The Many Mental Health Benefits of Surf Therapy

Surfing isn’t only fun—it can also be therapeutic. If you love to surf, or want to learn, you might consider attending a rehab facility that offers surf therapy.

It’s powerful to connect with nature. And as you rebuild your life, it’s important to find safe, healthy ways to have fun. Surf therapy is an immersive way to do both!

What is Surf Therapy?

Surf therapy is just what it sounds like: surfing and processing your emotions at the same time.  This treatment method combines surfing lessons, surfing itself, and other group activities.1 In each session, participants connect with their feelings, each other, and the natural world. By attending therapy in this unique environment, you can approach recovery from a new perspective.

You don’t have to be a pro surfer in order to benefit from surf therapy.2 In fact, you don’t even need to know how to surf. Kelsey Ellis, who started a surf therapy program for women healing from grief, explains that some of her clients are totally new to the sport.. “A lot of our participants, it’s their first time putting on a wetsuit and going in the water,” Ellis says. “And they sign up because they’re afraid of the ocean.”

What Happens During a Surf Therapy Session?

Every rehab program is unique—especially the ones that offer experiential therapy. But most surf therapy programs follow a similar format.

First, you’ll learn the basics of surfing. Instructors will make sure you’re ready before you get in the water. Most programs teach these classes to small groups, so you can bond with the people around you. Sea Change Recovery, for example, has a strong emphasis on community. Clients are encouraged to look out for each other, and help each other improve. 

Sessions will give you time to talk about your feelings, and time to enjoy the water. You might start a session with a discussion, or go around and say affirmations before you paddle out. And at the end of the entire program, your group might perform a closing ritual. This is a way of celebrating your own progress, and expressing gratitude for the people around you.

Finding Balance By Surfing

Surf therapy can improve your overall health in a variety of ways.3 At Maui Recovery, for instance, you can use surf therapy to treat both addiction and mental health.4 Their experts believe that “the physical challenges of surfing parallel the emotional and mental processes that each client has long avoided. For those who are removing themselves from alcohol and drug addiction, surfing is a metaphor for balance, and it allows clients to think outside the box as they learn how to balance their internal processes.” Surf therapy promotes that balance by addressing several aspects of your health.

Spending Time in Nature is Healing

Data shows that doing sports and other activities near bodies of water5 improves mental health. These “blue spaces” can help you feel calmer, especially if you actually go out on the water. In one study, teens even said that activities like canoeing and surfing helped them build stronger relationships.

Social Support

Social connection is a core component of surf therapy programs.3 During surfing lessons, participants often lean on each other for emotional support. This mutual encouragement can help you feel a sense of belonging.

In another study, clients said they felt safe during surf therapy sessions because they trusted their instructors. With expert support, they had “the opportunity to try something new without fear, harm, or ridicule.” That sense of safety can interrupt some of the thought patterns that result from trauma. And when you feel safe, you can work through triggers and practice emotion regulation.


“We are like the ocean, and the waves are the emotions that move through us,” surf therapy facilitator Kelsey Ellis2 explains. “All you want to do is push those waves away, but when you’re surfing, you can’t do that. You really have to be fully present when you’re in the water, and notice the waves that are coming towards you.”

In a word, she’s describing mindfulness. This is a key component of many addiction programs. Mindfulness teaches you to pay attention6 “on purpose” and to be more aware of the present moment. You learn to let experiences happen, without judging yourself or your feelings. Practicing mindfulness can even minimize symptoms of depression and anxiety.

New Activities Can Improve Brain Health

Research shows that trying new things improves well-being. This is especially important for people in recovery. Neuroscientist Suzette Glasner-Edwards7 says that “people with the most success in staying sober tend to get involved in a range of pleasurable activities and do them frequently.”

Healthy hobbies can take the place of drug and alcohol use. When you learn new skills, you form new neural connections. By learning and doing things you enjoy, you can literally rewire your brain. Activities like surfing can trigger the same internal reward system as drug use. And 1 of those 2 behaviors is far healthier—and far more sustainable. 

Surfing Benefits Physical Health

Surfing also has a positive impact on physical health.8 This strenuous sport can help you get strong. You’ll be paddling, swimming, and working on your core strength while you balance on the surfboard. Research shows that most surfers have these physical traits:

  • high heart, lung, and muscle fitness
  • good muscular endurance
  • increased strength, especially in the upper body

This is more than a side benefit. Experts agree that physical fitness can help with addiction recovery.9 However, this may be a barrier for some clients. If you have certain physical health issues, you might not be a candidate for surf therapy. But depending on your condition, you may be able to start it a little later on in treatment. 

Who Can Benefit From Surf Therapy?

If your physical health permits it, you can probably benefit from this type of treatment. Data shows that surf therapy can improve mental health10 for many populations, including the following: 

  • veterans
  • disabled people
  • teens and young adults
  • adults in addiction recovery

Surfing can decrease the symptoms of PTSD, improve mindfulness, and boost self-esteem. It can also foster a greater mind-body connection. These common goals might resonate with clients of many different backgrounds.

Riding the Wave to Addiction Recovery

Recovery isn’t only about doing hard work. It’s also a time to find new and meaningful activities that you enjoy—while sober. If you enjoy surf therapy, it might even turn into a lifelong hobby. 

Surfing is also a great way to meet new people. The surfing community has a reputation for being strong, supportive, and tight-knit. These relationships can give you something to look forward to, in every stage of recovery. They can also hold you accountable, and keep you focused on your healing goals.
Learn more about rehab centers that offer surf therapy, including their locations, treatment philosophies, and additional experiential therapies.

Combining Holistic and Medical Care at San Diego Luxury Rehabs

In San Diego, luxury rehabs provide personalized care to each individual client. These facilities offer a combined approach, striking a careful balance between holistic treatment and medical care. In most programs, you’ll work closely with your team of providers to decide which modalities are right for you. For example, many clients choose to go through medical detox before starting a more holistic inpatient treatment program. 

Rehab is just the beginning, and some clients want to continue with a structured lifestyle after finishing inpatient treatment. In addition to rehab programs, San Diego is home to sober living facilities. Living in a safe, sober community helps many clients transition gently into the wider world.

It’s important to remember that recovery is a long and extremely personal process. And when you start your rehab journey in San Diego, you’re signing up for beautiful weather, seaside views, and a gentle way of life.

San Diego: City by the Sea

San Diego is the second-largest city in California. Home to many universities, it’s a destination for students and tourists from around the world. San Diego residents speak over 100 languages. In 2015, it was named one of National Geographic’s “World Smart Cities,” the only North American city to receive such an honor. 

The city is known for its temperate climate and beautiful beaches. Thanks to the beautiful weather, rehab centers in San Diego are able to offer year-round outdoor activities, such as gardening and fitness programs. Some sober living facilities are located just minutes from the coast. If you choose a program that asks residents to stay on-site, you can still expect to have access to outside space, be it a patio or a heated pool. 

San Diego is very accessible by plane, which is especially important for people just starting rehab. Lindbergh Field, the city’s international airport, is less than 10 minutes from downtown. Most rehab centers provide their clients with transportation to and from the airport, so make sure to talk to your admissions team while you’re making travel plans.

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AToN Center in San Diego, California provides evidence-based, personalized treatment in a luxurious, home-like setting.

Rehab for People From All Walks of Life

The ethos shared by San Diego rehabs is informed by the rich, vibrant culture of the surrounding area. These facilities serve an eclectic community, offering special programs for specific populations. For example, AToN Center has an executive rehab program, tailored to meet the needs of high achievers. The program’s rational approach to treating executives struggling with addiction1 “is based on scientifically validated methods and emphasizes taking responsibility for one’s actions, without requiring an allegiance to a ‘higher power.’”

For people who prefer a more spiritual experience, residential treatment at AKUA Mind Body includes yoga, tai chi, and similar modalities. Their Indigenous Culture Program is specifically designed to meet the needs of native communities. This form of treatment utilizes “traditional healings along with modern therapies,” and combines “cultural competency, an individualized treatment, knowledge, and awareness of generational trauma addresses emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual healing. The spiritual practices and cultural teachings have been passed down throughout the generations and guided by a Native American cultural advisor.”2

Personalized Plans of Care

San Diego rehabs tend to offer a personalized combination of medical and holistic treatment modalities. By moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach, these programs offer each client the specific kind of care that works for them. This highly individualized, evidence-based approach is hailed by researchers as “the future of substance abuse treatment.”3

In order to achieve this high level of care, most San Diego rehab centers begin by conducting a thorough assessment of each client, and creating a unique treatment plan to meet their needs. For example, “AToN Center’s high Clinician to Resident ratio (1:2) allows for daily individualized treatment for those seeking respite from problematic drug and alcohol misuse. AToN Center recognizes that a single modality doesn’t successfully meet the needs of every individual that is seeking recovery, therefore we offer a multitude of best practice addiction treatment methods in order to capture the needs of each client, including those with co-occurring mental health diagnoses.”4

Another facility, BrightQuest San Diego, carefully assesses clients “to determine the most appropriate level of care and adjust the services and support needed as they progress through treatment. Our clinical programs provide a full spectrum of treatment choices for individuals and families looking to bring healthy change to their lives.”5

These personalized treatment plans are most successful when clients can choose from a wide variety of healing modalities. To that end, San Diego rehabs tend to offer a combination of both medical and holistic care.

brightquest san diego
BrightQuest in San Diego offers a holistic and therapeutic community treatment approach for psychiatric disorders.

Medical Treatment

Medical detox helps clients physically recover from substance misuse. These programs are usually short, compared to inpatient rehab programs. Clients spend several days in a medical setting, closely monitored by doctors, while they detox and begin to heal. You’ll probably also have access to carefully structured discussion groups, such as 12-Step and SMART recovery groups.

Medically supervised detox is intended to keep clients safe and comfortable during a difficult time. Most of these programs expect patients to progress directly from detox to residential treatment. In San Diego, it’s possible to go through both processes at the same facility. Restore Detox Centers in Poway offers detox in a private home on a 4-acre estate. Saddleback Recovery addiction treatment center provides detox services and residential care at its homelike property in Escondido. And Betty Ford Center San Diego offers medically supervised detox to clients who require it before entering their residential treatment program.

Holistic Treatment

Most facilities in San Diego offer holistic healing through such modalities as yoga, acupuncture, meditation, tai chi, and more. AKUA Mind and Body, for instance, provides clients with access to “a full-service treatment program that offers a wide range of ‘east meets west’ treatment.”6

These types of healing invite you to incorporate physical and spiritual health into your emotional recovery process. By learning new skills and having positive, healthy experiences, clients can gather personal evidence that it’s possible to live a fun and meaningful life, even (and especially) when they’re substance-free. 

Akua living room
AKUA Mind Body in San Diego offers round-the-clock intensive care just minutes from the beach.

Taking Therapy Outdoors

Thanks to the beautiful San Diego weather, many clients take up outdoor activities during treatment. At Shoreline Sober Living, for example, residents are encouraged to explore “national parks and scenic destinations that will inspire your recovery from addiction.7 Bike, camp, hike and get into mother nature. Marvel at nearby scenic wonders like Los Padres National Forest, Coronado Beach, The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch and endless more.”

These experiences empower clients to create happy memories. By spending time outside, you can reconnect with yourself and the natural world. More athletic hobbies, like biking and hiking, also promote physical health. The act of choosing from this wide array of activities teaches you more about your own needs, and lets you practice making healthy decisions for yourself.

Starting Your Recovery Journey in Sunny San Diego 

Luxury rehabs in San Diego empower you to choose the modalities that suit you best. Recovery can be a lifelong process, and it’s always a highly personal journey. This is an excellent place for people who want to take an active role in choosing what healing means to them. 

Explore the luxury rehabs San Diego has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab in San Diego

How do luxury rehabs in San Diego approach addiction treatment?

Luxury rehabs in San Diego offer a combined approach to addiction treatment, balancing holistic and medical care. They provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs, allowing clients to work closely with their treatment team to determine the best therapies for their recovery journey.

What makes San Diego a good location for luxury rehab?

San Diego’s pleasant climate, beautiful beaches, and year-round outdoor activities make it an ideal location for luxury rehab. Clients can enjoy gardening, fitness programs, and access to outdoor spaces including nearby coastlines. The city’s accessibility by plane, with the international airport located just minutes from downtown, also makes it convenient for those traveling from other areas.

How do luxury rehabs in San Diego provide personalized care?

Luxury rehabs in San Diego prioritize personalized care by conducting thorough assessments and creating unique treatment plans for each client. These may include a variety of evidence-based medical and holistic treatment modalities. With high staff-to-client ratios, these rehabs provide daily personalized care and cater to the specific needs of each client, including those with co-occurring mental health diagnoses.

Florida Rehab Has Something for Everyone

There is no one right way to heal. When you choose a rehab center, you’re not just choosing a place: you’re also choosing your treatment environment, who you’ll be around, and which therapeutic modalities you’ll have access to. This can be an empowering decision that sets you up for success as you move forward in your recovery journey. 

If you’re interested in recreation therapy—such as psychodrama, arts and crafts, or horseback riding—a facility in Florida might be the right fit for you. Several Florida rehab centers also specialize in treating the underlying circumstances that contribute to addiction. For example, some of these programs cater to high-powered professionals, older adults, people with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, or those with chronic physical pain. Some programs also offer gender-specific treatment, with different groups for men and women. And clients of many demographics are offered specialized care designed to help with their specific concerns. 

Recovery by the Sea

Florida’s beautiful climate can have a powerful impact on your health. Visitors can relax on the state’s world-famous beaches, or engage in more active pursuits like scuba diving, paddle boarding, or wave running. Local culture places a great focus on physical health and enjoyment of the outdoors—but this isn’t just for athletes. The state’s temperate weather is also a big draw for families and older adults seeking a gentler experience. 

Many of Florida’s rehab centers offer direct access to the coast. Some of them are located close to the water, and others invite residents to go on beach excursions. While these spaces are protected from the hustle and bustle of major cities, they’re not necessarily completely isolated in remote locations. Guests at treatment centers in this area have the time to enjoy nature and adjust to a new pace of life while engaging in the physical activities that suit them best. 

In this diverse area, there’s a great emphasis on respecting each client’s unique needs. If you choose to attend a luxury rehab here, there’s a good chance you’ll work closely with your clinical team to design a personalized treatment plan.

futures recovery healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare in Tequesta, Florida

Treatment Tailored to Each Client’s Background

Florida has long been a destination for people from all walks of life, from college students to retirees. And like the state itself, the rehab facilities in Florida offer specific opportunities to several different populations. This is an excellent place to connect with other people in recovery who can easily relate to your own life experience. 

Recovery for Older Adults

Older adults in recovery have a unique set of priorities and needs. Some Florida facilities, such as The Hanley Center at Origins, specialize in offering care to this community. When you begin recovery later in life, it’s especially important to form connections with people you can relate to. The emphasis on group therapy empowers clients to learn together and share the wisdom they’ve cultivated over time. To that end, this addiction treatment program for older adults encourages “patients to feel a human connection, share experiences, and polish their interpersonal skills… We strive to create a close-knit community of peers so that our patients feel safe, welcomed, and comfortable.”

Physical fitness can also play a role in recovery. While there is a well-understood link between physical and mental wellness for people of all ages, older adults often have unique health considerations. For example, the medical treatment of chronic pain can easily lead to opioid addiction.1 Recovering from that addiction is important, but the underlying cause remains an issue. The Hanley Center helps older clients learn to manage their physical health without engaging in destructive behavior. To that end, you may develop skills that support healthy medication management, nutrition, and exercise.

Gender-Specific Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Rehab is, by nature, an insulated setting. Some guests may want to take this a step further, and only be among people of their own gender. Florida has many options for gender-specific treatment. If you choose this type of environment, you’ll join a cohort of all women or all men, and heal alongside people who understand the pressures that come along with your identity. 

The Hanley Center’s program for women offers a deep and compassionate understanding of the unique stigmas and traumas they often face. Specifically, “women are more likely to experience discrimination based on their physical appearance and more likely to function as single parents. Likewise, women are also more likely to be victims of abuse or assault, and they receive diagnoses of depression and anxiety at higher rates than men…[and] many of these issues can exacerbate substance use. Body image disorders, trauma, and co-occurring mental health disorders are all risk factors for addiction that we see among the women seeking treatment.” By taking these circumstances into account, the facility offers women space to heal in a protected community. 

Men in recovery face a different set of concerns. The pressures men face in their respective cultures often isolates them from the support they need. In particular, the simple act of asking for help often carries a stigma. Without a strong support network, it’s all too easy to resort to unsustainable means of emotion regulation. In the men’s group at the Hanley Center, expert professionals “address deeply rooted issues and clear a path to emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.” Men are invited to seek support not only from these professionals, but also from each other. Learning how to ask for and accept community care, they learn to navigate life’s challenges. 

beachway therapy center
Beachway Therapy Center in West Palm Beach, Florida

LGBTQ+ Affirming Programs

LGBTQ+ clients often struggle to find competent care, especially for mental health concerns and substance use. It can be difficult to find healthcare providers who understand how to affirm your experience, allying with you to address your concerns without pathologizing your identity. The LGBTQ+ community faces higher rates of mental health disorders2 due to minority stress. Yet many people struggle to access the support they need and deserve. 

Caron Ocean Drive, a rehab center in Boca Raton, Florida, offers LGBTQ+ affirming services. In all of their programs, this facility focuses on treating each client as a whole person. And in their efforts to support LGBTQ+ clients, they offer individual and group therapy and access to community events through their partnerships with organizations such as the PRIDE Center in Fort Lauderdale and Lambda North in Delray Beach. These opportunities actively work against the isolation that so many LGBTQ+ people face in their daily lives. 

People with these identities face not only social stigma, but also unique concerns related to physical and mental health. With that in mind, Caron Ocean Drive offers collaborative therapy that’s open to a client’s family of origin and/or chosen family. Transgender clients also have the opportunity to work with endocrinologists to ensure that they have a plan for ongoing gender-affirming medical care during and after the transitions that take place in rehab.  

Discrete Care for High-Powered Clients

Certain clients require a high level of discretion and flexibility. Florida has a number of programs that cater to extremely successful clients, including CEOs and those with public personas. These lifestyles can be very demanding, and the pressure to maintain an appearance may make it difficult to find the care you need.

Orenda, a program at Futures Recovery, is designed to support high-achieving clients. This process is supported by a staff of medical professionals and hospitality experts. Orenda’s highly personalized program gives you access to innovative medical techniques, from neurorestorative care to hypnotherapy. Athletes continue their physical training in conjunction with therapy and the amenities of rehab. Programs like this one encourage guests to learn more about their own needs, and to meet them in creative ways.

tikvah lake
Tikvah Lake Recovery in Sebring, Florida

Adventure Therapy

In the effort to support each client’s individualized care plan, many Florida rehabs offer adventure therapy. Most of these programs are meant for small groups, and allow participants to explore social dynamics in a safe and structured way. Some outings are only offered to those in outpatient treatment, but certain residential programs have a special focus on these experiences. 

Rise, at Futures Recovery, is one of these adventure-based programs. After completing detox, residents can choose to go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. These physical activities provide a number of benefits for people in recovery. First, they have a positive impact on physical health, which can aid in the biological process of healing. Experts have also found a link between physical activity and improved executive function.3 Any group activity is also an opportunity to have fun, bond with program peers, and create positive memories.

Traveling to Florida

Florida is easily accessible by plane, with four major airports servicing the state. New clients are discouraged from driving themselves to rehab. Most rehabs will help you plan travel logistics, even offering transport to and from your flight. Because of the temperate climate, it’s easy to reach these facilities at any time of year. 

If you’re coming from the Midwest or the East Coast, Florida is one of the most accessible warm-weather locations in the U.S. Many programs in this area offer both residential and outpatient treatment. These choices may be especially appealing to Florida residents, or to those who want to stay on in the state for a longer period of time. 

Freedom to Define Health for Yourself

Your time in rehab—anywhere in the world—is a chance to step away from the stresses of daily life, and instead focus on your own needs. Florida’s climate is a good fit for people who want to heal both physically and emotionally. This is an opportunity to decide what you need to feel healthy. 

Florida centers are best for people who want to get personalized care. This is a place to connect with a cohort of people who are likely to understand your experience of the world. And those connections can be a valuable source of insight as you discover what recovery means to you. 

For more information on available programs, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Florida here

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Florida

What are the benefits of rehab in Florida?

Florida rehabs offer tailored treatment for diverse client groups, a full spectrum of care, and adventure programs where clients can go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. 

What are the costs of rehab in Florida?

The average cost of inpatient rehab in Florida is $30,000 per month; the average cost of PHP is $15,000 per month; and the average cost of IOP is $10,000 per month. In general, inpatient rehab is the most expensive type of rehab, followed by PHP, IOP, and outpatient rehab.

How do I find a rehab center in Florida?

To find a rehab, you can start by asking your doctor, therapist, or a trusted friend or family member for a referral. You can also search online using an unbiased platform or SAMSHA’s treatment finder. When choosing a rehab, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Ask about the treatment options offered, the cost of treatment, and the success rate of the program.

Why Do So Many People Choose to Go to Rehab in California?

When you think of California, beaches, travel, and sunshine come to mind. It’s a place people go to soak up the sun and unwind. But some head to the Golden State for another reason: to heal.

California is home to some of the highest-quality addiction treatment centers in the world. They’re known to attract highly trained clinical staff. Many offer upscale amenities for executives and celebrity clientele. And we can’t forget the warm weather, with outdoor excursions available almost year-round.

Where you go for addiction treatment impacts key aspects of your recovery journey. California tops many people’s list of rehab destinations because of its wellness culture and abundance of available activities.

Given the number of addiction treatment options in the state, it can seem overwhelming to find one that meets your needs. Remember that this is a process, and each step—even information gathering—is progress.

To help you learn more about addiction treatment in California, we’ll look into everything from why people choose to go to rehab there, to what to ask an admissions counselor before enrolling.

Why Do People Go to California for Addiction Treatment?

California is often a top choice for addiction treatment. Here are some reasons why:

1. California’s sunny weather is therapeutic.

People love California for its great weather. But did you know it can have a positive impact on your recovery? Research from the University of Michigan shows that warm weather improves mental well-being.1 It often results in more time spent outdoors, which increases our openness to new information and creative thoughts. In addition to being mood-boosting in and of itself, sunny weather increases openness to new ideas,1 which may also make you more receptive to the work you do in therapy.

2. Nature thrives in California.

It’s no secret that nature enthusiasts love the grandeur of California. It’s dotted with breathtaking landscapes and some of the United States’ most iconic national parks. If you love the water, views along the coast reveal scenic seascapes.

Many California rehabs offer the chance to experience the state’s beauty with outdoor activities. Hiking, biking, or swimming are often on the agenda. Some rehabs have hiking trails nearby. Others let you bask in the simple joy of gardening or farming.

Given the year-round temperate climate, people in California love being out in nature. Time spent in nature can help you build a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Rise in Malibu lawn
Residents at Rise in Malibu can enjoy views of palm trees and the ocean from the sun-drenched deck.

3. California has diverse options for treatment settings.

California is home to diverse environmental settings, with rehab options by the coast, in the city, at the beach, or in the countryside (though the latter two are less common). We each respond differently to different environments, so having a variety to choose from works to your advantage.

4. California has a reputation for high-quality addiction care.

People trust California’s quality of addiction treatment.

Some of the highest-rated medical facilities and doctors are located in California. It consistently tops the list of U.S. states with the best health care and this reputation translates to its addiction care. Many California rehabs, including Oro House Recovery and Cliffside Malibu, have been recognized in Newsweek’s list of Best Addiction Treatment Centers in the United States.2

5. California is a haven for holistic therapies.

California is known for pioneering holistic health, and saw the rise of the wellness movement in the ’60s and ’70s. Since then, the quantity and quality of alternative therapies in the state has only grown. If you’re looking for specific holistic and alternative addiction therapies, chances are you’ll find them in California.

6. California rehabs understand the needs of luxury clientele.

California has a higher percentage of luxury rehabs compared to the rest of the U.S. Many have been catering to celebrity and executive clientele for years. They understand the needs of their specific clients. That’s why extra-exclusive stays, specialized amenities, and higher levels of privacy are easier to find here.

AToN Center outdoor
AToN Center in San Diego has luxury amenities including both freshwater and saltwater pools.

How Does California’s History Influence Their Approach to Addiction Treatment?

California has long been at the forefront of addiction care in the U.S.

California was the first state to include an addiction treatment specialty for medical doctors.3

The ‘80s saw a rise in addiction center openings in California. Many of those rehabs are still there and are now well established. And many, like Bayside Marin, are regarded worldwide for their expertise in treating addiction and mental health.

California is a laid-back state, and this influences the types of treatment you can find there today. It’s usually among the first to embrace emerging alternative therapies. They have an impressive selection of holistic and non-12-Step rehabs. And a lot of rehabs offer complementary therapies like acupuncture or energy healing.

Types of Addiction Treatment Centers in California

California is home to various types of addiction treatment centers, each with its own treatment model. Learn about each to discover which one suits you best.

Residential (or Inpatient) Rehab

In residential rehab, you live onsite at the center as you receive treatment. This removes you from many of the triggers and environmental stressors you might encounter back home.

Our environment impacts our mood, so you’ll want to make sure you’re happy with the rehab’s setting and amenities. It’s a good idea to check for these on the rehab’s website or browse’s individual listings. We always showcase images of the center and list its amenities, activities, and more.

Anyone struggling with substance abuse or mental health concerns can attend residential rehab. It’s recommended to receive residential treatment if you have high-risk concerns such as co-occurring disorders. Residential rehabs offer hands-on, round-the-clock care by clinicians and support staff that’s so important for some.

Holistic Rehab

California was one of the first states to embrace holistic wellness, but what exactly does ‘holistic’ mean? In medicine, holistic means “considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts.”4 Holistic rehabs focus on treating the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. This approach can touch parts of your life that traditional therapy may not always address.

A typical holistic rehab program incorporates alternative therapies ranging from reiki to acupuncture. Some may offer a comprehensive nutrition plan that emphasizes healthy, nourishing food. These therapies combined can help you feel more in tune with your body and spirit.

Holistic rehabs are a good option for people who want to make a full lifestyle change. It can also work for someone who favors natural treatments over allopathic medicine.

Several holistic rehabs in California offer alternative therapies that can’t be found in other residential rehab programs. To get an idea of the therapies offered, ask admissions what a typical day in their program looks like.

12-Step Rehab

California has many 12-Step rehabs that follow the well-known 12-Step treatment approach. This approach is based on a series of steps first outlined by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. They created it out of the idea that people can help each other maintain sobriety. Today, it’s one of the longest-standing and most common treatment approaches around.

Rehabs based on the 12-Step approach follow its principles for recovery. One of those principles is that recovery is an ongoing process. After completing a program, you’re encouraged to re-work the steps as many times as you need and to stay engaged in the community by attending regular meetings.

Non-12-Step Rehab

Other rehabs don’t follow the 12 Steps. While the 12-Step approach is one of the most common treatment models, it doesn’t work for everyone. Some find that it places too much emphasis on a higher power. Others don’t like labeling addiction as a “disease.”

California’s non-12-Step rehabs offer an alternative approach to treatment. You also have options for non-12-Step support groups as part of continuing care, such as Women for Sobriety or SMART Recovery.

Executive Rehab

You might think you can’t find time for rehab with a demanding profession. But there are rehabs that cater to working professionals. These are known as executive rehabs, and California has plenty of them.

California is home to many entrepreneurs, bankers, and lawyers. Consequently, executive rehabs there have robust experience in treating professionals. Mercui Recovery, for example, has been treating executive clientele since 1999.

Executive rehabs offer a structured schedule with daily intensive therapy. Some executive rehabs slot in work time so you can stay on top of responsibilities during treatment. These rehabs generally have business rooms to work from. A few allow you to bring your laptop and phone to rehab, but it’s best to check with the rehab first.

If you need to detox, some executive rehabs, like AToN Center, provide these services onsite.

Executive rehabs are suited for working professionals suffering from mental health or addiction issues. Work stress can play a significant role in someone’s addiction. Executive rehabs are equipped to address these specific issues.

What Can You Expect From a California Rehab?

To help you feel prepared for your treatment program, we answer some frequently asked questions about attending rehab in California.

What Should You Pack for Rehab?

What you bring to residential rehab depends on the climate, location, and activities offered. Remember that it’s generally warm in California, so you’ll have more opportunity to be outdoors. You may need to include hiking clothes or swimwear.

You can bring your own toiletries, but some rehabs require that they be unopened when you come in. It’s also a good idea to check whether the rehab allows devices like laptops and phones. For a more comprehensive list of what to bring, we’ve outlined a 28-day rehab packing list.

How Do I Get to the Addiction Treatment Center?

Whether you’re in-state or out-of-state, you should have someone assist you to your treatment center. If you can’t get someone to drive you, many rehabs offer pick-up services both in-state and from major airports. Some rehabs in California are located in beautiful but remote settings, making them a little more difficult to access. In any case, admissions can help you organize the logistics of getting there.

What Kind of Activities Do Rehabs in California Offer?

With its Mediterranean climate and iconic coastline, there are some experiences in California that can’t be found elsewhere. You can expect outdoor activities at most California rehabs. At some, you have yoga on a sundeck overlooking the sea. At others, a silent hike through a tranquil mountain trail. Given their proximity to the sea, coastal rehabs might offer beach excursions.

Alo House Recovery sound bath
Clients at Oro House Recovery in Los Angeles unwind to activities like yoga and sound baths.

What Are Some Common Therapies You’ll Go Through in Rehab?

Most rehabs offer cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), an evidence-based therapy that focuses on changing behavioral patterns and improving emotional regulation. CBT is held during one-on-one sessions and sometimes during group therapy.

Because addiction also impacts the family system, many rehabs offer family therapy. This often includes a family program that allows out-of-state family members to visit and attend therapy.

As one of the first states to embrace alternative therapies, rehabs in California usually offer more than just yoga or meditation. There, you can find a whole medley of alternative therapies like energy healing, tai chi, acupuncture, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

What Amenities Do Rehabs in California Offer?

The weather in California impacts so many aspects of treatment, down to the amenities offered. You’re likely to find luxury rehabs with pools or hot tubs, an outdoor lounge, and garden area. Many have fitness amenities like a gym, walking trail, volleyball court, or tennis court. And for downtime, some have a spa, sauna, or wellness center.

What You’ll Be Eating at Rehab

A big part of recovery is building up good habits, including nutrition. California has always been at the forefront of health-conscious eating. Here you’ll find rehabs with organic menus, vegan options, and accommodations for dietary restrictions.

What Does a Day in an Addiction Program Look Like?

Here’s what a typical day in a residential rehab program might look like:

  • Wake up early and eat a healthy breakfast with others in the program.
  • Enjoy morning yoga overlooking the sea.
  • Attend individual therapy sessions with a therapist.
  • Have lunch, followed by downtime.
  • Attend group therapy.
  • Go to an educational or support group.
  • Eat a nutritious group dinner.
  • Wind down for the day with a soothing activity like art therapy or individual free time.

Programming and schedules vary depending on the center, so it’s always a good idea to ask admissions staff to take you through a typical day in their program.

How Much Does It Cost to Go to Rehab in California?

Most luxury rehabs in California cost between $25,000 to $50,000 per month, while ultra-exclusive programs can go for upwards of $80,000 a month. Almost all California rehabs offer options for financing your stay.

Many addiction treatment centers in California accept insurance to help cover program costs. If you don’t have private insurance, some centers accept Medicare or Medicaid.

Head over to the center’s website to see which insurance providers they accept. Otherwise, you can call the admissions team and ask them about insurance coverage and how much of the program it covers. You can also browse for rehabs in California that accept insurance using the search tool.

On top of that, many rehabs offer in-house financing and flexible payment plans, and some even have scholarship funds available. It’s best to ask admissions about payment options to ensure you have the financial support you need to sustainably cover your treatment program.

How Can I Check the Reputation and Credibility of a Rehab Center?

How do you know if a rehab you’re interested in is trustworthy? We outline some ways to check the credibility and reputation of any addiction treatment center.

1. Read the reviews. You can check reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, and on our website.

2. Ask around. It may sound unusual, but you can ask your primary care doctor or therapist if they have ever heard of the rehab center or know someone who has. You can even ask admissions staff at other rehabs you call, which may give you some indication of their reputation.

3. Check their accreditation. The Joint Commission and Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) are national organizations that accredit treatment providers. Rehabs usually display accreditation logos on their website, but it’s best to check directly with the accrediting body.

How to Avoid Addiction Treatment Scams

You’ve decided to get help for addiction, which is an incredibly courageous step to take. As you search for a treatment center, you deserve to receive unbiased information so you can choose one that truly fits your needs. Unfortunately, unethical marketing practices and addiction treatment scams do exist.

A common scam involves a fake website or hotline that directs calls to a call center. The call center agents (not caregivers) generate commissions based on the number of referrals they place. Treatment centers involved in this scam will bid for patients and agents auction patients to the highest bidder.

Another malpractice is when someone receives a referral fee for recommending a patient to an addiction treatment center.

Here are some ways to protect yourself from addiction treatment scams:

  • Be wary of free hotlines. They’re often a source of referral fees.
  • See if the rehab center admissions team can give you specific details about their rehab during your initial call. Keep your guard up if they can only offer vague details about the program.
  • Ask upfront if they receive referral fees.
  • Search for rehabs using an unbiased platform.

What to Ask an Admissions Counselor Before Going to Rehab in California

As you narrow down your search, you’ll want to start asking the rehab specific questions to truly get to know them. Keep these few key questions in mind:

  • What is your treatment philosophy?
  • What kind of therapies do you offer (indicate if you have any specific needs)
  • What does your continuing care consist of?
  • What are the credentials of your medical staff members?
  • What does a typical day in the program look like?
  • Will you accept my insurance?

California Remains a Top-Rated Location for Addiction Recovery

Over the years, California has become a popular place to receive addiction treatment. Its therapeutic landscapes and sunny weather makes it difficult to resist. Others want to find holistic rehabs with alternative therapies that can’t be found elsewhere. And some go exclusively for the top-level luxury care they know they’ll receive.

Discover luxury addiction treatment centers in California here.

Frequently Asked Questions About California Rehabs

Why do people choose to go to rehab in California?

People choose to go to rehab in California for a variety of reasons. These might include: high-quality care (California has a reputation for high-quality addiction treatment and top-rated medical facilities and doctors) luxury amenities (specialized amenities and higher levels of privacy), and diversity, which can make it easier for people to find a treatment center that’s culturally sensitive to their needs.

How much does rehab cost in California?

The cost of rehab in California can vary depending on the type of treatment, length of treatment, and location of the treatment center. The average cost of inpatient rehab in California is $30,000 per month. The average cost of outpatient rehab in California is $10,000 per month. The average cost of long-term rehab in California is $50,000 per year. There are many resources available to help people pay for rehab, like insurance, government assistance programs, and scholarships.

What are some of the benefits of going to rehab in California?

Benefits of going to rehab in California include access to specialized facilities, higher levels of privacy, a focus on holistic treatments, and access to top-rated medical facilities and doctors.