How Long Does it Take to Detox From Alcohol?

When you’re ready to recover from alcohol addiction, detox is an important first step. Most people detox from alcohol in a week or less. During that process, you’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms. These can be uncomfortable or even life-threatening—but they’re temporary. And in a medical detox program, your care team will keep you safe from any serious side effects. Proper treatment can set you up for success when you move on to the next phase of recovery.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Everyone’s alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a little different. Your experience will depend on a few factors, including how long and how much you’ve been drinking. About 50% of people with alcohol addiction1 have withdrawal symptoms when they start recovery. Within that group, 3-5% have severe symptoms that could be fatal. The first symptoms of withdrawal2 usually appear about 8 hours after your last drink:

  • Alcohol cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting

Even mild alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable. Perhaps as a result, withdrawal symptoms can lead to relapse.3 Medically assisted detox provides a more comfortable withdrawal experience. You may still have symptoms, but your care team will help you manage them. Most programs include non-addictive medications, talk therapy, and some complementary treatments. 

Delirium Tremens

Withdrawal from severe alcohol addiction sometimes leads to delirium tremens4 (DTs, also referred to as DT), also called alcohol withdrawal delirium. While it’s not very common, this tends to affect people with chronically excessive drinking habits. This condition presents with a few key symptoms:

  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Agitation or aggressive behavior
  • Seizures 

Without proper treatment, these symptoms can be fatal. Certain people are more at risk for DTs than others. If you have multiple addictions, abnormal liver function, a history of DTs, or a history of seizures, this condition is more likely. Certain short-term health issues can also increase your risk, like dehydration and low potassium levels.

Medical detox is extremely important for anyone with a risk of DTs—even a low one. In these programs, you’ll work with a team of doctors, nurses, and other experts. They can manage your symptoms with medication and offer round-the-clock care in case of emergency.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

For some people, withdrawal-like symptoms last for weeks or even months after detox. This is called post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or PAWS. People experience PAWS differently, but the symptoms are often more psychological5 and less physical than those of acute withdrawal:

  • Mood swings
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Memory or concentration issues

PAWS is often triggered by stress. Because PAWS can cause relapse,6 it’s important to have a treatment plan in place. With the right approach, you can manage your symptoms and continue to focus on recovery. 

Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

Most symptoms of alcohol withdrawal7 appear during the first few days after your last drink. However, the precise timeline for alcohol withdrawal is different for everyone. Depending on the severity of your addiction, your symptoms may be mild or more intense.

6-12 Hours

Withdrawal symptoms normally start within 6-8 hours after your last drink. You might have a headache or start sweating. You may also feel nauseous or nervous. For people with a long history of heavy drinking, it’s possible to have a seizure in the first 6-12 hours of withdrawal.

12-24 Hours

Mild symptoms continue to build in the first 24 hours of withdrawal. You might have tremors, particularly in your hands. Some people experience insomnia. For those with more severe withdrawal symptoms, hallucinations may start to occur in the first 24 hours. These can be visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations.

24-48 Hours

If you have only mild withdrawal symptoms, they may peak 24-48 hours after you stop drinking. From then on, symptoms like headaches, tremors, rapid heart rate, and nausea could decrease. 

People with more severe symptoms might have seizures 48 hours into the detox process. 

48-96 Hours

If your symptoms are more severe, they may also last longer. For some people, peak withdrawal occurs within 72 hours of quitting alcohol. After that point, you’ll probably start to feel better.

Other people are at risk for developing delirium tremens on the 3rd day of withdrawal, starting around 72 hours into detox. You might not know in advance whether this is a risk for you. This is why it’s so important to get proper care during alcohol detox. Your team can stand by during this crucial time, ready to help you if new symptoms develop. 

96 Hours and Beyond

Most people start to feel completely better around day 4 or 5 of detox. At this point, your body stops compensating for the lack of alcohol in your system. You’ll reach a new equilibrium as tremors, nausea, anxiety, and other symptoms subside. Most people complete withdrawal sometime between days 5-7.

If you experience delirium tremens, you may need more time to detox. Delirium tremens symptoms usually last 7 days, and sometimes longer.

Treatments for Alcohol Withdrawal

You’ve got a few options for alcohol withdrawal treatment, including hospitals, medical detox centers, and rehab. Most detox programs follow similar treatment plans, though some provide more therapeutic support than others. 

Treatment typically begins with a thorough physical exam. Doctors will ask about any pre-existing conditions that might impact your withdrawal experience. From there, you’ll begin detox. 

Over the first few days, your medical team will monitor you closely. They might provide medication if you need it. If you don’t show any signs of withdrawal symptoms after 48-72 hours, you might be released to outpatient care or residential rehab. If you’re detoxing in rehab, you might progress to the next stage of treatment. 

Risk Factors for Detoxing From Alcohol at Home

While it’s a vital part of recovery, detox is dangerous without medical care. In particular, withdrawal from alcohol8 can be fatal. 5-15%of people with delirium tremens die9 from their symptoms. 

For some people, the fear of alcohol withdrawal symptoms10 is a barrier to treatment. Medical detox programs can keep you safe and as comfortable as possible while you detox.

How Long Will It Take to Detox from Alcohol?

How long alcohol stays in your system is unique for everyone. In most cases, acute withdrawal symptoms end after 5-7 days. You can go through this process in an onsite or offsite detox program. Most care plans include medical treatment, non-addictive prescriptions, and psychotherapy. 

Onsite Detox

Some inpatient rehabs offer onsite detox. This approach lets you move seamlessly from initial detox into longer-term treatment. You can get medical and therapeutic support in the same place, instead of moving to a new center in the middle of treatment. 

For example, at Noosa Confidential in Australia, clients stay in a waterfront retreat with 24-hour access to staff. Here, you’ll work with the same clinicians throughout detox and residential treatment.11 This consistency makes it easier to build trust with your care team.

Off-site Detox

In a program with offsite detox, you’ll go through withdrawal in a separate facility before you start inpatient care. For people with more severe withdrawal symptoms, more complex medical treatment might be necessary. With offsite detox, you can still transition smoothly into rehab when you’re ready.

The Beekeeper House in Thailand is an inpatient rehab with an offsite detox program. They work with their partner facility, The Warm, to determine the best plan of action for your detox.12 Many patients go through detox at The Warm before they start residential treatment. If you have more complex medical needs, you can transfer to their partner hospital in Chiang Mai before returning for rehab.

New Jersey’s Enlightened Solutions also has offsite detox as part of their flexible detox options.13 You can detox in their inpatient rehab, at one of their partner facilities, or an independent detox center before you start longer-term treatment. 

Will Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Alcohol Detox?

Many detox centers accept insurance, including Medicaid. The cost of detox varies depending on the facility and the level of care you receive. Check with your insurance provider in advance to see what you plan will cover. Your treatment program’s admissions team can also offer guidance. There are options for everyone, even if you don’t have insurance. If you’re interested, you can learn more about alcohol detox and inpatient rehab programs that accept insurance.

Detox is an essential step in the healing process. Medical detox programs can help you start recovery as safely as possible. When you’re ready to start addiction treatment, you can find a rehab that offers alcohol detox

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Detox

How long does alcohol detox last?

The duration of alcohol detox varies for each person. In general, most people complete alcohol detox within a week or less.

What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on factors like the duration and amount of alcohol you consumed. About 50% of people with alcohol addiction experience withdrawal symptoms when starting recovery, with 3-5% facing severe symptoms that can be life-threatening. Common early withdrawal symptoms (which start about 8 hours after the last drink) include intense cravings, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, tremors, headaches, and nausea/vomiting. Even mild symptoms can be uncomfortable and increase the risk of relapse. Medically assisted detox programs provide a safer and more comfortable experience.

What are delirium tremens (DTs), and who is at risk?

Delirium tremens (DTs) can happen during withdrawal from severe alcohol addiction, although it’s relatively uncommon and typically affects people with chronic excessive drinking habits. DT symptoms include hallucinations, confusion, elevated blood pressure, elevated body temperature, agitation or aggressive behavior, and seizures. Without proper treatment, DTs can be fatal. Certain factors increase the risk of developing DTs, including multiple addictions, abnormal liver function, a previous history of DTs or seizures, and short-term health issues like dehydration and low potassium levels.

Why Detox in Florida?

It’s hard to know what to expect from drug and alcohol detox. Some people need 24/7 medical attention. Others focus more on emotional recovery. But one thing’s true across the board: starting treatment in a beautiful place can make healing a little easier. That’s why so many people choose to attend detox centers in Florida

Sun in All Seasons

Florida’s tropical and subtropical climate boasts warm weather year round. So if your health permits, you might be able to spend time outside during detox. But the weather can make a difference even if you need to stay in your room. Data shows that just looking at a beautiful view can help you heal.

Thanks to the state’s 825 miles of coastline, Florida rehabs cater to people who love the beach. And even if you’re not ready to go off-site during detox, that culture has a direct impact on treatment. For instance, most centers have outdoor pools and patios where you can relax and enjoy the sunshine. With these amenities, you can stay as comfortable as possible in any stage of recovery.

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Experts at Chapel Hill Medical Detox in West Palm Beach say clients who attend “medically assisted detox are more likely to stay in treatment longer.”

What Happens During Detox?

Detox is often the first step in addiction treatment. And it can be overwhelming. You’ll probably experience both physical and emotional symptoms during withdrawal:2

  • Restlessness
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Changes to appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep disturbances

These symptoms are different for everyone. And they can be more severe if you have other health issues, or if you’re healing from certain addictions. It’s especially important to get expert medical care during detox from alcohol,3 opioids,4 or benzodiazepines.5 Without proper treatment, withdrawal from these substances can be life-threatening. 

In a reputable detox program, your care team might include some or all of these specialists: 

These experts provide care during inpatient detox. They can also help you plan for what comes next.

Types of Treatment in Florida’s Detox Centers

Detox is more than a medical process. It’s also a time to prepare yourself for long-term addiction recovery. You can set yourself up for success in a program that shares your values. And Florida’s luxury detox centers support patients with a wide variety of recovery goals. 

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Gulf Breeze Recovery in Gulf Breeze combines top-notch medical care with holistic detox treatments.

Medical Detox

According to the team at Chapel Hill Medical Detox in West Palm Beach, clients who attend “medically assisted detox are more likely to stay in treatment longer.”6 With this approach, doctors and nurses will support you through early recovery. You might taper off drug use instead of stopping cold turkey, or take non-addictive medications to help you stay comfortable. And when you’re ready, you’ll probably start seeing a talk therapist or other counselor. 

Programs like these are a good fit for people who need close supervision during detox. Inpatient medical detox provides round-the-clock care, keeping you safe as you adjust to life without drug use. But it’s not the only way to begin addiction treatment

Outpatient Detox

Sometimes, it can be better to detox in the comfort of your own home. This might be important for celebrity clients who need strict confidentiality, or people with pressing family commitments. If you’re physically healthy and you have a strong support network, you can consider outpatient detox.

In most of these programs, you’ll live independently but attend daily appointments on-site. Clients get medical and psychiatric care, and may connect with each other in group therapy. If this sounds like a good fit for you, make sure you talk to your doctor before starting treatment. While outpatient detox can make recovery more accessible, it’s not a safe option for everyone.

Holistic Treatment

Medical treatment is an essential part of detox—but it isn’t everything. Centers like Gulf Breeze Recovery combine top-notch medical care with holistic detox treatments. For example, you might get a massage between talk therapy sessions. Or you could learn to manage cravings with mindfulness techniques. This integrated approach helps you get to the root cause of your addiction, so you can heal from the inside out. 

agape detox center facility
Agape Detox Center in Port St. Lucie evaluates each client’s lifestyle, health history, and risk factors for addiction to create a unique plan of care.

Individualized Care

The healing process is different for everyone. That’s true in every stage of recovery, from withdrawal to aftercare. So some of Florida’s rehabs tailor the detox process to suit each client’s needs. 

The team at Agape Detox Center, for example, takes a “targeted, whole-health approach” to recovery. They evaluate each client’s lifestyle, health history, and risk factors for addiction. That information helps them design your unique plan of care. That plan will likely include talk therapy, medical treatment, and nutritional support. In bespoke treatment, you’ll learn more about your own needs. And with that knowledge, you can go on to build a life you love. 

Comprehensive Recovery

Compared to residential rehab, detox doesn’t last very long.7 For most types of addiction, withdrawal symptoms subside in a few days to a week. But that’s not the end of addiction recovery. 

Many detox programs require you to have a long-term treatment plan before you even arrive. Usually, that means enrolling in a residential rehab program. So when you complete detox, you can go directly to your next treatment center (in Florida or elsewhere).

Some Florida rehabs make this process much easier. Providers like Immersion Recovery Center offer both detox and residential recovery. You can still detox in one program and go to rehab in another, but you don’t have to. Instead of moving, you can focus on the transition that matters most: your healing process. 

Comprehensive Care in the Sunshine State

In many places, detoxing from drugs or alcohol can be isolating. That doesn’t have to be true in the Sunshine State. These bespoke programs could be a great fit if you love warm weather—even if you plan to enjoy it through your bedroom window. 

Explore Florida’s detox centers to find a program that’s right for you.

Luxury Rehab: The Benefits of Comfort in the Recovery Journey

When you think of rehab for drug or alcohol addiction, “luxury” might not be the first word that comes to your mind. But there are many paths to healing from addictions and other behavioral or mental health conditions. And for some, a comfortable or even upscale setting can provide the ideal conditions for getting the most out of treatment.

You may already be thinking of seeking treatment at a luxury rehab center. Or perhaps you’re wondering if you can really get the help you need from a luxury rehab that looks, from the outside, like a vacation getaway.

When it comes to getting life-changing (or even life-saving) treatment, it’s important to follow your instincts. If you’re feeling drawn to a particular type of treatment, getting as much unbiased information as possible is essential to making an educated, confident decision about your care.

What Makes a Rehab Center “Luxury?”

The fact of the matter is, any rehab center can call itself “luxury” because there aren’t any internationally standardized requirements for this claim. When a drug or alcohol treatment center identifies as luxury, though, this usually means that it’s an upscale, residential treatment facility.

So, the first step to finding the right luxury rehab center for you is to define what you’re thinking of when you think of luxury. Are you looking for elegant facilities and extra amenities? Or does luxury mean the best medical staff and a wide variety of therapies?

In general, luxury rehabs do include at least some combination of these:

Desirable Location

Oftentimes the setting is remote yet sophisticated, similar to an exotic vacation destination. Luxury rehab centers are available all around the world. Depending on the location, getting there may involve domestic or international travel.

Special High-End Amenities

Facilities might boast swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, exercise facilities, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, a library or business center, and more. These amenities would most likely be of the same standard, or quite similar to, what you would experience while staying at a 4- or 5-star hotel.

Complementary Therapies

Though many treatment programs today offer complementary therapies, luxury centers might provide even more specialized options like equine therapy, adventure therapy, spa treatments, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more.

On-Site Detox Services

Detox, when required, is often done at a hospital or a specialized detox center before admission to a residential rehab center. Luxury rehabs may have designated detox facilities on their premises with the medical staff and equipment necessary to safely oversee the process.

This discrepancy in the definition of “luxury,” and how it can mean different things at different facilities, is why has benchmarks for listing centers on our site. Our searchable collection of rehabs only includes those that, regardless of cost, meet our luxury treatment provider criteria:

Why People Seek Treatment at Luxury Rehabs

Treatment at a luxury rehab center might be a good fit for certain clientele, more so than budget or retreat-style centers. For example, if someone’s used to certain living standards, has specific medical needs, or is looking for exclusive qualities in a treatment program, then luxury rehab might better facilitate the recovery process for such clients.

Some patients seek treatment at a luxury addiction or mental health rehab for other reasons:

Discomfort Could Distract From Treatment

Sometimes a drastic change in environment has the opposite effect of providing a healing space for recovery. If the setting causes discomfort, whether minute or extreme, physical or mental, some people might not be as receptive to implementing the changes necessary for lasting recovery. According to Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner at White River Manor,

“The more structure and the more barriers you put in place, sometimes, the more closed off people become. So offering people a place of comfort, a place where there is a great service, I think gives them the better opportunity to immediately open up and engage.”

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Personal bedrooms are decorated for privacy and comfort at White River Manor in South Africa.

Residential Rehab Is Intensive

The industry standard for treatment at a residential treatment center is about 30 days. And during that time, you’ll face a lot of draining emotional challenges. While beneficial and necessary, these heightened emotional states tend to take a physical and emotional toll. According to Dr. Frederick Goggans, McLean Hospital‘s Medical Director,

“(Luxury rehabs) create an environment where it’s comfortable to be a resident for the length of time that’s involved to do this kind of work. It’s an environment where you’re sleeping well, you’re paying attention to nutrition, making healthier choices, getting daily exercise and building all that into a lifestyle change.”

The comfortable setting and conveniences most luxury rehabs offer helps your body and mind relax and be more prepared for and open to intensive treatment. Resting in these comforts during downtime can actually speed your recovery between treatments and help you integrate what you learn in your sessions.

Clients Receive One-on-One Care

Most luxury rehab centers have a higher staff-to-client ratio, because their higher admittance fees afford them the additional costs of hiring more staff. And more people on staff means each client is more likely to receive higher levels of one-on-one care.

This individualized care may mean the difference between success or failure for some clients. As one study reports, humans “differ from each other at every discernible level. This implies that it would be a miracle if standardized treatment strategies would work for everyone at every stage1 and that patients with the same diagnosis would respond in the same way.”

With this in mind, it’s possible that extra attention and time spent on individual client’s treatment plans could promote better recovery progress.

Budget Treatment Options May Not Have Previously Worked

It’s not uncommon for people seeking treatment to already have experience with different substance or alcohol use disorder programs and facilities. Many people try a variety of therapies or different styles of centers on their journey to find healing.

For some, luxury rehab might offer the pieces that were missing from getting successful treatment results at budget addiction rehab centers. Features like serene, remote environments and guided recreational activities, may help your treatment have better, longer-lasting impacts.

Restrictive Centers Don’t Accommodate Different Lifestyle Needs

Whether you’re a business owner, a celebrity, or a caregiver, sometimes there are obligations and responsibilities that make putting your life on pause for the duration of inpatient treatment impractical.

“One of the main things that deters people from coming to treatment is that they have full-time jobs or children. So it’s difficult to step away and seek treatment,” says Douglass Weiss, President and Chief Customer Officer at Gallus Detox Centers. Which is exactly why some luxury rehabs allow for computer use, cell phone use and even full family stays.

Now that we’ve explored some of the reasons why people seek luxury addiction treatment, let’s examine some benefits that luxury rehab can provide.

Potential Benefits of Attending Rehab at a Luxury Center

No matter what kind of program you attend, you’ll likely get some positive benefits from receiving treatment. Luxury rehabs simply offer additional, or different kinds of, benefits that may help you take that next step to finding lasting recovery.

1. Comfortable Treatment Experience

Many times people suffering from addiction or mental illnesses are in a constant state of stress. Their bodies are flooded with the stress hormone cortisol, and because of this, their fight-flight-or-freeze mode is constantly triggered. One of the most important aspects of rehab is that it provides a safe space for your body to relax and begin to heal.

Ameet Braich, Clinical Director of Camino Recovery, explains:

“Suffering, in any form, really doesn’t have a place in treatment. If somebody needs to get well, they can do it in nice, comfortable surroundings. It only aids the healing process. Being in a peaceful environment where you really get time to reflect and look inward lends itself to a therapeutic process.”

Comfortable surroundings can go a long way in creating a safe space, which helps reduce the body’s stress levels and may increase the therapeutic value of your time in treatment. When you’re in a relaxed, positive physical and mental state, your brain is more likely to retain new information2 and form healthier habits.

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The tranquil grounds of Camino Recovery in Vélez-Málaga, Spain

2. Nutritious, Gourmet Meals

Nutrition is a fundamental part of healing from addiction. Many people in recovery have vitamin deficiencies3 due to the depletion caused by prolonged substance use. Nutrient-dense meals provide your body with physical energy and strength to support you during treatment.

Rowland Tweedie, Health and Fitness Manager at Paracelsus Recovery explains the importance of healthy eating in recovery:

“Nutrition is vitally important for all of us, because every time we eat food, it’s information for the body. Having the right type of nutrition helps us to have vitality and energy, and helps with all the systems in the body.”

There are several studies proving that healthy, individualized changes in nutrition can reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.4 Not only that, but some scientists even believe that the gut microbiome is an “important and modifiable mediator of substance-seeking behavior.”

In other words, gut-focused nutrition therapy can reduce some people’s risk of relapse. As Tweedie says, “If we eat the right types of food, we feel and think differently. Nutrition is the foundation of health, really.”

3. Maximum Privacy

Addiction affects people from all walks of life—from celebrities and CEOs to teachers and full-time employees. Clients may not want their personal or professional associates to know they’re receiving treatment. So when a high-profile person, a busy executive, or a wealthy family member needs treatment, privacy concerns may be what prevents them from getting the help they need.

In addition to already being located in remote settings, many luxury rehab centers address these concerns by offering the utmost security and discretion for their guests. Gallus Detox Centers’ Marketing and Outreach Director Laura Herrmann says,

“We’re very discreet. We try to keep ourselves as professional as possible so that when people are coming in, it’s not recognizable as a medical detox.”

Some facilities also offer ultra-exclusive programs for those who can’t mingle with other clients for privacy reasons. Examples include having private accommodations where staff come to you to do sessions, or even attending a completely individualized program where the entire staff serves one client at a time.

4. Wider Variety

At most luxury rehabs, not only are you more likely to receive one-on-one attention, but you’re also more likely to have a wider variety of therapies, counselors, food, and activities to choose from. Although higher costs don’t always equal better quality of care, clients seeking the highest quality of treatment available might be more likely to find what they’re looking for at a luxury rehab.

And, again, if you’ve already tried many different types of treatments or programs, having a wider range of options may make all the difference for you. For example, some studies on addiction have reported that music therapy can reduce substance cravings,5 as it increases your perceived control. So if you’re looking for more personalized treatment options, a luxury rehab might offer more choices.

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Sound baths are one of the many complementary therapies offered at Oro House Recovery in Malibu, California.

5. Flexibility With Technology Privileges

You don’t have to necessarily put the rest of your life on hold to get treatment. Maybe you need to stay connected to the “outside world” for work purposes, to maintain your image, or for family emergencies.

Jan Gerber, Paracelsus Recovery‘s CEO, clarifies:

“Often in treatment, you have to switch off your phone, or even sometimes give up your phone. You can’t open your laptop whilst you’re in treatment, and that’s why people who can’t do that simply wouldn’t go to treatment.”

If absolutely necessary, many luxury rehabs can “do justice to your reality,” as Gerber puts it, and accommodate your need to have internet access and use of your cell phone or laptop. Some even offer executive rehab programs specifically for clients who need more flexibility to be able to work during treatment.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that you might still be able to get some of these benefits at other “levels” or types of addiction rehabs. If you’re still wondering whether luxury rehab is right for you, there’s some evidence that further supports the effectiveness of luxury rehab.

Effectiveness of Treatment at a Luxury Rehab Center

Some people might question the effectiveness of getting treatment for a serious problem at an upscale facility, surrounded by a tranquil environment and high-end amenities. That’s understandable, considering these settings can look a lot like vacation destinations. So, what proof is there that receiving treatment for substance use disorders or mental health conditions in a luxury environment  is more effective?

Choosing Your Own Treatment Is an Important Factor

To begin with, some studies show that “clients who were involved in shared decision making, were able to choose a treatment modality, or received their preferred treatment had greater treatment satisfaction, higher retention and completion rates, and better outcomes.” In other words, having a role in choosing where you get treatment can actually increase your chances of success.6

Obviously, this idea is applicable to choosing any type of treatment, whether luxury or not. But, if you’re used to a certain kind of lifestyle and specific types of treatment centers are more desirable to you, there’s a chance you may have better success with recovery in those programs you’re attracted to.

Reducing Stress Helps Your Brain Retain New Information

Even if your initial thinking isn’t to seek treatment at a luxury facility, some experts say that a comfortable setting helps you get the most from treatment. Giles Fourie notes,

“What we’ve experienced having been in the addiction field for over a decade is that a lot of programs are punitive and restrictive. What people do ultimately is conform to the program rather than transform. And we believe that this setting, where we’re offering our clients the comforts they would have at home, really opens them up and ultimately enhances their recovery process and their restoration.”

One reason a comfortable environment, or even a “luxurious” setting, may enhance recovery is because of how it helps our bodies relax, which in turn reduces cortisol levels and improves brain function. Scientific studies have proven that “stress is a potent modulator of brain structure, brain function, and cognition.” So, whether a person experiences short-term, acute stress or long-term, chronic stress, depending on the person,” experiencing excessive stress can be highly detrimental to memory function.”7

If you’re in a stressful environment, there’s a possibility that your memory function will be negatively impaired. This in turn could negatively impact how much of your treatment you retain and are able to access in the future during situations when you need it the most. Again, what’s stressful differs from person to person, so it’s important to know what kind of surroundings will most likely work best for you.

Finding the Best Treatment for You

Ultimately, treatment for addiction and mental health disorders is a highly personal decision. What works for someone else may or may not work for you. That’s why it’s so important to consider all aspects of a treatment program before committing the time, money, and energy required to get help at a residential rehab.

No matter what kind of treatment or facility you’re looking for, remember: despite what a center might claim to be, it’s important to do your own research and make sure the “luxury” you’re signing up for is the type of luxury you’re expecting.

If luxury rehab sounds like an avenue you’d like to explore, you can find treatment centers in nearly every corner of the world. You can also find luxury rehabs within a wide range of costs—many of which take insurance—making this a surprisingly realistic treatment option.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab

What is luxury rehab?

Luxury rehab refers to a treatment program that provides high-end amenities and accommodations in addition to evidence-based therapies for addiction and mental health conditions.

What are the benefits of luxury rehab?

Upscale residential rehabs often provide a comfortable and supportive environment, access to world-class amenities and facilities, individualized treatment plans, and a focus on holistic healing for the mind, body, and spirit.

Who can benefit from luxury rehab?

Anyone struggling with addiction or mental health issues can benefit from luxury rehab, but it may be especially helpful for those who want a more comfortable and private recovery experience, or those who have tried traditional rehab without success.

Colorado Rehabs: A Beautiful Backdrop for Creating Life Change

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Rehab is an opportunity for all-around healing. Although you will receive clinical care during your stay, that care is just one aspect of the experience. You’ll also get to connect with people at a similar point in their lives, develop healthy new habits, and redefine your own wants, needs, and goals. In order to do this effectively, it’s important to choose the right environment for you.

Rehabs in Colorado offer a unique combination of opportunities to do just that. Your time at a residential rehab center can be full of rich and inspiring new experiences. This diverse landscape is beautiful during every season, and especially appealing to more adventurous people. Many centers offer experiential therapies based in nature, encouraging their guests to go hiking, skiing, rafting, rock climbing, or even horseback riding. The cultural focus on healthy living and outdoor exploration invites clients to heal through interaction with the world around them. 

We paid a visit to Colorado to find out what makes treatment there so special. Hear from experts at All Points North Lodge and Gallus Detox Center about how this special setting promotes recovery.

Colorado’s Revitalizing Landscape

To call the Colorado landscape “diverse” would be an understatement. This state has eight distinct regions, appealing to people from all walks of life who enjoy exploring the great outdoors. You can go snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, soak in the Colorado Hot Springs, hike the Manitou Incline, or just enjoy the temperate weather and majestic views. Some facilities even invite clients to spend time outside during their regular therapy sessions.

Most of these activities can be either solo or group experiences, while more extreme sports may require a professional guide. Whether you want to push yourself to new heights or just commune with the natural world, outdoor sports can be a great opportunity for emotional catharsis. Experts agree that exercise has a positive impact on mental health.Some also hypothesize that the social component of sporting activities plays a role in this, which can be very helpful for people in recovery. Rehab is a place to start healing yourself, and to begin thinking about how you can heal in the context of your family and community. 

These external events let you learn about your internal experience in a broader context, and not just in the privacy of therapy. As Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, explains, “it puts you in your place in the world.” 

Because of the state’s cultural focus on alternative medicine, many medical professionals in the area are especially qualified to help clients decide which treatments will work best for them. For example, you may choose to go through a medical detox program before arriving at a rehab facility, or you might decide to stay in a sober living environment after the first stage of treatment. By staying in close communication with your treatment team, you can choose your own adventure, both literally and figuratively. 

all points north lodge
Views of the Vail Valley and New York Mountain Range surround All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado.

Experiential Therapy: Learning by Doing

Colorado rehab centers tend to take a holistic approach to healing. Many programs place a strong focus on experiential therapy, in which therapy techniques are delivered via hands-on processes. In the right context, activities like canoeing, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, and whitewater rafting can serve as transformative experiences. Dr. Drzewiecki explains:

“The experiential philosophy says that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, or at least there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.” 

These outings also provide opportunities for clients to unplug and process the hard work they’re doing in their sessions. Temporarily stepping outside of the conventional therapy box can spark new insights into your treatment experience. 

Physical activity is certainly an important part of treatment in this region, but it’s just one facet of a much larger perspective. For example, some clients choose to begin recovery before they even arrive at a rehab center. Medical detox is a way to safely move past physiological dependence on substances prior to attending a longer program. 

Before Residential Rehab: Private Detox in the Heart of the Rockies

The Gallus Detox Center in Colorado is a highly regarded destination for medical detox, visited by people from across the U.S. Like any medical detox program, a team of doctors and nurses closely monitors patient progress—but the Gallus Method provides an especially high standard of care. 

So why do people come to Colorado for medical detox? Douglass Weiss, President and Chief Customer Officer at Gallus Detox Centers, says the state itself is a draw:

“First of all, Colorado is a destination in and of itself. We find that substance use patients like the outdoors. They may want to go skiing or kayaking or hiking after they’ve done detox. Denver is easy to reach if you’re coming in for destination care, which a lot of our patients do. And the outdoor activity component complements the recovery journey very nicely.”

Residents at the Gallus Center are treated by physicians who specialize in addiction. They use cutting-edge equipment to monitor every aspect of each patient’s progress, from cardiac telemetry to video monitoring of every room. This practice ensures safety during every phase of treatment. And because detox is only the first step in a long-term recovery journey, in addition to daily doctor visits, patients also work with counselors and partnered rehab facilities to plan how they’ll proceed after their discharge. 

Advanced Therapy Technologies for Specialized Care

Some Colorado luxury rehabs offer a unique opportunity to try innovative treatment technologies, like All Points North Lodge’s float tank and hyperbaric oxygen chamber. President Jerry Vaccarro says these enhance clients’ treatment experience:

“One of the things here at APN that we focus on is that we like to see ourselves as innovative and embracing technology. We have a hyperbaric oxygen chamber which is used in a lot of areas of medicine as an indicated intervention. We’re now performing an investigation of it to see whether it has an impact, and we believe it does, in behavioral health conditions. For example, it looks to be effective when people have PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and other conditions of that nature.” 

Sandstone Care in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Traveling to Colorado for Treatment

As a popular tourist destination, Colorado is extremely accessible by plane. All major airlines fly into the Denver International Airport, including international flights. And if you’re traveling to a facility far from Denver, there are 12 more commercial airports to choose from. Some rehab centers also offer free transport to and from the airport. If you’re attending treatment in the winter, it’s important to take the weather into account when making your travel plans, as flights or roads may be affected by snowfall. 

When you travel to a rehab center, you’ll need to account for your safety throughout the trip: it’s inadvisable for clients to travel alone. To help with this, luxury rehabs’ admissions teams can often assist you in the planning process. Heather Charlet, the Director of Admissions at Gallus Detox Centers, explains that their facility has “a white-glove car service that goes to the airport, picks [clients] up and brings them straight to us. So we can help with all the aspects of planning to get them here safely.”

Colorado offers a pleasant balance between rural and urban life. While its mountain slopes, hot springs, and remote wilderness areas are the epitome of natural beauty, they are still easily accessible. Both Denver and Boulder boast vibrant metropolitan areas, and numerous smaller towns pepper the countryside. Visitors can choose to be high in the mountains, near major-city conveniences, or anywhere in between.

At most rehabs, core programming takes place at the facility itself. However, the world around you can still have a great influence on your experience. This region is most compelling for people who appreciate vast open spaces and plenty of time outdoors. The landscape is an ever-present component of life in Colorado. 

Could Your Next Chapter Start in Colorado?

Traveling is a powerful way to mark a major change in your life. New scenery may help you gain a fresh perspective on your most deeply ingrained patterns. This is certainly not the right choice for everyone; some people may find travel to be too stressful at a time when life feels unmanageable. Remember that this is your journey. Recovery is, among many other things, the process of relearning how to trust your own judgment. The simple act of choosing the right facility for your needs can be very empowering. 

Whether or not you decide to travel, this is a time to start making changes. If you’d like the next chapter of your life to focus on holistic health and physical activity, Colorado has a great deal to offer. Outdoor adventures can allow you to learn new skills, take pride in your accomplishments, and most importantly, have fun in the process. 

To explore treatment options in this state, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Colorado.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehabs in Colorado

What makes rehabs in Colorado unique?

Rehabs in Colorado offer a unique combination of clinical care in a beautiful natural environment. Clients can connect with others, develop healthy habits, and redefine their goals. Colorado’s diverse landscape allows for outdoor experiential therapies like hiking, skiing, rafting, and more. This focus on healthy living and outdoor exploration enhances the healing process.

Why should I consider a rehab in Colorado?

Colorado’s revitalizing landscape and cultural focus on alternative medicine make it an ideal choice for rehab. The state’s diverse regions offer various outdoor activities, from snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains to soaking in hot springs. Outdoor sports and exploration contribute to emotional catharsis and positive mental health. Moreover, Colorado has qualified medical professionals who can guide you in choosing the best treatments for your needs.

How does experiential therapy play a role in Colorado rehabs?

Colorado rehab centers emphasize experiential therapy, delivering hands-on processes for holistic healing. Activities like canoeing, hiking, and snowshoeing serve as transformative experiences. These outings provide opportunities to unplug, gain new insights, and complement conventional therapy. Experiential therapy in Colorado encourages self-reflection and personal growth, promoting a comprehensive recovery journey.