Where Do Celebrities Go to Rehab?

Addiction and mental health don’t discriminate: even rich and famous people need help sometimes. But if you have a high standard of living, it might be hard to imagine residential treatment. In the world’s top rehabs, you can start recovery without giving up the best parts of your life. 

What Makes Celebrity Rehabs Special?

Luxury rehabs offer various benefits, but some outdo the others—like rehabs for celebrities. Along with high quality treatment, celebrity rehabs provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You can go skydiving, rafting, whale watching, or opt for a sunset yacht ride. At these centers, comfort and recovery go hand-in-hand. 

From the outside, a celebrity rehab might pass as a high-end resort or tropical getaway. But their treatment offers more benefits than a ritzy vacation. At a celebrity rehab, you’ll get a blend of 2 worlds: luxury living and effective addiction treatment.

Celebrity Rehab Centers Around the World

You can find celebrity rehabs around the globe, with a wide variety of treatments and amenities. Whether you prefer the tropics, a mountain retreat, or a private island oasis, there’s most likely a center that meets your needs. 

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab

exclusive hawaii rehab facility
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers holistic treatment for addiction, eating disorders and mental health.

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab prioritizes privacy in an oceanside bungalow. Their program includes holistic and naturopathic treatments. This center also treats mental health as a primary condition–even if you don’t have addiction. You can attend this program to heal from co-occurring disorders and eating disorders, too. 

Clients are safe from prying eyes in a gated residence, hidden from the road. And a security team guards the property for extra privacy. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab has 3 room options: shared, private with a shared bathroom, or a private room with an en suite bathroom. They treat a maximum of 7 clients at a time.

Along with privacy, Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers comprehensive care. They tend to your mental, physical, and even spiritual health throughout treatment. Nutritional counseling and concierge IV therapies restore your body’s nutrients. They also offer traditional Hawaiian Ho’oponopono sessions (a prayer for forgiveness), channeling the goddess Madame Pele to nourish your spirit. 

If you need to, you can keep up with work during recovery. This center allows you to use your phone and laptop, and provides a dedicated workspace. And when you’re not in therapy, you can feed manta rays, take a cooking class, visit waterfalls and caves, or just relax on the beach. 

Passages Malibu

passages malibu facility
Passages Malibu is housed in 5 estates, equipped with extravagant amenities, on the Pacific.

In sunny California, Passages Malibu offers holistic treatments like hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and massage. Individual therapy is central to your recovery process, with 60-80 hours of 1:1 therapy each month. 

Patients can choose either a shared or private room. You’ll also have access to luxurious lounge areas and multiple pools. You’re free to bring your phone and laptop and stay connected to work during treatment.

On-site chefs offer nutritious meals tailored to your dietary needs. Passages Malibu doesn’t use 12-Step therapies, instead favoring a holistic approach. They see addiction as a fully treatable condition, not something you’ll have for the rest of your life. Working with your individual therapist and treatment team, you’ll explore the root causes of your addiction. And once you understand where your behavior comes from, you can learn to make different choices. 


neoviva lake view
NEOVIVA, an ultra private rehab on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, caters to executives and high-profile clients.

NEOVIVA welcomes celebrities to a discreet lakeside location in Switzerland. Their treatments focus on what causes addiction, like trauma or a mental health diagnosis. In daily 1:1 and group therapy sessions, you’ll get support from both your care team and other patients. The program encourages close relationships, with a 1:3 staff-to-client ratio. And for even greater privacy, they treat just 5 clients at a time. 

This rehab center operates within a hotel. So you’ll have access to all the hotel’s amenities, like their sauna, restaurant, and outdoor pool. You can even bring your pet! Each private room overlooks Lake Lucerne. But with no signage or staff uniforms, you’ll look just like any other hotel guest. And your treatment sessions stay in a private section of the hotel, away from other guests. All staff—including NEOVIVA’s and the hotel’s—comply with strict confidentiality requirements. 

Reflecting their holistic approach, NEOVIVA offers wellness treatments like yoga, breath work, and Qi Gong. When you’re not in therapy, you can explore your surroundings and see the famed Lake Lucerne up close. Your weekends could include forest hikes, trips into nearby villages, and time at the lake. 

AToN Center

aton center garden
AToN Center offers daily individual sessions and a holistic approach in an exclusive, luxurious setting.

AToN Center offers the privacy and luxury most celebrities need. Their San Diego residence has private rooms and sits on 10 acres, giving you plenty of space to explore the outdoors. 

AToN Center offers both 12-Step and non-12-Step care. They also blend evidence-based, holistic, and trauma-informed therapies. Their goal is to address and heal the underlying cause of your addiction, whether it be trauma, a mental health condition, or stress. 

Here, you’ll have 4 hours of therapy a day: 3 group therapy hours and a 1-hour individual session. And if it’s helpful, your family can join you for weekly therapy sessions too. AToN Center won’t restrict access to your devices either, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your treatment. 

Their holistic practitioners offer weekly sessions of acupuncture, massage, personal training, yoga, and hypnotherapy. You can also go on hikes, attend a painting class, meditate, and heal your energy with Reiki.


istana ibiza oceanfront
Istana provides confidential bespoke treatment at locations in Barbados, Bali, and Ibiza.

Istana has locations in Ibiza, Bali, and Barbados. Each location treats just one client at a time in a private villa. These serene retreats become your recovery oasis. And your family can come too, if you and your treatment team agree that it would help you heal. You can also keep up with work, thanks to their flexible technology policy

This program offers customized treatment each step of the way, using evidence-based and holistic therapies to meet your needs. Their evidence-based practices include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which teaches you new ways to respond to the thoughts and behaviors that led you to addiction. 

Istana prioritizes confidentiality for therapeutic and privacy reasons. Private airport pickups keep your care secluded from the beginning. Staying in their unmarked, 4-bedroom villas protects you from the public eye. And with a care team fully versed in confidentiality, you can trust that your recovery process will be protected. 

You’ll have a butler, personal chef, and life coach, among the many other personnel. And in your free time you can enjoy island tours, cooking classes, making music, and learning new dances. 


raindrum rooms
Raindrum provides evidence-based treatment for one client at a time, administered from luxury homes by a dedicated and personal team.

At an ultra-private center like Raindrum, you can choose between several private residences. Whether it’s on the beach or in the countryside, you’ll have a luxurious living space all to yourself during treatment. 

You can attend Raindrum to heal from addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions like burnout, depression and anxiety. This rehab offers experiential therapies like surf therapy, equine therapy, dance, and photography. You can also get creative with art therapy or pottery, and even learn a new language.

Raindrum prioritizes individuality. Treatment is specially tailored to support your needs and goals for the future. Their staff even come to your residence, instead of meeting you in a clinical setting. 

At Raindrum, every element of treatment takes place 1:1, talk therapy to personal training. You’ll have individual therapy sessions each day. You’ll also have a full team of support staff including housekeepers and a personal chef. 

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island

the sanctuary vancouver island infinity pool
The Sanctuary Vancouver Island provides ultra-private, personalized care for high-profile clients with mental health struggles, addiction, eating disorders, and executive burnout.

The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers bespoke, high-end treatment. This center can meet almost any medical or emotional need you may have. Along with addiction and mental health treatment, they also focus on chronic pain management, post-operative care, and weight stabilizing. And their chronic pain track helps clients manage ongoing pain without prescription medications, or with a lower dose. 

This center offers both evidence-based and alternative treatments. For example, you might combine a talk therapy like CBT with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). More than 100 on-call staff members support your recovery, from chiropractors to psychiatrists. 

In addition to world-class care, The Sanctuary Vancouver Island offers elite amenities. You’ll stay in one of several private residences on Vancouver Island—close to the shore, in the quiet forest, or somewhere in between. Between therapy sessions, you can enjoy delicious meals from your personal chef, go whale watching, or even explore the area in a seaplane. 

Finding Recovery as a Celebrity

Addiction treatment won’t take away all your problems. But it can teach you new ways to manage ongoing challenges. After rehab, you can bring those coping skills wherever you go next—whether that’s on stage, on the field, or in the privacy of your own home. 

Visit our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about their accommodations, specialized therapies, and more.

Into the Wild: Adventure Therapy Explained

It’s no secret that spending time in nature is healing. The outdoors can be a great place to turn when you’re recovering from mental health issues or addiction. Nature provides peace, challenges, and new experiences—all without judgment.

Adventure therapy takes that idea a step further. This type of therapy shepherds people into the outdoors and out of their comfort zones. During these outings, clients participate in structured activities designed to achieve specific goals. 

Rehab isn’t just talk therapy and group meetings—many treatment centers use the power of adventure as part of their recovery process. Read on to learn more about how this works, and how it can help you.

Healing by Doing 

Adventure therapy1 is a type of experiential therapy, or “learning by doing, with reflection.” In the experiential theory, it’s believed that learning is greater in unfamiliar situations. And this is exactly what adventure therapy does—in the outdoors.

All adventure therapy programs have several aspects in common:2

  • The activities occur in a natural setting; usually one that’s unfamiliar to participants.
  • Clients must complete challenging activities, often in cooperation with others.
  • Tasks are typically completed in small groups, but can also occur 1-on-1.
  • Experienced guides lead the group, providing physical and emotional safety.

Although most adventure therapy programs share a core ethos, every rehab is unique.  Different centers may offer various activities, depending on their surroundings, weather conditions, and more.

What Activities Can You Do Treatment?

During adventure therapy, you can reflect on your feelings in a brand new context. But even when you’re deep in nature, you might have a busy schedule. These programs may offer some or all of the following activities:

You may choose to try something new, or get reacquainted with an old hobby. But in either case, make sure to plan around the location of your rehab center. Not all places will be able to offer every activity. A facility in Kansas probably doesn’t have surfing, for example.

All Points North Lodge takes advantage of their location in the Rocky Mountains. “We have so many fantastic opportunities for activities outside of here, being in Colorado and being at the top of the mountain,” says Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations. They take clients on almost any outdoor excursion you can think of—like canoeing, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, ATVing, and skiing. 

But these recreation opportunities aren’t just for fun—they also serve a purpose. Dr. Drzewiecki continues, “we have so many different options there, which we marry with an experiential philosophy of therapy.” So, you’re having fun and healing, all at the same time. This is the heart of adventure therapy: to enjoy yourself while you experience personal growth.

All Points North Lodge Pool
The beautiful Rockies surround All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado.

Using Adventure to Reach Therapy Goals 

Throughout the adventure therapy process,2 clients should feel like they’re in between their “comfort zone” and “panic zone.” Researchers in one study coined this desired “zone” the “groan zone.” In this mental state, people feel more attentive and open to new experiences.

There are several common goals that adventure therapy aims to accomplish1 while people are in the “groan zone:”

  • increased self-awareness, which contributes to a better understanding of how their behavior affects outcomes
  • higher accountability, both to themselves and to others
  • healthier coping skills, which leads to better self-control
  • more positive beliefs about themselves, and less negative ones
  • better creative problem-solving, communication, and cooperation strategies
  • realistic understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, and self-imposed limitations, which leads to better decision making

Wilderness therapy is a specific type of adventure therapy with similar goals. Although they both take place outside, there are slight differences between the 2 therapies.

Is Wilderness Therapy the Same as Adventure Therapy?

Wilderness therapy is a type of adventure therapy3 that is especially popular for treating teens. Wilderness generally takes place in uninhabited areas in nature, often far from urban environments. Groups are immersed in the outdoors, usually for a lengthy amount of time. Adventure therapy, on the other hand, often consists of much shorter outings and isn’t necessarily done in a group. Wilderness therapy4 consists of 3 core elements:

  • time spent in the wild
  • physical activity outside
  • a group setting that encourages camaraderie as well as personal growth

Ideally, the challenges participants face in these settings, and the personal strengths and group support they draw on to overcome them, bring on breakthroughs that can lead to lasting changes. 

Why the Great Outdoors are Great for Your Mental Health

Regardless of the activity, simply being in nature is good for you.5 Studies show that spending time outside can improve mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. And, research shows that trying adventurous activities can also have positive effects on mental state.6 

Adventure therapy can also help people access emotions that might be difficult to verbalize in talk therapy. And they can do so in a safe and supportive environment, where a qualified therapist is there to help when they feel triggered. And back at the rehab, clinicians are available to help clients process whatever their experience brings up for them. 

Benefits for Teens: Boosting Moods, Reducing Screen Time 

Pacific Quest in Hilo, Hawaii is a wilderness therapy program that helps young adults tune into the present moment.

Adventure therapy, and particularly wilderness therapy, can be especially healing for teens.4 Adolescents are more likely to use technology—the average American teenager spends 6.5 hours per day staring at screens.7 Adventure therapy can help them get off of their devices and out into the natural world. And time in nature is important—it promotes mindfulness, which in turn improves overall well-being. By placing the focus on the present moment, mindfulness can reduce symptoms of conditions like depression and anxiety.8

Because young people are often distracted with their phones, teens are spending less time outside than previous generations. This contributes to “nature-deficit disorder,”9 according to journalist and author Richard Louv—and it’s a serious concern. According to this theory, the reduction in time outdoors causes negative behavioral changes, like shorter tempers and moodiness.

However, some programs are aiming to combat this by fighting fire with…nature. One study found that 10 weeks of Wilderness Adventure Therapy (WAT) improved the mental health of adolescents.10 Immediately after the study ended, participants reported better psychological resilience and higher self-esteem. At a 3-month follow up, participants had less depressive symptoms as well as improved behavioral and emotional functioning.

The benefits clients get from wilderness therapy ripple into different parts of their lives, like their relationships with others.

Benefits for Families: Less Conflict, Better Communication 

Teens aren’t the only ones who benefit from adventure therapy. Reconnecting with nature can benefit the whole family.11 This is true whether a teen attends the program alone or with other family members. 

In the wilderness, communication is vital. Whether you’re talking about a meal time or a rendezvous point, mistakes can have clear consequences. In this environment, teens quickly learn to communicate with both adults and their peers. And when they return home, they can put this skill to use within their family system. 

Some rehab centers even offer adventure therapy programs for families. Others invite family members to join in some counseling sessions. Wasatch Crest, for example, encourages families to get involved in their loved one’s recovery by offering family therapy and allowing family visits. In addition, their treatment team provides families with support, and invites them to maintain contact with their loved one.

Wasatch Crest has an adventure-based residential program in Heber, Utah.

These programs have a noticeable impact on treatment. In one study, parents who underwent outdoor family therapy said it helped them understand their children’s needs.11 They even felt like treatment improved their parenting skills. In another, teens felt less anger toward their parents after completing this type of treatment. 

Improving family relationships is an important part of addiction recovery. This sets them up for success after treatment by making sure they have a strong support network in place.

Adventures in the Recovery Journey 

Adventure therapy can support addiction recovery. In one study, teens who completed a 70-day wilderness therapy program showed significant improvements12 in several areas:

  • psychological resilience
  • social confidence
  • behavioral functioning
  • emotional operating
  • decreased depressive symptoms

These all reduce the likelihood that someone will use substances. People struggling with their mental health may turn to substances13 to cope with their symptoms. But when people feel good about themselves, they don’t need to use drugs or alcohol to alleviate those negative thoughts and emotions. And they’re more likely to use healthy coping mechanisms instead of relying on harmful ones.

This might be why people who exercise are less likely to engage in drug use.14 Adventure therapy programs can help clients get back into physical activities, which can be beneficial for recovery. For example, research shows that people who completed physical exercise programs had a reduction in drug and alcohol cravings afterwards. Physical activity can also increase abstinence rates, decrease withdrawal symptoms, and improve overall quality of life. And, exercise decreases stress.14 Because experts agree that stress is a common cause of relapse, physical activity is important for people with addictions.

Who Should Try This Approach?

People who already thrive outdoors are great candidates for this type of treatment. But you don’t need to be an expert to reap the benefits. Trained guides teach newcomers the ropes—both literally and figuratively. They’ll make beginners feel comfortable (even if they’re in an uncomfortable place) and make sure they’re staying safe as they push themselves to overcome new challenges.

However, you should consult with a medical doctor before enrolling in an adventure therapy program. If you’ve just completed detox and are experiencing post-acute withdrawal symptoms, for example, you may not be ready for intense physical activity. And some people may have physical or mental conditions that might make it difficult, or even dangerous, to complete the activities at the rehab center.

Is Adventure Therapy Safe?

For the most part, adventure therapy is safe. Treatment centers employ guides with certifications and experience to safely conduct activities. As long as participants listen to the guide’s directions, there’s very little danger. The goal is for people to heal in a new context, and move away from reckless behavior.

If you have concerns about safety or legitimacy, talk to your rehab’s admissions team about who leads these programs, what credentials they hold and how they ensure the therapeutic value of outings. 

Learn more about rehab team members’ qualifications here.

Sober Fun and Newfound Joys 

If you love nature and want to try something new, adventure therapy can be a powerful treatment experience. This approach invites you to challenge yourself, both physically and emotionally, which can be highly rewarding. And as you build confidence, you set yourself up for success throughout recovery.

In recovery, it’s not just important to abstain from substances, but to find things that make sobriety fun and fulfilling. Outdoor adventure can give you a chance to connect with nature—and with others who enjoy doing the same.

See our directory of rehabs that offer adventure therapy to search for activities that interest you, as well as see facility photos, program highlights, pricing information, and more.

Affordable Luxury Care in the Tropics: 7 Reasons to Consider Rehab in Malaysia

Lush surroundings, cost-effective treatment, and quality care: these are just a few of the advantages of luxury rehabs in Malaysia

Treatment facilities here can help you heal from the inside out. And with plenty of interesting activities, holistic treatments, and personalized programs available, Malaysia is the perfect backdrop for many people’s recovery journeys. We’ll explore those reasons in depth below.

1. Malaysia’s Dense Rainforests and Dreamy Coastlines are Healing Settings

In the tropical climate of Malaysia, vibrant rainforests teem with life. Bright vegetation encircles the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Hot weather combines with plentiful rain to make greenery flourish. Green gives way to blue once you reach the sandy beaches that ring the country’s coastlines.

If this is the setting you’d like to start your recovery journey in, you’re in luck: several luxury rehabs offer comprehensive care in Malaysia. One such facility is Shine Wave Retreat, in the hills of Johor Bahru. Palm trees pepper the outdoor patio and grassy knolls surround the campus. Patients find refuge at this private oasis while they seek recovery for mental health conditions like anger, depression, or bipolar disorder.

Unique Jungle and Ocean Activities 

Some rehabs in Malaysia plan outings that immerse clients into the stunning landscape. Solace Asia, for example, has a variety of exhilarating outdoor activities to choose from. Time here might include white water rafting on local rivers, spotting monkeys, birds, and lizards on local trails in the forest, or reef diving among tropical fish and sea turtles.

Whatever adventure you embark upon, you won’t just be having fun—you’ll also be healing. Research shows that challenging yourself with new activities is beneficial for mental health.1 Adventurous pursuits make you feel good because they activate the same areas of the brain that rewards do. Learning new things strengthens your brain by creating new pathways. You’ll build confidence by accomplishing things that scare you. And you’ll feel more fulfilled—“a sense of flourishing,” says Frank Farley, Ph.D., a professor at Temple University.

And thanks to the tropical climate, it’s possible to do many of these activities most days of the year.

2. The Year-Round Warm Climate 

You can expect temperatures in Malaysia2 to range from warm (23°C or 73°F) to hot (32°C or 90°F). Because Malaysia has a tropical clim​​ate,3 conditions will be both humid and rainy. Monsoons bring heavy rainfall. The northeast monsoon lasts from November to March, and the southwest monsoon occurs from May to October.

If you’re wondering what to pack for rehab, definitely bring clothes for hot weather. However, most people in Malaysia are Muslim and dress conservatively. Because of this, it’s more acceptable to wear loose, lightweight clothing with more coverage for outings. A staff member at your facility can help you decide what to bring.

3. Malaysia Rehabs Accommodate Your Needs

It’s important to have your needs met as you focus on the challenging work of recovery. Whether you have diet restrictions or co-occurring mental health conditions, luxury treatment facilities in Malaysia are happy to accommodate.

Special Programs for Adolescents and Young Adults

No one is exempt from mental health conditions. Children, teens, and adults can all face challenges like depression or anxiety. In fact, research shows that mental health issues are on the rise in kids.4 And many struggle with additional distress due to recent world events. A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) found a 25% increase in anxiety and depression5 of people worldwide in 2020. 

Fortunately, centers like Shine Wave Retreat and The Wave Youth Clinic offer specialized treatment for young people, so no one is left behind.

The Wave Youth Clinic in Kuala Lumpur is a dedicated teen and young adult treatment center. Their full spectrum of care includes boarding and education, outpatient, and online services.

The Wave Youth clinic
An indoor pool, yoga deck, and outdoor basketball court are some of the amenities available at The Wave Youth Clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Flexible Dietary Offerings

Good nutrition is crucial in recovery as you heal from the damage of substances and stress. Whether you’re gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, or adhering to religious guidelines, treatment centers cater to clients’ dietary needs.

At Serene Retreat, staff can prepare Kosher, Halal, vegan, or vegetarian meals. At Solace Asia, all food served follows Halal guidelines. Many luxury rehabs place a focus on healthy eating and will gladly adjust their menus to your dietary restrictions—check with admissions staff for details. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Mental health conditions often underlie substance use disorders. This is known as a “co-occurring disorder” or “dual diagnosis,” and many people aren’t aware of this until they discover it in treatment. It’s more common than you may think: about 9.2 million adults in the U.S. have a co-occurring disorder.6

Co-occurring disorders are complex, and require treatment by a team that truly understands them. You might require a combination of techniques that involve clinical, holistic, and medication-assisted care. Solace Asia is one rehab that specializes in dual diagnosis treatment.  Clinicians work with clients to create a personalized treatment plan that’s based on psychotherapy and may or may not include medication, depending on your needs. 

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Solace Asia‘s quiet, tropical property sits tucked away in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4. Healing (and Happiness) With Holistic Care

Luxury rehabs in Malaysia emphasize holistic care. Holistic treatment focuses on the whole person, addressing physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs as part of the recovery journey. Mind-body practices like yoga and mindfulness meditation facilitate the healing process and reconnect you to your happiness.

“Many of us forget to be happy,” says Solace Asia’s CEO & Clinical Director Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam. “Happiness is the basis of living. And I think whatever we do, it has to be based on being happy.”


Yoga combines breath and movement to calm the mind and rebalance the body. Its many health benefits include reducing stress, depression, and anxiety.7 Avoiding difficult emotions is a huge driver of addictive behavior. But yoga helps people come into an easier, less judgmental relationship with these feelings—thus decreasing the urge to use.

It’s no surprise, then, that yoga is a common fixture at many rehabs. And this holds true at treatment centers in Malaysia, like Shine Wave Retreat, where clients are encouraged to take part in regular classes.

Art Therapy

You don’t have to be a skilled artist to try art therapy; the goal of this experiential therapy is to serve as an outlet for your personal expression. Art therapy provides a safe environment to process feelings that are difficult to discuss. 

According to research, art therapy supports the recovery journey8 in these ways:

  • boosts self-esteem
  • improves self-awareness
  • builds emotional resilience
  • develops social skills
  • increases insight
  • reduces stress

The Wave Youth Clinic uses art therapy to help their teen and young adult clients through a variety of challenges. “Art therapy offers our young people a safe form of emotional expression and communication, unrestricted by language and/or communication difficulties,” says the center’s Clinical Lead, Mahisha Naidu. “The art offers a bridge between their inner world and the outside world, free of the confines of meeting certain levels of cognitive functioning.”

5. Cost-Effective Recovery

Rehabs in Malaysia are extremely affordable compared to other countries. At Serene Retreat, clients pay MYR 25,000 (about $5,500 USD or £4,500 GBP) for 28 days. 

Rehabs in the West have a much higher cost—private rehabs in the U.S., for example, average $1,000 USD per day or more. Treatment in Malaysia means all-inclusive care at an accessible price point. 

serene retreat sabah dining
Serene Retreat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia offers luxury accommodation at an accessible price point.

CEO & Clinical Director of Solace Asia, Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam says increasing access to mental health treatment is part of Solace Asia’s mission:

“When we first started Solace, our mission was to make sure anyone suffering from addiction could recover and live a normal life. After a few years, we revisited our mission and realized we have to make treatment affordable to the masses.”

And budget-friendly options don’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort. Luxury rehabs here are well-appointed with amenities like gourmet dining, outdoor pools, fitness facilities, adventure outings, and more.

6. Ambitious Treatment Standards

Many rehabs in Malaysia strive to stay up to date on the latest research and treatments. Dr. Shanmugam explains how the team at Solace Asia works to continually improve their programming

“We have a team of addiction treatment experts who are certified in this field specifically,” says Shanmugam.

“We make sure that our clinical team goes for training continuously. We are involved in research, in publications. We constantly keep ourselves updated with the latest treatment approaches.”

The Wave Youth Clinic also strives for clinical excellence, aiming to “raise the bar in the standards of family and adolescent therapy” internationally. Their integrated treatment approach is based on 7 core elements: clinical, medical, education, global citizenship, outside-inside, experiences, and destination future. 

7. Easy Air Travel

Malaysia has 6 international and 16 domestic airports.9 You’ll most likely fly into the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), as this is the main international airport. Once you arrive in Malaysia, it’s easy to take a connecting flight to an airport closer to your final destination. Most luxury rehabs can help you arrange airport transfers, and some can even connect you with sober coaches or companions to accompany you on the journey to the facility. 

See more on arranging treatment abroad in our article on traveling to rehab

Find Peace in the Land Below the Wind

Malaysian rehabs can be a great option for those who want treatment in a luxury setting, at non-luxury prices. The country’s incredible jungle and beach destinations and relaxed pace of life can go a long way toward easing the transition into recovery. 

See our list of luxury treatment centers in Malaysia to learn more about facilities, pricing, and program highlights, and reach out to admissions staff directly.

The Healing Power of Nature in British Columbia’s Rehabs

Canada’s westernmost province, British Columbia (BC), is famous for its numerous outdoor opportunities in beautiful areas with mountains, lakes, beaches, and forests. Many treatment centers in BC take advantage of the region’s abundant and accessible nature by offering adventure outings such as river rafting, rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, and more.

The peaceful settings of British Columbia offer space for reflection and growth. Many centers have walking trails and gardens on their grounds to facilitate mindfulness and healing. Several rehab facilities also offer gender-specific treatment, as well as programs tailored for other specific groups, such as Indigenous men or those who value spiritual wellness.

Nature can help you heal and recharge, and BC is a great choice for recovery if close access to the outdoors is important to you.

British Columbia’s Stunning Scenery

British Columbia’s natural geography of mountains, lakes, rivers, and beaches offers plentiful recreation opportunities. In fact, 75% of BC is covered by mountains, and the region boasts more protected areas than any other Canadian province. You’ll find beautiful coastal areas on the western side of the province, and breathtaking mountains on the eastern side.

When planning your stay at a residential treatment center, it’s important to remember that BC has all 4 seasons. If you’re attending a facility here in winter or spring, you’ll get to enjoy crisp weather and access to snow sports. Coastal areas get lots of rain, while the interior mountainous regions see more snow. Summer and fall in BC mean warmer weather and outdoor activities like swimming and hiking.

Being surrounded by nature may allow for a more relaxing, meditative experience. And in fact, this type of mindfulness can have a direct impact on your emotions.1 One study found that participants who walked outdoors for 20 minutes reported feeling more positive than those who walked indoors for the same amount of time.

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Top of the World Ranch in Fort Steele, British Columbia sits on 600 acres of ground surrounded by the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

This region offers many opportunities for outdoor activities with numerous hiking trails, mountain biking routes, rock climbing areas, and more. The parks in BC offer over 3,500 miles of trails 2 (~6,000 kilometers), many of which are located inside the province’s 1000+ provincial parks,3 recreation areas, conservancies, ecological reserves and protected areas.

Treatment Centers Surrounded by Nature

Whether or not you venture outdoors, attending rehab in BC means being surrounded by stunning views. For example, Top of the World Ranch was built on 600 acres in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. You’ll find forests, valleys, and lakes throughout the property. According to their team’s treatment philosophy, this environment offers clients “a great opportunity for growth and introspection, building towards your best self in the relative solitude of pristine natural surroundings.”

The emotional impact of this natural setting was not lost on Sean, a client who attended the treatment facility for 90 days in 2019. “It helped having 600 acres to explore in the Rocky Mountains,” he says. “Top of the World has saved my life, my marriage, and has given me a second chance.”

The Sunshine Coast Health Centre and the Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic both overlook a body of water called the Georgia Strait, in which clients can watch pods of whales and dolphins. You can also enjoy the snow-capped mountains, sandy beaches, and miles of uninhabited wilderness that surround these 2 properties.

Located in Powell River, British Columbia, Sunshine Coast Health Centre is a men-only residential center with picturesque views.

Adventure Outings

Clients at rehabs in this area can embark on adventure outings in all seasons. In the winter, clients at Sunshine Coast Health Centre, Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic, and Valiant Recovery can go skiing and snowboarding. These activities give residents a break from time spent indoors during recovery.

In the warmer months, Nōmina Wellness takes residents white water rafting and on safaris, while clients at Top of the World Ranch can visit hot springs. Valiant Recovery provides access to a ropes course and zip-lining.

In addition to these off-site adventures, all of these programs allow residents to utilize the hiking and biking trails either on or near their properties. For some clients, this is an essential part of recovery. By engaging with nature, you may be able to heal in a more holistic and fully realized way.

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Located in scenic Kelowna on a comfortable homey property, Valiant Recovery offers immersive hiking experiences at nearby trails.

Treatment in BC Is Tailored to You

Some rehab centers cater to specific demographics. You may prefer to attend a program designed to treat people who share commonalities with you, especially things you deeply value.

Spiritual & Holistic Healing Treatment Centers

Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society understands that the 200,000 indigenous people residing in BC4 may prefer to attend treatment programs that are designed with their cultures in mind. Their “All My Relations” program serves this demographic, supporting indigenous men as they heal from substance use disorders.

The staff at this rehab center recognizes that this demographic faces a unique set of challenges, and may have experienced both personal and collective trauma. With that in mind, the program empowers indigenous men to reclaim their cultural identities. Clients take part in traditions such as daily smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies. The recovery center also partners with elders and members of several Indigenous nations to provide workshops, ensuring that clients have access to the best possible care.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center focuses on spirituality, and is endorsed by Deepak Chopra, a well-known advocate for alternative medicine. The treatment facility combines Eastern practices with Western medicine to create a program that allows for spiritual growth. “We are very different in that we recognize that addiction is also a search for spiritual well-being,” says Chopra.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center is located on 10 acres of land along the banks of the Cheakamus River in Squamish, BC for a peaceful experience set deep in nature. In addition to individual and group therapy, clients can also participate in mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, guided hikes, Ayurvedic massage, and art therapy. If you’d like to focus on spiritual healing during treatment, this program might meet your needs.

Gender-Specific Treatment

If you feel more at ease with members of your own gender, you may consider attending a program that offers gender-specific treatment.

Georgia strait womens clinic
Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic is a women-only center in a boutique-style home overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Powell River, British Columbia.

Sunshine Coast Health Centre and Inspire Change Wellness Center are both men’s only treatment centers, while Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic and Westminster House only cater to women. Westwind Counselling’s residential care is women-only, but they serve all genders in a separate online program.

Men and women may experience different societal pressure and stressors. You may prefer to be among those of your own gender if you are currently healing from trauma or seeking treatment for an issue that members of your gender are more likely to experience.

If you don’t identify with a gender binary, this may not be an important factor in your search. Additionally, you may wish to find an identity-affirming rehab with programming expressly designed to make you feel safe, seen and accepted.

Treatment for Eating Disorders

Westwind Counselling is Canada’s first private eating disorder recovery facility. This program helps clients heal from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and orthorexia. They offer online treatment options for all genders as well as in-person care for women, and don’t require clients to first obtain a formal diagnosis. Westwind teaches clients about mindful eating, body acceptance, and emotional well-being. Research shows that these are all core components of treatment for eating disorders.5 This program helps clients feel more at home in their own bodies, empowering them to make healthier choices in the long term.

Vancouver’s Natural Diversity

Several centers are located either in or close to Vancouver. Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society is in the city itself, and numerous other treatment centers are within an hour’s drive. These programs have the best of both worlds: access to the great outdoors, and proximity to a thriving urban hub.

Diversity and Inclusion Is a Priority

Vancouver has a very diverse population,6 and has been ranked as the most livable city in Canada7 and the 16th worldwide, according to a 2021 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The study looked at stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure of every major city in the world.

Perhaps because of its diversity, the city’s government is committed to creating a welcoming environment for all of its citizens. City staff meet with local community groups and agencies to better understand and meet the needs of residents. Officials emphasize programs for childcare, Indigenous peoples, youth, disadvantaged seniors, multicultural and diverse communities, and more. These priorities are reflected in their Healthy City Strategy,8 a plan with 13 different goals all aimed at making living in Vancouver better for everyone.

Vancouver has the 3rd largest urban Indigenous population of any Canadian city.9 Their Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Committee works with the city to ensure that Indigenous peoples have equal access to and are included in any new plans and procedures. Vancouver’s city council also determined that the unceded land in Vancouver still belongs to the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations10 in a unanimous vote in 2014.

Vancouver is home to the biggest LGBTQ+ community11 and hosts the largest Pride parade in Western Canada. The event takes place every year during Pride Week and is put on by the Vancouver Pride Society, a not-for-profit organization that is committed to strengthening their community by ensuring that Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ population feels represented and included.

Explore the Outdoors in Vancouver Treatment Centers

There are many places to recreate in Vancouver. Residents and tourists alike enjoy access to many outdoor areas, including Lynn Canyon, Grouse Mountain, Deep Cove, and more. Stanley Park, located in downtown Vancouver, includes miles of trails, stunning beaches, cultural and historical landmarks in an area of 1000+ acres. Vancouver locals highly value access to nature.

Rehab centers in the area share that value. You may or may not be able to explore the city on your own during your stay, depending on your health status and your program’s approach to treatment. However, most Vancouver rehabs include plenty of outdoor space; some even have private beaches. Even if you remain on-site at a rehab for the duration of treatment, you’ll be able to enjoy this beautiful landscape.

A Temperate Climate

Vancouver rarely sees snow, and the winters are some of the most mild in Canada. If you decide to seek treatment in BC during the winter season but prefer more temperate weather, Vancouver may be a good option for you.

Planning Travel to British Columbia

British Columbia is easily accessible by car or plane. Because there are 5 main airports in the region, you can easily choose one close to your treatment center. Most facilities offer transportation directly to and from the airport. Make sure that you check with your admissions team before booking any travel, to find out which options are available.

A Peaceful Path Toward Recovery

Traveling to British Columbia can offer a new and peaceful space to start your recovery process. The variable landscape and climate allow you to choose which kind of environment you’d like to be in during treatment, whether that’s in a busy city like Vancouver, or a more peaceful, rural area. And in either setting, you can expect to spend plenty of time outdoors.

Visit our list of luxury treatment centers in beautiful British Columbia to see photos, read reviews, and more.


How much does treatment cost in BC?

The cost of addiction treatment in BC varies by factors such as treatment type, length, and location. Some rehabs offer financial aid or insurance.

What are addiction treatment programs like in BC?

Rehabs in BC often offer experiential therapies that make the most of their naturally beautiful surroundings. Private rehabs provide tailored treatment, which may include holistic therapies.

Can I find women’s or LBGTQ+-affirming treatment in BC, Canada?

Yes. Some rehabs in BC offer specialized programs for certain client groups, including women and LBGTQ+ individuals.

Learning by Doing With Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy lets you heal by doing. Taking part in activities during rehab encourages you to learn new skills, and it can be a lot of fun. But this therapeutic modality offers much deeper benefits. It’s also a way for clients to get to know themselves in different contexts, processing emotions they might not easily access during talk therapy.

When you think of therapy, you may picture a private or group conversation with a trained healthcare provider. That’s an important part of any inpatient rehab experience, but it’s not the only way to heal. Experiential therapy techniques can help you get out in the world, center yourself in your body, connect with your community, and tap into your innate creativity. In the safe and supported environment of rehab, clients can then process these experiences with a talk therapist.

For many people, this is a valuable way to work through emotional triggers. You’ll learn what does and doesn’t work for you, relating recent events to your personal history. Then you can set new goals for your next session of experiential therapy, gradually getting better at navigating new situations. There are many different types of experimental therapy, and depending on where you go to rehab, you may be able to choose from a wide variety of activities. It’s important to choose a type of therapy that will support your healing process.

Types of Therapeutic Activities and Expression

If you want to try experiential therapy, look for a rehab center that offers specific programs you’re interested in. If you find physical exercise to be especially healing, you might want to go rock climbing or river rafting. If you enjoy connecting with nature, you may prefer hiking or equine therapy. And if you find meaning in the arts, you can even visit museums while you’re in treatment. There are countless options available.

However, it’s important to remember that rehab is not a vacation. Not every experience will be available to every client, or at every facility. You can rely on your clinical team to help you decide which ones are a good fit for you.

Athletic Activities

Research shows that exercise has a positive impact on addiction recovery.3 It’s not only physically healthy; it’s also a way to remind yourself that you’re a capable person. By overcoming new challenges, you’ll create memories that remind you of your own strength. If you can literally scale a mountain, it may be easier to face the peaks and valleys of the recovery journey.

Sierra Tucson rockclimbing
Rock climbing is one of the many athletic activities available at Sierra Tucson in Tucson, Arizona.

These experiential therapies aren’t just metaphors for your future success. In a practical way, they also give clients a break from talk therapy. By stepping into a new context, you’ll gain insights that just aren’t as accessible in talk therapy. Jerry Vaccaro, President of All Points North Lodge in Colorado, explains that these activities are intended “to help clients incorporate what they’ve just learned. If you think about it, if somebody who’s been through an intensive burst of treatment in a week goes skiing, that activity allows them to unplug and process what they’ve just been through and enjoy themselves.”

Adventure Therapy

Many people approach recovery as a spiritual journey. And in the right context, experiential therapy can be a transcendent experience. Residents of White River Manor, in South Africa, are invited to go on safari. As Giles Fourie, Director and Co-owner, describes it, “safaris through the Kruger National Park are a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a lot of people. To experience wildlife in its natural habitat is so unique and so special. It’s liberating. It’s almost spiritual in nature.”

White River Manor safari
Guests at White River Manor in South Africa have the opportunity to partake in unique experiences like a once-in-a-lifetime safari.

And if South Africa isn’t right for you, there are other places to find adventure. At The ‘Ohana, in Hawaii, clients visit “the famous volcano of the island. They will tour the rim of the volcano as well as visit lava tubes. They will be immersed into nature; connecting to the earth and the power which it holds. Clients will experience a therapeutic group session along their journey as they reflect on how things are constantly changing. Volcanoes beautifully illustrate the process of rebuilding and reshaping.”

Looking into a volcano can be a spiritual experience for anyone, whether or not they’re in recovery. Having these experiences surrounded by your cohort, and supported by staff members from your rehab program, is an extremely powerful experience. These adventures offer you a new perspective on your own life, as well as on the world around you.

Art Therapy

Many people misuse substances in order to avoid dealing with negative emotions that they’re afraid to feel or express. The creative outlet of art therapy allows you to engage with those feelings without being subsumed by them. In this modality, clients “use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings.” This engaging, cathartic experience offers clients new tools for self-expression.

After inpatient rehab, it’s important to find healthy, sustainable ways to fill your time. Ideally, you’ll replace past behaviors with new activities that you find meaningful. For many people, art is the answer. This practice is both versatile and accessible—art therapy may include visual art, music, writing, or psychodrama. Once you return home, you can continue any of these activities, either on your own or in community.

Art isn’t just for artists. There’s great value in the act of creation, whether or not you intend to share your work in public. Preliminary research has even found a correlation between creativity and self-esteem.1 Art therapy is an opportunity to not only learn a new skill, but also to learn more about yourself.

The Philosophy Behind the Experiential Approach

Any activity, from adventure outings to ziplining, can be an opportunity for emotional growth. Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “the way you do one thing is the way you do everything—or at least, there’s something to learn from the way that you experience everything. So we periodically pause during activities and say, ‘What’s going on for you right now? What are you noticing?’ And we’re able to use that as a therapeutic opportunity to look at what’s happening.”

Experiential therapy engages different parts of the brain,2 and can be extremely beneficial when combined with other modalities. You’ll also have the opportunity to apply your insight from talk therapy in a new environment, and often in group settings. This way, clients can practice not only making safe choices, but also building healthy relationships. Even if you go off-site, everything you do during rehab takes place within a protected, supported context. Think of experiential therapy like riding a bike with training wheels. You’ll be exposed to new stimuli, and you’ll probably be a little uncomfortable. There’s a lot to learn from that discomfort. And you can trust that your therapists and support staff will be there to keep you on track, even if you get triggered.

Not every therapeutic modality is right for every client, and it’s ideal to find activities that best suit your learning style.4 According to one popular theory, there are four major learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, and kinesthetic. If you’re a verbal learner, for example, you may want to focus on talk therapy instead of learning martial arts.

However, you may be surprised to see which types of therapy suit you best. Rehab is a time to get to know yourself better than you have in the past and let go of negative preconceptions. As you reconnect with your most deeply held values, you just might get excited to try new things.

Limitations of Activity-Based Treatment Techniques

It’s important to note that experiential therapy isn’t right for everyone. For example, many people arrive at rehab with post-acute withdrawal symptoms. These clients may not be ready for strenuous activity, or even to go off-site with a group.

On the other hand, you may prefer a program without any group activities. Some clients, especially celebrities and high-level executives choose to attend private rehab facilities which treat only one client at a time. These facilities may offer adventure therapies, but that context won’t allow you to learn about group dynamics in quite the same way.

Experiential therapy is absolutely not a substitute for talk therapy. These excursions are valuable for many reasons, not least of all because you can return to talk therapy afterward and process your experience. This is true before, during, and after rehab. Joining a rock climbing gym is a great idea for some clients, but it should be combined with some sort of clinical care.

What This Means When You’re Choosing a Treatment Program

Finding the right kind of experiential treatment is a very personal process. Some people may benefit from stepping outside their comfort zones, trying exciting new activities they’ve never had access to before. Others may want to hone a skill, or return to a hobby they once loved. There’s no right or wrong way to choose an activity to focus on; there’s just the right way for you.

As you look into rehabs, be mindful of what type of treatment you find in various locations. Your preferences may also inform the geographical area of your program. If you live in Texas and want to go skiing during rehab, for example, it probably makes sense to travel to a new place.

It’s quite common for rehab facilities to only offer certain experiences to certain clients. You may be required to complete part of the program before you can participate in off-site outings. For example, Futures Recovery Healthcare offers a number of programs for people with different needs. Clients in their adventure therapy program, Rise, take part in a 10-day on-site stabilization program before joining other activities.

Futures Recovery Healthcare Rise
Futures Recovery Healthcare’s Rise program offers a uniquely active, adventure-based approach to recovery.

Create Meaning Through Experience

Rehab is an opportunity to make big changes. And in order to change the way you feel, you’ll almost certainly begin by changing what you do. Rather than just setting down old behaviors, it’s important to refill your time with activities that give your life purpose. Cultivating that sense of fulfillment makes recovery more sustainable. What you do in experiential therapy may or may not become your new favorite hobby: you might just discover that you hate surfing, and get excited to return home to the Midwest. Regardless, each of these experiences serve to teach you more about yourself.

To learn more about the many activities you can try during treatment, connect with a luxury rehab offering experiential therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Experiential Therapy

What is experiential therapy in rehab?

Experiential therapy is a therapeutic modality that encourages healing through hands-on activities and experiences. It goes beyond traditional talk therapy and allows clients to engage in activities like rock climbing, equine therapy, or art therapy. These experiences help clients learn new skills, process emotions, and gain insights in a different context, leading to deeper personal growth and self-discovery.

How does experiential therapy benefit addiction recovery?

By engaging in physical activities and adventures, such as athletic activities or adventure therapy, people in recovery can boost their self-esteem, develop resilience, and gain a new perspective on life. Art therapy, for example, provides a creative outlet for self-expression and exploring emotions. These therapies complement talk therapy, helping clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and build stronger relationships.

How to choose the right experiential therapy for rehab?

When choosing an experiential therapy for rehab, it’s important to consider your interests and preferences. Look for rehab centers that offer specific programs aligned with your goals, such as outdoor adventure or music therapy. Discuss with your clinical team to determine which activities are suitable for your healing process. Remember, not every therapy is suitable for everyone, and it’s essential to find activities that resonate with your learning style and contribute to your overall well-being during the recovery journey.

What to Expect While You’re in Rehab

Rehab is a place for you to build a sustainable life. In order to do that, you’ll develop healthy daily habits, learn to cope with cravings, and set goals. This is not a simple process. In order to create a better future, you first need to understand what led you to this point. By working through your emotional experience of your life so far, you’ll learn more about yourself and your own values. And when you truly understand yourself, you open the door to a life that can support your unique version of health.

Most rehab programs are designed to give you a type of structure you may have been missing up until now. You’ll likely have a full agenda, waking up early for a full day of activities and going to bed soon after you finish them. This schedule strikes a delicate balance. The intensive process keeps you focused on the work at hand, with little time to get too distracted by the cravings and triggers you came to get a break from. You will, however, have some opportunities for downtime to process the hard emotional work you’re doing in therapy. How intensive this journey is varies from program to program.

Because everyone is different, each rehab center offers a number of different healing modalities, ranging from individual therapy to recreational group outings. The process may feel more accessible if you have a sense of what to expect in advance.

A Typical Day in Rehab

Your time in rehab will be carefully curated by a team of healthcare providers. In addition to receiving medical care, you’ll spend time with the other residents, attending one-on-one therapy, and processing your experiences. Here’s what a typical schedule might look like: 

7am – 8am Yoga 

8am – 9am Breakfast 

9am – 10:30am Individual therapy 

10:30am – 12pm Group therapy 

12pm – 1pm Lunch 

1pm – 1:45pm Medical aspects or energy work

1:45pm – 3:30pm Trauma therapy

3:30pm – 4:30pm Recreation therapy

4:30pm – 5:30pm Meditation

6:30pm – 7:30pm Group Activity or Speaker

7:30pm – 10pm  Free Time & Homework

10pm Bedtime

You won’t have the same schedule every day, but it’s likely that each day will be tightly structured. Most facilities have time set aside for visiting hours, family therapy, and experiential therapies or outings such as skiing and rock climbing. Some rehabs offer even more flexibility. For example, at All Points North Lodge , a luxury rehab in Colorado, clients sometimes go on nature walks with their therapists during individual sessions. 

As you can see, most centers maintain a balance between time alone, one-on-one sessions with a provider, and group experiences. Every one of these dynamics is an important part of healing. Because rehab is a place to reconnect with yourself, it’s valuable to learn how to be alone. Talking through your feelings with a trusted guide in a private setting will help keep you on track throughout that process. Social dynamics offer group support, and encourage clients to hone their interpersonal skills. Many clients even find the simple act of sharing meals with their rehab community gives them a helpful sense of camaraderie and support. 

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Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland.

Personalized Programming at Bespoke Treatment Centers

Some residential rehabs serve only one client at a time, offering a completely bespoke experience tailored to meet their needs. Other rehabs take a holistic approach, treating a few clients at a time using a highly individualized approach. For instance, the team at Paracelsus Recovery works very closely with each person in their care to come up with a plan perfectly suited to their recovery goals. Louis Fitzmaurice, a therapist at Paracelsus, says: 

“Everything that goes on in the therapeutic environment that we exist in has been created for and directed at our client. It’s designed. It’s tailor-made for our client, everything that goes on. That’s the food, the complementary therapy, the psychotherapy, the psychiatry. That’s me, the live-in therapist. That’s the physical work. Everything that goes on in the environment is focused on our client and is for the best outcome for our client.”

This careful scheduling offers clients the structure they were likely missing before rehab. It also ensures that you’ll have the chance to benefit from a number of different healing modalities. 

Emotional Exploration in Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a safe, private space for you to express yourself without being concerned about the listener’s reaction. Your therapist’s job is not to fix you, but to help you do the hard work of healing. 

This is not a fast or easy process, but in the end, it’s worth the effort. By developing the skills to navigate whatever life throws at you, you can come to rely on yourself and go forward with confidence. Ryan Soave, Director of Program Development at All Points North Lodge, says that “With therapy in general, the goal is not to reach some place where nothing affects you and you’re happy 100% of the time. It’s really about building the capacity to experience difficult emotions, to experience hardship. We’re going to experience pain – it’s part of life. In fact, we can’t have joy without pain. The more we can build the capacity to experience the full amount of pain, the more capacity we have to experience joy in life.”

During individual therapy, you’ll get to process anything that’s coming up for you. You might feel called to talk about your life before rehab, your daily experience of the program, or your concerns about the future. This is also a place to discuss practical skills like how to manage cravings, how to define your goals, and how to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. Bear in mind, however, that one-on-one therapy is just a starting point. It’s your responsibility to take what you learn in this context and apply it to the rest of your life. 

There are many different styles of one-on-one therapy. Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have access to some or all of these; you may even want to choose a program based on which types of therapy they offer. Some popular styles of therapy offered at rehab are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),1 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),2 and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).3

As productive as individual therapy is, it’s not a simple solution to all your problems. In fact, much of the work of therapy happens between sessions. This allows you to reflect on your observations, put what you’ve learned into practice, and gain new insights into your patterns. When you return for your next session, you’ll be ready to delve even deeper into your treatment process. As you integrate the lessons of therapy into your daily experience, you’ll develop a greater understanding of yourself. Eventually, you’ll start to define what you want your life to look like after rehab.

Group Therapy and Social Dynamics

Group therapy is another way to prepare yourself for life after rehab. This is an opportunity to connect with people at a similar point in their path. By building community with the other clients in your program, you’ll realize through sharing your experiences that you’re not alone. As valuable as it is to work with a therapist, there are some lessons that you can only learn from peers. As Lana Seiler, Associate Director of Clinical Operations at All Points North Lodge, says, “We’re social creatures by nature, so it’s a very different feel working one-on-one with someone versus working in a small group and in their community.”

If you attend a program for a specialized cohort—such as a men’s group, a women’s group, or a group for older adults—group therapy may allow you to speak in shorthand. If you’re the parent of adult children, for example, there are parts of your life that a childless 23-year-old might not understand without explanation. On the other hand, that same person can probably teach you a great deal about what it’s like to be a young adult relating to her parents in this era of history. There is no right or wrong group of people with whom to undergo group therapy, but it’s important to find the right group for you

For many people in rehab, interpersonal skills are an area of growth. Group therapy is a safe, gentle way to learn or relearn how to build healthy relationships. Openly describing past and present experiences can help clients work against shame. “Group therapy is important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, addiction and substance use bring around a lot of isolation, shame and secrecy over time. People often feel very alone. So an important vehicle for change is to have support and encouragement from others,” says Dr. Monika Kolodziej, Program Director of McLean Fernside. This dynamic helps clients cultivate a sense of self-acceptance, which is essential in order to move forward from substance use. 

Substance use can easily damage your relationships with family, partners, colleagues, and friends. As such, group therapy is a safe place to practice skills that will serve you well when you return to your community after rehab. The act of building relationships in this context provides a certain level of accountability, which may have been lacking in your life before rehab. When you see how the people around you approach their treatment, you may be inspired to commit to your own process even more fully. Data shows that group therapy can improve clients’ engagement with recovery.4 

all points north online aftercare
All Points North Lodge in Edwards, Colorado

Finding Joy in Complementary Therapies

Recovery is hard work; there’s no way around that. However, recommitting to yourself and your wellness means building a better life. In support of that goal, there are many therapies that focus on relaxation and fun. Inpatient rehabs often offer complementary therapies, giving you time and space to process the more demanding aspects of treatment.

Bodywork: Healing the Body to Heal the Mind

Many luxury rehabs invite clients to receive bodywork such as massage, acupuncture, and other spa services. These experiences have a dual purpose. On a therapeutic level, they help your body heal from the negative impacts of substance use. They’re also an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy yourself. Some of these modalities have a component of mindfulness, which can contribute to your emotional recovery.

Recreational Therapy: Emotional Processing Through Self-Expression

Depending on where you go to rehab, you may have the opportunity to participate in recreational therapy. Arts and crafts, film, and psychodrama—to name just a few—offer a different way of relating to yourself and expressing your emotions. Veronique De Buck​, Evolutionary Art Therapist at Camino Recovery, explains: 

“By working with art, you can reconnect with your resources, your potential, your talents and all the beautiful things you have inside of you. Sometimes people can’t put their trauma into words. So it helps to feel, to contact their heart, to feel the emotions and to put those emotions on paper.”

Adventure Therapy: Exploring Your Inner and Outer Worlds in Tandem

Some luxury rehabs are known for their adventure therapy programs. These experiences vary widely from location to location. In California, you might hike a beautiful mountain trail. Some Florida rehabs offer beach activities from surfing to wave running. At White River Manor in South Africa, you can even go on safari. These activities are a fun and exciting way to learn about your own reactions to life in different contexts. According to Ryan Soave, these experiences are more than just a break from the intensity of therapy:

“Fun and play are super important to getting well. It actually allows people to access creative states, which we want people to be in. In behavioral health, it’s about inventing a new way of relating with oneself and others and the world around them. So being able to get out and have fun can really help their process.”

Through these experiences, you’ll develop more sustainable ways of relating to the world. And having positive memories to draw from can make the next chapter of your life feel more accessible.

People are complex, multifaceted beings. Rehab is designed to treat every aspect of self. The demanding work of individual and group therapy encourages you to delve into your reasons for being in rehab in the first place. By balancing this work with enjoyable low-stakes activities, you’ll be reminded of how much the world has to offer you. As challenging as recovery can be, it’s the first step in moving towards a life you love.

Browse our collection of luxury treatment centers to learn more about the experience of rehab. 

Frequently Asked Questions About What Happens in Rehab

What is a typical daily schedule like in rehab?

A typical day in rehab is highly structured from morning until late evening. Schedules usually include individual and group therapy, complementary therapies like yoga, other recovery activities, and downtime.

How long does rehab typically last?

The length of stay in rehab varies depending on individual needs, but most programs last between 30 and 90 days. Some programs are shorter or longer stays depending on the severity of addiction and the individual’s needs.

What kind of therapies are offered in rehab?

Rehab programs offer a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). These different styles of therapy may be delivered in a one-on-one or group setting. Luxury rehabs tend to offer complementary therapies like yoga or art therapy.

Florida Rehab Has Something for Everyone

There is no one right way to heal. When you choose a rehab center, you’re not just choosing a place: you’re also choosing your treatment environment, who you’ll be around, and which therapeutic modalities you’ll have access to. This can be an empowering decision that sets you up for success as you move forward in your recovery journey. 

If you’re interested in recreation therapy—such as psychodrama, arts and crafts, or horseback riding—a facility in Florida might be the right fit for you. Several Florida rehab centers also specialize in treating the underlying circumstances that contribute to addiction. For example, some of these programs cater to high-powered professionals, older adults, people with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, or those with chronic physical pain. Some programs also offer gender-specific treatment, with different groups for men and women. And clients of many demographics are offered specialized care designed to help with their specific concerns. 

Recovery by the Sea

Florida’s beautiful climate can have a powerful impact on your health. Visitors can relax on the state’s world-famous beaches, or engage in more active pursuits like scuba diving, paddle boarding, or wave running. Local culture places a great focus on physical health and enjoyment of the outdoors—but this isn’t just for athletes. The state’s temperate weather is also a big draw for families and older adults seeking a gentler experience. 

Many of Florida’s rehab centers offer direct access to the coast. Some of them are located close to the water, and others invite residents to go on beach excursions. While these spaces are protected from the hustle and bustle of major cities, they’re not necessarily completely isolated in remote locations. Guests at treatment centers in this area have the time to enjoy nature and adjust to a new pace of life while engaging in the physical activities that suit them best. 

In this diverse area, there’s a great emphasis on respecting each client’s unique needs. If you choose to attend a luxury rehab here, there’s a good chance you’ll work closely with your clinical team to design a personalized treatment plan.

futures recovery healthcare
Futures Recovery Healthcare in Tequesta, Florida

Treatment Tailored to Each Client’s Background

Florida has long been a destination for people from all walks of life, from college students to retirees. And like the state itself, the rehab facilities in Florida offer specific opportunities to several different populations. This is an excellent place to connect with other people in recovery who can easily relate to your own life experience. 

Recovery for Older Adults

Older adults in recovery have a unique set of priorities and needs. Some Florida facilities, such as The Hanley Center at Origins, specialize in offering care to this community. When you begin recovery later in life, it’s especially important to form connections with people you can relate to. The emphasis on group therapy empowers clients to learn together and share the wisdom they’ve cultivated over time. To that end, this addiction treatment program for older adults encourages “patients to feel a human connection, share experiences, and polish their interpersonal skills… We strive to create a close-knit community of peers so that our patients feel safe, welcomed, and comfortable.”

Physical fitness can also play a role in recovery. While there is a well-understood link between physical and mental wellness for people of all ages, older adults often have unique health considerations. For example, the medical treatment of chronic pain can easily lead to opioid addiction.1 Recovering from that addiction is important, but the underlying cause remains an issue. The Hanley Center helps older clients learn to manage their physical health without engaging in destructive behavior. To that end, you may develop skills that support healthy medication management, nutrition, and exercise.

Gender-Specific Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Rehab is, by nature, an insulated setting. Some guests may want to take this a step further, and only be among people of their own gender. Florida has many options for gender-specific treatment. If you choose this type of environment, you’ll join a cohort of all women or all men, and heal alongside people who understand the pressures that come along with your identity. 

The Hanley Center’s program for women offers a deep and compassionate understanding of the unique stigmas and traumas they often face. Specifically, “women are more likely to experience discrimination based on their physical appearance and more likely to function as single parents. Likewise, women are also more likely to be victims of abuse or assault, and they receive diagnoses of depression and anxiety at higher rates than men…[and] many of these issues can exacerbate substance use. Body image disorders, trauma, and co-occurring mental health disorders are all risk factors for addiction that we see among the women seeking treatment.” By taking these circumstances into account, the facility offers women space to heal in a protected community. 

Men in recovery face a different set of concerns. The pressures men face in their respective cultures often isolates them from the support they need. In particular, the simple act of asking for help often carries a stigma. Without a strong support network, it’s all too easy to resort to unsustainable means of emotion regulation. In the men’s group at the Hanley Center, expert professionals “address deeply rooted issues and clear a path to emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.” Men are invited to seek support not only from these professionals, but also from each other. Learning how to ask for and accept community care, they learn to navigate life’s challenges. 

beachway therapy center
Beachway Therapy Center in West Palm Beach, Florida

LGBTQ+ Affirming Programs

LGBTQ+ clients often struggle to find competent care, especially for mental health concerns and substance use. It can be difficult to find healthcare providers who understand how to affirm your experience, allying with you to address your concerns without pathologizing your identity. The LGBTQ+ community faces higher rates of mental health disorders2 due to minority stress. Yet many people struggle to access the support they need and deserve. 

Caron Ocean Drive, a rehab center in Boca Raton, Florida, offers LGBTQ+ affirming services. In all of their programs, this facility focuses on treating each client as a whole person. And in their efforts to support LGBTQ+ clients, they offer individual and group therapy and access to community events through their partnerships with organizations such as the PRIDE Center in Fort Lauderdale and Lambda North in Delray Beach. These opportunities actively work against the isolation that so many LGBTQ+ people face in their daily lives. 

People with these identities face not only social stigma, but also unique concerns related to physical and mental health. With that in mind, Caron Ocean Drive offers collaborative therapy that’s open to a client’s family of origin and/or chosen family. Transgender clients also have the opportunity to work with endocrinologists to ensure that they have a plan for ongoing gender-affirming medical care during and after the transitions that take place in rehab.  

Discrete Care for High-Powered Clients

Certain clients require a high level of discretion and flexibility. Florida has a number of programs that cater to extremely successful clients, including CEOs and those with public personas. These lifestyles can be very demanding, and the pressure to maintain an appearance may make it difficult to find the care you need.

Orenda, a program at Futures Recovery, is designed to support high-achieving clients. This process is supported by a staff of medical professionals and hospitality experts. Orenda’s highly personalized program gives you access to innovative medical techniques, from neurorestorative care to hypnotherapy. Athletes continue their physical training in conjunction with therapy and the amenities of rehab. Programs like this one encourage guests to learn more about their own needs, and to meet them in creative ways.

tikvah lake
Tikvah Lake Recovery in Sebring, Florida

Adventure Therapy

In the effort to support each client’s individualized care plan, many Florida rehabs offer adventure therapy. Most of these programs are meant for small groups, and allow participants to explore social dynamics in a safe and structured way. Some outings are only offered to those in outpatient treatment, but certain residential programs have a special focus on these experiences. 

Rise, at Futures Recovery, is one of these adventure-based programs. After completing detox, residents can choose to go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. These physical activities provide a number of benefits for people in recovery. First, they have a positive impact on physical health, which can aid in the biological process of healing. Experts have also found a link between physical activity and improved executive function.3 Any group activity is also an opportunity to have fun, bond with program peers, and create positive memories.

Traveling to Florida

Florida is easily accessible by plane, with four major airports servicing the state. New clients are discouraged from driving themselves to rehab. Most rehabs will help you plan travel logistics, even offering transport to and from your flight. Because of the temperate climate, it’s easy to reach these facilities at any time of year. 

If you’re coming from the Midwest or the East Coast, Florida is one of the most accessible warm-weather locations in the U.S. Many programs in this area offer both residential and outpatient treatment. These choices may be especially appealing to Florida residents, or to those who want to stay on in the state for a longer period of time. 

Freedom to Define Health for Yourself

Your time in rehab—anywhere in the world—is a chance to step away from the stresses of daily life, and instead focus on your own needs. Florida’s climate is a good fit for people who want to heal both physically and emotionally. This is an opportunity to decide what you need to feel healthy. 

Florida centers are best for people who want to get personalized care. This is a place to connect with a cohort of people who are likely to understand your experience of the world. And those connections can be a valuable source of insight as you discover what recovery means to you. 

For more information on available programs, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Florida here

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Florida

What are the benefits of rehab in Florida?

Florida rehabs offer tailored treatment for diverse client groups, a full spectrum of care, and adventure programs where clients can go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. 

What are the costs of rehab in Florida?

The average cost of inpatient rehab in Florida is $30,000 per month; the average cost of PHP is $15,000 per month; and the average cost of IOP is $10,000 per month. In general, inpatient rehab is the most expensive type of rehab, followed by PHP, IOP, and outpatient rehab.

How do I find a rehab center in Florida?

To find a rehab, you can start by asking your doctor, therapist, or a trusted friend or family member for a referral. You can also search online using an unbiased platform or SAMSHA’s treatment finder. When choosing a rehab, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Ask about the treatment options offered, the cost of treatment, and the success rate of the program.