More Than a Business: The Unique Benefits of a Family-Owned Rehab


Written by Ben Camp, CEO of RehabPath

Over the past few years, I’ve had the chance to visit a number (the current count is 19, I believe) of the luxury rehabs listed on our site.

I’ve enjoyed meeting the teams behind each one, but have come to particularly appreciate and recognize the unique benefit of family-owned and operated centers. Here are a few of the reasons that dynamic can be so special.

Financial Independence

There’s certainly nothing inherently wrong with institutional investors, but a key benefit communicated to me when visiting these centers is that without an institutional investor to answer to, family-owned rehabs find they are freer to make decisions that put client needs over profit when necessary.

Don Lavender (Programme Director) and his wife Meena (Family Therapist & EMDR Practitioner) run Camino Recovery in Malaga, Spain. Don and Meena spent many years working for institutional treatment centers in the US and UK, and Don was happy to share the benefits of operating a family-owned center.

team camino
Don (right) and Meena (front, 2nd from left) and their team at Camino Recovery.

“Meena and I wanted to do this on our own. Even though we’ve been approached a number of times, we haven’t gone with or worked with investors. Because when you have to pay more attention to the bottom line than paying attention to the welfare of the client, sometimes a good business decision can turn out to be a poor clinical decision.”

Jan Gerber, Managing Director of Paracelsus Recovery in Switzerland, who runs the company with his mom, the Clinical Coordinator, and dad, the Medical Director puts it this way, “I have a very strong belief that institutional money, institutional investments, and mental health don’t work together. Because when it comes to mental health treatment, be it addiction treatment, eating disorders, depression, or anything else, there is no objective decision. Does a person need more psychotherapy or less psychotherapy? More of that treatment or less of that treatment? It needs to be a clinical decision where the budget and financial side is completely cut off.”

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Jan (center) and his mother Dr. Christine Merzeder (center right) meeting with their team.

Intimate Atmosphere

For the most part, family-run treatment centers tend to be smaller, more intimate environments. Of the four I mention in this post, Camino is the largest with a maximum of 8 clients, which is well below the norm for residential treatment centers.

Dr. David Nesenoff, of Tikvah Lake Recovery in Florida, provides an extremely personalized treatment experience with treatment taking place entirely in his home.

“Even though Tikvah Lake Recovery is a 15,000 square foot mansion on a 200-acre private lake, this is our home. My wife Nancy and I live here. There are no signs outside and if one were to poke their head in they would see a peaceful home with a few guests visiting. Our clients are considered guests in our home and they are treated as such. Discussions around our table can be anything from talking about the unbelievable food in front of us or about our day or just some fun stuff hosts and guests usually talk about around the family table. Our clinical director becomes part of the family as well as he often joins us around the lunch table and he and his staff are on-site working with our guests one-on-one every day.”

Dr. Nesenoff welcomes potential clients into his home in the short clip above.

David and his son Adam, who operate the center together, believe that the size of the facility (the program is limited to a maximum of 6 people) and the home-like atmosphere are key factors to their guests’ success.

Ameet Braich, Clinical Director of Camino Recovery (and the son of Meena Lavender) also sees great benefit in a more intimate setting. “We’ve all come from years in the field, working in larger institutions and have found that working in a clinical environment is detrimental to the therapeutic process. Having a small, intimate space where people can really get honest and open up about their issues, really works well in this setting.”

Addiction Is a Family Problem

My first exposure to a family-owned and operated treatment center was Duffy’s Napa Valley. From its founding in 1967 until it was acquired in 2015, Duffy’s operated as a family-run business, and frequently described themselves as “A family business for a family problem.” That slogan resonated with me, and I think its a key component to why family-owned centers are so special.

Addiction is a problem that affects the entire family and can also be a byproduct of problems within the family. So “it is natural for the solutions to these struggles and barriers to be learned within a family environment,” says Nesenoff.

Clients at a family-operated program get the chance to see family dynamics in action, which in itself can be helpful. Don says, “We’re imperfect just like every family. But when we mess up or make mistakes, we acknowledge it. And, in a way, it gives the clients the permission to learn.”

As a key part of their program, Camino invites the families of their clients to join them on site for a 5-day workshop, where according to Don, they teach them about the “disease concept and codependency” as well as a focus on enablement.

He doesn’t doubt that there is a connection between Camino’s family ownership and the effectiveness of their family program. “Camino is a family-owned and family-run business. … We pay attention to families seriously, not only our own family but the family systems of others. … Family is important. It is of value. And when people leave us, they return to family.”

A Dream Come True

“It’s a dream come true.” This is how Debby Berry, co-founder of Kembali Recovery described starting and running a treatment center with her son Clayton.

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Clayton and Debby show us a nearby waterfall for our Bali Destinations episode.

As anyone who runs a family business knows, it has its challenges. But more often than not, the benefits are worth the effort, and felt not only throughout the organization but by the clients and their families in desperate need of help.

When considering treatment options, you should always investigate the quality of the program. Search our collection of rehabs and find key information such as licensing, accreditations, and pricing at a glance. Whenever possible, consult a trusted medical or mental health professional before a final decision is made.

Frequently Asked Questions About Family-Run Rehabs

What are the benefits of a family-run rehab?

Family-run rehabs may have more flexibility and tend to prioritize clinical care over profits. Most treat a few patients at a time in an intimate, home-like setting. This comfortable atmosphere helps patients open up in therapy.

What is the difference between a family-owned rehab and state-funded rehab?

The cost of treatment without insurance is a key difference between family-owned and state-funded rehabs. State-funded rehabs offer low- to no-cost treatment for uninsured people. However, it often takes longer to enter state programs compared to family-owned rehabs.

Do family-run rehabs have better family programs?

Family-run rehabs tend to pay special attention to their family program. Patients also get to see healthy family dynamics in action and can apply these to their own lives.

Luxury Treatment in New England: A Visit to McLean Hospital

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While New England might not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking of luxury addiction treatment in the U.S., McLean Hospital’s Signature Recovery Program definitely puts it on the map. As a Harvard Medical School affiliate, McLean offers a level of clinical excellence that can be hard to find in addiction treatment. Its 2 beautiful locations include McLean Fernside in a historic bed and breakfast overlooking the city of Boston in the distance, and McLean Borden Cottage in a spectacular mansion on Penobscot Bay. This facility’s accommodations hold their own against the best luxury centers out there.

Watch as our team gets an inside look into McLean’s Signature Recovery Program.

Steeped in History

Arguably the most historic region in the United States, New England is home to Revolutionary War battlefields, quaint small towns, and historic institutions. One such institution is McLean Hospital, founded in 1811. Originally a mental health facility, in the late 1960s McLean recognized the importance of treating addiction and began offering addiction treatment programs. They now offer programs across the spectrum of care at a number of locations. Paired with another historical institution, Harvard (which is in fact the oldest institution of higher learning in the U.S.), McLean has hundreds of years of experience and some of the greatest minds in the world to draw from.

McLean Hospital Belmont Campus
Administration building on McLean’s main campus in Belmont, MA

Evidence-Based Care

“Our Signature Recovery Programs are based on proven methods and scientific inquiry that informs treatment.”

– Rocco A. Iannucci, MD, Mclean Fernside Director

As a treatment program embedded in a research hospital, the decisions made at McLean Signature Recovery are based on research and evidence-based practices. That shone through especially when discussing their thoughts on group therapy. Typically, a luxury center might de-emphasize group therapy, but at McLean they believe it to be an important part of treatment.

frame 9053One of the rooms typically used for group therapy at McLean Borden Cottage

As McLean Fernside’s Director Dr. Rocco Iannucci explains, “Group therapy has been shown to be uniquely effective for treatment of substance use problems. There’s a way in which peer-to-peer interactions that are facilitated by an experienced and well-trained clinician can really add to recovery in a way that just the one-on-one interactions may not. People can bond with each other. They can communicate with each other in a different sort of way.”

International Leadership

“McLean is a world-class leader in terms of measuring treatment outcome. Back in 1994 we developed something called the BASIS and the Perceptions of Care. Those are two instruments that really look to see whether people are improving or not… And that is a product that is actually used by institutions all around the country and internationally. They use our instruments. So I like to think that they’re looking to McLean as the gold standard in terms of quality of care in the substance abuse arena.”

– Philip Levundusky, PhD, ABPP

Not surprisingly, institutions around the world look to McLean as a leader in the field. As Director of McLean’s Psychology Department Dr. Philip Levundusky told us, they are especially excited about a consulting relationship they’ve had over the past 6 years with a major rehabilitation centre in Abu Dhabi, helping a relatively new program bring their substance abuse capabilities to a world-class level.

McLean also frequently provides care to international clients and is able to cater the program to each individual’s cultural needs. McLean’s Middle East Center for Culturally Informed Care is one result of that, and has a proven history of helping clients from that part of the world.

Deconstructing Stigma

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McLean’s Deconstructing Stigma display at Boston Logan Airport

An example of McLean’s leadership in driving the conversation around addiction and mental health can be found in their Deconstructing Stigma campaign. This campaign features stories from people affected by mental illness, using their real names, and real stories. Participants volunteered to be part of this campaign in order to help tear down the stigma surrounding mental illness and it is hard to miss—with 8-foot-tall photos and stories encompassing an entire hallway at Boston Logan Airport.

See all the stories and learn more about this powerful campaign at the Deconstructing Stigma website.

Learn More

Luxury Rehab in South Africa: A Visit to White River Manor

When my colleague and I were invited to visit a luxury rehab center in South Africa, I was intrigued. I had been to the continent of Africa once before, but never to South Africa. I knew it would be a fun place to visit, but what I quickly discovered upon arrival is that it is an ideal place for recovery.

Getting There

Although a long flight across the Atlantic, there are 2 U.S. airports (JFK and Atlanta) and numerous other major European and Asian cities offering direct flights to Johannesburg, South Africa. The airport in Johannesburg (O.R. Tambo International) is the busiest African airport and was completely renovated and expanded for the 2010 FIFA World Cup hosted in South Africa. It was nicer and had more shops and restaurants than most U.S. airports I’ve been to!

Once we arrived in Johannesburg we had two options to get to White River Manor. One option is a pick up by White River Manor directly at the airport in a luxury van for about a 2.5 hour drive to the center. Or, the second option, which we chose, is to take a 45 minute connecting flight to the Kruger/Mpumalanga airport and White River Manor will pick you up for the 15 minute ride to the center. With connecting flights basically on the hour, we were able to pick the perfect time for the connection and found that option to be extremely convenient.

First Impressions

We arrived at the Kruger airport and I knew right away we were in a special place. Since this airport is the gateway to the world famous Kruger National Park, the terminal is built to look like an African lodge, and the interior and exterior are African themed, with lots of information about the “Big Five.”

South Africa airport

Within minutes, we were met by a White River Manor staff member who helped us with our bags and loaded them into a luxury Mercedes van. On the quick ride to the centre, we were able to take in the surrounding beauty of this part of South Africa. A lot of rolling hills and farmland. The climate and scenery reminded us of time spent in Napa Valley, California.

South Africa views

We turned off the main road and after a few more minutes saw the entrance to White River Manor. Once past the main gate, the driveway runs through a grove of tall trees, and then leads to the main building. The main building’s front room is where clients first check in and has a welcoming, yet modern style.

White River Manor front room

As we began to tour the grounds and surrounding buildings, I was immediately struck by the perfect serenity that is offered in this place. Thousands of miles away from home, I felt completely comfortable and immediately refreshed. As we sat and talked on the patio with the owner, Jerry Hartless, and other members of the team, I recognized another element that is sometimes missing from luxury centers: excellent service. Staff checked in with us frequently to make sure that our needs were met, bringing us lattes, and giving us a menu to choose which course we preferred for the upcoming meal.

The Story Behind White River Manor

White River Manor tour

The location of the center was formerly a 5-star boutique lodge that was well regarded in the area. Jerry, a successful American businessman who had his own struggles with addiction in the past was looking to start a luxury rehab centre in South Africa. So when the property came up for sale, he purchased the property and transformed it into the world-class centre it is today. While there we were able to hear his and his team’s vision for offering luxury treatment that has better accommodations and better customer service at a fraction of the price of U.S. luxury centers.

A Personalized Program

White River Manor provides a highly personalized program, and is a great fit for executives who might need more flexibility from a treatment program than others. While 28 days is a very short time for rehab, White River Manor has structured a program that makes full use of that time and when there is buy in and drive from the client they have seen great success.

Enjoying an African Experience

A key piece of the program is the excursions clients go on to enjoy being in Africa. Whether it’s a safari in Kruger National Park, white water rafting, traditional African dancing, mountain biking, the team helps clients make the most of being in South Africa! While we were there we had the opportunity to enjoy a safari in the neighboring Kruger National Park. So cool!

White River Manor safari tour

Check It Out for Yourself!

After having spent a few days at White River Manor myself, I highly recommend it to people who are open to traveling for rehab. If you are, the benefits are well worth the trip!

Frequently Asked Questions About Luxury Rehab in South Africa

Is there luxury rehab in South Africa?

There are a number of luxury rehabs in South Africa. They’re known to offer the benefits of a premium center, like high-quality programming and upscale accommodation, at a more affordable price point than Europe or the U.S.

Is there rehab for CEOs in South Africa? 

South Africa has several luxury rehabs. Some are geared toward CEOs and offer specialized executive programs that accommodate their clients’ work needs, including flexibility around schedule and tech use.

How do I get to White River Manor?

Support staff will pick you up from Johannesburg O.R. Tambo International Airport and drive you to their center 2.5 hours away. Or, you can take a connecting flight to Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport, 15 minutes from the center.