Elite Recovery: How Social Status Affects Substance Use Disorders

Substance use disorders can affect people from all walks of life. And despite certain cultural stereotypes, elite clients may be especially vulnerable. Because people with high status face a specific set of stressors, they also have unique needs during recovery. If you’re a person who faces these unique challenges, it may be helpful to seek out a rehab that caters to luxury clientele.

These programs are specifically designed to provide support for people who are accustomed to a certain standard of living. What’s more, the staff at these facilities are highly qualified to help people of your demographic. By working with people who can intuitively understand your personal history, your current experience, and your goals for the future, you may have a much easier time approaching recovery.

Luxury rehabs are there to help you live your best life. In this type of treatment, you won’t be asked to give up the amenities you rely on, and you won’t be pressured to make changes that might jeopardize your future. Instead, your team will help you learn to navigate ongoing stress and triggers, without giving up the most meaningful parts of your life.

Stress and Socioeconomic Status

Every person has their own experience of stress. Elite social status doesn’t protect you from this. It may actually increase your stress levels, and as a result, make you more vulnerable to certain mental health conditions.

One expert writes, “Stress is a well-known risk factor in the development of addiction1 and in addiction relapse vulnerability.” Even the most affluent lifestyles may come with unique difficulties. As you consider attending rehab, you might benefit from reflecting on which areas of your life are the most challenging, in spite of their potential rewards.

The Weight of Reputation

People with high social status also tend to have high visibility. Whether your position comes from your family, your career, or any other source, it can feel as though you’re being scrutinized by the public. Your actions may reflect on the people around you, including your loved ones, colleagues, and employees. If you have celebrity status, your behavior may even have a direct impact on the lives of your fanbase.

When your behavior has such far-reaching consequences, it’s natural to feel pressure to perform. And because of the stigma surrounding substance use disorders,2 well-known figures may delay admitting that they need help. However, new research suggests that the public acknowledgment of mental health conditions can “serve as a powerful method of communication to increase awareness of mental health3 and normalize psychiatric illnesses.

Great Responsibility

Some elite clients have a great deal of responsibility. This is often true of high-level executives, who may be responsible for the success of their colleagues, shareholders, and employees. Others may have responsibilities to their family, or even to the public.

When people are depending on you, you may be concerned about letting them down. And if you have a substance use disorder, you may struggle with associated guilt and shame about your condition. But you’re only human. If you had a physical illness, seeking treatment would be seen as reasonable and responsible. Although it may not feel this way, the same is true of mental health diagnoses. Asking for help is not a failure.

Orenda at Futures
Orenda at Futures in Tequesta, Florida, has a comprehensive treatment program for high-level executives, complete with plush amenities.

Affluence and Mental Health

Although it can bring people great security and pleasure, material success does not protect your mental health.4 In fact, your annual income may be directly related to your experience of stress. In a 2018 study, “researchers found that people who earn between $51,000 and $75,000 generally feel the least stressed. By contrast, of those who make an income of $200,000 or more, nearly 70 percent said they feel stressed.”

And stress is just one component of mental health. Additionally, affluent people “are at a higher risk for depression.”5 For some clients—but certainly not all—this can be related to your attitude about your finances.

Managing wealth requires a great deal of emotional energy. And when you’re responsible for protecting yourself, your family, or your legacy, that may be unavoidable. However, it’s important to remember that your finances are just one aspect of your life. You are more than your external circumstances. It’s easy for elite clients to lose track of this, and as a result, become disconnected from the activities that make them feel most fulfilled.

Substance Misuse Among Luxury Clients

Perhaps due to these unique and isolating stressors, substance use disorders are common among high-powered clients. As one expert writes, “While money itself doesn’t cause addiction or substance abuse, wealth has been linked with a higher susceptibility to addiction problems.”6

In addition, numerous studies have found that in particular, the children of wealthy parents are extremely vulnerable to substance use disorders.7 In fact, teens of high socioeconomic status are significantly more likely to use alcohol and drugs than those with less privilege.

The stereotypical image of a substance user as destitute couldn’t be further from the truth. While it’s true that people with this diagnosis may come from any social class, substance misuse is likely on the rise among the elite. Reporting for Forbes, Alice Walton writes, “The prevalence of substance abuse in the CEO circle8 is hard to gauge because it is so clandestine—these are not the people who are checking themselves into rehab, they’re the people who [are] staying out of it and continuing to function. A recent study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that about 20% of alcoholics are high functioning and well-educated. Prescription medication addiction is rising in many circles, the C-suite among them.”

However, this demographic also experiences unique barriers to treatment. Walton goes on to explain that some elite clients may be less trusting, and therefore resistant to receiving care. What’s more, many high-powered clients are high-functioning substance users. If you’re used to performing under pressure, you may be able to keep up appearances for a long time, despite overwhelming emotional turmoil. “There’s often the if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it mentality.”

It can be difficult to internalize the idea that you don’t need to lose everything before you admit you need treatment. This can be especially hard for clients who enjoy an especially high standard of living. If you’re accustomed to a certain lifestyle, it can be difficult to imagine giving it up, even temporarily.

Many elite clients may delay seeking help because they’re unable to step away from pressing responsibilities. And others have trouble considering inpatient treatment because they’re concerned about leaving certain amenities behind. Fortunately, some rehab programs are designed specifically for these clients. You may be able to benefit from inpatient treatment without losing access to the healthy parts of a lifestyle you love.

Luxury Rehabs for High-Powered Clients

There are luxury rehab programs all over the world. These upscale facilities are capable of offering treatment to elite clients, without interrupting their access to important amenities. You may even be able to attend a bespoke rehab facility that will tailor the program to suit your exact standards.

Mercui Recovery interior
Stays at Mercui Recovery combine privacy and comfort with luxury.

Personalized Treatment

Many rehabs offer individualized treatment. These programs may be personalized in a number of ways, giving clients a great deal of control over their own recovery processes. For example, you may be able to decide what type of therapy you participate in, how much access you have to technology, and how long you spend in residence.

Clients at Mercui Recovery, for example, are housed in “private luxury accommodations in a natural wilderness environment.” This rehab boasts five-star service, offering clinical therapy, business coaching, massage, and infrared sauna therapy, among many other modalities. By serving only one client at a time, they offer the utmost discretion and highly personalized care.

Executive Treatment

High-level executives may have difficulty leaving work to attend rehab. To accommodate their needs, some programs allow you to work remotely while you’re in residence. Orenda at Futures, for instance, provides executive clients with a private workspace during their stay.

The team at this facility recognizes that this hard-working demographic has a unique set of needs, goals, and barriers to treatment. Clients have the freedom to work during rehab, while still receiving care of the highest quality.

Luxury Amenities

Recovery is hard work, but parts of it can be enjoyable! Remember: rehab is an opportunity for you to reset. Finding activities you can healthily enjoy is a very important part of the healing process.

Luxury rehabs offer a wide variety of amenities. White River Manor, in South Africa, offers spa services, one-on-one personal training, and Pilates. At Sierra Tucson, you can engage in equine therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and more. Many programs also invite clients on adventure outings. You might go on a safari, swim with the dolphins, or explore the rim of a volcano.

White River Manor spa
White River Manor in South Africa caters to their clientele with a host of luxury amenities, including spa services.

Some therapeutic modalities—such as mindfulness and meditation—are commonly found at holistic rehabs. This approach is designed to treat every aspect of a client’s health as a whole, and may focus on strengthening the mind-body connection.

Healing is hard work. However, one of rehab’s main goals is to help you create a life you love, even without the use of illicit substances. At the right facility, you won’t be denied access to the activities you find most meaningful and fulfilling. On the contrary, you’ll be encouraged to learn new skills, and develop healthier habits as a result.

Living a Life You Love, Sustainably

When you complete inpatient treatment, you may ultimately decide to return home. This is not a necessity, of course. And you may first spend time in a transitional facility, such as a sober living environment. But for elite clients, especially those who continue working during rehab, it’s often the appropriate choice.

Returning to your previous environment may mean that your stress levels increase. Although that can be challenging, it’s not necessarily a barrier to recovery. From the moment you arrive at rehab, your team will begin to help you strategize ways to avoid or cope with relapse. Some programs, like Orenda at Futures, may also offer you in-person support for social functions that may be triggering.

Perhaps most importantly, remember that a life without substance use can still be fun. For some clients, it proves to be even more fun and more meaningful than life before rehab. The goal of healing is not to deny yourself life’s many pleasures. Instead, you’ll learn how to live your life to the fullest, in a much more sustainable way.

Recovery on Your Own Terms

Everyone deserves care. No matter how affluent you are, how much pressure you’re under, or how many responsibilities you have, that includes you. First and foremost, you are responsible for yourself. And by getting help, you’ll be in a far better position to support the people who rely on you.

For many elite clients, rehab feels out of reach. It can be hard to imagine letting go of certain behaviors, spending time out of the office, or stepping back from social engagements. However, recovery doesn’t mean giving up the best parts of your life. It means letting go of unhealthy patterns, to make room for something even better.

To learn more about programs tailored to high-powered clients, you can browse our list of luxury rehabs here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab Programs

What is a luxury rehab and what does it offer?

Luxury rehab refers to high-end treatment centers that provide exclusive amenities, personalized care, and a luxurious environment for individuals seeking recovery. They offer upscale accommodations, gourmet meals, individual treatment, and tailored services to ensure a comfortable and comprehensive rehab experience.

How does luxury rehab differ from traditional rehab?

Luxury rehabs differ from traditional rehab by offering a higher level of comfort, privacy, and personalized care. They provide upscale accommodations, additional amenities, gourmet dining, and treatment tailored to meet the unique needs of their clientele.

What types of personalized services are offered at a luxury rehab?

Luxury rehabs provide a range of personalized services to cater to individual needs. Following a tailored plan, treatment may include one-on-one therapy sessions, holistic therapies such as spa treatments, gourmet dining, and various recreational activities. These personalized services enhance the overall experience and contribute to the effectiveness of the treatment program.

Privacy in Rehab: How to Keep Your Treatment Confidential

Addiction can affect anyone, including public figures and those in high-profile positions. For these clients, concerns around confidentiality can be one of the biggest barriers when it comes to seeking treatment.

Because of this, privacy is among the most important considerations when choosing a rehab

The good news is that you have options. In general, rehabs are at least held to clinical standards of patient confidentiality, and due to the sensitive nature of addiction treatment, most are located in discreet premises and take measures to protect your privacy. Some premium programs cater specifically to clients who need extra seclusion, with many featuring private villas and exclusively one-on-one treatment sessions. Other treatment centers also focus on confidentiality and understand that for certain clientele, like celebrities and recognizable figures, anonymity is essential.  

Understanding the protection you’re entitled to in clinical settings, and learning what to look for in a residential rehab, can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery.  

Why Privacy Matters

Recovery is a highly personal journey. If opening up to others about your struggle isn’t something you feel comfortable with, that choice is completely valid. 

While mental health stigma is decreasing1 thanks to growing visibility, coming out about a substance use disorder can, unfortunately, have consequences in some cases. In a 2017 study published in Addiction Research & Theory, researchers found that the stigma of being identified as someone struggling with addiction2 can have personal, medical and professional consequences similar to those who are dealing with mental illness. These consequences can be especially high-impact for those who are in the public eye. 

Celebrities, politicians, and high-profile businesspeople often choose to pursue more discreet treatment options. Fortunately, many centers have exclusive programs that cater specifically to this need.

How You’re Protected by Clinical Standards

Healthcare providers in the U.S., including rehab centers, must adhere to certain privacy protection laws. Two important ones that concern addiction treatment include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA3 and 42 CFR Part 2.4


HIPAA is a privacy law that enforces national standards to prevent the sharing of health information of individual patients without their consent or knowledge. Under this law, you have the right to access and examine your healthcare records and can request amendments or accounting of disclosure of your protected health information.

All healthcare providers, health plans, businesses and healthcare clearinghouses must comply with HIPAA.

paracelsus confidentiality
Paracelsus Recovery in Zurich, Switzerland treats only one client at a time in their completely bespoke program.

42 CFR Pt. 2

While HIPAA applies to all medically-related information, 42 CFR Part 2 applies specifically to those who will enter, who have entered, or who have already gone through addiction treatment programs. 

Under this law, rehab centers are prohibited from disclosing any individual information that identifies or indicates that the patient has dealt with addiction. This is so that people in recovery aren’t treated unfairly in cases of employment, child custody, or divorce. Without your written consent, treatment centers are unable to share any of your information, even with other medical facilities and practitioners.

42 CFR Part 2 applies to any entity that provides a recovery program, so all programs in the U.S. must adhere to this federal law. 

As for facilities outside the U.S., the laws can differ significantly. For example, in Canada, the Privacy Act of 1985 prevents treatment centers from sharing any mental or physical health information5 that might be harmful to the patient.

Because privacy levels can vary from program to program, it’s best to ask admissions staff at centers you’re considering what steps they take to ensure privacy and what kind of regulatory oversight they have in this area. 

While these protection laws are designed to keep the information of rehab center patients safe, there are still ways you can ensure extra layers of privacy if discretion is a major concern.  

Privacy at Different Addiction Treatment Programs

Whether you’re looking for a residential rehab program or an intensive outpatient program (IOP), certain markers can help you identify which ones offer a more confidential experience. On the most exclusive end of the spectrum are luxury rehab centers that cater specifically to clients who need to keep a low profile. 

Residential Rehabs

Here are some of the ways residential rehab programs can offer a more private experience: 

Distance From Your Community
For many people, the fear of bumping into familiar faces during or on the way to rehab prevents them from starting treatment. With residential rehabs, you live onsite for the duration of your program. Removing yourself from your everyday environment not only reduces the chances of being recognized, but also reduces circumstantial triggers. This gives many people the comfort they need to focus on their recovery. 

Discreet Locations
Luxury inpatient rehabs are often located in remote, naturally beautiful settings, which offer the added benefit of total seclusion. These peaceful, awe-inspiring surroundings are the perfect backdrop for inner healing, says Dr. Jasleen Chhatwal, Chief Medical Officer of Sierra Tucson in Arizona:

“Trying to heal in a main metropolis, where you hear cars, sirens and noise is not very conducive. When clients come to Sierra Tucson for treatment, suddenly they’re in a quiet space without extraneous sound. There’s no interference from the outside world and people can really focus inward and take care of themselves.”  

Many luxury rehabs aren’t recognizable as treatment centers from the outside, and some don’t even publicly list their location. 

An Extra Layer of Privacy at Destination Rehabs
If you’re looking for anonymity, you may consider traveling to a destination rehab where you have even more space from your usual surroundings. Local culture can even play into which destination is more appropriate for those seeking an escape from the public eye. 

Jan Gerber, CEO of Paracelsus in Zurich comments on Switzerland’s non-sensationalist culture, and how it can be attractive for clients who want to avoid media attention:

“Confidentiality is Switzerland’s second name. Some of our A-list celebrity clients will go to a local Starbucks, and while they’re recognized, they’re not in the news. Local tabloids don’t write about it and they’re not harassed for autographs either.” 

mercui confidentiality
Mercui Recovery, a single-client rehab with locations in Malibu, Aspen and Costa Palma, Mexico offers a full continuum of care on-site, from initial detox to aftercare.

Privacy Options for Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are for those who don’t need 24/7 care or medical detox. This could be a good option for people who have a milder addiction diagnosis, or as a step-down from a residential rehab program. Some studies show that IOPs are just as effective as residential rehabs,6 as they offer more intensive schedules with additional hours of therapy in comparison to standard outpatient programs. 

If you’re looking into an IOP but are concerned about privacy, keep the following in mind: 

Some IOPs Cater to Your Schedule 
Some luxury rehabs offer IOPs as a step down from residential rehab or as a standalone program. 

These treatment centers understand that many clients who want to attend intensive treatment still need to keep up with their daily responsibilities. Most of their programs are designed to fit your schedule, and are located in metro areas that are more accessible from where you live. 

Passages Malibu in California, for example, has an IOP program designed to help graduates of residential treatment integrate back into daily life. They understand that this is an opportunity for clients to return to work and other day-to-day responsibilities while still receiving a high level of support for their recovery journey.

Virtual IOPs Offer Extra Privacy 
With telehealth on the rise, many treatment providers now offer a virtual IOP option. This is especially beneficial if you’re nervous about being seen at a treatment center. Usually, you can design your schedule to avoid causing any disruptions at work. Additionally, many people feel more comfortable attending treatment from the privacy of their own homes. 

A few luxury rehabs across the United States offer virtual IOPs, including All Points North Lodge in Colorado, Inspire Malibu in California and The Meadows in Arizona. 

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A small number of rehabs cater specifically to high-profile clients who need very high levels of privacy. They place a special focus into ensuring client comfort and utmost confidentiality. These centers may be in isolated locations, and some even accept only one client at a time.


Paracelsus in Zurich, Switzerland is one of the world’s leading and most exclusive luxury rehabs. Catering to the ultra-wealthy, including politicians, celebrities and royalty, their program is designed for those who need to remain completely discreet: they take in only one client at a time. Founded in 2012 as a family business, Paracelsus boasts an incredibly tailored treatment experience, with a team of over 15 therapists and doctors who care for one client. 

During treatment, clients stay at their exclusive lakefront residence, featuring penthouse apartments with a main bedroom and ensuite bathroom plus an additional room for an on-site therapist. Stays here also include a private butler and housekeeper. 

Paracelsus goes to great lengths to accommodate their clients–their CEO Jan Gerber explains why:

“There’s a group of people who are underserved when it comes to addiction and mental health treatment. These are people who come from money or power and require 100% confidentiality and a place they can trust. They have a very specific background and need comprehensive care tailored to their situation. It’s important for our clients to feel at home without any disruption to the lifestyle they’re used to. Such disruptions can be incredibly negative for treatment.”

the banyans confidentiality
The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia takes no more than 8 clients at a time at their luxury residence on 13, secluded acres.

Mercui Recovery 

Mercui Recovery prides itself on its high standards of discreet care. As a top luxury treatment center, their private residences rest amongst some of the most scenic and tranquil surroundings in Aspen, Colorado; Malibu Canyon, California; Ibiza, Spain; and the Pacific coast of Mexico. They take in one client at a time, and you can choose from one of their many locations or select an in-home option. 

Clients can expect five-star service and exclusivity at Mercui Recovery, with a team of dedicated professionals for 1:1 treatment. Their treatment program is hyper-tailored to each individual, with clients ranging from politicians to business elites. Here you’re offered the full continuum of care, from initial detoxification to intensive aftercare.

The Banyans 

The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia is an exclusive treatment center that caters to the privacy needs of clients and places emphasis on the clinical aspect of care. Taking in no more than 8 people at a time, clients are accommodated in a luxury residence on a secluded 13 acres overlooking lush hills. 

Known as Australia’s most therapeutically intense private treatment program, they offer over 9, 1:1 treatments with 6 medically trained doctors as part of your clinical team.

Keeping privacy at the forefront, association of clients with The Banyans is never disclosed. This means they use personal names instead of ‘The Banyans’ on booking and reservations, no uniforms with their logo and unbranded cars for transportation. 

They also offer a 14-day virtual program called The Banyans at Home for those who prefer to receive treatment from the comfort and privacy of their own house.

For a deeper dive into exclusive, ultra-private addiction treatment programs, see our guide to single-client luxury rehabs.

Your Privacy, Protected 

Your ability to focus on recovery and healing can make your addiction treatment experience that much more impactful. Recovery is a sensitive process that shouldn’t be hindered by external factors like privacy issues. 

In addition to standard protections, there are many ways luxury rehabs centers can cater to clientele in the public eye, with solutions that range from single-client intakes to discreet transportation to and from facilities. 

You deserve a safe space for recovery and healing. See our collection of select luxury rehabs to discover a center that could be the perfect fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Privacy in Rehab

How can I ensure privacy during rehab treatment?

When choosing a rehab program, consider facilities that prioritize privacy and confidentiality. Look for rehabs located in discreet premises, offering private accommodations and 1:1 treatment sessions. When calling a treatment center, ask what measures they take to protect your privacy. This knowledge can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on recovery.

Why is privacy important in rehab?

Privacy matters in rehab because addiction recovery is a personal journey. Seeking treatment in a confidential setting helps avoid potential consequences of stigma. Luxury rehab centers often have exclusive programs tailored to clients who need extra privacy, ensuring their anonymity is respected throughout the treatment process.

How can I find a rehab program that offers privacy?

Choosing a program that’s not located in your home community can provide an extra layer of privacy for your treatment experience. Luxury rehabs often have discreet locations in remote and naturally beautiful settings. For those opting for an intensive outpatient program (IOP), luxury rehabs may offer flexible schedules and even virtual IOP options for added privacy and convenience.

What Is a Luxury Rehab? (And Why Do They Exist?)

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We reached out to a number of luxury rehab centers around the world and asked them “Why luxury rehab?” Responses from 10 luxury centers from around the world are reflected in this post.

Every so often you may read in the tabloids and newspapers that a celebrity has gone to rehab, but judging by the pictures that accompany the story, you question whether the celeb has simply gone on vacation. Shouldn’t a good rehab program strip you of material possessions and luxuries so that you can get to know your true self? Is it possible to overcome a debilitating addiction while hanging out poolside and enjoying gourmet food?

The Dawn Chiang Mai
Beautiful scenery and a relaxing environment are hallmarks of a luxury treatment center. The Dawn Rehab in Chiang Mai, Thailand is pictured.

“Luxury denotes an all-pervasive quality standard that extends beyond infrastructure to the quality of the staff, programming, meals services, and the care and attention provided to each individual.”

John Derry, Director, Serenity Vista

In other words, luxury rehab is more than just a counseling service run out of a 4-star hotel. It is the highest quality addiction treatment option available. Luxury rehabs offer complete personalization, with the goal of complete recovery. And as you’ll find out, that’s just the beginning.

Fewer Obstacles and Distractions

If you want to beat your addiction, it’s necessary to devote 100% of your time and energy to recovery. A luxury rehab program is designed to do away with anything that might be an obstacle or distraction for someone who is used to a specific level of accommodation and lifestyle.

As Darren Lockie, CEO of Lanna Rehab points out, “rehab does not have to be spartan, or have poor quality food, or force you do your own laundry, for example. These are distractions to why [our clients] came to rehab. They came to focus on recovery, and if we can take care of them and let them focus ONLY on recovery, then we find that our clients’ success rate is far greater.”

Jan Gerber, Managing Director at Paracelsus Recovery in Switzerland, speaks of “meeting clients where they are instead of pretending they are people who they are not.” There are certainly legitimate treatment facilities that use the work of chores, cooking, cleaning, and living in an uncomfortable setting to very successfully help clients recovery. However, when clients are used to a high level of comfort and luxury in their lives, and have been highly successful in their careers, forcing them to share a room, do their own laundry, and give up access to their cell phone is often more of a barrier to treatment success than a help.

The Dawn Massage
The Dawn Rehab like many luxury centers, offers massage to help clients focus on their recovery.

To help clients recover spiritually, physically and mentally, luxury rehabs tend to offer a variety of healthy activities and alternative therapies. You might swim in the pool, get a massage, practice yoga, try a ropes course or meditate in the garden. Certain facilities may limit the amount of time you spend with technology so that you can focus completely on your mind, body and spirit.

When you check in at such a facility, unpacking your mental baggage, learning to be kind to yourself and living a healthy lifestyle are your main tasks for the next 30 or more days.

Greater Anonymity and Privacy

Although we dream of a world where there’s no shame associated with getting help for addiction, the reality is that stigma exists. “The threat of stigma and social judgement is a very real issue, and wealthy or prominent people in treatment have many valid reasons to insist on privacy and anonymity,” says Barbara Ellan, with The Sanctuary Byron Bay in Australia. She cites, “fear of loss of social standing, reputation and respect” as causes for concern among clients.

The Sanctuary Byron Bay
The Sanctuary, in Byron Bay Australia, prides itself in an unmatched degree of privacy, utilizing a range of properties that have no connection to a treatment center.

Luxury rehab centers are focused on providing the level of privacy that is appropriate for business executives and celebrities of all kinds and are often located in remote areas with strict security measures.

Centers that are located abroad have an added benefit: “When you choose a destination rehab, no one in your home community has to know you’re in treatment—you can simply tell them you’re on holiday” says Kayla Gill of The Cabin in Chiang Mai, Thailand. At a luxury rehab you can still answer emails and phone calls, not unlike when you are on vacation. And the poolside selfies you’d take at a luxury rehab rival those of 4-star hotels and resorts. In short, clients can keep up appearances while still getting the treatment they need.

But privacy does not stop there. Within the facility itself, prominent clients can maintain their privacy with single rooms or suites, and they can choose to only participate in one-on-one therapy.

“Many people with a public profile are unable to participate in group therapy, or prefer to spend the time with a focused therapy experience rather than sharing the practitioner’s time with 10 other people,” says Ruth Limkin, CEO of The Banyans in Brisbane, Australia.

An Understanding of the Executive or Celebrity Lifestyle

Would you want to go to rehab if you felt like the staff did not understand you or, even worse, seemed to resent you? Of course not! Luxury rehabs offer executives and celebrities the assurance that their lifestyles will be understood and accommodated during the recovery process.

“Luxury rehabs are a very necessary response to the treatment needs of high net worth individuals who will only consider treatment if they can have it delivered in a manner customized to their specifications,” Ellan explains.

“You lead an uncommon lifestyle—so you need a custom-tailored approach that standard rehabs aren’t equipped to offer.”

Ben Moller, The Cabin in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Addiction is intimately intertwined with the circumstances of one’s life. Money, responsibility, relationships and public scrutiny are all stressors that can influence how an addiction develops. “Our counsellors know the importance of contextualising addiction in the individual’s life […] and therefore our clinical team are always seeking to understand certain lifestyles comprehensively,” says Niall Campbell of DARA Thailand. “[Our counsellors] are well versed in how the wealth, fame, notoriety and power can relate to addiction.”

As Derry adds, “This speaks to the capacity for effective empathy which is critical to the therapeutic and hence healing processes.”

Although you don’t need to be famous or exceedingly wealthy to attend a luxury rehab, the counsellors at such facilities “have dealt with rock stars, Hollywood actors, elite athletes, high profile executives and royalty,” says Lockie. “[Our counsellors] know that each client is unique and creates programs that fit in with their needs, time at rehab and lifestyle.”

True Personalization for Successful Recovery

“It is vital to understand the client in order to treat the client,” says Ameet Braich of Camino Recovery in Spain. Those suffering from addiction can’t be placed in categories or expected to benefit from a one-size-fits-all program. At luxury rehabs, personalization guides every detail.

To ensure you get the level of attention and care you need, when you need it, luxury rehabs employ plenty of skilled counselors and staff to keep your addiction treatment moving forward.

Ellan explains, “standard rehabs have to accommodate more people at once and with less staff and more clients, requiring standardized rules applying to all.” The low client/staff ratio that luxury rehabs are known for allows the entire experience to be personalized and flexible, not just the treatment plan itself.

Paracelsus Recovery Switzerland
Paracelsus Recovery in Switzerland takes personalization to the extreme, treating only one client at a time.

Most luxury rehabs limit the number of clients they take on at any given time. On one hand, there is Paracelsus Recovery, which according to Gerber, “treats only one client at a time, very privately, in a spacious, luxurious environment, and tailoring the treatment program fully to their individual needs.”

A slightly larger facility, Lanna Rehab still keeps its client count low in order to provide deep personalization and custom treatment plans. “We only accept 15 clients at any one time,” says Lockie, “[which] gives us the ability to really focus on individual needs, and when you have busy executives and people in the public eye, you have to be flexible and accommodating for these clients.”

“Some clients require 3 one-on-one sessions per week, others need daily sessions,” Lockie adds. “Personalized treatment is at the core of what we do, and because each client is unique, so is their treatment plan.”

Work or Travel Can Be Accommodated at a Luxury Rehab

While limiting cell phone and internet use can be an effective way to help clients focus on their recovery, luxury rehabs often have clientele who are simply unable to “unplug” from their responsibilities for a month or more.

“Our clients have life responsibilities that they may not be able to put on hold for 30 days or more while they attend treatment.”

Casey Jordan, Sunshine Coast Health

To help executives handle any home or work responsibilities, some luxury facilities have dedicated workspaces in each suite, while others are willing to relax rules about phones or Internet access in order to give time to conduct business.

White River Manor room
Allowing executives to keep up with things at home and the office is a hallmark of luxury centers, like the environment pictured here at White River Manor in South Africa.

Celebrities often have events scheduled well in advance that they can’t afford to miss. Travel is typically restricted at residential facilities, but a luxury rehab is often willing to offer some flexible time off-campus with an accompanying sober companion or therapist to ensure a safe return to treatment.

Luxury Rehab: The Embodiment of Focus and Quality

Clients shouldn’t expect to be able to go to a luxury rehab and treat it like a holiday resort. Staff at a quality luxury rehab facility will still hold clients—no matter who they are—accountable to their treatment goals. Even the most premium luxury centers in the world recognize that treatment is going to be uncomfortable in some ways. “Treatment, by its very nature, should be challenging and uncomfortable,” says Gerber of the uber-luxury center Paracelcus. But a true luxury rehab center removes as many of the physical challenges as possible in a highly personalized way, while providing accountability through partnership and collaboration, keeping the focus on you and your goals.

With the deep personalization, soothing location, and intense focus on recovery without distractions, clients at luxury rehabs often see a great deal of success.

“If the willingness, drive and dedication is there, you can really make a life change in 28 days.”

Jeanine Fourie, Therapeutic Director, White River Manor

While most luxury rehabs are priced well above what a middle class client may be able to afford, there are many international options that are offering luxury rehab at a much more affordable rate. Regardless of the cost of treatment, the cost of addiction is most certainly higher.

White River Manor is an example of an affordable luxury center. Their luxury program costs around one-tenth of centers in the U.S.

We’ll leave you with these inspiring words from Campbell: “Your addiction doesn’t respect any of the good things in your life. Can you afford NOT to go?”

Contributors to this post

We received a number of well thought out responses to the topic of this post from treatment professionals at some of the top luxury rehab centers in the world, including:

Cover photo credit: White River Manor, a luxury rehab center in South Africa.

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehabs

What is luxury rehab like?

Luxury rehabs combine core aspects of addiction treatment—like talk therapy—with personalized services, upscale amenities, and unique activities.

Is luxury rehab worth the money?

For people used to a certain lifestyle, the comfort of a luxury treatment setting lets them focus on recovery. Healing from addiction is a life-changing experience that can save on total healthcare costs over time.

What’s the difference between a luxury rehab and a regular rehab?

Luxury rehab centers share some common traits:

• High-quality programming 
• Specialized staff 
• Upscale amenities
Privacy and confidentiality 
• Experience treating high-profile clientele like celebrities or executives