How Long Does it Take to Detox From Alcohol?

When you’re ready to recover from alcohol addiction, detox is an important first step. Most people detox from alcohol in a week or less. During that process, you’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms. These can be uncomfortable or even life-threatening—but they’re temporary. And in a medical detox program, your care team will keep you safe from any serious side effects. Proper treatment can set you up for success when you move on to the next phase of recovery.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Everyone’s alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a little different. Your experience will depend on a few factors, including how long and how much you’ve been drinking. About 50% of people with alcohol addiction1 have withdrawal symptoms when they start recovery. Within that group, 3-5% have severe symptoms that could be fatal. The first symptoms of withdrawal2 usually appear about 8 hours after your last drink:

  • Alcohol cravings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Tremors
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting

Even mild alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable. Perhaps as a result, withdrawal symptoms can lead to relapse.3 Medically assisted detox provides a more comfortable withdrawal experience. You may still have symptoms, but your care team will help you manage them. Most programs include non-addictive medications, talk therapy, and some complementary treatments. 

Delirium Tremens

Withdrawal from severe alcohol addiction sometimes leads to delirium tremens4 (DTs, also referred to as DT), also called alcohol withdrawal delirium. While it’s not very common, this tends to affect people with chronically excessive drinking habits. This condition presents with a few key symptoms:

  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Agitation or aggressive behavior
  • Seizures 

Without proper treatment, these symptoms can be fatal. Certain people are more at risk for DTs than others. If you have multiple addictions, abnormal liver function, a history of DTs, or a history of seizures, this condition is more likely. Certain short-term health issues can also increase your risk, like dehydration and low potassium levels.

Medical detox is extremely important for anyone with a risk of DTs—even a low one. In these programs, you’ll work with a team of doctors, nurses, and other experts. They can manage your symptoms with medication and offer round-the-clock care in case of emergency.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

For some people, withdrawal-like symptoms last for weeks or even months after detox. This is called post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or PAWS. People experience PAWS differently, but the symptoms are often more psychological5 and less physical than those of acute withdrawal:

  • Mood swings
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Memory or concentration issues

PAWS is often triggered by stress. Because PAWS can cause relapse,6 it’s important to have a treatment plan in place. With the right approach, you can manage your symptoms and continue to focus on recovery. 

Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal

Most symptoms of alcohol withdrawal7 appear during the first few days after your last drink. However, the precise timeline for alcohol withdrawal is different for everyone. Depending on the severity of your addiction, your symptoms may be mild or more intense.

6-12 Hours

Withdrawal symptoms normally start within 6-8 hours after your last drink. You might have a headache or start sweating. You may also feel nauseous or nervous. For people with a long history of heavy drinking, it’s possible to have a seizure in the first 6-12 hours of withdrawal.

12-24 Hours

Mild symptoms continue to build in the first 24 hours of withdrawal. You might have tremors, particularly in your hands. Some people experience insomnia. For those with more severe withdrawal symptoms, hallucinations may start to occur in the first 24 hours. These can be visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations.

24-48 Hours

If you have only mild withdrawal symptoms, they may peak 24-48 hours after you stop drinking. From then on, symptoms like headaches, tremors, rapid heart rate, and nausea could decrease. 

People with more severe symptoms might have seizures 48 hours into the detox process. 

48-96 Hours

If your symptoms are more severe, they may also last longer. For some people, peak withdrawal occurs within 72 hours of quitting alcohol. After that point, you’ll probably start to feel better.

Other people are at risk for developing delirium tremens on the 3rd day of withdrawal, starting around 72 hours into detox. You might not know in advance whether this is a risk for you. This is why it’s so important to get proper care during alcohol detox. Your team can stand by during this crucial time, ready to help you if new symptoms develop. 

96 Hours and Beyond

Most people start to feel completely better around day 4 or 5 of detox. At this point, your body stops compensating for the lack of alcohol in your system. You’ll reach a new equilibrium as tremors, nausea, anxiety, and other symptoms subside. Most people complete withdrawal sometime between days 5-7.

If you experience delirium tremens, you may need more time to detox. Delirium tremens symptoms usually last 7 days, and sometimes longer.

Treatments for Alcohol Withdrawal

You’ve got a few options for alcohol withdrawal treatment, including hospitals, medical detox centers, and rehab. Most detox programs follow similar treatment plans, though some provide more therapeutic support than others. 

Treatment typically begins with a thorough physical exam. Doctors will ask about any pre-existing conditions that might impact your withdrawal experience. From there, you’ll begin detox. 

Over the first few days, your medical team will monitor you closely. They might provide medication if you need it. If you don’t show any signs of withdrawal symptoms after 48-72 hours, you might be released to outpatient care or residential rehab. If you’re detoxing in rehab, you might progress to the next stage of treatment. 

Risk Factors for Detoxing From Alcohol at Home

While it’s a vital part of recovery, detox is dangerous without medical care. In particular, withdrawal from alcohol8 can be fatal. 5-15%of people with delirium tremens die9 from their symptoms. 

For some people, the fear of alcohol withdrawal symptoms10 is a barrier to treatment. Medical detox programs can keep you safe and as comfortable as possible while you detox.

How Long Will It Take to Detox from Alcohol?

How long alcohol stays in your system is unique for everyone. In most cases, acute withdrawal symptoms end after 5-7 days. You can go through this process in an onsite or offsite detox program. Most care plans include medical treatment, non-addictive prescriptions, and psychotherapy. 

Onsite Detox

Some inpatient rehabs offer onsite detox. This approach lets you move seamlessly from initial detox into longer-term treatment. You can get medical and therapeutic support in the same place, instead of moving to a new center in the middle of treatment. 

For example, at Noosa Confidential in Australia, clients stay in a waterfront retreat with 24-hour access to staff. Here, you’ll work with the same clinicians throughout detox and residential treatment.11 This consistency makes it easier to build trust with your care team.

Off-site Detox

In a program with offsite detox, you’ll go through withdrawal in a separate facility before you start inpatient care. For people with more severe withdrawal symptoms, more complex medical treatment might be necessary. With offsite detox, you can still transition smoothly into rehab when you’re ready.

The Beekeeper House in Thailand is an inpatient rehab with an offsite detox program. They work with their partner facility, The Warm, to determine the best plan of action for your detox.12 Many patients go through detox at The Warm before they start residential treatment. If you have more complex medical needs, you can transfer to their partner hospital in Chiang Mai before returning for rehab.

New Jersey’s Enlightened Solutions also has offsite detox as part of their flexible detox options.13 You can detox in their inpatient rehab, at one of their partner facilities, or an independent detox center before you start longer-term treatment. 

Will Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Alcohol Detox?

Many detox centers accept insurance, including Medicaid. The cost of detox varies depending on the facility and the level of care you receive. Check with your insurance provider in advance to see what you plan will cover. Your treatment program’s admissions team can also offer guidance. There are options for everyone, even if you don’t have insurance. If you’re interested, you can learn more about alcohol detox and inpatient rehab programs that accept insurance.

Detox is an essential step in the healing process. Medical detox programs can help you start recovery as safely as possible. When you’re ready to start addiction treatment, you can find a rehab that offers alcohol detox

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Detox

How long does alcohol detox last?

The duration of alcohol detox varies for each person. In general, most people complete alcohol detox within a week or less.

What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on factors like the duration and amount of alcohol you consumed. About 50% of people with alcohol addiction experience withdrawal symptoms when starting recovery, with 3-5% facing severe symptoms that can be life-threatening. Common early withdrawal symptoms (which start about 8 hours after the last drink) include intense cravings, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, tremors, headaches, and nausea/vomiting. Even mild symptoms can be uncomfortable and increase the risk of relapse. Medically assisted detox programs provide a safer and more comfortable experience.

What are delirium tremens (DTs), and who is at risk?

Delirium tremens (DTs) can happen during withdrawal from severe alcohol addiction, although it’s relatively uncommon and typically affects people with chronic excessive drinking habits. DT symptoms include hallucinations, confusion, elevated blood pressure, elevated body temperature, agitation or aggressive behavior, and seizures. Without proper treatment, DTs can be fatal. Certain factors increase the risk of developing DTs, including multiple addictions, abnormal liver function, a previous history of DTs or seizures, and short-term health issues like dehydration and low potassium levels.

Can Withdrawal Kill You?

Without proper care, the withdrawal symptoms from certain substances could kill you. A symptom this extreme depends on what you’ve been taking, how much, and how long you’ve been taking it. 

Not every drug has dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Some, though extremely uncomfortable, won’t hurt you. But alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opiates have the potential to be deadly.

After discussing your situation with your doctor or care team, you might decide to detox in a licensed, medically monitored detox environment. Many rehab centers with detox offer just this. 

What Causes Withdrawal Symptoms?

Your brain and body get used to drugs or alcohol and adapt to work around them. Once you stop taking substances, your body has to adjust to life without them. So, you experience withdrawal symptoms as your body returns to homeostasis1. Though the change is arguably good, your body still has to adjust—which might not feel good at all. 

If you’ve become highly dependent, stopping becomes dangerous. In those cases, you can seek treatment in a detox center or a residential rehab with detox. Detox centers treat non-life-threatening withdrawal symptoms too. Your comfort and safety both matter. 

Withdrawals vary across the different types of drugs and substances. Some pose no threat. Others require careful supervision. 

Alcohol Withdrawal

Detoxing from alcohol2 could be dangerous. The level of danger, and general symptom intensity, depends on how much you drink and how long you’ve been drinking. 

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms2 could include 

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shaking
  • Delirium tremens (DT)
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme confusion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Excessive, purposeless activity (getting in and out of bed, wandering around)
  • Anxiety
  • Grand mal seizures

Delirium tremens commonly affect those with a long history of drinking. DT’s symptoms3 include “profound confusion, autonomic hyperactivity, and cardiovascular collapse.” It’s rare, but needs to be caught as soon as possible to avoid danger. 

The other symptoms of alcohol detox may feel gross, but don’t tend to be life-threatening—especially under the supervision of doctors and nurses. Then, medications like Antabuse can help you stay sober4 in recovery.

Opiate Withdrawal

Opioid withdrawals can feel like a bad flu5, or the sickest you’ve felt in your entire life. Typically, though, it’s not one of the withdrawals that can kill you. The severity of symptoms depends on your dose and how long you’ve been taking opioids. 

The discomfort of opiate withdrawals can make you crave opioids even more. For many, temptations to alleviate the pain can cause a relapse5. Detoxing in a residential setting could help you avoid this in your early days of recovery.

During your opioid detox period, you might experience

  • Diarrhea
  • Dysphoria
  • Goosebumps
  • Restless legs
  • Muscle pains
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Malaise
  • High heart rate

Dehydration can cause death during opioid withdrawals6, caused by excessive vomiting and diarrhea. This catastrophic effect usually happens in jails, where prompt (and sufficient) medical care isn’t as common. 

Medications can curb the effects of opioid withdrawals7. For opioid detox, your doctor may prescribe methadone, buprenorphine, clonidine, and lofexidine. Each operates in different ways to diminish cravings and make withdrawals more comfortable. You can continue to take these medications to maintain your sobriety.

Heroin Withdrawal

As a short-acting opioid, heroin’s withdrawals typically set in 8-24 hours after your last dose7. They can last 4-10 days. 

Heroin’s withdrawal symptoms mimic a very bad flu. Turning to opioid-agonists, like methadone, can help you taper off high doses and maintain sobriety. Methadone relieves cravings and discomfort without the euphoric rush of heroin and other opioids8, making it non-addictive at the proper dose. 

And, using a maintenance medication like methadone reduces the risk of relapse by satisfying cravings8. This can also prevent HIV and infections caused by needle sharing—and, largely, relapse in general. 

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Depending on your dose and length of use, benzodiazepine withdrawals can be life threatening. Benzos treat anxiety and sleep disorders5 but could become addictive if used too long. Detoxing from benzos presents several dangers.

Benzo withdrawals resemble alcohol withdrawals5, which have a death risk. For that reason, you’ll likely need to detox in a medically monitored setting, like a hospital or residential rehab. Here’s what you might experience during benzodiazepine detox9:

  • Seizures
  • Muscle pains
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hand tremors
  • Excessive sweating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Catatonia
  • Death

Withdrawal symptoms usually begin 2-10 days after your last dose and can last 2-8 weeks. You can manage the symptoms by gradually weaning off benzodiazepines5, which gives your body time to adjust to lower doses. Going cold turkey, or stopping all at once, could cause psychosis, death, seizures, and convulsions10.  

Withdrawing From Multiple Substances

There’s limited research on detoxing from multiple substances. But, the available research shows each drug needs its own attention during detox11. For example, detoxing from a stimulant and a depressant at the same time requires a more nuanced approach. So, physicians may prescribe 2 withdrawal medications to combat the effects of multiple substances. 

Withdrawing from multiple substances has its challenges, but it’s not uncommon. A study found 71% of patients in detox were withdrawing from 2 or more substances11. Your care provider will make the ultimate decision regarding any medications you’ll need during detox and how the process might look for you. 

Getting Treatment for Withdrawal Symptoms

At best, detoxing might feel uncomfortable. At worst, it could kill you. But for each end of the detoxing spectrum, you have treatment options. 

For many withdrawal symptoms, you may need the help and care of a detox center. Or, a residential rehab with a detox program. In a center like this, you can begin therapeutic residential treatment right after detoxing.
To see your options, you can browse our list of rehabs with detox that includes pricing, photos, insurance information, and more.

What is Hangover Anxiety?: Why Drinking Causes ‘Hangxiety’

Hangover anxiety, or hangxiety, isn’t a diagnosis, but rather how you feel after a night of drinking alcohol. A hangover has physical symptoms like nausea and a headache, but you can have mental effects as well.

Drinking responsibly likely won’t lead to these negative feelings; however, if you’re consistently drinking a lot and feeling hangover anxiety, then it may be time to look for help. Getting treatment for alcohol addiction can help you get a handle on your drinking, so you don’t have to wake up with worry the next morning. 

Hangover Anxiety or ‘Hangxiety’

75% of those who get a hangover have some impairment in their normal functioning1, like difficulty concentrating. On top of that, roughly 22% of drinkers also experience psychological effects like anxiety and depression after a night out. This is what we call hangxiety.

What Does Hangover Anxiety Feel Like?

When you start drinking, alcohol drives a surge of endorphins in the brain2, which feels good at first. Then, after this rush, there’s a decrease in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) which leads to a form of withdrawal. This is what we commonly refer to as a hangover.

This withdrawal affects you physically and mentally, including provoking anxiety and depression symptoms. Hangover anxiety can look different for everyone, but these are some common symptoms:

  • Restlessness
  • Anxiousness
  • Ruminating on yesterday’s events
  • Heart racing
  • Feeling guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating

What Causes Hangover Anxiety?

After your endorphins drop, your brain can quite literally feel exhausted the next day. Your body uses a lot of energy trying to maintain homeostasis after being affected by the alcohol. And cortisol, the stress hormone, releases after drinking3, making you feel even more anxious. 

These factors can also exacerbate hangnxiety symptoms:

1. Social Anxiety

You might use alcohol as a “social lubricant” if you experience social anxiety. This can cause you to drink more than you should. Though for those few intoxicated hours you may feel less anxious, these feelings return as the alcohol wears off. And if you have a hangover from excessive alcohol consumption, your anxiety can skyrocket. Alcohol will enhance whatever emotional state you’re in, so if you’re anxious, it’s going to come back in full swing.

2. Water intake

Alcohol is a diuretic, so drinking it makes you dehydrated. This can contribute to hangover anxiety because low water intake, which happens while drinking, is associated with detrimental effects on mood4. The more hydrated you are, the better chance you have of being in a good mood.

3. Sleep

Alcohol causes poor sleep quality5 because it messes with your rapid eye movement (REM) cycle. This, in turn, negatively affects your mood because getting proper sleep is vital for good mood and functioning. 

4. Emotional dysregulation

Emotional dysregulation is a common symptom in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also associated with intense cravings, higher alcohol consumption, and is commonly experienced during hangovers6. Lowered emotional competence during a hangover can lead to negative mood and thoughts, or, what you may feel during hangxiety. This can also contribute to regretful drinking behaviors.

5. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT)

Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is negative thought patterns that are recurring, unproductive, and common in disorders like anxiety and depression. It’s also a part of emotional dysregulation. These patterns of thinking are associated with prolonged negative emotional states6, so this can exacerbate symptoms when you experience hangover anxiety. 

How to Cope with Hangxiety

The best way to avoid hangxiety is to avoid drinking, especially in excess. Doctors recommend drinking a minimal amount of alcohol because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health problems such as liver damage, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

However, if you do decide to drink, there are a number of ways you can cope with your hangover anxiety and make this experience manageable:

However, drinking responsibly, or being abstinent, can help you avoid these feelings all together.  

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol

Life can be just as fun, if not better, without alcohol. You’ll feel healthier and more energized, which can help you do more outdoor activities like hiking or kayaking. You’ll also save a lot of money from not buying drinks, which you can spend on new experiences like travel or exploring the area you live in.

You can also talk with your therapist and dig into the real reasons why you’re drinking alcohol. Why are you having this drink? And why do you feel like you need to drink so much? This can reveal deeper issues that you can work through together. 

When to Seek Professional Help for Your Drinking and Anxiety

Taking a step back and assessing the role that alcohol plays in your life, especially if you have pre-existing anxiety or depression, is crucial. If you’re using alcohol as a crutch, and as a coping mechanism to suppress difficult feelings, then it may be time to reach out for help.

Mental Health Treatment Options

Alcohol is a depressant, so it can aggravate your existing conditions. If you drink to escape your anxiety or depression, treating the root cause of your disorder can help mediate this issue.

Attending an outpatient program can teach you skills to help you replace your drinking with healthy coping techniques. You’ll explore how drinking has been a way to hide from uncomfortable feelings, and then you’ll learn how to face those hard emotions. You’ll likely practice different talk therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to learn new positive ways of thinking. 

Virtual treatment for anxiety and depression can be a great way to learn these tools with more flexibility. You can prioritize healing and see how it fits into your life.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options

Detox with a licensed professional may be the first step in your sobriety journey. Safely ridding your body of alcohol can help you feel clear minded and ready to tackle treatment. Different levels of residential or outpatient care can help you replace your unhealthy coping mechanism, drinking, with positive habits.

A great option post-treatment is sober living homes. These programs are less structured than residential rehab, and provide a comfortable place for you to focus on your recovery. While living here, you’ll likely attend an outpatient program, go to work or school, and grow with other companions in recovery. 

Life Without Worry in the Morning

Drinking socially and safely is perfectly acceptable, but if heavy drinking and hangxiety is a normal thing that you’re getting addicted to as a coping mechanism, then it’s time to get help. Life can feel so much more fulfilling without hiding behind alcohol. Embrace your true self and find freedom through rehabs for alcohol addiction.

Quitting Drinking: How to Taper Off Alcohol

The long and the short of it is–tapering off alcohol with medical support can help you quit drinking. But could weaning yourself off alcohol help you stay sober for good? Many people have asked the same question. In fact, 30 million people have alcohol use disorder1 in the United States alone. Luckily, this nationwide issue has resources available to help you heal.

In order to fully recover, you can start your healing process by safely ridding yourself of alcohol. Getting professional treatment for alcohol addiction can give you the tools to create, and maintain, a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Can You Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

Attempting to stop drinking “cold turkey” is not only dangerous, but could also cause serious implications or be fatal. 

Your body has become used to, and dependent on, certain levels of alcohol. It even changes your brain chemistry. Alcohol depresses your nervous system2, so your body creates more receptors for neurotransmitters, or messengers, to stimulate the nervous system. 

If you were to suddenly stop drinking alcohol, your receptors would become hyperactive because they are no longer being depressed. This is why you should taper off alcohol, or use a prescribed medication like benzodiazepines, during detox3. It’s vital to do this under the supervision of a medical professional to ensure the process is safe and smooth.

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol withdrawal usually lasts for a few days, but some effects may linger for months. Symptoms are most severe around day 34, and the total process can last for 2 to 10 days. 

There are some common side effects of alcohol detox5 that you should be prepared for:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

While this process isn’t enjoyable, there are so many benefits in the new sober life that you’re creating for yourself. You’ll look and feel healthier, have more energy, and save money.

Can Tapering Help You Quit Alcohol?

Tapering off alcohol is a step in the right direction, but there’s more to the story. It’s vital in this process to have professional help, so you can stay safe and as comfortable as possible. There’s also more to learn after ridding yourself of alcohol. You can master the necessary life skills to maintain your sober lifestyle through treatment. 

Alcohol Tapering Timeline

Delamere describes the different stages that you go through while detoxing from alcohol6.

alcohol tapering timeline
2-12 hoursOnset of withdrawal symptoms. This might include tremors, sweating, restlessness, and anxiety.
12-24 hoursWithdrawal continues with alcohol cravings, sleep disturbances, low energy, and feeling depressed. 
12-72 hoursThis is considered the most dangerous period during detox. Symptoms include high heart rate, increased blood pressure, and, in extreme cases, seizures.
48-72 hoursAt some point in this time frame, symptoms will start to be more manageable.
3-7 daysFor most cases, withdrawal symptoms begin to fade.
1 weekSleep patterns start to improve, however this can vary.
1-2 weeksSometime during this period, clinical detox is considered complete.
2 weeksThere may be signs of weight loss due to not consuming alcohol.
3-4 weeksBlood pressure may reduce back to a healthier level.
1 monthSkin may appear healthier.
3 monthsOverall better energy levels and health.
1 yearTapering off alcohol is different for everyone. You may experience that some symptoms persist for longer than is usual.

Does Tapering Help Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

Weaning off alcohol in a safe way can help reduce the severity of some withdrawal symptoms. Orlando Recovery Center says that when you taper your alcohol intake over time, you reduce the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms7. This is because this process gives your brain more time to get used to the changes and damage that alcohol originally created.

So You Detoxed… Now What?

Now that you’ve successfully completed the detoxification process, it’s time to build your sobriety toolkit through treatment. Studies show that those who receive some type of formal treatment after detox are more likely to maintain sobriety8

Attending a residential rehab or outpatient program gives you coping mechanisms and life skills that can help you for years to come after treatment. You can strengthen your emotional and communication techniques to help you work through any tough situations that may arise in the future. You’ll learn how to prevent relapse and live a fun sober life.

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous can help reinforce your goals and boost your spirits. Surrounding yourself with those going through the same process you are, and learning the same life lessons you are, can make a big difference in your healing journey. You’ll talk about different topics regarding addiction and recovery and bond over shared feelings and experiences. 

Another great option is sober living homes. These programs offer more flexibility than residential rehab, while still supporting a healthy lifestyle for people in recovery. Sober living homes provide a comfortable, safe place for you to focus on your healing. And you’ll live and learn with other comrades. 

Life Beyond Addiction

Recovery is a lifelong process, and safely tapering off of alcohol is the first step towards achieving the life you want. It’s important to nurture a healthy relationship with your body so you can have a healthy relationship with your mind. You can start building the foundation for a happy future by going to rehab for alcohol.

Sober Women of History

Sober women have contributed to the recovery movement in America since it first began. Their early contributions helped make the recovery space more accessible and acceptable for women. 

Women also advocated for gender-specific treatment, support groups, and 12-Step meetings. Their work is still felt around the world today. Some rehabs cater to just women, too. 

Women in Recovery Who Made a Difference

Each and every woman in recovery makes a difference. Women who challenged the stigma of addiction and recovery early on paved the way for continued advocacy, fresh recovery programs, and support. 

Betty Ford (1918-2011)

Former First Lady Betty Ford left a large mark on the addiction treatment scene and the stigma surrounding it. After a battle with opioid and alcohol addictions, an intervention, and treatment, Betty realized she was in a unique position to make a difference. 

First Lady Betty Ford helped create her own treatment center, the Betty Ford Center, designed to help both men and women find recovery. Betty Ford Centers have since expanded across America. 

The Betty Ford organization merged with the Hazelden Foundation in 2014. Hazelden pioneered the Minnesota-model of treatment1, which focuses on 12-Step treatment. Their merge broadened the impact of Betty’s first decision to make her addiction known and use her notoriety to help others.

Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D (1923-2000)

Jean Kirkpatrick, sociologist, formed Women for Sobriety in 1975. She attended 12-Step AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings throughout her recovery process. After finding a need for women-focused treatment, she created a solution herself: Women for Sobriety2

Women for Sobriety groups meet across America now. Dr. Kirckpatrisck’s history of repeated relapses, research, and life-long determination brought a gift to the world many women continue to enjoy. 

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)

American actress Elizabeth Taylor lived a lavish, seemingly ideal life. But after a spinal surgery and other health conditions, she became addicted to prescription pain pills3. She also struggled with alcohol addiction. 

Elizabeth Taylor made the decision to publicly announce her admittance to Betty Ford Center, Betty Ford’s first treatment center. By doing so, Elizabeth gave permission for other celebrities to do the same. She also normalized treatment for women—even pretty, successful ones like her.

As a Hollywood Icon, Elizabeth Taylor embodied who many women wished they could be. So seeing her go to rehab, openly admit it, and then go again after a relapse may have been more impactful than she’ll ever realize.  

Nora Volkow (1956-Present)

Nora Volkow, current director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), changed the way we see addiction. Her work in brain imagery showed that addiction isn’t a character flaw or personal failing. Rather, it’s a tangible change in the brain. 

Her work contributed heavily to the disease model of addiction4. This revolutionized the old idea of addiction being something to punish. Now, for many, it’s something to treat.

Women in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) provides a resource for Americans struggling with alcohol addiction. While it didn’t specifically exclude women, they weren’t welcomed in the same way men were. Usually, women were seen as the supportive spouse, attending just for their husbands’ sake. Or, women were villainized for their addiction. 

Some of the very first women in AA decided to change that.  

Florence R. (?-1943)

Florence was one of the very first members of AA5. She joined one of the pioneering groups in New York, wrote the first section written by a woman in the Big Book, and tried to start an AA group in Washington. 

Though she didn’t succeed, and eventually returned to drinking, Florence made AA meetings somewhere women could go, too. Those early members became family to her—something that still happens to this day.

In Florence’s case, just showing up to meetings made her an early AA icon. Despite her sobriety not lasting, she still made AA meetings a more accepting, open place for women.

Marty Mann (1904-1980)

Marty supported the disease model of addiction, a brave move at a time when it wasn’t yet proven. She was one of the first women to bring awareness to addiction6 as something to heal, not punish. Marty fought against the stigma women in particular received: that they were promiscuous, uncontrollable, and without value. Instead, she advocated for recovery through acceptance.

Marty Mann also founded the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. She encouraged other women to get help, and those in the LGBTQ+ community. As a gay woman, Marty Mann bridged gaps between 2 underserved communities and the help they deserved. 

Dr. Ruth Fox (1896-1989)

Dr. Fox became the first medical director of The National Council on Alcoholism in 1959. She was one of the first psychoanalysts to take alcoholic patients. And she pioneered the use of Antabuse7 to treat alcohol addiction, which we still use today.

Dr. Ruth Fox also founded the American Medical Society on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies. 

Dr. LeClair Bissell (1928-2008)

Dr. Bissell co-founded the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)8. Like Marty Mann, she helped change the way the public saw addiction, women in recovery, and gay women. Dr. Bissell followed the 12-Steps of AA, published books on recovery, 

LeClair also advocated heavily for alcoholism in professionals, specifically medical professionals. 

All these women changed the way women and the world see recovery. They made healing seem like a safe option for women who were scared, embarrassed, and without hope–but wanted out.

Those options for recovery still exist today, for men and women. And we have a lot of people to thank for that.

Find a Recovery Program Today

Much has changed from the early days of AA and recovery as a whole. While the stigma surrounding addiction hasn’t yet disappeared, these early women in recovery diminished it bit by bit. 
Thanks to them and many others around the world, ethical, women-focused recovery programs exist globally. You can browse our list of women-only rehabs and see photos, reviews, insurance information, and more.

Women for Sobriety: Healing with Your Sisters

Women face a different set of challenges than men during addiction recovery. Surrounding yourself with like-minded women can help you feel more supported and open during your recovery journey. 

Women for Sobriety (WFS) does just that. They are a women’s only peer-support program designed for overcoming substance use disorders. Like WFS, attending a women’s only rehab can meet you where you’re at and guide you on the path to sobriety. 

What Is Women for Sobriety? 

In the past 25 years, research has shown that there are significant gender differences in alcohol and drug recovery1. Because of this, treatment and professionals need to adapt to uniquely serving both men and women.

This is where Women for Sobriety (WFS)2 comes in. Founder Jean Kirkpatrick, a sociologist, had been an alcoholic for many years. She tried Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) but felt that something was missing. That’s when she found out that the success rates of recovery were higher for men than women. After her own journey of achieving, and maintaining, sobriety, she kick started WFS in 1975.

Is Women for Sobriety Affiliated with a Religion?

WFS runs on the core belief that “[women] have the power of changing [their] way of thinking. [They] live in the atmosphere created by [their] mind and [their] thoughts.” The organization helps you realize that you have the power to change, and that choosing positivity will create a positive reality. WFS does not have any religious affiliations; however, it can be used alongside other religious recovery support groups for women. 

Their New Life program3 promotes lasting change through:

  • Positive reinforcement (approval and encouragement)
  • Cognitive strategies (positive thinking)
  • Letting the body help (relaxation techniques, meditation, nutrition, and physical exercise)
  • Dynamic group involvement

WFS Affirmations

WFS has 13 empowering statements that their members follow, similar to AA’s 12 Steps. These affirmations help guide your daily life in a positive, motivated direction. WFS breaks down these 13 statements into their 6 Levels of Recovery. As you move through each level and continue on your journey with WFS, you’ll focus on growing in all different areas of your life. 

Level 1: Acceptance of having a substance use disorder, one that requires the cessation of substance use. (Acceptance statement 1) You’ll learn to come to terms with your addiction, and realize that sobriety is necessary. You’ll learn more about substance use disorders and how to care for your mind and body.

Level 2: Discarding negative thoughts, putting guilt behind, and practicing new ways of viewing and solving problems. (Acceptance statements 2, 4, and 9) You’ll examine what factors in your life are problem areas. You’ll pick out negative habits and thought patterns and actively work on shifting those to healthy ones. You’ll recognize that you don’t need to let your problems overwhelm you and see them as growing opportunities. 

By this stage, you’ll have 1.) a regular exercise routine and 2.) way of relaxation and meditation.

Level 3: Creating and practicing a new self-image. (Acceptance statements 5 and 12) This is the phase where you tap into your power. You’ll take responsibility for your feelings and behaviors, and you’ll let go of people, situations, and things outside of your control. 

You’ll be picky about what energy you allow into your life, so that you can create a positive environment. You’ll learn that one mistake does not ruin all the hard work you’ve done. You’ll create the self-image of a powerful, confident woman who owns her life.

Level 4: Using new attitudes to enforce new behavior patterns. (Acceptance statements 3, 6, and 11) During this level, you’ll learn to choose happiness every single day. You’ll adopt a positive attitude that you can share with your loved ones. And every day, you’ll seek out magic in the ordinary. 

Level 5: Improving relationships as a result of our new feelings about self. (Acceptance Statements 7 and 10) You’ll learn to be vulnerable with others and the world around you. You’ll work on developing meaningful, reciprocal relationships. This step comes later in the healing process because first, you must mend the relationship you have with yourself. 

Level 6: Recognizing life’s priorities: emotional and spiritual growth, self-responsibility. (Acceptance statements 8 and 13) You’ll continue to work on the lifelong relationship that you have with yourself through emotional and spiritual growth. You’ll take ownership of your actions and choose a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Women for Sobriety Meetings

To make the WFS program effective for you, you must practice it consciously each day. This can be easy with the help of other supportive sisters. There are different meetings that you can choose from to fit your schedule and needs. WFS embraces all expressions of female identity and welcomes those in the LGBTQ+ community.

In-person support groups

“Face-to-face” groups are available in the United States and Canada. These meetings are just for women who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Meetings occur once per week and usually last 60-90 minutes. Ideally, only 6-10 women attend per group.

During in-person meetings, you’ll face each other in a circle in an open discussion format. At the beginning of the meeting, the 13 Acceptance Statements and the mission statement are read out loud. Each woman introduces herself by saying, “my name is ____ and I am a competent woman.” You’ll then share a positive action or feeling that relates to one of the 13 affirmations. You’ll go over different topics, share stories, and learn together throughout those 60-90 minutes. 

At the end of the meeting, you’ll stand with joined hands and say the WFS Motto: “We are capable and competent, caring and compassionate, always willing to help another, bonded together in overcoming our addictions.” 

If this resonates with you, you can find a face-to-face group near you.

Online meetings

WFS Online is an open forum for women overcoming their addiction. This is a 24/7 message board where women can share and seek support for their recovery. There are online chat meetings that happen 1-2 times daily. And these meetings are free.

If this style of online support resonates with your recovery journey, join the online forum today.

Healing Through Love

Jean Kirkpatrick set out on a mission to help women all across the country recover differently than what society has told them they should do. The Women for Sobriety program has helped thousands of women find their place in the recovery community. Healing with other women will not only help you on your lifetime sobriety journey, but you’ll also form incredible relationships along the way. Discover how women’s only treatment can help you feel at home.

Neurofeedback For Addiction Recovery: Letting Your Body Heal Your Mind

Neurofeedback can help those who need something different than a traditional way of healing during their recovery journey. With neurofeedback, you can see how your mind and body connect. And you’ll learn how you can shift your habits and ways of thinking to help you overcome addiction. You can start moving in the right direction to align your mind and body through neurofeedback treatment

How Addiction Affects the Brain

The human brain is made up of cells called neurons1 that interact with each other in different networks. One neuron releases a neurotransmitter, like a message, into the gap called a synapse, which then attaches to the next neuron telling it what to do. And different networks, or circuits, of neurons are responsible for different functions in the body.

neurotransmitter process

When you take drugs, they interrupt how this process occurs in the brain. Some drugs mimic the structure of natural neurotransmitters, and others cause neurons to release a lot of natural neurotransmitters. 

Addiction starts when your brain begins to produce less of its natural neurotransmitters due to high, constant drug use. It becomes harder to find the same happiness from things you used to enjoy. You then need to use drugs to find that pleasure again. And oftentimes, you need to use higher and higher amounts to get that same joy.

This becomes a dangerous cycle. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help you find your passion for life again without the use of a substance.

What Is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, measures brain activity with a few different devices like an electroencephalogram (EEG), sweat sensors, and heart rate monitors. Then, a trained professional can see where damage is in the brain. Your neurofeedback practitioner can work with you to get these harmed parts of the brain back to healthy functioning. It essentially harmonizes your brain waves. This treatment is non-invasive and does not use medication.

The main goal is to give you strategies to interfere with unhealthy thought patterns and help you take charge of your mind. This facilitates positive changes in thinking and behavior.

How It Works

Professionals at Luna Recovery explain that an electroencephalogram (EEG) uses sensors placed on your skin to gather information about brainwave activity2. It also collects data about your blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature. Practitioners then locate where there’s damage in the brain due to drug use, or other conditions. Knowing this, they can help you correct these faulty neural pathways.

What Happens During Neurofeedback Therapy?

During a neurofeedback session, which typically lasts about an hour, you’ll likely wear a cap on your head with different electrodes placed on it. These electrodes connect to a machine to monitor your brain’s activity.

neurofeedback session

After this is all set up, your practitioner will do activities with you to stimulate different areas of your brain. This could include watching a movie or playing a video game; however, your brain activity directly affects what’s happening on the screen. 

For example, your screen may only be at full brightness when your brain waves are interacting in unison. If you lose focus and your brain activity scatters, the screen will dim. Simple exercises like this not only show you how your brain is working, but they also begin to teach you how you can control it.

Are There Risks Associated with Neurofeedback Treatment?

Neurofeedback is generally a safe form of treatment because it’s non-invasive. It is possible, but unlikely, to experience some side effects during sessions, like anxiety, fatigue, and headaches.

Neurofeedback for Addiction Treatment

Addiction typically creates irregular brain waves3, and each drug creates different types of damage in different areas. Luckily, we can correct these irregularities through neurofeedback. 

During sessions, you’ll pay close attention to your thoughts. Outside of sessions, you can practice what you’ve learned to help you manage your feelings or cravings in real life. You’ll learn skills to adapt to any new situation that life throws at you. Throughout treatment, you can train your brain to become as healthy as someone without addiction4.

Neurofeedback and Mental Health

Neurofeedback is extremely useful for not only addiction recovery, but also for mental health disorders5. It’s an effective treatment for common disorders like anxiety and depression6. But neurofeedback can also treat co-occurring disorders and other singular  diagnoses:

  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Insomnia
  • Schizophrenia 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

By disrupting unhelpful thought patterns, you can manage the emotions that come with your mental health condition. And neurofeedback can offer a good alternative to medication, especially if medications or other treatment plans haven’t worked for you in the past.

A Different Way of Healing

You have resources available to heal from addiction or mental health issues. Neurofeedback can give you a whole new perspective on life. You can attune your mind and body to connect with yourself and the world around you. Discover how rehabs with neurofeedback can help you start living fully.

Homelessness and Addiction: How Are They Related?

Homelessness and addiction are related. Despite this relationship, the correlation is not a certainty. But many think they are, so myths and speculations abound: 

Myth 1: “All homeless are addicts. They just need to stop using and things will get better.”

Myth 2: “Addicts always become homeless. It’s their fault.”

Myth 3: “Homeless people are violent because they’re always on drugs.”

Research, time, and empathy have proven both statements (and related ones) wrong. But homelessness and substance abuse do connect in some ways.

The 2 have a bidirectional relationship1—they can both feed into each other. Rehabs for drug and alcohol addiction can sometimes help with both issues at once, but usually, homeless people rely on shelters and specific resources for their population2

Homelessness and Addiction Statistics

A 2022 study by Statista found that roughly 55,000 unsheltered homeless people experience addiction3. In other studies, a third of addiction treatment patients say they’ve experienced homelessness1. And, 

Looking at the numbers, you can see addiction and homelessness connect. Addiction isn’t always the cause, but it definitely can be—and vice versa. 

How Does Addiction Lead to Homelessness?

Addiction doesn’t exclusively lead to homelessness, but it can cause it. Economic statuses, marital statuses, family relationships, and social-economic factors can all make addiction a cause of homelessness.

As an example, someone making minimum or median income would feel the financial effects of addiction almost immediately. As their limited income depletes, paying rent gets harder. 

For additional context, street prices of illicit and prescribed drugs average out to $356 per gram6. The price can be as high as $500 for heroin. An average 24-pack of beer costs around $17. 

Addiction isn’t cheap.

Many homeless adults don’t have the option of staying with family when they can’t afford rent. Their loved ones may have cut them off, moved away, or passed on. Their only viable option could be living in a shelter or on the street.

…And Does Homelessness and Drug Use Lead to Addiction?

It can. Some homeless people use opioids, weed, alcohol, and other substances to cope with the trauma of becoming homeless5. Others do it to fit in with the community. 

Homeless people may also start using substances to stay awake, sleep, or stay energized when they’re malnourished. Drug addiction can become a crutch for living homeless that takes up the funds, time, and energy they could otherwise use to get help. Homeless people might also run into legal trouble and tarnish a clean record.

And even though help exists, it’s not always easy for this population to get it.

Understanding The Challenges And Seeking Help

Whatever the cause may be of addiction and homelessness, getting help has its challenges. A lack of money, support, and knowledge leaves many thinking there’s no way out.

But there is. 

Barrier #1: Shelter And Safety

Getting help for addiction might not seem like a top priority if you don’t have somewhere safe to stay. You might be more concerned with getting cover, keeping yourself safe from others, and keeping yourself out of trouble. You likely wouldn’t have much time or mental energy to focus on treatment. 

Not all homeless people have access to shelter, even temporary overnight lodging. If they do find shelter, it’s rarely long term. 

Having a home base, even if it’s a temporary living situation in a shelter, can help your fight-or-flight mode ease down. Then, thinking about help and taking the next steps might not seem so unfeasible. 

Barrier #2: No Social Support Network

Many homeless adults don’t have anyone to help them help themselves. They don’t have anyone cheering them on. Getting help rests almost entirely on their shoulders, which can be overwhelming. 

And, if addiction is the norm in your community, you might lose what little social support you have if you stop. This could be the case for many homeless people. Even when they want to stop, change their lives, and get help, they might feel pressured to keep using. 

Barrier #3: Mental Illness And The Effects of Addiction

Mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and PTSD can prevent homeless individuals from wanting–and getting–help. Treatment for these conditions may also be difficult to maintain. Homeless people might miss treatment sessions, have to relocate, or feel unable to add repeated treatment to their lifestyle. These factors can make healthcare providers less willing to work with the homeless population1

Active addiction could also make getting short and long-term help difficult.

The symptoms and effects of addiction can mirror some mental illnesses, like schizophrenia. Some drugs, like lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and opioids7, can cause psychosis. Many substances, including alcohol and weed, put you in an altered state of mind. This can make decisions difficult, even important ones about your health and wellbeing.

But for each barrier to treatment, even if they seem insurmountable, you have opportunities to reach them. Help awaits.

Find Support for Homelessness and Addiction

Homelessness and drug addiction don’t have to be your story. 

You can begin your recovery journey by finding shelter, if you’re living unsheltered. Some shelters take in men only or women only, while others welcome all genders. Others specifically welcome teens and runaways. Here’s a few options to consider:  

While shelters offering treatment options for substance use disorders (SUDs) aren’t as common as regular homeless shelters, they do exist across America. Most of these SUD-specific shelters provide medication-assisted treatment8 (MAT) for opioid use to combat the growing opioid epidemic. They also provide encouragement, hope, and can lower the mortality rates of addiction and overdose.
You can also find treatment in a residential rehab center as your journey continues. To see rehabs that treat drug and alcohol addiction, you can browse our list of centers with pricing, reviews, photos, and insurance.

Too Late to Go to Rehab? Finding the Right Recovery Path as an Older Adult

Older adults face a unique set of challenges when it comes to finding treatment for addiction or mental health disorders. If you’re in this age group, you might feel self-conscious about seeking help at this point in your life, or be worried that you won’t be able to relate to your recovery peers if you do. And while it’s true that a smaller percentage of treatment centers offer special services for more senior clientele, the good news is that there are plenty of rehab programs specifically for older adults available to help people like you.

Addiction affects people of all ages and walks of life. No matter how old you are, you deserve to feel well. It’s never too late to make positive changes, take back control of your life, and be the best version of you that you can be.

Common Stressors of Older Adulthood

Globally, the age group of people 65 years and older is growing faster than all others.1 The number of people aged 80 years or over is projected to triple to 426 million in 2050. Fortunately, there’s also an increased focus on what treatment looks like for seniors. Whether you’ve struggled with the negative effects of substance use at other points in your life and are ready to find support now, or if you’re just starting to notice concerns, there are specialized rehab programs that can help.

Getting older comes with certain stressors that can have real impacts on your mental health:

Navigating Loss

As we advance in age, we inevitably experience loss in various areas of our lives. For some people, the emotional stress of these losses leads them to cope by using substances. For others, it can trigger relapse if they’ve struggled with addiction before.

Social work researchers Justine McGovern and Stephanie Sarabia point out how life changes like this can contribute to substance abuse among older adults.2 “Aging is accompanied by multiple losses: loss of work with retirement; family roles as parenting decreases and family hierarchies are upended; loss of spouse, family, and friends due to death; physical capacity; and independence with the onset of physical and cognitive limitations…These compounded losses can contribute to increased rates of depression and anxiety, which can exacerbate underlying mental health issues.”

Whether or not you have a diagnosable disorder, you may benefit from professional guidance as you navigate the transitions that happen later in life.

Physical Changes

People go through many different physical changes as they age, and these can all have significant effects on their quality of life. “Although often gradual, the aging process itself can produce changes that put older adults at risk for developing problem substance use,”3 say McGovern and Sarabia. “As the body ages, its capacity to process alcohol and other drugs becomes less efficient. Due to decreased lean muscle mass and a slower digestive system, substances remain in the body longer resulting in higher levels of intoxication.”

Interactions between prescription drugs, decreases in eyesight, and memory issues can all increase older people’s risk of substance misuse. Additionally, chronic illnesses can also increase pain and anxiety. Being able to physically access spaces—and participate in programs that are set up to accommodate physical disabilities and other needs—is especially crucial for those facing these challenges.

Emotional Changes

As we age, it’s also common to experience mental and emotional changes. Over time, elders may develop difficulties with problem-solving and spatial orientation. They might also notice feelings of depression related to having fewer social interactions, retiring from a meaningful career, or experiencing transitions in living situations. All of these can impact emotional well-being. This can also be exacerbated by sleep changes and insomnia, which can in turn increase substance use.4

Challenges related to physical, emotional, and psychological shifts, as well as potentially isolating life experiences, have very real impacts on older adults’ mental health. And this, of course, also affects patterns of substance use.

Substance Use Disorders Among Seniors

Substance use issues among seniors are widely underreported.5 That’s one reason why experts are calling for an increased focus on the needs of this age group in providing specialized, effective care.

Alcohol is the most common substance used in most countries worldwide. And according to the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, between 2015 and 2017, 14.9% of adults aged 65 years and older reported high-risk levels of drinking.6

Changes in medication over time, combined with the cognitive impacts of aging, can lead to an increased risk of accidentally using dangerous levels of opioids. Older adults had the highest mortality rates related to opioid use7 between 2006 and 2013. Also in 2017, 3% of Americans aged 50–64 years and 1.5% of those 65 years old and older reported that they had misused opioid medications in the past year.

Substance use affects seniors in specific ways. Physically, effects might include an increased risk of falls, headaches, and seizures, as well as memory loss and disorientation. Substance use can also affect mental processes, leading to sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Seniors might also experience social consequences of substance misuse, like increased family conflict and professional, financial, and legal difficulties.

It can be hard for elders to seek treatment for these specific reasons, and it can be a challenge to identify the real problem. That’s because, in many cases, substance abuse looks similar to symptoms of medical disorders that are common at an older age.8 Not everyone is at risk based on all of these factors, and your needs are unique based on what kinds of support work best for you. Luckily, rehabs offer specialized program options to help you harness your strengths and make the most of your treatment experience.

Specialized Programs May Better Address Your Needs

Research shows that intensive treatments and self-help groups geared toward the general population can be effective for older adults9 with more severe substance use issues. But because of the unique concerns described above, some people find it helpful to enroll in treatment specifically geared towards a more mature clientele. And some therapies are found to be especially effective for people of this age group:

Family Involvement

Many clients find family therapy to be a very meaningful part of their recovery journey. Because addiction affects all of our relationships, it can be highly beneficial to involve biological or chosen family members, partners, and other important loved ones in the healing process.

Hanley Center at Origins
Hanley Center at Origins in West Palm Beach, Florida has a robust program for older adults.

One rehab facility offering family-focused work is Hanley Center at Origins, located in West Palm Beach, Florida. “Quality care for the entire family must take each family’s specific challenges into account and offer a variety of age-specific solutions,” says the center’s clinical team. “These may include co-occurring mental health or medical challenges such as diabetes, cardiac issues, or cancers that are common with older adults.”

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and commitment therapy, also known as ACT, teaches clients to embrace their feelings instead of struggling against them. This may be especially useful for seniors struggling with substance abuse. ACT centers on mindfulness exercises, which help people to become more aware of their cravings, thought patterns, and feelings without judging themselves. This also encourages psychological flexibility. Committed action helps clients achieve their long-term goals by focusing on the values that will help them get better. ACT can also decrease the negative effects of chronic pain on mental health,10 says Julie Weatherell, a professor of Experimental Psychopathology at San Diego State University.

ACT’s focus on value-based living can be specifically beneficial for seniors.11 “Losing contact with one’s life values may occur following important significant life events such as retirement or new functional impairments that arise from a chronic illness,” say clinical psychologists Andrew Petkus, M.A. and Julie Wetherell, Ph.D. “[In ACT,] we address values earlier and to a greater extent than is usually done with younger people. We explicitly incorporate religion into discussions about values because this is a very important domain for many older people. We also talk about end-of-life issues in the context of values-driven behavior.”

Kolonial House in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia supports older adults and offers ACT as one of their treatment approaches.

Trauma-Informed Approaches

Trauma-informed care can be helpful in supporting elders who have experienced loss or other painful events during their lifetime and continue to feel the effects in their daily lives. In rehab, this also means taking a curious approach to understanding how addiction is related to a person’s emotional triggers and coping skills.

“Trauma-informed treatment really prepares individuals to live in recovery, which is good self-care. They also develop skills that will help them navigate in the world as they begin the process of healing from trauma, which might involve in-depth therapy and treatment to address their experiences.”

– Dr. Monika Kolodziej, Program Director of McLean Fernside
mclean fernside slide 2
A look inside McLean Fernside in Princeton, Massachusetts.

Nōmina Wellness in Courtenay, British Columbia provides eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and other treatments to help their senior clients manage symptoms while they develop adaptive skills to navigate traumas.

With so many options available, it’s important to keep in mind that deciding what aspects of care are important for you will be most helpful in choosing the right facility.

Continuing Care for Long-Term Success

Residential care can be life-changing, but it’s only the first step in the journey of recovery. You may have questions about what life will look like after inpatient treatment and how to set yourself up for success in the weeks and months after returning home. Most luxury rehab centers offer aftercare programs to make sure that you’re supported in maintaining the positive changes you made. A good-quality continuing care program will also make sure you have adequate resources in place, as post-treatment challenges can and do arise. This can look like stepping down to an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP), or attending support groups with peers in recovery.

Because physical distance can create a barrier to accessing in-person therapy and group programs, some rehab centers also offer online aftercare services. Web-based programs can be especially useful for people with mobility concerns. They can also help you connect with and learn from people who aren’t necessarily located near you, but nonetheless offer valuable life perspectives. These remote programs are set up to be confidential, just like in-person therapy. And, if available, continuing to work with the same therapist after leaving rehab can create a smoother transition to the life you want to live.

It’s Never Too Late to Feel Well

Older adults may face some unique hurdles in the search for addiction and mental health treatment, but that doesn’t mean effective care isn’t available to you. You can receive support that’s in line with your wants, needs, and life experiences, several rehabs offer programs designed to provide exactly that.

To learn more about these programs, see our curated list of luxury rehabs for older adults.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab Programs for Older Adults

Is rehab suitable for older adults?

Yes, rehab can be highly beneficial for older adults facing substance abuse or mental health concerns. Specialized rehab programs for older adults offer age-appropriate treatment, addressing their unique stressors and needs. These include navigating physical changes, such as managing prescription medication, alongside emotional changes, like navigating loss.

What types of rehab programs are available for older adults?

Rehab programs for older adults include inpatient or outpatient options, specialized programs with a focus on family involvement, trauma-informed care, tailored therapies, medical supervision, and more. An integrated program addresses the physical, mental, and social aspects of recovery.

What are the benefits of rehab for older adults?

Rehab for older adults provides a supportive and structured environment, specialized care for age-related concerns, medication management, social connection, and opportunities for building a sober support network.

Are High Achievers More Susceptible to Addiction?

They may star in Hollywood films or run Fortune 500 companies, but many of the world’s most successful people also have a secret: they struggle with a unique set of challenges that often lead them to require treatment for substance abuse.

Take Zac Efron. This Hollywood star, famous for his lead role in the High School Musical series, was on top of his game in the mid-2000s. He was on the cover of magazines, and the idol of millions of teenagers around the world. But as he shifted into adult roles, he also became part of a much more intense party scene—one that would eventually pull him away from his career. He soon found himself treating his anxiety and loneliness with substances.1 He reflects on that time:

“You spend a lot of time in your house going crazy. You know, pretty soon you need a social lubricant…It was getting to the point where I was caring less about the work and waiting for the weekend…But then when Monday and Tuesday were too difficult to get through, then I was like, ‘Oh, this is bad.’”

Efron pulled himself out of his substance abuse in 2013, when he sold his house in the Hollywood Hills and checked into a rehab program for cocaine and alcohol addiction. But Efron isn’t the only star who has battled substance abuse. Hundreds of CEOs, athletes, artists, and celebrities struggle with addiction. But why?

As it turns out, many of the same traits that make people high achievers, like risk-taking, a strong drive for success, and dedication to their work, also are traits that make them more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. High achievement and substance abuse2 often go hand in hand—and neuroscientists and psychologists can help us uncover why.

The Science Behind Substance Abuse

To understand what drives CEOs, celebrities, artists, and other high achievers to substance abuse, we need to understand what neurological factors lead to substance abuse in the first place.

Addiction researcher and neuroscience professor David Linden, PhD, explains why the character traits that make someone a good CEO also make them a “good addict.” Simply put, the same brain chemicals that encourage us to achieve also push us toward substance abuse and other forms of addiction. Linden writes in his book The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good:3

“The pleasure derived from success, and in particular from risky or novel business ventures, is borne of the very same brain pathways that make substance use so irresistible to some. It’s all about pleasure-seeking and reward.”

But contrary to popular belief, people who struggle with substance abuse and addictive behavior don’t have a heightened desire for these substances. Instead, Linden’s research shows, many people with a history of substance abuse have “dampened” dopamine receptors. Dopamine is the chemical in our brains that allows us to feel pleasure—which means that to get the same rush of positive feelings, a person with dampened dopamine receptors needs to partake in significantly more of an activity or substance than the average person.

What does this have to do with achievement? The connection, Linden argues, is actually quite simple. Certain activities like drinking alcohol, eating fatty foods, and exercising give us a dopamine hit—and so does achieving a goal. When you set and achieve a goal for yourself, your brain releases dopamine, and you get a rush. So, the same mechanism that makes certain people more likely to crave substances like alcohol or drugs is also more likely to push them to work harder to achieve their goals.

“My strong, strong suspicion,” says Linden, “is that what makes some people more likely to rise to the top is the same thing that makes them more likely to be addicts.”

Anxiety, Trauma, and Alcoholism

Though dopamine receptors are responsible in part for substance abuse, they aren’t the only factor that can impact a person’s likelihood to struggle with addiction. While approximately half of someone’s addictive tendencies are thought to be genetic,4 the rest is based on factors having to do with life circumstances.

Constance Scharff, PhD, who works as an addiction researcher with Cliffside Malibu treatment center and co-authored the book Ending Addiction for Good5 reports that high achievers who struggle with addiction are also likely to have experienced a major stressor or trauma in their early lives that shape their behavior.

“There’s something, usually an early experience, that fuels that kind of drive, and oftentimes it’s the same thing that drives addiction. The vast majority didn’t have some sort of basic needs met as children, so they’re driven very, very hard to succeed. But the pain that goes with that is also what they’re self-medicating for.”

– Constance Scharff, Addiction Researcher, Cliffside Malibu

cliffside malibu
Set near the coast, Cliffside Malibu offers a co-occurring disorder treatment program that includes evidence-based treatment and holistic medicine.

The rate of co-occurring disorders with substance abuse is very high—which is why more luxury treatment centers are offering treatment for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other diagnoses. One study from 2010 showed that exposure to traumatic experiences as a child was linked to higher rates of substance use disorder (SUD),6 and many participants were living with both SUD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A similar study on anxiety and substance use disorders7 shows that rates of SUD in patients with anxiety occur at a higher than average rate, suggesting that there is a correlation between the two conditions.

Scharff and her team agree that exposure to adverse childhood experiences,8 also called ACEs, can increase the likelihood that a person will struggle with substance abuse later in their life. And ACEs can also lead to other traits, like perfectionism, that are associated with high achievement. As such, learning how to identify these behaviors, process childhood traumas, and cope with triggers is a pivotal part of treatment for many high achievers who struggle with addiction.

Substance Abuse and Everyday Stressors

There’s one final reason why many high achievers may be prone to addiction: the stress they experience in their daily lives.

Imagine, for a minute, what it’s like to run a global enterprise, or play in a Super Bowl Game. Not only are millions of people expecting you to succeed—your entire life is also often in the public eye. Even for people who aren’t navigating childhood trauma, the pressure to perform at a board meeting or on a movie set, along with the social pressures of being in the limelight, can be overwhelming. Facing anxiety and burnout, many high achievers self-medicate to cope.

Aton center san diego
AToN Center in San Diego, California specializes in helping high achievers who face anxiety and burnout heal from substance abuse.

Studies show that turning to potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms is surprisingly common among successful people. In the recent Executive Wellbeing Index from Bupa Global, 60% of executives who reported struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic said they turned to potentially unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol or substances, to self-medicate9 those issues. Nearly 40% of those respondents said they used over-the-counter drugs and/or alcohol to treat their anxiety, depression, fatigue, or mood swings.

It’s also important to remember that though self-medication and stress is part of daily life for many high achievers, during the pandemic many people lost access to their old, healthier coping mechanisms. In the write-up on their survey, Bupa Global notes: “Many of the mechanisms people typically use to cope with such stress and anxieties such as seeing friends and family, going to the gym, going on holiday and even going to work have been diminished, and replaced for other, more addictive substitutes such as increased alcohol consumption, self-medication, substance abuse, and gambling.” In the absence of other outlets, people often turn to substance abuse.

Even for people who don’t typically struggle with anxiety or depression, periods of stress can lead to self-medication, which can devolve into a more serious substance use problem. Treating mental health struggles as they arise can help all people, including high-achievers, stay ahead of that spiral.

Celebrity Success Stories

For many celebrities, CEOs, and other highly successful people, a combination of childhood trauma, anxiety and stress from a demanding job or lifestyle, and genetics can lead to struggles with substance abuse. But those struggles don’t always end in pain and suffering. In fact, many celebrities with household names have overcome their substance abuse problems by seeking treatment.

Oprah Winfrey, talk show host, author, producer, and much more, was addicted to crack cocaine10 in her early 20s. She started using while in an unhealthy relationship and soon became addicted. In an episode where she interviewed recovering addicts, Oprah shocked her audience when she said to guest Kim Davis: “​​I did your drug.” Oprah sought treatment for her addiction and has since become one of the most influential women in the world.

Business mogul Steve Madden also struggled with addiction11 in the past. This high achiever, who started his shoe company from the trunk of his car, was tried in 2002 for money laundering and fraud. In a documentary from 2017, Madden admitted that he struggled with substance abuse since he dropped out of college, and his lawyers explained in court that his crimes were the direct result of his addiction. Madden spent 41 months in prison and was forced to resign from his role as CEO. Since then, however, Madden has returned12 as creative and design chief of the company he started back in 1990. The company did $1.5 billion in sales last year and now owns a dozen other well-known brands.

There are dozens of stories just like these. For many high achievers, especially those in the public eye, finding treatment can be challenging. But, it’s not impossible. A number of rehab centers specialize in co-occurring disorders, like Solice in Marbella, Spain, which offers a holistic approach to recovery and treats co-occurring disorders like anxiety and depression. Other facilities, like AToN Center in San Diego, specialize in helping executives and professionals heal from substance abuse. These centers and many more offer discreet, personalized treatment that takes into consideration the needs of high-performing individuals.

Solice Spain
Solice in Marbella, Spain offers a holistic approach to recovery and extra privacy for executives who are concerned about confidentiality.

True Achievement: Healing Addiction and Underlying Trauma

As many people know, high achievement can be a double-edged sword. While it comes with motivation, hard work, creative thinking, and often, success, it also can also lead you down a path toward substance abuse and other addictive behaviors.

For many high achievers, substance abuse isn’t the problem—it’s simply a way to cope. Treating the underlying causes that can lead to addictive behavior, and learning about how your body handles substances, can be an invaluable way to find healing. The more you know about yourself, the more easily you can break old patterns, and discover a more successful, motivated, and capable version of yourself.

It’s important to remember that struggling with mental health is a normal part of life—particularly for certain groups of people. For many survivors of childhood trauma, those with a family history of substance abuse, and people in positions of power, treating mental health is part and parcel of living a successful life. Though it can be hard for high achievers to admit their own flaws, it’s okay to recognize that your brain has a unique way of navigating the world. And it’s entirely okay to ask for help when you need it.

You can start your healing journey and reduce your symptoms of anxiety and other co-occurring disorders at a treatment center near you. Learn more by browsing our collection of luxury rehabs here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Addiction Among High Achievers

Why do high achievers struggle with addiction?

High achievers often face intense daily pressure, stress, and a need for perfection, which can contribute to using substances as a coping mechanism.

What are the signs of addiction in high achievers?

Signs of addiction among high achievers include increased excessive workload, declining performance, mood swings, hiding substance use, and neglecting personal well-being.

How can luxury rehab help high achievers with addiction?

Luxury rehab provides tailored treatment programs that include individual therapy, group therapy, holistic treatments, and support networks specifically designed for high achievers’ needs.