Choosing the Right Rehab as a Celebrity

We hear it all the time: “celebrities are just like everyone else.” And in many ways, that’s true. But you might have some unique concerns when it comes to rehab. For example, privacy, flexibility, and maintaining your lifestyle might be especially high priorities. In a luxury rehab center, you can start addiction and mental health recovery without sacrificing your other needs. 

Why Is Addiction So Common in Celebrities?

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. Whether or not you’re famous, you might develop an addiction for a variety of reasons. But certain aspects of fame contribute to higher rates of addiction among affluent people:1

  • Easier access to drugs and alcohol
  • Isolation from trustworthy support systems
  • Trauma from abuse and neglect, especially during childhood fame
  • Pressure from demanding professions

Like anyone else, some celebrities may also have a genetic predisposition to addiction.2 This risk is further increased when combined with a stressful lifestyle. 

Unique Challenges of Recovery for Celebrities

If fame plays a role in developing addiction, it also affects how you access treatment. Many celebrities have ongoing contractual obligations like games, tours, or interviews. So if you take time off work for treatment, you might face career and financial penalties. And those commitments don’t end after rehab. Many of them even come with an expectation to drink or use drugs with your colleagues and fans.

High achievers also face significant financial pressures. You might be supporting a large staff, artistic collaborators, and loved ones. So if you stop working, they could feel immediate effects. And fame doesn’t always bring financial success. High-profile activists, politicians, and artists can’t always afford rehab centers with the strict privacy they need. 

For this demographic, public opinion has a major impact on the recovery process. And unwanted media attention can interfere with healing. Because of this, confidentiality is a major concern for high-profile clients—as it should be. You have the right to recover on your own terms. That’s why most rehabs have privacy policies that keep celebrities safe from prying eyes. 

alive luxury private retreats property
Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab caters specifically to celebrities, treating only one client at a time.

What Do Celebrity Rehabs Offer?

Celebrity rehabs understand the unique ways that fame affects addiction and recovery. There are a few key ways rehabs approach treatment for high-profile patients. 


For most celebrities, privacy is essential for recovery. That way, you can focus on yourself and the changes you want to make, without distractions. With this in mind, celebrity rehabs have strict privacy policies. 

For the utmost confidentiality, some rehabs treat only one client at a time. Centers like Alive Luxury Private Retreats and Rehab cater specifically to celebrities. They take a personalized approach to recovery, tailoring treatment to meet your unique needs. 

Location can also play a role in keeping your recovery private. Swiss rehabs, for example, take anonymity to the next level. Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, explains: 

“In terms of confidentiality, that’s basically the second name of Switzerland. It’s the banking secrecy, the whole discretion. The Swiss mindset is, in a way, non-sensational. We get clients who are celebrity, A-list Hollywood actors, who go to the local Starbucks. Of course they’re recognized, but it’s not in the news, the local tabloids don’t write about it, and they’re not harassed for autographs either.”


With success comes responsibility. If a team of employees depend on you, you might not be able to take time off work for recovery. Or you might need to attend social functions, or stay in touch with your family. At many elite rehabs, you can keep these commitments during your stay. 

Some centers have more relaxed device use policies, so you can stay connected throughout treatment. Others even allow you to work remotely. As long as these activities don’t interfere with your progress, you can continue taking care of business while you heal.   

Gerber describes how the clinicians at Paracelsus Recovery accommodate each patient’s individual needs:

“We’ve had people with regular scheduled TV appearances, such as entertainers who have had to be in front of the camera once a week in a different country. We could accommodate that. We have people who run companies, or family business empires. They have to have work calls every day. We have to accommodate that.”

tikvah lake recovery pool
Tikvah Lake Recovery provides clients with a sober companion to join them at special events.

Joyful Recreation

If you’re successful in your chosen field, you may be accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Rehab doesn’t have to interrupt that. In fact, learning to enjoy yourself without drug use is an important part of recovery.3 

At White River Manor in South Africa, for instance, patients can go bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, or even on safari. Director Co-Owner Giles Fourie describes the therapeutic value of these activities:  

“There’s great therapy in that. It’s also just about having fun. There’s great value in our clients experiencing what it is to have fun outside of addiction, outside of the substances that they believed they needed in order to experience joy in their lives.” 

And these experiences don’t just bring joy to your time in treatment. They can also set you up for long-term success. 

Comprehensive Aftercare

When you leave inpatient treatment, you’ll probably return to the same world you left behind. Even if you’re sober, you might need to keep attending high-profile events where drugs and alcohol play a role. And you’ll still face the same pressures you did before entering treatment. 

That’s why many celebrity rehabs offer comprehensive aftercare. You can return to the center for a follow-up stay, or meet with your therapist remotely. Some rehabs, like Tikvah Lake Recovery, even offer sober companions to join you at special events. Their presence can help you work through triggers and avoid relapse. 

What Rehabs Do Celebrities Go To?

Recovery is unique for everyone—even high-profile clients. While many celebrity rehabs are lavish retreats, that’s not universally true. 

As extravagant as this sounds, not all celebrity rehabs are expensive. And most of them accept insurance since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. Treatment in some parts of the world, like Thailand, is particularly accessible. Whatever your budget is, you can likely find a luxury rehab that fits your lifestyle.

the hills rehab chiang mai property
The Hills Rehab Chiang Mai and other rehabs in Thailand offer luxury amenities at an affordable price point.

Bespoke Luxury Rehabs

When you’re used to a high standard of living, leaving it behind can interfere with healing. But if luxury amenities are a priority for you, many rehabs can meet your needs. You might have a private chef, personal trainer, and house staff assigned to you during your stay. And you can stay in a 5-star room, private suite, or even an entire villa. Many luxury rehabs also offer a 24/7 concierge service. You’ll have somebody there to act as a liaison between you, the staff, and your loved ones throughout treatment. And they can also be an important source of emotional support outside of your treatment team. 

In rehabs like Orenda at Futures, this approach is central to recovery. Their team believes “freeing patients to concentrate fully on therapy produces better outcomes.”4 To that end, their team is dedicated to meeting each client’s unique needs. They’re always available to answer your questions and make your stay as comfortable as possible. 

Holistic Rehabs

Holistic rehabs treat addiction using a variety of evidence-based and alternative therapies:

These types of rehabs treat the whole person, addressing your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. At Alta Mira Recovery in California, expert staff “address neurobiological, psychological, social, physical and spiritual aspects of addiction” with therapies ranging from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to equine therapy

Celebrity Rehabs: Joyful and Private Places to Heal

When you find fame, it’s all too easy to lose yourself in the process. In treatment, you can get to know yourself again without the pressure of public opinion. And you won’t have to choose between career success and recovery. Celebrity rehabs show you how to keep the best parts of your lifestyle, and let go of the behaviors that aren’t serving you.

Search our collection of luxury rehabs to learn more about their locations, approaches, and special considerations.

Into the Wild: Adventure Therapy Explained

It’s no secret that spending time in nature is healing. The outdoors can be a great place to turn when you’re recovering from mental health issues or addiction. Nature provides peace, challenges, and new experiences—all without judgment.

Adventure therapy takes that idea a step further. This type of therapy shepherds people into the outdoors and out of their comfort zones. During these outings, clients participate in structured activities designed to achieve specific goals. 

Rehab isn’t just talk therapy and group meetings—many treatment centers use the power of adventure as part of their recovery process. Read on to learn more about how this works, and how it can help you.

Healing by Doing 

Adventure therapy1 is a type of experiential therapy, or “learning by doing, with reflection.” In the experiential theory, it’s believed that learning is greater in unfamiliar situations. And this is exactly what adventure therapy does—in the outdoors.

All adventure therapy programs have several aspects in common:2

  • The activities occur in a natural setting; usually one that’s unfamiliar to participants.
  • Clients must complete challenging activities, often in cooperation with others.
  • Tasks are typically completed in small groups, but can also occur 1-on-1.
  • Experienced guides lead the group, providing physical and emotional safety.

Although most adventure therapy programs share a core ethos, every rehab is unique.  Different centers may offer various activities, depending on their surroundings, weather conditions, and more.

What Activities Can You Do Treatment?

During adventure therapy, you can reflect on your feelings in a brand new context. But even when you’re deep in nature, you might have a busy schedule. These programs may offer some or all of the following activities:

You may choose to try something new, or get reacquainted with an old hobby. But in either case, make sure to plan around the location of your rehab center. Not all places will be able to offer every activity. A facility in Kansas probably doesn’t have surfing, for example.

All Points North Lodge takes advantage of their location in the Rocky Mountains. “We have so many fantastic opportunities for activities outside of here, being in Colorado and being at the top of the mountain,” says Dr. Ryan Drzewiecki, Director of Clinical Operations. They take clients on almost any outdoor excursion you can think of—like canoeing, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, ATVing, and skiing. 

But these recreation opportunities aren’t just for fun—they also serve a purpose. Dr. Drzewiecki continues, “we have so many different options there, which we marry with an experiential philosophy of therapy.” So, you’re having fun and healing, all at the same time. This is the heart of adventure therapy: to enjoy yourself while you experience personal growth.

All Points North Lodge Pool
The beautiful Rockies surround All Points North Lodge in Vail Valley, Colorado.

Using Adventure to Reach Therapy Goals 

Throughout the adventure therapy process,2 clients should feel like they’re in between their “comfort zone” and “panic zone.” Researchers in one study coined this desired “zone” the “groan zone.” In this mental state, people feel more attentive and open to new experiences.

There are several common goals that adventure therapy aims to accomplish1 while people are in the “groan zone:”

  • increased self-awareness, which contributes to a better understanding of how their behavior affects outcomes
  • higher accountability, both to themselves and to others
  • healthier coping skills, which leads to better self-control
  • more positive beliefs about themselves, and less negative ones
  • better creative problem-solving, communication, and cooperation strategies
  • realistic understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, and self-imposed limitations, which leads to better decision making

Wilderness therapy is a specific type of adventure therapy with similar goals. Although they both take place outside, there are slight differences between the 2 therapies.

Is Wilderness Therapy the Same as Adventure Therapy?

Wilderness therapy is a type of adventure therapy3 that is especially popular for treating teens. Wilderness generally takes place in uninhabited areas in nature, often far from urban environments. Groups are immersed in the outdoors, usually for a lengthy amount of time. Adventure therapy, on the other hand, often consists of much shorter outings and isn’t necessarily done in a group. Wilderness therapy4 consists of 3 core elements:

  • time spent in the wild
  • physical activity outside
  • a group setting that encourages camaraderie as well as personal growth

Ideally, the challenges participants face in these settings, and the personal strengths and group support they draw on to overcome them, bring on breakthroughs that can lead to lasting changes. 

Why the Great Outdoors are Great for Your Mental Health

Regardless of the activity, simply being in nature is good for you.5 Studies show that spending time outside can improve mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. And, research shows that trying adventurous activities can also have positive effects on mental state.6 

Adventure therapy can also help people access emotions that might be difficult to verbalize in talk therapy. And they can do so in a safe and supportive environment, where a qualified therapist is there to help when they feel triggered. And back at the rehab, clinicians are available to help clients process whatever their experience brings up for them. 

Benefits for Teens: Boosting Moods, Reducing Screen Time 

Pacific Quest in Hilo, Hawaii is a wilderness therapy program that helps young adults tune into the present moment.

Adventure therapy, and particularly wilderness therapy, can be especially healing for teens.4 Adolescents are more likely to use technology—the average American teenager spends 6.5 hours per day staring at screens.7 Adventure therapy can help them get off of their devices and out into the natural world. And time in nature is important—it promotes mindfulness, which in turn improves overall well-being. By placing the focus on the present moment, mindfulness can reduce symptoms of conditions like depression and anxiety.8

Because young people are often distracted with their phones, teens are spending less time outside than previous generations. This contributes to “nature-deficit disorder,”9 according to journalist and author Richard Louv—and it’s a serious concern. According to this theory, the reduction in time outdoors causes negative behavioral changes, like shorter tempers and moodiness.

However, some programs are aiming to combat this by fighting fire with…nature. One study found that 10 weeks of Wilderness Adventure Therapy (WAT) improved the mental health of adolescents.10 Immediately after the study ended, participants reported better psychological resilience and higher self-esteem. At a 3-month follow up, participants had less depressive symptoms as well as improved behavioral and emotional functioning.

The benefits clients get from wilderness therapy ripple into different parts of their lives, like their relationships with others.

Benefits for Families: Less Conflict, Better Communication 

Teens aren’t the only ones who benefit from adventure therapy. Reconnecting with nature can benefit the whole family.11 This is true whether a teen attends the program alone or with other family members. 

In the wilderness, communication is vital. Whether you’re talking about a meal time or a rendezvous point, mistakes can have clear consequences. In this environment, teens quickly learn to communicate with both adults and their peers. And when they return home, they can put this skill to use within their family system. 

Some rehab centers even offer adventure therapy programs for families. Others invite family members to join in some counseling sessions. Wasatch Crest, for example, encourages families to get involved in their loved one’s recovery by offering family therapy and allowing family visits. In addition, their treatment team provides families with support, and invites them to maintain contact with their loved one.

Wasatch Crest has an adventure-based residential program in Heber, Utah.

These programs have a noticeable impact on treatment. In one study, parents who underwent outdoor family therapy said it helped them understand their children’s needs.11 They even felt like treatment improved their parenting skills. In another, teens felt less anger toward their parents after completing this type of treatment. 

Improving family relationships is an important part of addiction recovery. This sets them up for success after treatment by making sure they have a strong support network in place.

Adventures in the Recovery Journey 

Adventure therapy can support addiction recovery. In one study, teens who completed a 70-day wilderness therapy program showed significant improvements12 in several areas:

  • psychological resilience
  • social confidence
  • behavioral functioning
  • emotional operating
  • decreased depressive symptoms

These all reduce the likelihood that someone will use substances. People struggling with their mental health may turn to substances13 to cope with their symptoms. But when people feel good about themselves, they don’t need to use drugs or alcohol to alleviate those negative thoughts and emotions. And they’re more likely to use healthy coping mechanisms instead of relying on harmful ones.

This might be why people who exercise are less likely to engage in drug use.14 Adventure therapy programs can help clients get back into physical activities, which can be beneficial for recovery. For example, research shows that people who completed physical exercise programs had a reduction in drug and alcohol cravings afterwards. Physical activity can also increase abstinence rates, decrease withdrawal symptoms, and improve overall quality of life. And, exercise decreases stress.14 Because experts agree that stress is a common cause of relapse, physical activity is important for people with addictions.

Who Should Try This Approach?

People who already thrive outdoors are great candidates for this type of treatment. But you don’t need to be an expert to reap the benefits. Trained guides teach newcomers the ropes—both literally and figuratively. They’ll make beginners feel comfortable (even if they’re in an uncomfortable place) and make sure they’re staying safe as they push themselves to overcome new challenges.

However, you should consult with a medical doctor before enrolling in an adventure therapy program. If you’ve just completed detox and are experiencing post-acute withdrawal symptoms, for example, you may not be ready for intense physical activity. And some people may have physical or mental conditions that might make it difficult, or even dangerous, to complete the activities at the rehab center.

Is Adventure Therapy Safe?

For the most part, adventure therapy is safe. Treatment centers employ guides with certifications and experience to safely conduct activities. As long as participants listen to the guide’s directions, there’s very little danger. The goal is for people to heal in a new context, and move away from reckless behavior.

If you have concerns about safety or legitimacy, talk to your rehab’s admissions team about who leads these programs, what credentials they hold and how they ensure the therapeutic value of outings. 

Learn more about rehab team members’ qualifications here.

Sober Fun and Newfound Joys 

If you love nature and want to try something new, adventure therapy can be a powerful treatment experience. This approach invites you to challenge yourself, both physically and emotionally, which can be highly rewarding. And as you build confidence, you set yourself up for success throughout recovery.

In recovery, it’s not just important to abstain from substances, but to find things that make sobriety fun and fulfilling. Outdoor adventure can give you a chance to connect with nature—and with others who enjoy doing the same.

See our directory of rehabs that offer adventure therapy to search for activities that interest you, as well as see facility photos, program highlights, pricing information, and more.

Love the Outdoors? Consider Rehab in Canada

Canada’s beautiful landscape has seemingly endless mountains, lakes, beaches, and forests. As such, many addiction treatment centers in Canada offer outdoor activities like kayaking, snowshoeing, and fishing. The tranquil scenery lets you begin recovery in peaceful solitude.

Canadian luxury rehab centers place a focus on holistic, individualized treatment, although 12-Step programs are also available. Social support plays a central role in many programs, through peer-to-peer relationships and family therapy. There’s also a strong focus on aftercare, helping clients transition back into daily life after treatment.

Canada’s Awe-Inspiring Landscape

There’s no shortage of beautiful natural areas in Canada.1 The country is home to vast mountain ranges like the well-known Canadian Rockies, and an abundance of lakes, rivers, beaches, and more. These areas offer exciting views of local wildlife and countless opportunities for recreation. Canada’s coastline stretches far and wide, giving visitors plenty of space for reflection by the seaside.

Many of Canada’s rehab centers are located in natural settings. Victoria Wellness sits on Rice Lake’s picturesque shoreline, only steps from the lake. Their program includes onsite activities like kayaking, paddle boarding, and fishing. In your free time, you can make your way along the winding path in the labyrinth. The rock-lined trail guides you to the center, and is meant to help facilitate mindfulness through walking meditation.

Cedars at Cobble Hill spreads out across 65 acres of land in the middle of one of British Columbia’s beautiful forests. Tall trees surround the log cabin-like buildings, and trails pepper the forest for clients to explore at their leisure.

Addiction Treatment in the City

You might choose to attend a rehab facility in a larger city if you want to stay close to home, or just prefer urban environments. But even the large cities in Canada aren’t far from nature. For example, Andy’s House in Montréal is only minutes from the St. Lawrence River.

Nestled in a quiet neighborhood, Andy’s House is steps away from one of Montreal’s largest rivers.

Montréal also has a thriving movie scene, and has been the set for several major films—including The Notebook and The Life of Pi. Perhaps this is why Andy’s House offers cinema therapy. During this unique form of treatment, clients watch movies whose characters’ experiences are similar to their own. These films can help you confront your own issues in a safe and supportive environment.

Although Toronto is the largest city in Canada,2 it still has plentiful green spaces. There are more than 1,600 parks in the city, making up almost 20,000 acres of land. Bellwood Health Services is steps from the lush and green Sunnywood Park. The secluded location amidst beautiful views of tall trees, green grass, and snaking pathways makes it hard to believe you’re still in a busy city. If you decide to attend a rehab center in Toronto, you’ll be close to both an urban environment and plenty of natural ones.

The Bright Side of Cold Winters

If you’re considering rehab in any of these areas, remember to consider Canada’s climate.3 The country experiences all 4 seasons, and the farther north you go, the longer the winters are. Most parts of the country experience temperatures below freezing for the majority of winter. There’s a reason Canada’s nickname is “The Great White North!”

However, the cold season does have its perks—like snow sports! Several centers offer fun winter activities, like snowshoeing, skiing, and snowboarding. The short, quiet days of the time of year can also provide a much-needed respite from the world at large. You can watch the snow falling outside your window, or go for brisk winter walks to soak up the peace that this season can offer.

If cold winter days still don’t appeal to you, it may be better to attend rehab in a warmer climate. This is especially true if you prefer to participate in activities like swimming and biking, which may be harder to find in Canada.

Canada Rehab Centers Foster a Spirit of Adventure

Canada’s highly accessible outdoor activities make it a great destination for adventure seekers. And it’s not just fun—adventurous activities are also good for your mental health,4 especially when done in natural environments. According to research, these activities have several benefits:

  • improved resilience and self-efficacy
  • Increased confidence after completing challenges
  • connectedness to nature
  • physical fitness
  • opportunities practice emotion regulation

Numerous Canadian rehabs offer adventure outings and sports. At Valiant Recovery, for example, you can play golf, complete a ropes course, go ziplining, and more. They also offer rooftop therapy sessions, so clients can bask in the sunshine to release the stress of working through emotional traumas. Seabridge Foundation is just minutes from the coast in the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. Among other outdoor adventures, they take clients whale watching, white water rafting, and skydiving.

Activities offered at Valiant Recovery in Kelowna, British Columbia, make the most of the outdoors.

Building Community During Recovery

Community is extremely important during the healing process. In his now-famous TED Talk, journalist Johann Hari says that “the opposite of addiction is connection.”5 While Hari isn’t a medical professional, he’s definitely right about one thing: the people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your recovery.

The Social Model Program

The “social model” is an approach that emphasizes the importance of peer support in residential rehab.6 While many centers offer group therapy and support groups, it’s less common for peer support to be the primary focus of residential rehab. The social model aims to bridge that gap. It prioritizes interpersonal relationships over individual treatment plans. Most social model recovery programs are founded on the same basic principles:

  • Residents both give and receive mutual support, relying on each other and not just trained caregivers.
  • A positive environment promotes abstinence from drug use.
  • 12-Step or non-12-Step support groups provide a framework for the healing process.
  • Residents can learn from each other’s knowledge and experience of recovery.

The Last Door, a rehab center for youth and adult males ages 13-30, utilizes the social model approach. In this program, expert providers “guide but do not drive the management process.” This empowers clients to define what healing means for themselves. Peers play a crucial role in each other’s learning, healing, and rehabilitation processes. Clients can also participate in the community through volunteerism and social outings. This focus on interpersonal skills not only helps you build new relationships; it can also help repair existing ones.

Healing Family Dynamics in Rehab

You’re probably not the only person in your family who can benefit from therapy. Addiction can be difficult for loved ones, too, including parents, children, and partners. Family therapy teaches you how to handle conflicts in a healthy way. It can also help participants process trauma in a safe environment. Family members learn how to support each other and move forward with more sustainable, happier relationships. In many rehab programs, friends and chosen family can partake in this form of treatment.

Sue knew something was different about her husband, but wasn’t sure what was causing his drastic change in behavior. Even after she learned about his cocaine addiction, it was a long and emotionally taxing 3 years before he agreed to seek help. Fortunately for both Sue and her husband, the Last Door offers programs for loved ones affected by addiction.

“I lost a part of who I was during that time,” Sue says. But through a family group that she attended with her husband, and a support group just for partners, Sue found herself again. She acknowledges that both groups were instrumental in her personal healing process, and that of her marriage. “I was able to heal, and he was able to heal,” she says. “You can move on and live life past addiction. That’s one really important lesson that we’ve learned.”

In family therapy, you and your loved ones can begin to repair your relationships—with each other, and with yourselves.

Canada Treatment Centers Focus on Aftercare

For most people, the healing process continues after rehab. Aftercare, also called continuing care, is an extremely important part of recovery.7 Research suggests that longer periods of aftercare result in a higher likelihood of abstinence from drug use, and sustained positive effects from treatment.

Many rehabs in Canada place an emphasis on continuing care, and provide ample resources for alumni. Aurora Recovery Centre in Manitoba helps each resident create a personalized strategy for continuing care at home.

Some clients aren’t ready to go home right after treatment. If you need more support, Aurora Recovery Centre also offers stepped-down care following residential rehab. You can stay on their property in transitional housing, or move off-site to one of their partner sober living homes. These settings can help you slowly reacclimate to life outside rehab.

Aurora Recovery
Aurora Recovery Centre’s transitional housing is located on their vast property near the shores of Lake Winnipeg.

In our increasingly technological world, online aftercare is getting more and more popular. When you finish rehab at iRecover Addiction Treatment Centers, you’ll get a tablet that comes pre-loaded with program content. Clients keep the device after finishing rehab, and can attend any of the 4 online, live 12-Step meetings that happen each day. You can also use your tablet to stay in touch with fellow participants after the program ends.

How to Get to Canada

Traveling to and within Canada is simple. From the U.S., you can just drive across the border, or fly into one of Canada’s many airports. Because Canada is so large—by area, it’s the second biggest country in the world—you may prefer to fly, even if you already live there.

To make travel less stressful, most treatment facilities offer transportation directly to and from the airport. However, it’s important to check with your rehab’s admissions team before making any plans. They can help you choose the best way to get to their facility.

Canada’s Rehab Centers Utilize the Power of Nature to Aid in Healing

In Canada’s treatment centers, you’re never far from peaceful natural settings. That’s true whether you choose a rehab deep in the forest or in the middle of a bustling city. With an emphasis on building community and robust aftercare, addiction treatment here can be the right fit for a great many people.

Ready to take that first step? See pricing and insurance information, center photos, reviews, and more and connect directly with rehabs via our directory of luxury rehabs in Canada.

Could Sunny Malibu Be the Perfect Place for Your Recovery?

If you love the sun, beautiful beaches, and holistic healing in a laid-back atmosphere, then attending a rehabilitation facility in Malibu could be a great choice for you. Malibu is known for its year-round warm weather and beautiful scenery, as it’s located between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Monica Mountains. It’s hard to believe that Los Angeles is only a 30-minute drive away.

Many Malibu treatment centers take advantage of their location and temperate climate, offering programs like surf therapy in addition to outdoor excursions like beach walks or hikes. Holistic therapy is also a popular method of treatment throughout California, and several centers in Malibu embrace this approach.

You may want to start your journey to mental health and addiction recovery in Malibu if you enjoy ocean views, a warmer climate, and unique therapy techniques focused on the outdoors and alternative medicine.

Malibu’s Inviting Climate and Landscapes

Malibu is in close proximity to nature, with stunning views in every direction. Malibu’s 11 public beaches are located along 21 miles of coastline on the famous Pacific Coast Highway, and include some of the best beaches in California, including Zuma Beach and El Matador State Beach.

Several recovery centers, such as Oceanside Malibu, are located right on the coast. You’ll be able to hear the sounds of the waves from Malibu Beach as you work on healing, take long walks by the water, or participate in beach fitness activities.

Mountains rise up behind the city, providing an abundance of hiking opportunities with beautiful views. Malibu has plenty of parks, including the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, which has over 5,000 miles of hiking trails on 156,000 acres of land. Solstice Canyon Park and Malibu Creek State Park are 2 other popular outdoor recreation areas that people enjoy exploring.

Some centers, like Cliffside Malibu, are located in the mountains themselves. This scenic landscape offers plenty of space for peaceful reflection. You can either explore the trails nearby or relax on the sun deck to take in the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.

Malibu’s Mediterranean climate means you can comfortably enjoy outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and biking in any month of the year.

Unique, Recovery-Focused Activities

Many centers offer activities that are best experienced in the California sunshine. Between the ocean and the mountains, there are endless opportunities to explore the outdoors. And because California is such a multicultural hub, some centers offer opportunities to visit nearby museums and attractions.

Surf Therapy

Several rehabs, including Oceanside Malibu and Cliffside Malibu, offer surf therapy for their clients. Surf therapy is a healing modality1 that “combines surf instruction, surfing, and structured individual and/or group activities to promote physical, psychosocial, and psychological well-being.” One study found that surfing improved overall well-being for combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2 and offered both a respite from the symptoms of this condition, and increased positive feelings gained from connecting with peers.

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Perched in the mountains of Santa Monica, Cliffside Malibu offers therapies ranging from reiki to surf therapy.

Surf therapy is also a promising method of treatment for adolescents. Research shows that surf therapy has a positive impact on mental health,3 improving emotion regulation, social competencies, and social connections, while decreasing behavioral problems and depressive symptoms in youth experiencing psychological difficulties. Another study found surf therapy improved adolescents’ self-confidence4 through the feelings of accomplishment that come from mastering a new skill, a sense of escape, and strengthened social connections. Paradigm Teen & Young Adults Treatment understands the positive effects that surf therapy can have, and offers this activity to its adolescent and young adult clients.

Other Outdoor Activities and Experiential Therapies

Because Malibu is so close to the beach, many centers invite their residents to go on beach walks, or engage in related activities like swimming and hiking. The region’s warm weather gives clients plenty of opportunities to relax in the fresh air throughout every season. Milestones Ranch even holds therapy sessions while walking on the beach.

According to research, exercise can help clients navigate addiction recovery,5 and participating in new activities can build confidence through the mastery of a new skill. Oceanside Malibu encourages clients to participate in surf therapy, rock climbing, horseback riding, fishing, and other adventure outings. These exciting experiences can help clients find new hobbies and improve the mind-body connection, all while working through difficult emotions that may not easily come up during talk therapy.

Events and Cultural Outings

Milestones Ranch offers exposure therapy activities both on and off their 160-acre private property. This center’s take on exposure therapy, which they term “supervised sober recreation,”6 lets clients participate in activities while sober that they may have only previously done with drugs or alcohol. Clients can attend musical performances and dance parties at the ranch, in addition to weekly outings at comedy clubs, museums, concerts, movie theaters, and more off the property. According to this treatment team, participating in exposure therapy helps “build the client up through social and sober activities, providing the practical skills and confidence needed to socialize without the use of drugs.”

After some time in treatment, Milestones Ranch even gives clients opportunities to plan outings themselves with other friends from nearby sober living houses. This can help clients get accustomed to being in social settings while sober.

Specialized Treatment for Teens and Young Adults

Building community is important in recovery, as studies show that people with more close friends are more likely to recover from addiction.7 And oftentimes, people may find it easier to make friends with peers that they can relate to. Because of this, it may be beneficial for adolescents and young adults to attend teen-specific treatment centers surrounded by others of their own age.

According to Visions Adolescent Treatment, “Adolescents need to be approached differently than adults because they are still developing their emotional and environmental understanding.” With this in mind, the center only treats adolescents between the ages of 13-18. They provide daily activities and hold events at their rural rehab center, set in the Malibu hills to minimize distractions and keep the focus on recovery.

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Visions Adolescent Treatment is tucked away on 25 acres of tranquil grounds in Malibu.

“When I came to Visions, I was extremely depressed and emotionally volatile. I was anxiety-ridden and I really didn’t see the point in life,” says JuliAnn Crommelin, a Visions Adolescent Treatment alum. “Visions not only got me sober, but they gave me the life that I never knew I always wanted.”

“It’s About a Non-Judgmental, Supportive Environment”

Paradigm Teens & Young Adults Treatment caters to clients aged 12-26, although teens and young adults are treated separately. Paradigm Treatment conducted a study that followed up with 195 of their clients a year after completing treatment and found that their depression, anxiety, and stress levels significantly decreased during rehab,8 compared to reported levels at their intake.

Paradigm focuses on creating a community-based environment that fosters healing and space for reflection. Dustin Wagner, Paradigm’s COO, explains:

“We know right off the bat it’s about building a relationship. It’s about a non-judgmental, supportive environment…Where other clients are also supporting each other. This program is transforming lives and providing hope to these families.”

Both Beachside Teen Treatment Center and Pacific Teen Treatment also focus exclusively on treatment for teens and their families. Pacific Teen Treatment even offers academic activities so that teens don’t fall behind in school during their recovery process.

As their parent, you may need to make treatment decisions for your teen. As JuliAnn from Visions Adolescent Treatment says,

“I’m grateful that my mom knew what to do with me, because at that point in my life I didn’t know what I needed, and looking back on it, I needed a parent who knew to call the professionals.”

Malibu’s Top-Notch Care

Malibu’s treatment facilities are highly regarded nationwide. Cliffside Malibu and Seasons in Malibu rank among the best rehab centers in California,9 according to Newsweek. The survey reviewed addiction recovery programs throughout the U.S. based on their quality of service and overall reputation.

Some centers focus on smaller group sizes in order to offer more personalized treatment. For example, Oceanside Malibu only accepts 6 people at a time. This allows them to offer each client a highly individualized experience. They also focus on building community within this small number of clients.

Director Dave Johnson describes Oceanside Malibu‘s welcoming atmosphere:

“When people come to Oceanside, we try to create a family-like environment where people are allowed to heal and feel safe enough, and in doing that we try and break down that shame and guilt and get rid of it because it doesn’t serve any purpose.”

A Holistic Approach to Healing From Addiction

Mindfulness is a powerful way to approach recovery.10 According to experts at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine, mindfulness is defined as “maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.” This practice encourages you to focus on the present moment, which helps alleviate anxiety about past painful or stressful situations and potential future ones. Studies have shown that meditation can aid in addiction recovery11 by decreasing cravings and improving control over one’s emotions.

Many centers incorporate mindfulness practices into their treatment programs, taking a holistic approach to treatment. Summit Malibu, for example, blends Eastern and Western mindfulness practices to help clients with the physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms of addiction. Clients can participate in yoga, art therapy, meditation, relaxation therapy, somatic experiencing, and more. William Oswald, the center’s CEO and Founder, says:

“To treat substance abuse and mental disorders12 we must go deeper than the physical being. As a recovering addict, I know that healing comes from within. That’s our mission at Summit Malibu.”

Avalon Malibu incorporates experiential therapies like traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbs, and neurofeedback into their programs, along with mindful practices like meditation, yoga, and qi gong. TCM includes natural products and acupuncture, which are especially helpful in treating opiate addiction. Acupuncture may help alleviate withdrawal symptoms13 and possibly even help clients avoid a relapse. This modality can also improve the immune system, have a positive effect on memory, and decrease the likelihood of neurological disorders.

Cliffside Malibu offers many different forms of holistic therapies and treatments, like Reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and more. These practices can help bring clients peace and promote healing, especially when combined with Malibu’s beautiful natural setting.

Ease of Travel to Malibu

Malibu is easily reachable by plane, and is just a short drive from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), one of the largest airports in California and busiest in the U.S. It’s hard to believe that this coastal haven is so close to such a busy metro area, but that certainly makes travel much more convenient.

Since Malibu is located right along Highway 1, which has some of the best views in California, it’s also easily accessible by car.

Peaceful Addiction and Mental Health Recovery on the Coast

It’s up to you to determine the best place to start recovery. Traveling to Malibu for rehab might make sense if you’d like a more peaceful, quiet setting surrounded by mountains and beaches, and would like to try beachside experiential therapies.

Malibu’s tranquil surroundings may offer you clarity and a sense of calm, so you can focus all your energy on healing. However, this setting may be too quiet for some clients. Even with Los Angeles so nearby, treatment in Malibu may not be a good fit if you feel more comfortable in a big city.

See our collection of luxury rehabs in Malibu for an inside glimpse into treatment, including virtual tours, pricing, and reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions About Malibu Rehabs

What rehab programs are available in Malibu?

Malibu treatment centers take advantage of their ideal location and climate, offering activities like surf therapy, beach walks, and hikes. Holistic therapy is popular in California, and several centers in Malibu embrace this approach.

Why go to rehab in Malibu?

You may want to start your journey to mental health and addiction recovery in Malibu if you enjoy ocean views, a warmer climate, and unique therapies focused on nature and alternative medicine.

What city in California has the best rehab?

Malibu’s treatment facilities are highly regarded nationwide. Cliffside Malibu and Seasons in Malibu rank among the best rehab centers in California, according to Newsweek (based on quality of service and overall reputation).

The Healing Power of Nature in British Columbia’s Rehabs

Canada’s westernmost province, British Columbia (BC), is famous for its numerous outdoor opportunities in beautiful areas with mountains, lakes, beaches, and forests. Many treatment centers in BC take advantage of the region’s abundant and accessible nature by offering adventure outings such as river rafting, rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, and more.

The peaceful settings of British Columbia offer space for reflection and growth. Many centers have walking trails and gardens on their grounds to facilitate mindfulness and healing. Several rehab facilities also offer gender-specific treatment, as well as programs tailored for other specific groups, such as Indigenous men or those who value spiritual wellness.

Nature can help you heal and recharge, and BC is a great choice for recovery if close access to the outdoors is important to you.

British Columbia’s Stunning Scenery

British Columbia’s natural geography of mountains, lakes, rivers, and beaches offers plentiful recreation opportunities. In fact, 75% of BC is covered by mountains, and the region boasts more protected areas than any other Canadian province. You’ll find beautiful coastal areas on the western side of the province, and breathtaking mountains on the eastern side.

When planning your stay at a residential treatment center, it’s important to remember that BC has all 4 seasons. If you’re attending a facility here in winter or spring, you’ll get to enjoy crisp weather and access to snow sports. Coastal areas get lots of rain, while the interior mountainous regions see more snow. Summer and fall in BC mean warmer weather and outdoor activities like swimming and hiking.

Being surrounded by nature may allow for a more relaxing, meditative experience. And in fact, this type of mindfulness can have a direct impact on your emotions.1 One study found that participants who walked outdoors for 20 minutes reported feeling more positive than those who walked indoors for the same amount of time.

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Top of the World Ranch in Fort Steele, British Columbia sits on 600 acres of ground surrounded by the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

This region offers many opportunities for outdoor activities with numerous hiking trails, mountain biking routes, rock climbing areas, and more. The parks in BC offer over 3,500 miles of trails 2 (~6,000 kilometers), many of which are located inside the province’s 1000+ provincial parks,3 recreation areas, conservancies, ecological reserves and protected areas.

Treatment Centers Surrounded by Nature

Whether or not you venture outdoors, attending rehab in BC means being surrounded by stunning views. For example, Top of the World Ranch was built on 600 acres in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. You’ll find forests, valleys, and lakes throughout the property. According to their team’s treatment philosophy, this environment offers clients “a great opportunity for growth and introspection, building towards your best self in the relative solitude of pristine natural surroundings.”

The emotional impact of this natural setting was not lost on Sean, a client who attended the treatment facility for 90 days in 2019. “It helped having 600 acres to explore in the Rocky Mountains,” he says. “Top of the World has saved my life, my marriage, and has given me a second chance.”

The Sunshine Coast Health Centre and the Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic both overlook a body of water called the Georgia Strait, in which clients can watch pods of whales and dolphins. You can also enjoy the snow-capped mountains, sandy beaches, and miles of uninhabited wilderness that surround these 2 properties.

Located in Powell River, British Columbia, Sunshine Coast Health Centre is a men-only residential center with picturesque views.

Adventure Outings

Clients at rehabs in this area can embark on adventure outings in all seasons. In the winter, clients at Sunshine Coast Health Centre, Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic, and Valiant Recovery can go skiing and snowboarding. These activities give residents a break from time spent indoors during recovery.

In the warmer months, Nōmina Wellness takes residents white water rafting and on safaris, while clients at Top of the World Ranch can visit hot springs. Valiant Recovery provides access to a ropes course and zip-lining.

In addition to these off-site adventures, all of these programs allow residents to utilize the hiking and biking trails either on or near their properties. For some clients, this is an essential part of recovery. By engaging with nature, you may be able to heal in a more holistic and fully realized way.

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Located in scenic Kelowna on a comfortable homey property, Valiant Recovery offers immersive hiking experiences at nearby trails.

Treatment in BC Is Tailored to You

Some rehab centers cater to specific demographics. You may prefer to attend a program designed to treat people who share commonalities with you, especially things you deeply value.

Spiritual & Holistic Healing Treatment Centers

Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society understands that the 200,000 indigenous people residing in BC4 may prefer to attend treatment programs that are designed with their cultures in mind. Their “All My Relations” program serves this demographic, supporting indigenous men as they heal from substance use disorders.

The staff at this rehab center recognizes that this demographic faces a unique set of challenges, and may have experienced both personal and collective trauma. With that in mind, the program empowers indigenous men to reclaim their cultural identities. Clients take part in traditions such as daily smudging and sweat lodge ceremonies. The recovery center also partners with elders and members of several Indigenous nations to provide workshops, ensuring that clients have access to the best possible care.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center focuses on spirituality, and is endorsed by Deepak Chopra, a well-known advocate for alternative medicine. The treatment facility combines Eastern practices with Western medicine to create a program that allows for spiritual growth. “We are very different in that we recognize that addiction is also a search for spiritual well-being,” says Chopra.

Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center is located on 10 acres of land along the banks of the Cheakamus River in Squamish, BC for a peaceful experience set deep in nature. In addition to individual and group therapy, clients can also participate in mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, guided hikes, Ayurvedic massage, and art therapy. If you’d like to focus on spiritual healing during treatment, this program might meet your needs.

Gender-Specific Treatment

If you feel more at ease with members of your own gender, you may consider attending a program that offers gender-specific treatment.

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Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic is a women-only center in a boutique-style home overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Powell River, British Columbia.

Sunshine Coast Health Centre and Inspire Change Wellness Center are both men’s only treatment centers, while Georgia Strait Women’s Clinic and Westminster House only cater to women. Westwind Counselling’s residential care is women-only, but they serve all genders in a separate online program.

Men and women may experience different societal pressure and stressors. You may prefer to be among those of your own gender if you are currently healing from trauma or seeking treatment for an issue that members of your gender are more likely to experience.

If you don’t identify with a gender binary, this may not be an important factor in your search. Additionally, you may wish to find an identity-affirming rehab with programming expressly designed to make you feel safe, seen and accepted.

Treatment for Eating Disorders

Westwind Counselling is Canada’s first private eating disorder recovery facility. This program helps clients heal from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), and orthorexia. They offer online treatment options for all genders as well as in-person care for women, and don’t require clients to first obtain a formal diagnosis. Westwind teaches clients about mindful eating, body acceptance, and emotional well-being. Research shows that these are all core components of treatment for eating disorders.5 This program helps clients feel more at home in their own bodies, empowering them to make healthier choices in the long term.

Vancouver’s Natural Diversity

Several centers are located either in or close to Vancouver. Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education Society is in the city itself, and numerous other treatment centers are within an hour’s drive. These programs have the best of both worlds: access to the great outdoors, and proximity to a thriving urban hub.

Diversity and Inclusion Is a Priority

Vancouver has a very diverse population,6 and has been ranked as the most livable city in Canada7 and the 16th worldwide, according to a 2021 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The study looked at stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure of every major city in the world.

Perhaps because of its diversity, the city’s government is committed to creating a welcoming environment for all of its citizens. City staff meet with local community groups and agencies to better understand and meet the needs of residents. Officials emphasize programs for childcare, Indigenous peoples, youth, disadvantaged seniors, multicultural and diverse communities, and more. These priorities are reflected in their Healthy City Strategy,8 a plan with 13 different goals all aimed at making living in Vancouver better for everyone.

Vancouver has the 3rd largest urban Indigenous population of any Canadian city.9 Their Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Committee works with the city to ensure that Indigenous peoples have equal access to and are included in any new plans and procedures. Vancouver’s city council also determined that the unceded land in Vancouver still belongs to the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations10 in a unanimous vote in 2014.

Vancouver is home to the biggest LGBTQ+ community11 and hosts the largest Pride parade in Western Canada. The event takes place every year during Pride Week and is put on by the Vancouver Pride Society, a not-for-profit organization that is committed to strengthening their community by ensuring that Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ population feels represented and included.

Explore the Outdoors in Vancouver Treatment Centers

There are many places to recreate in Vancouver. Residents and tourists alike enjoy access to many outdoor areas, including Lynn Canyon, Grouse Mountain, Deep Cove, and more. Stanley Park, located in downtown Vancouver, includes miles of trails, stunning beaches, cultural and historical landmarks in an area of 1000+ acres. Vancouver locals highly value access to nature.

Rehab centers in the area share that value. You may or may not be able to explore the city on your own during your stay, depending on your health status and your program’s approach to treatment. However, most Vancouver rehabs include plenty of outdoor space; some even have private beaches. Even if you remain on-site at a rehab for the duration of treatment, you’ll be able to enjoy this beautiful landscape.

A Temperate Climate

Vancouver rarely sees snow, and the winters are some of the most mild in Canada. If you decide to seek treatment in BC during the winter season but prefer more temperate weather, Vancouver may be a good option for you.

Planning Travel to British Columbia

British Columbia is easily accessible by car or plane. Because there are 5 main airports in the region, you can easily choose one close to your treatment center. Most facilities offer transportation directly to and from the airport. Make sure that you check with your admissions team before booking any travel, to find out which options are available.

A Peaceful Path Toward Recovery

Traveling to British Columbia can offer a new and peaceful space to start your recovery process. The variable landscape and climate allow you to choose which kind of environment you’d like to be in during treatment, whether that’s in a busy city like Vancouver, or a more peaceful, rural area. And in either setting, you can expect to spend plenty of time outdoors.

Visit our list of luxury treatment centers in beautiful British Columbia to see photos, read reviews, and more.


How much does treatment cost in BC?

The cost of addiction treatment in BC varies by factors such as treatment type, length, and location. Some rehabs offer financial aid or insurance.

What are addiction treatment programs like in BC?

Rehabs in BC often offer experiential therapies that make the most of their naturally beautiful surroundings. Private rehabs provide tailored treatment, which may include holistic therapies.

Can I find women’s or LBGTQ+-affirming treatment in BC, Canada?

Yes. Some rehabs in BC offer specialized programs for certain client groups, including women and LBGTQ+ individuals.

Personalized Rehab Programs in South Africa

Recovery from substance misuse is an extremely personal process. Healing isn’t just a way of stopping unhealthy behaviors. It’s also the process of building a rich, fulfilling life in a more sustainable way. Because of this, many facilities aim to meet the unique needs of each of their clients. If you’d like to receive highly personalized treatment, you might consider attending a destination rehab in South Africa.

This country is a popular destination for many reasons. It not only has great historical and archeological significance; it’s also a beautiful place to explore. The diverse climate is home to 8 different biomes, including forests, deserts, and savanna. Clients who want to begin healing in a beautiful and natural setting are often drawn to South Africa.

Exploring South Africa

South Africa is located on the southern tip of Africa, bordering Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland. It entirely surrounds the country of Lesotho. Because of its position on the continent, South Africa has nearly 2,000 miles of coastline.

The country is also home to eight world heritage sites, including the Cradle of Humankind,1 which is “one of the world’s most important fossil sites.” In fact, South Africa “boasts 40% of all hominid [fossil] finds on Earth.” The awe-inspiring history, temperate climate, and rich culture make this area a powerful place to begin healing.

Recovering From Substance Misuse in Nature

Connecting with nature can be great for people in recovery.2 Outdoor adventures can improve patients’ mental health, increasing “self-efficacy, mindfulness and subjective well-being.”

This is especially important for clients with substance use disorders. According to a 2018 study, more time spent in natural environments “may be associated with lower cravings”3 for illicit or dangerous substances. And because of South Africa’s rich and diverse landscape, it’s easy for clients to reap the benefits associated with exploring the natural world.

However, inpatient treatment in an isolated, rural location isn’t a good fit for everyone. In South Africa, you can attend rehab in a more populous area while still spending time outside.

Cape Town

Cape Town is one of South Africa’s more famous cities. “Although it is a major political and economic center, its reputation still rests on its beautiful situation between mountain and sea, its cosmopolitan population, and the liberal outlook of many of its citizens.”4 It’s nestled between Table Mountain and Table Bay, in the country’s Western Cape province.

Although Cape Town is a major city, residents can easily visit the surrounding area. At The Living House, for example,

“The majestic visage of Cape Town’s famous Table Mountain looms overhead, its beauty an excellent way to ground oneself during even the most troubling of times on the road to recovery. All life’s problems can be dwarfed by such awe-inspiring nature.”5

The Living House garden view
Views of Cape Town’s beautiful Table Mountain from The Living House’s lush gardens

Cape Town has a temperate, Mediterranean climate. “The average high temperature is 70° F (21° C), in January and February, and the average low is 55° F (13° C), in July.”6 This beautiful weather makes it easy to enjoy time outside. For some clients, this may include going on off-site adventures during rehab.


Whether your rehab facility is located in Cape Town, another South African city, or a more rural area, you may have the opportunity to go on a safari. On these excursions, clients can see some of the world’s most stunning creatures up close.

Don’t think of this as a break from therapy; think of it as an opportunity to connect with the natural world in a brand-new way, says Giles Fourie, Director and Co-Owner of White River Manor:

“To have a safari as a part of your therapy process is very special. The company we use and the people who take our clients out really understand it from a therapeutic perspective. It’s not just about going to sit in a vehicle and view animals, it’s about really understanding our experience in nature and how we’re all a part of this world we live in. It’s also about, you know, the importance of preserving what we have and the heritage of South Africa, which is completely unique.”

Africa safari White River Manor
Rehabs in South Africa, like White River Manor, immerse their clients in the beauty of their country through guided safari tours and other excursions.

A number of South African rehabs invite clients to go on safari, including White River Manor and Harmony Clinic Rehab Hospital. And in programs, these excursions are the primary focus of treatment. At Rebirth Wellness Safari, for example, clients experience “daily safaris, boat excursions and even tracking with the San people.” This is a place for you to “truly break free and rediscover the roots of your human experience.”

As exciting and inspiring as safari can be, they’re not the right fit for everyone. Fortunately, South African rehabs offer many different types of excursions and adventure outings.

Seaside Activities

Data suggests that proximity to the coast can improve health and well-being.7 Because of this, spending time at the beach during recovery can be deeply healing. The team at Compass Treatment Centre understands this and offers seaside therapy as part of their inpatient program.

In various programs, you may be able to go surfing, kite surfing, kayaking, or bungee jumping along the South African coast. These outings are not appropriate for all clients, and your eligibility for certain activities will depend on your physical health. Some programs, like Oasis Recovery Centre, also offer less physically strenuous seaside experiences, like whale watching.


There are countless ways to observe the beauty of the landscape. Many programs take their clients on nature hikes, and offer varying levels of physical difficulty. In South Africa, it’s easy to access lush natural areas and observe creatures you might not encounter anywhere else in the world. You might be able to interact with elephants, monkeys, wildcats, and more.

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Zip-lining is one of the experiential therapies offered at Oasis Recovery Centre in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.

These outings can certainly be fun, but they also serve a greater purpose. You’ll be guided through these excursions by a team of experts, likely including at least one therapist. And if you encounter triggers, or have a strong emotional reaction, a provider will be on hand to help you process that response. Experiential therapy can help you understand not only the world around you, but also the important role you play within it. This is an extremely personal process, and it looks different for every individual client.

Individualized Therapy in South Africa Rehabs

Bespoke rehab programs can be highly effective for some clients. This type of individualized care ensures that you’ll get exactly the type of treatment that works best for you. You may be able to choose between therapeutic modalities, recreational activities, and other options. In some facilities, clients even decide whether they’d like to stay in touch with friends and family during rehab.

This high level of personalization isn’t right for everyone. Some clients benefit from more structure, or from participating in the same programming as others in their cohort. But for those who want an extremely specific and unique experience of recovery, South Africa might be the right place to attend rehab.

Jeanine Fourie, Therapeutic Director and Co-Owner of White River Manor, prides herself on offering a bespoke treatment program for each client:

“It’s important for us to individualize each person’s treatment, from who the assigned therapist is to what treatments they would like. We have quite a few clients not wanting to attend groups, or wanting to see this as more of a wellness program. We’re happy to individualize their treatment program. I make sure that each client is paired with a fitting team.”

How Long Are South African Rehab Programs?

This personalization can impact every aspect of treatment, including length of stay. For example, at The Foundation Clinic, inpatient treatment lasts at least 21 days, but clients may stay on-site for up to 12 months. Your length of stay will be determined by your unique needs at various stages of treatment.

At other facilities, like Compass Treatment Centre, clients typically stay from 3 to 6 months or more. During this time, clients not only engage in clinical therapy and adventure outings; they also learn valuable life skills. You’ll be encouraged to practice healthy habits, and “take an active part in their recovery process.” Over time, residents develop a sense of responsibility for their own health, making it easier to transition out of rehab at the appropriate time.

Rustenburg Addiction Care
The therapeutic surroundings at Rustenburg Addiction Care in Western Cape, South Africa

According to the team at Rustenburg Addiction Care, a life skill is “any skill which enables an individual to interact meaningfully and successfully within their environment.” Under this broad definition, you may learn to eat healthily, maintain a daily schedule, regulate your emotions, and more. Your team of providers will help you decide which exact skills to focus on. By developing these important tools, you can approach the future in a practical, sustainable way.

Planning Your Trip

South Africa has 6 international airports. No matter where you’re coming from, you should be able to make travel arrangements that get you close to your desired destination. Most rehabs will also help you arrange transport from the airport to the residential facility. It’s very important to communicate with your admissions team while you plan your trip, so the local staff can provide you with any necessary updates about travel restrictions and regulations.

If planning around these logistics feels like too great a barrier, South Africa may not be the right place for you to start your healing journey. In that case, you can work with a local team of providers to make a care plan for the interim, or find more accessible options.

Journey Toward Recovery in South Africa

For some clients, the act of choosing a rehab center is the first step in recovery. During this process, you can start considering what your own, most deeply held values are. These values will inform what you need from a residential program.

And whatever your values are, remember that you have the right to live a life that honors them. You have the right to heal and grow. If you’d like to start that process while connecting with the natural world, and receiving highly personalized care, a South African rehab might be a good place to start.

To learn more about programs in the area including treatment specializations, amenities, reviews, and more, browse our list of luxury rehabs in South Africa.

Frequently Asked Questions About South Africa Luxury Rehabs

What are the benefits of attending a luxury rehab program in South Africa?

South Africa rehabs offer several benefits, including personalized treatment, beautiful natural surroundings, and diverse recreational activities. Clients can experience highly individualized care, explore the country’s stunning landscapes, and engage in activities like safaris and hiking. South Africa provides a unique and enriching environment for healing and recovery.

How long do South African rehab programs typically last?

The length of South African rehab programs can vary depending on individual needs. Some programs, such as The Foundation Clinic, offer inpatient treatment for a minimum of 21 days but allow stays of up to 12 months. Other facilities, like Compass Treatment Centre, usually have a stay duration of 3 to 6 months or more. The length of stay is determined by the client’s specific requirements and progress throughout the treatment process.

How do I plan my trip to a rehab center in South Africa?

South Africa has multiple international airports, and most luxury rehabs can assist with transport arrangements from the airport to the facility. If you’re in active addiction, it can also help to have a sober companion accompany you on your travels. Working closely with the admissions team will ensure a smooth transition to your chosen rehab center.

Rehabs in Greece: A Culture of Whole-Person Healing

Rehab provides the opportunity for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Talk therapy and medical care are certainly essential to the treatment process. But sometimes a change in environment can be helpful, too. A new atmosphere full of fresh sights, sounds, and feelings can shift your perspective to inspire your recovery journey.

For many people, rehabs in Greece offer the chance for personal rebirth and renewal.
This island country is rich in history. Emerald waters, charming neighborhoods, and ancient citadels make Greece a sought-after Mediterranean escape. And in addition to its awe-inspiring sights, Greece offers an abundance of activities that luxury rehabs here take full advantage of. Greek rehabs’ approach to holistic health, emphasis on community connection, and experience with celebrity clientele make this destination a viable option for people who are seeking all-around wellness, or who need an escape from the public eye.

Renew and Refresh in Greece

Greece landscape
Greece has some of the world’s most picturesque coastlines.

Greece is made up of hundreds of islands dotted throughout the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas. Each is scattered with ruins that reveal a storied past, surrounded by vivid blue waters. Many luxury rehabs here make the most of their location and take clients on beach excursions. Some facilities even directly overlook the ocean.

Coastal landscapes don’t just make for breathtaking views. Research from the University of Exeter reveals that living by the sea can improve your mental health and well-being.1 The ocean’s blue can help put you in a state of calm, which can be an especially helpful change of scenery if you’re coming from a more urban environment.

Memorable Outdoor Excursions

Greece is graced by the Mediterranean’s sought-after climate, which lends itself nicely to the variety of outdoor-based activities offered at programs here.
Outdoor access can be a boon to the rehab experience. Mental health experts find that exposure to nature and outdoor activities can improve your mental well-being.2

Rehabs in Greece provide ample opportunities for rejuvenation in nature:

  • Fitness by the sea
  • Farming and gardening
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Luxury yacht trips
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Rock climbing

Participating in these and other outdoor activities as part of treatment can reduce stress, help you connect with others, and allow you to shift your focus to learning something new.

Ancient History to Inspire a New Future

greece rehabs
Historical landmarks and cultural sites dot the country.

Many rehab programs include excursions to historical sites and relics of the past that make Greece a popular destination. Some treatment centers are only a 30-minute car drive away from world-famous historical landmarks like the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Acropolis, and the National Archeological Museum.

Keep in mind that rehab isn’t a vacation. However, ancient landscapes are proven to provide therapeutic value,3 a phenomenon dubbed “culture therapy” by researchers at the Human Henge project.

A trip to sites like the Acropolis in Athens can evoke a deep sense of reverence that can possibly enhance your treatment experience. As explained in Human Henge’s research report, “just as emotional and aesthetic responses can help people understand significant places… significant places experienced in particular ways can stimulate the same kinds of feeling. With care and sensitivity these can be directed to…[cause] the human spirit to flourish.”

Addiction can disconnect us from our sense of appreciation for life. But being in spaces of historical significance has the potential to stir up feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Through that, you may learn to be more perceptive of the world around you, which may just help you find joy in the everyday once more.

Activities and Experiential Therapies

There’s no shortage of things to do in Greece. Clients have unique opportunities to learn and heal through the variety of activities and experiential therapy programs available in the country. Engaging in these activities in a therapeutic setting can help you discover new ways of being and stimulate meta-awareness.4

Meta-awareness can help you overcome triggers that may lead to substance or alcohol use by learning to regulate your emotions so you’re less reactive to distressing thoughts or scenarios. It can also make you more aware of spontaneous reactions you may not have thought of before—for example, automatically reaching for a drink in stressful situations.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Horses play an integral role in ancient Greek culture. Many rehabs in the country offer equine-assisted psychotherapy, also known as equine therapy. Working with horses is proven to help participants break down communication barriers5 and adjust their perspective to focus on the needs of another being. As a result, you may experience a new bond of trust that opens doors in your relationships outside of rehab.

Museum Visits

Museums are becoming recognized as therapeutic environments6 with the ability to improve mental health via art therapy. And Greece is home to some of the world’s most famous, like The Acropolis Museum in Athens, which displays some of the country’s greatest archeological finds. Exciting site visits are included in the treatment programs at centers such as Marieva Healthcare, Hellenic Practice, and The Poseidon Method.

Physical Activity

Research shows that exercise can aid in recovery from substance use disorders. Physical activity can help ease withdrawal symptoms, depression, and anxiety7 that may occur after you’ve discontinued using.

It may be easier to find the motivation to exercise in Greece. Greek people like to stay active: 84.6% of Greece’s adult population meets WHO recommended physical activity levels for health.8 With great weather year-round, many rehab programs in the country take clients outside for athletic activities at least a couple of times a week.

Holistic Healing

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Hellenic Practice in Athens, Greece, champions holistic healing.

Holistic health, which treats the whole person—body, mind, soul, and spirit—has its roots in ancient Greece. Today, the country is a magnet for wellness tourism.9

Thanks to its reputation as a wellness getaway, there are many luxury holistic rehabs in Greece. Programs at these facilities are usually designed by teams of experts from different health-related backgrounds. Given their extensive experience with holistic treatment, these rehabs offer a comprehensive program that integrates different types of treatments, rather than simply adding complementary therapies into the mix. Integration is key for a more effective holistic addiction treatment program.10

Complementary Therapies

It’s common to find rehabs in Greece that include nutrition therapy, physical activity, lifestyle change strategies, and complementary therapies in their treatment programs. These treatments combined can help you heal in ways that may not be achievable through talk therapy alone.

Greek rehabs treat clients using a wide range of complementary therapies:


When you think of Greek cuisine, briny olives, tangy feta cheese, and fresh vegetables and fish may come to mind. The good news is, these traditional staples aren’t just delicious—they’re also good for your health. More than just a fad, clinical trials have shown that the Mediterranean diet may improve depressive symptoms and reduce depression remission rates.11

Several rehabs in Greece provide healthy nutrition plans along with the tools to maintain good eating habits. Some high-end rehabs dive even further into nutrition and work with clients to identify their nutritional issues, set up individualized goals, and create a sustainable lifestyle plan. You can even participate in cooking classes to learn the skills you need to prepare nourishing meals back home.

Finding Community and Rebuilding Relationships

Rehab opens the door not just to healing yourself, but also to restoring your relationships. It provides an opportunity to form connections with like-minded people, which can help you learn to relate to others in healthier ways.

Strong communities are central to Greek culture, and this comes across at many treatment centers. Multiple programs have a warm, community atmosphere that reflects the country’s social culture. Staff are often personable, helping clients feel attended to and cared for.

Another key aspect of Greek culture is family bonds. Certain centers recognize the impact of involving family in the recovery process and offer family therapy programs. Addiction usually affects the entire household. However, it’s common that clients and their loved ones haven’t acknowledged past traumas that may have fractured family dynamics. Family therapy in rehab can help facilitate healthier family ties, which is an important component of sustainable recovery.

Luxury Experiences at Private Rehabs in Greece

Greece is a well-known luxury travel destination. Celebrities, politicians, and executives alike travel to Greece to unwind. Luxury rehabs in Greece have been serving this clientele for years and have a good understanding of their needs.

Individualized Attention at Ultra-Exclusive Centers

Luxury rehabs in Greece go above and beyond to offer each client unparalleled individualized attention. At some premium rehabs, you have access to 24/7 emotional support and therapeutic assistance from therapists, clinical professionals, and senior staff. Some people are used to certain levels of attention and comfort. Many healthcare experts agree that comfort is integral to a patient’s experience,12 and having these comforts removed can be a counterproductive distraction from the treatment process.

Addressing the Needs of Executives and High-Profile Clients

The Poseidon Method in Mykonos, Greece, offers a VIP treatment track program.

Certain rehabs in Greece have celebrity treatment programs specifically aimed to meet the unique needs of celebrities, VIP clients, and public personalities. Confidentiality in treatment can be a concern for this clientele. If you need absolute privacy, single-client rehabs in Greece can help you remain safely out of the public eye.

Rehab centers that understand the unique circumstances high-profile individuals face can help these clients lay strong foundations for healthy habits geared particularly towards their lifestyle demands.

Getting There

As a popular destination country, Greece is easily accessible by plane. The majority of travelers arrive through Athens International Airport. From there, they either fly or take a ferry to other Greek islands.

Luxury rehab centers in Greece offer airport pick-up and personal chauffeur services during your stay. Chaperoned field trips and shopping are also part of several centers’ programs.

Greece has options for rehabs closer to consumer areas like Athens. Or if you’d like to step back from it all, the country offers more isolated locations, from the highest mountain in Mykonos to a private cottage near the countryside.

Beginning Your Journey to Healing

For some, traveling can be a powerful way to begin their recovery. Going to a new and interesting place can put important space between your former patterns and your new goals. Ideally, you’ll return to your day-to-day life equipped with a new perspective, healthier habits, and strong support systems in place.

Greece provides access to natural wonders and cultural experiences that might provide just the inspiration you need to start your new chapter.

See our list of luxury rehabs in Greece to explore treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going to Rehab in Greece

What sets Greece rehabs apart from other international rehab destinations?

Greece stands out as a rehab destination for its picturesque locations, rich cultural heritage, and high-quality addiction treatment programs. The serene, temperate climate, strong sense of community, and holistic approach to recovery, make Greece a sought-after destination for people seeking a comprehensive rehab experience.

What types of addiction treatment programs are available in Greece rehabs?

Greece rehabs offer a range of addiction treatment programs, including detoxification, individual and group therapy, holistic therapies, recovery activities unique to the country, and aftercare support. These programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, promoting lasting recovery.

How long does a typical stay at a Greece rehab last?

The duration of a stay at a Greece rehab can vary depending on the individual’s treatment needs and progress. While some programs offer shorter stays of a few weeks, others provide more extended treatment options that can last several months. The length of stay is determined through a personalized assessment and treatment planning process.

Florida Rehab Has Something for Everyone

There is no one right way to heal. When you choose a rehab center, you’re not just choosing a place: you’re also choosing your treatment environment, who you’ll be around, and which therapeutic modalities you’ll have access to. This can be an empowering decision that sets you up for success as you move forward in your recovery journey. 

If you’re interested in recreation therapy—such as psychodrama, arts and crafts, or horseback riding—a facility in Florida might be the right fit for you. Several Florida rehab centers also specialize in treating the underlying circumstances that contribute to addiction. For example, some of these programs cater to high-powered professionals, older adults, people with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, or those with chronic physical pain. Some programs also offer gender-specific treatment, with different groups for men and women. And clients of many demographics are offered specialized care designed to help with their specific concerns. 

Recovery by the Sea

Florida’s beautiful climate can have a powerful impact on your health. Visitors can relax on the state’s world-famous beaches, or engage in more active pursuits like scuba diving, paddle boarding, or wave running. Local culture places a great focus on physical health and enjoyment of the outdoors—but this isn’t just for athletes. The state’s temperate weather is also a big draw for families and older adults seeking a gentler experience. 

Many of Florida’s rehab centers offer direct access to the coast. Some of them are located close to the water, and others invite residents to go on beach excursions. While these spaces are protected from the hustle and bustle of major cities, they’re not necessarily completely isolated in remote locations. Guests at treatment centers in this area have the time to enjoy nature and adjust to a new pace of life while engaging in the physical activities that suit them best. 

In this diverse area, there’s a great emphasis on respecting each client’s unique needs. If you choose to attend a luxury rehab here, there’s a good chance you’ll work closely with your clinical team to design a personalized treatment plan.

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Futures Recovery Healthcare in Tequesta, Florida

Treatment Tailored to Each Client’s Background

Florida has long been a destination for people from all walks of life, from college students to retirees. And like the state itself, the rehab facilities in Florida offer specific opportunities to several different populations. This is an excellent place to connect with other people in recovery who can easily relate to your own life experience. 

Recovery for Older Adults

Older adults in recovery have a unique set of priorities and needs. Some Florida facilities, such as The Hanley Center at Origins, specialize in offering care to this community. When you begin recovery later in life, it’s especially important to form connections with people you can relate to. The emphasis on group therapy empowers clients to learn together and share the wisdom they’ve cultivated over time. To that end, this addiction treatment program for older adults encourages “patients to feel a human connection, share experiences, and polish their interpersonal skills… We strive to create a close-knit community of peers so that our patients feel safe, welcomed, and comfortable.”

Physical fitness can also play a role in recovery. While there is a well-understood link between physical and mental wellness for people of all ages, older adults often have unique health considerations. For example, the medical treatment of chronic pain can easily lead to opioid addiction.1 Recovering from that addiction is important, but the underlying cause remains an issue. The Hanley Center helps older clients learn to manage their physical health without engaging in destructive behavior. To that end, you may develop skills that support healthy medication management, nutrition, and exercise.

Gender-Specific Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Rehab is, by nature, an insulated setting. Some guests may want to take this a step further, and only be among people of their own gender. Florida has many options for gender-specific treatment. If you choose this type of environment, you’ll join a cohort of all women or all men, and heal alongside people who understand the pressures that come along with your identity. 

The Hanley Center’s program for women offers a deep and compassionate understanding of the unique stigmas and traumas they often face. Specifically, “women are more likely to experience discrimination based on their physical appearance and more likely to function as single parents. Likewise, women are also more likely to be victims of abuse or assault, and they receive diagnoses of depression and anxiety at higher rates than men…[and] many of these issues can exacerbate substance use. Body image disorders, trauma, and co-occurring mental health disorders are all risk factors for addiction that we see among the women seeking treatment.” By taking these circumstances into account, the facility offers women space to heal in a protected community. 

Men in recovery face a different set of concerns. The pressures men face in their respective cultures often isolates them from the support they need. In particular, the simple act of asking for help often carries a stigma. Without a strong support network, it’s all too easy to resort to unsustainable means of emotion regulation. In the men’s group at the Hanley Center, expert professionals “address deeply rooted issues and clear a path to emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.” Men are invited to seek support not only from these professionals, but also from each other. Learning how to ask for and accept community care, they learn to navigate life’s challenges. 

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Beachway Therapy Center in West Palm Beach, Florida

LGBTQ+ Affirming Programs

LGBTQ+ clients often struggle to find competent care, especially for mental health concerns and substance use. It can be difficult to find healthcare providers who understand how to affirm your experience, allying with you to address your concerns without pathologizing your identity. The LGBTQ+ community faces higher rates of mental health disorders2 due to minority stress. Yet many people struggle to access the support they need and deserve. 

Caron Ocean Drive, a rehab center in Boca Raton, Florida, offers LGBTQ+ affirming services. In all of their programs, this facility focuses on treating each client as a whole person. And in their efforts to support LGBTQ+ clients, they offer individual and group therapy and access to community events through their partnerships with organizations such as the PRIDE Center in Fort Lauderdale and Lambda North in Delray Beach. These opportunities actively work against the isolation that so many LGBTQ+ people face in their daily lives. 

People with these identities face not only social stigma, but also unique concerns related to physical and mental health. With that in mind, Caron Ocean Drive offers collaborative therapy that’s open to a client’s family of origin and/or chosen family. Transgender clients also have the opportunity to work with endocrinologists to ensure that they have a plan for ongoing gender-affirming medical care during and after the transitions that take place in rehab.  

Discrete Care for High-Powered Clients

Certain clients require a high level of discretion and flexibility. Florida has a number of programs that cater to extremely successful clients, including CEOs and those with public personas. These lifestyles can be very demanding, and the pressure to maintain an appearance may make it difficult to find the care you need.

Orenda, a program at Futures Recovery, is designed to support high-achieving clients. This process is supported by a staff of medical professionals and hospitality experts. Orenda’s highly personalized program gives you access to innovative medical techniques, from neurorestorative care to hypnotherapy. Athletes continue their physical training in conjunction with therapy and the amenities of rehab. Programs like this one encourage guests to learn more about their own needs, and to meet them in creative ways.

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Tikvah Lake Recovery in Sebring, Florida

Adventure Therapy

In the effort to support each client’s individualized care plan, many Florida rehabs offer adventure therapy. Most of these programs are meant for small groups, and allow participants to explore social dynamics in a safe and structured way. Some outings are only offered to those in outpatient treatment, but certain residential programs have a special focus on these experiences. 

Rise, at Futures Recovery, is one of these adventure-based programs. After completing detox, residents can choose to go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. These physical activities provide a number of benefits for people in recovery. First, they have a positive impact on physical health, which can aid in the biological process of healing. Experts have also found a link between physical activity and improved executive function.3 Any group activity is also an opportunity to have fun, bond with program peers, and create positive memories.

Traveling to Florida

Florida is easily accessible by plane, with four major airports servicing the state. New clients are discouraged from driving themselves to rehab. Most rehabs will help you plan travel logistics, even offering transport to and from your flight. Because of the temperate climate, it’s easy to reach these facilities at any time of year. 

If you’re coming from the Midwest or the East Coast, Florida is one of the most accessible warm-weather locations in the U.S. Many programs in this area offer both residential and outpatient treatment. These choices may be especially appealing to Florida residents, or to those who want to stay on in the state for a longer period of time. 

Freedom to Define Health for Yourself

Your time in rehab—anywhere in the world—is a chance to step away from the stresses of daily life, and instead focus on your own needs. Florida’s climate is a good fit for people who want to heal both physically and emotionally. This is an opportunity to decide what you need to feel healthy. 

Florida centers are best for people who want to get personalized care. This is a place to connect with a cohort of people who are likely to understand your experience of the world. And those connections can be a valuable source of insight as you discover what recovery means to you. 

For more information on available programs, see our collection of luxury rehabs in Florida here

Frequently Asked Questions About Rehab in Florida

What are the benefits of rehab in Florida?

Florida rehabs offer tailored treatment for diverse client groups, a full spectrum of care, and adventure programs where clients can go fishing, paddle boarding, scuba diving, wave running, and more. 

What are the costs of rehab in Florida?

The average cost of inpatient rehab in Florida is $30,000 per month; the average cost of PHP is $15,000 per month; and the average cost of IOP is $10,000 per month. In general, inpatient rehab is the most expensive type of rehab, followed by PHP, IOP, and outpatient rehab.

How do I find a rehab center in Florida?

To find a rehab, you can start by asking your doctor, therapist, or a trusted friend or family member for a referral. You can also search online using an unbiased platform or SAMSHA’s treatment finder. When choosing a rehab, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Ask about the treatment options offered, the cost of treatment, and the success rate of the program.