how they’ll proceed after their discharge. 

Advanced Therapy Technologies for Specialized Care

Some Colorado luxury rehabs offer a unique opportunity to try innovative treatment technologies, like All Points North Lodge’s float tank and hyperbaric oxygen chamber. President Jerry Vaccarro says these enhance clients’ treatment experience:

“One of the things here at APN that we focus on is that we like to see ourselves as innovative and embracing technology. We have a hyperbaric oxygen chamber which is used in a lot of areas of medicine as an indicated intervention. We’re now performing an investigation of it to see whether it has an impact, and we believe it does, in behavioral health conditions. For example, it looks to be effective when people have PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and other conditions of that nature.” 

Sandstone Care in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Traveling to Colorado for Treatment

As a popular tourist destination, Colorado is extremely accessible by plane. All major airlines fly into the Denver International Airport, including international flights. And if you’re traveling to a facility far from Denver, there are 12 more commercial airports to choose from. Some rehab centers also offer free transport to and from the airport. If you’re attending treatment in the winter, it’s important to take the weather into account when making your travel plans, as flights or roads may be affected by snowfall. 

When you travel to a rehab center, you’ll need to account for your safety throughout the trip: it’s inadvisable for clients to travel alone. To help with this, luxury rehabs’ admissions teams can often assist you in the planning process. Heather Charlet, the Director of Admissions at Gallus Detox Centers, explains that their facility has “a white-glove car service that goes to the airport, picks [clients] up and brings them straight to us. So we can help with all the aspects of planning to get them here safely.”

Colorado offers a pleasant balance between rural and urban life. While its mountain slopes, hot springs, and remote wilderness areas are the epitome of natural beauty, they are still easily accessible. Both Denver and Boulder boast vibrant metropolitan areas, and numerous smaller towns pepper the countryside. Visitors can choose to be high in the mountains, near major-city conveniences, or anywhere in between.

At most rehabs, core programming takes place at the facility itself. However, the world around you can still have a great influence on your experience. This region is most compelling for people who appreciate vast open spaces and plenty of time outdoors. The landscape is an ever-present component of life in Colorado. 

Could Your Next Chapter Start in Colorado?

Traveling is a powerful way to mark a major change in your life. New scenery may help you gain a fresh perspective on your most deeply ingrained patterns. This is certainly not the right choice for everyone; some people may find travel to be too stressful at a time when life feels unmanageable. Remember that this is your journey. Recovery is, among many other things, the process of relearning how to trust your own judgment. The simple act of choosing the right facility for your needs can be very empowering. 

Whether or not you decide to travel, this is a time to start making changes. If you’d like the next chapter of your life to focus on holistic health and physical activity, Colorado has a great deal to offer. Outdoor adventures can allow you to learn new skills, take pride in your accomplishments, and most importantly, have fun in the process. 

To explore treatment options in this state, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Colorado.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehabs in Colorado

What makes rehabs in Colorado unique?

Rehabs in Colorado offer a unique combination of clinical care in a beautiful natural environment. Clients can connect with others, develop healthy habits, and redefine their goals. Colorado’s diverse landscape allows for outdoor experiential therapies like hiking, skiing, rafting, and more. This focus on healthy living and outdoor exploration enhances the healing process.

Why should I consider a rehab in Colorado?

Colorado’s revitalizing landscape and cultural focus on alternative medicine make it an ideal choice for rehab. The state’s diverse regions offer various outdoor activities, from snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains to soaking in hot springs. Outdoor sports and exploration contribute to emotional catharsis and positive mental health. Moreover, Colorado has qualified medical professionals who can guide you in choosing the best treatments for your needs.

How does experiential therapy play a role in Colorado rehabs?

Colorado rehab centers emphasize experiential therapy, delivering hands-on processes for holistic healing. Activities like canoeing, hiking, and snowshoeing serve as transformative experiences. These outings provide opportunities to unplug, gain new insights, and complement conventional therapy. Experiential therapy in Colorado encourages self-reflection and personal growth, promoting a comprehensive recovery journey.

Anxiety Treatment Options Explained: Virtual, Outpatient, and Residential Care

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As someone intimately familiar with anxiety, you already know there’s no simple explanation for what causes your anxiety or even why you feel anxious some days and not others. Everyday life is full of different triggers. On top of that, today many of us are also facing the additional stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic: sheltering in place, living in isolation, worrying about income and job security, balancing working and schooling from home. The list could go on.

It’s not surprising, then, that throughout 2020, the amount of mental health cases, including anxiety, has been on the rise. One U.S. nonprofit, Mental Health America (MHA), reported that, of the 1.5 million people they screened, the number of people with moderate to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety1 steadily increased throughout the past year.

“As the pandemic relentlessly persists, we are seeing the highest levels of anxiety and depression reported since the pandemic2 hit the U.S. in March,” said Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of MHA. “This is a troubling trend being fueled by loneliness and isolation.”

No matter why you’re feeling anxious, remember: You’re not alone. Many different types of treatment options and therapies are still available to help you cope with, manage and move beyond your anxiety.

Virtual Therapy or Telehealth

This past year, the availability of telehealth appointments, or audio/visual calls with a therapist or health professional, has skyrocketed. Although the tech to accommodate virtual appointments has been around for more than a decade, the lockdowns and social distancing requirements brought on by COVID propelled many companies to start offering telehealth as a viable choice for receiving treatment.

In fact, Amwell’s 2020 Physician and Consumer survey found that, of those surveyed, the percentage of physicians who offered telehealth nearly quadrupled3 from 22% to 80% between 2019 and 2020. And the number of consumers who took advantage of virtual care grew from 8% in 2019 to 22% in 2020. The medical industry in general has rapidly pivoted this past year to accommodate the needs of patients who have restricted in-person appointment availability and options, no matter what the reasons. It’s clear from the surge in use that telehealth is likely here to stay.

Online Anxiety Rehab Programs

Similarly to the medical industry, today many treatment centers around the world have recognized the need and demand for more online therapy and rehab programs. These virtual outpatient programs offer flexible, ongoing support and treatment from the privacy of your own home. Online anxiety programs can include virtual clinics, online support groups, and one-on-one counseling sessions.

Many centers in our directory offer online and telehealth treatment options to help you find the care you need without having to overcome any physical or location logistical challenges.

Inpatient Anxiety Treatment

Even though online treatment is a great solution for many people, if you have a severe form of anxiety, inpatient rehab centers offer both a more intensive level of care and a more immersive treatment experience. Seeking inpatient treatment during the pandemic can still be a viable option. Many anxiety treatment centers have remained open, fully operating with all of the necessary, state-required COVID-19 safety precautions in place.’s up-to-date list of open treatment centers with COVID-19 measures in place can help you find access to in-person treatment from some of the best rehabs around the world.

More Information on Healing from Anxiety

Types of Therapies for Anxiety

Part of the fear that comes with seeking treatment is the fear of the unknown: What’s actually going to happen when I get help for my anxiety? And that fear only makes your anxiety worse! So, understanding the types of therapies your counselor or rehab center may use can help you overcome that fear and reduce your anxiety around actually getting help.

Therapists use many different types of therapies to treat anxiety:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):4 This is a form of talk therapy that focuses on equipping you with strategies to understand and change your thinking and behavioral patterns. CBT is the most commonly used therapy to treat anxiety.
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT):5 The goal of MBCT is to help you better understand your mind and your moods by combining cognitive therapy practices with meditative, mindfulness practices.
  • Experiential Therapy: Going beyond talk therapy, this approach recreates real experiences to help you understand your inner thoughts and better process your emotions. Examples of some of the methods used in experiential therapy include art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, and psychodrama.
  • Stress Management: One common root cause of anxiety is chronic stress. This type of therapy will help you identify areas or events in your life adding to your stress, and therefore, anxiety levels.

These therapies can also be used to treat other mental illnesses, like depression and OCD. If your anxiety co-occurs with other mental illnesses, these therapies may be an effective treatment option for your co-occurring mental health issues as well.

Learn Techniques for Managing Anxiety

One of the most impactful effects of getting treatment for anxiety is learning techniques for managing your anxiety that you can rely on and use for the rest of your life. No matter how you get treatment for your anxiety, your therapist will likely equip you with the skills to manage your anxiety at home and to prevent your anxiety from reaching a critical point. Plus, the support you receive from a therapist and/or a program for overcoming your anxiety can continue—with aftercare options and ongoing therapy, your path to healing can be as short or as long as you need it to be.

Find the Best Luxury Rehab for Your Anxiety

No matter what your current living, work and relationship circumstances are, you don’t have to suffer through your anxiety. You can get help. There are many local, national and international treatment options and types of therapy available. You can explore our collection of treatment centers by location, treatment approach, or therapy type to find the one that’s best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab for Anxiety

Can you go to rehab for anxiety?

Yes, many rehabs treat anxiety. Treatment options include online and inpatient anxiety rehab programs.

How long should you stay in rehab for anxiety?

The length of stay in rehab for anxiety varies widely based on your unique symptoms. Most rehabs offer 30-90 day programs.

What types of therapy help with anxiety?

These therapies are commonly used to treat anxiety:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
• Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Experiential therapy
• Stress management

Helping With Horses: What You Need to Know About Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

EAP Treatment for Addiction - Luxury Rehab

Horses have stood side-by-side with humans for centuries. And now, we’re working with horses to treat addiction and mental illness.

Equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP), also known as equine assisted therapy (EAT) or simply equine therapy, is a rapidly growing form of addiction recovery. It involves using horses to achieve therapeutic goals as designed by a health professional, the benefits of which include improved motor skills, sensory processing, and better social interaction.

Here’s what you need to know about equine therapy, and why it’s an effective way to treat those challenged by addiction and mental health issues.

What Is Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy?

Equine assisted psychotherapy is a highly specialized form of therapy that uses horses to help treat those suffering from trauma and addiction. Founded at the Sierra Tucson treatment center in Arizona, equine therapy has now been introduced in North America, in the U.K. and across much of Europe, and for good reason. Don Lavender, Programme Director at Camino Recovery, explains:

“It’s become a really effective therapy. We are working with addicts to teach how to work with personal boundaries and the boundaries of the self and others, as well as some healing. It’s therapeutic for the human because they get to learn connection with others. If they’re isolated and they’re using drugs, they will learn how to replace that with connection.”

Get a peek into equine therapy with Don Lavender from our visit to Spain.

Equine therapy takes an activity-based approach to healing to promote personal growth, responsibility and positivity. It’s designed to break down the barriers that prevent positive communication and encourage healthy interactions, first with the horse, and then with those around us.

How Does Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Work?

The common misconception about equine assisted psychotherapy is that it involves horseback riding. In actuality, there is no riding of horses involved in this form of treatment. Instead, equine therapy is about groundwork. It’s about learning how to speak the language of the horse and build a connection with it through a series of ground-based activities.

One example is lunging. In short, lunging is getting the horse to move around the pen with you. You can pull on a horse’s rope and drag it around the pen next to you, or you can develop a “join up” and walk in unison with the horse at its own free will. It’s the latter that you want to achieve, but to do this requires the patient to understand, read and tend to the horse’s emotions.

A big reason why equine assisted psychotherapy is so effective is that the horse emulates a non-judgmental, open and entirely honest human being. They are a “divine mirror” to human emotion and give a patient the ability to understand how certain actions and behaviors affect those around them.

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Sierra Tucson in Arizona uses equine therapy to “explore emotional regulation, relationships, and present-moment mindfulness.”

What Are the Benefits of Equine Therapy?

Oftentimes, those suffering from addiction, trauma and mental health issues suffer in silence. It’s not a matter of having no support around you, but rather, it’s about failing to open up and validate hardship.

Working with horses, then, breaks down these barriers to effective communication and healing. It helps people adjust their perceptions and focus on attending to the needs of something other than themselves, and consequently, it builds a bond of trust and support.

When it comes to horses, we consider them to be non-judgmental creatures. As Don explains:

“Horses are perfect animals to do this, because every cell of their being is to join up and connect.”

And that’s what using equine therapy in treatment is all about. It’s about togetherness and understanding the needs and requirements of other people, it’s about building confidence and self-esteem, and it’s about improving both verbal and non-verbal methods of communication.

Healing Through Experience

Psychotherapy is often dubbed “talking therapy.” In the media, it’s depicted as a person lying on a sofa explaining their problems to a therapist and the therapist asking, “how does that make you feel?” And for many, this is an effective way of treating addictions and trauma, but treatment shouldn’t be limited to verbal communication.

Equine-assisted psychotherapy is a non-verbal method of therapy that uses experiential principles1 to encourage positive behavior. To accomplish simple tasks, a patient must first learn and understand “the language of the horse” and build a connection through non-verbal communication methods like body language.

From there, they can begin to understand how their communication approach affects the horse and learn how to improve on it, working to better understand themselves—it’s the understanding of one’s self that’s the ultimate goal to better recovery.

Find out more about the best treatment centers offering equine therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is equine-assisted psychotherapy?

Equine-assisted psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that involves interacting with horses as a means of promoting emotional growth and healing.

What conditions can be treated with equine-assisted psychotherapy?

Equine-assisted psychotherapy can be effective for treating a variety of mental health and behavioral issues, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and relationship problems.

What should I look for in an equine-assisted psychotherapy program?

When choosing an equine-assisted therapy program, look for a reputable rehab with certified therapists, trained horses, and comprehensive surrounding support.

4 Ways Art Therapy Boosts Your Addiction Recovery

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The first days at rehab can be kind of, well … awkward. You’re in a totally new environment, you’re surrounded by strangers and you’re not sure what to expect. And you have to begin the process of sorting through all the painful and confusing emotions you’ve been experiencing.

That’s where addiction-focused art therapy comes in. Far more than a hokey craft class, art therapy is a sophisticated component of addiction treatment that helps you create a safe space for self-expression, build trust with your treatment team and easily access parts of yourself that other forms of therapy can’t. And at world-class rehabs, art therapy programming is robust, comprehensive and delivered by consummate professionals who have extensive experience using art for therapeutic gain. All of which bodes very, very well for your recovery.

1. Art Therapy Is the Yin to Talk Therapy’s Yang

It’s not always easy to put a whirlwind of painful emotions into words. In fact, you may not even be consciously aware of everything you’re experiencing. Communicating visually, however, can be great for those who are having a hard time doing so verbally. And, you can access parts of your subconscious that conventional therapies like CBT don’t reach. During the creative process, things can come out that you’ve never thought of before—meaning huge breakthrough opportunities for you.

McLean Borden Art Therapy

“Art therapy works more quickly than talk therapy and a lot of healing happens. It’s exciting to watch a person be vulnerable and be safe in that. I ask questions; I don’t interpret. There is no fear of being analyzed or judged as being a terrible artist,” says one art therapist.

Art therapists provide a safe space for people in recovery to express themselves:1 they provide direction and facilitate the process between you and your art. When you make progress in the studio, you begin to reconnect with your sense of self-worth, and form connections with your counselors. This makes your entire treatment experience more effective and enjoyable.

2. Art Lets You Discover Yourself

Because it reaches down to a subconscious level, art therapy can help you uncover the root cause of your addiction. While addiction distorts reality,2 leading us to have a skewed perception of ourselves and those around us, art therapy provides a conduit for self-reflection that ultimately leads to a better, more accurate sense of self.

With each project you complete, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment that boosts your progress both in the studio and outside of it. You’ll be able to take that newfound confidence into all other aspects of your treatment—and your life.

3. Creative Outlets Help Safeguard Against Relapse

There’s an added benefit to all that creative skill-building: you can bring it with you into recovery. A huge part of staying sober is developing healthy ways to deal with the things that used to trigger you to use substances, and creativity is an excellent way to channel uncomfortable emotions into something positive. Using the creative process as a coping mechanism gives you new insight, improves your judgment and helps you deal with stress and process trauma.

Since boredom is one of the most common addiction relapse triggers,3 it’s important to fill the time you used to spend using substances with activities you find fun and interesting. What better way to do that than by turning the skills you picked up into a new hobby?

4. Art Makes You Feel Like a Kid Again—And That’s Great for Your Recovery

Getting your hands dirty, pushing paint around a canvas and engaging your sense of wonder unlocks your inner child—a vital connection point for staying in touch with your true self. Art is proven to relieve stress4 by processing emotions and focusing your attention on the beauty around you, all of which results in a happier you! You may even discover a talent or passion you never knew you had.

For the Best Art Therapy, Go With a Luxury Rehab

Not all art therapy programs are created equal. If you’re looking for a rehab center that offers art therapy as a core component of your addiction treatment, your best bet is to go with a luxury rehab. World-class rehabs often offer much more robust specialty programming, with the staff, environment and resources necessary to create the best experience possible.

Look for a rehab that has:

Professional Art Therapists

Many art therapists at luxury rehabs hold advanced degrees in art therapy and have extensive experience using art to work through addiction, trauma and mental health disorders. Duffy’s Rehab in Napa Valley staffs a qualified, registered art therapist who are experienced in working with people of all ages and with a wide range of difficulties and diagnoses. The Cabin Chiang Mai’s art therapists integrate art therapy with evidence-based practices for a comprehensive, holistic approach to addiction treatment.

Dedicated Art Facilities

At a luxury rehab, you’ll have every material imaginable at your disposal: pens, pencils, pastels, crayons, paints, plaster of Paris, clay, canvas and paper in all shapes and sizes. You’re not limited in your mediums, and neither is your expression. You can work in whatever feels comfortable and right for you.

An Inspiring Setting

White River Manor art therapy
Marlize leading an art therapy session in the gardens at White River Manor in South Africa.

Premium rehabs are often set in secluded, naturally beautiful locations—and there’s nothing like connecting with serene natural beauty to let you relax into your environment and get your creative juices flowing. White River Manor’s art studio is housed in a spacious lodge with large doors open onto their 100-year-old garden, the space filled with birdsong, soothing music, aromatherapy candles and paintings, masks and other artworks done by their residents, who may even choose to paint on their walls.

“I don’t think I will be able to do this kind of work in an office environment … because the beauty of the garden actually lends itself to the process of art therapy,” says White River Manor’s art therapist, Marlize van der Merwe.

Who Benefits From Art Therapy in Rehab?

In short, everyone. Art therapy is effective in treating a plethora of behavioral issues including addiction, anxiety, depression and trauma. And no, you don’t have to be artistically inclined to reap its benefits. You only have to show up with an open mind, and see where the process takes you.

Ready to start your creative recovery journey? See our list of premium rehabs offering art therapy.

Cover photo: A scene from the art studio at McLean Borden Cottage, a luxury rehab in Maine

Frequently Asked Questions About Art Therapy in Rehab

Can art therapy treat addiction?

Yes. Art therapy allows for self-discovery and helps you access parts of your subconscious that conventional therapies might not reach. This can treat behavioral issues, like addiction.

Does art therapy work for addiction?

Yes. Art therapy helps uncover and heal root causes of addiction. While addiction distorts reality, creative self-expression is grounding and promotes self-reflection. This can lead to a more accurate sense of self.

What activities help you stay sober?

Art is a healthy way to relieve stress and process trauma. Since boredom is a common relapse trigger, finding a healthy coping mechanism like art helps you channel emotions into something positive.