New York Rehabs: Find Calm in the City or Escape Upstate

New Yorkers’ lifestyles are as varied as the rich tapestry of people that define the state—and luxury rehabs here build their programs around this. You’ll find programs with flexible lengths of stay, amenities for busy professionals, and specialized treatments for specific client groups. 

Whether you prefer the convenience of an urban setting, the quaintness of a mountain town, or the peacefulness of the seaside, New York rehabs have something for everyone and high-level care to boot.  

Serenity in the City

If you live in New York City and don’t want to travel for treatment, several rehabs in the city provide ways to find calm while staying close to home.

Urban Recovery 

Urban Recovery offers medically supervised detox followed by an intensive treatment program that includes 35 clinical hours per week. Their 5-story building on the waterfront in Red Hook boasts views of the New York Bay from the rooftop lounge. Residential treatment here can be short- or long-term, with detox programs lasting 5-10 days, residential stays up to 30 days, and intensive outpatient programs up to 90 days. Clients attend yoga and pilates classes with professional instructors and enjoy facilities like the fitness room, music studio, and art room while they heal.

Urban Recovery is decorated with plush, private bedrooms and luxury amenities, including a rooftop lounge overlooking the iconic New York Bay.

Ascendant NY 

Housed in a Manhattan brownstone, Ascendant NY offers a private space with a focus on confidentiality. Programming here prioritizes the detox process, providing nutritious meals, yoga, and fitness to ease the effects of withdrawals.

Hazelden Betty Ford New York 

Conveniently located on Manhattan’s West Side and backed by Betty Ford’s long-standing reputation, Hazelden Betty Ford New York offers a range of addiction treatment programs tailored to various needs. These include outpatient programs, virtual therapy, lower-intensity options, and recovery management. 

Bear Betty Ford animal therapy
Meet Bear, the resident certified therapy dog helping clients feel extra comfortable and calm at Hazelden Betty Ford New York.

Clients here also get to meet the center’s resident labradoodle and certified therapy dog, Bear, who rides the subway to work each day to provide residents with a dose of nonjudgmental comfort. 

See our list of luxury rehabs in New York City for information on additional programs. 

Upstate Escapes

If you’re looking to connect with nature as you heal, rehabs upstate offer even more quietude. Not far from the city are the winding rivers, staggering mountain peaks, and seemingly endless seas of trees that make Upstate New York feel like a world away.

Mountainside Retreats 

New York State’s 4-seasons climate means its countryside is bright green in the summer, but transitions to vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows in the fall. Snow blankets the state in the winter, while blossoms burst with color in the spring.

Mountainside Chappaqua, for example, is only an hour away. But the complete change of scenery might lead you to believe otherwise. Chappaqua is a hamlet (tiny village) of just under 3,000 people. Here, you can immerse yourself in nature’s sanctuary on meditative hikes near the property.

You’ll find Saint Jude Retreats in the small town of Amsterdam. This secluded property rests on acres of forests and meadows. You can walk their private trails or fish for bass in the pond—and in the winter, the water freezes, setting the stage for outdoor ice skating. 

Activities in the natural world don’t end on their own property, though. Every other week, clients visit the Adirondack Mountains for outdoor excursions like hiking, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing.

Coastal Refuge

If the sounds of ocean waves are calling you, The Dunes of East Hampton is just under 2 hours from NYC. Located inside a private gate and secluded woodland, this facility is only steps from the seaside. You can walk to the beach for picturesque views of Long Island coastal bluffs and rolling fields. Staff here also take clients on outdoor excursions like sailing, nature walks, and biking along scenic pathways.

the dunes of east hampton slide 3
Located right by the beach, clients at The Dunes of East Hampton have plenty of access to outdoor activities including scenic walks, swimming, and more.

Spending time outside is more than just a fun pastime—it’s also good for your mental health and well-being. One study found that spending just 2 hours per week in nature positively affects your health. According to psychological scientist Amanda L. Mahaffey, “A vast body of research shows us that, above all, humans flourish in nature. Pretty much everything about nature has a positive effect on us in some form.” And this includes your recovery journey.

Programs for Executives and High-Profile Clients 

Clients under extra pressure to perform face unique challenges in recovery.  In fact, some people believe that risk factors associated with these lifestyles mean people in high-powered positions may be more prone to addiction

K.L., a client at The Dunes of East Hampton, describes his struggle with substance abuse despite his polished image

“I am a professional with a high level of education, although I had been struggling with alcoholism and addiction for over 20 years. I was a patient at over 10 facilities in the past 10 years, with no improvement. Everyone in my life had given up on me, including myself. People who knew me thought, ‘He is highly educated and professional, why can’t he just stop?!’”

K.L. determined the causes of his addiction with the help of a team of specialists. For him, that included a past trauma, a family history of alcoholism, and underlying mental health issues. In recovery, K.L. worked through those issues, and began to heal from the inside out.

Fortunately, some rehabs have specific programs for professionals like K.L. who need more flexibility in their care. 

How NY Rehabs Cater to High-Profile Clients

Some people aren’t able to step away from their job for the duration of residential rehab. And that’s understandable—most programs are at least 28 days, and if you have people depending on you, it’s hard to stop work entirely. Or, you might be a celebrity seeking solitude and anonymity. Whatever your background, some luxury rehab centers make an extra effort to accommodate executives, celebrities, and other high-profile clientele. 

These might include special resources for professionals, like those at The Dunes of East Hampton:

  • flexible technology policies that allow clients to use their cell phones and laptops for work
  • separate meeting rooms to give clients privacy while they work for enhanced focus
  • the ability to create your own schedule so you can go to therapy around work meetings
  • a sober companion who can accompany you to work-related events and activities, during and after rehab
  • private living quarters and secluded facilities that shield you from the outside world
  • comforts like massage, gourmet meals, swimming pools, and more

These services help clients have the most comfortable rehab experience possible—while keeping an eye on their responsibilities.

Treatment for Eating Disorders and Other Dual Diagnoses

Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder (BED). While the symptoms in each condition differ, the core is the same: an unhealthy relationship with food

Eating disorders often occur along with substance use disorders,1 especially in adolescence. Women make up 90% of eating disorder patients, and 50% also misuse substances. There’s a good chance that another co-occurring condition is present too, like anxiety, major depressive disorder, or PTSD.

Because this is so common, some rehabs specialize in treating eating disorders, addictions, and other mental health conditions all at once. Clementine Briarcliff Manor treats girls ages 12-17. (Adolescent girls are more likely to develop an eating disorder.) Treatment includes exposure therapy alongside traditional talk therapy. In exposure therapy, clients work through uncomfortable situations in a safe, supportive environment. In this context, clients might practice food shopping or creating a nutritious recipe. Sometimes these exercises involve family members. They might even include exposure to activities at home or school to prepare you for situations you may encounter in real life.

Clementine Briarcliff
Clementine Briarcliff Manor specializes in treating eating disorders from their tranquil, boutique-style facility in Westchester County, New York.

Although more common in women, eating disorders—like substance abuse—can affect anyone. Other rehabs cater to specific groups, like Center for Discovery Hamptons for adolescents of all genders, and Monte Nido River Towns for adults.

Recovery Coaches

Mountainside Chelsea has a unique program in which each client is assigned a recovery coach. According to their team, “Mountainside Recovery Coaches are certified professionals that act as partners, allies, mentors, and advocates for clients in early recovery.” These coaches can help clients apply for jobs, find housing, and build support networks. They can help you complete goal-setting exercises, create a sustainable routine, and discover new hobbies. Recovery coaches are available to take calls 24/7, whether you’re having a hard day or want to share good news. Many of these coaches are in recovery themselves, and can directly relate to your ups and downs.

A recovery coach at Mountainside Chelsea describes his goal this way:

“Our job as a coach is to help clients get comfortable with being uncomfortable, so they can later do those things on their own.”

Weaving Culture Into Care

In addition to this special program, Mountainside Chelsea immerses clients in the thriving culture of New York City. Clients can go to museums, shows, amusement parks, cooking classes, and more. Remember that recovery can be fun—and in fact, parts of it should be. It’s important to balance out the emotionally exhausting parts of this work with rewarding activities. Having fun is crucial to a self-care routine, and can even prevent relapse. And in New York, this means exploring the life-affirming experiences that the city has to offer.

Mountainside Chelsea
Mountainside Chelsea provides addiction treatment and recovery coaching in the heart of New York City.

A Fresh Start Is a Phone Call Away 

New York has plenty of quality care options for those living in the state and traveling from elsewhere. Whether you’re looking for treatment in the heart of the city or the spaciousness of the countryside, New York may just have an option for you.

Search our collection of luxury rehabs in New York to see photos, take virtual tours, read reviews, and more.

Rehab for Executives: Frequently Asked Questions

It’s common for CEOs to be portrayed as energetic, in control, and collected. But executives and people in high-level positions face demanding challenges and workplace-related stress that can take a toll on their mental health. With so much going on, you may not notice signs of addiction or addictive behavior until it negatively impacts your career or life at home.

People in high-level positions may have specific queries about going to rehab, like laptop use during treatment or privacy concerns. We’re here to answer those questions and more about attending rehab as an executive.

Understanding Addiction Among Executives

Is Addiction Common Among Executives?

Factors leading to the development of alcohol or substance use disorders are never cut and dry. However, several combining elements may make high achievers more susceptible to addiction.

As people become increasingly open about mental health issues,1 more CEOs who’ve faced addiction2 are sharing their stories. And as it turns out, hundreds of CEOs, high-level professionals, celebrities, athletes, and artists share the same struggle.

Neurological factors, trauma, and stress are some of the reasons why high achievers may turn to substance use.

Neurological factors: Addiction researcher and neuroscience professor David Linden, Ph.D. explains in his book The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good that the same mechanisms (dopamine receptors) encouraging us to achieve our goals can also push us towards substance use.

Trauma and anxiety: Outlined in Ending Addiction for Good authored by addiction researchers Richard Taite and Constance Scharff, Ph.D., high achievers who turn to substance abuse have likely experienced early life trauma that shapes the way they behave. This trauma can fuel their drive to succeed, but they may also turn to substances as a coping mechanism.

Stress: As an executive, you’re probably already aware of the daily stress you face. Entire teams of people rely on you, there’s pressure to maintain a certain public image and to keep performing at high levels. This leads to overwhelm and oftentimes, burnout. It’s common for executives to develop unhealthy habits, like substance or alcohol misuse,3 to cope with their stress.

What Are the Characteristics of Addictive Behavior?

First, it’s important to note that by “characteristics,” we mean characteristic behaviors associated with alcohol or substance abuse, not personality traits. The common notion of the “addictive personality” is a myth.4 The Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine reports that: “Research finds no universal character traits that are common to all addicted people.”

The same study notes that some practitioners consider specific personality traits as potential warning signs that someone could develop an addiction, but that’s all they are: signals. They don’t guarantee that an individual will become addicted. According to David Linden, PhD, a neuroscience professor at Johns Hopkins’ School of Medicine, some of these predictors of addiction include the drive for success,5 obsession and risk-taking—all common among high-achievers.

While you may or may not exhibit those personality traits, certain telltale behaviors indicate alcohol or substance abuse:

  • Engaging in risky behavior while under the influence
  • Continuing to use substances despite their negative consequences
  • Stashing or hiding your substance use from others
  • Persistent cravings and spending a lot of time thinking about using substances
  • Consuming more substances than before to feel the same effects
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit

Modern research shows that addiction falls on a sliding spectrum,6 challenging previous notions that addiction is “all or nothing.” According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people who exhibit 2 to 3 of the behaviors above are considered to have a “mild” substance use disorder, while those who exhibit up to 6 or more symptoms have a “severe” substance use disorder.

How Do I Know if I Need Rehab?

There’s a stigma around what people facing addiction look like, or what their lives are like. If your life appears to others to be going well, you might not realize that you have a substance use problem. You may even deny it because you don’t “fit that stereotype.” But prolonged substance abuse can have permanent, detrimental effects on the mind and body, which is why it’s better to seek treatment sooner rather than later.

You might want to consider looking into addiction treatment if you notice these common signs of alcohol or substance abuse, as outlined in the DSM-5:

  • A strong urge to use substances
  • Persistent unsuccessful attempts at cutting down or controlling your substance use
  • Taking substances in larger quantities or for longer than you intended to
  • Continuing to use substances even if it negatively impacts your work or relationships
  • Spending a lot of time trying to get substances, use, or recover from the effects of substance use
  • Continued substance use, even if it negatively impacts your life

How Long Do I Need to Go to Rehab For?

This depends on your substance use background, including the severity, length, and type of substance used. While the length of different residential rehab programs varies, they’re generally 30, 60, or 90 days long. Some programs may run even longer and last up to 180 days.

You can find out your recommended length of stay when you call a rehab center. Usually, an admissions specialist will take you through a series of questions called an “initial assessment” to determine what length of stay is appropriate for you. While some people need to be in rehab for shorter periods than others, a significant amount of research shows that longer residential rehab stays correlate to better outcomes.7

Can You Go to Rehab for Anxiety?

Yes, you can. Many residential rehabs treat anxiety and other mental health issues, even if they don’t co-occur with a substance use disorder.

If you’re an executive who suffers from anxiety, you’re not alone. According to the Anxiety & Depression Society of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States,8 affecting over 40 million adults each year. However, job-related stress can be more detrimental to the health of CEOs and high-level decision-makers. A study released by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research found that CEOs of large companies are prone to higher mortality rates9 and age visibly faster due to work-related stress. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, several different anxiety treatment options are available, including virtual therapy, outpatient programs, and inpatient care.

Can I Still Run a Business With an Addiction?

In short, not for long and not without negative effects on your physical and mental health, and potentially your relationships.

High achievers are under major pressure to perform. If you feel the need to work more and to carry on a certain image, even in the face of troubling mental health or addiction issues, others share your struggle. A Harvard-reviewed study revealed that up to 60% of people struggling with mental health issues have never spoken up about it at work.10

What’s more, many people who suffer from substance use disorder but are high-functioning might avoid seeking help because they can still perform at work, to a certain degree. You may convince yourself that you’re doing fine because your life isn’t in shambles.

However, experts claim that signs of substance abuse in the workplace are just the tip of the iceberg.

According to an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Chair of the Physician Health Program Committee at Saskatchewan Medical Association Dr. Petter Butt argues that the myth of the high-functioning addict11 should be debunked. “It means we’re purely looking at function through the window of their workplace … [addiction] takes a terrible toll on people’s families and on children in particular,” he states. Over time, one’s work will also begin to suffer.

Butt adds, “It’s possible to treat the ‘functioning addict’ before the facade crumbles.”

What are the Signs of High-Functioning Alcoholism?

High-level executives face a lot of pressure to appear collected and together. However, life may look very different behind closed doors. The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) revealed that people in management have some of the highest rates of alcohol use12 compared to other professions.

You may not realize the implications of your drinking because you’re high-functioning, you don’t fit the stereotype of an “alcoholic,” or haven’t “hit rock bottom” yet. This makes it difficult for many people to spot the signs of high-functioning alcoholism. Sometimes, it takes an event like an accident or a health scare before you realize that your drinking has become a problem.

If you’re concerned about your drinking, here are some telling signs of alcohol use disorder as listed in the DSM-5:

  • The inability to stop drinking
  • Drinking more, or for longer than you intended to
  • Feeling increased irritability, mood dips, or anxiety as a result of drinking
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, sweating, or shaky hands when you discontinue drinking

Rehab for Executives

How to Get Addiction Help as an Executive

Executives, celebrities, politicians and other high-achievers often have so much going on that they’re not aware of signs of substance abuse. This can be especially true if you’re in a profession that normalizes drinking or illicit drug use.13 If you notice worrying signs of abuse, you might hesitate to begin your recovery journey because of work requirements. However, prolonged alcohol or substance abuse can have serious health consequences.14 Stepping away from work to seek treatment may seem difficult in the short-run, but it will certainly be beneficial to your health and can even help with long-term productivity.

There are several addiction treatment options for executives. These centers often have facilities like a business center or a flexible technology policy, and luxurious amenities so you can recover in comfort and greater privacy.

Once you’ve recognized the need for help and want to start looking for treatment centers, you can take steps to find a program that fits you:

  • Receive a clinical assessment by a mental health professional.
  • Consider your recommended treatment options.
  • Find a treatment provider that is ideally reputable, trustworthy, accredited, qualified, and with licensed professionals.
  • Weigh your options and consider factors such as treatment approach, location, amenities, and more.
  • Call the treatment provider and schedule a tour, if you can.

For a more in-depth take on finding the right addiction treatment option for you, see our Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Treatment Provider.

Are There Rehab Programs for Executives?

Several private, inpatient luxury rehabs offer executive programs. These programs often include features that take into consideration the needs of high achievers:

  • Greater discretion
  • The ability to use technology during rehab
    upscale settings
  • Amenities that help promote comfort and healing
  • High-quality clinical care
  • Highly-personalized treatment
  • Tailored services like a private chef or personal trainer

…and more.

Oftentimes, the medical and clinical staff at inpatient executive rehabs have been treating clientele like you for years and understand your unique needs.

Where Do CEOs Go to Rehab?

Because of their unique lifestyle, executives are more likely to consider rehabs based on location, privacy, amenities, and comfort, and whether or not the rehab has an executive program.

Those who want to protect their privacy without giving up on comfort may opt for a luxury destination rehab. Some popular locations for executives include California and Florida in the U.S., and Switzerland.

California: Rehabs in California are known to attract A-list clientele. It consistently ranks among the top U.S. states with the best health care, and this translates to addiction treatment. Many centers have long been established and have earned a reputation. And California is no stranger to luxury: Malibu was one of the first places to popularize the concept of high-end, resort-style rehabs. Because it’s such a sought-after rehab destination, it’s home to some of the top addiction treatment centers in the world.

Florida: Florida rehabs have something for everyone, from executives to people who seek gender-specific addiction treatment. In addition to the various treatment options offered, rehabs in Florida have been catering to high-net-worth clientele for years. If you attend a luxury center in the sunshine state, there’s a good chance you’ll work closely with a clinical team dedicated to creating your individualized care plan.

Switzerland: For executives who want to escape the bustle of large cities or are seeking extra privacy, rehabs in Switzerland offer a special combination of confidentiality and comfort. The country is famous for its attention to quality and service. Here, you can expect to find a high concentration of luxury rehabs that offer uber-individualized care.

Of course, these aren’t the only destinations CEOs look to for rehab. Some prefer to recover surrounded by nature and will look at rehabs in Colorado. Others may want a destination that offers one-of-a-kind experiential therapies, like a safari in South Africa.

What’s a Typical Day in Rehab Like?

You’ll follow a full, recovery-focused schedule in rehab. Most days involve therapy sessions supported by activities and leisure time, and scheduled work time if you attend an executive rehab. A day at luxury rehab might look something like this:

  • Wake up early to a healthy, nourishing breakfast
  • Join a group therapy session
  • Move your body with a fitness class or activity
  • Have lunch with others in your program
  • Post-lunch downtime
  • Complete a 1-on-1 therapy session
  • Scheduled work time
  • Attend an educational or support group session
  • Eat dinner, followed by a wind-down activity like music or art therapy, or individual free time

Activities and outings are often influenced by the rehab’s location. Jerry Vaccaro, President at All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado, details some activities common to the area:

“On weekends, we have a ton of activities. Patients can snap on their snowshoes and go walking. You might even see some elk. Or, we may take you on a trip to the ski slopes. In warmer weather, activities might include fly fishing on the beautiful rivers here. We try to balance the intense nature of treatment with activities that help you decompress and think about what you just experienced.”

Can I Still Work While at Rehab?

Rehab is a protected environment that allows you to disconnect from the outside world and turn your focus inward. However, not everyone can take time off work, and that’s understandable. You can still make the most out of treatment while fitting work into your schedule.

Most executive rehab programs have a flexible technology policy so you can stay connected during certain hours and keep your office running. Some also have business centers to work from. Regardless, you’ll want to check directly with a rehab center about their technology policy to make sure it suits your needs.

For some people with a more demanding schedule, bespoke programs and single-client rehabs may fit best. For example, politicians or celebrities may need to make public appearances during their time in treatment. Single-client rehabs are usually hyper-individualized and may be more accommodating to these types of requests.

Which Rehabs Allow Laptops?

Different rehab programs have different tech usage policies. Many luxury rehabs offer an executive program, allowing professionals to stay connected with work during their time in treatment.

You can browse our list of luxury executive rehab programs to learn more about centers with flexible technology policies.

What Amenities Do Luxury Rehabs Offer?

It’s important to feel comfortable in rehab. Contrary to the belief that rehab should be punishing, being in an uncomfortable environment can negatively impact your mood and receptiveness to treatment. Luxury rehabs offer special amenities that executives and high net-worth clientele may be used to, allowing them to relax and feel at home:

  • Swimming pools
  • Saunas
  • Fitness/wellness center
  • Business center
  • Outdoor lounge
  • Tennis court
  • Theater
  • Gourmet dining
  • Personal concierge

Privacy in Rehab

Can I Keep My Rehab Stay Private as a CEO?

Confidentiality concerns can be a major barrier to treatment for CEOs and people in high-profile positions. The good news is you can keep your rehab attendance private.

From single-client rehabs to centers in secluded locations, there are a variety of ways rehabs accommodate your privacy needs:

  • Inpatient (residential) rehab offers distance from your community. You’re removed from your everyday environment, reducing the chances of being recognized.
  • Many luxury inpatient centers are in secluded, discreet locations and aren’t even recognizable as rehabs from the outside. Some don’t list their location information publicly.
  • Ultra-private luxury rehabs take in one client at a time, so your stay is completely confidential.
  • Destination rehabs can offer an extra layer of privacy.
  • Virtual rehab programs let you receive treatment from the comfort of your home.

On top of that, rehabs in the U.S. must adhere to clinical standards of patient confidentiality:

  1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,15 or HIPAA, is a law that protects your medical records and health information. Under HIPAA, a rehab cannot share your health information without your knowledge or consent.
  2. 42 CFR Part 2 is a section of HIPAA that applies directly to addiction treatment programs. Under this law, a rehab center cannot disclose any information that reveals that you’ve dealt with addiction, even with other medical providers. All recovery programs must adhere to 42 CFR Part 2.

Does Rehab Go on Your Record?

In most cases, rehab attendance doesn’t go on your record. An exception would be if you had broken the law in some way, for example, if you were arrested for possession of narcotics. In these cases, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission prohibits employers from using criminal history information16 to discriminate against you.

In all cases, HIPAA protects your medical information17 and any information that may disclose your rehab attendance.

What Are Rehab Privacy Laws?

When you attend rehab, you’re protected by certain privacy protection laws. Two important laws include HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,18 or HIPAA, is a national law that prevents the disclosure of any of your medically related information without your consent or knowledge. Under HIPAA, you have the right to access and request amendments to your health records.

Healthcare providers, health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and business associates must comply with HIPAA.

42 CFR Part 2
42 CFR Part 219 is a section under HIPAA that offers more stringent privacy protection than HIPAA and pertains directly to substance use disorder treatment. Under this law, treatment providers can’t disclose any information that suggests you’ve dealt with addiction. This is to protect you from unfair treatment in legal cases involving employment, divorce, and more.

Find Healing at an Executive Rehab Program

Many executives find it difficult to disconnect and free themselves from workplace stress. When this stress occurs in conjunction with a substance use disorder, it takes a heavy toll on your physical and mental health.

Because it can feel like you’re in charge of keeping everything running, you may be hesitant to seek addiction or mental health treatment. However, your mental and physical well-being are important. You deserve time to focus inward. Thankfully, plenty of rehab programs cater to the needs of executives. These programs ensure you can still reach the people who rely on you while you take time to heal.

Explore the world’s top luxury rehabs for executives.

Are High Achievers More Susceptible to Addiction?

They may star in Hollywood films or run Fortune 500 companies, but many of the world’s most successful people also have a secret: they struggle with a unique set of challenges that often lead them to require treatment for substance abuse.

Take Zac Efron. This Hollywood star, famous for his lead role in the High School Musical series, was on top of his game in the mid-2000s. He was on the cover of magazines, and the idol of millions of teenagers around the world. But as he shifted into adult roles, he also became part of a much more intense party scene—one that would eventually pull him away from his career. He soon found himself treating his anxiety and loneliness with substances.1 He reflects on that time:

“You spend a lot of time in your house going crazy. You know, pretty soon you need a social lubricant…It was getting to the point where I was caring less about the work and waiting for the weekend…But then when Monday and Tuesday were too difficult to get through, then I was like, ‘Oh, this is bad.’”

Efron pulled himself out of his substance abuse in 2013, when he sold his house in the Hollywood Hills and checked into a rehab program for cocaine and alcohol addiction. But Efron isn’t the only star who has battled substance abuse. Hundreds of CEOs, athletes, artists, and celebrities struggle with addiction. But why?

As it turns out, many of the same traits that make people high achievers, like risk-taking, a strong drive for success, and dedication to their work, also are traits that make them more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. High achievement and substance abuse2 often go hand in hand—and neuroscientists and psychologists can help us uncover why.

The Science Behind Substance Abuse

To understand what drives CEOs, celebrities, artists, and other high achievers to substance abuse, we need to understand what neurological factors lead to substance abuse in the first place.

Addiction researcher and neuroscience professor David Linden, PhD, explains why the character traits that make someone a good CEO also make them a “good addict.” Simply put, the same brain chemicals that encourage us to achieve also push us toward substance abuse and other forms of addiction. Linden writes in his book The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good:3

“The pleasure derived from success, and in particular from risky or novel business ventures, is borne of the very same brain pathways that make substance use so irresistible to some. It’s all about pleasure-seeking and reward.”

But contrary to popular belief, people who struggle with substance abuse and addictive behavior don’t have a heightened desire for these substances. Instead, Linden’s research shows, many people with a history of substance abuse have “dampened” dopamine receptors. Dopamine is the chemical in our brains that allows us to feel pleasure—which means that to get the same rush of positive feelings, a person with dampened dopamine receptors needs to partake in significantly more of an activity or substance than the average person.

What does this have to do with achievement? The connection, Linden argues, is actually quite simple. Certain activities like drinking alcohol, eating fatty foods, and exercising give us a dopamine hit—and so does achieving a goal. When you set and achieve a goal for yourself, your brain releases dopamine, and you get a rush. So, the same mechanism that makes certain people more likely to crave substances like alcohol or drugs is also more likely to push them to work harder to achieve their goals.

“My strong, strong suspicion,” says Linden, “is that what makes some people more likely to rise to the top is the same thing that makes them more likely to be addicts.”

Anxiety, Trauma, and Alcoholism

Though dopamine receptors are responsible in part for substance abuse, they aren’t the only factor that can impact a person’s likelihood to struggle with addiction. While approximately half of someone’s addictive tendencies are thought to be genetic,4 the rest is based on factors having to do with life circumstances.

Constance Scharff, PhD, who works as an addiction researcher with Cliffside Malibu treatment center and co-authored the book Ending Addiction for Good5 reports that high achievers who struggle with addiction are also likely to have experienced a major stressor or trauma in their early lives that shape their behavior.

“There’s something, usually an early experience, that fuels that kind of drive, and oftentimes it’s the same thing that drives addiction. The vast majority didn’t have some sort of basic needs met as children, so they’re driven very, very hard to succeed. But the pain that goes with that is also what they’re self-medicating for.”

– Constance Scharff, Addiction Researcher, Cliffside Malibu

cliffside malibu
Set near the coast, Cliffside Malibu offers a co-occurring disorder treatment program that includes evidence-based treatment and holistic medicine.

The rate of co-occurring disorders with substance abuse is very high—which is why more luxury treatment centers are offering treatment for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other diagnoses. One study from 2010 showed that exposure to traumatic experiences as a child was linked to higher rates of substance use disorder (SUD),6 and many participants were living with both SUD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A similar study on anxiety and substance use disorders7 shows that rates of SUD in patients with anxiety occur at a higher than average rate, suggesting that there is a correlation between the two conditions.

Scharff and her team agree that exposure to adverse childhood experiences,8 also called ACEs, can increase the likelihood that a person will struggle with substance abuse later in their life. And ACEs can also lead to other traits, like perfectionism, that are associated with high achievement. As such, learning how to identify these behaviors, process childhood traumas, and cope with triggers is a pivotal part of treatment for many high achievers who struggle with addiction.

Substance Abuse and Everyday Stressors

There’s one final reason why many high achievers may be prone to addiction: the stress they experience in their daily lives.

Imagine, for a minute, what it’s like to run a global enterprise, or play in a Super Bowl Game. Not only are millions of people expecting you to succeed—your entire life is also often in the public eye. Even for people who aren’t navigating childhood trauma, the pressure to perform at a board meeting or on a movie set, along with the social pressures of being in the limelight, can be overwhelming. Facing anxiety and burnout, many high achievers self-medicate to cope.

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AToN Center in San Diego, California specializes in helping high achievers who face anxiety and burnout heal from substance abuse.

Studies show that turning to potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms is surprisingly common among successful people. In the recent Executive Wellbeing Index from Bupa Global, 60% of executives who reported struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic said they turned to potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol or substances, to self-medicate9 those issues. Nearly 40% of those respondents said they used over-the-counter drugs and/or alcohol to treat their anxiety, depression, fatigue, or mood swings.

It’s also important to remember that though self-medication and stress is part of daily life for many high achievers, during the pandemic many people lost access to their old, healthier coping mechanisms. In the write-up on their survey, Bupa Global notes: “Many of the mechanisms people typically use to cope with such stress and anxieties such as seeing friends and family, going to the gym, going on holiday and even going to work have been diminished, and replaced for other, more addictive substitutes such as increased alcohol consumption, self-medication, substance abuse, and gambling.” In the absence of other outlets, people often turn to substance abuse.

Even for people who don’t typically struggle with anxiety or depression, periods of stress can lead to self-medication, which can devolve into a more serious substance use problem. Treating mental health struggles as they arise can help all people, including high-achievers, stay ahead of that spiral.

Celebrity Success Stories

For many celebrities, CEOs, and other highly successful people, a combination of childhood trauma, anxiety and stress from a demanding job or lifestyle, and genetics can lead to struggles with substance abuse. But those struggles don’t always end in pain and suffering. In fact, many celebrities with household names have overcome their substance abuse problems by seeking treatment.

Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, author, producer, and much more, was addicted to crack cocaine10 in her early 20s. She started using while in an unhealthy relationship and soon became addicted. In an episode where she interviewed recovering addicts, Oprah shocked her audience when she said to guest Kim Davis: “​​I did your drug.” Oprah sought treatment for her addiction and has since become one of the most influential women in the world.

Business mogul Steve Madden also struggled with addiction11 in the past. This high achiever, who started his shoe company from the trunk of his car, was tried in 2002 for money laundering and fraud. In a documentary from 2017, Madden admitted that he struggled with substance abuse since he dropped out of college, and his lawyers explained in court that his crimes were the direct result of his addiction. Madden spent 41 months in prison and was forced to resign from his role as CEO. Since then, however, Madden has returned12 as creative and design chief of the company he started back in 1990. The company did $1.5 billion in sales last year and now owns a dozen other well-known brands.

There are dozens of stories just like these. For many high achievers, especially those in the public eye, finding treatment can be challenging. But, it’s not impossible. A number of rehab centers specialize in co-occurring disorders, like Solice in Marbella, Spain, which offers a holistic approach to recovery and treats co-occurring disorders like anxiety and depression. Other facilities, like AToN Center in San Diego, specialize in helping executives and professionals heal from substance abuse. These centers and many more offer discreet, personalized treatment that takes into consideration the needs of high-performing individuals.

Solice Spain
Solice in Marbella, Spain offers a holistic approach to recovery and extra privacy for executives who are concerned about confidentiality.

True Achievement: Healing Addiction and Underlying Trauma

As many people know, high achievement can be a double-edged sword. While it comes with motivation, hard work, creative thinking, and often, success, it also can also lead you down a path toward substance abuse and other addictive behaviors.

For many high achievers, substance abuse isn’t the problem—it’s simply a way to cope. Treating the underlying causes that can lead to addictive behavior, and learning about how your body handles substances, can be an invaluable way to find healing. The more you know about yourself, the more easily you can break old patterns, and discover a more successful, motivated, and capable version of yourself.

It’s important to remember that struggling with mental health is a normal part of life—particularly for certain groups of people. For many survivors of childhood trauma, those with a family history of substance abuse, and people in positions of power, treating mental health is part and parcel of living a successful life. Though it can be hard for high achievers to admit their own flaws, it’s okay to recognize that your brain has a unique way of navigating the world. And it’s entirely okay to ask for help when you need it.

You can start your healing journey and reduce your symptoms of anxiety and other co-occurring disorders at a treatment center near you. Learn more by browsing our collection of luxury rehabs here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Addiction Among High Achievers

Why do high achievers struggle with addiction?

High achievers often face intense daily pressure, stress, and a need for perfection, which can contribute to using substances as a coping mechanism.

What are the signs of addiction in high achievers?

Signs of addiction among high achievers include increased excessive workload, declining performance, mood swings, hiding substance use, and neglecting personal well-being.

How can luxury rehab help high achievers with addiction?

Luxury rehab provides tailored treatment programs that include individual therapy, group therapy, holistic treatments, and support networks specifically designed for high achievers’ needs.

Discover Private and Peaceful Recovery in Switzerland

For many decades, Switzerland has been a destination for healing and wellness. In the past, visitors from all over the world would travel to Lake Geneva to soak in the mineral water and enjoy the clean air and picturesque countryside. Switzerland was known as a place where people suffering from physical and mental illnesses could find respite and peace.

Today, that healing legacy continues at luxury rehabs in Switzerland. Switzerland has made a name for itself as a place for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders to recover without sacrificing their comfort or privacy. Like the many visitors who took to its healing waters in the 19th century, people struggling with addiction today travel to Switzerland to heal in a unique, resort-like setting. For executives and ultra-high-net-worth individuals in particular, this country offers top-of-the-line care in a pristine location.

Healing at the Foot of the Alps

Switzerland is a country full of crystal blue lakes and snow-capped mountains. The Alps make up over 60% of this small nation, so virtually every town has a view of these iconic mountains. The largest lake in the country is Lake Geneva, also called Lake Leman. This crescent shape body of water is bordered by France to the north and is famous for its glassy surface and stunning views.

The largest cities in Switzerland are German-speaking Zurich and French-speaking Geneva. In Zürich, visitors will find a historic city with winding cobblestone streets in the old town, which can make you feel as if you’ve stepped back in time. But Zurich is more than just a beautiful place. ​​As Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery, says: “The city of Zurich regularly gets the top spot in international rankings for the best city to live in, and there are various reasons for that. First and foremost, it’s a safe, clean, well-organized, very Swiss place.”

Zurich is one of the safest cities in the world,1 and offers the conveniences of city life without the hustle and bustle. “It’s the right size, Zurich,” says Gerber. “It’s not a bustling metropolis that’s always noisy, with sirens and motor sounds in the background. It’s very calm. We’re quite central here, and when you open the window, it’s absolutely silent most of the time.”

Paracelsus location
Paracelsus Recovery is surrounded by the serene city of Zurich, Switzerland.

The second-largest city in Switzerland is Geneva. Long known as both a tourist destination and for its mineral springs resorts, Geneva is a small, scenic city with a view of Mont Blanc, the tallest mountain in the Alps. The city is deeply influenced by its French culture, making it a popular destination for francophiles. Between Zurich and Geneva is stunning countryside, which is dotted with historic stone castles2 that give the country a romantic, fairy-tale-like quality.

The climate in Switzerland is relatively moderate, with warmer summers and colder winters. The average temperature in the summer is between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 28 degrees Celsius), while average winter temperatures range from 28 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 to -7 degrees Celsius). Visitors should expect snow in the winter months, and ample sunshine in the summer. At treatment centers that are higher up in the mountains, the temperatures are cooler, particularly in the winter. In many parts of the Alps, the glaciers never melt and visitors can ski all year long.

Between the snow-capped mountains and historic cities, the magical qualities of Switzerland can help those seeking treatment find inspiration for a new way of life. Switzerland offers patients the chance to take a break, both physically and mentally, from their lives back home, all in a picturesque environment that’s unlike any other place in the world.

A Safe and Private Place for Recovery

Many patients choose to recover in Switzerland because it’s safe, diverse, and private. Because it’s at the crossroads of many European countries, Switzerland is often seen as a hub for the continent. The small country has three national languages: French, German, and Italian. Depending on where you are in Switzerland, you can experience a variety of European cultures. Switzerland is also known for being politically neutral. It’s the home of the United Nations, and frequently ranks as one of the safest countries in the world.3

Switzerland is a banking and finance hub, drawing in business people from across the globe. Zurich is the hub of Switzerland’s banking industry and is a destination for many travelers. The country’s long history in business and finance may attract high-net-worth individuals and executives, who will find others with similar experiences and interests in the country. In fact, many rehabs in Switzerland are geared toward this clientele.

The open-mindedness and diversity of Swiss people, as well as their well-respected medical system, mean that rehabs in this country tend to offer innovative treatments. Some of these involve the entire family. For example, Clinic Les Alpes in Montreaux has a family program that offers mental health care for families of those struggling with addiction. According to their team, “At Clinic Les Alpes, we focus on how addiction affects the family since they aren’t treated as peripheral to the person admitted for treatment. Their needs are fully recognized, validated, and separately responded to. While they will have a very important part to play in the treatment of their loved one, it will be just as important for them to receive help in their own right.”

It’s common for luxury rehabs in Switzerland to treat co-occurring disorders, including trauma, eating disorders, and depression, which is a common diagnosis for affluent people.4 To appeal to that audience, treatment centers here are designed to feel like hotels or luxury vacation rentals, which appeal to the comfort and expectations of those from higher income brackets.

Clinic Les Alpes drawing room
A peek into Clinic Les Alpes in Montreux, Switzerland.

For high-powered individuals, choosing to go to rehab can be a daunting decision. Those with higher-stakes reputations or who live in the public eye often struggle to find the anonymity they need to heal. Unlike other locations that focus on group therapy, luxury rehabs in Switzerland prioritize privacy and limit outside stressors—like the pressure that many executives feel to keep running their business while in treatment. Many high-net-worth individuals are drawn to luxury rehabs in this region that take a one-client-at-a-time approach, offering a unique place to recover in solitude.

The One Client at a Time Model

Many treatment centers in Switzerland opt for the single-client model, including Paracelsus Recovery and CALDA Clinic. This approach is the ultimate option for privacy and confidentiality and is designed for celebrities, politicians, and high-profile business people who can’t be treated in more public facilities.

Single-client rehabs are designed so that only one client is in the center at any given time. Because you’re the only person receiving treatment, you will receive the complete focus of your care providers. There is no group therapy, and the rehab facility is totally private. And because there is only one patient, these programs are also highly customizable. They often offer bespoke programs that fit the needs of the patient, including incorporating family visits, business meetings, access to a driver, and highly specialized program offerings or treatments.

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Five-star hospitality services at CALDA Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland include a private butler and chef.

Centers that intake one client at a time tend to be holistic and integrated. This includes mental and physical health care, along with emotional and spiritual support. Patients typically stay in luxury accommodations and have access to outdoor activities, personal trainers, nutrition support, and a wide variety of cutting-edge therapeutic treatments. And because this environment is a unique way to get care, single-client rehab centers provide ample aftercare to support patients as they transition back to their daily lives.

Treatment for Executives

Along with offering single-client style treatment, many rehab centers in Switzerland focus their attention on caring for executives in recovery. Executives have unique needs when it comes to treatment. They’re used to fast-paced, high-stress jobs, and may be concerned about the ability of their team to manage their business without them. Many executives also worry about privacy and confidentiality. They don’t want their healing journey to be painted in a way that might damage the reputation of their company or brand.

Luxury rehabs in Switzerland understand the unique stressors of this group because they have deep roots in business and finance. Many recovery centers offer access to the internet, phones, or even conference rooms so executives can fulfill their professional duties while in treatment. This is quite different from other centers, in which patients are totally cut off from the outside world. Rehabs that are designed for executives understand that not all CEOs can step away from work for an entire month.

On top of treatment for substance use, many of the centers that specialize in executive treatment also include treatment for anxiety. Studies show that 10-40% of people struggling with alcohol or drug addiction have an anxiety disorder.5 Executives, who are in high-stress roles and feel constant pressure to achieve, are likely to experience symptoms of anxiety at some point in their careers. By treating underlying anxiety and panic, executives can find healthy ways to cope without substances.

Rehabs for executives also frequently offer customized programs that appeal to this group’s passion for productivity. For example, they might offer therapy on creating healthy work habits or finding work-life balance. These treatments will prepare executives to live a healthier and more sustainable life when they return to the office.

Traveling to Switzerland

Switzerland is widely accessible by plane, and most clients fly into one of the country’s many airports. Both Zurich and Geneva have airports, as well as the larger towns of Bern and Lugano. If you’re located in continental Europe, you may also choose to have a sobriety coach or loved one drive you to the center, or accompany you via train to ensure you arrive safely. Rehabs typically offer car services from the airport or train station, particularly at bespoke or ultra-private centers.

Jan Gerber of Paracelsus notes: “From a medical travel perspective, Switzerland is great because it’s very easy to come to Switzerland no matter where you’re from. A lot of our clients come from countries where you normally need a visa to travel to this part of the world. When you come for medical treatments, it’s quite easy to access Switzerland.”

In terms of the environment itself, Switzerland offers both bustling cities and rural retreats. Centers in Zurich and Geneva will have a more metropolitan vibe, though these cities are on the smaller side, with only a few hundred thousand residents each. That means that patients can enjoy city life without sacrificing peace and quiet. Meanwhile, mountainside chalets and rural retreats offer the opportunity for patients to heal privately while surrounded by nature.

No matter where you choose to get treatment, Switzerland is a geographically small country, and it’s relatively easy to travel from one city or town to another. If you’re hoping to partake in hiking, skiing, or other outdoor recreational activities as part of your healing journey, there are options near virtually every city or town.

What to Do in Switzerland

Patients who choose to get care in Switzerland are often drawn to the area because of its skiing and hiking opportunities. Others are attracted to the historic and cultural aspects of the country: Switzerland has more than 900 museums in total, the most famous being the National Museum of Zurich.

Treatment centers in the area take advantage of the cultural and natural wonders Switzerland has to offer. Clinic Les Alpes, for example, offers both adventure therapy and art therapy. They describe their approach to adventure therapy in recovery: “At a height of 1200 meters, Clinic Les Alpes has many winter-themed activities, such as snowshoeing in the forests and sledging, while in summer, hikes in alpine meadows and forests, along with excursions to lake Geneva and picnics in the wildflower meadows.” Meanwhile, their art therapy program “provides an environment where the kind of creative thinking that enhances our recovery can be stimulated and facilitated by our highly qualified Art Psychotherapists.”

The CALDA Clinic in Zurich also allows patients to explore the local area and enjoy its natural beauty. They offer shopping and sightseeing excursions with a chaperone, as well as dance therapy, horseback riding lessons, and equine therapy. The CALDA Clinic sees these treatments as an instrumental part of treating addiction because they help alleviate the underlying stress and trauma that often leads to substance abuse. “In my opinion, chronic stress and how we react to it is the source of nearly every problem,” says the clinic’s founder Dr. Claudia M. Elsig.

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CALDA Clinic offers plenty of opportunity to explore the breathtaking nature that surrounds its property in Zurich, Switzerland.

Finally, if skiing is a part of your recovery plan, Switzerland has several world-renowned Alpine ski resorts, including Grindelwald, St. Moritz, and Zermatt. Skiing, snow-shoeing, hiking, and other activities found in the Swiss mountains can help patients heal both physically and mentally, while enjoying the views from the snowy peaks.

Rediscover Yourself in Switzerland

Many patients find that removing themselves from their current environment allows them to reconnect with their sense of self—and ultimately find healing. Traveling can be a powerful way to force yourself out of old patterns, and Switzerland is a particularly beautiful and safe place to break free of toxic habits and reconnect with yourself.

For high-net-worth individuals and executives, Switzerland offers a unique opportunity to start recovery in a confidential and safe space. The country is known worldwide for its private facilities and its focus on patients who may struggle to find care elsewhere. Plus, its focus on co-occurring disorders means that patients who struggle with more than just substance abuse can find healing here.

Though luxury rehabs in Switzerland may look like resorts from the outside, they are so much more than that. They offer innovative and holistic therapies to help you rebuild your life from the ground up, with continuing care to help you stay on track even after you return home. With so much natural beauty around you, it’s hard not to find something in Switzerland that will inspire you to move forward and embrace all that life has to offer.

See our curated list of luxury rehabs in Switzerland.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Switzerland

What makes rehabs in Switzerland stand out from other rehab destinations?

Switzerland’s unique blend of medical expertise, luxury amenities, five-star service, and stunning nature sets it apart from other international rehab destinations. With a strong focus on privacy, individual treatment, and top-quality healthcare, Switzerland offers a comprehensive and rejuvenating rehab experience.

How do rehabs in Switzerland ensure privacy and confidentiality?

Rehabs in Switzerland ensure privacy through ethical practices, tight security, discreet staff, and secluded settings. Some luxury rehabs treat one client at a time for utmost privacy. With a commitment to confidentiality, clients can focus on their recovery without worrying about compromising their privacy.

What support services do Swiss rehabs provide for international clients?

Swiss rehabs offer comprehensive support for international clients, including concierge services, travel assistance, translation services, cultural adaptation support, and personalized aftercare plans. These services ensure that international clients feel comfortable throughout their recovery journey in Switzerland, especially at ultra-luxury rehabs.

Attending Rehab as a High-Level Executive

Addiction can affect anyone, even high-level executives. According to a 2012 study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), people who worked in management had the third highest rate of illicit drug use1 of any surveyed profession. This issue is invisible to many people, which makes it even harder for executives to seek the addiction recovery help they need. 

Executives face unique stressors. With so many people depending on you, including employees, loved ones, and colleagues, it can be hard to recognize the signs of abuse. You may be so focused on your lengthy to-do list that you simply don’t have time to consider your own well-being. And even if you do recognize that you have a problem, it can be even harder to get help. Many executives feel like they don’t have the time or freedom to step away from work in order to begin recovery. 

As difficult as this process may appear, there are options available. Some rehab centers offer treatment plans tailored to meet the unique needs of high achievers, without isolating you from your responsibilities.

Understanding Addiction Among Executives

According to popular perception, high achievers have it easy. That just isn’t true. In order to maintain your lifestyle, you may face extreme pressures coming from many different directions, including the workplace, home, and social situations. In these circles, it’s often important to maintain appearances. Because of this, many executives have no way of knowing how common it is for people like them to struggle with substance use and mental health. Everyone’s experience is unique, but a few concerns in particular are extremely common among this demographic.


With great power comes great responsibility, and with great responsibility comes a great risk of anxiety. If you’ve ever lost sleep over a board meeting, had to stop and catch your breath on your way to a gala, or spent hours replaying a sound bite from your last business lunch, this might be something to consider. According to experts, “Studies indicate that approx. 10–40% of alcoholics have a panic-related anxiety disorder,2 and about 10–20% of anxiety disorder patients abuse alcohol or other drugs.”


When an entire team of people relies on you, you may feel that you need to be the best of the best. As Louise Stanger, LCSW, writes “People in powerful positions are associated with strength, confidence, and a rock solid moral compass. Unfortunately, our society still views addiction as a weakness or moral failure, which sharply contradicts the key qualities of successful individuals. Add in public visibility and it can be difficult for an influential CEO or celebrity to seek help3 in an honest and open way.”

When you feel like you can’t ask for help, it’s natural to develop coping mechanisms that replace community support. You may even feel like substance abuse is what’s helping you to succeed. In reality, though, addiction is far more likely to hold you back. Research suggests that there may be a connection between perfectionism and substance misuse.4

However, there’s a way to make perfectionism work for you. Positive perfectionism is the attitude of striving to achieve high goals “while maintaining the ability to be satisfied with one’s performance.” Striking this balance may help you recover from substance misuse. 

If you’re a high achiever, there are likely aspects of your life and your personality that you don’t want to lose, even temporarily. Going to rehab can help you reintegrate the aspects of life that you find fulfilling, while stepping away from that which doesn’t serve you.

Unique Amenities at Executive Rehab Facilities

When selecting a rehab, high achievers have a very specific set of needs. There are a number of luxury rehab programs that are tailored to meet those needs, helping you heal in a way that won’t undermine your lifestyle. 


mercui confidentiality
Mercui Recovery offers life and business coaching as part of their personalized treatment program at their centers in Malibu, Aspen, and Costa Palma, Mexico.

Luxury rehabs offer the utmost discretion. Some even serve only one client at a time. 

Mercui Recovery, a facility with locations in Malibu, Aspen, and Costa Palma, Mexico, is one of these. The program offers each guest treatment from several different schools of thought. You may do yoga and meditate, or participate in specialized therapies such as DBT or CBT. Most notably, Mercui Recovery also offers life and business coaching. Clients are not expected to simply step away from their entire life in order to focus on recovery. Instead, clinicians take a holistic approach, helping you heal every aspect of your life. This highly personalized program ensures that your specific concerns will be addressed during treatment.

Bespoke Treatment

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White River Manor in Mpumalanga, South Africa has an on-site business center that makes it easy for executive clients to work remotely during their stay.

Personalized addiction treatment means more than just connecting with the right therapist. Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery, explains that “every person is very different, and this one-size-fits-all approach to treatment, mental health, and addiction rarely works well. Everybody has a different background: culturally, in terms of their family values, political views, hobbies, what gives meaning to their lives, and their lack of purpose in their lives. We can only help somebody recover from all these factors that have fueled an addiction if you individually attend to all these underlying reasons. And you can only do that when you individually tailor a treatment so that every client gets exactly what they need.”

Paracelsus is just one of many rehab facilities that work with each guest to create a unique treatment program. If you participate in this type of treatment, you’ll be able to choose from a wide variety of options, from art therapy to rock climbing. White River Manor, in South Africa, even takes guests on safari. 

Contrary to popular belief, rehab doesn’t need to be an isolating experience. Guests can continue to have adventures, learn about themselves in new contexts, and connect with the wider world. 

Stay Connected During Recovery

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Orenda at Futures in Tequesta, Florida connects clients with sober companions to support their return to work after rehab.

Rehab is a protected environment. In some programs, this means that guests have no phone or internet access, in order to focus on themselves instead of the people in their lives. However, this isn’t universally true. It can be especially important for executives to stay connected during their time in rehab. This makes rehab much more accessible to people who can’t take time off work.

Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner of White River Manor, says “A lot of business executives, business owners and professionals come through our program. And that’s because we offer our clients the ability to be able to use their phones, to work from the luxury of their rooms or the business center, and keep whatever they need to keep going at their office still running.” The healthcare providers at these facilities have a deep understanding of the stressors that may contribute to your emotional experience. As a result, they’re well-positioned to help you navigate the first stages of recovery.

If you continue to work while you’re in rehab, you may be preparing to return to the office as soon as you complete residential treatment. In that case, you may need to plan for social support in addition to therapeutic care. Some rehabs programs, like Orenda at Futures offer you access to a sober companion who can accompany you to business meetings and social engagements. Having someone there to support you in person can help ease the transition back into daily life after rehab. This external reminder of your new goals and healthy habits can remind you to strike a more sustainable balance, even as life returns to a faster pace.

Making Recovery Work for You

High-powered professionals often prioritize work over their own health. As laudable as this is, it can be unsustainable. Remember: you are the only person who can define what success means to you. It’s possible to achieve your goals while still living a healthy life. 

Rehab facilities that work with executives understand this delicate balance. These programs won’t ask you to walk away from your responsibilities entirely. Instead, they’ll teach you how to maintain a positive relationship with your personal definition of accomplishment. Recovery is not just a way to set down unhealthy patterns. It’s also a way to find balance in your busy life.

To learn more about programs that can help you restore your sense of peace, see our collection of luxury rehabs serving executives.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab for Executives

What should I expect from a rehab program for executives?

Executive rehab programs offer personalized treatment plans that take your unique needs and work responsibilities into account. They may have flexible technology use policies and offer greater privacy, such as private accommodation and one-on-one therapy if group therapy isn’t an option for you.

How can I maintain my privacy while attending rehab as a CEO?

CEOs can maintain their privacy during rehab by enrolling in an executive program. These tend to prioritize confidentiality, with bespoke treatment plans and luxurious, single accommodation. Some don’t require group therapy for utmost privacy.

How do I manage my work responsibilities during rehab?

Many executive rehab programs let you stay connected to work during treatment. They may have more flexible technology policies, a business center, and even a sober companion who accompanies you to business meetings and social engagements.

Florida Rehab Has Something for Everyone

There is no one right way to heal. When you choose a rehab center, you’re not just choosing a place: you’re also choosing your treatment environment, who you’ll be around, and which therapeutic modalities you’ll have access to. This can be an empowering decision that sets you up for success as you move forward in your recovery journey. 

If you’re interested in recreation therapy—such as psychodrama, arts and crafts, or horseback riding—a facility in Florida might be the right fit for you. Several Florida rehab centers also specialize in treating the underlying circumstances that contribute to addiction. For example, some of these programs cater to high-powered professionals, older adults, people with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, or those with chronic physical pain. Some programs also offer gender-specific treatment, with different groups for men and women. And clients of many demographics are offered specialized care designed to help with their specific concerns. 

Recovery by the Sea

Florida’s beautiful climate can have a powerful impact on your health. Visitors can relax on the state’s world-famous beaches, or engage in more active pursuits like scuba diving, paddle boarding, or wave running. Local culture places a great focus on physical health and enjoyment of the outdoors—but this isn’t just for athletes. The state’s temperate weather is also a big draw for families and older adults seeking a gentler experience. 

Many of Florida’s rehab centers offer direct access to the coast. Some of them are located close to the water, and others invite residents to go on beach excursions. While these spaces are protected from the hustle and bustle of major cities, they’re not necessarily completely isolated in remote locations. Guests at treatment centers in this area have the time to enjoy nature and adjust to a new pace of life while engaging in the physical activities that suit them best. 

In this diverse area, there’s a great emphasis on respecting each client’s unique needs. If you choose to attend a luxury rehab here, there’s a good chance you’ll work closely with your clinical team to design a personalized treatment plan.

futures recovery healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare in Tequesta, Florida

Treatment Tailored to Each Client’s Background

Florida has long been a destination for people from all walks of life, from college students to retirees. And like the state itself, the rehab facilities in Florida offer specific opportunities to several different populations. This is an excellent place to connect with other people in recovery who can easily relate to your own life experience. 

Recovery for Older Adults

Older adults in recovery have a unique set of priorities and needs. Some Florida facilities, such as The Hanley Center at Origins, specialize in offering care to this community. When you begin recovery later in life, it’s especially important to form connections with people you can relate to. The emphasis on group therapy empowers clients to learn together and share the wisdom they’ve cultivated over time. To that end, this addiction treatment program for older adults encourages “patients to feel a human connection, share experiences, and polish their interpersonal skills… We strive to create a close-knit community of peers so that our patients feel safe, welcomed, and comfortable.”

Physical fitness can also play a role in recovery. While there is a well-understood link between physical and mental wellness for people of all ages, older adults often have unique health considerations. For example, the medical treatment of chronic pain can easily lead to opioid addiction.1 Recovering from that addiction is important, but the underlying cause remains an issue. The Hanley Center helps older clients learn to manage their physical health without engaging in destructive behavior. To that end, you may develop skills that support healthy medication management, nutrition, and exercise.

Gender-Specific Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Rehab is, by nature, an insulated setting. Some guests may want to take this a step further, and only be among people of their own gender. Florida has many options for gender-specific treatment. If you choose this type of environment, you’ll join a cohort of all women or all men, and heal alongside people who understand the pressures that come along with your identity. 

The Hanley Center’s program for women offers a deep and compassionate understanding of the unique stigmas and traumas they often face. Specifically, “women are more likely to experience discrimination based on their physical appearance and more likely to function as single parents. Likewise, women are also more likely to be victims of abuse or assault, and they receive diagnoses of depression and anxiety at higher rates than men…[and] many of these issues can exacerbate substance use. Body image disorders, trauma, and co-occurring mental health disorders are all risk factors for addiction that we see among the women seeking treatment.” By taking these circumstances into account, the facility offers women space to heal in a protected community. 

Men in recovery face a different set of concerns. The pressures men face in their respective cultures often isolates them from the support they need. In particular, the simple act of asking for help often carries a stigma. Without a strong support network, it’s all too easy to resort to unsustainable means of emotion regulation. In the men’s group at the Hanley Center, expert professionals “address deeply rooted issues and clear a path to emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.” Men are invited to seek support not only from these professionals, but also from each other. Learning how to ask for and accept community care, they learn to navigate life’s challenges. 

beachway therapy center
Beachway Therapy Center in West Palm Beach, Florida

LGBTQ+ Affirming Programs

LGBTQ+ clients often struggle to find competent care, especially for mental health concerns and substance use. It can be difficult to find healthcare providers who understand how to affirm your experience, allying with you to address your concerns without pathologizing your identity. The LGBTQ+ community faces higher rates of mental health disorders2 due to minority stress. Yet many people struggle to access the support they need and deserve. 

Caron Ocean Drive, a rehab center in Boca Raton, Florida, offers LGBTQ+ affirming services. In all of their programs, this facility focuses on treating each client as a whole person. And in their efforts to support LGBTQ+ clients, they offer individual and group therapy and access to community events through their partnerships with organizations such as the PRIDE Center in Fort Lauderdale and Lambda North in Delray Beach. These opportunities actively work against the isolation that so many LGBTQ+ people face in their daily lives. 

People with these identities face not only social stigma, but also unique concerns related to physical and mental health. With that in mind, Caron Ocean Drive offers collaborative therapy that’s open to a client’s family of origin and/or chosen family. Transgender clients also have the opportunity to work with endocrinologists to ensure that they have a plan for ongoing gender-affirming medical care during and after the transitions that take place in rehab.  

Discrete Care for High-Powered Clients

Certain clients require a high level of discretion and flexibility. Florida has a number of programs that cater to extremely successful clients, including CEOs and those with public personas. These lifestyles can be very demanding, and the pressure to maintain an appearance may make it difficult to find the care you need.

Orenda, a program at Futures Recovery, is designed to support high-achieving clients. This process is supported by a staff of medical professionals and hospitality experts. Orenda’s highly personalized program gives you access to innovative medical techniques, from neurorestorative care to hypnotherapy. Athletes continue their physical training in conjunction with therapy and the amenities of rehab. Programs like this one encourage guests to learn more about their own needs, and to meet them in creative ways.

tikvah lake
Tikvah Lake Recovery in Sebring, Florida

Adventure Therapy

In the effort to support each client’s individualized care plan, many Florida rehabs offer adventure therapy. Most of these programs are meant for small groups, and allow participants to explore social dynamics in a safe and structured way. Some outings are only offered to those in outpatient treatment, but certain residential programs have a special focus on these experiences. 

Rise, at Futures Recovery, is one of these adventure-based programs. After completing detox, residents can choose to go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. These physical activities provide a number of benefits for people in recovery. First, they have a positive impact on physical health, which can aid in the biological process of healing. Experts have also found a link between physical activity and improved executive function.3 Any group activity is also an opportunity to have fun, bond with program peers, and create positive memories.

Traveling to Florida

Florida is easily accessible by plane, with four major airports servicing the state. New clients are discouraged from driving themselves to rehab. Most rehabs will help you plan travel logistics, even offering transport to and from your flight. Because of the temperate climate, it’s easy to reach these facilities at any time of year. 

If you’re coming from the Midwest or the East Coast, Florida is one of the most accessible warm-weather locations in the U.S. Many programs in this area offer both residential and outpatient treatment. These choices may be especially appealing to Florida residents, or to those who want to stay on in the state for a longer period of time. 

Freedom to Define Health for Yourself

Your time in rehab—anywhere in the world—is a chance to step away from the stresses of daily life, and instead focus on your own needs. Florida’s climate is a good fit for people who want to heal both physically and emotionally. This is an opportunity to decide what you need to feel healthy. 

Florida centers are best for people who want to get personalized care. This is a place to connect with a cohort of people who are likely to understand your experience of the world. And those connections can be a valuable source of insight as you discover what recovery means to you. 

For more information on available programs, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Florida here

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Florida

What are the benefits of rehab in Florida?

Florida rehabs offer tailored treatment for diverse client groups, a full spectrum of care, and adventure programs where clients can go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. 

What are the costs of rehab in Florida?

The average cost of inpatient rehab in Florida is $30,000 per month; the average cost of PHP is $15,000 per month; and the average cost of IOP is $10,000 per month. In general, inpatient rehab is the most expensive type of rehab, followed by PHP, IOP, and outpatient rehab.

How do I find a rehab center in Florida?

To find a rehab, you can start by asking your doctor, therapist, or a trusted friend or family member for a referral. You can also search online using an unbiased platform or SAMSHA’s treatment finder. When choosing a rehab, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Ask about the treatment options offered, the cost of treatment, and the success rate of the program.

Addicted Attorneys: How to Identify Your Addiction and Get the Help You Need

A 2016 study held by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association found that out of the participating 12,825 licensed attorneys, 21 percent of lawyers qualify as problem drinkers,1 while 28 percent struggle with mild or more serious depression and 19 percent struggle with anxiety.

What’s worse, only 3,419 lawyers responded to the question about drug use. As explained by the study’s lead author, Patrick Krill, in the New York Times:

“It’s left to speculation what motivated 75 percent of attorneys to skip over the section on drug use as if it wasn’t there.”

Substance use disorder among lawyers isn’t just prevalent in the United States. In fact, much of the Western world’s legal profession is built on drink and drugs. But the true problem does not lie in the substance use itself, it lies within the culture surrounding it.

In this blog post, we shed light on some of the common factors of addiction for those in the legal profession, why lawyers need to be vigilant in recognizing them, and how you can seek the help you or a colleague might need to get sober and stay sober.

Death by Drugs: The Story of Peter

In July 2017, the New York Times published an article about the life of Peter, a high-level Silicon Valley attorney who overdosed on drugs.2

According to the article, it was a problem that his ex-wife, children, colleagues and close friends didn’t see coming. Further, it was a problem Peter felt he could fight on his own, but he failed to make the necessary priority adjustments to make time for doing so. His work always came first.

The article is eye-opening for any lawyer experiencing similar issues, and we urge you to read it. In the article, the writer depicts a scene prior to Peter’s death. The line reads:

“Of all the heartbreaking details of [Peter’s] story, the one that continues to haunt me is this: The history on his cell phone shows the last call he ever made was for work. Peter, vomiting, unable to sit up, slipping in and out of consciousness, had managed, somehow, to dial into a conference call.”

In any scenario, it’s difficult to understand why humans put their work before their own lives.

Perhaps it’s because we don’t want to let others down. Perhaps it’s because self-punishment is an all too common illness we’ve yet to talk about. Whatever it is, work is work and will remain so for the rest of time. Your health is precious; and it requires intentional effort to keep it stable.

A Few Addiction Factors to Watch Out For

There are many reasons people turn to drugs to deal with the realities of life. Failed careers, a lack of income, the death of a family member, stress … each person becomes addicted for their own reasons.

In the legal profession, however, there are some specific warning signs to watch out for. For example:

1. Overworking

attorney overworked

We can only work so hard.

We need sleep, food, water and rest to ensure we can sustain a peak level of performance in anything we do. But due to the nature of the legal profession, lawyers tend to work more than most other people.

Sure, they might bill 40 or 50 hours of work in a week, but in truth, lawyers likely work 60 or 70 hours3 just to keep up.

Balancing this level of work with a social life often means staying awake and “on” to get the job done, and some people may turn to artificial substitutes. According to the same study, 5.6 percent of respondents used cocaine, crack and other stimulants, 5.6 percent used opioids, and nearly 16 percent used sedatives to turn themselves off after a long day.

Be sure to recognize the signs of overworking and proactively deal with these problems by speaking up. There’s no shame in admitting you need help.

2. A Lack of Time With Family

In Peter’s story, it was expressed that he didn’t have enough time to spend with his family and that he’d often go out in the evening and not return.

Isolation is an all too common addiction factor, and it makes it difficult for people to identify personality changes. If you begin to notice that you’d rather be alone and taking drugs instead of around the people you love, it’s time to speak up and seek expert help.

3. Stress

Often people use smoking, alcohol and drugs as ways of trying to evade the reality of a situation and “calm down” when life gets overwhelming. In 2015, Bloomberg estimated that workplace stress contributes $190 billion in healthcare expenses4 and more than 120,000 deaths each year.

Given the nature of hard work, stress can be classified as an epidemic in the legal profession.5 Last year, legal website Above The Law wrote an article titled Stressed-Out Lawyers in First 10 Years of Practice More Likely to Have Mental-Health and Wellness Issues and they’re accurate in their statement.

As explained in the article:

“If you know 10 lawyers, three of them are likely depressed, and two of them are suffering from a drinking problem or anxiety.”

Get the Help You Need With Rehab

The stigma behind going to rehab is slowly diminishing, and the acceptance of seeking help is becoming more prevalent.

In the medical profession, which is also a high pressure, high-stress career path, doctors can enter rehab, get the treatment they need, and still continue practicing medicine once they’re sober.

The legal profession is similar. No longer should you or your colleagues fear losing your legal license and getting fired; you’re human. However, continuing down a path of substance use and overworking can be detrimental to any career.

We finish this article by addressing you personally:

If you notice that you’re becoming reliant on drugs, it’s difficult to balance work and life, or if you’re failing to treat yourself with the respect you deserve, help is available.

The United States has several lawyer assistance programs and we urge you to pick up the phone and call them.

If you feel that rehabilitation is your ticket to recovery, we urge you to find a rehab center that fits your needs.

Remember: You are not alone.

Frequently Asked Questions About Addiction Among Lawyers

Are lawyers more prone to addiction?

Certain factors increase the likelihood of addiction among lawyers. These include the normalization of drinking and drug use, overwork, and chronic stress.

How prevalent is drug use among lawyers?

Self-reported figures show 22.6% of lawyers engaged in problematic drug use or drinking at one point in their lives. Actual numbers may be higher. (75% of respondents in the same study skipped over questions about drug use.)

Can lawyers continue practicing after rehab?

If you were disbarred due to drinking or drug use, you can practice again under 3 conditions: 

1. You received appropriate rehabilitation.
2. You’ve abstained from drinking and drug use for one year minimum. 
3. You’ll likely continue to abstain.

California Rehabs: What’s Available and What to Ask to Make Sure You Know What You’re Getting

landscape shot of houses, palm trees at sunset in San Clemente, CA

California is home to more than just breathtaking scenery, iconic beach culture and a world-famous entertainment industry—it also hosts some of the most innovative and effective rehab centers in the world. With its top-notch professionals, state-of-the-art technology, emerging holistic practices and year-round perfect weather, the Golden State is a coveted rehab location. But with seemingly endless options available, people seeking treatment may have a hard time deciding just which center is right for them. Let’s take a look at some available resources for rehab in California, and some factors to consider when choosing the right one.

san francisco

Types of Residential Addiction Treatment Centers in California

Most rehabs in California offer inpatient (or residential) treatment options. Inpatient usually refers to living at and receiving care from the same treatment provider. The most intensive level of treatment, inpatient rehab offers the benefit of removal from your normal using environment, triggers and other factors that could complicate your recovery. Therapeutic outcomes in residential care tend to be experienced more quickly. This option is usually recommended for people with especially complicated or high-risk concerns such as co-occurring disorders or the need for medically supervised withdrawal (or detox).1

Residential Rehabs on a Campus

In this “campus”-style residential setting, guests live on-site and work through a full schedule of therapy and activities for typically a minimum of 28 days, with the option to extend treatment for continued development and support. Little transportation is needed since living quarters and clinical spaces are all on one location. The center may have outings or certain activities that require transportation, as well as transportation to personal appointments (like a doctor’s appointment).

Residential Rehabs With Separate Buildings and Transportation

Some residential rehabs house clients in separate living facilities nearby and provide daily transportation to clinical facilities and activities. While the treatment may be similar to a “campus”-style center, the logistics will look a little different. You can still certainly obtain high-quality, intensive treatment this way. It’s just good to know up front so your expectations are more informed.

If living on a campus is important to you, you may want to ask the center about it. Most rehabs who employ the above model—sometimes called “hub-and-spoke” (although this term means other things too)—do not openly advertise it, so it’s something you’ll want to bring up when you talk to the admissions team. You can be direct and ask if clinical and living facilities are connected on the same property lot, or indirectly. It’s also a good idea to ask what a day in their program looks like.

Holistic Rehabs

The West Coast has always been on the cutting edge of new age remedies, and rehab is certainly no exception. Californian rehabs are home to robust program offerings for alternative therapies like yoga, reiki, crystal healing, sound- and movement-based therapies and nutrition-focused approaches. Holistic treatment methods aim not only to treat addiction, but to promote overall wellness and healing of the mind, body, soul and spirit through diverse practices that may be able to access parts of the brain that more conventional therapies don’t reach. Holistic rehab may be a good option for you if you’re looking for a broader lifestyle change, if you’re spiritually inclined or if you prefer natural remedies to more Western-style treatment methods.

yoga on beach

Executive Rehabs

Seeking treatment can pose specific challenges for executives and business owners, who may have difficulty attending inpatient treatment when they have a business to attend to, or feel pressures surrounding their reputation. California is home to several executive rehabs offering various options to accommodate the lives of busy, high-achieving professionals, such as relaxed technology and internet use policies, business facilities and flexible scheduling. Keep in mind, however, that there are pronounced benefits to leaving your nine-to-five at the door while attending inpatient treatment—a conversation with your rehab’s admissions team and/or an initial assessment with an addictions counselor should help you decide what type of program best fits your needs.

Rehab for Teens and Young Adults

Treating addiction in adolescents and young adults requires a different approach. While adults are likely to have already developed a more severe addiction after years of substance abuse, young people are often in an experimental phase that has more to do with behavioral issues than actual dependency. However, because addiction has especially pronounced impacts on the developing brains of under-25-year-olds,2 treatment for these issues is just as urgent. Many Californian rehabs specialize in youth addiction treatment and offer cool program options like surf therapy, wilderness therapy and exciting group outings. Most youth-focused facilities are gender-specific—look for a center that caters to your desired age range and, if applicable, academic preferences.

Ready to Go to Rehab in California?

When choosing a treatment center, it’s helpful to keep a few, key decision-making criteria in mind. Have a short list of questions on hand as you contact potential treatment centers. For example:

  • What is your treatment philosophy?
  • Do you offer on-campus accommodations or do clinical services take place at a different location?
  • Do you specialize in the treatment I’m seeking? What specialists do you have on staff?
  • What does a typical day look like?

Decide what’s important to you, and ask the right questions to make sure the rehab you’re considering can provide what you need. To learn more about available treatment centers and their price range, check out our comprehensive list of California luxury rehabs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in California

How much does rehab cost in California?

Most luxury rehabs in California cost between $25,000-$50,000 per month. Some ultra-exclusive programs cost over $80,000.

Where will I live during rehab in California?

Residential rehabs in California offer 2 main types of living arrangements: on-site and off-site, which involves commuting to clinical facilities. If staying on campus is important to you, ask admissions about accommodations. Some rehabs don’t clearly state that their housing is off-site.

What kind of rehabs are there in California?

As a leading rehab destination, California has many highly specialized centers. You can find holistic rehabs with cutting-edge alternative treatments, executive rehabs, rehabs for teens, and much more.