India’s Holistic Rehabs Treat Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Travelers are drawn to India for its beautiful landscape and tropical climate. This country is perfect for people who enjoy warmer weather and striking views of the Himalayas, lush jungles, or vast beaches. And its vibrant culture has a focus on holistic wellness—which is a great fit for some people in recovery.

If you’re interested in integrated treatment for addiction, you may find what you’re looking for at a rehab in India. This approach is designed to help you heal as a whole person, instead of only treating one health issue at a time. 

What Is Holistic Treatment?

Most of India’s rehab centers take a holistic approach to addiction recovery. The goal is to help you heal your mind, body, and spirit as one. These programs also have a strong focus on spirituality. Treatment may include activities like yoga, meditation, and massage.

Some of these alternative methods are controversial, due to a lack of scientific data deemed legitimate in the Western world. However, many people find these ancient treatments helpful. Holistic techniques may be gentler than Western ones, with a larger-picture approach to healing and a greater focus on sustainable wellness. For instance, you may be able to go through treatment without taking prescribed medications. Instead, clients use diet and exercise as tools to improve their mental health.

And there’s no need to choose one philosophy over the other. You can do yoga and take antidepressants. You can join a support group and meditate. Some rehabs even recommend this combination approach. Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center, for example, combines traditional Ayurveda with Western biomedical treatments. 

Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center blog
Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Tamil Nadu, India, combines holistic and Western treatment methods.

India’s Most Popular Therapies

You’ll encounter many different holistic treatment methods at rehab facilities around the country. These are some of the most popular.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that teaches you to just be in the present moment. These exercises can help you cultivate self-awareness and improve emotion regulation.

Meditation is a mindfulness technique that helps quiet your mind. You’ll feel more at peace, and learn to let your thoughts pass by, without attaching emotions to them. And you don’t have to meditate for hours to reap the benefits. Meditating for only 13 minutes a day, over the course of 8 weeks, had a profound effect1 on participants in one study. After treatment, they felt more positive and less anxious, and their memories improved. And mindful meditation can be an effective treatment2 for addiction.

Most treatment centers in India offer some form of mindfulness training. For example, Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village provides daily group meditation sessions.

Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village‘s peaceful surroundings in Kerala, India, set the tone for their meditation sessions.

Yoga for Mental Health and Addiction

You don’t need to be flexible or strong to try yoga. While this practice has physical benefits, it’s also about self-acceptance—not competition. And because yoga originated in India, you’ll get the full experience by practicing here. You may even enjoy it enough to continue after you leave rehab.

In addition to its physical health benefits, research shows that yoga contributes to positive mental health outcomes.3 It is especially helpful for people who are quitting smoking.  

These positive effects translate to people with other mental health conditions as well, like women with PTSD.4 One study discovered that practicing yoga for 12 weeks decreased these subjects’ PTSD symptoms. These changes were present both right after the study and at the 3-month follow up.

People in addiction recovery5 can also benefit from yoga. Research shows that yoga minimizes stress, decreases addictive behaviors, improves confidence, and increases self-control for these patients. One survey even found that yoga is “an effective tool” for people in every stage of recovery.6 Because this practice addresses both physical and spiritual wellness, it can be an important part of integrated treatment.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda,7 also called Ayurvedic medicine, is an ancient, holistic approach to health. It teaches that diet, exercise, and herbal remedies can all contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 

Providers at Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village incorporate Ayurvedic teachings into rehab for addiction, chronic pain, and other conditions. They describe these techniques by explaining that “the human body is made up of 3 components,” or doshas.  Each dosha has 2 distinct elements:

  • Vata consists of space and air. Vata controls movement in the body and mind, like blood flow, waste elimination, breathing, and thought.
  • Pitta consists of fire and water. It is associated with heat, metabolism, and transformation within the mind and body. These functions include digestion, perceptions, and understanding right and wrong.
  • Kapha includes water and earth. This dosha governs structure and lubrication in both the mind and body, like the joints, lungs, and body tissues.

Depending on your specific needs, you may try various Ayurvedic therapies during inpatient treatment. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Abhyangam is a type of oil massage that improves sleep, circulation, and more.
  • During Podikizhi, the practitioner pounds warm bundles of herbs onto the body. This relieves muscle spasms and joint stiffness.
  • In Sirovasti, a clinician pours oil into specially-designed head gear while you wear it. This treatment relieves migraines, stress, sinusitis, and other issues.
  • During Kavalagraham, you’ll gargle oils and other Ayurvedic medicines to promote oral health.
  • Dhoompanam is a practice in which you inhale medicinal smoke intended to detox your body.

Your Ayurvedic practice doesn’t have to end when you leave rehab. Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village also provides lectures on Ayurveda every week, helping clients learn how to implement these techniques into daily life.

Acupuncture for Physical and Mental Wellness

During an acupuncture session,8 a trained acupuncturist will insert small needles into specific anatomical points. These points correspond with meridians, which are channels of energy that run throughout the body. The goal is to remove energy blockages, so that your qi—or vital energy—can flow freely. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this treatment can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Massage for Detox and Recovery

Massage treatments can help you heal—both mentally and physically. Research suggests that massage therapy can treat chronic pain and various mental health conditions.9 And it’s hugely beneficial for people in early recovery from addiction. In fact, massage might even help decrease withdrawal symptoms.10 Rehab centers in India may offer Western styles of massage, Ayurvedic massage, or a combination of these techniques.

Ayurvedic massage techniques11 incorporate special oils, which are chosen based on the client’s energetic balance. Different oils correspond with the doshas, and are used to achieve specific purposes during treatment. Your provider may also stimulate certain pressure points that correspond to other areas of the body.

Mamta Landerman, president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, addresses the importance of Ayurvedic massage.12 “Ayurveda addresses therapies that relate to all the 5 senses,” she says. “And a very important component is the sense of touch.” For many clients, this is an essential part of holistic treatment.

Nutritional Therapy

A balanced diet can contribute to better health—and not just physically. In fact, studies show that good nutrition improves mental health,13 lowering depression and anxiety.

Because of this, most rehabs in India offer some form of nutritional therapy. For example, many centers will design a personalized nutrition plan for each client. These healthy, organic meals help you heal from the inside out. 

Kairali The Ayurvedic Healing Village takes it a step further. This center offers cooking classes, where clients learn to make their own rejuvenating meals. With this new skill, you can continue to eat well even after returning home. And, like any other creative pursuit, cooking can help you find joy in recovery. 

Train Your Brain With Music

Studies show that listening to music can decrease anxiety.14 Research suggests that music may even be more effective than anti-anxiety medication. Music has a natural ability to boost levels of certain hormones in your brain—like dopamine—that can increase positive feelings. In addition, music can decrease cortisol, which is the hormone involved in stress. Because of the role dopamine plays in addiction,15 the chemical effects of music can support your recovery process.

Alpha Healing Center offers various holistic treatments, including a Brain Health Training Program. In this program, clients participate in various activities, one of which is Brain Music Therapy. They describe Brain Music Therapy as an innovative treatment “based on the premise that personalized music derived from a guest’s own brain wave patterns can affect emotional stability.” Because this treatment hasn’t produced any negative side effects, it’s safe to try, and worth combining with other therapies. 

Alpha Healing Center India blog
Located in Gujarat, India, Alpha Healing Center offers innovative holistic treatments like Brain Music Therapy.

Hypnotherapy for Substance Misuse

According to researchers, hypnosis16 is a “state of awareness, (or consciousness), in which a person’s attention is detached from his or her immediate environment and is absorbed by inner experiences.” Hypnotherapy is just what it sounds like: receiving therapy while under hypnosis. 

Research shows that this treatment can minimize pain and emotional stress. It’s highly effective for patients with depression17 and anxiety.18 And one study found that “clinical hypnotherapy is a powerful promoter of mental and behavioral change” for people healing from addiction.19 In the right environment, this can be an inspiring way to start your recovery journey.

How to Travel to—And Within—India

India’s 2 largest airports20 are Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi and  Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai. Each one serves over 80 destinations. Because of this, it’s easy to travel to rehab in India—although it may be a long flight.

In addition to India’s 30+ international airports,21 there are more than 100 domestic ones scattered throughout the country. This makes it easy to take a quick flight if you’re traveling within India. 

If you fly to rehab, most centers will pick you up from the airport. 

If you’re traveling internationally, you may need a visa for India.22 These regulations vary by country, and you may need to apply in advance. Check with your rehab’s admissions team to see if they can help you arrange for travel.

Start Your Recovery Journey in India

If you’d like to begin your healing journey in a place that emphasizes spiritual and personal wellness, India might be a great fit. Maybe you want to surround yourself with people who share your values. Or if you’re coming from abroad, you might not have access to these treatments in your home country. Whatever your reasons, India is waiting for you. And so is your recovery.

Visit our list of rehab centers in India to learn about their philosophies, amenities, and unique treatment options.

Treating Addiction With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing modality. And in recent decades, it’s also grown popular in the U.S. Millenia of use show that it can safely treat a wide variety of conditions.

Many rehabs offer acupuncture as part of a holistic approach to recovery. It isn’t meant to replace traditional options like talk therapy and medication, but it can still be an effective and important part of treatment. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).1 In most sessions, the practitioner inserts a number of small needles into your skin. Each needle is carefully placed to achieve a particular goal. Some practitioners also offer these alternative types of acupuncture:2

  • Electrical stimulation, also known as “electroacupuncture,” moves electrical pulses through the needles. One study found that this slowed down heart rate, increased relaxation and tranquility, and decreased tension and distress.
  • Laser acupuncture uses light instead of needles. This option may be best for people who don’t like needles, and it’s proven just as effective as traditional acupuncture.
  • During warm-needling, or heat acupuncture,3 the practitioner inserts warm needles into the body.

Acupuncturists are licensed professionals with extensive training. If you get acupuncture in rehab, you may have regular sessions throughout your time there. The clinician will likely create a long-term plan of care, and track your progress after each treatment. 

What Happens During an Acupuncture Session?

In your first acupuncture session,4 the practitioner will take your health history. You’ll describe any current symptoms, and they’ll perform a physical exam. During the session itself, your provider will use needles to stimulate acupuncture points. There are about 350 of these points located on 14 meridians on the body, each with a different purpose. The clinician will plan needle placement around your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. 

Next, you’ll lie down in a calm and quiet treatment room. The acupuncturist will insert needles into various parts of your body. These needles are much smaller than the ones used in most medical procedures. While you may feel some discomfort when they’re first put in place, the process is rarely painful.

In most acupuncture sessions, the provider will then leave you alone for 10-20 minutes. You can use this time to relax, meditate, or process any emotions that come up. Then the acupuncturist will return and remove the needles. They may ask you about your experience, or even perform another physical exam.

Because this is a holistic treatment, it can help you heal every aspect of yourself. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns. Acupuncturists aim to achieve this by improving the flow of qi, or vital energy.

What is Qi, and Why is it Important?

Acupuncture is based in the belief that the flow of vital energy through the body can impact your health. Acupuncturists refer to this vital energy as qi.4

Qi moves through the body via meridians, or distinct energetic channels. If the meridians get blocked, the flow of qi is interrupted. Acupuncture uses needles to break up these blockages. This helps qi flow freely again, and reach a state of equilibrium. Once your qi is in balance, you can reestablish physical and spiritual wellness. 

Side Effects and Limitations

Most people find that acupuncture doesn’t hurt.4 Some clients experience numbness or a small amount of pain or tingling. This is actually called “de-qi,” and may be a sign of successful treatment. If you’re a candidate for acupuncture, there is a very low risk of serious side effects. 

However, this treatment isn’t safe for everyone. You should avoid acupuncture4 if you have any of the following conditions: 

  • an active infection, especially involving the skin
  • cancer
  • a decreased white blood cell count
  • psychosis or delusions

Make sure you talk to your provider about any concerns before your first session. You can also consult with your doctor to make sure this treatment is safe for you.

How Effective Is Acupuncture?

Experts have been using acupuncture to treat various health concerns for centuries. Despite this, Western scientists call for more scientific data on the subject. This is partly because the research that’s currently available shows promising results. 

Physical Health

Studies show that acupuncture is effective at treating many conditions,4 including the following:

  • back pain
  • knee pain
  • headaches
  • muscle pain
  • hot flashes
  • nausea and vomiting

It not only helps with ongoing issues; acupuncture can also treat acute pain.5 Research even suggests that for some clients, it can replace opioid use. This may be especially helpful for clients healing from addictions related to chronic pain.   

Mental Health

If you’re in addiction recovery acupuncture might be a viable alternative to prescription drugs.6 Data suggests this therapy can treat many diagnoses, like anxiety and depression. 

Acupuncture is especially good at alleviating depressive symptoms7 for clients who engage in ongoing treatment. This might even mean that you continue to get acupuncture after you leave rehab. 

Acupuncture for Addiction

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized acupuncture as a legitimate treatment for substance abuse8 in 1996. Today, over 700 rehab facilities offer acupuncture as part of addiction treatment.

One of those centers is The Hope House Scottsdale. “Addiction disconnects mind from body, so we work on reconnecting the two,” explains Brenna Gonzalez, clinical director. Her team uses acupuncture to help clients strengthen the connection between mind and body. This treatment can have a powerful impact on people in every stage of addiction recovery.

Detox and Withdrawal

Acupuncture can help reduce the severity of some withdrawal symptoms.6 It is especially helpful for emotional symptoms, like anxiety. More research is needed to determine whether acupuncture can help with the physical symptoms of detox.9 But because this treatment has few negative side effects, it may be worth trying in any stage of recovery.

Accessible Treatment

Auricular acupuncture, or “ear acupuncture,”10 uses needles to stimulate parts of the ear. This localized treatment lets clients stand and walk around during the session. It may be a good option if you can’t comfortably sit still for long periods. Research suggests that this type of acupuncture can effectively treat several types of addiction.8

Acupuncture Can Reduce Cravings and Prevent Relapse

Acupuncture may help the body find homeostasis6—a healthy state of biochemical balance. Experts believe that acupuncture can affect the same neurotransmitters that regulate addictive behavior. Treatment may minimize cravings, helping you guard against relapse.

Is Acupuncture for You?

Acupuncture is a powerful treatment method. This therapy balances your energy, helping you gather strength for your ongoing recovery journey. If you’d like to take a holistic approach to healing, this therapy might be a good fit. 

Browse our list of rehab programs that offer acupuncture to learn more about their amenities, treatment philosophies, and other alternative therapies.

Holistic Therapies in Drug and Alcohol Rehab

The use of holistic therapies in rehab is a highly debated topic. While some experts claim that alternative therapies are the missing piece of effective treatment, others say they lack scientific backing. Still, as modern addiction treatment progresses, more rehabs offer holistic therapy.

Here, we’ll take a look at what holistic therapy options are available, how they work and the research that speaks to their effectiveness in treating addiction.

What Are Holistic Therapies?

Holistic (also known as alternative, complementary or unconventional) therapies are designed to treat a person as a whole—body, mind and spirit. In rehabs, holistic therapies help address issues that both lead to and result from an addiction. Rather than targeting a specific issue, they’re designed to address your overall mental, physical and spiritual wellness.

Alternative treatments use mindfulness, spirituality and energy-related work to boost your health and well-being. Supporters of this approach see addiction as a symptom of broader unwellness. They also point out it’s equally important for the negative emotional and physical side effects of addiction to be treated, in addition to the addiction itself. Certain holistic therapies are commonly used in addiction treatment:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, dance and other types of mindful movement
  • Acupuncture and acupressure
  • Massage
  • Reiki, crystals and other types of energy work
  • Herbal, Chinese or ayurvedic medicines
  • Homeopathy
  • Nutritional therapy

These therapies are designed to treat the underlying causes of addiction and promote more meaningful and longer-lasting healing. They also differ from conventional treatment in that they’re based on a more spiritual understanding of addiction.

Tai Chi
Picking up a healthy practice like Tai Chi helps maintain your wellness in recovery—and your sobriety, as a result.

Do Alternative Treatments Work for Addiction?

Measuring the effectiveness of addiction treatment in general is no easy task. This is even truer of holistic therapies, for a few reasons:

  • Holistic treatments are almost always used in combination with conventional methods like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication. Alternative therapies enhance and support these traditional therapies, which makes it harder to measure the success of holistic methods alone.
  • Holistic therapies include a wide range of practices. The term “holistic therapies” covers a broad scope, so blanket statements about their effectiveness aren’t entirely accurate.
  • Each individual responds differently to different therapies. What works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa.

The question, “Do holistic therapies work?” is, definitively speaking, unanswerable. But addiction experts do have some evidence of their effectiveness through clinical research.

What We Know About Alternative Therapy in Rehab

Below are some facts about the use of holistic treatments in rehab along with corresponding research for each:

Holistic Therapies Treat More Than Just Addiction

Unconventional treatments attempt to treat your well-being as an interconnected whole,1 rather than honing in on one aspect of your physical or mental health. Holistic measures address other common concerns:

  • Physical symptoms brought on by the addiction and/or withdrawal
  • Emotional imbalances at the root of your addiction
  • Nutritional deficiencies that create chemical imbalances in the brain
  • A lack of spiritual grounding, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness and meaninglessness

These are just some of the underlying issues that may be indirectly related to (but play a significant role in) your addiction.

Wellness Therapies in Rehab Increase Chances of Program Completion

Treatment centers that use holistic measures have better program-completion rates.2 A study by the academic journal Psychiatry Services found that better services in a rehab center and the client’s satisfaction levels were positively correlated to completion of the program. In other words, your comfort level in rehab is important when it comes to completing treatment. And of course, if you complete your treatment program, your likelihood of maintaining sobriety is higher.

Holistic Approaches Treat Trauma Connected With Addiction

The link between trauma and addiction has been well established. Whether your addiction brought trauma into your life or traumatic life experiences led you to addiction, the majority of addicts identify as having some form of trauma. Experts agree that healing trauma is an essential component of recovery. The impact of holistic therapies on trauma3 is quite definitive—if you struggle with trauma and are seeking help for an addiction, holistic treatment options could improve your chances of a lasting recovery.

Complementary Treatments Decrease Chances of Relapse

Once you’ve completed treatment, holistic therapies can help you prevent relapse. Specifically, one study found that mindfulness-based therapies successfully prevent relapse.4 Clinicians found that through meditation, recovering addicts were better able to identify potentially triggering scenarios and remain calm in stressful situations, which may have otherwise caused them to relapse. Receiving alternative treatments while in rehab can provide you with the necessary skills for a lasting recovery.

Holistic Treatments Combat the Stigma of Addiction

One of the greatest obstacles in both seeking treatment for addiction and maintaining recovery is stigma. Stigma often prevents people with addictions from seeking help and adds to the difficulty of staying sober. However, alternative treatments help people in recovery manage stigma more effectively.5 Creating feelings of inner peace and harmony better equips someone to handle the stigma that can come with addiction.

Women Respond Better to Alternative Therapy in Rehab

Studies show that alternative therapies are more effective in treating addiction in women6 than men. This trend may be partially attributed to the socialization of women to be more open to alternative approaches. Whatever the reason, if you’re a woman seeking treatment, it could benefit you to look for a rehab that gives you the option of holistic therapies to complement your core program.

Meditation holistic
Your comfort level in rehab is important when it comes to completing treatment—rehabs that employ holistic measures have better program-completion rates.

Benefits of Holistic Therapy

Although holistic therapy for addiction remains a debated issue among researchers and clinicians, many agree to the following benefits:

It’s natural. Alternative therapies use methods that are natural and don’t involve prescription drugs. While the use of medication can be a good treatment tool, it’s not necessary in all cases and if you prefer to avoid it, holistic measures may be right for you.

It restores your body’s equilibrium. Addiction wreaks havoc on your body’s inner balance. Oftentimes, addiction comes with other harmful habits, such as poor nutrition or sleeping. Holistic therapies can address these other imbalances, leading to overall improved health.

It develops lifelong healthy habits. Meditation and yoga are two examples of healthy practices that you may wish to continue after treatment. These go a long way in helping maintain your wellness in recovery—and your sobriety, as a result.

It treats the body, mind and spirit. Holistic methods treat the whole person by dealing with wellness concerns on multiple levels. By expanding treatment to various aspects of self, holistic therapies encourage a more complete sense of well-being.

Choosing a treatment center that offers holistic options gives you access to these extensive benefits, which you can take with you well beyond your time in rehab.

Wellness Programming at Luxury Rehabs

The decision to seek treatment isn’t an easy one to make. But luxury rehabs try to ensure your treatment journey is as comfortable and comprehensive as possible. And the best treatment centers don’t depend solely on holistic therapies; rather, they use alternative methods to complement evidence-based treatment.

With holistic therapies, you’re more likely to not only find peace in your experience, but also remain in the program when the process gets tough. While you do the hard work of getting sober and sorting through a painful past, alternative treatments make you more receptive to conventional therapy and uplift your overall state.

Compare luxury rehabs offering holistic therapy with key information listed in one place, including price, insurance accepted, and conditions treated.

Frequently Asked Questions About Holistic Therapies in Rehab

Are holistic therapies effective?

Clinical research suggests holistic therapies positively impact recovery: 

• They treat underlying trauma related to addiction. 
• Rehabs with holistic therapies often have higher completion rates.
Mindfulness therapies can prevent relapse.

Can holistic therapies treat addiction?

Yes. Many rehabs now use holistic treatments alongside conventional therapies. Holistic therapies can address aspects of addiction that talk therapy doesn’t, and make your treatment experience more enjoyable.

What types of holistic therapy are used to treat addiction?

While a wide range of practices fall under the term “holistic,” certain therapies are more commonly seen in rehab:

• Meditation
• Massage
Nutritional therapy