Should You Travel for Addiction Treatment? Pros and Cons of Local vs. Destination Rehabs

Attending rehab marks the start of a new chapter in your life. No matter where you go, you’ll be entering a time of great change. As positive as this may be, it’s also very stressful. For some people, it’s helpful to change every aspect of their life at once; traveling to a new environment can kick-start that process. For others, it’s better to focus only on their internal changes, without being distracted by external stressors. 

It’s important to choose an environment that will support your healing process. There’s no right or wrong place to heal, just the right place for you. If you already have a location in mind, you can narrow your search to that geographical area. If not, you might want to weigh the pros and cons of traveling for addiction treatment versus staying close to home.

Why Travel to Rehab?

There are luxury rehab facilities all over the world. Some of the programs that suit you best might be located in other states, or even other countries. If you’re at all interested in travel, it can be inspiring just to consider these options, whatever you ultimately decide.

180 sanctuary
180 Sanctuary At PuriPai Villa in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand offers trauma-informed, integrated care in the picturesque mountains of Northern Thailand.

Pros of Traveling to Rehab

Research suggests that a change of scenery may have a positive impact on neurochemistry.1 According to Aaron Heller, an assistant professor in the University of Miami’s Department of Psychology, there is “a connection between real-world exposure to fresh and varied experiences and increases in positive emotions.” In layman’s terms: just the act of visiting a new place or having a new experience might make you happy. 

Destination rehabs tend to offer activities that are unique to the area, which you may not be able to access at home. These programs encourage clients to actively build better habits, in place of unsustainable behavior. And remember, healing can be fun! Various rehab centers offer a wealth of adventure therapies, such as skiing, scuba diving, or even going on safari

Local culture can also have an impact on your inpatient experience, even if you don’t completely explore the surrounding area. In some cases, the cultural context within the rehab center itself is extremely impactful. Tony Tan, the CEO of 180 Sanctuary At PuriPai Villa, has worked at multiple destination rehab facilities in Thailand. He explains, 

“The client experience is also unique, because there are clients from all over the world that are coming together: from the States, Australia, Europe, and Asia. They each bring with them a different aspect of their experience. That really strengthens their awareness in their recovery journey.”

Traveling to rehab may give you the inspiration you need to restructure your relationships. You’ll have the chance to connect with people who have a great diversity of life experiences, which can help you view your own life from a fresh perspective. What’s more, this geographical distance can provide you with emotional distance from negative influences. This is an excellent opportunity to step away from toxic relationships, whether you’re setting permanent boundaries or just taking a much-needed break.

Cons of Traveling to Rehab

Distance can be powerful. Depending on your personal experience, that may have a positive or negative impact on your mental health. The act of traveling itself can be difficult, especially if you’re struggling to keep yourself safe. Most rehab facilities will provide clients with transport to and from the airport, but being alone on a long flight may still be a risk. You may need to ask for more support, and plan around more logistics, if you’re headed to a distant location.

These aren’t the only logistics to consider. If you plan to use insurance to pay for your stay at rehab, you may need to do more legwork to ensure you’ll have adequate coverage. Some insurance plans cover you overseas, but not all; for example, Medicare and Medicaid generally don’t cover treatment at a destination rehab.2

After you arrive at a destination rehab, you may face some communication barriers.  If you choose to take a break from all outside communications during treatment, this may be less of a concern. However, you might choose to keep working while you attend rehab. If you plan to stay in touch with work, friends, or family during your stay, be mindful of the time difference. You’ll also want to be sure that you have access to internet and cell phone service, and that these amenities are permitted by your program.

crosspointe recovery
Crosspointe Recovery in Sherman Oaks, California features on-site medical detox and a focus on wellness in a private, homelike setting.

Why Attend a Local Rehab Program?

Travel is a great opportunity for some clients, and an overwhelming prospect for others. There are also many compelling reasons to start treatment closer to home.

Pros of Local Rehab

Attending a local rehab can significantly decrease the number of logistics you’ll have to manage. For instance, if you’re concerned about your safety while traveling, a local rehab facility will be much more accessible. This course of action also has financial benefits. Your insurance may or may not cover travel costs, and it will be easier to file a claim for treatment with a nearby facility.

If you have commitments you can’t step away from, such as work, school, or family, it’s far easier to stay connected from a local rehab. That’s true even for inpatient programs. Your loved ones will be able to attend in-person family therapy without traveling to see you, and you won’t have to worry about a time difference when you connect with people online. 

Staying local will also give you access to more affordable treatment options, like IOPs or PHPs. You might even choose to live at home while attending intensive, daily therapy. This option isn’t right for everyone, but it can be much more cost-effective. 

No matter where you’re located, rehab is a big change. If the idea of getting to know a new location while you’re just beginning to get to know yourself again feels like a barrier to treatment, traveling to rehab might not be right for you. 

Cons of Local Rehab

Although it can be daunting to travel to a new place, it’s often difficult to heal in the same place where you experienced trauma.3 It’s important for clients to live in a very safe and supportive environment while they’re beginning recovery. If you’re considering rehab, it’s quite possible that your current living situation doesn’t meet these criteria. In that case, living at or near your home while you attend treatment may be counterproductive.

As you begin recovery, it can be helpful to temporarily isolate yourself from external sources and reminders of stress as a part of your relapse prevention4 approach. Your current surroundings might contain triggers you have yet to work through. One researcher notes that people in recovery are most successful when they  “avoid people, places, and things associated with using.” If you don’t take space from those difficult stimuli, it can be hard to start the healing process.

Even if you’re not concerned about being triggered, staying nearby will give you access to many more distractions. You may be tempted to leave treatment in order to deal with a family or work emergency, or you may feel like you’re missing out on a party that you know is happening close by. It’s far easier to set aside these urges when you’re physically isolated from those events. Distance may make it easier to stay focused on the tasks at hand.

Transitioning Out of Rehab

After you complete inpatient treatment, your focus will change. As you reacclimate to living in the wider world, it’s important to move slowly and deliberately in order to guard against relapse. Many clients choose to attend additional aftercare programs immediately after they leave rehab. You may not know whether this is the right path for you until you’re part of the way through your initial treatment program.

Attending an aftercare program abroad, or in another state, can afford you even more time and space away from the triggers you might encounter at home. This slow, gentle transition lets you learn about yourself in a new context, and gives you plenty of time to prepare for what comes next.

If you attend rehab close to home, it may make more sense to stay in the area for aftercare. These programs do even more to ease your transition back into your daily life. You’ll be able to get support not just around your own mental health, but also in the specific context of your work, relationships, and daily activities.

Wherever it Starts, Healing Is a Journey

Wherever you choose to attend rehab, it’s important to make space for yourself to grow and change. Recovery is not an easy or simple process, and you won’t be “fixed” right away. Although a change of scenery may improve your mood, it won’t change your identity. 

As you consider your options, remember that transitioning into and out of rehab can be jarring even in the best of times. Some people find it helpful to mark these major changes with a geographical transition, but that’s not the right choice for everyone. Anywhere you begin recovery, it’s up to you to do the serious work of healing.

Learn more about luxury rehabs, near you and abroad, here

Frequently Asked Questions About Local vs. Destination Rehab

Why should I consider traveling for rehab?

Traveling for rehab removes you from your usual environment and triggers, allowing you to focus on your recovery without distractions. It’s also an opportunity to experience a new location and gain a fresh perspective.

Is traveling for rehab more expensive than staying local?

It depends on the specific rehab center and location. While some destination rehabs may be more expensive, others may be comparable or even more affordable than local options. Additionally, some insurance plans may cover the cost of travel and out-of-state treatment.

What should I look for in a destination rehab center?

When looking for a destination rehab, it’s crucial to find one that is aligned with your values and tailored to your unique needs. The program should offer a combination of evidence-based and complementary therapies that makes sense for you. You may choose a setting that appeals to you, in a culture that inspires your recovery. As with any treatment center, make sure the staff is qualified to help you achieve your treatment goals and that programming can support you into lasting recovery.

Top 5 Benefits to Going Abroad for Mental Health Treatment

“Environmental factors may increase a person’s risk of addiction, including a chaotic home environment and abuse, parent’s drug use and attitude toward drugs, peer influences, community attitudes toward drugs, and poor academic achievement.”1

The National Institute on Drug Abuse

There’s no arguing that environmental factors play a large role in facilitating addiction, substance abuse and depression. From a person’s family life and personal relationships to their economic stature and career, there are many “realities” that factor into why addiction is such a prevalent problem.

And it is a prevalent problem.

In 2017, over 70,200 people died from drug overdoses in the United States, and 19.7 million people across the country battled substance abuse.2 The 2021 UNODC World Drug Report revealed an estimated 36 million people worldwide struggle with drug us disorders3 while the World Health Organization Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health (2018), estimates 283 million people struggle with alcohol use disorders (AUD) worldwide.4

When it comes to recovery, then, our everyday surroundings might not be the best place for it. In fact, a complete disconnect is arguably the healthiest way to recharge and reset.

Here are five reasons why going abroad for mental health treatment is a smart choice.

1. Disconnect from “Normality”

Oprah Winfrey once said:

“Surround yourself with those who only lift you higher.”

Taking yourself out of your normal routine and everyday surroundings can provide a fresh, new beginning for recovery. Chances are, in your current situation, you are surrounded by many “reasons” to drink or use, whether your friends encourage it or the tension with your family makes you feel the need to numb.

Going abroad to a rehab treatment center means you can disconnect from current enablers and negative people in your life, and remove the notion of peer pressure, judgement and snarky comments.

Here, you can begin to regain control over your choices and can consciously choose to improve and get better on your own terms, without fear of what others might think.

2. Get Specific and Expert Treatment

When it comes to rehabilitation, there are a plethora of treatment options available across the globe, and different countries often have their own unique treatment approaches to help heal a variety of addictions.

In Portugal, for example, several rehab centers offer ibogaine treatment to help recovering opioid addicts. But, ibogaine treatment is controversial. Although the U.S. government has declared opioid addiction an epidemic across the country, they’ve banned the use of ibogaine treatment as a viable recovery solution. For opioid addicts, then, ibogaine-assisted treatment only exists abroad.

Further, doctors and clinicians often specialize in particular areas and gain a reputation worth noting. To get the best treatment from these experts, it might require visiting a rehab center somewhere other than at home.

3. Gain a New Perspective

Oftentimes, what’s needed to jumpstart recovery is a new perspective.5 While family and friends often enable us to abuse drug and alcohol, so too can the way we see the world. When it comes to substance abuse, it’s common for our perspective to be negativity skewed, and negativity facilitates more negativity.

Perhaps you’re not earning enough money and you’re frustrated, for example. Perhaps your family takes you for granted. It might even be something as little as someone not saying thank you when you do something nice.

Whatever it is, new experiences, new cultures and observing a new way of living life can help us shift our perspective on everyday activities and experiences, and consequently, it can help us climb out of negativity. In Spain, for example, good weather, delicious food and a slower pace of life can help us breathe, heal and ultimately, overcome our addictions.

4. Save Yourself a Little Money

It’s often the case that rehab centers abroad are less expensive than rehab centers at home (depending on where you call home, of course).

If you’re from Britain, your sterling will get you a lot further if you attend rehab in Thailand, and you won’t be sacrificing on the quality of care. Accessibility to a rehab facility because of one’s economic viability can be a big barrier to attending rehab. It might be more cost-effective to travel abroad for recovery. Plus, you get to see a little of the world, which can only do you good.

5. Gain Privacy

Admitting addiction and seeking help is courageous. Sometimes you may want to participate in drug and alcohol treatment with complete privacy and discretion, perhaps even keeping it from people close to you (and your employer). Although staying local for treatment has its own set of advantages, going to rehab abroad can allow a person more privacy. You don’t have to disclose your reason for travel and you’re less likely to bump into those you know.

Experience Something New

Going abroad for rehab has many personal benefits attached to it. From altering our perspective and removing ourselves from unhealthy environments to getting specialist treatment at an affordable price, there are many reasons why a different country can aid in recovery.

But while these reasons have weight, there’s one overarching reason to attend rehab abroad, and that’s to simply experience something new. A new place, a new culture and a fresh take on life can jump-start the next chapter of life for many, and these personal learnings are arguably as important as the treatment program itself. These new paths we seek can help us heal.

Discover our collection of luxury rehabs around the globe. Filter by price, treatment approach, and more, and view key information about each center, including reviews, to find what you’re looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Abroad

Why do people travel abroad for rehab? 

Going to rehab abroad is appealing for a few reasons:

• Removal from daily triggers 
• Access to specific therapies, such as ibogaine treatment
• An extra layer of privacy 
• Affordable treatment 
• New experiences and perspectives

What are the benefits of a destination rehab?

Affordable luxury programs, greater privacy, exciting cultural experiences, exposure to a different way of life, and unique, specialized treatment draw people to rehab abroad.

Is it cheaper to go to rehab in another country?

Some regions offer more affordable addiction treatment than others. For example, luxury rehabs in Asia cost between $3,000 to $15,000 per month while a 30-day luxury rehab program in the U.S. falls between $25,000 and $50,000.

The Wave Youth Clinic Opens, Putting Families Back Together in Asia and Beyond

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We are excited to share about an international teen and young adult treatment center who just opened their doors this past month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Wave Youth Clinic, or just The Wave for short, has a far-from-new team behind it, though. The leadership has a breadth and depth of experiences in treating individuals and families affected by alcohol and drug abuse and mental health disorders.

I had the opportunity to speak to one of the co-founders, Fiona Yassin. It’s hard to sum up Fiona’s accomplishments in a one-sentence intro. She’s both highly skilled and incredibly compassionate. (Read more about The Wave Clinic here.)

Great Need for High-Quality Care for Youth

Fiona mentioned “a massive hole for this age group.” She’s right. For luxury, international treatment dedicated to adolescents and young adults, the selection is quite limited. We recalled The Edge (Thailand), who serves only young adult males, and then, Yes We Can Youth Clinics (Netherlands), who serves adolescents and young adults, both female and male.

Complex issues can leave a family feeling hopeless. Teens and young adults are struggling with high levels of anger, anxiety, fear, isolating; they’re failing or have dropped out of education, abusing drugs or alcohol increasingly, and are often considered a letdown. Parents feel like they’ve done everything and there’s nowhere else to go. They’ve given up and, in a sense, start grieving for the outcome of death or prison rather than a pursuit to medical school for their child, yet weighed down by immense guilt.

This led Fiona and her team to start The Wave—to provide a place where young girls and young boys can go, especially when they seem to be failing other treatment options. Fiona believes it’s the other way around, “Treatment is failing them, not them failing treatment; treatment has to move with them.” She adds, “There has to be someone at some point who’s going to sit with that; they have to have hope.”

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A client room at The Wave. The Wave has set out to create a personal, safe space for each client that is ideal for reflection and growth.

Putting Families Back Together

Not only does The Wave offer high quality and individualized care for the youth themselves, but also for the family. The program has a family week every 5 weeks, so mid-way and at the end of the 10-week program.

“We’re keen on taking the whole family. We want to offer as much family space and time as needed,” says Fiona. Often, complex issues mean a complex family with everything very intertwined.

She enjoys “putting families back together when everyone has had enough and seeing families being able to re-function.” Fiona shares a story of one family who had sent a little thank you. They were able to go out as a family on a Sunday—something that was not possible a year ago.

Potential of Hope and Learning to Do Life Differently

I asked her why this age group and why the complex cases, something that she’s gained a reputation for taking on. Fiona’s answer was simple, yet profound. “The potential of hope,” she replied.

“Everyone around them is saying they’re not good enough, not well enough, not going to be successful. Everyone around them has given up hope, thinking they’re going to die or go to prison. And then you can see small changes. First, they don’t want to go to therapy at all. Then, after a week, they’re actually looking for a therapist because they have something they want to say,” Fiona continued.

She describes The Wave like a family, a small space, where a teen or young adult cannot hide, but rather they will be seen. Staff is around all the time, so it’s easy to make a connection, which then fuels more connections.

“We do not rely on punishment; it’s about learning to live life in a different way,” says Fiona as she describes the approach. “Life as a teenager can actually be fun. They learn they can do things quite fun and exciting without substances. We’re surrounded by really cool stuff to do, water sports, adventure sports; they’ll get to build other friendships, start short courses for education … It’s a lifestyle option.”

An example of learning to live life differently while at The Wave:

It was inspiring to hear Fiona’s passion first-hand. You can read more about The Wave’s program or contact them for specific questions about the program. It’s an ideal fit for teens, young adults and their families facing complex issues. Treatment is offered in English and Arabic.

NOTE: While the above post is editorially independent, we would like to mention that The Wave Clinic is a paid advertiser on our site.

Luxury Addiction Treatment in Asia: Quality and Affordability in a Postcard-Perfect Setting

luxury rehab Asia

Luxury rehabs in Asia are becoming increasingly popular with treatment seekers from around the world due to their stunning locales, innovative treatment techniques and attractive price points. We take a look at the different aspects of Asian addiction treatment offerings, as well as what to look for in a center if you’re considering treatment there.

Who Goes to Asia for Luxury Addiction Treatment?

Rehabs in Asia attract a wide range of clientele, locally and from abroad:

Those who need distance from their current environment. For Westerners, treatment centers in Asia offer a true departure from their routine. Attending treatment abroad gives you physical distance from triggers like your normal using environment or problematic relationships. Since addiction is perpetuated by daily habits and patterns1, a change of scenery is great for kick-starting the recovery process.

People seeking privacy. High-powered professionals, celebrities and others who live their lives in the public eye find Asia’s exclusive luxury rehabs to be a fitting treatment option. For those who are concerned about confidentiality in rehab, traveling to Asia for treatment provides an extra layer of privacy while dealing with deeply personal issues. Often located in secluded settings, luxury rehabs accustomed to hosting celebrities also have strict policies and procedures designed to ensure guests’ confidentiality.

People who are interested in alternative treatment options. Both conventional and alternative therapy options are widely available at rehab centers in Asia. However, those who are drawn to Eastern healing practices may find treatment in Asian countries especially appealing, as many incorporate more holistic approaches into their program offerings. You’ll find wellness-promoting therapies like acupuncture, Thai massage and meditation taught by Buddhist monks on offer at rehabs throughout Asia.

Kembali Rehab
Located in Ubud, Bali, Kembali Recovery Center‘s excursions include an overnight diving and snorkeling trip from the black-sand beaches of Amed.

What Sets Asian Rehabs Apart From the Rest

In addition to being on par quality-wise with some of the best rehabs in the West, Asian rehabs offer a wide array of unique benefits that are hard to come by elsewhere:

They’re located in the epicenter of holistic wellness. Asia is the birthplace of practices like acupuncture, yoga, meditation, various types of massage, aromatherapy and more. This makes it an ideal place to immerse yourself in a new practice like mindfulness meditation (which is proven to aid in addiction recovery)2 and learn a wellness-promoting technique straight from the source. Many Asian rehabs also harness the power of their region’s natural surroundings, fresh herbs and produce and cultural traditions to benefit their guests’ recovery.

They house top-notch conventional therapists, too. While it’s true that luxury rehabs in Asia often host an assortment of holistic therapies originating from the region, this certainly isn’t the only option. Many offer programs centered on more Western-style addiction treatment approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the 12 Steps. And their high-end clout means they attract very qualified, experienced counselors, psychiatrists and medical professionals, often with accreditations from renowned Western institutions.

They’re affordable without sacrificing quality. Rehabs in Asia have the benefit of competing at a much lower price point than Western rehabs with higher overhead costs. For a fraction of the cost of a 28-day inpatient program in the US, for example, clients can escape to an all-inclusive recovery retreat on the islands of Thailand, complete with gourmet food, lavish amenities and personal training. The prevalence of medical tourism in the region means quality standards are kept high and services foreigner-friendly.

They offer unforgettable cultural experiences. Venturing to a luxury rehab in Asia brings with it opportunities for adventures you’d never experience at home. Many Asian luxury rehabs offer nature and cultural excursions like jungle trekking, ancient temple tours and elephant sanctuary visits not just as a way to enjoy your stay, but also to therapeutically enhance your treatment.

Indian rehab yoga
Learn wellness-promoting practices, like yoga, straight from the source.

Choosing the Right Luxury Rehab in Asia

Here are some key elements to consider when deciding which Asian rehab is right for you:

Make sure it’s licensed. Licensing assures a certain level of quality in terms of staffing, amenities and treatment options. To make it easier for you, all of the rehabs listed on RehabPath Luxury are licensed.

Ask about their treatment options. Program and activity options at Asian rehabs are just as varied as those in the West. Inquire in advance if you have specific needs like detox, trauma treatment, pet-friendliness, or if you prefer a program that includes a fitness component.

Check out the treatment philosophy. This is an especially important consideration if you have a preference one way or another for a spiritually-based treatment approach. While rehabs with a spiritual model are more common in Asia, there’s still a wide spectrum of treatment stances among centers. Visit a center’s website or call their admissions team to see how their philosophy sits with you.

Are they internationally recognized? See if the center has gained any media attention or holds special awards or recognitions from international organizations. Any reputable rehab will have plenty of online reviews—do a little online searching and visit their press page to see what others have to say.

Considering Addiction Treatment in Asia?

Luxury rehabs design treatment programs that combine all the benefits Asia has to offer. To learn more about what centers and program options are available, see our listing of luxury rehabs in Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Asia

Are there good quality rehabs in Asia?

Yes. Asia is home to reputable luxury rehabs that attract experienced, accredited medical professionals, counselors, and psychiatrists. Many Asian countries are medical tourism hubs with top-notch clinical care.

How much is luxury rehab in Asia?

You can find high-quality addiction treatment in Asia at attractive price points. On average, luxury rehabs in Asia cost between $4,000 and $15,000 for a 28-day program.

What are the benefits of going to rehab abroad in Asia?

Rehabs in Asia have many appealing qualities: 

• Premium quality at an affordable price point 
• Privacy away from home
Holistic therapies and wellness focus
• Unique cultural experiences

Rehab in Bali: Healing for the Soul

Bali, ocean, 2 rest houses, mountain in background

It’s called the “Island of the Gods” for a reason—Bali is a place truly unlike any other. This Indonesian island just south of the equator in the Java Sea is brimming with natural and cultural wonders. Blanketed in vibrant jungles and rice terraces, laced with clear-running waterfalls and sacred springs, and infused with Hindu and new-age spirituality, Bali invites you to dive into the healing journey. And, as many people are discovering, those very qualities make it an excellent destination for luxury rehab.

Let’s take a closer look at what Bali has to offer those seeking a unique and immersive treatment experience.

A Refuge for Spiritual Healing

Addiction is harmful on many levels, including spiritually. On some level, addiction stems from a search for deeper meaning and connection, which is why spirituality is such a key component of the addiction recovery process.1 And there’s no better place to steep yourself in an atmosphere of deeply rooted spiritual practice than on Bali. You’ll notice ubiquitous canang sari—offerings of symbolically colored flowers and rice in coconut-leaf baskets—thoughtfully placed in front of every home and business. Offerings are made 3 times daily, shrines and temples are found throughout every neighborhood and religious ceremonies with traditional music and dance are a regular occurrence.

Known worldwide as a refuge for spiritual healing, Bali’s remote location and distinct culture make it feel as if you’ve broken away from your everyday concerns and stepped into a world where nature sets the tone. It’s the perfect place to let go of old patterns and settle into a new environment, complete with supportive people surrounding you and positive goals to set your sights on.

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Sivana Bali in Canggu

Sivana Bali understands this well. Their philosophy focuses on promoting joy, their multidisciplinary methods are accessible to people of all cultures and beliefs, and mindfulness is an essential part of their treatment program. Even their name, Sivana, translates to “oasis of enlightenment.” In this tranquil space, you’re invited to look inward and find love for both yourself and the world around you.

Wellness-Oriented Culture and Holistic Treatment Opportunities

Bali is home to a thriving wellness community, attracting yogis from around the world to deepen their practice and join restorative retreats in its meditative setting. Health nuts love recharging with fresh juices and dining on local dishes like nasi campur made with local tempeh and crunchy organic veggies grown in the island’s rich volcanic soil. And those who want to dabble in new modalities can try classes like chanting, sound healing and Qigong.

This holistic approach to wellness is reflected in the treatment programs offered at Bali rehabs like The Lighthouse Bali. Their philosophy of body, spirit and mind aligns with the Balinese philosophy of tri hita karana (3 causes of well-being), bringing together the realms of the spirit, the human world, and nature. The Lighthouse offers a private, 1:1 substance abuse treatment plan tailored to your needs and focused on biological, psychological, social, and spiritual principles. These services are structured to treat your whole being, and are followed by an aftercare program that builds on the relationships you formed with clinical team members during treatment to support you well into recovery.

the lighthouse bali sanur
The Lighthouse Bali in Sanur

Unforgettable Excursions

Having fun without drugs and alcohol is a vital component of recovery—and the activities and adventures that can only be found in Bali makes rehab here so unique.

Ride through gorgeous rice terraces, visit the stunning volcano Mount Agung, and see religious sites ranging from mystical sea temples on the ocean to an inspiring grand temple complex on the mountain. Enjoy beautiful beaches, where surfing is a must-try, and take in stunning waterfalls dotted throughout the island. Dine out for lunch or dinner and savor Bali’s distinctive cuisine, known for its fragrant herbs and spices.

Most treatment programs include free time on the weekends or organized excursions where you get to enjoy all that Bali has to offer. Seasons Bali offers a weekend leisure activity program, where the group decides what adventures in culture, arts, sports, food, and sights they wish to experience. Kembali Recovery Center offers organized outings every Thursday as well as 3 staffed Sunday excursions.

Low-Cost Luxury

Private drug and alcohol rehab in Australia, the U.S., and Europe can cost well over $30,000 per month, while rehab centers in Bali provide comparable quality for a fraction of that cost.

For instance, a 28-day all-inclusive program at Kembali Recovery Center only costs $6,000. That $6,000 gives you a resort-like location, luxurious accommodation, meals, adventures, massages, group therapy, individual counseling, yoga, and meditation, all within one of the most beautiful settings in the world.

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Kembali Recovery Center in Ubud

Renewal, Bali-Style

Bali is an island that seems to have been made for healing and recovery. A true paradise, it has beautiful landscapes, fascinating culture, thriving arts, and gorgeous beaches, along with a spiritual history and philosophy focused on growth, rehabilitation and rebirth. You can go there to relax, be renewed and you’ll leave with a new life.

Search our collection of luxury rehabs in Bali to compare pricing, facilities, accommodation, activities, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bali Rehabs

What makes Bali an ideal location for rehab?

The island’s natural beauty and rich culture make Bali an ideal destination for rehab. Its landscape, which includes beaches, jungles, and rice terraces, provides a peaceful atmosphere for those seeking recovery.

What types of treatments and therapies do Bali rehabs offer?

Bali rehabs offer a range of evidence-based and holistic therapies. Programs incorporate complementary elements like yoga, meditation, and experiential therapies in nature.

How do I choose the right rehab center in Bali?

When choosing a rehab in Bali, consider factors such as the facility’s accreditation, staff qualifications, treatment programs offered, and cost. It’s also helpful to read reviews from previous clients to get a better understanding of their experiences and the effectiveness of the program.