The Serenity of Healing in Irish Rehabs

If you’re looking for a naturally restorative place to start recovery, a luxury rehab in Ireland could be the perfect fit. With a quiet countryside and history of relaxing recreation, Ireland offers a calm environment for care. And among its lush greenery, you can feel safe as you begin the challenging work of healing.

Peaceful Healing on the Emerald Isle

Preparing for rehab can be hectic at best. You’ve made a big decision, and your whole life is about to change. Even good changes can be disruptive, which is why many patients prefer to go to rehab in tranquil settings. And thanks to a few key features, Ireland is one of the most peaceful countries1 in the world.

Therapeutic Greenery

Ireland’s nickname, “The Emerald Isle,” perfectly describes its lush green surroundings. The refreshing air coming off of the Atlantic Ocean brings moderate weather year round. The rich landscape sits under gray skies, nourished by consistent rain and mist. 

For many people, this climate is the perfect environment for healing. In fact, having a naturally beautiful view reduces pain2 and anxiety levels—even if you can only see it through a window. But in most of these programs, you can also explore the outdoors during your time in rehab.

Tee Up for Recovery Success

Ireland has a rich history of golf, with over 300 world-renowned golf courses. So if you’re an avid golfer looking to perfect your swing as you heal, some Irish rehabs, like RósGlas Recovery, offer tee times in addition to therapy sessions.

Finding Harmony

Ireland is known around the world for its spirited folk music. In that tradition, rehabs like RósGlas Recovery boast music therapy programs. And this treatment isn’t just for skilled musicians. You might even listen to music, instead of making it yourself. Music therapy lets you relax, express yourself, and appreciate the local culture. Irish folk music encourages you to celebrate who you are at your core—including your strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between.

Discover Your Ideal Treatment Approach in Ireland

Ireland is more than just a peaceful place to start recovery. Its rehabs also offer a wide variety of therapies, including personalized treatment plans. Here, you can find a center that aligns with your values and recovery goals. 

Private and Personalized Treatment Programs

To encourage recovery on your own terms, many Irish rehabs treat only small groups of clients. And some, like RósGlas Recovery, treat just one client at a time. With this approach, you’ll receive highly personalized care. 

Individualized treatment and strict confidentiality go hand in hand. This type of rehab is a great fit for high-profile clients who need total privacy during recovery. From the safety of a protected environment, you can focus on what matters most: your own healing journey.

Irish Rehabs Address Co-occurring Disorders

Healing from co-occurring disorders is a dynamic process. And in a rehab that specializes in this type of treatment, you’ll find more sustainable success. 

At rehabs like Smarmore Castle, for example, you’ll find comprehensive care for drug addiction, behavioral addiction, and mental health diagnoses. For example, you might attend therapy that addresses both shopping addiction and depression at the same time. Rather than treating these conditions separately, you’ll address the root cause of everything you’re going through. 

Robust 12-Step Programming

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has a strong presence in Ireland.3 In fact, there are over 750 AA groups throughout the country. And many Irish rehabs, like the Rutland Centre in Dublin, use the same 12-Step approach in their residential programs. 

When rehabs use 12-Step facilitation (TSF), their treatment program is structured around the 12 Steps. Most of the time, that means you’ll attend AA (or other 12-Step group) meetings as part of your schedule. And outside of those meetings, your other treatments will explore the same themes. For example, in 1:1 therapy, you might define your recovery goals based on the 12-Step framework. 

Going to a 12-Step rehab can ease your transition to the next stage of recovery. Whether or not you stay in Ireland after treatment, AA and other 12-Step meetings are available all over the world. You can even attend them remotely. Regular meetings can help you maintain the same routine you developed in rehab, even when other parts of your life are in flux.

Getting There

If you’re traveling abroad to rehab in Ireland, your journey probably won’t be too complicated. You can find non-stop flights into Dublin from many major European and North American destinations. And if you’re coming from a different region, you can fly into London Heathrow and then travel to Ireland by plane, train, or boat. 

Once you’re on the Emerald Isle, public transportation is widely available through rail travel and buses. Many Irish rehabs also offer private pickups from the airport to simplify your journey. But even if you make your own way there, it’s always best to have a travel companion on your way to rehab.

Settle Into Healing in Ireland

Recovery presents challenges, no matter where you go to rehab. But in Ireland, you can face them in a peaceful, supportive environment. With Ireland’s beautiful scenery, cozy weather, and culture of kindness, you’ll be able to take a deep breath—perhaps your first one in a while. 
To learn more about each program’s pricing, treatment approach, accommodations, and more, search our collection of luxury rehabs in Ireland.

Innovative Addiction Treatment in European Rehabs

Rehab can be more than a clinical environment. In Europe, it’s also a joyous opportunity to take back control of your life. Picture yourself recovering amidst beautiful views, old architecture, and rich, accepting cultures. Add state-of-the-art treatment methods and a long list of fun ways to spend down time. If that sounds like the atmosphere you’re looking for in treatment, you might consider going to a luxury rehab in Europe

The Diverse Amenities of European Rehabs

Treatment is hard work. But when you’re in residential rehab, there’s more to life than attending therapy. In Europe’s luxury centers, clients can try new and engaging activities during treatment. Through these experiences, you’ll learn how to have fun in a healthy way. 

Explore New Cultures From the Comfort of Rehab

European rehabs have access to some of the greatest cultural landmarks in the world. And many treatment centers take clients to visit local attractions. During treatment at Paracelsus Recovery, for example, you’ll live in a penthouse apartment in downtown Zurich. CEO Jan Gerber explains that nearby, you can find “an opera house, there are concert halls, there are world-renowned museums, and there are very good restaurants.” Exploring a vibrant city, or any new environment, can help you mark the start of this new chapter.

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New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain

Choose Your Climate

With vast forests, calm seas, and rugged mountains, you can also find any type of environment in Europe.1 If you’d like to hunker down in a cozy room with a view, you could go to rehab in Scandinavia. Or if you prefer the sunshine and warm breeze of the tropics, you might find healing easier in a place like Mykonos

Many European rehabs take full advantage of their beautiful surroundings. Take Camino Recovery in Spain, for example. One week, you could hike in the Sierra de Tejeda. The next, you might sail and snorkel along the Mediterranean coast. These adventures are both fun and therapeutic. Connecting with nature can play an important role in treatment. 

Gourmet Meals Can Nourish Your Body

Learning how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle is essential during recovery. For many people, that means eating delicious, nourishing food. And there are several specific, clinical ways that nutrition supports addiction recovery

Eating balanced meals can boost your mood and improve your mental clarity. At centers like New Life Marbella in Málaga, Spain, personal chefs and nutritionists design gourmet menus to support your recovery—both physically and mentally.

If you’re coming from abroad, this can be an opportunity to sample the local cuisine. And because so many European dishes are famous around the world, you might already know what to expect. On the other hand, this could be a chance for you to learn about a new culture.

Choose a Rehab That Aligns With Your Values

If you’re not from Europe, traveling there for rehab can give you valuable insight into life back at home. Or, if you already live in the area, you can easily connect with programs in neighboring countries. Either way, clients can decide between a great variety of cultures, in a relatively small geographical area. And once you choose the environment that suits you best, addiction recovery becomes that much easier.

Heal in Privacy in Europe

No matter where you’re from, going to rehab in a different country gives you more anonymity. Some rehabs, like The Cottage, even offer 1:1 treatment. As the only client on site, you’ll have access to the most discreet and individualized care possible.   

Other ultra-private rehabs, like Switzerland’s NEOVIVA, offer confidential, boutique treatment for executives. Here, clients stay in a fully operational hotel, with no signage indicating that it’s also a treatment center. Every staff member, at both NEOVIVA and the hotel, works to maintain your privacy. Clients benefit from clinical care, enjoy hotel amenities, and rest assured that they’re safe from prying eyes.

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NEOVIVA in Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

Embrace the Friendly Warmth of Southern Europe

Even if you require anonymity, you don’t have to heal in isolation. Countries along the Mediterranean, like Italy and Spain, have an especially strong focus on family2 and community. And those values shine through in some of the area’s rehabs.

At Solice, for example, clients offer each other emotional support. To Mark, a former client, Solice felt like “a home where people don’t judge, [but] care for each other.”3 Learning how to build healthy relationships can boost your self-esteem and support the process of recovery.4

Decriminalization in European Countries

Some European countries, like Portugal, have decriminalized all illicit drugs.5 They’ve also expanded their treatment services in an effort to make recovery accessible. 

This attitude can have a major impact on your treatment experience. For one thing, shame and stigma around drug use are often barriers to treatment.6 And decriminalization reduces the stigma of addiction.7 Because of this, rehabs in these countries may offer a unique type of emotional support. And in most areas, decriminalization efforts come with government funding. So these rehabs might have resources that are hard to come by in other places.

European Rehabs Provide High-Quality Care

In many parts of Europe, people see addiction as a health problem.8 If you’re working through stigma, this open-minded attitude can feel like a relief. It also opens the door to a number of treatment options you might not find elsewhere.

Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies

Few of Europe’s rehabs ask you to choose between Western medicine and holistic treatment. Instead, you can work with your provider to find the therapies that fit your needs. And for some clients, that means combining several different methods.

For example, NEO Centrum, in Prague, is a 12-Step rehab center. But they also specialize in Vipassana meditation as an addiction treatment. While both methods relate to spirituality, they offer vastly different benefits. During 12-Step recovery, clients build community around a shared philosophy of healing. Vipassana, on the other hand, encourages you to accept your own feelings, making peace with your deepest self.  

Meanwhile, in France, Maison Ila treats addiction and mental health issues through a variety of therapy methods. “You can immerse yourself deeply in nature, enjoy wild water bathing, practice restorative yoga and instinctive movement therapy, and receive esoteric, transformative treatments,” while also attending 12-Step meetings.9

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NEO Centrum in Prague, Czech Republic

Access Cutting Edge Treatments

Countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, and England are well-known for their innovative treatment techniques.10 That’s partly because these countries categorize addiction and mental health as public health issues. 

European researchers are studying new ways to treat addiction using medication.11 Some of these methods, like methadone maintenance therapy, are also available in other countries. But others are only accessible in the EU. And others are legal in some European countries, but unavailable elsewhere in the region. 

For example, Tabula Rasa Retreat is located in Portugal, where all substances are decriminalized. This program offers ibogaine therapy for people in addiction and mental health recovery. Meanwhile, in the U.S. and UK, ibogaine is a banned substance.12 Going to rehab in Europe could give you a wealth of treatment options, even if you’re not traveling far from home. 

Traveling to and Around Europe

Almost a billion people travel to the EU annually.13 Because of that, it’s a very accessible place visit, especially from countries like the U.S. and Canada. But there are a few details to think about before you plan a trip to Europe.

Do You Need a Visa to Go to Rehab in Europe?

You may or may not need a visa to enter Europe. It depends on where you’re coming from, and how long you’re planning to stay. This can be hard to predict in advance, especially if you’re considering an aftercare program. Talk to the admissions team at your rehab before you book any travel plans, so they can help you make the right arrangements. 

Citizens of the U.S., Canada, and over 50 other countries can visit the European Union (EU) without a visa.14 But if you plan to stay for longer than 90 days, different rules may apply. And European countries not in the EU, like the UK, may require a visa.15 

Flying to Europe

Flying into the EU is usually straightforward. Several international airports serve the region, and once you get there, you can quickly travel between European countries. 

For instance, if you’re traveling through the UK, you can reach over 200 different destinations from London-Heathrow airport.16 And if you’re going to rehab in Spain, you might fly into Adolfo Suárez Madrid, which has services to over 150 destinations. Or if you want a more centrally located airport, you can fly to Charles de Gaulle in Paris, and connect to any of 119 different countries. 

Getting Around in Europe

Once you’re in the region, you can use Europe’s robust train system to get around. Eurail is easy to navigate, and it lets you take in beautiful views en route. 

Despite your many options for traveling to and around the region, it’s best to go with a support person. The transition into rehab can be overwhelming, and a traveling companion can keep you safe along the way. And even if you do spend part of the trip alone, talk to your rehab before making specific plans. Many centers offer free transportation from the nearest airport.   

European Rehabs Bring Joy to Your Recovery

Wherever you’re traveling from, Europe’s rehabs invite you to come as you are. With its vast array of climates, cultures, and different types of therapy, this region has something for everyone. Recovery is hard, but it can also be inspiring. And finding happiness during treatment will set you up for even more success back home. 

Visit our list of luxury rehabs in Europe to learn about their different locations, amenities, and insurance options.

Faster Treatment Access and Serene Scenery at UK Luxury Rehabs

The United Kingdom’s acres of countryside provide the perfect setting for healing. Its rolling hills and farmland dotted with grazing sheep can offer you the peace you need as you take the first steps toward recovery.

When you connect with a private rehab directly, you can usually start treatment right away. If you’re a UK citizen, this lets you begin healing faster, instead of waiting for space to become available through the National Health Service (NHS). These programs are also open to people from all over the world.

Whether you need a change of scenery, or immediate care close to home, you can take the first step toward recovery in one of the many luxury rehab facilities in the United Kingdom.

“Recovery is Freedom”

The choice to seek treatment is a milestone. And that’s something to be proud of, even if you’re not sure what will come next. Choosing the right kind of support for you, specifically, lets you take control of your future.

“Taking away the drugs for me, which I thought was the thing that made me all free, has actually been the most freeing thing,” said Khetsiwe Giles-Rowley, a client who went through rehab at Providence Projects. “The best thing I’ve gotten from my recovery is freedom.”

Rehabs in the UK can offer peace and quiet, with treatment plans tailored to your needs. During recovery, you’ll have time and space to define what freedom means to you.

Getting Prompt Care with Self-Pay Rehab

While every UK citizen is entitled to free addiction treatment, it can be a lengthy and complicated process to get government funding to attend rehab. Once you do get approval for treatment, you may not get to choose which rehab you’d like to attend. Instead, you’ll attend the first center that has space available.

If you opt to self-fund a residential program, the process is usually much faster. You’ll also have much more say in where you get to attend rehab. By choosing the timing and location of initial treatment, you can get the best possible support during recovery.

A Soothing Setting for Recovery

The UK’s countryside is the epitome of peace. Relaxing rainy days alternate with warm sunny ones, and the quiet surroundings offer the perfect opportunity for reflection.

Finding Calm in the Countryside

Imagine walking outside to the sounds of chirping birds and rustling grasses, with nothing in sight but green, rolling hills. This tranquil scenery, like the 50 acres of private woodland and gardens found at Castle Craig in Edinburgh, Scotland, is proven to help facilitate your recovery process.

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Located in Edinburgh, Scotland, Castle Craig offers ample opportunity to interact with nature, including outdoor therapy, equine therapy and walks along their lush property.

Researchers believe that just 20 minutes in nature can lower your levels of cortisol,1 the stress hormone. With this in mind, the team at Castle Craig encourages clients to take advantage of their many walking paths. They also offer equine therapy, nature outings, outdoor therapy, and even alpaca walks to help clients get outside as much as possible during treatment. In Northern Wales, you can attend Parkland Place, which is on 3 acres of National Trust Farmland. You’ll be able to wake up to views of the countryside right from your bedroom.

Relax and Reflect by the British Seaside

The seaside can be calm and therapeutic. In fact, listening to the sounds of the ocean can directly support your healing process. Data shows that the sound of ocean waves decreases stress,2 and generally makes listeners feel more positive.

If you’re looking for a serene place to recover, you’re in luck: the UK has several treatment centers by the sea. At Ocean Recovery Centre, you can enjoy views of Blackpool Beach and Sea. Clients can also make use of the spa at a nearby hotel. Providence Projects is another coastal treatment center, in southern Bournemouth. The area boasts the warmest temperatures in the UK. Clients can stroll along the 7 miles of sandy beaches that offer views of bright blue ocean water from rocky cliffs.

Finding the Care You Need in London

You may prefer to start treatment in an urban setting. Some clients need to stay close to home, or just feel more at ease in the city. Whatever your reasons may be, there are plenty of rehab centers in London.

PROMIS London is right in the heart of the city, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Clients can explore London in group outings to museums, movies, and shopping centers. The OAD Clinic is just a 5-minute walk from Victoria Station, one of the busiest transportation hubs in the city, while Addcounsel can be found between Hyde Park and Covent Garden. All 3 centers are easily accessible, no matter where you’re coming from.

Start Your Recovery with People who Understand Your Needs

You can tailor your rehab experience to meet your needs. Plenty of centers specialize in treating specific groups of people, and some treat just 1 client at a time. Depending on your recovery goals, you might benefit from attending one of these programs.

Gender-Specific Treatment

Some addiction recovery programs recognize that some people may feel more comfortable living with people of their own gender. Several UK rehabs offer women-only and men-only programming or living arrangements. For example, the Clouds House offers gender-specific accommodations as well as a women’s lounge and gender-specific communal living area. Gender-specific rehab may or may not be appropriate for clients of other genders, or for men and women who prefer a different treatment setting.

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Clouds House provides gender-specific accommodations and privacy at their discreet campus in Wiltshire, South West England.

Single-Client Rehabs

Some clients require highly personalized treatment. Others may need a high level of discretion during recovery. Because of this, some rehab facilities treat only 1 client at a time, such as Addcounsel and The Cottage. Individual treatment empowers you to get the exact type of care you need, provided by a team of experts entirely focused on your recovery.

The UK’s Specialized Addiction and Mental Health Treatments

Many UK rehabs offer new and innovative therapies. Most clients benefit from combining these methods with more conventional treatments like talk therapy, group therapy, and medical care.

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Norfolk

Verve Health uses virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) to help clients practice the skills they learn in therapy. Research shows that virtual reality can treat several types of addiction.3 In VRET, clients can safely experience challenging lifelike situations, under the supervision of a therapist. Each session presents you with sounds and images that simulate a real event.

VRET can induce cravings that come from triggering situations. This teaches you how to combat those cravings. Studies suggest that VRET can be especially effective alongside cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in London

Smart TMS is the largest provider of TMS treatment, which “uses pulsing magnetic fields to activate or suppress the brain centers associated with a number of mental health conditions.” This therapy aids in recovery from addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar disorder.

TMS can effectively reduce cravings4 in people recovering from addiction. However, it can also cause headaches, some fatigue, and a small chance of seizures. Because of this, it’s important for clients to work closely with a medical team throughout treatment.

Alpha-Stim Therapy in London

Alpha-Stim therapy helps people experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The handheld device sends microcurrents to the brain that help clients unwind and reduce stress. At The Soke, clients can take advantage of this treatment in relaxation pods for up to 40 minutes after a talk therapy session.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Scotland

In hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the client breathes in 100% oxygen while experiencing high atmospheric pressure for about an hour. Castle Craig is one center that offers this innovative therapy. According to their website, HBOT can help alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms, decrease inflammation, improve sleep, and more.

Therapies for the Mind and Body

Addiction recovery is both mental and physical. Some therapies are designed to help you strengthen the mind-body connection. This may help you feel more grounded during—and after—your time in rehab.

Asana Lodge, for example. offers a variety of alternative therapies. At this center, clients can try Satori Chair Therapy and heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback therapy.

The Satori Chair works by sending sound frequencies through the body to help you feel calm and relaxed. Clients have access to the chair at any time, although it may be especially helpful after a talk therapy session.

Studies suggest that HRV biofeedback therapy can lower anxiety.5 In this treatment, an application called HeartMath tracks the client’s heart rate. This information can help you better understand your own feelings. For example, an erratic heart rhythm suggests stress and anxiety. A therapist will help you create coping strategies based on what you learn.

Uniting Families in the United Kingdom

Studies show that family involvement during mental health and addiction treatment is crucial.6 During family therapy sessions, loved ones learn how to best support the person in rehab. Many rehab centers, such as PROMIS London, have treatment plans that include family therapy. PROMIS London’s family program meets weekly. This program “gives families a chance to work on their problems together, in a discrete location, and to break the cycles of harmful habits that may be affecting family members.”

Family therapy is offered on campus at PROMIS London’s quiet South Kensington location.

Family therapy helps you connect with your loved ones, and it also helps them start to heal. Silkworth Lodge, on the Channel Islands, even has a therapy program for children ages 7-12 called “Silkworms.” Over the course of 4 days, children affected by a family member’s addiction participate in a program just for them. This allows them to explore their emotions in a healthy way in a safe, supportive environment.

Traveling in the UK Is a Breeze

Flying to and within the UK7 is easy. London Heathrow is the largest airport in Europe, with numerous flights arriving each day from all around the world. There are over 40 airports around the United Kingdom,8 with 6 international airports in London alone. Most airports around the world have flights to London, and many also fly to other locations in the UK, such as Edinburgh Airport, the busiest airport in Scotland. Upon arrival, you can easily take another flight to your final destination.

Wherever you fly into the UK, your treatment center may offer an airport pickup service. Although the country is renowned for its public transit system

Check with your facility to coordinate your arrival.

Recover in Comfort in the UK

With rehabs in the quiet countryside and the vibrant city, the United Kingdom is a good fit for many clients. Rehab in the United Kingdom allows for time to reflect. Innovative therapies treat your mind and body and help you heal your relationships. And with personalized care, you can heal in a way that suits your unique needs.

Learn more about the therapies and amenities available in the UK’s luxury rehabs here.

Spain’s Relaxed Pace Sets the Stage for Recovery

Spain is known for its warm weather and rich culture, full of history and art. You’ll find everything in this temperate climate, from peaceful countryside to picturesque mountain and seaside views. If you’re looking for a holistic approach to treatment with a beautiful backdrop, you may want to attend a rehab facility in Spain.

Spain Offers a Warm Climate and Beautiful Views

There’s a reason that Spain is the 2nd most visited country in the world1—or rather, there are several. People flock to Spain for its bright sunshine, mild climate, and beautiful landscape.

The Healing Power of Sunshine

Spain is known for its beautiful weather2 and abundance of sunshine, and is a destination of choice for many Europeans wishing to escape the colder months. Spain’s official slogan is: “Where the sunshine follows you through every season,” which makes sense, since the country receives about 3,000 hours of sunshine each year. It’s home to Alicante, the sunniest city in all of Europe,3 which gets about 349 hours of sun each month. Málaga comes in 4th place, with an average of 345 hours of sun per month, and several other Spanish cities make the top 30 list.

This beautiful weather isn’t just pleasant—it can also directly impact your recovery. Serotonin, a neurochemical best known for influencing happiness, is affected by your exposure to sunlight. A large body of evidence demonstrates the positive effects of good weather on mental health, including one study that found sunshine increased serotonin production4 in a sample group of men.

Spain’s relatively mild climate is warm year-round, although it’s generally colder and wetter the higher in elevation you climb and the further north you go. You may want to be mindful of this when choosing a treatment center in the best location for you.

Panoramic Views of the Sea, Mountains, and Countryside

This country is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on its eastern side, and the North Atlantic on the western side. Spain’s vast landscape5 is composed of several mountain ranges spread throughout the country, and its cliffsides offer unparalleled views of the gold-sand beaches below. Throughout the country, you’ll find small cobblestone villages and serene, peaceful landscapes dotted with orange, lemon, and olive groves.

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Spain’s serene and varied landscape promotes a deeper sense of connection to nature for many.

Clients at Camino Recovery, located in Vélez-Málaga on the southern coast, will live in a cortijo, a traditional rural farmhouse commonly found in that region. These historic Spanish homes are often surrounded by acres of land, and the Camino Recovery residence is no exception. The Sierra de Tejeda mountain range creates a beautiful backdrop, and clients are invited to explore the trails around the area and in the nearby Almijara and Alhama Natural Parks each Sunday.

The Mediterranean coast offers stunning views of the cliffs from The Bridge Marbella. You can take in the landscape from the tranquil outdoor seating areas, or from your room in this center’s Spanish villa.

At Ibiza Calm you can visit stunning neighboring beaches, namely Benirrás Beach with its amazing sunsets. The center’s main building is a 500-year-old Ibizan farmhouse surrounded by 8 private acres and lined with citrus orchards, and you can enjoy the stunning scenery during daily walks in the countryside.

These facilities aren’t set in natural areas by chance. Numerous studies have found that nature is an extremely important factor in a healing space.6 Research shows that the presence of gardens—and even just views of them—can reduce stress.

Vibrant Spanish Culture

Spain is chock-full of unique museums and art made by world-renowned artists like Picasso, Dalí, and Gaudí, set in historic towns and villages full of classic Spanish fare like tapas, or appetizers, and paella, a popular rice dish. Spain also has the 4th largest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites7 in the world, with famous cultural landmarks like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and the Alhambra in Granada.

Some rehab facilities, like Camino Recovery, organize trips to nearby cultural attractions, like the Picasso Museum in Málaga, the birthplace of this famous artist. You can also explore the nearby pueblos blancos, or white villages, of Frigiliana and Comares, which are known for their cobblestone streets, beautiful views, and whitewashed homes and buildings.

Some rehabs in Spain include trips to historic sites as part of their program.

Solice in Marbella also encourages clients to explore the nearby cultural attractions, like the city’s old town. Clients are also welcome to try local food and tapas, stroll along the promenade, and visit other nearby historic towns like San Pedro.

Accessibility & Ease of Travel

There are over 40 international airports in Spain,8 which makes flying to your location of choice much easier. Most U.S. airports have flights to at least 1 Spanish destination, and many larger U.S. airports operate flights to more than 1 location. Once you arrive, it’s simple to take another flight within Spain to your final destination, if necessary.

Many treatment centers offer an airport pickup service. Although Spain has an extensive public transportation system, it might be difficult to navigate on your own in a foreign country. Make sure to talk to your facility’s administration office to determine the best way to reach your rehab center.

Remember that while many people prefer to travel for inpatient rehab, this isn’t the right choice for everyone. If you would be more comfortable staying closer to home, there are plenty of rehab facilities around the world—some of which are likely in your area. Wherever you choose to begin recovery, it’s important to find a program that suits your unique needs.

Treatment in Spain’s Rehabs Is Tailored to You

Many rehab centers realize that treatment is not one-size-fits-all, and often needs to be specific to the client’s needs. In addition, several centers in Spain favor a one-on-one treatment approach, which is perfect for those who value their privacy. Although anyone can benefit from individualized care, people with a dual diagnosis, executive professionals, and high-profile clients may find it especially helpful.

Secluded properties can give you much-needed space to focus on healing without distractions, in addition to providing a safe environment to heal. This, coupled with personalized care, can help you put emphasis on your recovery process. Treatment centers like THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab and Istana Jiwa Ibiza treat 1 client at a time in their own, private residence. Istana Jiwa Ibiza’s villas are scattered around the island of Ibiza, and are unbranded with no observable connection to the center. This makes them a great option for those who would prefer an extra layer of confidentiality in recovery. At both centers, treatment programs are tailored to each client with a private team of specialists. There are no group activities or shared facilities.

The Balance Spain
THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab offers an ultra-private experience on its secluded grounds in Mallorca, Spain.

Some treatment centers, like Phoenix Programmes S.L., also offer stepped-down care options. Clients at this center can choose from online and daytime-only programs, or stay in their in-house sober living program. They realize that not all clients are able to, or want to, attend an inpatient rehab facility, and try to offer programs that will work for anyone’s schedule. In addition, they create a personalized treatment plan for each client.

Unique Activities and Therapies

Family and equestrian culture have strong roots in Spain, and some rehab centers focus on these aspects in their treatment plans. Because of their proximity to the ocean, some facilities offer unique therapies like surf and dolphin therapy, as well as a variety of other beach activities.

Equine Therapy

Spain has a strong equestrian culture,9 and 1 region even has a horse named after it: the Andalusian horse. Although equine therapy is not unique to Spain, horses are a big part of their history and traditions.

Camino Recovery’s program director Don Lavender pioneered equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP), and has used it in his work since the 1990’s.

“Through interactions between the horse and the client, a therapist can help the client work through issues, often more effectively than talk therapy.”

Camino Recovery

Seaside Activities

Outdoor activities aren’t just a way to have fun; they can also be an important part of recovery. Studies show that exercising outside has positive effects on your health,10 both mentally and physically. These activities don’t just invite you to let off steam; they may also help you develop new skills and build confidence.

With this in mind, THE BALANCE Luxury Rehab encourages clients to attend unique outdoor therapies, like surf and dolphin therapy. Adolescent participants in one study reported that spending time in these “blue spaces,”11 or “environments characterized by the presence of water bodies” produced feelings of calmness and tranquility. In addition, they also offer more traditional outdoor activities like beach walks, yoga, horseback riding, fishing, and more.

Family Therapy

Family is an important component of Spanish culture, so it makes sense that so many treatment centers focus on family dynamics and include them in the rehabilitation process. And studies show that healthy close relationships contribute to your healing process.12 Relationships like these, such as those with family, are associated with improved health and well-being.

Camino Recovery exterior pool
Family members are invited to Camino Recovery‘s property in Vélez-Málaga, Spain as part of their family program.

Camino Recovery understands the positive impact that family support can have during and after a client’s recovery. They invite family members to attend a 4-5 day family program, during which the family discusses their own issues and learns about healthy relationships and coping mechanisms in group therapy sessions. Family members are also encouraged to learn more at educational lectures.

Depending on your specific relationship with your family of origin, this type of therapy may or may not be a good fit. Whether or not you invite them to participate in this aspect of your recovery, you can still use your time in rehab to hone your interpersonal skills, either in therapy or with other members of your cohort.

Starting Your Recovery in Spain

Traveling somewhere new can help you gain perspective on life at home. At a luxury rehab in Spain, that perspective might be informed by the majesty of nature. The culture’s focus on the arts might inspire you to create a life you love, using the tools you learn in a program tailored to support your needs and goals.

Learn more about all that rehabs here have to offer, including amenities, activities, specialized programming, and more, in our searchable directory of Spain luxury rehabs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Spain

What are the benefits of luxury rehab in Spain for addiction treatment?

Luxury rehab in Spain offers serene scenes, warm weather, and is surrounded by historic sites. Centers feature upscale amenities, personalized treatment plans, and a range of unique therapies, from equine therapy to seaside activities. Some ultra-luxury rehabs treat one client at a time.

What types of addiction are treated in luxury rehab facilities in Spain?

Luxury rehabs in Spain provide comprehensive treatment for various mental health and addiction concerns, including drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, depression, anxiety, and more.

What amenities and services can I expect in a luxury rehab in Spain?

Luxury rehab in Spain offers several amenities and services: 

• Luxurious accommodations
• Private rooms 
• Gourmet meals
Spa services
• Pool
Fitness facilities
Beach access
• Business lounge

More People Are Considering Rehab in Portugal: Here’s Why

Residential rehab lets you step away from your daily environment and fully focus on recovery. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, many people find that a change in their surroundings facilitates healing in impactful ways. For some, traveling abroad for rehab can be profound.

Traveling can change your mindset: immersion in a new culture may promote positive thinking and foster a sense of connection to others. Often, luxury rehabs abroad are located in tranquil environments designed to relieve tension and cultivate calm. And certain destinations offer special therapeutic activities that you might not find back home.

Steeped in rich history and famous for its fresh seafood, a relaxed approach to life, and pastel-colored buildings ornate with bright Azulejos tiles, Portugal is quickly becoming a sought-after rehab destination.

It’s not just the landscape and culture that draws people to addiction treatment in the country. Here, you can find unique therapeutic approaches, including ibogaine treatment. Influenced by their warm culture, many centers have a home-like atmosphere supported by inviting staff. This level of comfort is especially important if you’re tentative about going abroad for treatment.

We explore some top reasons why addiction treatment in Portugal is gaining traction.

1. A Temperate Climate and Tranquil Landscapes

Temperate Climate

Portugal has mild weather, which can be a welcome change for people living in colder or hotter climates. Winter temperatures stay at around 16 °C (or 61 °F). Come summer, the region enjoys warmth and sun without the sweltering heat. Some cities, like Lisbon and Porto, have 11 hours of sun during the summer months.

Temperate climates can be good for your mental health.1 Research on temperature and self-reported mental health conducted in the U.S. revealed that humans are most comfortable in 16 to 21° C (or 60 to 70 °F), and the probability of self-reported mental health struggles increases in both colder and warmer temperatures.

Beautiful, Therapeutic Landscapes

Voted the top country to visit2 by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, Portugal’s natural landscape is nothing short of stunning. Stretches of mesmerizing coastline border the country’s west. Inland, you’ll find striking mountains in the north, peaceful rolling hills to the south, and charming cobblestone towns that dot the areas in between.

According to a study published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open Journal, this abundance of nature can aid addiction recovery3 in several ways:

  • it restores cognitive capacity;
  • it boosts recovery from psychosocial stress;
  • and it can enhance optimism.

As society grows more distanced from nature,4 we’re increasingly disconnected from its therapeutic benefits. Rehab can provide an opportunity to restore this important link. A Health Place journal study found that exposure to natural environments may even reduce cravings.5

Many private rehabs in Portugal emphasize connection to nature by making the most of the country’s tranquil greenscapes. In the historic town of Quinta das Lapas, Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre sits on a 10-acre property surrounded by countryside. Residents live in a Portuguese-style home with lush baroque gardens nearby. The center takes a multidisciplinary approach to addiction recovery and highlights the importance of outdoor activities and their green surroundings.

2. Rich History and Warm Culture

Portugal is culturally vibrant, brimming with rich history. From Arabic-influenced Moorish castles to gothic-style monuments, each of its cobbled-street cities is picturesque in its own right.

Many rehabs in Portugal make use of their proximity to culturally significant locations. Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre offers guided tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites, like the breathtaking baroque and neoclassical palaces found in Quinta das Lapas.

Quinta das lapas
Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre is located in the historic, charming town of Quinta das Lapas.

If exploring new sites sounds inspiring, the good news is that it can also be good for you. Travel delivers mental health benefits7 which can support your recovery process. Psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Todd B. Kashdan explains how travel can strengthen skills like emotional regulation: “exposure to foreign travel [is] linked to a greater ability to direct attention and energy, which helps us function effectively in diverse situations and display appropriate verbal and nonverbal signals of emotion… you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations.”

Attending rehab in another country can also foster deeper human connection6 and feelings of wholeness. It opens you up to new ways of communication. Portuguese culture is known as easygoing and friendly. This translates to what you’ll find at rehabs there, and many centers emphasize their cozy, home-like atmosphere.

Heritage Counseling Clinic
Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, Lisbon emphasizes their strong client-staff relations.

Heritage Counseling Clinic, in the historic town of Sintra, has made the client-staff connection an integral part of their treatment program. “Everything was designed so that the relation between patients and staff can flow naturally, ensuring that [you] can experience rapid integration.”

Tabula Rasa Retreat, which offers ibogaine treatment in Portugal’s Alentejo region, highlights their family-style environment and supportive team as a core component of their holistic approach.

3. A Menu of Treatment Options

Several luxury rehabs in Portugal have holistic addiction treatment programs. These programs include a balance of psychotherapy, holistic therapies, experiential therapies, and more. We explore common therapies offered at centers in Portugal, plus treatment that isn’t yet available in the U.S.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most common forms of evidence-based psychotherapy. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, behavior, and physiology are interconnected. By changing our thought patterns, we have the power to change our emotions and behavior. Several empirical studies point to the efficacy of CBT,8 with some psychologists calling it the “gold standard of the psychotherapy field,” as published in the Front Psychology journal. Many rehabs offer CBT to help treat addiction and mental health issues like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is led by 1 therapist – or a co-leader for bigger groups – and usually involves 5 or more participants, depending on the rehab’s intake numbers. This type of therapy allows for dynamic conversations and moments of reflection. The support network it offers often empowers people through their healing process. Simply knowing others are going through similar struggles can help you feel understood, activating parts of the brain associated with reward and social connection. These feelings could be amplified during group therapy abroad, when you see that people from different cultures share your struggle.

Family Therapy
Family is foundational to Portugal’s social structure. Several rehabs in the country offer family therapy. With the rise of telehealth for addiction treatment, it’s now more common for rehabs abroad to provide virtual sessions so family back home can participate. For some people, family inclusion is an important part of recovery. Family therapy can give you a better understanding of your unique family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Substance abuse often impacts an entire family system – this form of psychotherapy is intended to help everyone involved heal. This can result in stronger family resilience and ties. The interpersonal skills you learn in family therapy can also be applied to other relationships in your life.

Holistic Therapies

Physical Activity
The significance of physical exercise for addiction treatment9 has been well documented: collective studies show that exercise can “reduce compulsive patterns of drug intake in clinical and at-risk populations.” You’ll often see some form of exercise included in most private rehab programs. With Portugal’s temperate weather and sunny summers, many rehab facilities offer outdoor physical activities when possible. Heritage Counseling Clinic’s program includes outdoor yoga and chi-kung. Meanwhile, Casa da Oliveira holds water activities in their outdoor pool during summer.

Art therapy
It’s not always easy to put your feelings into words. This is where art therapy can help. Art therapy offers several documented benefits for addiction recovery:10

  • Decreased denial
  • Lessened shame
  • A communication outlet
  • Less opposition to addiction treatment

When psychotherapy and art therapy are combined,10 they can work to promote each other’s goals.

Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine-assisted therapy is a type of alternative treatment usually delivered in a short-term residential facility. It involves administering ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid extracted from the iboga shrub native to West Africa. In small doses, it acts as a mild stimulant. In larger doses, ibogaine induces a dream-like state. This experience, when overseen by treatment professionals, serves as a potentially effective therapy for substance use disorder or other mental health diagnoses, like depression.

Research on ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment has been promising. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) observed the long-term effectiveness of ibogaine11 and found that “a single ibogaine treatment reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and achieved opioid cessation or reduced use across the one year study.”

Ibogaine has also been shown to reduce drug cravings12 for people suffering from opioid and cocaine addiction.

While ibogaine-assisted therapy isn’t yet available in the U.S., you can travel abroad for treatment. Countries like Mexico and Portugal have addiction treatment centers with ibogaine therapy. Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region of Portugal offers this therapy as part of their holistic approach to treatment. There, ibogaine therapy is administered in a monitored, safe environment by experienced medical professionals and is supported with complementary therapies like breathwork, massage, meditation, and more.

tabula rasa retreat slide 2
Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal’s Alentejo area offers ibogaine treatment in a charming, safe home-like environment.

4. An Abundance of Activities

Portugal’s temperate weather allows for outdoor experiential therapies and activities year-round, like equine therapy, rappelling, and sightseeing. Experiential activities teach you new skills and can show you it’s possible to find joy in other interests. You may even discover lasting hobbies in the process.

Equine therapy
Equine-assisted therapy involves therapeutic work with horses, led by a professional guide or therapist, to help treat addiction and mental health disorders. It’s offered at several treatment centers in Portugal including Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region, Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, and Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre in Monte Redondo.

Portugal’s unique landscape is dotted with mesmerizing, tall cliffs, lending itself well to activities like rappelling. Rappelling is a form of therapeutic climbing (TC) where you descend the face of a rock in a harness with a fastened rope to help guide you down. Some mental health benefits of therapeutic climbing13 (TC) include reduced symptoms of depression and improved psychological well-being. At Heritage Counseling Clinic, rappelling is combined with a unique cultural experience: the rappel site offers views of some of Portugal’s most well-known heritage castles.

Standing among century-old structures and heritage sites is linked with mental wellness,14 including improved mood and a deeper sense of citizenship among groups of people that share commonalities. The good news is, there’s no shortage of sightseeing in history-rich Portugal. At some rehabs, like Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre, you’re taken on guided tours of UNESCO Heritage palaces. For many people, addiction is isolating. These kinds of cultural experiences may foster a deeper sense of connection with the world, and other people, around you.

Sintra Portugal
Portugal is home to stunning heritage sites, like the famous Palacio Nacional da Pena in Sintra.

5. Accessible and Easy to Get Around

Portugal has 3 international airports in Lisbon, Faro, and Porto, and 4 smaller airports for domestic travel. A majority of U.S. airports have flights to Lisbon, with direct flights from some of the U.S.’s biggest international airports. Almost every major European city offers direct flights to Lisbon too.

Many rehabs offer airport pick-up services once you’ve landed in Portugal. While getting around the country is easy, with a well-functioning metro system and rideshare apps like Uber, it may be too overwhelming to navigate travel in the midst of early recovery. It’s recommended to speak with your rehab’s admissions team and arrange to have someone guide you to the center once you’ve landed.

Embark On Your Recovery Journey in Portugal

Attending rehab in a different country can help you gain a new perspective on life. This can be incredibly impactful to someone’s recovery journey. It shows you a different way of living, which may help you feel more connected to others and the world around you. With so much history and heritage, Portugal isn’t just an awe-inspiring place to find recovery: it can help inspire powerful connections and feelings of wholeness.

To learn more about addiction and mental health treatment in the country, browse our list of luxury rehabs in Portugal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Portugal

How much does luxury rehab in Portugal typically cost?

Luxury rehab in Portugal typically costs under $10,000 up to $25,000 for a 30-day program without insurance. Cost can vary depending on factors like the duration of the program, level of personalized care, and amenities offered. It’s best to contact the individual luxury rehab centers in Portugal for accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

What amenities can I expect at a luxury rehab in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal offer a range of amenities:

• Luxurious, private accommodations
• Gourmet dining
• Spa and wellness facilities
• Recreational activities

What types of therapies are available at luxury rehabs in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal provide a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, adventure outings, equine therapy, rappelling, historical site visits, and more.

Should You Travel for Addiction Treatment? Pros and Cons of Local vs. Destination Rehabs

Attending rehab marks the start of a new chapter in your life. No matter where you go, you’ll be entering a time of great change. As positive as this may be, it’s also very stressful. For some people, it’s helpful to change every aspect of their life at once; traveling to a new environment can kick-start that process. For others, it’s better to focus only on their internal changes, without being distracted by external stressors. 

It’s important to choose an environment that will support your healing process. There’s no right or wrong place to heal, just the right place for you. If you already have a location in mind, you can narrow your search to that geographical area. If not, you might want to weigh the pros and cons of traveling for addiction treatment versus staying close to home.

Why Travel to Rehab?

There are luxury rehab facilities all over the world. Some of the programs that suit you best might be located in other states, or even other countries. If you’re at all interested in travel, it can be inspiring just to consider these options, whatever you ultimately decide.

180 sanctuary
180 Sanctuary At PuriPai Villa in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand offers trauma-informed, integrated care in the picturesque mountains of Northern Thailand.

Pros of Traveling to Rehab

Research suggests that a change of scenery may have a positive impact on neurochemistry.1 According to Aaron Heller, an assistant professor in the University of Miami’s Department of Psychology, there is “a connection between real-world exposure to fresh and varied experiences and increases in positive emotions.” In layman’s terms: just the act of visiting a new place or having a new experience might make you happy. 

Destination rehabs tend to offer activities that are unique to the area, which you may not be able to access at home. These programs encourage clients to actively build better habits, in place of unsustainable behavior. And remember, healing can be fun! Various rehab centers offer a wealth of adventure therapies, such as skiing, scuba diving, or even going on safari

Local culture can also have an impact on your inpatient experience, even if you don’t completely explore the surrounding area. In some cases, the cultural context within the rehab center itself is extremely impactful. Tony Tan, the CEO of 180 Sanctuary At PuriPai Villa, has worked at multiple destination rehab facilities in Thailand. He explains, 

“The client experience is also unique, because there are clients from all over the world that are coming together: from the States, Australia, Europe, and Asia. They each bring with them a different aspect of their experience. That really strengthens their awareness in their recovery journey.”

Traveling to rehab may give you the inspiration you need to restructure your relationships. You’ll have the chance to connect with people who have a great diversity of life experiences, which can help you view your own life from a fresh perspective. What’s more, this geographical distance can provide you with emotional distance from negative influences. This is an excellent opportunity to step away from toxic relationships, whether you’re setting permanent boundaries or just taking a much-needed break.

Cons of Traveling to Rehab

Distance can be powerful. Depending on your personal experience, that may have a positive or negative impact on your mental health. The act of traveling itself can be difficult, especially if you’re struggling to keep yourself safe. Most rehab facilities will provide clients with transport to and from the airport, but being alone on a long flight may still be a risk. You may need to ask for more support, and plan around more logistics, if you’re headed to a distant location.

These aren’t the only logistics to consider. If you plan to use insurance to pay for your stay at rehab, you may need to do more legwork to ensure you’ll have adequate coverage. Some insurance plans cover you overseas, but not all; for example, Medicare and Medicaid generally don’t cover treatment at a destination rehab.2

After you arrive at a destination rehab, you may face some communication barriers.  If you choose to take a break from all outside communications during treatment, this may be less of a concern. However, you might choose to keep working while you attend rehab. If you plan to stay in touch with work, friends, or family during your stay, be mindful of the time difference. You’ll also want to be sure that you have access to internet and cell phone service, and that these amenities are permitted by your program.

crosspointe recovery
Crosspointe Recovery in Sherman Oaks, California features on-site medical detox and a focus on wellness in a private, homelike setting.

Why Attend a Local Rehab Program?

Travel is a great opportunity for some clients, and an overwhelming prospect for others. There are also many compelling reasons to start treatment closer to home.

Pros of Local Rehab

Attending a local rehab can significantly decrease the number of logistics you’ll have to manage. For instance, if you’re concerned about your safety while traveling, a local rehab facility will be much more accessible. This course of action also has financial benefits. Your insurance may or may not cover travel costs, and it will be easier to file a claim for treatment with a nearby facility.

If you have commitments you can’t step away from, such as work, school, or family, it’s far easier to stay connected from a local rehab. That’s true even for inpatient programs. Your loved ones will be able to attend in-person family therapy without traveling to see you, and you won’t have to worry about a time difference when you connect with people online. 

Staying local will also give you access to more affordable treatment options, like IOPs or PHPs. You might even choose to live at home while attending intensive, daily therapy. This option isn’t right for everyone, but it can be much more cost-effective. 

No matter where you’re located, rehab is a big change. If the idea of getting to know a new location while you’re just beginning to get to know yourself again feels like a barrier to treatment, traveling to rehab might not be right for you. 

Cons of Local Rehab

Although it can be daunting to travel to a new place, it’s often difficult to heal in the same place where you experienced trauma.3 It’s important for clients to live in a very safe and supportive environment while they’re beginning recovery. If you’re considering rehab, it’s quite possible that your current living situation doesn’t meet these criteria. In that case, living at or near your home while you attend treatment may be counterproductive.

As you begin recovery, it can be helpful to temporarily isolate yourself from external sources and reminders of stress as a part of your relapse prevention4 approach. Your current surroundings might contain triggers you have yet to work through. One researcher notes that people in recovery are most successful when they  “avoid people, places, and things associated with using.” If you don’t take space from those difficult stimuli, it can be hard to start the healing process.

Even if you’re not concerned about being triggered, staying nearby will give you access to many more distractions. You may be tempted to leave treatment in order to deal with a family or work emergency, or you may feel like you’re missing out on a party that you know is happening close by. It’s far easier to set aside these urges when you’re physically isolated from those events. Distance may make it easier to stay focused on the tasks at hand.

Transitioning Out of Rehab

After you complete inpatient treatment, your focus will change. As you reacclimate to living in the wider world, it’s important to move slowly and deliberately in order to guard against relapse. Many clients choose to attend additional aftercare programs immediately after they leave rehab. You may not know whether this is the right path for you until you’re part of the way through your initial treatment program.

Attending an aftercare program abroad, or in another state, can afford you even more time and space away from the triggers you might encounter at home. This slow, gentle transition lets you learn about yourself in a new context, and gives you plenty of time to prepare for what comes next.

If you attend rehab close to home, it may make more sense to stay in the area for aftercare. These programs do even more to ease your transition back into your daily life. You’ll be able to get support not just around your own mental health, but also in the specific context of your work, relationships, and daily activities.

Wherever it Starts, Healing Is a Journey

Wherever you choose to attend rehab, it’s important to make space for yourself to grow and change. Recovery is not an easy or simple process, and you won’t be “fixed” right away. Although a change of scenery may improve your mood, it won’t change your identity. 

As you consider your options, remember that transitioning into and out of rehab can be jarring even in the best of times. Some people find it helpful to mark these major changes with a geographical transition, but that’s not the right choice for everyone. Anywhere you begin recovery, it’s up to you to do the serious work of healing.

Learn more about luxury rehabs, near you and abroad, here

Frequently Asked Questions About Local vs. Destination Rehab

Why should I consider traveling for rehab?

Traveling for rehab removes you from your usual environment and triggers, allowing you to focus on your recovery without distractions. It’s also an opportunity to experience a new location and gain a fresh perspective.

Is traveling for rehab more expensive than staying local?

It depends on the specific rehab center and location. While some destination rehabs may be more expensive, others may be comparable or even more affordable than local options. Additionally, some insurance plans may cover the cost of travel and out-of-state treatment.

What should I look for in a destination rehab center?

When looking for a destination rehab, it’s crucial to find one that is aligned with your values and tailored to your unique needs. The program should offer a combination of evidence-based and complementary therapies that makes sense for you. You may choose a setting that appeals to you, in a culture that inspires your recovery. As with any treatment center, make sure the staff is qualified to help you achieve your treatment goals and that programming can support you into lasting recovery.

Top 5 Benefits to Going Abroad for Mental Health Treatment

“Environmental factors may increase a person’s risk of addiction, including a chaotic home environment and abuse, parent’s drug use and attitude toward drugs, peer influences, community attitudes toward drugs, and poor academic achievement.”1

The National Institute on Drug Abuse

There’s no arguing that environmental factors play a large role in facilitating addiction, substance abuse and depression. From a person’s family life and personal relationships to their economic stature and career, there are many “realities” that factor into why addiction is such a prevalent problem.

And it is a prevalent problem.

In 2017, over 70,200 people died from drug overdoses in the United States, and 19.7 million people across the country battled substance abuse.2 The 2021 UNODC World Drug Report revealed an estimated 36 million people worldwide struggle with drug us disorders3 while the World Health Organization Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health (2018), estimates 283 million people struggle with alcohol use disorders (AUD) worldwide.4

When it comes to recovery, then, our everyday surroundings might not be the best place for it. In fact, a complete disconnect is arguably the healthiest way to recharge and reset.

Here are five reasons why going abroad for mental health treatment is a smart choice.

1. Disconnect from “Normality”

Oprah Winfrey once said:

“Surround yourself with those who only lift you higher.”

Taking yourself out of your normal routine and everyday surroundings can provide a fresh, new beginning for recovery. Chances are, in your current situation, you are surrounded by many “reasons” to drink or use, whether your friends encourage it or the tension with your family makes you feel the need to numb.

Going abroad to a rehab treatment center means you can disconnect from current enablers and negative people in your life, and remove the notion of peer pressure, judgement and snarky comments.

Here, you can begin to regain control over your choices and can consciously choose to improve and get better on your own terms, without fear of what others might think.

2. Get Specific and Expert Treatment

When it comes to rehabilitation, there are a plethora of treatment options available across the globe, and different countries often have their own unique treatment approaches to help heal a variety of addictions.

In Portugal, for example, several rehab centers offer ibogaine treatment to help recovering opioid addicts. But, ibogaine treatment is controversial. Although the U.S. government has declared opioid addiction an epidemic across the country, they’ve banned the use of ibogaine treatment as a viable recovery solution. For opioid addicts, then, ibogaine-assisted treatment only exists abroad.

Further, doctors and clinicians often specialize in particular areas and gain a reputation worth noting. To get the best treatment from these experts, it might require visiting a rehab center somewhere other than at home.

3. Gain a New Perspective

Oftentimes, what’s needed to jumpstart recovery is a new perspective.5 While family and friends often enable us to abuse drug and alcohol, so too can the way we see the world. When it comes to substance abuse, it’s common for our perspective to be negativity skewed, and negativity facilitates more negativity.

Perhaps you’re not earning enough money and you’re frustrated, for example. Perhaps your family takes you for granted. It might even be something as little as someone not saying thank you when you do something nice.

Whatever it is, new experiences, new cultures and observing a new way of living life can help us shift our perspective on everyday activities and experiences, and consequently, it can help us climb out of negativity. In Spain, for example, good weather, delicious food and a slower pace of life can help us breathe, heal and ultimately, overcome our addictions.

4. Save Yourself a Little Money

It’s often the case that rehab centers abroad are less expensive than rehab centers at home (depending on where you call home, of course).

If you’re from Britain, your sterling will get you a lot further if you attend rehab in Thailand, and you won’t be sacrificing on the quality of care. Accessibility to a rehab facility because of one’s economic viability can be a big barrier to attending rehab. It might be more cost-effective to travel abroad for recovery. Plus, you get to see a little of the world, which can only do you good.

5. Gain Privacy

Admitting addiction and seeking help is courageous. Sometimes you may want to participate in drug and alcohol treatment with complete privacy and discretion, perhaps even keeping it from people close to you (and your employer). Although staying local for treatment has its own set of advantages, going to rehab abroad can allow a person more privacy. You don’t have to disclose your reason for travel and you’re less likely to bump into those you know.

Experience Something New

Going abroad for rehab has many personal benefits attached to it. From altering our perspective and removing ourselves from unhealthy environments to getting specialist treatment at an affordable price, there are many reasons why a different country can aid in recovery.

But while these reasons have weight, there’s one overarching reason to attend rehab abroad, and that’s to simply experience something new. A new place, a new culture and a fresh take on life can jump-start the next chapter of life for many, and these personal learnings are arguably as important as the treatment program itself. These new paths we seek can help us heal.

Discover our collection of luxury rehabs around the globe. Filter by price, treatment approach, and more, and view key information about each center, including reviews, to find what you’re looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Abroad

Why do people travel abroad for rehab? 

Going to rehab abroad is appealing for a few reasons:

• Removal from daily triggers 
• Access to specific therapies, such as ibogaine treatment
• An extra layer of privacy 
• Affordable treatment 
• New experiences and perspectives

What are the benefits of a destination rehab?

Affordable luxury programs, greater privacy, exciting cultural experiences, exposure to a different way of life, and unique, specialized treatment draw people to rehab abroad.

Is it cheaper to go to rehab in another country?

Some regions offer more affordable addiction treatment than others. For example, luxury rehabs in Asia cost between $3,000 to $15,000 per month while a 30-day luxury rehab program in the U.S. falls between $25,000 and $50,000.

Top 5 Reasons Why Spain Is the Perfect Place for Rehab

View of Malaga

Spain is the healthiest country in the world, according to Bloomberg’s Healthiest Country Index.1 In fact, by 2040, the country is expected to have the highest life expectancy at 86 years old, surpassing the likes of Japan and Switzerland.

Perhaps it’s all the sunshine and siestas. Or maybe it’s the paella and olive oil. Whatever it is, the Spanish are evidently doing something right with their lives, and if you’re looking for a fresh perspective and a place for rehabilitation, Spain might just be the place for it.

Here’s why.

1. Healthy Eating Habits

salad healthy eating Spain

The low-fat diet is old news. Instead, the Mediterranean diet—supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts—has been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease and increase life expectancy.2

Of course, diet alone won’t alter your life forever, but healthy eating has many benefits to both the mind and body. Good food gives us energy and makes us happier within ourselves. It promotes positive thinking and helps us focus, and if you’re looking to make sincere changes in your lifestyle and regain balance through rehab, what you eat is a great place to start.

2. Temperate Weather Conditions

sea view Spain

Spain is notoriously known as “the place in the sun.” In the summer months, much of the country basks in glorious and humid sunshine, while the rest of the year remains hot and occasionally rainy throughout.

Rehab requires time to think, time to relax and time to switch off. And believe it or not, the weather plays a big part in this process. The sun makes us feel more positive, and it encourages us to breathe deep, reflect and heal.

3. It’s a Culture-Infused Paradise

seville plaza de espana

Spain is shrouded in mystery and history, and the country dates back to well before 1512 (when the country officially became “Spain” as we know it). During the 16th Century, it was the most powerful country in Europe, and consequently, Spain is soaked in rich tapestries, churches and fortresses alike.

This culture-rich country makes for the perfect place for exploration, adventure and self-growth. Chances are, if you enter rehab in Spain, you’ll discover new and exciting things to check out every day, which will impact your healing and help you connect with what’s important.

4. The Locals are Lovely

Malaga feria Locals in Spain

Spaniards are lovely. They’re an open people and, oftentimes, they don’t shy away from speaking truths and showing appreciation. Unlike the preconceptions of communication that exists in the U.S. and U.K., Spaniards typically put up fewer barriers. So they often welcome visitors with open arms.

When it comes to rehabilitation, then, there’s a lot to learn from the Spanish way of life. They operate with good moral practice in mind and often demonstrate important values that can be overlooked.

5. It’s a Slow Pace of Life

Spain, by all intents and purposes, does not operate a fast pace of life. They’re a stress-free society that believes things will work out on their own. In fact, a famous Spanish expression is “mañana mañana,” which translates to “tomorrow morning.”

Of course, if you’re entering rehab in Spain from another country and exploring the local culture, this slow pace of life can be quite the culture shock, but a sense of stillness is something that should be sought during rehab, and Spain provides the perfect breeding ground for this.

Year after year, Spain is voted as one of the top tourist destinations in the world. In 2017 alone, it received more than 80 million tourists,3 surpassing the U.S., the U.K., Italy and Mexico.

And for good reason.

The Spanish lifestyle is designed to promote rest and recovery. It’s the perfect place to switch off and forget the hardship of everyday life, and its hot climate, healthy diet and welcoming culture make it the perfect location for rehabilitation and healing, regardless of where you’re coming from.

To find out more about rehabs in Spain, watch our video series above or explore our list of luxury treatment centers in Spain.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Spain

What makes Spain an ideal location for rehab?

Spain offers a range of rehab centers staffed by experienced professionals, a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, healthy cuisine, and opportunities for adventure and relaxation.

What types of addiction can be treated in Spain’s luxury rehab centers?

Rehabs in Spain provide treatment for a variety of addictions including alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, and co-occurring mental health disorders.

What are the benefits of choosing a luxury rehab center in Spain?

Advantages of luxury rehabs in Spain include personalized treatment plans, a holistic approach to healing, luxurious accommodations, a supportive and compassionate environment, and a chance to start a new life in a beautiful and inspiring setting.