Tai Chi for Addiction Recovery

Tai Chi is an ancient martial art. Today, you can also use it as a complementary therapy in addiction treatment. Like any other form of gentle exercise, it can help you stay physically healthy during recovery. What’s more, a growing body of evidence shows that Tai Chi can improve your mental health. Many luxury rehabs offer Tai Chi to help clients reduce stress, practice mindfulness, and begin to heal the relationship between their minds and bodies. 

What is Tai Chi? 

Tai Chi began as a Chinese martial art.1 Over time, it’s grown into a type of mindful movement that promotes physical health. While it’s often taught to small groups, you can also practice Tai Chi on your own. 

Compared to some other martial arts, Tai Chi is gentle2 and non-combative. It combines slow movements with mindful breathing and meditation. In most classes, practitioners flow smoothly from one pose to the next instead of sparring with each other. To a casual observer, this type of movement can look a lot like dancing.

What Are the Physical Health Benefits of Tai Chi? 

Tai Chi is a highly accessible form of exercise. It’s safe for people of all ability levels,3 you can practice it anywhere, and its fluid movements improve strength and flexibility. For people in addiction recovery, some of Tai Chi’s physical effects are especially important. 

Decreases Blood Pressure

Consistently practicing Tai Chi can reduce your blood pressure.4 This makes it a powerful treatment for clients recovering from alcohol addiction, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure.5 As your body continues to heal, Tai Chi can help you find a new normal.

Improves Circulation

Data shows that practicing Tai Chi for at least a year greatly improves blood circulation.6 Cycling fresh blood and oxygen throughout the body keeps your brain healthy,7 your organs working smoothly, and your immune system strong. For those in recovery, this boost in circulation can help your body repair damage caused by long-term substance use. 

Relieves Chronic Pain

Tai Chi can alleviate chronic pain8 associated with several conditions, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, tension headaches, and osteoporosis. Because of the correlation between chronic pain and addiction,9 this is often important during recovery. 

In particular, data implies that chronic pain makes people more vulnerable to opioid addiction. If that’s your experience, you’ll learn safer ways to manage your pain during rehab. If you find Tai Chi helpful, it can become part of your ongoing plan of care. 

Reduces Stress

Tai Chi is more than a form of physical exercise. This mindfulness practice also improves mental health and relieves stress.10 And because stress has a direct impact on physical well-being,11 this can be extremely important in early recovery.

Without proper support, stress makes you more vulnerable to addiction.12 But sustainable, fulfilling outlets like Tai Chi help you manage stress in the long term. If you find it helpful, you can continue practicing this martial art long after you leave rehab.

How Does Tai Chi Help With Addiction?

Experts agree that Tai Chi can help with addiction recovery.13 It’s most effective as a complementary approach, alongside treatments like talk therapy or medication. 

Promotes Sleep

Good sleep is foundational to addiction recovery.14 Getting enough sleep regulates stress hormones and helps your body heal. However, many people with addiction also have insomnia or other sleep disorders. This is especially common during early recovery. 

Data shows that Tai Chi improves sleep15 habits, which can in turn improve cognitive function. It also boosts your energy levels, making it easier to participate in therapy. 

Reduces Impulsiveness and Cravings

Your desire to use drugs or drink may never entirely disappear. But in rehab, you’ll learn healthy ways to cope with cravings if and when they arise. Studies show that tai chi improves impulse control,16 which can help you maintain sobriety in every stage of recovery.

Because Tai Chi also reduces cravings,17 you experience fewer triggers. Researchers note that the spiritual aspects of Tai Chi are essential here. As one study explains, mindfulness empowers people in recovery to have “an aware reaction rather than an automatic response” to difficult situations.

Strengthens the Mind-Body Connection

Like other complementary therapies, Tai Chi strengthens the connection between your mind and body.18 And that mindfulness can help you resist the desire to take drugs or drink. You’ll learn to accept your feelings just as they are, instead of trying to fix or change them. This improved self-awareness can help you stay grounded even when you face triggers and other challenges.

Connects You With Community Support

Addiction can be isolating. Because Tai Chi is usually taught in small groups, it invites you to connect with your peers. And building community in rehab can be a very important part of healing. 

Over time, your peers in Tai Chi class can become a strong support network. According to one study, “tai chi may have a significant impact on social support19 as a result of the shared group experience and group motivation components.”

How to Find a Rehab That Incorporates Tai Chi Into Your Treatment Process

Tai Chi is a holistic approach to addiction recovery. This practice promotes mindfulness and general well being. In conjunction with traditional treatments, it can be a powerful way to work through the symptoms of addiction.

If you’re interested in supplementing your addiction recovery with Tai Chi classes, search for luxury rehabs that offer Tai Chi to find the right center for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tai Chi for Addiction Recovery

How does Tai Chi help with addiction?

Tai Chi can help with addiction recovery as a complementary approach, alongside traditional treatments like talk therapy or medication. Tai Chi promotes good sleep, reduces impulsiveness, strengthens the mind-body connection, and connects people with community support. These benefits can improve overall mental and physical health and support long-term recovery from addiction.

What are the mental health benefits of Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a form of mindfulness practice that can help you manage stress and improve your overall mental well-being. It can improve your cognitive function, while also reducing cravings that may arise in early recovery. Tai Chi can help you become more self-aware and better equipped to resist triggers and other challenges.

How can I find a rehab that incorporates Tai Chi into my treatment process?

If you’re interested in incorporating Tai Chi into your addiction recovery, search for luxury rehabs that offer Tai Chi classes. These holistic practices can be a powerful way to work through addiction symptoms alongside clinical approaches.

Growing Past Addiction With Horticulture Therapy

Gardening can be more than a relaxing pastime. It also has clear mental health benefits—and it even supports addiction recovery. Rehabs with horticultural therapy help patients get grounded, literally. This treatment can inspire an appreciation for nature, give you a new hobby, and help you get to know yourself again. 

What Is Horticultural Therapy (HT)?

In horticultural therapy, a therapist guides you through nature-based activities.1 That could mean gardening, weeding, or just spending time outside. You might even learn how to cook the food you grow.

Horticultural therapy looks different for everyone. In some programs, you’ll tend to a small window box of herbs. Others, like Mountainside Treatment Center, have more outdoor space for clients to explore. 

mountainside treatment center campus
Mountainside Treatment Center in Cannan, Connecticut has plenty of outdoor space for clients to explore.

What to Expect in HT, Whether Your Garden’s Big or Small

Specially trained therapists facilitate HT2 in rehab. You might see them one on one, or meet with a group of your peers. Treatment takes place in a natural setting, like a greenhouse, outdoor garden, or vegetable patch. In any of these places, you’ll learn about gardening and what different plants need to survive. Then, you’ll put it into practice. 

Like most complementary therapies, HT also invites you to process your feelings. You might talk while you’re watering, or check in after you finish weeding for the day. Specifically, gardening teaches patients to be mindful.3 This skill is hugely important during addiction recovery.

How Can Gardening Help With Addiction?

Plants don’t judge you.4 They don’t know if you have an addiction or any other diagnosis. The way you treat them is the only thing that matters. And what’s more, they depend on you for care. You’ll learn how to show up for them every day, doing your best even if you feel your worst. And that skill can help you commit to every phase of addiction recovery. 

Experts at Enlightened Solutions, a rehab focused on sustainability, believe that gardening echoes the cycle of recovery.5 They explain:

“This lesson that all things must grow, live, perish, and in turn be put back into the land is a part of our holistic outlook on recovery and living.” 

In their program, gardening becomes a metaphor for your personal growth. The act of starting rehab can be a challenge, even before you begin treatment. HT reminds patients that letting go of the past is empowering. And what comes next can be beautiful.

enlightened solutions garden
Enlightened Solutions in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey shows clients how gardening echoes the cycles of recovery.

The Benefits of HT in Rehab

Rehabs around the world use horticultural therapy to treat mental health issues, including addiction. And even after treatment, the benefits of gardening can support your ongoing recovery. 

Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

Horticultural therapy helps people heal from more than one diagnosis at a time. If you’re recovering from addiction and a co-occurring disorder, this treatment might be a great fit. Gardening is especially helpful for patients with certain mental health issues,6 like depression and anxiety

Stress Relief

Stress raises your risk of addiction.7 So throughout recovery, it’s important to engage in calming activities. And data shows that horticultural therapy relieves stress.8 Having regular access to plants—either indoors or outdoors—can greatly improve your mental health.

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Summit Malibu in California teaches clients how to cook with veggies they harvest themselves.


Scientists believe that growing the food you eat may have physical health benefits.9 And in rehabs like Summit Malibu, it’s easy to see why. After coming in from the garden, patients here learn how to cook with their own harvest. This process can help you reconnect to your own body, and find joy in healthy hobbies. It can also teach you about the importance of nutrition during recovery

“Everything you do in the garden is an act of love.”

Gardening lets patients connect to nature. Every day you can see, feel, and even taste your own impact on the world around you. At rehabs like Mountainside Treatment Center, that perspective is crucial. Sheree Surdam, overseer of their horticultural therapy program,10 explains why.

Gardening gives “people a sense of purpose and stewardship over the natural world,” she says. “Everything you do in the garden is an act of love.”

Root Yourself in Recovery

A healthy plant is tangible. When you smell a rose you grew, you’re breathing in joy of your own hard work. And by learning to nurture your garden, you can learn to nurture yourself. 

Compare rehabs with horticultural therapy to find the right program for you.

Choosing the Right Rehab as a Celebrity

We hear it all the time: “celebrities are just like everyone else.” And in many ways, that’s true. But you might have some unique concerns when it comes to rehab. For example, privacy, flexibility, and maintaining your lifestyle might be especially high priorities. In a luxury rehab center, you can start addiction and mental health recovery without sacrificing your other needs. 

Why Is Addiction So Common in Celebrities?

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. Whether or not you’re famous, you might develop an addiction for a variety of reasons. But certain aspects of fame contribute to higher rates of addiction among affluent people:1

  • Easier access to drugs and alcohol
  • Isolation from trustworthy support systems
  • Trauma from abuse and neglect, especially during childhood fame
  • Pressure from demanding professions

Like anyone else, some celebrities may also have a genetic predisposition to addiction.2 This risk is further increased when combined with a stressful lifestyle. 

Unique Challenges of Recovery for Celebrities

If fame plays a role in developing addiction, it also affects how you access treatment. Many celebrities have ongoing contractual obligations like games, tours, or interviews. So if you take time off work for treatment, you might face career and financial penalties. And those commitments don’t end after rehab. Many of them even come with an expectation to drink or use drugs with your colleagues and fans.

High achievers also face significant financial pressures. You might be supporting a large staff, artistic collaborators, and loved ones. So if you stop working, they could feel immediate effects. And fame doesn’t always bring financial success. High-profile activists, politicians, and artists can’t always afford rehab centers with the strict privacy they need. 

For this demographic, public opinion has a major impact on the recovery process. And unwanted media attention can interfere with healing. Because of this, confidentiality is a major concern for high-profile clients—as it should be. You have the right to recover on your own terms. That’s why most rehabs have privacy policies that keep celebrities safe from prying eyes. 

alive luxury private retreats property
Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab caters specifically to celebrities, treating only one client at a time.

What Do Celebrity Rehabs Offer?

Celebrity rehabs understand the unique ways that fame affects addiction and recovery. There are a few key ways rehabs approach treatment for high-profile patients. 


For most celebrities, privacy is essential for recovery. That way, you can focus on yourself and the changes you want to make, without distractions. With this in mind, celebrity rehabs have strict privacy policies. 

For the utmost confidentiality, some rehabs treat only one client at a time. Centers like Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab cater specifically to celebrities. They take a personalized approach to recovery, tailoring treatment to meet your unique needs. 

Location can also play a role in keeping your recovery private. Swiss rehabs, for example, take anonymity to the next level. Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, explains: 

“In terms of confidentiality, that’s basically the second name of Switzerland. It’s the banking secrecy, the whole discretion. The Swiss mindset is, in a way, non-sensational. We get clients who are celebrity, A-list Hollywood actors, who go to the local Starbucks. Of course they’re recognized, but it’s not in the news, the local tabloids don’t write about it, and they’re not harassed for autographs either.”


With success comes responsibility. If a team of employees depend on you, you might not be able to take time off work for recovery. Or you might need to attend social functions, or stay in touch with your family. At many elite rehabs, you can keep these commitments during your stay. 

Some centers have more relaxed device use policies, so you can stay connected throughout treatment. Others even allow you to work remotely. As long as these activities don’t interfere with your progress, you can continue taking care of business while you heal.   

Gerber describes how the clinicians at Paracelsus Recovery accommodate each patient’s individual needs:

“We’ve had people with regular scheduled TV appearances, such as entertainers who have had to be in front of the camera once a week in a different country. We could accommodate that. We have people who run companies, or family business empires. They have to have work calls every day. We have to accommodate that.”

tikvah lake recovery pool
Tikvah Lake Recovery provides clients with a sober companion to join them at special events.

Joyful Recreation

If you’re successful in your chosen field, you may be accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Rehab doesn’t have to interrupt that. In fact, learning to enjoy yourself without drug use is an important part of recovery.3 

At White River Manor in South Africa, for instance, patients can go bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, or even on safari. Director Co-Owner Giles Fourie describes the therapeutic value of these activities:  

“There’s great therapy in that. It’s also just about having fun. There’s great value in our clients experiencing what it is to have fun outside of addiction, outside of the substances that they believed they needed in order to experience joy in their lives.” 

And these experiences don’t just bring joy to your time in treatment. They can also set you up for long-term success. 

Comprehensive Aftercare

When you leave inpatient treatment, you’ll probably return to the same world you left behind. Even if you’re sober, you might need to keep attending high-profile events where drugs and alcohol play a role. And you’ll still face the same pressures you did before entering treatment. 

That’s why many celebrity rehabs offer comprehensive aftercare. You can return to the center for a follow-up stay, or meet with your therapist remotely. Some rehabs, like Tikvah Lake Recovery, even offer sober companions to join you at special events. Their presence can help you work through triggers and avoid relapse. 

What Rehabs Do Celebrities Go To?

Recovery is unique for everyone—even high-profile clients. While many celebrity rehabs are lavish retreats, that’s not universally true. 

As extravagant as this sounds, not all celebrity rehabs are expensive. And most of them accept insurance since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. Treatment in some parts of the world, like Thailand, is particularly accessible. Whatever your budget is, you can likely find a luxury rehab that fits your lifestyle.

the hills rehab chiang mai property
The Hills Rehab Chiang Mai and other rehabs in Thailand offer luxury amenities at an affordable price point.

Bespoke Luxury Rehabs

When you’re used to a high standard of living, leaving it behind can interfere with healing. But if luxury amenities are a priority for you, many rehabs can meet your needs. You might have a private chef, personal trainer, and house staff assigned to you during your stay. And you can stay in a 5-star room, private suite, or even an entire villa. Many luxury rehabs also offer a 24/7 concierge service. You’ll have somebody there to act as a liaison between you, the staff, and your loved ones throughout treatment. And they can also be an important source of emotional support outside of your treatment team. 

In rehabs like Orenda at Futures, this approach is central to recovery. Their team believes “freeing patients to concentrate fully on therapy produces better outcomes.”4 To that end, their team is dedicated to meeting each client’s unique needs. They’re always available to answer your questions and make your stay as comfortable as possible. 

Holistic Rehabs

Holistic rehabs treat addiction using a variety of evidence-based and alternative therapies:

These types of rehabs treat the whole person, addressing your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. At Alta Mira Recovery in California, expert staff “address neurobiological, psychological, social, physical and spiritual aspects of addiction” with therapies ranging from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to equine therapy

Celebrity Rehabs: Joyful and Private Places to Heal

When you find fame, it’s all too easy to lose yourself in the process. In treatment, you can get to know yourself again without the pressure of public opinion. And you won’t have to choose between career success and recovery. Celebrity rehabs show you how to keep the best parts of your lifestyle, and let go of the behaviors that aren’t serving you.

Search our collection of luxury rehabs to learn more about their locations, approaches, and special considerations.

Where Do Celebrities Go to Rehab?

Addiction and mental health don’t discriminate: even rich and famous people need help sometimes. But if you have a high standard of living, it might be hard to imagine residential treatment. In the world’s top rehabs, you can start recovery without giving up the best parts of your life. 

What Makes Celebrity Rehabs Special?

Luxury rehabs offer various benefits, but some outdo the others—like rehabs for celebrities. Along with high quality treatment, celebrity rehabs provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You can go skydiving, rafting, whale watching, or opt for a sunset yacht ride. At these centers, comfort and recovery go hand-in-hand. 

From the outside, a celebrity rehab might pass as a high-end resort or tropical getaway. But their treatment offers more benefits than a ritzy vacation. At a celebrity rehab, you’ll get a blend of 2 worlds: luxury living and effective addiction treatment.

Celebrity Rehab Centers Around the World

You can find celebrity rehabs around the globe, with a wide variety of treatments and amenities. Whether you prefer the tropics, a mountain retreat, or a private island oasis, there’s most likely a center that meets your needs. 

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab

exclusive hawaii rehab facility
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers holistic treatment for addiction, eating disorders and mental health.

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab prioritizes privacy in an oceanside bungalow. Their program includes holistic and naturopathic treatments. This center also treats mental health as a primary condition–even if you don’t have addiction. You can attend this program to heal from co-occurring disorders and eating disorders, too. 

Clients are safe from prying eyes in a gated residence, hidden from the road. And a security team guards the property for extra privacy. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab has 3 room options: shared, private with a shared bathroom, or a private room with an en suite bathroom. They treat a maximum of 7 clients at a time.

Along with privacy, Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers comprehensive care. They tend to your mental, physical, and even spiritual health throughout treatment. Nutritional counseling and concierge IV therapies restore your body’s nutrients. They also offer traditional Hawaiian Ho’oponopono sessions (a prayer for forgiveness), channeling the goddess Madame Pele to nourish your spirit. 

If you need to, you can keep up with work during recovery. This center allows you to use your phone and laptop, and provides a dedicated workspace. And when you’re not in therapy, you can feed manta rays, take a cooking class, visit waterfalls and caves, or just relax on the beach. 

Passages Malibu

passages malibu facility
Passages Malibu is housed in 5 estates, equipped with extravagant amenities, on the Pacific.

In sunny California, Passages Malibu offers holistic treatments like hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and massage. Individual therapy is central to your recovery process, with 60-80 hours of 1:1 therapy each month. 

Patients can choose either a shared or private room. You’ll also have access to luxurious lounge areas and multiple pools. You’re free to bring your phone and laptop and stay connected to work during treatment.

On-site chefs offer nutritious meals tailored to your dietary needs. Passages Malibu doesn’t use 12-Step therapies, instead favoring a holistic approach. They see addiction as a fully treatable condition, not something you’ll have for the rest of your life. Working with your individual therapist and treatment team, you’ll explore the root causes of your addiction. And once you understand where your behavior comes from, you can learn to make different choices. 


neoviva lake view
NEOVIVA, an ultra private rehab on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, caters to executives and high-profile clients.

NEOVIVA welcomes celebrities to a discreet lakeside location in Switzerland. Their treatments focus on what causes addiction, like trauma or a mental health diagnosis. In daily 1:1 and group therapy sessions, you’ll get support from both your care team and other patients. The program encourages close relationships, with a 1:3 staff-to-client ratio. And for even greater privacy, they treat just 5 clients at a time. 

This rehab center operates within a hotel. So you’ll have access to all the hotel’s amenities, like their sauna, restaurant, and outdoor pool. You can even bring your pet! Each private room overlooks Lake Lucerne. But with no signage or staff uniforms, you’ll look just like any other hotel guest. And your treatment sessions stay in a private section of the hotel, away from other guests. All staff—including NEOVIVA’s and the hotel’s—comply with strict confidentiality requirements. 

Reflecting their holistic approach, NEOVIVA offers wellness treatments like yoga, breath work, and Qi Gong. When you’re not in therapy, you can explore your surroundings and see the famed Lake Lucerne up close. Your weekends could include forest hikes, trips into nearby villages, and time at the lake. 

AToN Center

aton center garden
AToN Center offers daily individual sessions and a holistic approach in an exclusive, luxurious setting.

AToN Center offers the privacy and luxury most celebrities need. Their San Diego residence has private rooms and sits on 10 acres, giving you plenty of space to explore the outdoors. 

AToN Center offers both 12-Step and non-12-Step care. They also blend evidence-based, holistic, and trauma-informed therapies. Their goal is to address and heal the underlying cause of your addiction, whether it be trauma, a mental health condition, or stress. 

Here, you’ll have 4 hours of therapy a day: 3 group therapy hours and a 1-hour individual session. And if it’s helpful, your family can join you for weekly therapy sessions too. AToN Center won’t restrict access to your devices either, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your treatment. 

Their holistic practitioners offer weekly sessions of acupuncture, massage, personal training, yoga, and hypnotherapy. You can also go on hikes, attend a painting class, meditate, and heal your energy with Reiki.


istana ibiza oceanfront
Istana provides confidential bespoke treatment at locations in Barbados, Bali, and Ibiza.

Istana has locations in Ibiza, Bali, and Barbados. Each location treats just one client at a time in a private villa. These serene retreats become your recovery oasis. And your family can come too, if you and your treatment team agree that it would help you heal. You can also keep up with work, thanks to their flexible technology policy

This program offers customized treatment each step of the way, using evidence-based and holistic therapies to meet your needs. Their evidence-based practices include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which teaches you new ways to respond to the thoughts and behaviors that led you to addiction. 

Istana prioritizes confidentiality for therapeutic and privacy reasons. Private airport pickups keep your care secluded from the beginning. Staying in their unmarked, 4-bedroom villas protects you from the public eye. And with a care team fully versed in confidentiality, you can trust that your recovery process will be protected. 

You’ll have a butler, personal chef, and life coach, among the many other personnel. And in your free time you can enjoy island tours, cooking classes, making music, and learning new dances. 


raindrum rooms
Raindrum provides evidence-based treatment for one client at a time, administered from luxury homes by a dedicated and personal team.

At an ultra-private center like Raindrum, you can choose between several private residences. Whether it’s on the beach or in the countryside, you’ll have a luxurious living space all to yourself during treatment. 

You can attend Raindrum to heal from addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions like burnout, depression and anxiety. This rehab offers experiential therapies like surf therapy, equine therapy, dance, and photography. You can also get creative with art therapy or pottery, and even learn a new language.

Raindrum prioritizes individuality. Treatment is specially tailored to support your needs and goals for the future. Their staff even come to your residence, instead of meeting you in a clinical setting. 

At Raindrum, every element of treatment takes place 1:1, talk therapy to personal training. You’ll have individual therapy sessions each day. You’ll also have a full team of support staff including housekeepers and a personal chef. 

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island

the sanctuary vancouver island infinity pool
The Sanctuary Vancouver Island provides ultra-private, personalized care for high-profile clients with mental health struggles, addiction, eating disorders, and executive burnout.

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers bespoke, high-end treatment. This center can meet almost any medical or emotional need you may have. Along with addiction and mental health treatment, they also focus on chronic pain management, post-operative care, and weight stabilizing. And their chronic pain track helps clients manage ongoing pain without prescription medications, or with a lower dose. 

This center offers both evidence-based and alternative treatments. For example, you might combine a talk therapy like CBT with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). More than 100 on-call staff members support your recovery, from chiropractors to psychiatrists. 

In addition to world-class care, The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers elite amenities. You’ll stay in one of several private residences on Vancouver Island—close to the shore, in the quiet forest, or somewhere in between. Between therapy sessions, you can enjoy delicious meals from your personal chef, go whale watching, or even explore the area in a seaplane. 

Finding Recovery as a Celebrity

Addiction treatment won’t take away all your problems. But it can teach you new ways to manage ongoing challenges. After rehab, you can bring those coping skills wherever you go next—whether that’s on stage, on the field, or in the privacy of your own home. 

Visit our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about their accommodations, specialized therapies, and more.

How Fitness Supports Us in Addiction Recovery and Beyond

It’s no secret that exercise makes you feel good. These positive feelings are thanks to endorphins released during and after physical activity. It can also be an important part of healing your body from the effects of addiction, trauma, and stress.

Recovery is all about building a sustainable, healthy routine, and exercise can help you get there. Because of this, many addiction and mental health rehabs focus on fitness, and have amenities to help you stay active during your care. 

Why Exercise is Good For You

Exercise helps physical and mental health,1 and can improve the following:

  • brain health
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sleep
  • focus
  • confidence

One study found that “People who exercised had about 43% fewer days of poor mental health.”2 

Exercise Lowers Stress Levels

Exercise reduces stress3 by lowering stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Rhythmic activities like walking clear the mind, helping you relax naturally. 

Stress makes people more prone to relapse,4 so learning to manage it is crucial for recovery. A regular fitness routine decreases the likelihood of falling back into familiar coping patterns.

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An exercise physiologist designs individual exercise plans for each client at The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia.

Physical Fitness Helps Treat Depression

Studies show that exercising is effective in treating depression.5 On the flip side, not exercising is a risk factor for developing depression. When you work out, your brain releases serotonin, a hormone that improves your mood. (Antidepressants relieve depression by increasing serotonin levels.)

Even just a few minutes of physical activity per day can make a big difference in your mood. One study compared people who exercised with those who didn’t. Researchers found that 1.25 hours of walking per week lowered the risk of depression by 18%.6 This decreased by 25% with at least 2.5 hours per week.

Regular Exercise Reduces Anxiety

Research shows that physical activity is associated with less anxiety.7 It can help distract you from anxious thoughts. Instead, you’ll focus on something positive, like finishing a workout or achieving a goal—even if that’s just walking for 20 minutes. 

Exercise Improves Your Overall Well Being

By trying new activities and overcoming challenges, your confidence will increase.8 You’ll start to feel better as your immunity, sleep, and energy levels improve. And your risk for disease and health complications goes down as your body repairs the damage caused by substances and prolonged stress. Drugs and alcohol aren’t kind to your body, but the good news is that damage is usually not permanent. Exercise can be the first step in working towards better health—and a better outlook on life.

Exercise and Addiction

Studies show that exercise facilitates recovery from substance abuse9 in these ways:

  • decreases the likelihood of relapse
  • lessens drug-seeking behavior
  • reinforces positive change

People who exercise are less likely to use drugs.10 It’s likely that its ability to reduce stress, and therefore regulate emotions, is a factor. You can see the effects in animal studies, too: opioid-dependent rats took morphine less often when they swam consistently.11 Rodents dependent on cocaine were less likely to use the drug when they had access to an exercise wheel.12 A fitness routine adds structure to your day, allows you to explore new interests, helps you build community, and even overcome addiction.

A New, Healthy Hobby

Physical activity can become a new way to spend time outside of substance abuse. It can even become a new hobby. You might realize that you love spending time at the gym or running outside. Or, you may return to an old interest: maybe you used to shoot hoops for hours or play volleyball every weekend with your friends.

Regardless of the role fitness has in your life, it’s important to find activities you enjoy doing while sober. These can replace the time that you used to spend using drugs. Remember that recovery can—and should be—fun.

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Cycling at White River Manor in Mpumalanga, South Africa

A Way to Meet Other Sober People

Physical fitness can give you a way to connect with new people, both in rehab and after you leave. During rehab, you can bond with people over similar interests in a specific activity, like rock climbing or dancing. These new relationships can be instrumental in your recovery process: it’s important to have people to talk to when you’re feeling down. It’s especially helpful to surround yourself with others that have had similar experiences. They can empathize with, and truly understand, what you’re going through.

Exercise Rewires Your Brain

Exercise releases dopamine in your brain. This hormone is responsible for “good” feelings, and can even have pleasurable effects similar to those you get from drugs. This is because exercise and substances activate some of the same reward pathways.

Exercise also prevents further brain damage from substance use13 and promotes cell regeneration. And forming a new habit can actually change your brain. “Neuroplasticity” is the brain’s ability to create new connections. You can use this to your advantage by introducing exercise into your own routine. If you continue to exercise consistently in a way that’s fun and sustainable, it can become a healthy habit that you genuinely enjoy. 

Luxury Rehab Fitness Amenities

You’ll have an array of fitness options at different luxury facilities, from fun activities to personal trainers. Remember that it’s important to choose something you like doing. Studies show that you’re more likely to stick with an exercise routine14 if you enjoy it. So if you already love yoga, you can choose a center like Veritas Detox that offers classes. Or if you’ve always thought that boxing looked fun, you can check out a facility like SOBA New Jersey.

Gym Amenities

Many rehab facilities have fitness centers. At Sierra Tucson, clients can take advantage of their many fitness amenities. Soak up views of the Santa Catalina Mountains from their outdoor swimming pool or work out in the fully equipped gym. You can even learn how to rock climb on their indoor rock wall.

At Hollywood Hills Recovery, clients have access to a personal trainer, as well as group or private fitness classes.

Sports Opportunities

Social support is an important factor in sticking to an exercise routine.15 Team sports are a great way to foster new relationships. Futures Recovery Healthcare is an ideal facility for sports lovers. Challenge another client to a game of tennis, basketball, or volleyball on one of their many courts.

Rehab Facilities for Athletes

If you’re an athlete, you may want (or need) to continue training while in treatment. All Points North’s specialty program for athletes was created by professional athletes. Their center provides top-tier amenities to support your needs, like an indoor lap pool and personal trainer. 

At Soberman’s Estate, clients work with fitness coach Carl Hargrave. Once an NFL coach, he now helps clients find healing through fitness and prepare for the “field of life.”

Outdoor Activities

Recreating in nature provides many benefits—and some rehab facilities offer adventure therapy activities, like hiking and biking. For example, Lions Gate Recovery provides recreational outings to the nearby Zion National Park. Colorado is world-renowned for its outdoor opportunities, and All Points North Lodge in Vail is no exception. Clients can hike, paddleboard, or mountain bike in the summer, and go snowshoeing, snowboarding, or skiing in the winter.

Spending time in nature positively affects mental health.16 For example, researchers found that people who were outside for at least 2 hours per week had better overall well-being. This averages out to just 15 to 20 minutes per day. When you combine this with exercise, the effects are twofold: you reap the benefits from both physical activity and time in green spaces.

Find Joy on the Other Side of Healing

No matter your age or ability, even small amounts of exercise provide important mental and physical benefits. While physical activity is only part of your recovery journey, it plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
See our curated list of luxury rehabs with exercise programs to view fitness amenities, activity options, compare prices, and more.

Into the Wild: Adventure Therapy Explained

It’s no secret that spending time in nature is healing. The outdoors can be a great place to turn when you’re recovering from mental health issues or addiction. Nature provides peace, challenges, and new experiences—all without judgment.

Adventure therapy takes that idea a step further. This type of therapy shepherds people into the outdoors and out of their comfort zones. During these outings, clients participate in structured activities designed to achieve specific goals. 

Rehab isn’t just talk therapy and group meetings—many treatment centers use the power of adventure as part of their recovery process. Read on to learn more about how this works, and how it can help you.

Healing by Doing 

Adventure therapy1 is a type of experiential therapy, or “learning by doing, with reflection.” In the experiential theory, it’s believed that learning is greater in unfamiliar situations. And this is exactly what adventure therapy does—in the outdoors.

All adventure therapy programs have several aspects in common:2

  • The activities occur in a natural setting; usually one that’s unfamiliar to participants.
  • Clients must complete challenging activities, often in cooperation with others.
  • Tasks are typically completed in small groups, but can also occur 1-on-1.
  • Experienced guides lead the group, providing physical and emotional safety.

Although most adventure therapy programs share a core ethos, every rehab is unique.  Different centers may offer various activities, depending on their surroundings, weather conditions, and more.

What Activities Can You Do Treatment?

During adventure therapy, you can reflect on your feelings in a brand new context. But even when you’re deep in nature, you might have a busy schedule. These programs may offer some or all of the following activities:

You may choose to try something new, or get reacquainted with an old hobby. But in either case, make sure to plan around the location of your rehab center. Not all places will be able to offer every activity. A facility in Kansas probably doesn’t have surfing, for example.

All Points North Lodge takes advantage of their location in the Rocky Mountains. “We have so many fantastic opportunities for activities outside of here, being in Colorado and being at the top of the mountain,” says Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations. They take clients on almost any outdoor excursion you can think of—like canoeing, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, ATVing, and skiing. 

But these recreation opportunities aren’t just for fun—they also serve a purpose. Dr. Drzewiecki continues, “we have so many different options there, which we marry with an experiential philosophy of therapy.” So, you’re having fun and healing, all at the same time. This is the heart of adventure therapy: to enjoy yourself while you experience personal growth.

All Points North Lodge Pool
The beautiful Rockies surround All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado.

Using Adventure to Reach Therapy Goals 

Throughout the adventure therapy process,2 clients should feel like they’re in between their “comfort zone” and “panic zone.” Researchers in one study coined this desired “zone” the “groan zone.” In this mental state, people feel more attentive and open to new experiences.

There are several common goals that adventure therapy aims to accomplish1 while people are in the “groan zone:”

  • increased self-awareness, which contributes to a better understanding of how their behavior affects outcomes
  • higher accountability, both to themselves and to others
  • healthier coping skills, which leads to better self-control
  • more positive beliefs about themselves, and less negative ones
  • better creative problem-solving, communication, and cooperation strategies
  • realistic understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, and self-imposed limitations, which leads to better decision making

Wilderness therapy is a specific type of adventure therapy with similar goals. Although they both take place outside, there are slight differences between the 2 therapies.

Is Wilderness Therapy the Same as Adventure Therapy?

Wilderness therapy is a type of adventure therapy3 that is especially popular for treating teens. Wilderness generally takes place in uninhabited areas in nature, often far from urban environments. Groups are immersed in the outdoors, usually for a lengthy amount of time. Adventure therapy, on the other hand, often consists of much shorter outings and isn’t necessarily done in a group. Wilderness therapy4 consists of 3 core elements:

  • time spent in the wild
  • physical activity outside
  • a group setting that encourages camaraderie as well as personal growth

Ideally, the challenges participants face in these settings, and the personal strengths and group support they draw on to overcome them, bring on breakthroughs that can lead to lasting changes. 

Why the Great Outdoors are Great for Your Mental Health

Regardless of the activity, simply being in nature is good for you.5 Studies show that spending time outside can improve mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. And, research shows that trying adventurous activities can also have positive effects on mental state.6 

Adventure therapy can also help people access emotions that might be difficult to verbalize in talk therapy. And they can do so in a safe and supportive environment, where a qualified therapist is there to help when they feel triggered. And back at the rehab, clinicians are available to help clients process whatever their experience brings up for them. 

Benefits for Teens: Boosting Moods, Reducing Screen Time 

Pacific Quest in Hilo, Hawaii is a wilderness therapy program that helps young adults tune into the present moment.

Adventure therapy, and particularly wilderness therapy, can be especially healing for teens.4 Adolescents are more likely to use technology—the average American teenager spends 6.5 hours per day staring at screens.7 Adventure therapy can help them get off of their devices and out into the natural world. And time in nature is important—it promotes mindfulness, which in turn improves overall well-being. By placing the focus on the present moment, mindfulness can reduce symptoms of conditions like depression and anxiety.8

Because young people are often distracted with their phones, teens are spending less time outside than previous generations. This contributes to “nature-deficit disorder,”9 according to journalist and author Richard Louv—and it’s a serious concern. According to this theory, the reduction in time outdoors causes negative behavioral changes, like shorter tempers and moodiness.

However, some programs are aiming to combat this by fighting fire with…nature. One study found that 10 weeks of Wilderness Adventure Therapy (WAT) improved the mental health of adolescents.10 Immediately after the study ended, participants reported better psychological resilience and higher self-esteem. At a 3-month follow up, participants had less depressive symptoms as well as improved behavioral and emotional functioning.

The benefits clients get from wilderness therapy ripple into different parts of their lives, like their relationships with others.

Benefits for Families: Less Conflict, Better Communication 

Teens aren’t the only ones who benefit from adventure therapy. Reconnecting with nature can benefit the whole family.11 This is true whether a teen attends the program alone or with other family members. 

In the wilderness, communication is vital. Whether you’re talking about a meal time or a rendezvous point, mistakes can have clear consequences. In this environment, teens quickly learn to communicate with both adults and their peers. And when they return home, they can put this skill to use within their family system. 

Some rehab centers even offer adventure therapy programs for families. Others invite family members to join in some counseling sessions. Wasatch Crest, for example, encourages families to get involved in their loved one’s recovery by offering family therapy and allowing family visits. In addition, their treatment team provides families with support, and invites them to maintain contact with their loved one.

Wasatch Crest has an adventure-based residential program in Heber, Utah.

These programs have a noticeable impact on treatment. In one study, parents who underwent outdoor family therapy said it helped them understand their children’s needs.11 They even felt like treatment improved their parenting skills. In another, teens felt less anger toward their parents after completing this type of treatment. 

Improving family relationships is an important part of addiction recovery. This sets them up for success after treatment by making sure they have a strong support network in place.

Adventures in the Recovery Journey 

Adventure therapy can support addiction recovery. In one study, teens who completed a 70-day wilderness therapy program showed significant improvements12 in several areas:

  • psychological resilience
  • social confidence
  • behavioral functioning
  • emotional operating
  • decreased depressive symptoms

These all reduce the likelihood that someone will use substances. People struggling with their mental health may turn to substances13 to cope with their symptoms. But when people feel good about themselves, they don’t need to use drugs or alcohol to alleviate those negative thoughts and emotions. And they’re more likely to use healthy coping mechanisms instead of relying on harmful ones.

This might be why people who exercise are less likely to engage in drug use.14 Adventure therapy programs can help clients get back into physical activities, which can be beneficial for recovery. For example, research shows that people who completed physical exercise programs had a reduction in drug and alcohol cravings afterwards. Physical activity can also increase abstinence rates, decrease withdrawal symptoms, and improve overall quality of life. And, exercise decreases stress.14 Because experts agree that stress is a common cause of relapse, physical activity is important for people with addictions.

Who Should Try This Approach?

People who already thrive outdoors are great candidates for this type of treatment. But you don’t need to be an expert to reap the benefits. Trained guides teach newcomers the ropes—both literally and figuratively. They’ll make beginners feel comfortable (even if they’re in an uncomfortable place) and make sure they’re staying safe as they push themselves to overcome new challenges.

However, you should consult with a medical doctor before enrolling in an adventure therapy program. If you’ve just completed detox and are experiencing post-acute withdrawal symptoms, for example, you may not be ready for intense physical activity. And some people may have physical or mental conditions that might make it difficult, or even dangerous, to complete the activities at the rehab center.

Is Adventure Therapy Safe?

For the most part, adventure therapy is safe. Treatment centers employ guides with certifications and experience to safely conduct activities. As long as participants listen to the guide’s directions, there’s very little danger. The goal is for people to heal in a new context, and move away from reckless behavior.

If you have concerns about safety or legitimacy, talk to your rehab’s admissions team about who leads these programs, what credentials they hold and how they ensure the therapeutic value of outings. 

Learn more about rehab team members’ qualifications here.

Sober Fun and Newfound Joys 

If you love nature and want to try something new, adventure therapy can be a powerful treatment experience. This approach invites you to challenge yourself, both physically and emotionally, which can be highly rewarding. And as you build confidence, you set yourself up for success throughout recovery.

In recovery, it’s not just important to abstain from substances, but to find things that make sobriety fun and fulfilling. Outdoor adventure can give you a chance to connect with nature—and with others who enjoy doing the same.

See our directory of rehabs that offer adventure therapy to search for activities that interest you, as well as see facility photos, program highlights, pricing information, and more.

Houston Luxury Rehabs: Specialized Care by Top-Notch Professionals

Houston—or “H-Town” as it’s often called by locals—is known for its year-round warm and sunny weather, numerous outdoor activities, and multicultural population. Many treatment centers in Houston take advantage of the temperate climate, outdoor programs, plentiful walking paths, gardens, and more.

Houston offers exceptional treatment options for executives, youth and adolescents, and LGBTQ+ clients, and is in close proximity to the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical complex in the world.1

By choosing a comfortable setting for recovery, you can relax and focus on your healing process. Houston could be the best place for you if you’re looking for easy access to nature, laid-back local culture, and a diverse area with some of the best medical professionals in the industry.

Houston’s Outdoor Opportunities

This vibrant city is full of outdoor areas for residents to enjoy. In fact, Houston was ranked number 1 in the United States for total green space2 compared to other cities of similar density. The area is often warm and sunny, although it’s considered “subtropical” and still gets about 50 inches of rain per year on average. Buffalo Bayou runs through the city, and the surrounding park offers a beautiful backdrop of lush greenery against its skyscrapers.

Spending time outdoors and in nature helps promote healing and relaxation. One study found that just 5-10 minutes of exercise outside each day improves both mood and self-esteem.3 Houston offers many opportunities for residents to experience nature, whether by kayaking through Buffalo Bayou, running on the oak-lined path along the Outer Loop at Rice University, or hiking through tropical forests at Big Thicket Park.

Houston’s Diversity

Houston is full of rich cultural diversity. It’s known as a multicultural city and hosts one of the largest Pride parades in the U.S.,4 with almost 700,000 in attendance in 2019. It’s the 4th largest city in the country, and Houston’s current demographics show the projected outlook for diversity5 in the rest of the nation in 40 years. Thanks to this diversity, health professionals in Houston are well-equipped to treat a wide variety of conditions, adapting their care to specific patients.

The Texas Medical Center

Texas medical center
The Texas Medical Center is the world’s largest medical city, spanning over 2 square miles.

The Texas Medical Center is a world-renowned medical district,6 taking up more than 2 square miles in south-central Houston. The center includes 21 hospitals, many of which are considered the best in the U.S., as well as 8 academic and research institutions. Together, these facilities make up the 50+ total medical organizations in the region. Houston’s close proximity to TMC means that health professionals in this area are often some of the best in their fields, and up to date on the latest research to better help you with your recovery.

Connect With Your Community in Houston Rehabs

Rehab is an opportunity to build community with people who share similar goals. If you enjoy spending time outside, desire a more multicultural setting, or are interested in the arts, a program in Houston might be a good fit. LGBTQ+ rehab clients will feel especially welcome here, as will people of multicultural backgrounds. By connecting with people who share some of your life experiences, you can give and receive mutual support during recovery.

Recovery for Adolescents and Young Adults

J. Flowers Health Institute and The Menninger Clinic both provide care for adolescents and young adults. Both institutes place a heavy focus on one-on-one counseling and offer family therapy. They work to create extremely personalized treatment plans for younger clients, within environments that have been designed to meet their unique needs. “That’s the piece that means the most to me, is really seeing people go home, and thrive in life,” says the center’s founder, Dr. James S. Flowers.

menninger clinic
The Menninger Clinic has been treating clients for over 95 years and offers programs specialized for certain demographics.

Gender-Specific and LGBTQ+ Treatment

Several treatment centers understand the importance of gender-specific recovery. Eudaimonia Recovery Homes, for example, has a women’s home, a men’s apartment, and an LGBTQ+ house. These affordable residences are meant to provide safe and secure living environments, and are accompanied by a 3-phase recovery program that helps to “promote personal growth and life skills, provide accountability, and support ongoing sobriety with outpatient services.” Sometimes, being surrounded by people with similar life experiences can help you feel more comfortable throughout the healing process.

Eudaimonia Recovery home living room
Eudaimonia Recovery Homes provides gender-specific recovery and housing.

Programs for Executives

The J. Flowers Health Institute specializes in treating professionals and aims to provide quality care in a shorter amount of time. “We have the brightest minds in the country here in Houston, Texas because of the Texas Medical Center,” says co-founder Robbin Mooney. “What normally takes weeks or months to get in front of some of the top specialists here, Dr. Flowers and the team can usually get our clients in 1-2 days.”

J.Flowers yoga
J. Flowers Health Institute sits on spacious, verdant grounds and offers access to top-notch professional care.

Traveling to Houston

Houston is easily reachable by plane. Its 2 airports are serviced from many destinations, both domestic and international. Driving is also an option, although flying is certainly easier. A staff member from your rehab center will typically pick you up upon arrival at the airport. Make sure you check with your admissions team before booking your travel plans, to find out which options are available.

Houston is a bustling metropolitan area, but many treatment centers are tucked away in quieter suburbs or across larger grounds for a more peaceful setting. The city is also easily accessible by car.

Amenities and Activities

Houston locals enjoy spending time outdoors and getting involved in the city’s arts and music scene. Some treatment centers even invite clients to focus on artistic pursuits during treatment. For example, both The Right Step and Briarwood Detox offer music and art therapies. These, along with other experiential therapies “allow you to focus on the mind-body connection, an important aspect of healing.”

At Briarwood Detox, you’ll participate in art activities—like group drawing projects or meditating to music—3 times each week. Residents can also enjoy live music performances twice a month. According to the experts at this center, “music not only works to combat feelings of anxiety and depression, but it may also help clients associate music with sobriety instead of substance abuse.”

While in Houston, you can take advantage of the warm sunshine and enjoy various outdoor activities. The city is located near the Gulf of Mexico, and residents can soak up the sun on beaches within a short driving distance of the city. Many treatment centers also have outdoor spaces where residents can walk, jog, relax, and participate in mindful activities like yoga and meditation. These activities aren’t just enjoyable; they’re also an important part of recovery. Data show that hospital gardens help reduce stress,7 which boosts the immune system and helps promote faster healing.

luna recovery pool
Residents can soak up the sun out by the pool at Laguna Recovery.

In addition to these outdoor amenities, most Houston rehabs have air-conditioned rooms that keep residents comfortable in the heat. Some treatment centers, like Luna Recovery, hold adventure outings for residents. The Right Step also offers recreational therapy. During these weekly outings, you might play basketball at a park, see a movie at the theater, or visit a local museum.

Warmth and Welcome at Houston Recovery Centers

Spending time in a new space—and outside of your usual comfort zone—may offer you some much-needed clarity. If you decide that traveling for rehab is for you, it’s important to choose a location that suits your unique preferences.

Attending a treatment center in Houston would be a great choice if you love spending time outside in warmer climates and desire a more diverse and multicultural area. The easy access to top medical professionals at TMC will ensure that you have some of the best quality care possible. Rehabs in this area allow patients to stay connected with nature, art, and culture, while still taking the time they need to heal.

View our list of different luxury treatment centers in sunny Houston.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Houston

What sets luxury rehabs in Houston apart from others?

Houston luxury rehabs stand out thanks to their world-class medical care, quality service, upscale amenities, specialized programs, and Southern hospitality.

What therapies are offered at luxury rehabs in Houston?

Luxury rehabs in Houston offer a diverse range of evidence-based and complementary therapies. These may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), experiential therapy, mindfulness practices, and holistic treatments, all aimed at promoting personal growth and sustainable recovery.

Do luxury rehabs in Houston offer aftercare support?

Yes, Houston luxury rehabs understand the importance of ongoing support after completing a treatment program. They typically provide aftercare services like alumni programs, counseling sessions, and support networks to help individuals maintain sustainable recovery.

Addiction Treatment in Ontario: Lakeside Living and Quality Care

Where you attend addiction treatment can have a huge impact on your progress. Yes, rehab is about getting sober—but it’s also about learning how to improve your quality of life and sustain the changes you make long after you leave residential treatment. The setting you’re in, the relationships you have with your peers, and the professionals who deliver your care all play an important role in supporting you through your recovery process and equipping you for life beyond it.

If you’re traveling for treatment, the change of scenery that residential rehab offers can provide the space you need to focus on creating change. It can also give you a chance to experience joy and reconnect with yourself—without the need for drugs or alcohol.

If you’re considering addiction treatment in Ontario, you’re in the right place. We’ll take a look at what the region has to offer treatment seekers, including the physical environment, activities, and professional support. We’ll also provide a glimpse of a few rehabs’ facilities, programming, and specializations.

Getting Oriented

15 times larger than the state of Texas, to say Ontario is large would be an understatement. The expansive province is bordered by Hudson Bay to the north, the Great Lakes to the south, Quebec to the east, and Manitoba to the west. Its Golden Horseshoe region, which stretches along Lake Ontario, includes Toronto and the Niagara Peninsula. Eastern Ontario hosts the nation’s capital Ottawa and historic towns along the St. Lawrence River. Southwestern Ontario features bucolic countryside dotted with farms and small villages, not unlike the Midwestern U.S. The far reaches of the North are home to the Hudson Bay and the stretches of taiga forest that surround it.

Ontario’s massive size means the province encompasses a diverse range of natural features, and offers myriad activities that rehabs weave into their treatment experiences. Those who are invigorated by untouched forests and soothed by serene lakes will have plenty of chances to connect with nature here.

Vibrant Cities and Expanses of Wilderness

Ontario is home to 40% of Canada’s population, most of whom live in Toronto or Ottawa. It also boasts 250,000 lakes, including the Great Lakes, which it shares with the U.S. With the Hudson Bay to the north and the Great Lakes to the south, and great stretches of untouched wilderness in between, this province is home to a wealth of pristine waterways perfect for fishing, paddling, kayaking, and canoeing.

Canada’s urban center, Toronto, is also located here. Vibrant and multicultural, the city is known for its diverse neighborhoods and exemplary planning. Ontario is also the seat of the nation’s capital Ottawa, celebrated for its Victorian architecture and historic sites. For those who prefer urban convenience, both cities offer excellent restaurants, shopping, museums, and cultural institutions.

What to Expect From Ontario’s Weather

Ontario has 4, distinct seasons. Because it’s such an enormous province, weather can vary drastically depending on the season and location. Winters in the north of the province can be notoriously harsh, but most rehabs are located in the south near Toronto, where temperatures are comparatively mild. Buffered by Lake Ontario, Toronto ranks among the cities with the mildest winter climate in Canada.1 The lake’s insulation also helps the area stay cooler in the summer.

While summer and winter temperatures in Ontario can tend towards extremes, spring and fall are more temperate. In any season, a little planning can help you stay comfortable. Like anywhere with frequent fluctuations in weather, layering is key. Rehab admissions staff are usually happy to provide a packing list and answer any questions you may have about what to bring.

For more information, see our article on packing for rehab.

Seasonal weather changes aren’t just an inconvenience – they can also be a refreshing change for those who don’t get to experience them often. Some parts of the province receive snow up to 6 months of the year—a special treat for those who love white winter landscapes. Ontario is one of the few places in the world where you can enjoy skiing in the winter and beaches in the summer.

Sights Worth Seeing

Like the rest of Canada, Ontario is home to outstanding provincial and national parks, which makes for some truly inspiring sightseeing:

  • Viewing Aboriginal rock carvings at Petroglyphs Provincial Park
  • Diving in Georgian Bay Islands National Park and the Fathom Five National Marine Park
  • Visiting lighthouses lining the coast of Lake Huron
  • Hiking through the old-growth forests of Temagami
  • Driving along historic Nipissing Road, part of the Trans Canada Trail
  • Visiting small historic towns and farms in the countryside
Oro House Recovery sound healing
Oro House Recovery in Malibu, California.
Fathom five national marine park
Breathtaking scenes from Fathom Five National Marine Park in southern Ontario.

Ontario offers outdoor activities for those who find inspiration in physical challenge, as well as peaceful natural beauty to calm the mind. Luxury rehabs here typically offer the best of both worlds, with lakeside locations fit for relaxation and introspection, and adventure outings to satisfy clients’ needs for excitement and fun.

Therapeutic Outdoor Activities in the Land of a Thousand Lakes

Ontario has no shortage of activities for any season. In summer, Ontarians enjoy fishing, canoeing and kayaking on glassy lakes and hiking through boreal forests. Winter is ideal for world-class skiing and snowboarding, snowmobiling, and outdoor ice skating. And any time of year, visitors can see some of Canada’s best museums and galleries, like Dundurn Castle and the Royal Ontario Museum.

Immersion in nature and culture doesn’t just make rehab more pleasant (though comfort can also be an important part of your treatment experience). It can also be therapeutic. Research shows that cultivating awe is good for mental health.2 It helps us find humility, keep things in perspective, and take our problems less seriously by seeing ourselves as a small part of a much bigger picture. And connecting with nature – especially as grandiose as that of Ontario – is a great way to tap into that feeling.

A Culture Conducive to Healing

Home to lively, multicultural Toronto, Ontario is diverse and socially progressive. The province is known for its friendly people, love of the arts, and welcoming attitude towards immigrants which enriches its cultural tapestry. Canada in general also ranks high for its standard of living and general safety, and that sense of security can be hugely helpful for those in trauma recovery.

Ontario cities consistently rank among the best places to live and work3 in the world. This basis of well-being shows up in the way people here interact with each other – and care for those who come here for treatment.

Luxury Rehab Programs in Ontario

Centres for Health and Healing (Vaughan, Ontario)

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Centres for Health and Healing in Vaughan, Ontario.

Located on 110 acres of farmland just north of Toronto, Centres for Health and Healing offers a holistic, non-12-Step treatment approach and a variety of water activities. Delivered via personalized treatment plans, their wellness program places a strong focus on mindfulness—a philosophy they refer to as “Mindful Mental Health.” The center offers specialized treatments such as a sublocade medication-assisted therapy (MAT) program, as well as medical detox and a weekly family program.

Treatment takes place in a lakefront luxury home surrounded by sprawling lawns and woods, equipped with an indoor swimming pool and fireplaces. Guests can use recreational equipment on the lake and outdoor leisure areas.

Victoria Wellness (Gores Landing, Ontario)

victoria wellness
Victoria Wellness in Gores Landing, Ontario.

Situated on Rice Lake an hour east of Toronto, Victoria Wellness offers evidence-based, trauma-informed addiction and mental health treatment, including treatment for co-occurring disorders. This center also offers ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) via a partnership with ketamine treatment provider Ketamine One. Clients are guided through an individual treatment plan by their primary therapist, and complementary therapies include holistic practices like yoga and Reiki. The program also emphasizes recovery-focused nutrition.

“At Victoria Wellness, we offer meal plans that reflect your personal values and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, healthy fats and probiotics, which are linked to improved mental health. Our offerings are organically and locally sourced whenever possible.”

The center’s culinary team can accommodate vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free diets.

Clients here enjoy boating, fishing, kayaking, and paddle boarding on the lake, as well as amenities like an outdoor pool and a labyrinth for meditative walks. Offsite activities include visiting animals on a working farm in the countryside, guided hikes, skiing, horseback riding, and golf.

Muskoka Recovery (King City, Ontario)

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Muskoka Recovery in King City, Ontario.

With a range of services from detox to residential care, Muskoka Recovery’s program is based on 6 core values of caring, excellence, respect, accessibility, innovation and integrity, and includes unlimited 1-on-1 counseling. The team pays special attention to helping clients plan for relapse prevention and reintegrate into their community.

“We believe community plays an important role in the recovery process. We can help clients with resume preparation, find housing and connect you with potential employers.”

Muskoka Recovery’s main center is located on over 100 acres of forested property outside Toronto. Clients can choose from locations in Muskoka, King City, Toronto, and Bracebridge.

Rehab Staff and Treatment Professionals

Canada has a highly educated population4 and a renowned healthcare system. Luxury rehabs in Ontario are staffed by a variety of addiction and mental health treatment professionals:

Clinical Professionals

  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers

Addiction Specialists

  • Addiction counselors
  • Recovery coaches
  • Dual diagnosis specialists
  • Interventionists

Complementary Therapists

  • Eco-therapists
  • Energy healers
  • Massage therapists
  • Yoga instructors

Support Staff

  • Chefs
  • Nutritionists
  • General support workers

Rehabs—especially those with on-site medical detox—may also staff medical professionals such as addiction-specialized doctors and nurses.

Learn more: Rehab Staff Qualifications

Finding Your Community in Rehab

Recovery is a personal journey, but it’s also largely reliant on the support of those who see you through your challenges and encourage your new lifestyle. The bonds you form with your peers in residential treatment can form an important part of your support network. You’ll get to share your struggles, learn from those of others, and feel less alone in your struggles. Rehab is also a safe space to practice new ways of relating to others, which you can then apply to heal your relationships in your life outside of rehab.

Ontario rehabs can be a great place to connect with others on their healing journey who value open-mindedness and love the great outdoors. And if your facility’s program includes online aftercare or has an alumni network, you’ll have even more opportunities to stay connected when you return home.

Arriving in Ontario

Many of Ontario’s luxury rehabs are located near Toronto. While this makes it easy to get to treatment, the Toronto metro area still encompasses large swaths of wilderness, meaning you can enjoy access to the region’s lakes and forests without sacrificing the convenience of the city. Toronto’s international airport is a major hub, offering direct flights from around the country as well as connections to the U.S. and abroad. Rehab admissions team members are usually happy to help you arrange travel.

If you’re interested in looking further into treatment here, visit our collection of Ontario rehabs to see reviews, take virtual tours, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Ontario

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Ontario?

Ontario offers a range of addiction treatment programs including residential rehab, outpatient programs, detoxification programs, and aftercare support. Some rehabs have specialized programs, such as medication-assisted therapy (MAT) and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) programs.

What should I expect during addiction treatment in Ontario?

During addiction treatment in Ontario, you can expect to start with a thorough assessment. This lays the foundation for your treatment plan, which often includes individual and group therapy sessions, complementary therapies, recovery activities like skiing, relapse prevention strategies, and ongoing support. The focus is on empowering individuals to achieve long-term sobriety.

What qualifications and credentials should I look for in an addiction treatment center in Ontario?

When choosing an addiction treatment center in Ontario, it’s advised to consider facilities that are licensed, accredited, and staffed with qualified professionals. Look for rehab staff credentials such as certified addiction counselors, licensed therapists, and addiction-specialized medical professionals. Treatment team information is often listed on a center’s website.

Nature, Adventure and Good Vibes at Hawaii Luxury Rehabs

Hawaii is the quintessential holiday destination—and for good reason. From the rainbow-hued reefs of Lana’i to the volcanic peaks of Mauna Kea and the verdant valleys in between, this Pacific wonderland has something for everyone. Luxury rehabs in Hawaii leverage the islands’ abundance of activities, and the power of its thriving nature, to offer a treatment experience in the true aloha spirit. Rehabs here tend to embody Hawaii’s island lifestyle:

  • A focus on adventure and activities
  • Immersion in nature
  • Embracing community and spirituality
  • Holistically and naturally creating life change

Getting Oriented

Hawaii is located smack dab in the middle of the Pacific. The archipelago comprises 19 volcanic islands, 4 of which are inhabited by residents and a steady stream of visitors. Each of these major islands has its own, distinct allure:

Hawaii (the Big Island)

Also known as “the Big Island,” Hawaii is by far the largest in the archipelago, accounting for 63% of its landmass. However, much of the island is rural, and it houses only 13% of the state’s population. The Big Island is home to active volcanoes, waterfalls, coffee, vanilla, macadamia nut farms, cattle ranches, and black, green, and white sand beaches. On the west coast, Kona offers historical landmarks, vast landscapes, and mellow swimming beaches. On the east coast, Hilo features a rocky coastline dotted with waterfalls, lava rock pools, rainforests, and towering volcanoes.

Most rehabs in Hawaii are located on the Big Island.


Hawaii’s best-known and most developed island, Oahu is home to Honolulu, the most populous city in the state. Waikiki Beach is most popular with tourists, while the island’s famous North Shore draws surfers from around the world in the swell season.


Separated into east and west by a valley running down its center, the west side of Maui hosts beachfront resort areas like Kaanapali. Hana, on the undeveloped east side of the island, is full of stunning nature reserves accessed by the Hana Highway, which takes visitors past wonders like the Seven Sacred Pools.


Known as the “Garden Isle,” Kauai’s heavy rains mean it boasts some of the greenest rainforests in the state. Natural wonders here include the Wailua River, Waimea Canyon, and the rugged Nā Pali Coast.


The Hawaiian Islands offer endless activities, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Surfing
  • Diving
  • Snorkeling
  • Hiking and eco-tours
  • Horseback riding
  • Air tours
  • Whale watching (from December through April, and June through August)
  • Shark diving
  • Climbing volcanoes
  • Swimming with dolphins

While some programs offer these outings as a way to spend free time on weekends, others harness their therapeutic power via experiential therapies. For those who find healing through the power of the ocean, some Hawaiian rehabs even offer surf therapy.

Local Culture

Hawaii isn’t just about postcard-perfect beaches. It’s also home to a rich indigenous culture with its own language, music, dance, and foodways. Visitors to the islands can get a taste of these by joining in hula, ukulele, or lei-making lessons, or visiting museums showcasing the islands’ history and arts.

Healing With the Spirit of Aloha

In Hawaii, the spirit of aloha is palpable. In addition to being an innately enjoyable place to live, many people say they sense a special, uplifting, and calming energy that’s native to the land itself. Locals who call Hawaii home, and those who come for only a short time relish the chance to connect with the land. Rehabs here who foster this link to land and community do their best to respect Hawaiian traditions. Hawaii is ethnically diverse: it’s home to native Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Portuguese, Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, and Micronesian peoples, among many more.

Its distinctly laid-back vibe permeates every aspect of daily life, and the recovery process is no exception. This may be a good treatment location for you if you’re looking to shift out of a stressed-out mindset and reconnect with life’s essentials.


Hawaii offers year-round warm weather, with temperatures that rarely dip below 75°F (24°C). Those from colder climates especially enjoy Hawaii’s consistently summer-like atmosphere. And this doesn’t just make for a pleasant vacation, but can potentially have a real impact on your recovery.

Leo Sher of Columbia University’s Department of Psychiatry discusses the link between seasonal depression and alcoholism.1 “Seasonal changes in mood and behavior (seasonality) may be closely related to alcoholism. Some patients with alcoholism have a seasonal pattern to their alcohol misuse. They may be self-medicating an underlying seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with alcohol or manifesting a seasonal pattern to alcohol-induced depression.” Favorable weather, on the other hand, may also play a favorable role in your treatment outcomes.

Some months in Hawaii are hotter or rainier than others, but in general, you can expect good weather any time of year. The mildest temperatures are found during May and September. October and November are typically the hottest months, while January sees the most rain. Keep in mind that Hawaii has multiple microclimates,2 and temperatures and rainfall may vary according to your specific location. It’s also not uncommon for weather patterns to change several times during a given day.

Because the islands’ daily operations are heavily affected by tourism, airfare may vary depending on whether you arrive during high season (winter and summer) or low season (spring and fall). Prices may also peak at times of year coinciding with U.S. vacations, like spring break.

Who Is Rehab in Hawaii Best Suited For?

Rehab can be somewhat insular, as this contained experience provides space for you to turn inward and focus on the work of making major life changes. But it can also incorporate elements from the outside world, giving you a chance to experience your surroundings in a deeply healing way. It’s also a great opportunity to build a sober community with like-minded people. After all, your peers in treatment likely chose the same program you did because it spoke to similar interests. If this sounds like you, Hawaii might be a great place to begin your recovery journey:

  • You’re active or adventurous.
  • You rejuvenate by connecting with nature.
  • You prefer to learn through hands-on experiences.
  • You’re open to holistic approaches and trying new treatment methods.
  • You want to incorporate your spirituality into your healing process.

Facilities and Amenities

Hawaiian luxury treatment centers tend not to be overtly lavish, but offer plenty of comforts for a relaxing stay:

  • Simple yet comfortable accommodations
  • Ocean views
  • Natural surroundings
  • Walking and hiking trails
  • Pools and hot tubs

Most Hawaiian luxury rehabs also have beach access (but aren’t necessarily beachfront), and include visits to multiple nearby beaches as part of their regular outings.

Professionals and Expertise

Rehab teams are comprised of staff that coordinate and deliver core programming, as well as specialized treatment modalities:

  • Medical doctors and nurses, including addictions specialists
  • Board-certified psychiatrists
  • Clinical psychologists, including specialists such as family therapists and trauma specialists
  • Holistic professionals such as naturopaths, acupuncturists, licensed massage therapists, and yoga instructors
  • Youth-specialized counselors, field therapists, and guides
  • Recovery and life skills coaches

Connecting With Nature and Self: A Glimpse Into Hawaiian Rehab Programs

Below are some examples of programming you’ll find on the islands. While each program offers its own mix of clinical and complementary therapies and caters to different clientele, they all have one thing in common: encouraging a connection with Hawaii itself.

Hawaii Island Recovery: Community and Spirituality

hawaii island recovery
Hawaii Island Recovery and its beautiful surroundings.

Located on Hualalai Mountain on the Big Island, this Joint Commission-accredited residential adult treatment center admits a maximum of 8 clients at a time.

The center uses a holistic treatment approach, emphasizing community, spirituality, and connecting with nature through the many activities on offer. According to their team, “The surrounding landscape is incredible and we love to get out and find empowerment in the natural beauty of Hawaii… The change that comes from making a new life, one day at a time, is complemented by images of waterfalls, black sand beaches, and sacred Hawaiian monuments… Spiritual leaders are generous enough to join us, providing guidance from their backgrounds as we search to discover our own path.”

Therapies at Hawaii Island Recovery incorporate clinical care (individual and group therapy, EMDR, CBT, and DBT), holistic health (mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga), and recreational activities. These include ocean-based therapy, swimming with wild dolphins, visits to local beaches, and experiential cultural programming to honor the island’s heritage.

The center’s home-like residence offers ocean views and chef-prepared meals, as well as access to a hot tub and fitness center with a personal trainer. Clients can choose from 30, 60, or 90-day programs.

Pacific Quest: Adolescents and Young Adults

Pacific Teen Treatment
Pacific Quest serves adolescents and young adults. They place a strong emphasis on clinical care combined with naturopathic approaches, like wilderness therapy.

Located in Hilo on the Big Island, this program serves young clientele and places a strong emphasis on wilderness therapy. Clients enroll in one of two programs: an adolescent program for ages 13-17, and a young adults program for ages 17-24. While these contain specialized courses specific to each age group, both programs focus on experiential learning and include horticultural therapy, which takes place in the center’s on-site gardens. Both programs also offer an accredited academic curriculum for those who haven’t completed high school.

Pacific Quest’s integrative psychiatry program combines clinical care with naturopathic approaches, and includes psychiatric and medication management services as needed. “Integrative psychiatry uses both conventional and complementary therapies to address individual treatment needs,” says the center’s clinical team. “Our psychiatrist, medical team, and primary therapist collaborate with the student and their family to develop personalized treatment plans to reduce symptoms and build self-efficacy strategies.” Therapies here include evidence-based psychotherapy, adventure therapy, art therapy, nutrition, somatic experiencing, and family involvement.

In addition to the campus’s gardens, natural surroundings, and ocean views, clients can access nearby waterfalls via trails on the property. Activities include beach walks and fitness, water activities, and yoga.

The ‘Ohana: Outpatient Care and Hawaii-Style Sober Living

the ohana
Oro House Recovery green, tranquil grounds help patients reconnect with nature.

The ‘Ohana, meaning “family” in Hawaiian, lies in the heart of Kailua-Kona on the Big Island. Here, clients attend an intensive outpatient program while living on-site in their sober living community. The center admits 6 to 15 clients at a time, and offers 30, 60, 90, and 120-day stays.

Programming here integrates evidence-based, holistic, and adventure therapy, and incorporates the local surrounds into clients’ treatment experience. “At the ‘Ohana, we believe that setting and environment play an important role in an individual’s healing,” says their team. “By removing triggers and taking the time to reconnect to nature in beautiful Hawaii, we optimize the individual’s ability to heal.” Therapies include DBT, CBT, psychodynamic therapy, meditation, nutrition, and ecopsychology. They also offer an executive program.

Clients at the ‘Ohana can choose from activities like touring volcanoes, hiking in cloud forests, zip-lining, snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, and horseback riding. The property is set on 5 acres of tropical land, and recovery residences feature private rooms, each with an ocean view and pool access.

Making the Most of Your Time on the Islands

Hawaii offers no shortage of sights to see, and luxury rehabs here often include excursions as a weekend activity. Depending on status upon discharge, clients may also choose to take advantage of their time on the island to soak up more of its healing beauty. This can also potentially be arranged with loved ones who visit as part of a family program. Notable destinations on the islands include the following:

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Big Island)

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park3 is home to Kilauea and Mauna Loa, 2 of the world’s most active volcanoes. Designated as an International Biosphere Reserve and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park offers visitors a chance to see the active volcanoes in action via day or backcountry hiking.

Haleakala National Park (Maui)

Haleakala National Park4 is home to several endangered species that can only be seen in this unique habitat. The most popular activity here is hiking to its peak to catch the sunrise, which appears otherworldly in the above-the-clouds landscape.

NaPali Coast (Kauai)

The rugged coastlines of NaPali Coast State Wilderness Park5 are accessible only by foot or boat. Here, streams and waterfalls cut dramatic valleys into the cliffs as they make their way to the sea. Those seeking a more adventurous travel experience can hike or camp onsite (which may require special permits).

North Shore (Oahu)

Oahu’s North Shore6 is best known for attracting surfers from around the world to its celebrated breaks in the winter months. But it also offers thrills for non-surfers, like shark diving and hiking among the picturesque trails of its national parks.

Accessibility and Travel

Hawaii is the most remote populated island chain in the world.7 As such, air travel is by far the most common and easiest option to, and even between, the islands. Whether domestic or international, the vast majority of flights land in Honolulu. Depending on your city of origin, you may find a direct flight to your destination island, or you may connect from Honolulu via an interisland flight. Direct service from the mainland is also available to Kahului on Maui, Kona and Hilo on the Big Island, and Lihue on Kauai. Nonstop flights to Honolulu fly out of most major West Coast airports, as well as some in Asia-Pacific.

Once on the island, your rehab will provide transportation for any off-campus activities and can provide direct pick-up from the airport. Those who wish to visit multiple Hawaiian islands typically schedule 3, one-way flights (for example, if you choose to explore Hawaii further after treatment). Rehab admissions staff are usually happy to help with travel arrangements.

Finding Hope in the Rainbow Capital of the World

The grounding, elevating, good-for-the-soul environment that Hawaii offers can be one way to set yourself up for success as you embark on the challenging project of recovery. To learn more about treatment options in the state, visit our list of Hawaii luxury rehabs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Hawaii

What makes rehab in Hawaii unique?

Rehabs in Hawaii stands out due to their picturesque surroundings, integration of Hawaiian culture and holistic approaches to recovery, and wide variety of recovery activities. Serene beaches, lush landscapes, and its peaceful environment adds to the unique experience.

What addiction treatment programs are available in Hawaii?

Hawaii provides a comprehensive range of addiction treatment programs, including detoxification programs, residential rehab, outpatient services, and holistic treatments. Rehab programs in Hawaii cater to diverse needs, and may be especially suited for people who want to connect back to nature.

What activities are offered in Hawaii rehabs?

Hawaii rehabs offer a variety of amenities and activities to support the recovery journey. Activities that make the most of Hawaii’s natural wonders include eco-tours, adventure outings, whale watching, and more. Centers here offer a host of other holistic treatments, from yoga to meditation classes and more.

Rehabs in Greece: A Culture of Whole-Person Healing

Rehab provides the opportunity for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Talk therapy and medical care are certainly essential to the treatment process. But sometimes a change in environment can be helpful, too. A new atmosphere full of fresh sights, sounds, and feelings can shift your perspective to inspire your recovery journey.

For many people, rehabs in Greece offer the chance for personal rebirth and renewal.
This island country is rich in history. Emerald waters, charming neighborhoods, and ancient citadels make Greece a sought-after Mediterranean escape. And in addition to its awe-inspiring sights, Greece offers an abundance of activities that luxury rehabs here take full advantage of. Greek rehabs’ approach to holistic health, emphasis on community connection, and experience with celebrity clientele make this destination a viable option for people who are seeking all-around wellness, or who need an escape from the public eye.

Renew and Refresh in Greece

Greece landscape
Greece has some of the world’s most picturesque coastlines.

Greece is made up of hundreds of islands dotted throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas. Each is scattered with ruins that reveal a storied past, surrounded by vivid blue waters. Many luxury rehabs here make the most of their location and take clients on beach excursions. Some facilities even directly overlook the ocean.

Coastal landscapes don’t just make for breathtaking views. Research from the University of Exeter reveals that living by the sea can improve your mental health and well-being.1 The ocean’s blue can help put you in a state of calm, which can be an especially helpful change of scenery if you’re coming from a more urban environment.

Memorable Outdoor Excursions

Greece is graced by the Mediterranean’s sought-after climate, which lends itself nicely to the variety of outdoor-based activities offered at programs here.
Outdoor access can be a boon to the rehab experience. Mental health experts find that exposure to nature and outdoor activities can improve your mental well-being.2

Rehabs in Greece provide ample opportunities for rejuvenation in nature:

  • Fitness by the sea
  • Farming and gardening
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Luxury yacht trips
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Rock climbing

Participating in these and other outdoor activities as part of treatment can reduce stress, help you connect with others, and allow you to shift your focus to learning something new.

Ancient History to Inspire a New Future

greece rehabs
Historical landmarks and cultural sites dot the country.

Many rehab programs include excursions to historical sites and relics of the past that make Greece a popular destination. Some treatment centers are only a 30-minute car drive away from world-famous historical landmarks like the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Acropolis, and the National Archeological Museum.

Keep in mind that rehab isn’t a vacation. However, ancient landscapes are proven to provide therapeutic value,3 a phenomenon dubbed “culture therapy” by researchers at the Human Henge project.

A trip to sites like the Acropolis in Athens can evoke a deep sense of reverence that can possibly enhance your treatment experience. As explained in Human Henge’s research report, “just as emotional and aesthetic responses can help people understand significant places… significant places experienced in particular ways can stimulate the same kinds of feeling. With care and sensitivity these can be directed to…[cause] the human spirit to flourish.”

Addiction can disconnect us from our sense of appreciation for life. But being in spaces of historical significance has the potential to stir up feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Through that, you may learn to be more perceptive of the world around you, which may just help you find joy in the everyday once more.

Activities and Experiential Therapies

There’s no shortage of things to do in Greece. Clients have unique opportunities to learn and heal through the variety of activities and experiential therapy programs available in the country. Engaging in these activities in a therapeutic setting can help you discover new ways of being and stimulate meta-awareness.4

Meta-awareness can help you overcome triggers that may lead to substance or alcohol use by learning to regulate your emotions so you’re less reactive to distressing thoughts or scenarios. It can also make you more aware of spontaneous reactions you may not have thought of before—for example, automatically reaching for a drink in stressful situations.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Horses play an integral role in ancient Greek culture. Many rehabs in the country offer equine-assisted psychotherapy, also known as equine therapy. Working with horses is proven to help participants break down communication barriers5 and adjust their perspective to focus on the needs of another being. As a result, you may experience a new bond of trust that opens doors in your relationships outside of rehab.

Museum Visits

Museums are becoming recognized as therapeutic environments6 with the ability to improve mental health via art therapy. And Greece is home to some of the world’s most famous, like The Acropolis Museum in Athens, which displays some of the country’s greatest archeological finds. Exciting site visits are included in the treatment programs at centers such as Marieva Healthcare, Hellenic Practice, and The Poseidon Method.

Physical Activity

Research shows that exercise can aid in recovery from substance use disorders. Physical activity can help ease withdrawal symptoms, depression, and anxiety7 that may occur after you’ve discontinued using.

It may be easier to find the motivation to exercise in Greece. Greek people like to stay active: 84.6% of Greece’s adult population meets WHO recommended physical activity levels for health.8 With great weather year-round, many rehab programs in the country take clients outside for athletic activities at least a couple of times a week.

Holistic Healing

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Hellenic Practice in Athens, Greece, champions holistic healing.

Holistic health, which treats the whole person—body, mind, soul, and spirit—has its roots in ancient Greece. Today, the country is a magnet for wellness tourism.9

Thanks to its reputation as a wellness getaway, there are many luxury holistic rehabs in Greece. Programs at these facilities are usually designed by teams of experts from different health-related backgrounds. Given their extensive experience with holistic treatment, these rehabs offer a comprehensive program that integrates different types of treatments, rather than simply adding complementary therapies into the mix. Integration is key for a more effective holistic addiction treatment program.10

Complementary Therapies

It’s common to find rehabs in Greece that include nutrition therapy, physical activity, lifestyle change strategies, and complementary therapies in their treatment programs. These treatments combined can help you heal in ways that may not be achievable through talk therapy alone.

Greek rehabs treat clients using a wide range of complementary therapies:


When you think of Greek cuisine, briny olives, tangy feta cheese, and fresh vegetables and fish may come to mind. The good news is, these traditional staples aren’t just delicious—they’re also good for your health. More than just a fad, clinical trials have shown that the Mediterranean diet may improve depressive symptoms and reduce depression remission rates.11

Several rehabs in Greece provide healthy nutrition plans along with the tools to maintain good eating habits. Some high-end rehabs dive even further into nutrition and work with clients to identify their nutritional issues, set up individualized goals, and create a sustainable lifestyle plan. You can even participate in cooking classes to learn the skills you need to prepare nourishing meals back home.

Finding Community and Rebuilding Relationships

Rehab opens the door not just to healing yourself, but also to restoring your relationships. It provides an opportunity to form connections with like-minded people, which can help you learn to relate to others in healthier ways.

Strong communities are central to Greek culture, and this comes across at many treatment centers. Multiple programs have a warm, community atmosphere that reflects the country’s social culture. Staff are often personable, helping clients feel attended to and cared for.

Another key aspect of Greek culture is family bonds. Certain centers recognize the impact of involving family in the recovery process and offer family therapy programs. Addiction usually affects the entire household. However, it’s common that clients and their loved ones haven’t acknowledged past traumas that may have fractured family dynamics. Family therapy in rehab can help facilitate healthier family ties, which is an important component of sustainable recovery.

Luxury Experiences at Private Rehabs in Greece

Greece is a well-known luxury travel destination. Celebrities, politicians, and executives alike travel to Greece to unwind. Luxury rehabs in Greece have been serving this clientele for years and have a good understanding of their needs.

Individualized Attention at Ultra-Exclusive Centers

Luxury rehabs in Greece go above and beyond to offer each client unparalleled individualized attention. At some premium rehabs, you have access to 24/7 emotional support and therapeutic assistance from therapists, clinical professionals, and senior staff. Some people are used to certain levels of attention and comfort. Many healthcare experts agree that comfort is integral to a patient’s experience,12 and having these comforts removed can be a counterproductive distraction from the treatment process.

Addressing the Needs of Executives and High-Profile Clients

The Poseidon Method in Mykonos, Greece, offers a VIP treatment track program.

Certain rehabs in Greece have celebrity treatment programs specifically aimed to meet the unique needs of celebrities, VIP clients, and public personalities. Confidentiality in treatment can be a concern for this clientele. If you need absolute privacy, single-client rehabs in Greece can help you remain safely out of the public eye.

Rehab centers that understand the unique circumstances high-profile individuals face can help these clients lay strong foundations for healthy habits geared particularly towards their lifestyle demands.

Getting There

As a popular destination country, Greece is easily accessible by plane. The majority of travelers arrive through Athens International Airport. From there, they either fly or take a ferry to other Greek islands.

Luxury rehab centers in Greece offer airport pick-up and personal chauffeur services during your stay. Chaperoned field trips and shopping are also part of several centers’ programs.

Greece has options for rehabs closer to consumer areas like Athens. Or if you’d like to step back from it all, the country offers more isolated locations, from the highest mountain in Mykonos to a private cottage near the countryside.

Beginning Your Journey to Healing

For some, traveling can be a powerful way to begin their recovery. Going to a new and interesting place can put important space between your former patterns and your new goals. Ideally, you’ll return to your day-to-day life equipped with a new perspective, healthier habits, and strong support systems in place.

Greece provides access to natural wonders and cultural experiences that might provide just the inspiration you need to start your new chapter.

See our list of luxury rehabs in Greece to explore treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab in Greece

What sets Greece rehabs apart from other international rehab destinations?

Greece stands out as a rehab destination for its picturesque locations, rich cultural heritage, and high-quality addiction treatment programs. The serene, temperate climate, strong sense of community, and holistic approach to recovery, make Greece a sought-after destination for people seeking a comprehensive rehab experience.

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Greece rehabs?

Greece rehabs offer a range of addiction treatment programs, including detoxification, individual and group therapy, holistic therapies, recovery activities unique to the country, and aftercare support. These programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, promoting lasting recovery.

How long does a typical stay at a Greece rehab last?

The duration of a stay at a Greece rehab can vary depending on the individual’s treatment needs and progress. While some programs offer shorter stays of a few weeks, others provide more extended treatment options that can last several months. The length of stay is determined through a personalized assessment and treatment planning process.