Innovative Therapies and Immediate Care: Why Go to Private Rehab in London

London, like many other cosmopolitan areas, is full of diversity and culture. The many languages, ethnicities, and nationalities found here lend the city a unique and lively feel. History seeps from every cobblestone corner, and bright red double-decker buses whiz past famous landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

While a busy city may sound counterintuitive to recovery—people often equate healing with the quiet countryside—it’s still possible to find serenity in this metropolis. Countless parks speckle the city and serve as sanctuaries amidst the hustle and bustle. And luxury rehab centers in London provide necessary pockets of peace. While inside, you might completely forget that the busy city is right outside the front door.

There are several benefits to attending private rehab in London. At some facilities, you’ll come across novel techniques, like TMS and Alpha-Stim therapy. You’ll experience a relatively mild climate that stays relatively warm all year round. And most importantly, you’ll have rapid access to high-quality care, instead of waiting for a spot in an NHS facility.

Should You Opt for Self-Pay?

All UK citizens are eligible for free addiction and mental health treatment. However, getting government funding to attend rehab1 can be complex. This process is often lengthy, and you’ll have to attend the first available facility. This likely won’t be the rehab of your choice.

By choosing to self-fund treatment, you’ll get to choose from a variety of options. There’s a good chance this means enrolling in your preferred center. Attending a private rehab streamlines your admission process. You’ll get faster access to care—and find safety that much sooner.

Some luxury facilities offer unique treatment options that NHS clinics don’t. By opting to self-pay, you can choose a center with innovative care methods that fit your unique needs.

Cutting-Edge Treatment Techniques

London is home to a number of universities, hospitals, and research centers. As these institutions study new treatment methods, rehab centers may add them to their list of services. In London, this means that clients can try novel therapies for treatment-resistant conditions, like Alpha-Stim therapy and esketamine.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that aids in relief from addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. This procedure uses magnetic pulses that stimulate or suppress areas of the brain. While there are different kinds of TMS, repetitive TMS (rTMS) is one of the most popular. In rTMS, repeating pulses are applied to specific places in your brain that correlate to your mental health condition.

The rTMS Centre specializes in this treatment. Clients can even see how rTMS works2 in person before committing to sessions. While some people experience side effects, they’re usually minor.

Alpha-Stim Therapy

In Alpha-Stim therapy,3 clients use a handheld device to send microcurrents to their brain. While this technique is especially effective for people experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, many others can still benefit from it. At The Soke, clients can utilize this treatment in relaxation pods after a talk therapy session.


For some clients, severe depressive symptoms remain despite medication and therapy. This is treatment-resistant depression. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternative options available—one of which is esketamine, a version of ketamine available in nasal spray form.4 When used in combination with medication, this prescription nasal spray is more effective than antidepressants alone.

Nightingale Hospital prescribes this spray to both outpatient and inpatient clients. After receiving your diagnosis, you’ll work with a health professional to determine your exact dosage. A psychiatrist will help clients administer this alternative depression treatment5 in 2 phases:

  • an induction phase, in which clients use the spray twice per week for one month
  • a maintenance phase, where treatment frequency lessens to once per week or every other week

However, clients may experience side effects such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, or vertigo. It’s also important to note that certain conditions make you ineligible for this medication. If you’re considering this esketamine in rehab, you’ll discuss your health history with your treatment team to determine if it could work for you.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

ECT also treats clients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).6 During this process, you will be under general anesthesia while electric currents trigger a small seizure in your brain. This procedure can alter your brain chemistry, which may help alleviate depressive symptoms. While this might sound intimidating, experts agree that ECT is safe for most people. According to the National Library of Medicine, “ECT is a relatively safe7 and low-risk procedure.”

At Nightingale Hospital, medical professionals will decide whether ECT is a good fit for you. If it is, you’ll have access to this treatment at 2 different hospitals: St. Charles Hospital, Ladbroke Grove, and Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. A private nurse escort will accompany you to and from each location to make your journey that much more comfortable.

Nightingale Hospital is a private mental health facility in Marylebone, the heart of London.

Unique Treatments for Your Specific Needs

Luxury rehabs in London cater to a varied group of people. And because London is one of the most diverse cities in the UK8—if not the world—health professionals are used to accommodating many different needs. Each center has their own unique specialties. It’s possible that one of them will fit your personal preferences.

Treatment for Clients With Eating Disorders

Everyone’s relationship to food is different. And if you have an eating disorder, it might be a little more complicated. For example, you might restrict your eating habits or view food as an emotional escape. Choosing a rehab facility that specializes in eating disorder treatment is crucial. These centers understand how to help you create healthy eating habits so that you can heal from the inside out.

Clients with eating disorders will find a supportive place to heal at Wimbledon Park Clinic This facility specializes in conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED).

Wimbledon Park Clinic has both traditional talk therapies and eating disorder-specific programs. These include body image therapy, nutrition classes, and exposure therapy. During exposure sessions, therapists slowly introduce food-related activities. For example, clients may shop for food, create nutritionally rich recipes, or order a meal in a restaurant under the guidance of specialized staff. This allows them to practice challenging situations they’ll face in real life with professional support. 

Tucked away in the suburbs of South West London, Wimbledon Park Clinic offers a quiet, safe environment for eating disorder treatment.

Flexible Attendance Options: Outpatient and Stepped Care

Responsibilities at home can make outpatient care your best option. For example, you may have children or a full-time job—or both. Some rehab facilities have intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) to fill this need. An outpatient program requires you to attend rehab during the day, but allows you to sleep in your home at night. Some have flexible schedules that clients adjust to fit their needs.

Clients at Schoen Clinic Chelsea can opt for partial or full-day outpatient care. Their stepped care model allows you to complete treatment at your own pace.9 With stepped care,10 clients move through rehab in “steps.” This means they start with the least intensive, most cost effective methods, such as group therapy. From there, they work their way up to more specialized and expensive care, like individual therapy and medication. Specialists will evaluate your progress, and determine when you’re ready to move to the next “step.” This creates a more flexible treatment plan, and lets you attend rehab in a way that works best for you.

Single-Client Treatment

Some clients prefer 1-on-1 care, in which they’re the only person in treatment at the rehab center. A team of health professionals will focus on you and yo​​ur family—and no one else. Because there are no other clients around, you only take part in individual therapy. These highly confidential environments allow for complete anonymity and are perfect for high-profile clients.

At Addcounsel, you’ll have the ability to personalize both your treatment plans and your residence. You’re able to choose the accommodation that best suits you. Treatment is flexible. You’ll work with your personal team to customize everything from your daily schedule to activities. And if in-person therapy doesn’t fit your needs, you can join an online program instead. Addcounsel even has in-home services—meaning their team will give you 24-hour care in your own home. This allows you to feel as comfortable as possible during your recovery journey.

You can receive treatment at Addcounsel‘s boutique facility in Mayfair, London, or opt for their in-home service.

Tailored Rehab for Arabic Communities 

London has a thriving British-Arab community. According to a 2011 census, the largest population of British Arabs in England11 is in London. Because of this, Addcounsel curated a rehab service for Arabs.12 Their team of Arabic-speaking specialists incorporate their understanding of cultural and religious nuances into treatment. This will help you feel more at ease during your recovery process.

Recovery in London’s Multicultural Atmosphere

With about 9 million people, London is the biggest city in the UK. It’s become an international hub of people from all over the world. These worldly influences reveal themselves in the city’s rich culture.

London’s many museums, movie theaters, and art galleries provide plenty of opportunities for unique cultural experiences. Some rehab centers take clients on excursions to explore the local area. For example, PROMIS London offers outings to museums, shopping areas and cinemas.

Some rehabs even bring the arts into the treatment experience.

Let London’s Arts Inspire Your Creativity 

London emphasizes the arts, and rehab is no exception. A number of treatment centers offer therapies that encourage clients to get creative. That’s because the process of making art can be highly cathartic for those in addiction treatment. Creativity is good for your mental health:13 studies show that engaging in imaginative activities reduces stress,13 decreases anxiety, and helps you process emotions. Nightingale Hospital capitalizes on the healing power of the arts through several types of creative therapy:14

  • dance therapy, in which clients use movement to process and explore emotions
  • art therapy, which can include painting, photography, or sculpting
  • drama therapy,15 which encourages clients to use action to move past traumatic events or emotions
  • music therapy, where clients play or listen to music to better understand their feelings

These therapies allow you to express yourself and work through difficult experiences in a safe space. And who knows—you may even find a new hobby in the process.

Care Close to the City

If you want to stay close to London but would prefer a quieter setting, there are several rehab centers located just outside of the city. For example, you’ll find The Cottage in the Surrey countryside, just under an hour away. Because of its secluded location, clients enjoy a truly private experience—the residence is even hidden from public view. And because of the proximity to nature, this center has plenty of activities that require a natural setting, like horseback riding and fly fishing.

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The Cottage treats 1 client at a time at their Surrey countryside property.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong place to heal, just like there’s no right or wrong way to approach recovery. You get to choose where to begin your journey, whether that’s in the busy capital or the calmer countryside—there are plenty of luxury rehabs in the UK in quieter locations. Regardless of where you go, the weather in and near London will be similar.

London’s Mild Year-Round Climate

The city’s southeast location means London has a relatively temperate climate16—one of the mildest in the UK. The crisp winters boast an average temperature of 42 °F (5.5 °C) in January. The summers are slightly warmer, with daytime temperatures averaging 65 °F (18 °C) in July. 

And contrary to popular belief, the sun does shine. Statistics declare sunshine about 5 days out of 6, although it can be brief. While rain is not uncommon (it’s wet about 165 days of the year), London sees plenty of dry days too. And they’re distributed fairly evenly—it rains equally throughout each season. Sometimes this turns to snow in the winter, but it usually melts quickly.

Overall, London’s weather is quite moderate. It’s much colder up north; the climate in the southern portion of England is toasty in comparison.

The weather isn’t the only thing that’s great about London’s location. It’s also a travel mecca, making it much easier to reach your final destination with ease.

6 International Airports Make Arriving at Rehab Simple

With more international airports than any other city in the world, flying to London17 is easy. Heathrow and London Gatwick are the 2 busiest airports, and you’ll likely fly into one of them if you’re arriving from outside of the UK. The United Kingdom has over 40 airports,18 which also makes it easy to come from a nearby area.

Some rehab facilities organize an airport pickup service for their clients. While London has an extensive public transportation system, navigating it on your own is often overwhelming. Contact your center’s admission team to coordinate your arrival so you’ll begin treatment stress-free.

Rehab in London is Just a Call Away

Whether you already live in the city or want to take advantage of easy access to this well-appointed capital, London is a convenient location to start treatment. Because it’s so well connected to the rest of the world, it’s easy to catch a flight here from almost anywhere. And because it’s such an international city, people of all different backgrounds have a better chance of finding the culturally competent care they need. 
See our curated list of luxury rehabs in London to discover more cutting-edge treatment methods, view self-pay costs, and get prompt access to life-changing care.

Affordable Luxury Care in the Tropics: 7 Reasons to Consider Rehab in Malaysia

Lush surroundings, cost-effective treatment, and quality care: these are just a few of the advantages of luxury rehabs in Malaysia

Treatment facilities here can help you heal from the inside out. And with plenty of interesting activities, holistic treatments, and personalized programs available, Malaysia is the perfect backdrop for many people’s recovery journeys. We’ll explore those reasons in depth below.

1. Malaysia’s Dense Rainforests and Dreamy Coastlines are Healing Settings

In the tropical climate of Malaysia, vibrant rainforests teem with life. Bright vegetation encircles the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Hot weather combines with plentiful rain to make greenery flourish. Green gives way to blue once you reach the sandy beaches that ring the country’s coastlines.

If this is the setting you’d like to start your recovery journey in, you’re in luck: several luxury rehabs offer comprehensive care in Malaysia. One such facility is Shine Wave Retreat, in the hills of Johor Bahru. Palm trees pepper the outdoor patio and grassy knolls surround the campus. Patients find refuge at this private oasis while they seek recovery for mental health conditions like anger, depression, or bipolar disorder.

Unique Jungle and Ocean Activities 

Some rehabs in Malaysia plan outings that immerse clients into the stunning landscape. Solace Asia, for example, has a variety of exhilarating outdoor activities to choose from. Time here might include white water rafting on local rivers, spotting monkeys, birds, and lizards on local trails in the forest, or reef diving among tropical fish and sea turtles.

Whatever adventure you embark upon, you won’t just be having fun—you’ll also be healing. Research shows that challenging yourself with new activities is beneficial for mental health.1 Adventurous pursuits make you feel good because they activate the same areas of the brain that rewards do. Learning new things strengthens your brain by creating new pathways. You’ll build confidence by accomplishing things that scare you. And you’ll feel more fulfilled—“a sense of flourishing,” says Frank Farley, Ph.D., a professor at Temple University.

And thanks to the tropical climate, it’s possible to do many of these activities most days of the year.

2. The Year-Round Warm Climate 

You can expect temperatures in Malaysia2 to range from warm (23°C or 73°F) to hot (32°C or 90°F). Because Malaysia has a tropical clim​​ate,3 conditions will be both humid and rainy. Monsoons bring heavy rainfall. The northeast monsoon lasts from November to March, and the southwest monsoon occurs from May to October.

If you’re wondering what to pack for rehab, definitely bring clothes for hot weather. However, most people in Malaysia are Muslim and dress conservatively. Because of this, it’s more acceptable to wear loose, lightweight clothing with more coverage for outings. A staff member at your facility can help you decide what to bring.

3. Malaysia Rehabs Accommodate Your Needs

It’s important to have your needs met as you focus on the challenging work of recovery. Whether you have diet restrictions or co-occurring mental health conditions, luxury treatment facilities in Malaysia are happy to accommodate.

Special Programs for Adolescents and Young Adults

No one is exempt from mental health conditions. Children, teens, and adults can all face challenges like depression or anxiety. In fact, research shows that mental health issues are on the rise in kids.4 And many struggle with additional distress due to recent world events. A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) found a 25% increase in anxiety and depression5 of people worldwide in 2020. 

Fortunately, centers like Shine Wave Retreat and The Wave Youth Clinic offer specialized treatment for young people, so no one is left behind.

The Wave Youth Clinic in Kuala Lumpur is a dedicated teen and young adult treatment center. Their full spectrum of care includes boarding and education, outpatient, and online services.

The Wave Youth clinic
An indoor pool, yoga deck, and outdoor basketball court are some of the amenities available at The Wave Youth Clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Flexible Dietary Offerings

Good nutrition is crucial in recovery as you heal from the damage of substances and stress. Whether you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, or adhering to religious guidelines, treatment centers cater to clients’ dietary needs.

At Serene Retreat, staff can prepare Kosher, Halal, vegan, or vegetarian meals. At Solace Asia, all food served follows Halal guidelines. Many luxury rehabs place a focus on healthy eating and will gladly adjust their menus to your dietary restrictions—check with admissions staff for details. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Mental health conditions often underlie substance use disorders. This is known as a “co-occurring disorder” or “dual diagnosis,” and many people aren’t aware of this until they discover it in treatment. It’s more common than you may think: about 9.2 million adults in the U.S. have a co-occurring disorder.6

Co-occurring disorders are complex, and require treatment by a team that truly understands them. You might require a combination of techniques that involve clinical, holistic, and medication-assisted care. Solace Asia is one rehab that specializes in dual diagnosis treatment.  Clinicians work with clients to create a personalized treatment plan that’s based on psychotherapy and may or may not include medication, depending on your needs. 

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Solace Asia‘s quiet, tropical property sits tucked away in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4. Healing (and Happiness) With Holistic Care

Luxury rehabs in Malaysia emphasize holistic care. Holistic treatment focuses on the whole person, addressing physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs as part of the recovery journey. Mind-body practices like yoga and mindfulness meditation facilitate the healing process and reconnect you to your happiness.

“Many of us forget to be happy,” says Solace Asia’s CEO & Clinical Director Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam. “Happiness is the basis of living. And I think whatever we do, it has to be based on being happy.”


Yoga combines breath and movement to calm the mind and rebalance the body. Its many health benefits include reducing stress, depression, and anxiety.7 Avoiding difficult emotions is a huge driver of addictive behavior. But yoga helps people come into an easier, less judgmental relationship with these feelings—thus decreasing the urge to use.

It’s no surprise, then, that yoga is a common fixture at many rehabs. And this holds true at treatment centers in Malaysia, like Shine Wave Retreat, where clients are encouraged to take part in regular classes.

Art Therapy

You don’t have to be a skilled artist to try art therapy; the goal of this experiential therapy is to serve as an outlet for your personal expression. Art therapy provides a safe environment to process feelings that are difficult to discuss. 

According to research, art therapy supports the recovery journey8 in these ways:

  • boosts self-esteem
  • improves self-awareness
  • builds emotional resilience
  • develops social skills
  • increases insight
  • reduces stress

The Wave Youth Clinic uses art therapy to help their teen and young adult clients through a variety of challenges. “Art therapy offers our young people a safe form of emotional expression and communication, unrestricted by language and/or communication difficulties,” says the center’s Clinical Lead, Mahisha Naidu. “The art offers a bridge between their inner world and the outside world, free of the confines of meeting certain levels of cognitive functioning.”

5. Cost-Effective Recovery

Rehabs in Malaysia are extremely affordable compared to other countries. At Serene Retreat, clients pay MYR 25,000 (about $5,500 USD or £4,500 GBP) for 28 days. 

Rehabs in the West have a much higher cost—private rehabs in the U.S., for example, average $1,000 USD per day or more. Treatment in Malaysia means all-inclusive care at an accessible price point. 

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Serene Retreat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia offers luxury accommodation at an accessible price point.

CEO & Clinical Director of Solace Asia, Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam says increasing access to mental health treatment is part of Solace Asia’s mission:

“When we first started Solace, our mission was to make sure anyone suffering from addiction could recover and live a normal life. After a few years, we revisited our mission and realized we have to make treatment affordable to the masses.”

And budget-friendly options don’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort. Luxury rehabs here are well-appointed with amenities like gourmet dining, outdoor pools, fitness facilities, adventure outings, and more.

6. Ambitious Treatment Standards

Many rehabs in Malaysia strive to stay up to date on the latest research and treatments. Dr. Shanmugam explains how the team at Solace Asia works to continually improve their programming

“We have a team of addiction treatment experts who are certified in this field specifically,” says Shanmugam.

“We make sure that our clinical team goes for training continuously. We are involved in research, in publications. We constantly keep ourselves updated with the latest treatment approaches.”

The Wave Youth Clinic also strives for clinical excellence, aiming to “raise the bar in the standards of family and adolescent therapy” internationally. Their integrated treatment approach is based on 7 core elements: clinical, medical, education, global citizenship, outside-inside, experiences, and destination future. 

7. Easy Air Travel

Malaysia has 6 international and 16 domestic airports.9 You’ll most likely fly into the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), as this is the main international airport. Once you arrive in Malaysia, it’s easy to take a connecting flight to an airport closer to your final destination. Most luxury rehabs can help you arrange airport transfers, and some can even connect you with sober coaches or companions to accompany you on the journey to the facility. 

See more on arranging treatment abroad in our article on traveling to rehab

Find Peace in the Land Below the Wind

Malaysian rehabs can be a great option for those who want treatment in a luxury setting, at non-luxury prices. The country’s incredible jungle and beach destinations and relaxed pace of life can go a long way toward easing the transition into recovery. 

See our list of luxury treatment centers in Malaysia to learn more about facilities, pricing, and program highlights, and reach out to admissions staff directly.

More People Are Considering Rehab in Portugal: Here’s Why

Residential rehab lets you step away from your daily environment and fully focus on recovery. While everyone’s healing journey is unique, many people find that a change in their surroundings facilitates healing in impactful ways. For some, traveling abroad for rehab can be profound.

Traveling can change your mindset: immersion in a new culture may promote positive thinking and foster a sense of connection to others. Often, luxury rehabs abroad are located in tranquil environments designed to relieve tension and cultivate calm. And certain destinations offer special therapeutic activities that you might not find back home.

Steeped in rich history and famous for its fresh seafood, a relaxed approach to life, and pastel-colored buildings ornate with bright Azulejos tiles, Portugal is quickly becoming a sought-after rehab destination.

It’s not just the landscape and culture that draws people to addiction treatment in the country. Here, you can find unique therapeutic approaches, including ibogaine treatment. Influenced by their warm culture, many centers have a home-like atmosphere supported by inviting staff. This level of comfort is especially important if you’re tentative about going abroad for treatment.

We explore some top reasons why addiction treatment in Portugal is gaining traction.

1. A Temperate Climate and Tranquil Landscapes

Temperate Climate

Portugal has mild weather, which can be a welcome change for people living in colder or hotter climates. Winter temperatures stay at around 16 °C (or 61 °F). Come summer, the region enjoys warmth and sun without the sweltering heat. Some cities, like Lisbon and Porto, have 11 hours of sun during the summer months.

Temperate climates can be good for your mental health.1 Research on temperature and self-reported mental health conducted in the U.S. revealed that humans are most comfortable in 16 to 21° C (or 60 to 70 °F), and the probability of self-reported mental health struggles increases in both colder and warmer temperatures.

Beautiful, Therapeutic Landscapes

Voted the top country to visit2 by Condé Nast Traveller’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, Portugal’s natural landscape is nothing short of stunning. Stretches of mesmerizing coastline border the country’s west. Inland, you’ll find striking mountains in the north, peaceful rolling hills to the south, and charming cobblestone towns that dot the areas in between.

According to a study published in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open Journal, this abundance of nature can aid addiction recovery3 in several ways:

  • it restores cognitive capacity;
  • it boosts recovery from psychosocial stress;
  • and it can enhance optimism.

As society grows more distanced from nature,4 we’re increasingly disconnected from its therapeutic benefits. Rehab can provide an opportunity to restore this important link. A Health Place journal study found that exposure to natural environments may even reduce cravings.5

Many private rehabs in Portugal emphasize connection to nature by making the most of the country’s tranquil greenscapes. In the historic town of Quinta das Lapas, Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre sits on a 10-acre property surrounded by countryside. Residents live in a Portuguese-style home with lush baroque gardens nearby. The center takes a multidisciplinary approach to addiction recovery and highlights the importance of outdoor activities and their green surroundings.

2. Rich History and Warm Culture

Portugal is culturally vibrant, brimming with rich history. From Arabic-influenced Moorish castles to gothic-style monuments, each of its cobbled-street cities is picturesque in its own right.

Many rehabs in Portugal make use of their proximity to culturally significant locations. Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre offers guided tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites, like the breathtaking baroque and neoclassical palaces found in Quinta das Lapas.

Quinta das lapas
Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre is located in the historic, charming town of Quinta das Lapas.

If exploring new sites sounds inspiring, the good news is that it can also be good for you. Travel delivers mental health benefits7 which can support your recovery process. Psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Todd B. Kashdan explains how travel can strengthen skills like emotional regulation: “exposure to foreign travel [is] linked to a greater ability to direct attention and energy, which helps us function effectively in diverse situations and display appropriate verbal and nonverbal signals of emotion… you become tolerant and even accepting of your own discomfort and more confident in your ability to navigate ambiguous situations.”

Attending rehab in another country can also foster deeper human connection6 and feelings of wholeness. It opens you up to new ways of communication. Portuguese culture is known as easygoing and friendly. This translates to what you’ll find at rehabs there, and many centers emphasize their cozy, home-like atmosphere.

Heritage Counseling Clinic
Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, Lisbon emphasizes their strong client-staff relations.

Heritage Counseling Clinic, in the historic town of Sintra, has made the client-staff connection an integral part of their treatment program. “Everything was designed so that the relation between patients and staff can flow naturally, ensuring that [you] can experience rapid integration.”

Tabula Rasa Retreat, which offers ibogaine treatment in Portugal’s Alentejo region, highlights their family-style environment and supportive team as a core component of their holistic approach.

3. A Menu of Treatment Options

Several luxury rehabs in Portugal have holistic addiction treatment programs. These programs include a balance of psychotherapy, holistic therapies, experiential therapies, and more. We explore common therapies offered at centers in Portugal, plus treatment that isn’t yet available in the U.S.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most common forms of evidence-based psychotherapy. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, behavior, and physiology are interconnected. By changing our thought patterns, we have the power to change our emotions and behavior. Several empirical studies point to the efficacy of CBT,8 with some psychologists calling it the “gold standard of the psychotherapy field,” as published in the Front Psychology journal. Many rehabs offer CBT to help treat addiction and mental health issues like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is led by 1 therapist – or a co-leader for bigger groups – and usually involves 5 or more participants, depending on the rehab’s intake numbers. This type of therapy allows for dynamic conversations and moments of reflection. The support network it offers often empowers people through their healing process. Simply knowing others are going through similar struggles can help you feel understood, activating parts of the brain associated with reward and social connection. These feelings could be amplified during group therapy abroad, when you see that people from different cultures share your struggle.

Family Therapy
Family is foundational to Portugal’s social structure. Several rehabs in the country offer family therapy. With the rise of telehealth for addiction treatment, it’s now more common for rehabs abroad to provide virtual sessions so family back home can participate. For some people, family inclusion is an important part of recovery. Family therapy can give you a better understanding of your unique family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. Substance abuse often impacts an entire family system – this form of psychotherapy is intended to help everyone involved heal. This can result in stronger family resilience and ties. The interpersonal skills you learn in family therapy can also be applied to other relationships in your life.

Holistic Therapies

Physical Activity
The significance of physical exercise for addiction treatment9 has been well documented: collective studies show that exercise can “reduce compulsive patterns of drug intake in clinical and at-risk populations.” You’ll often see some form of exercise included in most private rehab programs. With Portugal’s temperate weather and sunny summers, many rehab facilities offer outdoor physical activities when possible. Heritage Counseling Clinic’s program includes outdoor yoga and chi-kung. Meanwhile, Casa da Oliveira holds water activities in their outdoor pool during summer.

Art therapy
It’s not always easy to put your feelings into words. This is where art therapy can help. Art therapy offers several documented benefits for addiction recovery:10

  • Decreased denial
  • Lessened shame
  • A communication outlet
  • Less opposition to addiction treatment

When psychotherapy and art therapy are combined,10 they can work to promote each other’s goals.

Ibogaine Treatment

Ibogaine-assisted therapy is a type of alternative treatment usually delivered in a short-term residential facility. It involves administering ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid extracted from the iboga shrub native to West Africa. In small doses, it acts as a mild stimulant. In larger doses, ibogaine induces a dream-like state. This experience, when overseen by treatment professionals, serves as a potentially effective therapy for substance use disorder or other mental health diagnoses, like depression.

Research on ibogaine-assisted therapy for addiction treatment has been promising. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) observed the long-term effectiveness of ibogaine11 and found that “a single ibogaine treatment reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and achieved opioid cessation or reduced use across the one year study.”

Ibogaine has also been shown to reduce drug cravings12 for people suffering from opioid and cocaine addiction.

While ibogaine-assisted therapy isn’t yet available in the U.S., you can travel abroad for treatment. Countries like Mexico and Portugal have addiction treatment centers with ibogaine therapy. Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region of Portugal offers this therapy as part of their holistic approach to treatment. There, ibogaine therapy is administered in a monitored, safe environment by experienced medical professionals and is supported with complementary therapies like breathwork, massage, meditation, and more.

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Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal’s Alentejo area offers ibogaine treatment in a charming, safe home-like environment.

4. An Abundance of Activities

Portugal’s temperate weather allows for outdoor experiential therapies and activities year-round, like equine therapy, rappelling, and sightseeing. Experiential activities teach you new skills and can show you it’s possible to find joy in other interests. You may even discover lasting hobbies in the process.

Equine therapy
Equine-assisted therapy involves therapeutic work with horses, led by a professional guide or therapist, to help treat addiction and mental health disorders. It’s offered at several treatment centers in Portugal including Tabula Rasa Retreat in the Alentejo Region, Heritage Counseling Clinic in Sintra, and Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre in Monte Redondo.

Portugal’s unique landscape is dotted with mesmerizing, tall cliffs, lending itself well to activities like rappelling. Rappelling is a form of therapeutic climbing (TC) where you descend the face of a rock in a harness with a fastened rope to help guide you down. Some mental health benefits of therapeutic climbing13 (TC) include reduced symptoms of depression and improved psychological well-being. At Heritage Counseling Clinic, rappelling is combined with a unique cultural experience: the rappel site offers views of some of Portugal’s most well-known heritage castles.

Standing among century-old structures and heritage sites is linked with mental wellness,14 including improved mood and a deeper sense of citizenship among groups of people that share commonalities. The good news is, there’s no shortage of sightseeing in history-rich Portugal. At some rehabs, like Dianova Addiction Recovery Centre, you’re taken on guided tours of UNESCO Heritage palaces. For many people, addiction is isolating. These kinds of cultural experiences may foster a deeper sense of connection with the world, and other people, around you.

Sintra Portugal
Portugal is home to stunning heritage sites, like the famous Palacio Nacional da Pena in Sintra.

5. Accessible and Easy to Get Around

Portugal has 3 international airports in Lisbon, Faro, and Porto, and 4 smaller airports for domestic travel. A majority of U.S. airports have flights to Lisbon, with direct flights from some of the U.S.’s biggest international airports. Almost every major European city offers direct flights to Lisbon too.

Many rehabs offer airport pick-up services once you’ve landed in Portugal. While getting around the country is easy, with a well-functioning metro system and rideshare apps like Uber, it may be too overwhelming to navigate travel in the midst of early recovery. It’s recommended to speak with your rehab’s admissions team and arrange to have someone guide you to the center once you’ve landed.

Embark On Your Recovery Journey in Portugal

Attending rehab in a different country can help you gain a new perspective on life. This can be incredibly impactful to someone’s recovery journey. It shows you a different way of living, which may help you feel more connected to others and the world around you. With so much history and heritage, Portugal isn’t just an awe-inspiring place to find recovery: it can help inspire powerful connections and feelings of wholeness.

To learn more about addiction and mental health treatment in the country, browse our list of luxury rehabs in Portugal.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Portugal

How much does luxury rehab in Portugal typically cost?

Luxury rehab in Portugal typically costs under $10,000 up to $25,000 for a 30-day program without insurance. Cost can vary depending on factors like the duration of the program, level of personalized care, and amenities offered. It’s best to contact the individual luxury rehab centers in Portugal for accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

What amenities can I expect at a luxury rehab in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal offer a range of amenities:

• Luxurious, private accommodations
• Gourmet dining
• Spa and wellness facilities
• Recreational activities

What types of therapies are available at luxury rehabs in Portugal?

Luxury rehabs in Portugal provide a combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, adventure outings, equine therapy, rappelling, historical site visits, and more.

Houston Luxury Rehabs: Specialized Care by Top-Notch Professionals

Houston—or “H-Town” as it’s often called by locals—is known for its year-round warm and sunny weather, numerous outdoor activities, and multicultural population. Many treatment centers in Houston take advantage of the temperate climate, outdoor programs, plentiful walking paths, gardens, and more.

Houston offers exceptional treatment options for executives, youth and adolescents, and LGBTQ+ clients, and is in close proximity to the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical complex in the world.1

By choosing a comfortable setting for recovery, you can relax and focus on your healing process. Houston could be the best place for you if you’re looking for easy access to nature, laid-back local culture, and a diverse area with some of the best medical professionals in the industry.

Houston’s Outdoor Opportunities

This vibrant city is full of outdoor areas for residents to enjoy. In fact, Houston was ranked number 1 in the United States for total green space2 compared to other cities of similar density. The area is often warm and sunny, although it’s considered “subtropical” and still gets about 50 inches of rain per year on average. Buffalo Bayou runs through the city, and the surrounding park offers a beautiful backdrop of lush greenery against its skyscrapers.

Spending time outdoors and in nature helps promote healing and relaxation. One study found that just 5-10 minutes of exercise outside each day improves both mood and self-esteem.3 Houston offers many opportunities for residents to experience nature, whether by kayaking through Buffalo Bayou, running on the oak-lined path along the Outer Loop at Rice University, or hiking through tropical forests at Big Thicket Park.

Houston’s Diversity

Houston is full of rich cultural diversity. It’s known as a multicultural city and hosts one of the largest Pride parades in the U.S.,4 with almost 700,000 in attendance in 2019. It’s the 4th largest city in the country, and Houston’s current demographics show the projected outlook for diversity5 in the rest of the nation in 40 years. Thanks to this diversity, health professionals in Houston are well-equipped to treat a wide variety of conditions, adapting their care to specific patients.

The Texas Medical Center

Texas medical center
The Texas Medical Center is the world’s largest medical city, spanning over 2 square miles.

The Texas Medical Center is a world-renowned medical district,6 taking up more than 2 square miles in south-central Houston. The center includes 21 hospitals, many of which are considered the best in the U.S., as well as 8 academic and research institutions. Together, these facilities make up the 50+ total medical organizations in the region. Houston’s close proximity to TMC means that health professionals in this area are often some of the best in their fields, and up to date on the latest research to better help you with your recovery.

Connect With Your Community in Houston Rehabs

Rehab is an opportunity to build community with people who share similar goals. If you enjoy spending time outside, desire a more multicultural setting, or are interested in the arts, a program in Houston might be a good fit. LGBTQ+ rehab clients will feel especially welcome here, as will people of multicultural backgrounds. By connecting with people who share some of your life experiences, you can give and receive mutual support during recovery.

Recovery for Adolescents and Young Adults

J. Flowers Health Institute and The Menninger Clinic both provide care for adolescents and young adults. Both institutes place a heavy focus on one-on-one counseling and offer family therapy. They work to create extremely personalized treatment plans for younger clients, within environments that have been designed to meet their unique needs. “That’s the piece that means the most to me, is really seeing people go home, and thrive in life,” says the center’s founder, Dr. James S. Flowers.

menninger clinic
The Menninger Clinic has been treating clients for over 95 years and offers programs specialized for certain demographics.

Gender-Specific and LGBTQ+ Treatment

Several treatment centers understand the importance of gender-specific recovery. Eudaimonia Recovery Homes, for example, has a women’s home, a men’s apartment, and an LGBTQ+ house. These affordable residences are meant to provide safe and secure living environments, and are accompanied by a 3-phase recovery program that helps to “promote personal growth and life skills, provide accountability, and support ongoing sobriety with outpatient services.” Sometimes, being surrounded by people with similar life experiences can help you feel more comfortable throughout the healing process.

Eudaimonia Recovery home living room
Eudaimonia Recovery Homes provides gender-specific recovery and housing.

Programs for Executives

The J. Flowers Health Institute specializes in treating professionals and aims to provide quality care in a shorter amount of time. “We have the brightest minds in the country here in Houston, Texas because of the Texas Medical Center,” says co-founder Robbin Mooney. “What normally takes weeks or months to get in front of some of the top specialists here, Dr. Flowers and the team can usually get our clients in 1-2 days.”

J.Flowers yoga
J. Flowers Health Institute sits on spacious, verdant grounds and offers access to top-notch professional care.

Traveling to Houston

Houston is easily reachable by plane. Its 2 airports are serviced from many destinations, both domestic and international. Driving is also an option, although flying is certainly easier. A staff member from your rehab center will typically pick you up upon arrival at the airport. Make sure you check with your admissions team before booking your travel plans, to find out which options are available.

Houston is a bustling metropolitan area, but many treatment centers are tucked away in quieter suburbs or across larger grounds for a more peaceful setting. The city is also easily accessible by car.

Amenities and Activities

Houston locals enjoy spending time outdoors and getting involved in the city’s arts and music scene. Some treatment centers even invite clients to focus on artistic pursuits during treatment. For example, both The Right Step and Briarwood Detox offer music and art therapies. These, along with other experiential therapies “allow you to focus on the mind-body connection, an important aspect of healing.”

At Briarwood Detox, you’ll participate in art activities—like group drawing projects or meditating to music—3 times each week. Residents can also enjoy live music performances twice a month. According to the experts at this center, “music not only works to combat feelings of anxiety and depression, but it may also help clients associate music with sobriety instead of substance abuse.”

While in Houston, you can take advantage of the warm sunshine and enjoy various outdoor activities. The city is located near the Gulf of Mexico, and residents can soak up the sun on beaches within a short driving distance of the city. Many treatment centers also have outdoor spaces where residents can walk, jog, relax, and participate in mindful activities like yoga and meditation. These activities aren’t just enjoyable; they’re also an important part of recovery. Data show that hospital gardens help reduce stress,7 which boosts the immune system and helps promote faster healing.

luna recovery pool
Residents can soak up the sun out by the pool at Laguna Recovery.

In addition to these outdoor amenities, most Houston rehabs have air-conditioned rooms that keep residents comfortable in the heat. Some treatment centers, like Luna Recovery, hold adventure outings for residents. The Right Step also offers recreational therapy. During these weekly outings, you might play basketball at a park, see a movie at the theater, or visit a local museum.

Warmth and Welcome at Houston Recovery Centers

Spending time in a new space—and outside of your usual comfort zone—may offer you some much-needed clarity. If you decide that traveling for rehab is for you, it’s important to choose a location that suits your unique preferences.

Attending a treatment center in Houston would be a great choice if you love spending time outside in warmer climates and desire a more diverse and multicultural area. The easy access to top medical professionals at TMC will ensure that you have some of the best quality care possible. Rehabs in this area allow patients to stay connected with nature, art, and culture, while still taking the time they need to heal.

View our list of different luxury treatment centers in sunny Houston.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Houston

What sets luxury rehabs in Houston apart from others?

Houston luxury rehabs stand out thanks to their world-class medical care, quality service, upscale amenities, specialized programs, and Southern hospitality.

What therapies are offered at luxury rehabs in Houston?

Luxury rehabs in Houston offer a diverse range of evidence-based and complementary therapies. These may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), experiential therapy, mindfulness practices, and holistic treatments, all aimed at promoting personal growth and sustainable recovery.

Do luxury rehabs in Houston offer aftercare support?

Yes, Houston luxury rehabs understand the importance of ongoing support after completing a treatment program. They typically provide aftercare services like alumni programs, counseling sessions, and support networks to help individuals maintain sustainable recovery.

Rehabs in Greece: A Culture of Whole-Person Healing

Rehab provides the opportunity for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Talk therapy and medical care are certainly essential to the treatment process. But sometimes a change in environment can be helpful, too. A new atmosphere full of fresh sights, sounds, and feelings can shift your perspective to inspire your recovery journey.

For many people, rehabs in Greece offer the chance for personal rebirth and renewal.
This island country is rich in history. Emerald waters, charming neighborhoods, and ancient citadels make Greece a sought-after Mediterranean escape. And in addition to its awe-inspiring sights, Greece offers an abundance of activities that luxury rehabs here take full advantage of. Greek rehabs’ approach to holistic health, emphasis on community connection, and experience with celebrity clientele make this destination a viable option for people who are seeking all-around wellness, or who need an escape from the public eye.

Renew and Refresh in Greece

Greece landscape
Greece has some of the world’s most picturesque coastlines.

Greece is made up of hundreds of islands dotted throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas. Each is scattered with ruins that reveal a storied past, surrounded by vivid blue waters. Many luxury rehabs here make the most of their location and take clients on beach excursions. Some facilities even directly overlook the ocean.

Coastal landscapes don’t just make for breathtaking views. Research from the University of Exeter reveals that living by the sea can improve your mental health and well-being.1 The ocean’s blue can help put you in a state of calm, which can be an especially helpful change of scenery if you’re coming from a more urban environment.

Memorable Outdoor Excursions

Greece is graced by the Mediterranean’s sought-after climate, which lends itself nicely to the variety of outdoor-based activities offered at programs here.
Outdoor access can be a boon to the rehab experience. Mental health experts find that exposure to nature and outdoor activities can improve your mental well-being.2

Rehabs in Greece provide ample opportunities for rejuvenation in nature:

  • Fitness by the sea
  • Farming and gardening
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Luxury yacht trips
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Rock climbing

Participating in these and other outdoor activities as part of treatment can reduce stress, help you connect with others, and allow you to shift your focus to learning something new.

Ancient History to Inspire a New Future

greece rehabs
Historical landmarks and cultural sites dot the country.

Many rehab programs include excursions to historical sites and relics of the past that make Greece a popular destination. Some treatment centers are only a 30-minute car drive away from world-famous historical landmarks like the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Acropolis, and the National Archeological Museum.

Keep in mind that rehab isn’t a vacation. However, ancient landscapes are proven to provide therapeutic value,3 a phenomenon dubbed “culture therapy” by researchers at the Human Henge project.

A trip to sites like the Acropolis in Athens can evoke a deep sense of reverence that can possibly enhance your treatment experience. As explained in Human Henge’s research report, “just as emotional and aesthetic responses can help people understand significant places… significant places experienced in particular ways can stimulate the same kinds of feeling. With care and sensitivity these can be directed to…[cause] the human spirit to flourish.”

Addiction can disconnect us from our sense of appreciation for life. But being in spaces of historical significance has the potential to stir up feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Through that, you may learn to be more perceptive of the world around you, which may just help you find joy in the everyday once more.

Activities and Experiential Therapies

There’s no shortage of things to do in Greece. Clients have unique opportunities to learn and heal through the variety of activities and experiential therapy programs available in the country. Engaging in these activities in a therapeutic setting can help you discover new ways of being and stimulate meta-awareness.4

Meta-awareness can help you overcome triggers that may lead to substance or alcohol use by learning to regulate your emotions so you’re less reactive to distressing thoughts or scenarios. It can also make you more aware of spontaneous reactions you may not have thought of before—for example, automatically reaching for a drink in stressful situations.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Horses play an integral role in ancient Greek culture. Many rehabs in the country offer equine-assisted psychotherapy, also known as equine therapy. Working with horses is proven to help participants break down communication barriers5 and adjust their perspective to focus on the needs of another being. As a result, you may experience a new bond of trust that opens doors in your relationships outside of rehab.

Museum Visits

Museums are becoming recognized as therapeutic environments6 with the ability to improve mental health via art therapy. And Greece is home to some of the world’s most famous, like The Acropolis Museum in Athens, which displays some of the country’s greatest archeological finds. Exciting site visits are included in the treatment programs at centers such as Marieva Healthcare, Hellenic Practice, and The Poseidon Method.

Physical Activity

Research shows that exercise can aid in recovery from substance use disorders. Physical activity can help ease withdrawal symptoms, depression, and anxiety7 that may occur after you’ve discontinued using.

It may be easier to find the motivation to exercise in Greece. Greek people like to stay active: 84.6% of Greece’s adult population meets WHO recommended physical activity levels for health.8 With great weather year-round, many rehab programs in the country take clients outside for athletic activities at least a couple of times a week.

Holistic Healing

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Hellenic Practice in Athens, Greece, champions holistic healing.

Holistic health, which treats the whole person—body, mind, soul, and spirit—has its roots in ancient Greece. Today, the country is a magnet for wellness tourism.9

Thanks to its reputation as a wellness getaway, there are many luxury holistic rehabs in Greece. Programs at these facilities are usually designed by teams of experts from different health-related backgrounds. Given their extensive experience with holistic treatment, these rehabs offer a comprehensive program that integrates different types of treatments, rather than simply adding complementary therapies into the mix. Integration is key for a more effective holistic addiction treatment program.10

Complementary Therapies

It’s common to find rehabs in Greece that include nutrition therapy, physical activity, lifestyle change strategies, and complementary therapies in their treatment programs. These treatments combined can help you heal in ways that may not be achievable through talk therapy alone.

Greek rehabs treat clients using a wide range of complementary therapies:


When you think of Greek cuisine, briny olives, tangy feta cheese, and fresh vegetables and fish may come to mind. The good news is, these traditional staples aren’t just delicious—they’re also good for your health. More than just a fad, clinical trials have shown that the Mediterranean diet may improve depressive symptoms and reduce depression remission rates.11

Several rehabs in Greece provide healthy nutrition plans along with the tools to maintain good eating habits. Some high-end rehabs dive even further into nutrition and work with clients to identify their nutritional issues, set up individualized goals, and create a sustainable lifestyle plan. You can even participate in cooking classes to learn the skills you need to prepare nourishing meals back home.

Finding Community and Rebuilding Relationships

Rehab opens the door not just to healing yourself, but also to restoring your relationships. It provides an opportunity to form connections with like-minded people, which can help you learn to relate to others in healthier ways.

Strong communities are central to Greek culture, and this comes across at many treatment centers. Multiple programs have a warm, community atmosphere that reflects the country’s social culture. Staff are often personable, helping clients feel attended to and cared for.

Another key aspect of Greek culture is family bonds. Certain centers recognize the impact of involving family in the recovery process and offer family therapy programs. Addiction usually affects the entire household. However, it’s common that clients and their loved ones haven’t acknowledged past traumas that may have fractured family dynamics. Family therapy in rehab can help facilitate healthier family ties, which is an important component of sustainable recovery.

Luxury Experiences at Private Rehabs in Greece

Greece is a well-known luxury travel destination. Celebrities, politicians, and executives alike travel to Greece to unwind. Luxury rehabs in Greece have been serving this clientele for years and have a good understanding of their needs.

Individualized Attention at Ultra-Exclusive Centers

Luxury rehabs in Greece go above and beyond to offer each client unparalleled individualized attention. At some premium rehabs, you have access to 24/7 emotional support and therapeutic assistance from therapists, clinical professionals, and senior staff. Some people are used to certain levels of attention and comfort. Many healthcare experts agree that comfort is integral to a patient’s experience,12 and having these comforts removed can be a counterproductive distraction from the treatment process.

Addressing the Needs of Executives and High-Profile Clients

The Poseidon Method in Mykonos, Greece, offers a VIP treatment track program.

Certain rehabs in Greece have celebrity treatment programs specifically aimed to meet the unique needs of celebrities, VIP clients, and public personalities. Confidentiality in treatment can be a concern for this clientele. If you need absolute privacy, single-client rehabs in Greece can help you remain safely out of the public eye.

Rehab centers that understand the unique circumstances high-profile individuals face can help these clients lay strong foundations for healthy habits geared particularly towards their lifestyle demands.

Getting There

As a popular destination country, Greece is easily accessible by plane. The majority of travelers arrive through Athens International Airport. From there, they either fly or take a ferry to other Greek islands.

Luxury rehab centers in Greece offer airport pick-up and personal chauffeur services during your stay. Chaperoned field trips and shopping are also part of several centers’ programs.

Greece has options for rehabs closer to consumer areas like Athens. Or if you’d like to step back from it all, the country offers more isolated locations, from the highest mountain in Mykonos to a private cottage near the countryside.

Beginning Your Journey to Healing

For some, traveling can be a powerful way to begin their recovery. Going to a new and interesting place can put important space between your former patterns and your new goals. Ideally, you’ll return to your day-to-day life equipped with a new perspective, healthier habits, and strong support systems in place.

Greece provides access to natural wonders and cultural experiences that might provide just the inspiration you need to start your new chapter.

See our list of luxury rehabs in Greece to explore treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab in Greece

What sets Greece rehabs apart from other international rehab destinations?

Greece stands out as a rehab destination for its picturesque locations, rich cultural heritage, and high-quality addiction treatment programs. The serene, temperate climate, strong sense of community, and holistic approach to recovery, make Greece a sought-after destination for people seeking a comprehensive rehab experience.

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Greece rehabs?

Greece rehabs offer a range of addiction treatment programs, including detoxification, individual and group therapy, holistic therapies, recovery activities unique to the country, and aftercare support. These programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, promoting lasting recovery.

How long does a typical stay at a Greece rehab last?

The duration of a stay at a Greece rehab can vary depending on the individual’s treatment needs and progress. While some programs offer shorter stays of a few weeks, others provide more extended treatment options that can last several months. The length of stay is determined through a personalized assessment and treatment planning process.

Learning by Doing With Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy lets you heal by doing. Taking part in activities during rehab encourages you to learn new skills, and it can be a lot of fun. But this therapeutic modality offers much deeper benefits. It’s also a way for clients to get to know themselves in different contexts, processing emotions they might not easily access during talk therapy.

When you think of therapy, you may picture a private or group conversation with a trained healthcare provider. That’s an important part of any inpatient rehab experience, but it’s not the only way to heal. Experiential therapy techniques can help you get out in the world, center yourself in your body, connect with your community, and tap into your innate creativity. In the safe and supported environment of rehab, clients can then process these experiences with a talk therapist.

For many people, this is a valuable way to work through emotional triggers. You’ll learn what does and doesn’t work for you, relating recent events to your personal history. Then you can set new goals for your next session of experiential therapy, gradually getting better at navigating new situations. There are many different types of experimental therapy, and depending on where you go to rehab, you may be able to choose from a wide variety of activities. It’s important to choose a type of therapy that will support your healing process.

Types of Therapeutic Activities and Expression

If you want to try experiential therapy, look for a rehab center that offers specific programs you’re interested in. If you find physical exercise to be especially healing, you might want to go rock climbing or river rafting. If you enjoy connecting with nature, you may prefer hiking or equine therapy. And if you find meaning in the arts, you can even visit museums while you’re in treatment. There are countless options available.

However, it’s important to remember that rehab is not a vacation. Not every experience will be available to every client, or at every facility. You can rely on your clinical team to help you decide which ones are a good fit for you.

Athletic Activities

Research shows that exercise has a positive impact on addiction recovery.3 It’s not only physically healthy; it’s also a way to remind yourself that you’re a capable person. By overcoming new challenges, you’ll create memories that remind you of your own strength. If you can literally scale a mountain, it may be easier to face the peaks and valleys of the recovery journey.

Sierra Tucson rockclimbing
Rock climbing is one of the many athletic activities available at Sierra Tucson in Tucson, Arizona.

These experiential therapies aren’t just metaphors for your future success. In a practical way, they also give clients a break from talk therapy. By stepping into a new context, you’ll gain insights that just aren’t as accessible in talk therapy. Jerry Vaccaro, President of All Points North Lodge in Colorado, explains that these activities are intended “to help clients incorporate what they’ve just learned. If you think about it, if somebody who’s been through an intensive burst of treatment in a week goes skiing, that activity allows them to unplug and process what they’ve just been through and enjoy themselves.”

Adventure Therapy

Many people approach recovery as a spiritual journey. And in the right context, experiential therapy can be a transcendent experience. Residents of White River Manor, in South Africa, are invited to go on safari. As Giles Fourie, Director and Co-owner, describes it, “safaris through the Kruger National Park are a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a lot of people. To experience wildlife in its natural habitat is so unique and so special. It’s liberating. It’s almost spiritual in nature.”

White River Manor safari
Guests at White River Manor in South Africa have the opportunity to partake in unique experiences like a once-in-a-lifetime safari.

And if South Africa isn’t right for you, there are other places to find adventure. At The ‘Ohana, in Hawaii, clients visit “the famous volcano of the island. They will tour the rim of the volcano as well as visit lava tubes. They will be immersed into nature; connecting to the earth and the power which it holds. Clients will experience a therapeutic group session along their journey as they reflect on how things are constantly changing. Volcanoes beautifully illustrate the process of rebuilding and reshaping.”

Looking into a volcano can be a spiritual experience for anyone, whether or not they’re in recovery. Having these experiences surrounded by your cohort, and supported by staff members from your rehab program, is an extremely powerful experience. These adventures offer you a new perspective on your own life, as well as on the world around you.

Art Therapy

Many people misuse substances in order to avoid dealing with negative emotions that they’re afraid to feel or express. The creative outlet of art therapy allows you to engage with those feelings without being subsumed by them. In this modality, clients “use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings.” This engaging, cathartic experience offers clients new tools for self-expression.

After inpatient rehab, it’s important to find healthy, sustainable ways to fill your time. Ideally, you’ll replace past behaviors with new activities that you find meaningful. For many people, art is the answer. This practice is both versatile and accessible—art therapy may include visual art, music, writing, or psychodrama. Once you return home, you can continue any of these activities, either on your own or in community.

Art isn’t just for artists. There’s great value in the act of creation, whether or not you intend to share your work in public. Preliminary research has even found a correlation between creativity and self-esteem.1 Art therapy is an opportunity to not only learn a new skill, but also to learn more about yourself.

The Philosophy Behind the Experiential Approach

Any activity, from adventure outings to ziplining, can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “the way you do one thing is the way you do everything—or at least, there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.”

Experiential therapy engages different parts of the brain,2 and can be extremely beneficial when combined with other modalities. You’ll also have the opportunity to apply your insight from talk therapy in a new environment, and often in group settings. This way, clients can practice not only making safe choices, but also building healthy relationships. Even if you go off-site, everything you do during rehab takes place within a protected, supported context. Think of experiential therapy like riding a bike with training wheels. You’ll be exposed to new stimuli, and you’ll probably be a little uncomfortable. There’s a lot to learn from that discomfort. And you can trust that your therapists and support staff will be there to keep you on track, even if you get triggered.

Not every therapeutic modality is right for every client, and it’s ideal to find activities that best suit your learning style.4 According to one popular theory, there are four major learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and kinesthetic. If you’re a verbal learner, for example, you may want to focus on talk therapy instead of learning martial arts.

However, you may be surprised to see which types of therapy suit you best. Rehab is a time to get to know yourself better than you have in the past and let go of negative preconceptions. As you reconnect with your most deeply held values, you just might get excited to try new things.

Limitations of Activity-Based Treatment Techniques

It’s important to note that experiential therapy isn’t right for everyone. For example, many people arrive at rehab with post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These clients may not be ready for strenuous activity, or even to go off-site with a group.

On the other hand, you may prefer a program without any group activities. Some clients, especially celebrities and high-level executives choose to attend private rehab facilities which treat only one client at a time. These facilities may offer adventure therapies, but that context won’t allow you to learn about group dynamics in quite the same way.

Experiential therapy is absolutely not a substitute for talk therapy. These excursions are valuable for many reasons, not least of all because you can return to talk therapy afterward and process your experience. This is true before, during, and after rehab. Joining a rock climbing gym is a great idea for some clients, but it should be combined with some sort of clinical care.

What This Means When You’re Choosing a Treatment Program

Finding the right kind of experiential treatment is a very personal process. Some people may benefit from stepping outside their comfort zones, trying exciting new activities they’ve never had access to before. Others may want to hone a skill, or return to a hobby they once loved. There’s no right or wrong way to choose an activity to focus on; there’s just the right way for you.

As you look into rehabs, be mindful of what type of treatment you find in various locations. Your preferences may also inform the geographical area of your program. If you live in Texas and want to go skiing during rehab, for example, it probably makes sense to travel to a new place.

It’s quite common for rehab facilities to only offer certain experiences to certain clients. You may be required to complete part of the program before you can participate in off-site outings. For example, Futures Recovery Healthcare offers a number of programs for people with different needs. Clients in their adventure therapy program, Rise, take part in a 10-day on-site stabilization program before joining other activities.

Futures Recovery Healthcare Rise
Futures Recovery Healthcare’s Rise program offers a uniquely active, adventure-based approach to recovery.

Create Meaning Through Experience

Rehab is an opportunity to make big changes. And in order to change the way you feel, you’ll almost certainly begin by changing what you do. Rather than just setting down old behaviors, it’s important to refill your time with activities that give your life purpose. Cultivating that sense of fulfillment makes recovery more sustainable. What you do in experiential therapy may or may not become your new favorite hobby: you might just discover that you hate surfing, and get excited to return home to the Midwest. Regardless, each of these experiences serve to teach you more about yourself.

To learn more about the many activities you can try during treatment, connect with a luxury rehab offering experiential therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Experiential Therapy

What is experiential therapy in rehab?

Experiential therapy is a therapeutic modality that encourages healing through hands-on activities and experiences. It goes beyond traditional talk therapy and allows clients to engage in activities like rock climbing, equine therapy, or art therapy. These experiences help clients learn new skills, process emotions, and gain insights in a different context, leading to deeper personal growth and self-discovery.

How does experiential therapy benefit addiction recovery?

By engaging in physical activities and adventures, such as athletic activities or adventure therapy, people in recovery can boost their self-esteem, develop resilience, and gain a new perspective on life. Art therapy, for example, provides a creative outlet for self-expression and exploring emotions. These therapies complement talk therapy, helping clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and build stronger relationships.

How to choose the right experiential therapy for rehab?

When choosing an experiential therapy for rehab, it’s important to consider your interests and preferences. Look for rehab centers that offer specific programs aligned with your goals, such as outdoor adventure or music therapy. Discuss with your clinical team to determine which activities are suitable for your healing process. Remember, not every therapy is suitable for everyone, and it’s essential to find activities that resonate with your learning style and contribute to your overall well-being during the recovery journey.

What to Expect While You’re in Rehab

Rehab is a place for you to build a sustainable life. In order to do that, you’ll develop healthy daily habits, learn to cope with cravings, and set goals. This is not a simple process. In order to create a better future, you first need to understand what led you to this point. By working through your emotional experience of your life so far, you’ll learn more about yourself and your own values. And when you truly understand yourself, you open the door to a life that can support your unique version of health.

Most rehab programs are designed to give you a type of structure you may have been missing up until now. You’ll likely have a full agenda, waking up early for a full day of activities and going to bed soon after you finish them. This schedule strikes a delicate balance. The intensive process keeps you focused on the work at hand, with little time to get too distracted by the cravings and triggers you came to get a break from. You will, however, have some opportunities for downtime to process the hard emotional work you’re doing in therapy. How intensive this journey is varies from program to program.

Because everyone is different, each rehab center offers a number of different healing modalities, ranging from individual therapy to recreational group outings. The process may feel more accessible if you have a sense of what to expect in advance.

A Typical Day in Rehab

Your time in rehab will be carefully curated by a team of healthcare providers. In addition to receiving medical care, you’ll spend time with the other residents, attending one-on-one therapy, and processing your experiences. Here’s what a typical schedule might look like: 

7am – 8am Yoga 

8am – 9am Breakfast 

9am – 10:30am Individual therapy 

10:30am – 12pm Group therapy 

12pm – 1pm Lunch 

1pm – 1:45pm Medical aspects or energy work

1:45pm – 3:30pm Trauma therapy

3:30pm – 4:30pm Recreation therapy

4:30pm – 5:30pm Meditation

6:30pm – 7:30pm Group Activity or Speaker

7:30pm – 10pm  Free Time & Homework

10pm Bedtime

You won’t have the same schedule every day, but it’s likely that each day will be tightly structured. Most facilities have time set aside for visiting hours, family therapy, and experiential therapies or outings such as skiing and rock climbing. Some rehabs offer even more flexibility. For example, at All Points North Lodge , a luxury rehab in Colorado, clients sometimes go on nature walks with their therapists during individual sessions. 

As you can see, most centers maintain a balance between time alone, one-on-one sessions with a provider, and group experiences. Every one of these dynamics is an important part of healing. Because rehab is a place to reconnect with yourself, it’s valuable to learn how to be alone. Talking through your feelings with a trusted guide in a private setting will help keep you on track throughout that process. Social dynamics offer group support, and encourage clients to hone their interpersonal skills. Many clients even find the simple act of sharing meals with their rehab community gives them a helpful sense of camaraderie and support. 

paracelsus bedroom
Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Personalized Programming at Bespoke Treatment Centers

Some residential rehabs serve only one client at a time, offering a completely bespoke experience tailored to meet their needs. Other rehabs take a holistic approach, treating a few clients at a time using a highly individualized approach. For instance, the team at Paracelsus Recovery works very closely with each person in their care to come up with a plan perfectly suited to their recovery goals. Louis Fitzmaurice, a therapist at Paracelsus, says: 

“Everything that goes on in the therapeutic environment that we exist in has been created for and directed at our client. It’s designed. It’s tailor-made for our client, everything that goes on. That’s the food, the complementary therapy, the psychotherapy, the psychiatry. That’s me, the live-in therapist. That’s the physical work. Everything that goes on in the environment is focused on our client and is for the best outcome for our client.”

This careful scheduling offers clients the structure they were likely missing before rehab. It also ensures that you’ll have the chance to benefit from a number of different healing modalities. 

Emotional Exploration in Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a safe, private space for you to express yourself without being concerned about the listener’s reaction. Your therapist’s job is not to fix you, but to help you do the hard work of healing. 

This is not a fast or easy process, but in the end, it’s worth the effort. By developing the skills to navigate whatever life throws at you, you can come to rely on yourself and go forward with confidence. Ryan Soave, Director of Program Development at All Points North Lodge, says that “With therapy in general, the goal is not to reach some place where nothing affects you and you’re happy 100% of the time. It’s really about building the capacity to experience difficult emotions, to experience hardship. We’re going to experience pain – it’s part of life. In fact, we can’t have joy without pain. The more we can build the capacity to experience the full amount of pain, the more capacity we have to experience joy in life.”

During individual therapy, you’ll get to process anything that’s coming up for you. You might feel called to talk about your life before rehab, your daily experience of the program, or your concerns about the future. This is also a place to discuss practical skills like how to manage cravings, how to define your goals, and how to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. Bear in mind, however, that one-on-one therapy is just a starting point. It’s your responsibility to take what you learn in this context and apply it to the rest of your life. 

There are many different styles of one-on-one therapy. Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have access to some or all of these; you may even want to choose a program based on which types of therapy they offer. Some popular styles of therapy offered at rehab are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),1 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),2 and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).3

As productive as individual therapy is, it’s not a simple solution to all your problems. In fact, much of the work of therapy happens between sessions. This allows you to reflect on your observations, put what you’ve learned into practice, and gain new insights into your patterns. When you return for your next session, you’ll be ready to delve even deeper into your treatment process. As you integrate the lessons of therapy into your daily experience, you’ll develop a greater understanding of yourself. Eventually, you’ll start to define what you want your life to look like after rehab.

Group Therapy and Social Dynamics

Group therapy is another way to prepare yourself for life after rehab. This is an opportunity to connect with people at a similar point in their path. By building community with the other clients in your program, you’ll realize through sharing your experiences that you’re not alone. As valuable as it is to work with a therapist, there are some lessons that you can only learn from peers. As Lana Seiler, Associate Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “We’re social creatures by nature, so it’s a very different feel working one-on-one with someone versus working in a small group and in their community.”

If you attend a program for a specialized cohort—such as a men’s group, a women’s group, or a group for older adults—group therapy may allow you to speak in shorthand. If you’re the parent of adult children, for example, there are parts of your life that a childless 23-year-old might not understand without explanation. On the other hand, that same person can probably teach you a great deal about what it’s like to be a young adult relating to her parents in this era of history. There is no right or wrong group of people with whom to undergo group therapy, but it’s important to find the right group for you

For many people in rehab, interpersonal skills are an area of growth. Group therapy is a safe, gentle way to learn or relearn how to build healthy relationships. Openly describing past and present experiences can help clients work against shame. “Group therapy is important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, addiction and substance use bring around a lot of isolation, shame and secrecy over time. People often feel very alone. So an important vehicle for change is to have support and encouragement from others,” says Dr. Monika Kolodziej, Program Director of McLean Fernside. This dynamic helps clients cultivate a sense of self-acceptance, which is essential in order to move forward from substance use. 

Substance use can easily damage your relationships with family, partners, colleagues, and friends. As such, group therapy is a safe place to practice skills that will serve you well when you return to your community after rehab. The act of building relationships in this context provides a certain level of accountability, which may have been lacking in your life before rehab. When you see how the people around you approach their treatment, you may be inspired to commit to your own process even more fully. Data shows that group therapy can improve clients’ engagement with recovery.4 

all points north online aftercare
All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado

Finding Joy in Complementary Therapies

Recovery is hard work; there’s no way around that. However, recommitting to yourself and your wellness means building a better life. In support of that goal, there are many therapies that focus on relaxation and fun. Inpatient rehabs often offer complementary therapies, giving you time and space to process the more demanding aspects of treatment.

Bodywork: Healing the Body to Heal the Mind

Many luxury rehabs invite clients to receive bodywork such as massage, acupuncture, and other spa services. These experiences have a dual purpose. On a therapeutic level, they help your body heal from the negative impacts of substance use. They’re also an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy yourself. Some of these modalities have a component of mindfulness, which can contribute to your emotional recovery.

Recreational Therapy: Emotional Processing Through Self-Expression

Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have the opportunity to participate in recreational therapy. Arts and crafts, film, and psychodrama—to name just a few—offer a different way of relating to yourself and expressing your emotions. Veronique De Buck​, Evolutionary Art Therapist at Camino Recovery, explains: 

“By working with art, you can reconnect with your resources, your potential, your talents and all the beautiful things you have inside of you. Sometimes people can’t put their trauma into words. So it helps to feel, to contact their heart, to feel the emotions and to put those emotions on paper.”

Adventure Therapy: Exploring Your Inner and Outer Worlds in Tandem

Some luxury rehabs are known for their adventure therapy programs. These experiences vary widely from location to location. In California, you might hike a beautiful mountain trail. Some Florida rehabs offer beach activities from surfing to wave running. At White River Manor in South Africa, you can even go on safari. These activities are a fun and exciting way to learn about your own reactions to life in different contexts. According to Ryan Soave, these experiences are more than just a break from the intensity of therapy:

“Fun and play are super important to getting well. It actually allows people to access creative states, which we want people to be in. In behavioral health, it’s about inventing a new way of relating with oneself and others and the world around them. So being able to get out and have fun can really help their process.”

Through these experiences, you’ll develop more sustainable ways of relating to the world. And having positive memories to draw from can make the next chapter of your life feel more accessible.

People are complex, multifaceted beings. Rehab is designed to treat every aspect of self. The demanding work of individual and group therapy encourages you to delve into your reasons for being in rehab in the first place. By balancing this work with enjoyable low-stakes activities, you’ll be reminded of how much the world has to offer you. As challenging as recovery can be, it’s the first step in moving towards a life you love.

Browse our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about the experience of rehab. 

Frequently Asked Questions About What Happens in Rehab

What is a typical daily schedule like in rehab?

A typical day in rehab is highly structured from morning until late evening. Schedules usually include individual and group therapy, complementary therapies like yoga, other recovery activities, and downtime.

How long does rehab typically last?

The length of stay in rehab varies depending on individual needs, but most programs last between 30 and 90 days. Some programs are shorter or longer stays depending on the severity of addiction and the individual’s needs.

What kind of therapies are offered in rehab?

Rehab programs offer a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These different styles of therapy may be delivered in a one-on-one or group setting. Luxury rehabs tend to offer complementary therapies like yoga or art therapy.

4 Ways Art Therapy Boosts Your Addiction Recovery

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The first days at rehab can be kind of, well … awkward. You’re in a totally new environment, you’re surrounded by strangers and you’re not sure what to expect. And you have to begin the process of sorting through all the painful and confusing emotions you’ve been experiencing.

That’s where addiction-focused art therapy comes in. Far more than a hokey craft class, art therapy is a sophisticated component of addiction treatment that helps you create a safe space for self-expression, build trust with your treatment team and easily access parts of yourself that other forms of therapy can’t. And at world-class rehabs, art therapy programming is robust, comprehensive and delivered by consummate professionals who have extensive experience using art for therapeutic gain. All of which bodes very, very well for your recovery.

1. Art Therapy Is the Yin to Talk Therapy’s Yang

It’s not always easy to put a whirlwind of painful emotions into words. In fact, you may not even be consciously aware of everything you’re experiencing. Communicating visually, however, can be great for those who are having a hard time doing so verbally. And, you can access parts of your subconscious that conventional therapies like CBT don’t reach. During the creative process, things can come out that you’ve never thought of before—meaning huge breakthrough opportunities for you.

McLean Borden Art Therapy

“Art therapy works more quickly than talk therapy and a lot of healing happens. It’s exciting to watch a person be vulnerable and be safe in that. I ask questions; I don’t interpret. There is no fear of being analyzed or judged as being a terrible artist,” says one art therapist.

Art therapists provide a safe space for people in recovery to express themselves:1 they provide direction and facilitate the process between you and your art. When you make progress in the studio, you begin to reconnect with your sense of self-worth, and form connections with your counselors. This makes your entire treatment experience more effective and enjoyable.

2. Art Lets You Discover Yourself

Because it reaches down to a subconscious level, art therapy can help you uncover the root cause of your addiction. While addiction distorts reality,2 leading us to have a skewed perception of ourselves and those around us, art therapy provides a conduit for self-reflection that ultimately leads to a better, more accurate sense of self.

With each project you complete, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment that boosts your progress both in the studio and outside of it. You’ll be able to take that newfound confidence into all other aspects of your treatment—and your life.

3. Creative Outlets Help Safeguard Against Relapse

There’s an added benefit to all that creative skill-building: you can bring it with you into recovery. A huge part of staying sober is developing healthy ways to deal with the things that used to trigger you to use substances, and creativity is an excellent way to channel uncomfortable emotions into something positive. Using the creative process as a coping mechanism gives you new insight, improves your judgment and helps you deal with stress and process trauma.

Since boredom is one of the most common addiction relapse triggers,3 it’s important to fill the time you used to spend using substances with activities you find fun and interesting. What better way to do that than by turning the skills you picked up into a new hobby?

4. Art Makes You Feel Like a Kid Again—And That’s Great for Your Recovery

Getting your hands dirty, pushing paint around a canvas and engaging your sense of wonder unlocks your inner child—a vital connection point for staying in touch with your true self. Art is proven to relieve stress4 by processing emotions and focusing your attention on the beauty around you, all of which results in a happier you! You may even discover a talent or passion you never knew you had.

For the Best Art Therapy, Go With a Luxury Rehab

Not all art therapy programs are created equal. If you’re looking for a rehab center that offers art therapy as a core component of your addiction treatment, your best bet is to go with a luxury rehab. World-class rehabs often offer much more robust specialty programming, with the staff, environment and resources necessary to create the best experience possible.

Look for a rehab that has:

Professional Art Therapists

Many art therapists at luxury rehabs hold advanced degrees in art therapy and have extensive experience using art to work through addiction, trauma and mental health disorders. Duffy’s Rehab in Napa Valley staffs a qualified, registered art therapist who are experienced in working with people of all ages and with a wide range of difficulties and diagnoses. The Cabin Chiang Mai’s art therapists integrate art therapy with evidence-based practices for a comprehensive, holistic approach to addiction treatment.

Dedicated Art Facilities

At a luxury rehab, you’ll have every material imaginable at your disposal: pens, pencils, pastels, crayons, paints, plaster of Paris, clay, canvas and paper in all shapes and sizes. You’re not limited in your mediums, and neither is your expression. You can work in whatever feels comfortable and right for you.

An Inspiring Setting

White River Manor art therapy
Marlize leading an art therapy session in the gardens at White River Manor in South Africa.

Premium rehabs are often set in secluded, naturally beautiful locations—and there’s nothing like connecting with serene natural beauty to let you relax into your environment and get your creative juices flowing. White River Manor’s art studio is housed in a spacious lodge with large doors open onto their 100-year-old garden, the space filled with birdsong, soothing music, aromatherapy candles and paintings, masks and other artworks done by their residents, who may even choose to paint on their walls.

“I don’t think I will be able to do this kind of work in an office environment … because the beauty of the garden actually lends itself to the process of art therapy,” says White River Manor’s art therapist, Marlize van der Merwe.

Who Benefits From Art Therapy in Rehab?

In short, everyone. Art therapy is effective in treating a plethora of behavioral issues including addiction, anxiety, depression and trauma. And no, you don’t have to be artistically inclined to reap its benefits. You only have to show up with an open mind, and see where the process takes you.

Ready to start your creative recovery journey? See our list of premium rehabs offering art therapy.

Cover photo: A scene from the art studio at McLean Borden Cottage, a luxury rehab in Maine

Frequently Asked Questions About Art Therapy in Rehab

Can art therapy treat addiction?

Yes. Art therapy allows for self-discovery and helps you access parts of your subconscious that conventional therapies might not reach. This can treat behavioral issues, like addiction.

Does art therapy work for addiction?

Yes. Art therapy helps uncover and heal root causes of addiction. While addiction distorts reality, creative self-expression is grounding and promotes self-reflection. This can lead to a more accurate sense of self.

What activities help you stay sober?

Art is a healthy way to relieve stress and process trauma. Since boredom is a common relapse trigger, finding a healthy coping mechanism like art helps you channel emotions into something positive.